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ACFI 1001 – WEEK 1 (27/02/20)

Accrual Accounting – any transaction recorded going in or out of the business

Assets (own)
Liabilities (owe)
Income (earn in the form of cash or credit transactions)
Capital (equity)
Expenses (incur in the form of cash or credit transactions)

Financial Statements

1. Income Statement
- Also known as; Profit & Loss Statement, Statement of Comprehensive Income or
Statement of Financial Performance
Profit/loss - Finds the difference between total incomes against total expenses to calculate the

2. Statement of Changes in Owners Equity

- Any profit or loss made by the company applies to the owner’s equity
$10,000  $2,000 (dividends)
 $8,000 (retained earnings/profits)

3. Balance Sheet
- Also known as; statement of financial position
- Contains the Assets, Liabilities and Capital
- Assets = Liabilities + Capital (owner’s equity)

4. Cash Flow Statement (cash-based accounting)

- Records the flow of cash in/out of the business
- Only applies to cash, not credit

Accounting as a service function

Relevance: able to be used to influence decisions

Faithful representation: complete, neutral, free from error
Comparability: to allow users to identify similarities and differences
Verifiability: capable of being checked and verified by independent experts
Timeliness: available early enough to be useful
Understandability: clearly set out, as concisely as possible
Nature and Role of Accounting
- Financial accounting is the preparation and presentation of financial reports
- Bounded by GAAP (General Accepted Accounting Principles)
- Enable to make economic decisions regarding the firm, using historical costs

- Financial Accounting
 Provides general-purpose financial info for a variety of users
- Management Accounting
 Provides managers with the info they require to run the organisation

Types of Businesses

Sole proprietorship – an individual in business on his/her own account (unlimited liability)

Partnership – two or more persons carrying on a business with a view to profit (unlimited
Limited Company – legal entity which has an identity separate from that of those who own
and manage it

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