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Culinary Mastery Unleashed: Strategies for Enhancing

Culinary Proficiency Among Grade 12

TVL Cookery Students

Last Name1, Last name2, Last name3

Bataan National High School – Senior High School
___________@gmail.com1, ____________@gmail.com2, ____________@gmail.com3,

INTRODUCTION Despite the meticulous procedure HTs must

Culinary arts form a major sector of societal activity. undertake, this does not necessarily mean that
They have raised the act of food consumption from a basic leaders are already well-versed with their duties
human activity to an aesthetic experience that involves and responsibilities. There is still a need for
mastery of culinary techniques, gustatory quality, visual further seminars and trainings that will capacitate

appeal, and attention to the originality and overall value of them for a job that puts high importance on

the final culinary experience. More generally, culinary arts clienteles’ satisfaction.

and gastronomy are considered important social and Anchored to Goleman's leadership styles,

economic sectors of cultural and creative industries. Given Saxena et al. (2017) identified factors that

the importance of culinary activity in daily life, leisure, contribute to the appropriateness of practices
among medical education leaders [5]. It is found
and entertainment, it may be surprising to observe that the
out that leader’s hierarchical level relates to his
scientific literature on culinary talent and its development
preferred style. As leaders reach a higher level, the
has remained limited. Culinary schools founded during the
more varied the styles get. Particularly, the
last century were inspired by the traditional apprenticeship
analyses showed that senior leaders are drawn
model. This chapter considers the following topics on the
more to pace-setting and commanding styles,
basis of field observations and examples from relevant
whereas junior and middle-level leaders used
research: the nature of culinary talent, nurturing culinary
democratic and coaching, respectively. The study
talent, career development, culinary curricula, creativity
suggested the inclusion of learning of different
and innovation, and environmental factors. Aron, L.,
leadership styles in leadership development
Botella, M., & Lubart, T. (2019)
especially for leaders at the beginning levels.
assessed (DO 39, S, 2007) [4]. Upon
Likewise, Abubakari (2017) explored the nature
assumption of post, some of HTs’ duties include
of these leadership styles in selected polytechnics
observation of classes, assisting the principal in
in Ghana. He discovered that leaders tend to use
planning programs and activities, coordinating
coaching, pacesetting, democratic, and affiliative
with district and division supervisors and
styles [6]. It is also asserted that the realization of
implementing school policies and regulations.
strategic goals entails the right combination of
With these mentioned, dealing with people is also
styles in belief that the members will then be
imperative in the nature of their work.
propelled to work conscientiously. As an upshot of
the study, these leaders are urged to undergo
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trainings on the right fusion of the leadership To instill love for work in a workplace, a leader
styles for them to yield positive influence over the must foster a healthy working environment by
workers. properly dealing with people’s sentiments and
A program like "Culinary Mastery Unleashed: emotions. Nowadays, teachers often see their
Strategies for Enhancing Culinary Proficiency Among worksites as a source of stress and pressure. This
Grade 12 TVL Cookery Students" can assist students in negative perception of work is apparent in the
developing real-world culinary skills and it will help
study of (Alson, 2019) [10]. Working conditions
them get ready for professions in the food sector for the
skill development. It allows students to experiment with were described as hazardous resulting from
flavors and presentation to foster creativity and superfluous monitoring, contradictory
innovation in the kitchen to improve creativity and for instructions and demands for production from the
Food Safety Awareness is to ensure the creation of safe
administration which inflicted stress among the
and healthy dishes, increase understanding of food
teachers. Teachers were also troubled by scarcity
safety procedures and hygiene, and to enhance their
confidence building by giving them opportunities to of materials and resources. These dilemmas
demonstrate their culinary skills and hands-on affected their productivity to a point of exhaustion;
experience, instructors may help students gain hence, the source of personal stress. Sometimes,
confidence. For Career Readiness, prepare students for
overt manifestations of these problems came in a
professions in the food sector as chefs, managers of
food services, or business owners, and for Cultural form of emotional outburst.
Awareness, promote cultural understanding by Education is among the many fields and
cultivating an appreciation for other foods and cooking disciplines where stress is commonplace. Most
methods, and we also need the Teamwork and often than not, poor leadership skills perpetuate
Leadership, to develop leadership and teamwork
these issues and concerns of teachers. Leaders are
abilities, which are crucial for success in the culinary
industry, and also for Industry Connection, promote veered towards production of tasks and outputs
networking and mentoring opportunities with experts in overlooking the well-being of their members.
the culinary industry. In conclusion, this program can With the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic,
give students the abilities and information required to
education has been shifted in a massive scale.
succeed in the culinary field and have a significant
This stemmed to uncertainties and apprehensions
impact on the food sector.
among teachers, parents and learners. Teaching
and learning processes underwent revisitation and
Focusing on DepEd, Republic Act 9155 (2006)
remodification to fit the difficult situation.
or the Governance for Basic Education Act of
Therefore, leaders initiating walk-throughs with
2001 Section 6.1 states that school heads shall
the school body is a pivotal step so that teachers
form a team with the school teachers/learning
may feel motivated and guided.
facilitators to deliver quality educational
These premises only attest that leadership is an
programs, projects and services [9]. Hence, HTs as
integral aspect of any organizational ladder.
part of the team are faced with a challenge to
Hence, seminars and trainings among leaders
contribute to the Organization Development (OD)
must be made purposive and meaningful. More
Framework of DepEd basic education.
importantly, it must be based on current needs

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assessment to optimize the efficiency and students who have completed the Culinary Mastery
effectiveness of leadership. Unleashed program and those who have not?
To address the aforementioned gaps, this study 5. How do Grade 12 TVL Cookery students apply the
is pursued to determine the prevalent leadership culinary skills and knowledge acquired from the
styles of the HTs in the Division of Bataan using Culinary Mastery Unleashed program in real-world
Goleman’s Leadership Style Model and Emotional culinary settings or scenarios?

Intelligence Theory. It intended to conduct an in- HYPOTHESIS/ES/ ASSUMPTIONS

depth analysis on leadership styles employed by The following are the hypotheses formulated for the study:
the HTs to deal with their clients in the
educational setting. As an outcome, the findings 1. There is no significant difference between the
will be utilized as a basis for enhancement of knowledge of those who undergo training in
leadership training program. cookery and the knowledge of regular people
who know how to cook.
The objective of this study is to enhance the
proficiency of grade 12 Technological Vocational
Livelihood Cookery students

Statement of the problem/Research Questions 016 Aron, L., Botella, M., & Lubart, T. (2019)

1. What is the overall impact of the Culinary Mastery

Unleashed program on the culinary proficiency in terms

1.1 skills

1.2 knowledge

1.3 perceptions

1.4 application in real-world culinary settings

2. What are the most effective strategies employed in

the Culinary Mastery Unleashed program for enhancing
culinary proficiency among Grade 12 TVL Cookery

3. What specific culinary skills and knowledge have

Grade 12 TVL Cookery students gained as a result of
participating in the Culinary Mastery Unleashed

4. Are there any noticeable differences in the culinary

proficiency levels between Grade 12 TVL Cookery
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