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Paper/Subject Code: TEI2637 1)Distributed Generation and Mierogrld

Total No. of Printed Pages: 2
T.E. (Electrical & Electronics) Semester-VI (Revised Course 2019-20)
Distributed Generation and Microgrid

[Time: Three Hours] (Max. Markss 100

Instructions:1) Answer any two Questions from Part-A
2) Answer any two Questions from Part-B
3) Answer any one Question from Part-C
4) Assume suitable additional data if necessary
Q1 a. Justify why DG is important in current power system. Explain how distributed (8)
generation is different from conventional generation.
b. List the objectives of optimal sizing and siting of distributed generation sources

C. Design a PV system powering a process industry having connected load of 10 (6)

kW. PV system should be supplying power to the load even if there are clouds
for 3 continuous days. Assume the Inverter efficiency as 90%, Battery efficiency
as 85%, DOD of battery as 50%, Batteries have specification of 12V, 150 AH,
PV modules specification is 15V,150Wp.

Design components of microgrid comprising of PV system

rated for 40 kW of (10)
Q2 a.
load power at (10) 220V, 50 Hz single phase AC using boost converter and
Inverter. The data of PV module is Pmax=200 watts, Vmpp=26.3 V, Impp

Determine number of modules, number

Amps, Voc=32.9 V and Isc= 8.1 Amps.
the number of Boost
of PV strings and number of PV arrays. Also determine
converter and Inverter and write their technical specification.
b. Discuss the technical and econ omic aspects microgrids
C. Draw a neat diagram of Hybrid Microgrid 3)

a. Illustrate the need for Microgrid control. (6)

and grid supporting power (8)
b. Explain the concept of grid feeding, grid following
converters in AC microgrid.
turbine has to rotate at 140 RPM at
rated wind (6)
C. An electricity producing wind
order to 100 kW of
the required diameter in
speed of 8 m/s. Compute of mechanical transmission =0.9,
electrical power? Assume Cp=0.43, efficiency
of electrical generator and power conditioning
equipment =0.92.
issues in microgrids. Explain any one of them in detail. (8)
Q4 a. List the protection distributed energy (8)
in detail about the standards
for interconnecting
b. Explain
resources to electric power systems.
main grid. (4)
issues due to Microgrids integration in the
C. Classify power quality

TE1263 / DDistribuied Generation and
DDistribuled co.

Paper/Subjeci Microgrid

in Microgrids.
Microgrids, Briefly
Brietly ddiscuss any one
a. List the (7)
Q5 technique. issues in the minw.

the management
and operational erogrids
b. Discuss (8)
C . W h a t is smart
microgrids ?
is preferred in
a. Why adaptive of stability
of the microgrids 4)
Q6 Discuss
various aspects
of regulationsi in operation of the (7)
b. need
code llustrate the
C.What is a grid 6)
operational parameters
ltage, freaner
like voltage,
frequency, THD durin
d. List the
limits on
network 3)
of DG in microgrid

c o n c e r n s in AC
Summarize power quality DC/DC hiuel, 6)
Q7 a. of 120V DC. A
with DC bus voltage convert
b. For a PV system ot 0.75 with SWItching frequency of 6 kHzis 6)
ratio of switch
which has duty value of Inductor is 1.2 mH, canaci
DC bus. If acitor is
supplied by PV system assumed to act as load resistance of 4.6 ohme
100uF and battery system is
i) Rating of switch S and diode
Compute i) Output voltage
Hierarchical scheme of microgrid control.
c. Draw and explain (8)
helps to improve power quality
Briefly explain how the energy storage systems 7)
Q8 a.
network. Explain Battery energy storage system.
and stability of microgrid
of c-Si modules and Inverfer
SPV installation the following types 5)
b. For a 30 kWp
Modules: Pmax 250 W,
Voc=37 V, Vm=30
= Isc=9.6 A. V,
ave been used.
coefficient)= -

Im=8.33 A, B(voltage temperature
V to 700 V, maximum voltage= 80Ov.
Inverter: MPPT tracking voltage=350
and determine the optimum solution.
Describe the possible string design options
to 50°C
can vary between 0°C (early morning)
Assume: Ambient temperature
is 20°C more than ambient during peak
(Peak sun). Assume the cell temperature
electronic interfaces for windturbine generalor 8
C. Explain different types of power
Paper/ Subject Code: TE1263/
1)Distributed Generation and Microgrid
Total No. of Printed Pages: 02
(Electrical &
Electronics) (Sem -
VI (RC 2019-20)
Distributed 22
Generation and Microgrid
Duration: ThreeHours]
Instructions: 1) Answer any two
2) Answer any two Questions from Part-A
3) Answer any one
Questions from Part-B
4) Assume suitable
Question from Part-C
additional data if necessary

Q.1 a) Why DG needs to be
promoted in power
sources compared to conventional system network. List the advantages of DG (8)
b) Explain with diagram the working of AC
microgrid. (6)
c) A 40-m, three bladed wind turbine
is the standard 1.225 produces 600 k W at a wind speed of 14 m/s. Air density (6)
a. At what
kg/m°. Under these conditions,
rpm does the rotor turn when it
b. What is the tip speed of the rotor? operates with a TSR of 4.0?
c. If the
generator needs to turn at 1800 rpm, what gear ratio is needed to match the
speed to the generator speed? rotor

d. What is the
efficiency of the complete wind turbine (blades, gear box, generator) under
these conditions?

0.2 a) Design components of microgrid comprising of PV system rated for 40 kW of load power (10)
at 220V, 50 Hz
single phase AC using boost converter and Inverter. The data of PV
module is Pmax-200 watts, Vmpp-26.3 V,
Impp=7.6 Amps, Voc=32.9 V and Isc= 8.1
Amps. Determine number of modules, number of PV strings and number of PV arrays.
Also determine the number of Boost converter and Inverter and
write there technical
b) List the objectives of optimal sizing of and siting of distributed generation sources.
c) Briefly discuss the technical aspects of microgrids.
Q.3 a) Illustrate the need for Microgrid o (6)

b) Explain the concept of grid feeding. grid following and grid supporting power converters in (8)
AC microgrid
)Briefly explain the powerelectronic converter for the solar photovoltaic system

and Micro

one of them in detail,
Explain any
issues in microgrids.
a) List the protection
Q.4 standards for interconnecting
distributed energyTe
urces to ( ro

detail about the

b) Explain in
electric power systems.
the main grid
Microgrids integration in
issues due to
c) Classify power techni
discuss any one detection inique Dur

Microgrids. Briefly
techniques in
a) List the Islanding
Q.5 the Microgrid to
the utility supnl
I n s t r a

b) Discuss the technical aspects

structure and configuration of AC Microgrid.

the typical
c) Briefly discuss

a) Write the strategies microgrid
the microgrids.
b) Discuss various aspects of stability of
of the microgrid.
need of regulations in operation 6
C)What is a grid code? Ilustrate the
quality concerns in AC microgrid. 6
Q.7 a) Summarize power

modules and Inverter have been

b) For a 30 kWp SPV installation the following types of C-Si
250 W, Voc=37 V, Vm=30 V, Isc=9.6 A,
Im=8.33 A, B(voltage
used. Modules: Pmax =

temperature coefficient)=-0.36%/°C. Inverter:

maximum voltage=800 V. Describe thë possible
MPPT tracking voltage 350 V to 700 V,
solution. Assume: Ambient temperature
string design options and determine the optimum
can vary between 0°C (early morning) to
50°C (Peak sun). Assume the cell temperature is
20°C more than ambient during peak sun.

Draw and explain general scheme of microgrid control.


a) Briefly explain the need of storage systems for Microgrid Operation. Explain Battery (
Q.8 energy storage system.

bus voltage of 130V DC. A DC/IDC buck converter, which has

b) For a PV system with DC of 6 kHz is supplied by PV system DC
duty ratio of switch of 0.75 with switching frequency
is and
100uF battery system is assumed to act as
bus. If value of Inductor is 1,2 mH, capacitor of switch S and diode
ohms. Compute i) Output voltage 1) Rating
load resistance of 4.5
central controller in standalone and grid connected mode of operation of
c) Explain the role of


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