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TA cALALTA Dowde a Insulah ng Poudder Experiment No. 3 5. Go on checking temperatures after every 10 minutes of time interval and continue this Wher until a steady state condition is obtained. (Note: When the difference between respective temperatures for consecutive steps is less than To- Observations/specifications: 1. Radius of the inner sphere (r) = 50 mm. | Yj = dose) Fro 2. Radius of the outer copper sphere (ro) = 100mm f+, = 0.) 1 3. Dimmerstat 0-2A, 0-230V | Eq 4, Temperature indicator 0-300 °C, calibrated for Chromel-alumel f 4» 5. Heater coil - strip heating element sandwiched between mica sheets ~ 200 watts. ae 6. Insulating powder — Asbestos magnesia, commercially available powder and packed _ between hollow space formed by two spheres. | Observation table: ‘SNo | Voltage | Current Temperatures in °C j M)in | Oia voit | Ampere{T! [12 [1 [T+ [Ts [Te [T [Te [TH [To 6S O18 |S4)s5 1 - | 7] 40] 40] 42] [41 [ao 6s | OM [e3l es] - tes] ater bh fae [er| a7 3 65 ONG [CF leg — (68 14) | 41 | 43} 42 |42|42 65 | O16 JIS bal |r2|a2| vel ael 22|4ela2 Flies fools fas taal - [as [a2 lao |n2 [4 2| ol aa S jes | Ol Jae jaz] —|ae | a3} 43] 43 ]as [4s |43 t 7 [6s | 016 Lig | zs|- |713] 43] 43| a3] 4a fas 3 Calculations: Heat flowing at steady state conditions is, Q=V x1 watts Further, heat flow through one dimensional steady state hollow sphere is, ankry Insuiah'ng powder @) Experiment No. 3 Where, Ti = Average surface temperature attained by inner sphere at steady state. Ty +7. +T3+T ee To = average temperature attained by outer sphere at steady state. Ts +1. +77 +Tg+To + Tro vee ee From (1), eGo Fae AMT{To(Ti-To) (2) Equation (2) gives thermal conductivity of insulating powder. Result: Thermal conductivity of insulating powder is O» 23.4 § ae meta} Rod () Experiment No. 1 3. Note down the voltage set and respective current in ampere. 4. Start the cooling water supply through the water jacket. 5. Measure the flow rate of water [Note down the time ({) required for collecting 200-250 ml volume (¥) of water with help of measuring cylinder]. 6. Wait for 15 minutes and then note down first set of the temperatures (T1 to T12)- 7. Hereafter with an interval of 10 minutes record the temperatures (Tt 10 Tiz) for each step. Carry out recording of temperatures till a steady state is reached. 5 i ).5°C, (Note: When the difference between respective temperatures for consecutive steps is less than 0.5°C, indicates steady state is reached.) Observations: : eeta Olas 1. Diameter of metal rod (4) =25mm = 0.025 / ri = % 2. Total length of metal bar (L) = 430 mm = 0. 43 3. Diameter of insulating material (do) = 90 mm = 0.03 99 | rp = 0.045 4. Distance between two thermocouples (I) = 25.75 mm = 0, 9298 5. Material used for insulation = Asbestos 6. Thermal conductivity of insulating material (Kns,) = 0.23 W/mk 7. Material of given metal rod = Cu (copper) 8. Specific heat of water (Cp) = 4.182 ki/kg k Observations: 1. Volume of water collected in measuring tank (V)= 250 ml. 2. Time required for collecting the volume (V) of water (t) =42-] s. 3. Flow rate of water through the water jacket (Q = Y/,)= seus as Ge xX fon Observation table: Sr. | Voltage | Curent Temperatures °C So /Ovt OAT TE TEL ELS lhl hl bl Is).6 | sd«} | 48,3]46-6 +) | 43 | 41-9 |su-3 [52-5 | 90.6 Jae 21.3 54-3] 52.6|50-6 |4@7| 47 | 44-91 43-61 4).8 | 29-)lo¢2] 27 [or S6_|S4-Bs2-2] go 3| 48-6 | 46-4 |4s-) [gan | ao.) | 29.2 | 27-6 {53H | She 149-7 |47-4 146 | 44 13) 2 | 28 s8 2154 TF] ors) |se-3 ue) 14-7 oF lal |a) lose $3 | STI}SS.) 153 | .2 |488 | ATH] AS-4 | 32-5 LOnS | 20. 63 |O.89 ofe]eJoqoyo a & metal Rod Experiment No. 1 Calculations: Flow rate of water flowing through water jacket, Q= (2) m/, Find out slope at three sections viz. section C-C, section B-B, & section A-A as explained below. pistance between two we treamoconpiles. Procedure to find alepe +> (roel procedure is aves ) D Deaw Line ak a geen seckin Cqreen Bnet dhoun above ave ctamagont Lines ab sediens cc, BB, A respedively) - soa, meld) Rod (2 Experiment No.1 Consider figure 1.2, we can write heat balance equation from this diagrat qd) Q) %= 4+ 43 @) : Heat flowing to water, which flows through the water jacket, is given by u % D wth G2 = m6 (Ty2 — Tx) Watts Where, m= (xq p = density of water = 1000 Koy Now, dy = —Kec X AX ea and qx = qo [from equation (1)}; Where, A= xd? and (47/,,.) can be obtained from the graph as shown in figure 1.3. Here we can ce’ calculate the thermal conductivity of rod at section C-C. B) Thermal conductivity at section B-B Heat flowing in radial direction through insulation between sections C-C and B-B can be calculated by following equation, o) __ 2xmxlxKinsu (Te: — (ea Ti. Where, | = distance between sections ¢ ~ C and B — B = 0.066mm (given) Watts ; = inner radius of insulation (radius of metal rod) r= outer radius of insulation Kop x Ax (477, fae and q3 = 44 + 41 [from equation (2)]; Now, q3 Where, (47/4,),, slope obtained from graph at section B-B. Here we can calculate the thermal conductivity of metal rod at section B-B. at section A-A ©) Thermal condueti Heat flowing in radial direction through insulation between sections A-A and B-B can be calculated by following equation, Kin T3—-Tg co 2xmxIxi insu To) Watts in(2) Ti | = distance between sections B ~ B and € ~ ¢ =.0.099mm (given) meta | ROd Experiment No. 1 - ua XAX (Tax), and qe = qs + 43 [from equation (3)}: Now. 45 = thermal ji i 2 re we can calculate the Where. (Tax), slope obtained from graph at section A-A. Her conductivity of metal rod at section A-A. Results: 1. Thermal conductivity of rod at section; a) A-A=\022.87 Wimk Conclusion: Write conclusion based on results, . ZN Metals temperature iS ey Propor onal fo the Conducttur'ty oF rhe metal, Experiment No. 2 4. Wait for 15 minutes and then take first set of the temperatures (Ti 10 Te) 5. Go on checking the temperatures after every time intervals of 10 minutes and continue this till a steady state condition is obtained. Observations: 0 1. Diameter of inner pipe, di=6em [7 = 0°93 2. Diameter of middle pipe, dm =8.5em [t= 0+ 02S 3. Diameter of outer pipe,do= 100m /¥, = 0-05 ™ 4. Length of cylinder, Z Pte 19 Observations Tabl Voltage (volts) ‘Current (amp.) ‘Temperature (°C) ae ad r T [th [1% [1% [Ts [ Te. [ps.2|23.J|26 |as-3[5s.6[as.) 26 | 20-ul6-3 | 26-7] 26-8 |e 3°.813)-6 |2e.6 | 24.4| 26-7 |26. 4. os 0.46 34-S1as-8 |ay.2 || 22.¢ [20.9 = 43.2| 20.7 [30.8 6. ja4-1| 30. € | 30.9 z 215] 20.5 | 30.8 7 jan.2] 30.2 | 30.6 3 10. Calculations: 1. Heat supplied to the inner cylinder by heating coil Qn=VxI WwW 2. Average temperature of inner cylinder 1,47, 7; = G4 2 3. Average temperature of middle cylinder (s4T,) Tn = SD 4, Average temperature of outer cylinder lagged pipe GD Experiment No. 2 cylinder n(n) = Falken m() 2nLKwooa 1 2 Where, 1 the radius of inner cylinder (m) Tm the radius of middle cylinder (m) tothe radius of outer cylinder (m) Results: 4) The theoretically, heat input supplied to heating coll, Q—VxJ= 23-40 w b) The rate o f heat flow through composite cylinder, = 29 .4|04 w Oo SE\b Wim K 04 WimK % ©) Thermal conductivity of Asbestos, K obs 4) Thermal conductivity of wood, K voos tal” @ Natuya! convech'on C) Experiment No. 5 Observations: 1. Outer diameter of pipe, Dy =38mm. / Pv = 07038 2. Length of the pipe, L =500mm. L= oS Observations Table: ace oe eee Temperatures in HE No. Teel et | yaa | ase | ete: | Tae | Me | Tee eee E si |salse [sé [su ls) | 43 | 2 2. ¢ [ss |e [eo |s8 | SS |4S | 3° 3 | gg fo.ueslse | ci [62 [62 [eo [s7 [née ° it 66 | 63 les 163 | ©) Ise las | 32 - 60 {63 64 |63 | 6) |S3 [Av | 32 . 66/63 [64 [64 [62 [89 [as | 22 7. 6o [63 [64 |e, [e2|s3 [aa | 32 igs 6> 163/64 ley |eo [ssl 4a] 327 Calculations: Theoretical Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient 1. Q = hinAs(Ts — Tamp) enone hen = Teton Where, hu, = Theoretical convective heat transfer coefficient Q = Heat supplied by heating coil= Vx As= Surface area of metal tube= x DoL Ts= Average temperature of tube surface °C TATA Ts+T yA T54To AT, T, = 7 Tam = Surrounding fluid temperature ic., ambient temperathre (Ts) °C 2. Theoretical convective heat transfer coefficient (hus) = 9. 763 4 W/mK Experimental Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient 1. Calculate average temperature of surface 2, Calculate mean film temperature 7 T+ T2+T3 +1 +15 +15 +7, “4 Natuva}] convecH on (2 Experiment No. 5 here, Tamy= Ts 3. Calculate properties of air at ‘Tye’ from property table of air Density,p=__|-[09 kg/m? Dynamic viscosity, 1x 1073 Ns /m? Specific heat, = joa 7 J/kg ‘Thermal conductivity, k=0.02€33 W/mK 4. Find Grashoff's number (G,) GBAT LA p? Cee B= Coefficient of thermal expansion of fluid pot iis Tp Tmpt273 4T= Temperature difference between surface and fluid i (s- TA, 5+ Prandtl’s number (P) is calculated by Hp B= te a k 6. Nusselt’s number (W,) is calculated by Nu = 0.59 [Gr. Pr} 7. Experimental value of convective heat transfer coefficient is obtained by h, Results: exp= 202242 wimg Theoretical value of convective heat ti i ‘ a) heat ansfer coefficient (ha) =1@ $2 w mek » Serta eit 20.3) wink convecHoN Experiment No. 4 3. Wait until the thermocouples show steady temperatures. 4, Note down the temperatures of all six thermocouples from the temperature indicator. 5. Note down voltmeter and ammeter readings from control panel and also take reading of pressure difference from U- tube differential manometer. 6. Repeat the same procedure without changing the heat input til getting the steady state, by maintaining same time interval. 7. Also note down the voltage supplied to heater and the current drawn by it. Observations: 1. Inner diameter of pipe, d1-28mm [4 Cross sectional area of pipe, a1 =_616 107° m? Outer diameter of pipe, d2-32mm /d 2 = 0.032 Length of test section, L= 400mm / = 0-415 Diameter of orifice,do-14mm = / doz 0+ 014") Area oforifice, ao=_\Sux107§ mm Coefficient of discharge for Orificemeter .C ¢= 0.64 2 AYE wD Observations Table: Manometer ‘Temperatures in 2 Voltage ret Reading ‘Ah’ pel = mm T | Tz | Ts | Ta | Ts | To 1 Se 35-5 149.6 | s3-| ).] 54.5 | 38+) 2. 27 | 49.8 [33-9 |S3-1 | su.9 [as.. ; Gl 6.05 ag 3 |ss.g : 238 |s)-$ |5-8 |s5.4 |56-4 [40.5] 7 3e.2 153.9 |s@.6 [se | sg. 3] 42. 7 30.4 |ss-7 ]6o.3 | 60) | 61.2 fu3-3 6. 0k |sé 4] 61 [6I-) [62.5 egg Calculations: 1. Surface temperature, T- ae 2. Mean Bulk Temperature, T., = S:*%2 3. Take properties of air at mean bulk temperature i.e. Ty , from property table. Pair= )J4S kg/m? Cy = 1004 _Ihkgk pe = 1898915? kfm? forced caonvecHo9 e& Experiment No. 4 0228 _wimk 6ssyi > ms 4. AT=1-T= 13.3 °C Theoretical Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient 1. Discharge is given by Q = Sitel2ah az aj Where, h is obtained h= ( fw iy )an Where, py is density of manometric fluid (Water) = 1000 ke/m? 2. Mass flow rate is ~ m= QX pair 3. Rate of heat transfer a = (V.1) Watts 4. By using Newton’s law of cooling, we get Ga GT) Where, As =x. di. L Experimental Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient 1. Reynolds number, R, Where, velocity offow, V= & Cr 2. Prandil’s number, B. = ACP 3. Following is governing equation for forced convection. (Dittus Boelter’s equation) Ny = 0.023 x R,°* x pr0.3 4. Experimental value of ‘h’is given by Nuk 2) Experiment No. 6 4. Repeat step no. 3 so that temperature of both plates is same. 5. Affer attaining same temperature for both the plates, note down the voltmeter, ammeter and temperature readings. Observations: 1. Diameter of black plate, ds~ 160 mm / dp= 0.16 1 2. Diameter of test plate d= 160mm —/ dy = 3. Stefan Boltzmann's constant = Observation table: 0.16 = 5.67 X 10% Wim?K* Heat input to black plate | Heat input to test plate Temperatures °C ae Temp. of [ Temp. of| 7 of Vokage 'V;' | Current y’| Voltage | Current ‘I Braue eee bavi "Ve Voks surrounding Votts | Ampere Ampere Ty Te Simm Ts 1 S52 8-23 38 OF AS AD 25 2 s2 0.23 | 4o 01k s2 At Br 3 32 0.23 PA Os19 $3 43 24 4 sz 0.23 | 42 O14 S3 So ° 3 $2 0.23 43 | 0.20 si Ss 30 6 oie 0.23 A3 0.20 oF a 30 Calculations: As both plates are in steady state, we can write the heat balance equation for them as, Rate of energy input to the plate = Rate of energy leaving from the plate Energy input to the plate = V x I Rate of energy leaving from the plate = Rate of heat transfer by conduction and convection + Rate of heat transfer by radiation Rate of energy leaving from the plate = Rate of heat transfer by conduction and convection + 6A,e(Ti —T$) Experiment No. 6 Now, applying heat balance equation on both plates 1. For black plate with lamp black coating (, = 1) Vo. = Rate of heat transfer by conduction and Convection + oAy(Ty —T3)-——() 2. For test plate with chromium plating -Th-——-@) Vt.I; = Rate of heat transfer by conduction and covection + oA, (Te wwe can assume that the conduction and convection As the plates are identical in shape and size, heat losses from both the plates are equal. So, subtracting equation (2) from (1). (p-Iy) — Ve-1e) = [Ay (Tf — TH) — Ae Te — T3]--—G) In equation (3), Av=A: and Ty=Tr After simplification, (Vp-lb) — (Viele) = Fn (TH — TH — €) _ Wosbe)= Weld _ 7 oA, (Ts —T3) Results: = 0./40S~ The emissivity of the surface is ae 7

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