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General PLC " Programming Procedures OUTLINE 341 Introduction © 3-2 Programming Equipment © 3-3 Programming Formats 0 3-4 Proper Construction of PLC Ladder Diagrams 0 3-5 Process Scanning Considerations 9 3-6 PLC Operational Faults OBJECTIVES ‘At the end of this chapter, you will be able to © Describe a typical PLC keyboard layout and its operational procedures. © Describe a typical PLC display for hand-held and full-size units. © Describe the difference between legal (proper) and illegal (improper) PLC ladder programming layouts. © List the importan system operation. © Describe what action to take when a PLC operational fault occurs, ir effects on 1 considerations of program scanning rate and sequence, and 1 37 32 GENERAL PLC PROGRAMMING PROC! INTRODUCE TON \ ic controller (PLC) is, examined its system hard. We have Seen what a progiamhable logic com ing unit (CPU), inpuvoutpat Ware, and peeked idside to explore the central pee =i general programming proce interfaces, and power supply. It is now time to investig anes: i have I: programmer/monitors (PMs) \\ We begin by surveying’progeamming equipment: ee > software for the personal computer. Next we look at programming f nd aly Se aaa y egicice teh proceed to the oe eee o PLC ladder diagrams with examples of construction limitations. A ace de Scanning in general, and specific considerations in particular, follows. Finally, we Feview how the PLC examines operational faults: how it tells us what's wrong through error messages and panel-mounted light emitting diodes (LEDs). When you have completed this chapter you will be ready to begin specific programming procedures, starting with chapter 5. study a typi PROGRAMMING EQUIPMENT PLC programming equipment exists o allow you to write, edit, and monitor a Program, as Well as perform various diagnostic procedures. In most cases the Programming device, the PM, must be connected to the CPU while programs are written, Other PMs, however, allow seth rogram offine and then download the program to the PLC CPU, The Programs are usually written in ladder logic, although alternative prograi ble (see chapter 25). Three types of PMs, also referred to as program loaders, low end are the hand-held, palm-size units with dual-function ae ee _ ae Se user-friendly level are the full-size keyboards, : ee Tystal display (LCD) or Cathode-ray tube (CRT) screen. A third programming option exists with Software that allows Programs to be developed on 1BM-compatible personal computers (PCs), Let's take a moment tae fen eye ore f PM in a bit more detail, 7 ‘nt (0 explore each type o Hand-held units have come which works like a second funct Device symbols, function mming languages are avail » are in common use. At the Keypads and a liquid-crystal 8 long way in recent years. Wi : key on catenins Yea With the Shift key function, metic eyes atively Fall keypad is av YS, program editing Cursor movement keys are right at your finger Apres sis of function and uses memby i al keypa basis of fone gman uses ned that provide an audio =n k he display for these palm-size ‘ feedback. The LED sy fa te asec aise been expandet The LCD s aia ue 3 is capable of indy ating igh led and improved pon one time—with each rung eomtainine p aera ne h each rung containing up o nine elements (ena 8 ndder diagram addition, writen messages, in full alphanumeric, Ontacts) and a coil function. In when the wits placed in the monitor ma ‘age line, Furthermore, only on the message line, but on the a 8 can be observed, not 2M as Well, Foy % ; program is run, the message Mill count down the time. wpe” X4mple, when a timer shaded as power is being passed, The While various Sema are almost as “revealing’ *SOme OF today’s hand. hey displays allable. ‘and entry buttons, and 8 color-coded on the PAE ON a yy ton Of devig PROGRAMMING EQUIPMENT 39 eer SeeanoRs Losier Le Tse Petey op tes} ctc FIGURE 3-1 Monitor Display (Courtesy of Modicon/Schneider Automation) Full-size PMs give you a complete keyboard and a large monitor, the latter either LCD.-, plasma-, or CRT-based (figure 3-2). The keyboard usually contains all the American Standard Code for information enterchange (ASCII) symbols (typical computer keyboard) plus a host of function-keys dedicated to PLC programming. No Shift key is required to bring up a second function as is the case with the smaller hand-held units. Because of its larger size, the monitor display can present a considerable amount of information at one time. A typical full-size monitor display NER FIGURE 3-2 : Full-Size Programmer/Monitor (Courtesy of Mitsubishi Electronics) 40 GENERAL PLC PROGRAMMING PROC EDUR' ooo ooo x107 ROO AI77 Loo L177 Too To77 _CoO0 I] ee 1 peated becditer (-eel/ +1 b rae Si belie] Feit ial it uN) oor? sooo | S977 are : cee el be ( a i i \ RIT} 1 xgoy poor toot, toot a ' the) BBR TI ya , scl) y087 gu iemor Peis et : }X108 R176 Xoo Ce 03s ' ‘ Uy eee val : cos | 4LI76 TOTS COTE $250 YO21 XO62 ROST LO4S ts : 4 Pe eee) bed Eel at RC} ait 1 trast caso s3ze Ve! DOATRGRAT TS ! fyore 010 oor us 4 Meee) Bo te [7] FOR HELP FIGURE 33 ‘Typical Full-Size Monitor Display (Courtesy of Cutler-Hammer) In addition to the use of dedicated hand-held or full-size programmers, powerful software for programming PLCs is availal ible to run on IBM-compatible machines. Once actual programming is complete, the program is downloaded to the PLC. ll such PLC software programs are now menu driven (figure 3-4). Throughout the Program, you may step from menu to menu by entering the indicated selection number. When further infor- mation is required, the program Tequests an entry from you. Such an entry can be made by pressing the appropriate key or, in Some programs, by using a mouse, 1} Communications * Link mode, * Parameter selection, Login-Logout, (2) Ladder Programming a, 1 Eat ladder diagram, Load-Save pr : 5 ‘ogra, Screen, Device, & Page Commants * Cross reference & Print ; {5} Data Acquisition 1 Ladder, Block & Trace monitor, Trigger messages, Load comments, Esc Exit to DOS Salus: One _PLEAddess: Type: Mode: Single Pont: Coms1 FIGURE 3-4 Main Menu Screen (Courtesy of ‘Cutlet-Hammer) 33 ~~ PROGRAMMING FORMATS 4t PROGRAMMING FORMATS In certain chapters throughout the book we show different manufacturers’ format ap- proaches to controlling processes. We use a general format like those of companies having a major share of the PLC market at present. Experience has shown that when a person learns to program one type of PLC, he or she can casily master other PLC systems, even though the formats differ somewhat, Some of the factors that vary between formats are nomenclature, numbering schemes, and screen appearance. Nomenclature descriptions are covered in examples in individual chapters. Another format variation is in the numbering formats for contacts, out- puts, and registers. These formats include letters, numbers, or a combination of both. Indi- vidual PLC operating manuals explain the various systems of designating functions and registers. A typical hand-held keypad sequence for a three-wire holding circuit is shown in figure 3-Sa. In the circuit (see figure 3-Sb), output YO can be turned on and off through the operation of the two inputs XO and X1, XO and XI are the two NO (normally open) pushbuttons connected to the controller input. The sequence is as follows: Clear RAM Memory 1, Turn PLC on. 2. Clear RAM memory. 3. Clear the screen. Programming can now begin. Program First Screen (This program uses only one screen.) 4, Press contact device symbol (normally open). 5. Press function; X for input. 6. Assign contact number (0) by pressing numerical keys. 7. Press WRT to enter contact 8. Press contact device symbol (normally closed), 9, Press function; X for input. 10. Assign contact number (1) by pressing numerical keys 11. Press WRT to enter contact, 12, Press coil device symbol. 13. Press function; Y for output. : 14, Assign coil number (0) by pressing numerical keys 15, Press WRT to enter coil. 16. Return to left of display, one line down. 17. Press contact device symbol (normally open). : / 18, Press vertical connection symbol Key () used to tie a device to the line above it ‘on the ladder diagram. 19, Press function; Y for output. / 20, Assign contact number (0) by pressing numerical keys. 21. Press WRT to eitter contact. a GENERAL PLC PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES xox t+ bd F a cyte This is a simple holding circuit which demonstrates hhow output YO can be tumed ON and OFF through the operation of the two inputs XO and X1. XO and X1 are ‘the two NO pushbuttons connected to the controller input. The following figure shows the programmer keystrokes and the resultant screen display. Clear Ram Memory o _ ae] [gy CM DG03 au [+ | ae rar es CLEAR PAG = Program First Screen =F] [X] 0] Fe AEXGO PAG cc] {tir | (@) cursoa— FIGURE 3-5 Keypad Sequence (Courtesy of Cutler- Hammer) - rm eee) LX LA] Pa AX O01 PAG PRE | Ses] Pag. oa] LY | LO | bir AHYOOD rc am [are ot ab] FY ae Y} 10 | 4 APY OOD Yooo PRG ith Saal 4 Write First Screen Into. RAM Memory st] FE] (aRxone Youu WoT = ta" 1 HalvRun Write First Screen into RAM Memory 22. Write first screen (program). (Program) into RAM by pressi a a PROPER CONSTRUCTION OF PLC LADDER DIAGRAMS: i is because YO contact (-{ |) is closed when YO coil energized. The YO contact is said to latch the YO coil on because the now closed YO contact shunts the normally open Pressing input X1 pushbutton breaks the current path to the coil, causing YO to deenergize. PROPER CONSTRUCTION OF PLC LADDER DIAGRAMS APLC programming format’s limitations $t be observed when programming a PLC la der diagram. not accept the screen-programmed ladder diagram into its me S, when correctly formatted ladder diagrams are not Feceived, an error message appears on the sereen showing that the program was not entered and why. Why might the ladder diagrams be incorrect for a PLC? Because various ladder construction limitations were probably not observed. Here are examples of such fi for a typical PLC: Ga contact must always be inserted in slot 1 in the upper left (see figures 3-6 through 3-10). A B sc D E No vertically oriented contacts allowed (a) A 8 D c c | | D E ‘One solution to vertically oriented contact problem (b) FIGURE 3-6 Proper PLC Ladder Diagrams 4 GENERAL PLC PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES. FIGURE 37 Contact Matrix 2. A coil must be inserted at the end of a rung (see figure 3-6b). 3. All contacts must run horizontally. No vertically oriented contacts are allowed. In figure 3-6a, contact C is programmed incorrectly. The ladder diagram in figure 3-6b represents one solution to the problem. 4. The number of contacts per matrix (network) is limited—for example, 1] across by 7 down (see figure 3-7). 5. Only one output may be connected to a group of contacts (see figure 3-7) . Contacts must be “nested” (a branch circuit programmed within a branch circuit) properly or, in some PLCs, not at all, Figure 3-8 shows one manufacturer's required format 7. Flow must be from left to right (see figure 3-9). 8. Contact progression should be straight across (see figure 3-10). Again, the individual operational manuals contain information on the proper pro- gramming of a given PLC system. PROPER CONSTRUCTION OF PLCT CORRECT INCORRECT FIGURE 3-8 Proper Diagram Nesting Require ADDER DIAGRAMS 1d Orientation f ' Rit = INT IN2 INT OINGOINA i + ING*IN4 as Ait “ i‘ w O H——| # ub m4 IN3 oly “egal an INS 1 Conduction through contacts is consi to occur from left to right... Will nat let current flow to left through 3, idered crt Int IN2 1 INS +} 1 ea ‘The addition of 2 contacts (INS and INS on the left) adds the path INS, IN3, IN2. FIGURE 3-9 Proper Diagram Flow Orientation FIGURE 3-10 IN4 Bc Proper “Straight Across” Orientation INS Note: This type of “nested brancting is illegal in some systems, which -require 2 to 3 ladder lines feeding the same coil repeated. cia for Contact Insertion Sate Incorrect Use the topmost available jun: etions cRt2 — a PROCESS SCANNING CONSIDERATIONS ar ce PROCESS SCANNING CONSIDERATIONS i PLCs function by scanning their operational programs, Each PLC operational cycle is made up of three separate parts: (1) input scan, (2) program scan, and (3) output scan (see figure 3-11a). The total time for one complete program scan is a function of processor J and length of user program. |With a high-speed processor and a short program hun- ‘of complete scans can take place in I second. During the input scan, input terminals are read and the input status table is updated accordingly (see figure 3-1 1b). OUTPUT SCAN _/— INPUT SCAN ae “dr \— PROGRAM SCAN ‘THREE-PART OPERATIONAL CYCLE « x weuT INPUT lourput ourrur| a STATUS STATUS T — TABLE USER TABLE — ited | PROGRAM | —_. Sy R Me u 5 ' " N A A £ L 8 Ss INPUT OuTPUuT SCAN PROGRAM SCAN ‘SCAN INPUT TERMINALS DURING PROGRAM SCAN, DATAASSOCIATED ARE READ AND DATA IN INPUT TABLE WITH OUTPUT. STATUS IS APPLIED TO USER STATUS TABLE TABLE 1S UPDATED PROGRAM, PROGRAM IS TRANSFERRED DINGLY Ig EXECUTED, AND To ouTPuT OUTPUT TABLE IS TERMINALS | UPDATED ACCORDINGLY 7) PROCESS SCAN DETAILED | mene BY i| | < li fe oN i ® —_—eo | FIGURE 3-12 GENERAL PLC PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES, During the program sean, data in the input status table is applied to the user program, the program is executed (instructions carried out in sequence), and the output status table is updated appropriately. During the output scan, data associ output terminals. Lis important to understand that the input, program, and output scans are separate, independent functions. Hence, any changes in the status of input devices during the pro- gram or output scan are not recognized until the next input scan, Furthermore, data changes in the output table are not transferred to the output terminal during the input and program scans. The transfer affecting the output devices takes place only during the output scan, With all PLCs, there are special processing considerations to note. First, as we've indicated, all PLCs take a specific amount of time to scan their operational programs com- pletely. Typically, the program scanning takes place left to right across each rung and from the top to bottom rungs, in order. Usually, the complete ladder scan time is a few milliser- onds. Early computers took as long as a few seconds to make a complete scan. Although the present-day microprocessor-based PLC scans much faster, its speed must often be consid- cred. For example, we might fiave a critical safety point in the diagram that must be moni- tored twice per millisecond. Suppose that scan time is S$ milliseconds. The critical safety point is, therefore, only checked out once every 5 milliseconds, not the required once every 0.5 millisecond, There are advanced techniques to handle this programming problem. Another scanning consideration involves proper operational sequencing of events. An output might not go on immediately in sequence as it would in a relay logic system. In a relay logic system, an event occurring anywhere in the ladder control system results in immediate action. In a PLC ladder control diagram, however, no effect takes place until the rung is scanned. In most cases, the PLC logic delay effect is inconsequential. However fast-acting, interlocked, or rapidly sequenced PLC programs, the elapsed time required for iated with the output status table is transferred to Horizontal Scanning a PLC Scanning Sequence Example Order A i vote ee Cy I OO) ‘cRooe2 choos chost7 B— 4 () Vertical Scanning Rewm choo cno317 Order I CH Nox cCRO298 ‘Scan End of Ladder | PLC OPERATIONAL FAULTS oa scanning must be considered. F ail i a if Sec ae cial, in figure 3-12 we see that the on-off status of CROOSS and assigned inp ntified as CRO062. CRO062 is controlled by two contacts, CROOS3 an assigned input numer CROBI7, The input switch connected to INODIS is eee . i ie A is turned on by the contact INO015. Then, the CR0053 contact fee ouput CROSI7 is energized by one ofits v0 contacts just afer Wego therefore not close until we go ee The CRO317 contact on line B will As mentioned a moment ago, program scanni : Sail nines ee ee uae aoe came ae the method used, for example, by Allen-Bradley and illustrated in figure 3-13a. ‘Another method, used by Modicon/Schneider Automation known 2s colunin scanning, is shown in figure 3-13b. Here the processor'“Iooks” at the first contact af the top left corner and reads the first column from top to bottom. It next reads the second column from top to bottom, and so on. Either method, rung or column, is appropriate. PLC OPERATIONAL FAULTS fing incorrect programming and misoperation. The Every PLC has error codes for identify’ code form in small systems or in user-friendly lan- codes appear on the monitor, usually in guage in larger systems, when something is incorrect, For example, in one small system, the error code is displayed using one or wo dis its in hexadecimal (0 to F). Each digit ofthe error code indicates a different set of condi- tions requiring attention, as shown in the charts of figure 3-14. To illustrate, an error code might read out “24.” As a result, two conditions require attention: “Program Sum Check Error” from the first chart and “Memory Pack Replacement” from the second chart. An 80" error code indicates that a “Programming Error” exists (8 is the error code display digit on the left; 0, the error code display digit on the right), You would then refer to your al for an explanation of how to locate the problem. of system misconnection, or poor connections, you will tion error.” For other problems, different messages will operations manu In many systems, in the case ich as “communical ally at the bottom. ther diagnostic aids in stance, uses five get a message su appear on the screen, ust Most PLCs have fu panel, One manufactures, for in shown in the chart of figure 3-15. the form of LEDs on the controller front LEDs to indicate the various conditions ‘The fault LED, indicating processor failure, is of particular interest, Such a fault usually indicates a programming “hang-up.” Reference to the operating manual is required for comeet interpretation. Typically, a fault ight going on {the CPU indicates that a memory- clearing procedure must be carried out The reselting procedure involves completely clearing the PLC program memory. I the program bein used has not been previously recorded on tape or disk, a manual keyboard reentry will be required. To prevent the time-consuming mromal reentry process, iti a good idea to have each operating programy saved in case a fault seuurs. After the clearing procedure, the saved program can be quickly reentered into the CPU. RUNG ‘ START 2 3 4 RUNG START 2 3 4 FIGURE 3-13 SS tae FINISH” RUNG SCANNING (a) 1 2 3 4 5 f eG. fe (e- fe - ee se e Ve ve COLUMN: SCANNING (b) Rung and Column Scanning ig PLC OPERATIONAL FAULTS 51 fae ee z Error lems Enorcose | Present | Progam hieoing coorcute | Pa o a | ee eer EEL Ee - ‘No display * = oe Removal | Error [ment Error {No error), enor ‘ 1 e@ a ° 2 @ 2 © 3|ele “ie ee 4 e i . eo e 5s|@ e 8 == 6 ele 7.| @ | @2@ 7|lelele 8 e 7 7 s|@ e ole e A e e A ° e B|@\e e B| ele ry c ele c ele D e @e\e do| @ ele E elele E elele FL, @|e@e|e|\e Fl@el|elele toverorn | oF | om | om | ow sanonteo| of | ore | or | on FIGURE 3-14 . Error Message Charts (Courtesy of IDEC Corp.) FIGURE 3.15 LED Indicators on Controllers LED Fault Indicators (Courtesy of Cutler-Hammer) LED Indication POWER _| Internal power supply is functioning, The processor is scanning the program and controling output. LED flashes when PC is STOPPED ~ outputs. RUN | are retained. LED is off when PC is halted - outputs, are disabled. “FAULT _ | Processor failure has been detected. te cay Battery is below low limit PROM [PROM module is plugged in and operating. 52 ES GENERAL PLC PROGRAMMING PROCEDUR f EXERCISES Obtain two or more manufacturers’ manuals for different PLCs to use as reference for exercises through 6 (Not: some manufactures post PLC manuals on their web sites for easy downoad What 1. Compare keyboard layouts and functions for two or more PLC models. How are they alike? are their major differences? 2 Compare programming formats for coils and contacts fortwo or more models. How do the pros, dure sequences differ? What reference numbers and letters must be used for each system? 3. Compare other function formats such as timers, counters, and sei quences in the manner of exersig 2. What are the major differences and similarities? 4 What are the programming ladder arrangement rules for one of the models chosen for analysis? ‘What format arrangements will not be accepted by the CPU? 5. What is the scan rate forthe units chosen? 6. What corrective Procedures are to be taken when a CPU fault light one fault light, what are the corrective oes on? If there is more than procedures for each? Devices to Which PLC Input and Output Modules Are Connected OUTLINE 41 Introduction 9 4-2 Input On/OM Switching Devices © 4-3 Input A OnOff Devices 9 4-5 Output Analog Devices log Devices © 44 Output OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, for device able to © Discuss basic input on/off switching systems. © Describe operation of various types of nected to PL nput and output modules, you will,be npuit devices such as pushbuttons, switches, selector 5 Discuss the functions of potentiometers, linear variable differential transformers (LTVTs), thermocouples, and various other transducers and sensors. © Describe the PLC output control of motors and motor starters © Discuss output devices such as relays, solenoids, and pneumatie and hydraulic cylinders. Describe the operation of stepper motors and servo motors, STO WiHICHT PLC INPUT AND. OUTPUT MODULES ARE CONNECTED DEVICE! INTRODUCTION 11 describe some typical devices which are connected tothe is chapter, we wil ; ; : in Ins ca PLCs in industry Input devices could fill an entice textbook and a an fill two or three textbooks. Some of these applicable textbooks elise devi il cover only some typical, basic devices of each type fy, ibliography. We will cover on each for gene Bee The chapter is divided into four sections, input on/off switching Avice. ingy analog devices, ouput on/off devices, and output analog devices, INPUT ON/OFF SWITCHING DEVICES Various types of on/off switches which may be connected to PLC input modules ae soy in figure 4-1. Some of the possible electrical configurations are shown in figure 4-2. Figures. through 42g are for toggle-type switches. Figures 42h through 4—2k are for pushbuten switches, which have momentary action while the pushbutton is depressed, The termina of the switches for PLC applications would be connected to the common and an acne terminal of the input module. For example, for figures 41a and 4—1b, terminal M would FIGURE 41 Major Switch Types [(a) and (b) Courtesy of Omeron Electronics LLS. (¢) Courtesy of Rockwell Automation) G By @») ‘CHING DEVICES @) ©) FIGURE 4-1 (continued) be connected to the module common and terminal N would be connected to an appropri- are active terminal fo be turned on oF off by the switch. For other configurations, other module terminals would be used for appropriate on/off action. The designations of the captions are: NO Normally (unactuated) Open NC Normally (unactuated) Closed 4 DEVICES TO WHICH PLC INPUT AND OUTPUT MODULES ARE CONNECTED FIGURE 4-2 eo Electrical Switch and Pushbutton. or Switch—Configurations and Typical Connections (Industrial Control Electronics, 2nd ed., by J. Webb and M N K. Greshock, © Reprinted by per- —YooN mission of Pearson Education, Inc, NC SPST Upper Saddle River, NJ) M x M N eos pring-retur SPS M N “ Poh oon Dz DPST G. Center OFF SPDT M N pe Fee tape, ** He M N 0 : of 20 of Ze 1 spor M N . ojo", ° toot Solo @ k ~—oLo—- 5 T —o oO 1 NC K. Stackeu DPT spst ¥ and displaced by some part, eam, or oll ‘ommon jj the bibliography are: ™PUt on/ofr devices, yw) Pressure Switches Float (liquid ley Wi Level swi el) swit SWitches Hall devices ] hotoelectric Systems Magnetic sensitive switeng, ‘ductive Sensitive switches imit Switches, (a) Side Roller mit Switeh, (b) Roller Arm Limit (c) Heavy Duty Limit hh. (d) Wobble Lever-Activated Cat Whisker Limit Switch (Courtesy of Honeywell, Microswitch Division) INPUT ANALOG DEVICES In the previous section, we covered input PLC devices that are ei section we will cover some input analog devices which produce a v: value which is sent to the appropriate PLC input module. The input modules to these analog devices must be of an appropriate analog capability. Figure 4—4 shows some potentiometers, their electrical connections to a PLC analog module, and a comparison of carbon and wire-wound types. Figure 4~4a shows a molded composition potentiometer. A sliding contact is moved around a carbon element by rotat- ing the shaft. As the sliding contact is rotated, the resistance 10 the end connection varies. Fora wire-wound potentiometer, the carbon element shown is a wire winding. Figure 4—4b shows the electrical connection of a potentiometer to a PLC. Ifthe PLC input voltage does aoevvich the output value and variation of the potentiometer voltage. a voltage converter or amplifier is required between the potentiometer output and the PLC input module. Figure 4-4e gives a comparison of the characteristics ‘of carbon vs. wire-wound potentiometers. ‘The linear variable di output of the LVDT vari ither on or off. In this ying input electrical 's corresponding ifferential transformer (LVDT) is shown in figure 45. The AC «as the movable magnet coil is moved Tinearly. As the coil is roped linearly, the output voltage, Vaux varies accordingly. The voltage variation of the LVDT output is used to indicate the position of a device by appropriate linkages. An appropriately designed PLC input module is therefore used to input a position to the PLC processor. el ‘To indicate a temperature value which is a part of a process, thermocouples are often used for inputs to PLCs. The types of basic thermocouples are shown in figure 4-6. The voltage, Vy from a thermocouple to the PLC normally has to go through a transformation process to the PLC input module, Characteristics of standard thermocouples are illustrated in figure 47. ‘There are figure 4-8. Jos of other variable, analog, types of inputs, some of which are listed in = | i | i VICES TD T TPUT MODULES ARE CONNECTED. DEVICES TO WHICH PLC INPUT AND OUTPUT M ULES SS] DEVICES r Insulator Carbon element Rovating shaft (Gootrals position «of wiper arm) (a) External view (by Internal view (©) Carbon element A, Molded-Composition Potentiomter ' ' {To Input Module i ‘of Voltage t Converter es B. Electrical Diagram Carbon Wire-Wound Values to 100 ma. Limited values, usually to 1k Low amps and power Can have hij Perfectly continuous Can be nonlinear Low cost Carbon ages and changes Subject to burned spots igh amps and power Output in small steps Linear Higher cost No aging Less likelihood of burned spots C. Comparison of Carbon & Wire-Wound Potentiometer FIGURE 44 Potentiometers {(a) Courtesy of Rocl Electronics, 2nd ed., by J, Webb a Saddle River, NJ} 1! Automation/Allen Bradley, (b) Electrical Dia trial Control W , gram (c) Industri K- Greshock, © Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., UpPet INPUT ANALOG DEVICES 5 2 0 Input secondary Voltage Primary Secondary x 1 ef Winding — Winding 2 100} (Dreerltrs ° eN y, Vale oat Movable SL 1S i, C00e. Scala ee TOOOLIGOON mae —— wind Winding V8 winding Voltage | Voltage 2 Motion @ () v Large vie Large Pee pions AY Small Small Displacement Displacement (©) @ ©) i IGURE 4-5 ineat Varig ce ee Differential Transformer (LVDT) (Mode 'y. © Reprinted by permission of Pearson Educatt in Industrial Electronics, Ath ed., by TA ‘on, Ine., Upper Saddle River, NI) pul UTPUT MODUL VICES TO WHICH PLC INPUT AND O} DEV! 0 Sensitive Voltmeter Metal A High { Low Temp, Junctions (Wires Twisted sand Welded or But-Welded) @ (b) Resistance of Wire Rec ot Ambient Temp, Rises LL PaepUS Jo SonsMaTATD cr aun {wis ISNVION + X FH [UR ET ERTAL | NO 90S or x ‘anny | wmwuayy ay uaduny | dd ao yocamnag seinen x oq [uaa 9 MeNTUML eee | ov. [vrx x 20a amiantua wanduny Ky x pou funuaw pac wnTuML | eND va 9wu-0 x ven payanya | wmiwous 2s vanduny | a> | 40 wt -09.| X pu | unpop pound | Na ve [oma tein - ide] X snap, fon Jumpour sar wnunrig | aa | a ose 096] X ma Ne owt_[irear-o anew] x. wag vag a | oy ose 03] X a NS gor_[eusreo arora | x oo) vue as| os uronpat loszi-one-30} x pm MM 40 wnnge9 pan] ‘uaut pur Rurzipixo ur] ) RE LED OS ~ ELO'S™ |TRET— NEE do |X MOURA umes MOURA aX x Sura : (006 = 002 D6] x mu sueudng ure) | Na utonpes 40 wngen ut son “2X (EWUPYOUSA pauwry uoutsoauirpxg | ee9 | excny-rew-|zs91 Nee dol X aiding | unove ding wpadorewny | aa | a wduiay 1 popusuiwonas eupdui ui ourspy 20 u! 2s pow] ost-03| x pou suoudny uewenuo) | xf ‘Maur “WnnaeA “FuLanp2y oes ERT TPO THEL~ UE do. x rd word wou, df t unaid w sano aH Surpy ‘poo ‘uaul 40 Wn ase -O02- Ie] x . pa voudng wena) |b auronpaduripro pun | sor | ane et-zows-] 799 -xee~ de] X a ong saidoy| ab | aa sory dus, | sturw dua |on ea] amernD fam oa] aus Tannen | ang | ort ener msn 230 msn Fen) “worusg | uess0 pus sung — |requxs |iSNV (Awana | wnuney ws3990) Bp 20109 ES ARE CONNECTED @ DEVICES TO WHICH PLC INPUT AND OUTPUT MODULI FIGURE 4-8 | ‘Transducers and Sensors (Industrial Control Electronics, 2nd ed, by J. Webb and K. Greshock, tion, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ) © Reprinted by permission of Pearson Edu } © Blectrical input transducers and sensors are classified according to the physical variables to which they are sensitive, The four main categories are thermal, optical, | magnetic, and electromechanical. The following tables give a brief summary of the operating characteristics of the transducers and sensors discussed in this chapter. ‘Thermal Transducers ~ Operation Advantages Disadvantages Thermistor Device resistance Large nominal A Nonlinear changes inversely Large R variation Narrow temperature with variations in Inexpensive range temperature. Fast Requires power Selt-heats RTO Device resistance Linear R variation Expensive changes directly Most stable ‘Small A variation with variations in ‘Most accurate Requires power temperature. Thermocouple Device produces ‘Nearly linear output Low output voltage or current Wide temperature Least sensitive proportional to range Requires reference temperature. Used at high tem- perature Selt-powered Temperature Sensors | Operation Advantages Disadvantages | Ic Device produces Linear output Low temperature Temperature voltage or current ‘Small packages range Sensor numerically equiv- Inexpensive Low output alent to absolute Fast temperature. | Temperature Device accepts Linear output Accepts only ther- Transmitter thermocouple or Facilitates remote mocouples or RTD input. Out- sensing RTDs as inputs, put current is Proportional to temperature. Optica Focuses infrared Linear output Expensive -yrometer ‘energy on IC Used at high tem- temperature sen- peratures sor in probe. Noncontact Output current is, proportional to temperature. rE 7 INPUT ANALOG DEVICES 63 Optical Transducers Operation Advantages Disadvantages Brtoconducve Devise este Large A variation Slow response changes in- Requires power versely with Temperature sensi- Variations in tive EMR intensity. Photovoltaic Converts EMR Sell-powered Large surface area (Solar) Cell into electrical Linear output Inefficient current, Current current Slow response is proportional to Nonlinear output EMR intensity voltage Photodiode Converts EMR small Low output into electrical Fast Reequires external current. Current power supply is proportional to EMR intensity Phototransistor Converts EMR Sensitive Requires external into current, High output power supply which is injected Fast into the base. Device then responds as typical transis- tor. Optical Sensing Methods | Operation Advantages Disadvantages ‘Opposed EMR beam is di- Long sensing range Transmitter and . Sensing rected from trans- receiver must be mitter to re- precisely aligned. ceiver, Object is Separate receiver detected when ‘and transmitter beam i inter required es Transmitter and ‘Sensing range lim- sami di- ransmiter an sing range lim Reroreecte —— EMEegtom ans: fcaet maybe ed to about 301 mitter to a retiec- housed in the Requires remote tor and back to same unit rellector receiver. Object is detected when beam is inter- rupted. FIGURE 4-8 (continued) PUT JLES ARE CONNECTED DEVICES TO WHICH PLC INPUT AND OUTPUT MODU Optical Sensing Methods (continued) : ‘Advantages Disadvantages Operation Sensing range lim. Transmitter and Diffuse EMR beam is di- : receiver may be ited to less than Sensing nae housed in the tort peel same unit. Sensed object must Object is sensed No reflector re- be reflective, when beam is quired reflected back to receiver. Magnetic Transducers Operation ‘Advantages Disadvantages Inductive Relative motion of, Requires no power Detects motion only magnetic field and supply coil induces volt- age in coil, Reluctive Proximity ofa low- Requires no power Detects motion only reluctance object supply alters magnetic field surrounding ; device and induces voltage in coil, Hal-Etfect Presence of a mag- Senses stationary Requires external netic field pro- field ae Power supply duces voltage Inexpensive Proportional to Strength of field — lecttomechanical Transducers oa él Limit Electrical contact ig ae pesca, Switch Taine Usually requires no Mirena ie ropoeucoring ier pover sensed objet actuator, Avaliable in a vari Potentiometer Resatnc (or. Duraig “ee een : Wiper and eithor Requtes edera acca anes Requires seme st FIGURE 4-8 (continued) f gearing or linkage " TNPUT ANALOG, DEVICES 65 Electromechanical Transducers (continued) Opera eee Advantages Disadvantages Wire Device resistance Strain Gauge changes as gauge aed Requires exaeine! is compressed or l Supply , ease ‘ow gauge factor Semiconductor Device resistance High ee se eater igh gauge factor Requires external is compressed or ree elongated. Flow Sensors Operation Advantages Disadvantages Turbine Fluid flowing past Relatively inexpen- Impedes fluid flow turbine causes sive blades to spin. Rotation is detected bby magnetic sensor. Vortex ‘As fluid flows past a vortex shedder, vortices are pro- duced downstream. Resultant vibrations are sensed piezoelectrically. Probe is heated to constant tempera- ture, ‘Thermal transducer measures rate of cooling, which is proportional to flow rate. ‘Acoustic energy Is transmitted UP stream into fluid, at given frequency. Frequency of re flected energy Is proportional to fluid velocity. Voltage is induced in fluid as it passes through magnetic Thermal Ultrasonic Magaetic FIGURE 4-8 (continued) Minimal moving parts Accurate No moving parts Relatively inexpen- sive No moving parts Flow may be sensed through pipe walls. Does not impede fluid No moving parts Relatively inexpen- sive Expensive Impedes fluid flow Slow response Impedes fluid flow Fiuid must be ther mally conductive. Most expensive Fluid must be electr- cally conductive. | | | TO WHICH field, Flow Sensors (continued) er Operation Electrodes sense voltage, which is proportional to flow. Advantages Does not impede fluid flow Level Sensors NDUTAND OUTPUT MODULES ARE CONNECTED PLC INPI ——_ Disadvantages Operation Advantages Disadvantages Float When rising liquid Inexpensive Senses liquids only level reaches float, float rises and actuates either a magnetic or a mechanical switch. Conductive When rising liquid No moving parts Senses liquids only Probe level contacts the Inexpensive Liquid must be elec- probes, current trically conduc- flows and is avail- tive. able at output. Utrasonic Acoustic eneray is No moving parts Expensive Contact directed across a Senses any liquid gap toward re- ceiver. Liquid within gap com- pletes transmission Path, Utvasonic Acoustic energy is No moving parts Most expensive Noncontact transmitted toward Surface contact not Surface to be required sensed, Reflection Measures absolute time determines height fro surface distance, Frequency change in Oscillator indicates Object proximity, Output is activated when oscillator changes fre. No moving parts Sensing range limited to about 106m uency, FIGURE 4-8 (con ed) ’ 6 FIGURE 49 Solenoid [(a) Courtesy of Rexnord, Steams, Division (b) Indus- rial Control Elec- tronics, Ind ed., by J, Webb and K. Geeshock. © Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ] OUTPUT ON/OFF DEVICES a OUTPUT ON/OFF DEVICES Output ee of a are connected to a myriad of on/off electrical devices. One major eee solenoid, illustrated in figure 4-9, A solenoid’s actuating plunger is held in a position—in this case, up—by a sprintg. When electricity is applied to its coil the A. Industrial Solenoid ‘To actuator Upper position Lower position se ai Blectrical oe terminals B, Solenoid Actuator Cutaway View 5 ES ARE CONNECTED i jODULI DEVICES TO WHICH PLC INPUT AND OUTPUT Mi plunger goes down. The plunger is connected to common use is for the on/off control of flow aces. The mecha a hundred pounds, various types of mechanical devices, ves such as the gas control-valve in fur. ties varies with the size of the solenoid from 1 ounce irecti valves, one type of w Another common use of solenoids is for directional cane pnts oe of Which is illustrated in figure 4-10. The valve illustrated could be either hydra Matic, There are two solenoids u valve is opened for of position SOLENOID INDICATOR LIGHTS SOLENOID MOUNTING PAD FACE A. A typical direct-aciing double-solenoid valve Sol B B. Cutaway drawing of atypical direct ‘acting solenoid-opersted diectionat control yal valve, FIGURE 4-10 nae ‘Acting Solenoid Valve (Courtesy of Eaton Hydra ics/Vickers) «in the illustrated valve. When either solenoid is actuated, the irection’s flow. With both solenoids off, the piston is in the cenjer and there is no flow. When cylinders go to the center or opposite position, there OUTPUT ON/OFF DEVICES 5) must be a way for the fluid back of the piston to drain out, For pneumatic pistons, the relief system exhausts to the air, nota fluid tank, which is simpler, Figure 4-17 shows an electromechanical relay, another common on/off device controlled by PLC output modules. The output module is connected to the coil ofthe relay. The solenoid action of the relay opens and closes contacts which in turn control other elec- trical circuits. ‘The advantage-of using the relay instead of connecting the.output module to a circuit are: (1) The relay can control multiple circuits, either NO or NC, (2) the relay Eontact circuits are electrically, isolated from the output module circuit, (3) the relay con- tacts can control higher currents than the output module and can be of higher or multiple voltages. Relays which handle very high currents are called contactor ‘An adaptation of the relay/contactor is the motor starter shown in figure 4~12. A motor starter is constructed to allow the contacts to handle the high surge currents produced when the inductive motor winding are disconnected. The motor starter usually also has built in electrical overload devices consisting of heater elements and overload relays matched to the type of motor controlled. Some motor starters also have auxiliary contacts used for the control circuit. The three incoming power lines are connected to L2, L2, and LB and the power to the motors is connected to the three terminals at the bottom. The contacts close when power is applied to thé starter coil. ‘Some typical control and power diagrams are illustrated in figure 4-13. ‘A diagram of typical motor connections is illustrated in figure 4-14. The control con- nections are connected to PLC input modules as we will illustrate in subsequent chapters. Many motor starters are dual for foreword-reverse control as shown in figure 414. |A basic power connection diagram is also shown. To reverse the motor, any two inputs are reversed with respect to the outputs. Forward-reverse starters are mechanically and electrically interlocked so that only one of the two starters may be actuated at a time. nase - eth“) ase aR ceunway ew FIGURE 4-11 Electromechanical Relay (Courtesy of Faton/Cuttler-Hammer® Products) 5 ONNECTED ; (ODULES ARE C 70 DEVIGES TO WITCII PLC INPUT AND OUTPUT M Upstront tor lames for Keyhole Mounting tot — Exny tor arly marked in ‘wth large seramariver ov power aver Contrasting while for quick idontitication, permits the mounting serow fo ben plnce ‘Optional top wiing kit for easy connection ‘Deore istaing ‘of power factor correction capacitor aheag, of me overload relay. ‘Are Hood Cover Screws — Upstont for BY accessily: allows removal Ot {7c hood cove for inspection ofthe ont ‘movable and siaionary contacts, and contet springs, Coll Cover Screws — Up-tront for easy accassablity allows removal of the eo over for coll and contact change and 1ccess 0 al internal components, ‘Aurliry Contact Terminale — Angied end “petron for accessed. seiting _resture pats far esse of wring: clearly ‘marked i contesting white for guck ‘oninestion, Terminal — foresee HAS Tle Point Terminal — Convenient access ly marked in contrasting white ‘point for eantvol elreut wiring: Torey entiation ‘Secessabilty:sel-iting prosoure plates lor 2988 of wiring. Heater Element Screws — Up-tont or 87 islalaion, slows intrchangeabioy (of heater elamenis for Class 10, 20nd 39 onal sare ‘avent of partis! loosening of the screw. ng only adtlde Power Terminals — Up-tront fot eeSsbly: selling segcle clamps 0! 88 Of wiring: clearly marked in Ontrasting white for quiek identilication. 1eC088ories quickly and 9 ito place or easily instal screw erie FIGURE 4-12 Typical Motor Starter (Courtesy of Rockwell/Aten Bradley) VEVILES, WIRING DIAGRAM 2 ner soe TOP g amet NTROL Caney. no omnes, , ot ns avai ¥ SUPPLIED) q Aetped (uoror A. Single-Phase WIRING DIAGRAM ay 7 ebtnb avaru. au SOPaLIEO AS, ot 125 3 Word Tap t_., canton B. Two-Phase WIRING DIAGRAM es, a ©. Throo-Phase FIGURE 413 Pical Across-the-1 ine Magnetic Starter _4 eee geymes sMarked os ELEMENTARY DIAGRAM 2.mige conrRow Slaeestar srop 2 SMART ty Mot ELEMENTARY DIAGRAM Te seo ELEMENTARY DIAGRAM ENF SED "OU" Wf alarm contact 1s supped Diagrams (Courtesy of Scheider Blectrie/Square D) 4 F Rockwel Bradley) FIGURE 4-14 rtesy of Rockwell/Allen ignetic Starter (Courtesy Forward-Reverse Magnet OUTPUT ANALOG DEVICES oe ic i i ntrolle s dee es of electrical devices which are cor aera cop mans ec ae ilustrate two types of output analog o s H . A stepper motor’s Stepper shown in figure 4-15 and the servometor som in Spue + fe may int Tolary position is dictated by its electrical input. It step: Ise/sien denen on tie mal 5 teceives an input pulse. The number of degrees per pulse/step are some sper ll Stepper motor—for example, 2.5 degrees, | degree, etc, Wied 3. These depend on Be microsteppers, which have intermediate Positions between step: “i ecial output wat relative signal strength between adjacent pole positions, There i s oe creel available for control of Stepper motors. The rotary motion of the a : translated into Positional devices by various forms of mechanical lin! mes ia sets ‘The Servomotor ig shown in figure 4-16, The servomotor does Po ial PLC OU! ntinuous motion, Tt Operates similarly to the Stepper motor. Sp 1° als0 are available for itg control. of any types : are many Te” Previous section we Covered on/off hydraulic valves. There hydraulic valy is is one ie « yn. This is Oy Walled servovatves which are Positional, not just abooee controllable ample of the Many additional {yes of output analog devices whicl PLCS, All analog a evices need a positi futDUt Position as an analog signal to an i feedback dey, mes a8 Well as the devices q ‘Xs listed in the Bibliography. Kt feedbacl ‘onal indicator, such as encoder, pris TH input PLC module to show the on ‘nsomeo scribed in this section are cove! OUTPUT ANALOG DEVICES aa Stator cup A Stator cup B Output shat ———™ (b) FIGURE 4-15 a ., Stepper Motor (a) Two Sizes of Typical Stepper Motors with Their Controllers. The Larger Motor Is Approximately 4.2 Inches in Diameter, and the Smaller Motor Is Approximately 2.3 Inches in Diameter (b) Cutaway Diagram of a Permanent Stepper Motor. (Courtesy of Parker Compumotor | | ! { | | si} DEVICES TO WHICH PLC INPUT AND. OUTPUT MODULES ARE, ;ONNECTED ~~ Stator winding Encoder Stator core . agnet rotor Perivanent m: Shaft seal Bearing, Direct coupling Bearing FIGURE 4-16 Servomotor (Courtesy of Pacific Scientific) EXERCISE Basic PLC Programming 5 Programming On-Off Inputs to Produce On-Off Outputs 6 Relation of Digital Gate Logic to Contact/Coil Logic 7 Creating Ladder Diagrams from Process Control Descriptions Programming On-Off Inputs to Produce On-Off Outputs OUTLINE 5-1 Introduction 9 5-2 PLC Input In: © S-4 Operational Procedures 0 5-5 0 5-6 A look at Fail-Safe Circuits 5 5-7 Industrial Proce structions © 5-3 Outputs: Coils, Indicators, and Others Contact and Coil Input/Output Programming Examples Example OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, you will © Describe the contact (input) functions of the PLC. © Describe the coil (output) function of the PLC © Deseribe the procedure to install a PLC on-off program, © Convert industrial control problems to PLC logic diagrams. Show the advantage of PLCs over relay lo i in simpler connection di © Program PLC circuits to include a fail-safe operat © Develop a PLC ladder circuit for an industrial oblem. be able to grams and wiring. 7 GI iNPUT! ;ODUCE ON-OFF OUTPUTS ING ON-OFF INPUTS TO PR' DUCE ON- 7 PROGRAMMING ON- am a PLC for citcu operations with oy, ater we lust a pin different manners by differene anufactng, Sneed inchude Examine On/Examine Off, words, teen, ne labels commonly sions, and instructions. In this book we use input Prefixes . ae eres cual, INOS. Outputs ae also labeled in diferent marnere by dit numbers: for ise n output designations are OUT, numbers, letters, and cR (conn way) We ass the designation CR inthis book: for example: CROIS Se ete setnaf OG apie eaves Input elie Cinder next a ard thelr velaton to PLCs, then some typical operation proce gms for on-off programming Thee ae many examples of on-of prog next seton nla lchunatch ecu. discussion of false cic the next-to-last section. The final section provides an industrial xa programming. and output Section coves, S for input ramming inte Sis includes imple of ong PLC INPUT INSTRUCTIONS called inputs, words, function, and instructions, sich ae Examine On and Examine Off this book we call them inputs. The various types of inputs include: { 1. Normally open contact. When this Contact closes, the function carries out some kind of action, 2. Normally closed contact. When this contact oj ens, ind of action, 4 the function carries out som 3. . Differentiati am : werntaion yp, or yee cege actuation. This involves wing the function leading edge of an input signal pattern. ee tea is involves turning the f for one Scan time at the i ers i ' For discussions of 4 and 5, see manufac a - a at 'S assigned a number on the input module ae 1 : i : progr uch as IN, a — block of numbers or letters In other PLC re mM humber ING i lem, the fifth input would correspond to in orate corespondioy =, Pica input Scheme is shown in figure 5-1. The 1%, 8 DIP sweet S8eh as INOOO! through INOO16, The Switches, as described in chapters 2 and 3. \ \ External Devices Input Modul 120 VAC Aa Black Uy a nLrt0 Hot Neutral Gem ca [1] Gam = on oa o——__________ Te 4 Input [—lo}—Inout#s__ | converters ¢ oe fr bE ws Gt _imourz2 |g Simpiities 1 74|_ input+3 Schematic e au Th 33] inpur +4 16 a Chassis a Gai Group #1 pe, BL common € 4 Input o> G{—_tmputts _| converters oop Amp NAc Driver Input #6 + - 710} Input +7, BN Input +8 + 1 G3 leo 5 Chassis Group #2 r Grd [>| Common o 4 Input WN Input +9 Converters ea |T15| Input #10 + o<0- 116) Input +11 Nice {117 Input +12. a Oe [T18| Chassis Group #3 va Gnd [T19| Common, we 4 input (T20| Input#13_| Converters | +— |} (73 Input +14, ~—___ + | 1722] Input 415 p+“ )—t . Yt HO inputs 18 n C { | 4 Chassis. Group #4 FIGURE 5-1 ‘Typical PLC Input Scheme Gnd [ot g961l ¥y Do a ie PROGRAMMING ON-OFF INPUTS TO PRODUCE ON-OFF OUTPUTS Suppose that we apply Voltage to terminal 5. All contacts programmed in the PLC fe 1N0005 will change states. The input is examined and the proper action takes place, Aj) rormally open INOOOS contacts will go to the closed state in the PLC program. Also, al normally closed INO00S contacts go to an open state. This opening of normally closed contacts is a key concept in understanding PLC programmi ‘Admittedly, these input instruction designations can be a bit confusing, particularly for relay savvy electricians. Here is another way to look at it. When voltage is present at, say, input (figure 5.1), the processor places a one (1) in a specific location in memory set aside for that particular input, When the device button is NOT pushed, voltage is present at terminal 4. The PLC NO symbol (+ -) asks the question, “Is there a voltage at that input terminal?” In this case, the answer is yes (or true). The PLC NC symbol (f+) asks the question, “Is there no voltage at that input terminal?" At the moment, the answer is no (or false). Another way of viewing these symbols is examine-if-on and examine-if-off, respectively. Other ways are true-if-on and true-if-off, activated-on and activated-off, and true-if-a-one-is-in-memory and true-if-a-zero-is-in-memory, each respectively. When using the NC pushbutton as a common STOP button, the examine-if-on symbol must be used since there is voltage at input 4 when the STOP button is not pushed and the desired action should continue until the stop button is pushed. This looks different than a relay logic diagram that is considering the physical contacts of the NC pushbutton. The PLC ladder diagram considers the voltage condition at terminal 4. This is one of the few differences in appearance between relay logic diagrams and PLC ladder diagrams. Figure 5-1 shows 120 VAC as the voltage used; 24 VDC is also a common voltage used. Different voltages can be used with an input. module group, provided that the input module is rated for the voltage used. Some typical input contact devices are shown in figure 5-2. More are shown in ap- Pendix C, Note that the value of input supply voltage (for example, 120 VAC in figure 5-1) ‘must correspond to the voltage rating of the input module, There is one other key point on contacts as related to inputs. Suppose that a contact in the internal program is labeled INOO!8. Also suppose that the only inputs connected are INO001 through INOO16, Would the INOO18 programmed contact ever change state from external signals? No. There is no energizing signal available from an input module to have an effect on the internal CPU status. OUTPUTS: COILS, INDICATORS, AND OTHERS Coils in an internal PLC program are related to output Signals-that are sent to external devices. An output is energized through the output module when its corresponding coil number is wrned on i the PLC ladder diagram, Note that wot all coils ina prosrane a corresponding output, Many coils are used for internal logic only. A typical output scheme is shown in figure $-3. The output device's voltages and current requirement must be matched for the output module values. The figure shows 120 VAC used for the outputs. By using different ratings of output modules, other voltages can be used (in groups) as needed. i wnt GEC-FARMAGUDI OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES: a Pressure & = ; Temperature Flow S0itch 7m 6 Vacuum Switches ad Level Seichy Actuated Sitch (Air, Water, etc) NO. NG. NO. NG. NO. i NO. NC. Oe acee | oo | con | te | ere | ore eee Speed (Plugging) [Aniiplug| Selector F F F 2 Position 3 Position 2 Pos, Se, Push Button | + t + Selector Position 40 0 | ot ONO ianece leas SKL aoe | lee zB ie [eae gece TK] SKIL] | ce Button Button . t t y . mitt || olo far Holos} ce pepe dred Degree Lele et Aa _[t]| & © fae Ptr} feo o4}——F* CP | L49 | OF | contact Closed | /Contact Closed 24 bse[ apes R R 1Caniack Closed = Push Buttons ‘ink Switches Fock Svicies [ ‘Momentary Contact Warntained Contact| Normally | Normaty | NO. | NC. Sie Crest | Doubt Crow | wstroom | woowr | Two, | Ome | Open | Cored Wo [Ne | None. | Head | stem | “on” | “Ge” | ao | oxo a mr Holo22 eto ore ss a2 | a fore brett se] os LA 78+ | Hels Closed | Heid Open FIGURE 5-2 ‘Typical PLC Input Devices gg6il In a manner similar to inputs, output numbers must correspond. For example, only outputs CROOIT through CROO32 are connected to a CPU through an output module. If program coils have numbers such as CR00/4 and CRO034, neither will affect any output ‘There is no corresponding coil for the output signal to affect. If CROOI8 is turned on, output 18 will turn on. ‘Some typical output devices for coil outputs are shown in figure 54. A key point mentioned previously is the presence of a small output module leakage current when the PLC output is off. The leakage current must be considered if the output device is sensitive to a low value of voltage. The output device might not turn off even when the output module is technically in the off state, Figure 5-4 illustrates some of the typical output devices used in processes. More are shown in appendix C. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES ‘A simple program will in utilizing a PLC. Suppose that you wish to program and connect a PLC toi Following discrete operational procedure: A Felay coil is to actuate when two toggle switches and one limit switch are actuated; “The first stepris to assign individual PLC identification numbers to the inputs and outputs, Inputs normally have the prefix !or IN. Outputs normally have the prefix O or CR |

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