Pismeni Zadatak Maj Klett

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I Glagole u zagradi stavi u PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE :

1. I always ( drink) two litres of water a day.

2. James never ( eat) meat, because he`s a vegetarian.
3. Sam and David ( not speak) French and German.
4. he ( help ) his father with the housework?
5. Where you (come) from?
II Glagole u zagradi stavi u PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE:
1. My brother ( watch) the football match.
2. she ( wear) a hat today?
3. He ( have ) a birthday party tonight.
4. I ( not read ) a book at the moment.
5. He and his friends ( do) the test .
III Zaokruzi tacan odgovor:
1. There____ any bread on the table. a) isn`t b) is c) aren`t
2. You ___ talk in the library because people are studying. a) must b) can c) mustn`t
3. How are you? a) All right,thanks. b) I`m twelve. c) I`m John.
4. My aunt`s husband is my ______. a) uncle b) cousin c) grandfather
5. My feet are so cold. Where are my ____. a) gloves b) sandals c) socks
6. Philip`s got _____ hair. a) tall b) straight c) small
7. Do you want to come to the cinema with __? a) our b) we c) us
IV Odgovori na pitanja:
1. What are you wearing today?
2. What do you usually have for dinner?
3. What`s the weather like today?

I Glagole u zagradi stavi u PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE :

1. I always ( drink) two litres of water a day.
2. James never ( eat) meat, because he`s a vegetarian.
3. Sam and David ( not speak) French and German.
4. he ( help ) his father with the housework?
5. Where you (come) from?
II Glagole u zagradi stavi u PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE:
1. My brother ( watch) the football match.
2. she ( wear) a hat today?
3. He ( have ) a birthday party tonight.
4. I ( not read ) a book at the moment.
5. He and his friends ( do) the test .
III Zaokruzi tacan odgovor:
1. There`s _____ spaghetti in the cupboard. a) some b) any c) a
2. My uncle`s daughter is my _______. a) granny b) cousin c) aunt
3. The day after Monday is ______ . a) Saturday b) Tuesday c) Thursday
4. Can you see my jacket? Can you see ____? a) her b) them c) it
5. You ____ talk in the class! a) must b) mustn`t c) are
6. What`s the weather _____? a) is b) like c) be
7. Has Ben got a sister? a) No, he isn`t. b) Yes, he does. c) No, he hasn`t.
IV Odgovori na pitanja:
1. How many bedrooms are there in your house / flat?
2. What are you wearing today?
3. What can you do?

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