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Pages Lessons Content Grammar Vocabulary
8-12 1A. Do or Doing Vocabulary: Temporary Present Temporary and
and permanent actions continuous vs. permanent actions
Reading: Marta’s life simple present
Listening: Spanish classes
Writing and speaking:
13-18 1B. Smell and taste Vocabulary: Adjectives Stative verbs Adjectives for
capuccino for sense sense
Reading: The smell of .
Listening: Likes and
Speaking and writing:
Like and dislike

19-24 1C. Anything has Vocabulary: Life Present perfect- Life experiences
happened experiences affirmative-for-
Reading: Marco’s life since-already
Listening : For and since
Speaking: My life
Writing: Replying an
25-30 1D. Have you ever Vocabulary: Accidents Present perfect Accidents and
broken your leg? and injuries simple- negative injuries
Reading: Common and questions-yet-
injuries in teenagers and ever
young adults
Listening: Injuries and
Speaking: Asking and
answering questions
Writing: Writing

31-35 1E. Review Recalling topics unit 1

Pages Lessons Content Grammar Vocabulary
37-42 2A. I used to Vocabulary: Past habits Used to Past habits
smoke a lot! Reading: Bad Habits
Listening: What are your
bad habits?
Writing: Chito’s past
Speaking: Asking and
43-49 2B. Cartoons Vocabulary: Events and Past progressive Events and
Experiences experiences.
Reading: Cartoon
Listening: Risks
Speaking: Board game
Writing: Sara and Alberto

50-55 2C. Storytelling Vocabulary: when, while, Past simple vs. When, while, as,
as, as soon as past progressive as soon as
Reading: Becoming friend
Listening: Past continuous
Speaking: Picture
Writing: Story
56-60 2D. I cut myself! Vocabulary: Accidents Present perfect Accidents
Reading: Email- simple vs. simple
describing an accident past
Listening: Injuries and
Speaking: Asking and
answering questions
Writing: Writing an email

61-65 2E. Review Recalling topics unit 2

Pages Lessons Content Grammar Vocabulary
67-73 3A. My recipe Vocabulary: Cooking Quantifiers= Cooking verbs
verbs some, any, no,
Reading: Grilled Cheese much, many, a lot
Sandwich of, lots of, few,
Listening: Eating at home
Writing and speaking: My
74-78 3B. The man who Vocabulary: Prefixes Relative Nouns formation.
sold the world Reading: A noisy pronouns= who,
neighborhood which, that
Listening: Conversation
Speaking and Writing:
relatives clauses

79-84 3C. Advices Vocabulary: Personal Should- Personal

difficulties for young shouldn’t-ought to difficulties
Reading: Blog- Dear -
Listening : Conversations
Speaking and writing:
Giving advices
85-90 3D. Obligation and Vocabulary: University Modal verbs= University rules
prohibition rules must, mustn’t,
Reading: Prohibition and have to, don’t
obligations at universities have to
in Ecuador
Listening: Conversations
about obligation
Speaking: Talking about
Writing: Writing advices.

91-95 3E. Review Recalling topics unit 3

Pages Lessons Content Grammar Vocabulary
97-101 4A. They could od Vocabulary: Past abilities Could- couldn’t Past abilities
it better ! Reading: Abilities during
Listening: Sentences
Writing: Mark
Speaking: describing a
person I admire a lot
102-107 4B. Amazing Vocabulary: Inventions Past perfect Inventions
findings Reading: Most important affirmative
inventions for humans
Listening: Inventions
Speaking and writing:
what I had done before

108-114 4C. Great minds Vocabulary: Famous Past perfect- Famous inventors
inventors negative and
Reading: Hedy Lamarr question
Listening : Telephone
Speaking and Writing:
what had you done before
115-120 4D. Changing the Vocabulary: Inventors Past perfect vs. Inventor’s
world. biography simple past biography
Reading: Tomas Edison
Listening: Inventors and
Speaking and Writing: a
famous inventor

121-125 4E. Review Recalling topics unit 4

Pages Lessons Content Grammar Vocabulary
Vocabulary: regular and
irregular nouns
5A. Smart Reading: Juan’s future life Future simple Regular and
devices Listening: cellphone = will irregular nouns
Writing and speaking:
Vocabulary: technology
Reading: The Importance of
Technology in Education Technology
and Daily Life .
5B. Listening: technology Future tense
technology Speaking and writing: will- negative

Vocabulary: Life
Reading: The Benefits of
Artificial Intelligence in Our Simple future
5C. Artifical Lives tense-Will-
138-143 AI
intelligence Listening : Artificial interrogative
intelligence form
Speaking: asking and
answering questions
Writing: Replying an email
Vocabulary: abilities
Reading: James ability
5D. Listening: Software
144-149 Technological Speaking: Asking and Be able to Abilities
capabilities answering questions
Writing: Writing sentences

150-152 5E. Review Recalling topics unit 5



Students will be able to:

1. Use simple present and present continuous

to describe both permanent and temporary
2. Express their likes and dislikes using stative
3. Talk about their life experiences and past
events using the present perfect tense.
4. Ask and answer questions about personal


UNIT Lesson
1 1A


1. Look at the pictures and read them. Then, listen to the audio 1 and Tick the
actions you hear.

2. Classify the activities above into temporary actions and permanent actions.

Temporary actions Permanent actions

Permanent actions are often done for a long period of time.

Temporary actions are often done for a shorter period of time


Simple present refers to actions that happens regularly or habitually. These actions are fixed
habits or routines and they don’t change.
• I wake up at 7:00 AM every day.
• She doesn’t go to work on Mondays.
• Do they play tennis on weekends? No, they don’t
Present continuous refers to actions which are happening at the present moment, actions in
progress. but will soon finish.
• I am waking up right now.
• She isn’t going to work right now.
• Are they playing tennis right now? Yes, they are


3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use simple present
forms in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.

a) I ___________________ (go) to school every day.

b) She _________________ (not play) tennis on weekends.
c) They __________________ (like) to watch movies.
d) ___________________ (you speak) English?
e) What ________________ (he do) for a living?
f) Ivanna ________________ (like) to eat pizza.
g) They________________ (not play) soccer every day.
h) She ____________ (be) a doctor. She _____________ (work) in a beauty clinic.
i) Where __________ (we go) to the park on weekends.
j) _________________ (she hate) to watch TV?

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use present
continuous forms in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.

a) I __________________ (play) tennis right now.

b) She ________________ (not read) a book at the moment.
c) They ________________ (watch) TV.
d) __________________ (you study) English?
e) What _______________ (he do) now?
f) He _________________ (not listen) to music right now.
g) _________________ (they go) to the park now.
h) Where _______________ (you cook) dinner ?.
i) Ms. Simons ________________ (not play) cards.
j) Why _________________ (you visit) your friends at this moment.

5. Read the statements and fill in the gaps with the right tense between simple
present or present continuous. Use the verbs in parenthesis.

a) What__________ (you do) right now?

b) Sorry, you can't borrow my pencil. I__________ (use) it myself.
c) Jane: "What __________ (you do) in the evenings?"
Mary: "Usually I watch TV or read a book."
d) My parents always __________ (drink) green tea for breakfast, but I don't like it.
e) Sorry, Emiko can't come to the phone right now. She __________ (have) a bath.
f) He is very lazy. He never __________ (do) his homework.
g) Eveline __________ (speak) English now, but she usually speaks Dutch at
h) Please don't talk to me. I __________ (watch) TV!
i) My friend is very clever. She __________ (speak) our languages!
j) My brother usually __________ (ride) his bike to school, but today he came by


6. Listen to the audio 2 and fill in the gap with the name of the right person who is
describing the sentence.


Miko Rose Marie David Susan Maria Steve James

1. Is the girl we are listen to in the conversation.

2. Is not mentioned at all in the conversation.
3. Plays tennis with a mom.
4. Is very funny.
5. Is the boy we are listening to in the audio.
6. Wants to visit a country in South America.
7. Has a great accent.


7. Read the text and underline the simple present tenses sentences and highlight
present progressive tenses sentences.

Marta’s life

Marta Veloz is a 40-year-old woman from Mexico. She is married

and has two children. She lives in a house with her husband and
two children. Also, she has a dog named Max.

She lives in the USA and works as a doctor. Marta loves to travel.
She has visited Europe many times and she is always looking for
new places to visit. Now, she is planning to visit Paris next
summer. She loves this city.

Marta is also a very active person. She enjoys playing sports, such
as tennis and swimming. She also likes to go to the movies with
her friends. Marta is always learning new things. She is currently studying medicine
specialization and is always trying to learn new words. Also, She is a volunteer at the
local hospital. She is always looking for ways to help others.

Marta is a very happy person. She loves her life, and she is grateful for everything she
has. She is a good wife, a good mother, and a good doctor. She is an inspiration to
everyone who knows her.

8. Read the text and select the right option.

a. Where is Marta Veloz from?

Mexico The United States Canada Spain

b. What is Marta's profession?

Doctor Lawyer Teacher Nurse

c. What is Marta's favorite hobby?

Traveling Playing sports Reading Volunteering

d. What is Marta's favorite place to visit?

London Paris Rome New York City

e. What is Marta's goal for the future?

To become a specialist in medicine To travel the world To help others


8. Use the vocabulary and grammar section to write sentences about actions or
activities you do temporary and permanent. Write 5 of each one and use the right
grammatical tenses.

Temporary activities

Permanent activities

9. Prepare a presentation about your life. Use the vocabulary,
grammar and reading from this lesson to guide your speech. It
must be done in 1 minute in length. It has to be presented in
class and listeners need to ask questions regarding it using
simple present or present continuous interrogative forms.

UNIT Lesson
1 1B


1.Look at the adjectives for sense and the five senses. Then, guess which sense they
belong to

2.Look at the adjectives for sense and classify them according to the
sense they belong to. Then, check your answers with your classmates







Stative verbs
In English, there are two main types of verbs: stative verbs and dynamic verbs. Stative verbs
describe a state or condition, while dynamic verbs describe an action.
Stative verbs aren't usually used in the present continuous form.
Stative verbs are often used with adjectives and adverbs to describe a state or condition. For
"I am happy" "I am very happy." "The tea tastes sour."

Stative verbs often relate to:

➢ Thoughts and opinions: agree, believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, mean, recognize,
remember, suspect, think, understand.

➢ Feelings and emotions: dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish

➢ Senses and perceptions: appear, be, feel, hear, see, seem, smell, taste

➢ Possession and measurement: belong, have, measure, own, possess, weigh


3.Choose the right option to fill in the gap of the sentences.
a) Are you making bread? It _____ amazing.
Smells is smelling
b) I _____ they'll be here quite soon.
Imagine am imagining
c) I'm sorry, I _____.
Don’t understand am not understanding
d) Sam thinks it's a good idea, and Ben _____.
Agrees is agreeing
e) I _____ bad for him. I hope he recovers soon.
Feel am feeling
f) Do you know what I _____?
Mean am meaning

Verbs that are sometimes stative and dynamic

Some verbs can refer to states or actions, depending on the context.

I think it's a good idea. ~ state Stative verb

Wait a moment! I'm thinking. ~ action Dynamic verb

The first sentence expresses an opinion. It is a mental state, so we use present simple.
In the second example the speaker is actively processing thoughts about something.
It is an action in progress, so we use present continuous.

Other verbs are

have, see, taste, be, agree, appear, doubt, feel, guess, hear, imagine, look, measure,
remember, smell, weigh, wish.

Stative vs dynamic verbs
4.Read carefully the statement and choose between stative verb form (simple present) or
dynamic verb form (present continuous)

a) That can't be right. I _____ you!

don't believe am not believing
b) My holiday's next week. I _____ myself on the beach right now!
imagine am imagining
c) I changed the design slightly. What _____?
do you think are you thinking
d) She's not answering. _____ her phone with her?
Does she have Is she having
e) Fifty-three? Are you sure that's the answer, or _____?
do you guess are you guessing
f) The film's on at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Which _____?
do you prefer are you preferring
g) Where's Grandad? Oh, he _____ the flowers in the garden.
Smells is smelling
h) I don't know, but I _____ he'll win the election.
Doubt am doubting

5. Click on the link below and listen to Penelope and Roberto and fill in the spaces with
the right word.

Adventurous Brother Pop History Classical Pop Horror Romantic

➢ Roberto is Penelope’s (1)_____________.

➢ Penelope loves listening (2)__________ music, Roberto
hates (3)_______music.
➢ He likes (4)_______________music
➢ She likes reading (5) _______________ books he likes
(6)_______________ books
➢ She doesn’t like (7)___________________ movies but
he likes it.
➢ Penelope loves windsurfing but Robert (8)____________ swimming.
➢ Penelope likes (9)__________________ films


6. Read the text carefully and choose the option that suits better the blank spaces.

The Smell of Adventure

A teenager named Max closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. The smell of the forest
is strong, and he can (1) _____________ the pine needles on his tongue. The sound of the
birds chirping in the trees is soothing, and he can (2) ____________ the warm sun on his
face. He opens his eyes and looks around. The trees are tall and green, and the sun is
shining through the leaves. It is a 3) ______________ sight.

Max takes a step forward and feels the soft ground beneath his feet. He walks deeper into
the forest, and the smell of the pine needles is (4) ___________. He hears the sound of
the wind rustling through the leaves, and he feels the sun (5) ___________ his skin. He
is smiling. He is happy to be in the forest.

Max is walking for a while, and soon he finds a clearing. In the middle of the clearing,
there is a large tree. Max walks up to the tree and touches it. The bark is rough, but it feels
(6)______________ to the touch.

Max closes his eyes, he can hear the sound of the wind in the leaves, and he (7)
____________ the pine needles. He feels (8) _______________.

Max opens his eyes and looks around. The sun is setting, and the sky is ablaze with color.
It is a (9) ______________sight. Max takes a deep breath and smiles a lot. He thinks life
is (10) __________________.

1 a) taste b) smell c) hear d) see

2 a) feel b) see c) hear d) taste
3 a) beautiful b) terrible c) boring d) sad
4 a) sour b) sweet c) weak d) strong
5 a) tickling b) cooling c) warming d) hurting
6 a) hard b) good c) soft d) bad
7 a) hears b) sees c) smells d) tastes
8 a) excited b) sad c) anxious d) at peace
9 a) boring b) terrible c) sad d) beautiful
10 a) wonderful b) terrible c) boring d) sad


7. Write about things you like and dislike. Use picture to show it, If it is possible. Make
at least 10 likes and 10 dislikes.


8. Work in pairs. Use the pictures, vocabulary and grammar section to describe things
and actions you like and dislike.


I dislike salty
I like salty salad.
food. I like fruits
What about you?

UNIT Lesson
1 1C


1. Look at the pictures. Label the pictures with one item from the word bank,
then check your answers with the whole class.

a. Eat at a fancy restaurant d. ride a roller coaster g. be a volunteer

b. Climb a mountain e. try an extreme sport h. get lost
c. go camping f. go whale-watching i. attend a music festival


Present perfect
The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb.

The affirmative form of the present perfect tense is made with the following structure:

Subject + have/has + past participle

I have eaten lasagna. She has worked alone there.

We use the present perfect:

1. for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

• She has lived in Liverpool all her life.

2. when we are talking about our experience up to the present:

• I have seen that film before.

We can use the words "for" and "since" with the present perfect tense to talk about how long an action has
been going on. For example:

• I have lived in this house for 10 years.

• I have been working here since last month.

We can also use the word "already" with the present perfect tense to talk about something that has
happened before a certain time. For example:

• I have already eaten.

• She has already finished her homework

Never is used with the present perfect tense to talk about things that you have not done at any time in your
life. For example:
• I have never been to the doctor
• She has never talked to me.


1. Fill the gaps with affirmative present perfect form. Use the verbs in parenthesis.

a) Susan ___________________ at a fancy restaurant twice this month. (eat)

b) We _____________________a roller coaster at least once a year. (ride)
c) I __________________ a volunteer at the local animal shelter for 5 years. (be)
d) We _________________a mountain together last summer. ( climb)
e) Susan and Marco_______________ as volunteers at the soup kitchen for a few
months. (work)

f) We ___________different extreme foods, like scorpion lollipops and chicken
feet. (try)
g) Those students _______________lost a few times while hiking. (get)
h) We ________ camping every summer since we were kids. (go)
i) We ________________several music festivals over the years. (attend)

3. Read the statements and order them carefully. Use the present perfect forms
of the verbs.

a) Learn/ I/ English/ five/ for/months/.

b) Already/travel/I/to/Europe/.
c) Marco/ married/ Sue/ and/ for/ three/be/months/.
d) Graduate/already/college/she/from.
e) Study/she/since/bar exam/the/for/last year/.
f) Business/They/their/start/already/own/.
g) Live/ apartment/ We/ this/in/twenty/years/for/.
h) I/work/./ here/I/ graduated/college/from/since
i) They/ drive/ car/ a/ never/.


4.Listen to the audio 4 and fill in the blank spaces with the word you hear.
a) I have worked in this bank for b) I’ve been working in this bank since
______________. march 2020.
a) I have been waited her since
2 b) I have been waited for ____________
a) We have been married for 15
3 b) We have been married since_________
a) I have been doing this puzzle b) I have been doing this puzzle for a long
since ____________ time
a) I have been waiting for over b) I have been waiting for my food since
_______ minutes noon.
a) I have been sick since
6 b) I have been sick for 5 days
a) I have been doing my
b) I have been doing my homework since 6
7 homework for
a) You have been talking on the b) You have been talking on the phone
phone for far too long since_________________________.


Marco’s life experience

Marco is a 20-year-old university student from

Ecuador. He has lived in the United States for the past
5 years, and he is currently studying computer science.
Marco is a hard worker, and he is passionate about his
studies. He is also a talented musician, and he enjoys
playing the guitar and singing.

Marco has had many life experiences in his short life.

He has traveled to many different countries, and he has
met people from all over the world. He has also learned
to speak English fluently. Marco is a well-rounded
man, and he is always looking for new experiences.

One of Marco's most memorable life experiences was

when he traveled to the Galapagos Islands. He was
amazed by the beauty of the islands, and he was
fascinated by the unique wildlife. He also learned a lot about the history of the islands,
and he came away with a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

Another memorable life experience for Marco was when he volunteered at a local soup
kitchen. He was able to help people in need, and he learned a lot about the challenges that
people face. He also made some new friends, and he came away with a greater sense of

Marco is still young, but he has already lived a full and meaningful life. He is excited to
see what the future holds, and he is confident that he will continue to have many more
amazing experiences.

5.Read the text about Marco’s life experience and choose the best option for each

1. Where is Marco from?

A. Ecuador
B. United States
C. Galapagos Islands
D. Soup kitchen

2. What is Marco studying?

A. Computer science
B. Music
C. English
D. History

3. What is one of Marco's most memorable life experiences?
A. Traveling to the Galapagos Islands
B. Volunteering at a local soup kitchen
C. Learning to speak English fluently
D. Meeting people from all over the world

4. What is one of the challenges that Marco learned about while volunteering at the soup
A. The importance of helping people in need
B. The challenges that people face
C. The importance of making new friends
D. The importance of learning about different cultures

5. What is one of the emotions that Marco feels about the future?
A. Hopeful
B. Optimistic
C. Satisfied
D. All of the above


6. Work in pairs. Use the prompts to take turns and share with your
classmates some of your life experiences. Use present perfect forms
with already, never, for or since.

Learn English at Cenid Have English classes virtually.

Study at UTB
Have breakfast Live in my house Be a university student

Know my best friend Have a pet Do my internship

Attend this class Do homework Exercise
Buy a snack Get lost Go camping
Eat at a fancy Climb a mountain Ride a roller coaster
Try an extreme sport Go whale watching Be a volunteer


7.Read the email carefully, Then, write back an email to Sandy, Use present perfect

Dear Roberto,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to you today to share my
recent life experience at university.

Last week, I had the opportunity to participate in a service-learning

project with my classmates. I have never done it before. We
volunteered at a local soup kitchen, where we served food to the
homeless and needy. It has been a truly eye-opening experience, and
it made me realize how fortunate I have been my whole life.
People at the soup kitchen were all so grateful for our help, and it
made me feel good to give back to my community.

I would love to hear about your life experiences at UTB University.

What has been your most incredible life experience there? Write back

Yours Sandy,

UNIT Lesson
1 1D


1. Look at the pictures and match them with the word bank. Then, check with
your classmates and teacher.

Break leg Be bitten Sprain ankle Tear a muscle

Bruise Dislocate shoulder Cut finger Burn hand

2.Say the verbs in exercise 1 and change them into past and past participle forms.
Infinitive form Past simple Past participle


Present perfect

The present perfect tense is used to talk about actions that have happened in the past but have a
connection to the present. For example, you can use the present perfect to talk about something that
happened recently, something that has happened for a period of time, or something that has happened

The negative form of the present perfect is formed with the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" and the
negative word "not." For example:
• I have not eaten yet.
• She has never been to France.
• We haven't finished our homework.
• Sara has not done her homework.
• Peter hasn't chosen her dress.

The interrogative form of the present perfect is formed with the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" in
front of the subject, followed by the main verb in the past participle form. For example:
• Have you ever been to China?
• Has he finished his work yet?
• Have they seen the new movie?

The words "yet" and "ever" can be used with the present perfect to add more meaning to the

➢ "Yet" is used to express that something has not happened yet, but it is expected to happen in
the near future. For example:
• I haven't finished my homework yet, but I will soon.
• Have you met my new friend yet?

➢ "Ever" is used to ask about whether something has ever happened before. For example:
• Have you ever been to Europe?
• Has she ever won an award?

3.Fill in the blanks with the interrogative form of the verbs in parenthesis.
a) __________________ you ever __________________ to the beach? (be)
b) _______________ he _______________________his homework yet? (finish)
c) ______________they _______________________ the new movie? (see)
d) Where ______________you ____________________ all day? (be)
e) Why __________________she ___________________ me back yet? (not call)
f) What ________________you ______________________ lately? (do)
g) How much money ______________ you ____________________ up? (save)
h) ________________ you ____________________my new friend yet? (meet)
i) ________________you ever ____________________ sushi? (try)
j) What _______________ you ___________________ in school today? (learn)

4. Order the words and form questions using present perfect.

o (be/you/ever/China/to/?)
o (you/homework/your/yet/finish/?)
o (win/she/ever/ award/an/?)
o (see/you/ever/ghost/a/?)
o (skydiving/ you/ try/ ever/?)
o (you/ever/read/language/ a/foreign/ book/in/?)
o (you/hear/about/latest/the/ yet/news/?)
o (save/up/ you/ money/vacation/for/a/?/yet)


Common injuries in teenagers and young adults

Teenagers and young adults are at an increased risk of injuries due to a number of
factors, including their physical development, risk-
taking behaviors, and participation in sports and
other activities. Some of the most common injuries in
this age group include:
Sports injuries: Sports injuries are a major cause of
injury in teenagers and young adults. Common sports
injuries include:
• Ankle sprains: Ankle sprains are the most
common sports injury, and they can occur in
any sport that involves sudden changes in
direction or landing from a jump.
• Concussions: Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury that can occur
from a blow to the head or body. Concussions can cause a variety of symptoms,
including headache, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.
• Muscle strains: Muscle strains are tears in the muscle fibers. They can occur in
any muscle, but they are most common in the legs, back, and shoulders.
Overuse injuries: Overuse injuries are injuries that occur from repetitive use of a
muscle or joint. Common overuse injuries in teenagers and young adults include:
• Runner's knee: Runner's knee is an inflammation of the kneecap tendon. It is
common in runners, but it can also occur in other sports that involve repetitive
use of the knee, such as basketball and soccer.

• Shin splints: Shin splints are pain in the front of the shins. They are common in
runners, but they can also occur in other sports that involve repetitive use of the
shins, such as basketball and soccer.
• Motor vehicle accidents: Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of injury
and death in teenagers and young adults. Teenagers are more likely to be
involved in motor vehicle accidents than adults, and they are more likely to be
injured or killed in an accident.
• Falls: Falls are another leading cause of injury in teenagers and young adults.
Falls can occur at home, school, or in sports. Falls can cause a variety of
injuries, including head injuries, fractures, and sprains.
It is important for teenagers and young adults to take steps to prevent injuries. Some tips
for injury prevention include:
• Warming up before physical activity. Warming up helps to prepare your body
for activity and can reduce the risk of injury.
• Using proper safety equipment. This includes wearing a helmet when riding a
bike, a seatbelt when driving, and protective gear when playing sports.
• Not taking unnecessary risks. This includes avoiding risky behaviors, such as
drinking and driving or riding a bike without a helmet.

5. Read the text above and select the best option for each question.

1.Which of the following is NOT a common sports injury?

a) Ankle sprain
b) Concussion
c) Asthma
d) Muscle strain

2.Which of the following is a type of overuse injury?

a) Ankle sprain
b) Concussion
c) Muscle strain
d) Runner's knee

3.Which of the following is a leading cause of injury and death in teenagers and young
a) Ankle sprain
b) Concussion
c) Motor vehicle accident
d) Falls

4.Which of the following is a tip for injury prevention?

a) Warming up before physical activity
b) Wearing a helmet when riding a bike
c) Not taking unnecessary risks
d) All of the above

5.Which of the following is NOT a symptom of a concussion?
a) Headache
b) Dizziness
c) Nausea
d) Fatigue


6. Listen to the audio 5 and fill in the gaps with words from the word bank.

Injuries and accidents

Head on / Accidents / Dangerous / Unbelievable / Looking for /
Traffic accidents / Work-related / Thumb

I wonder how many (1) ________________I have had in

my life. I have had a few serious ones where I have
ended up in hospital. (2) ___________________are the
worst. They’re always painful. I haven’t had too many
(3) __________________ accidents. I suppose that’s
because I do office work and that’s not so (4)
__________. Most of my accidents are those around the
house. I have lost count of the number of times I have hit
(5) ______________with a hammer. I’m also really
good at standing up and hitting my (6)
_________________ something. I’m not as bad as my
friend though. He’s a real accident (7) _____________somewhere to happen. Almost
every time we meet, he has some story to tell about his latest accident. He’s quite
(8)________________. I think I’d be very worried if I were his mother.


7. Read the questions below and answer them in a full way. Try to include extra

a) Have you finished your English lesson yet?


b) Has your sister or brother graduated from school?


c) Have you ever been bitten by a dog?



8. Work in pairs. Use the prompts to take turns and ask and answer questions related to
your life experience. Use present perfect forms with yet or ever.

Break your leg Burn your hand Have English classes virtually.

Have breakfast Have a bruise on your Dislocate your shoulder

Tear a muscle Sprain ankle Do my internship
Be bitten by a bee Do homework Exercise
Buy a snack Get lost Go camping
Eat at a fancy Climb a mountain Ride a horse
Try an extreme sport Go whale watching Cut your finger

UNIT Lesson
1 1E


Cross out the word that do not belong to the group
Eat a new
Work on a project Go to the movies Learn a new word Live in a city
Taste Smell Smooth Sight Touch
Be a citizen Own a house Have a pet Go to dance Study a career
Try an extreme
Study Go camping Get lost Be a volunteer
Sweet Blurry Dim Glossy Dark
Get a hair cut Be bitten Sprain ankle Burn hand Break leg


2. Read the text and classify the sentences into simple present and present

"I am an English teacher in a big city. I work on a project every day to help my students learn English. I
am learning a new word every week to improve my vocabulary. I live in a city, so I get to experience a
lot of different cultures and foods. I love to go to the movies and try new restaurants. I am going to the
movies tonight to see a new superhero movie. I am excited to see it!

One of my students, Maria, is from a small town. She is not used to living in a city. She is still learning
how to get around. She got lost last week while she was trying to go to the grocery store. She was
scared, but she was able to find her way back home.

Another student, Juan, is a volunteer at the local animal shelter. He loves animals and he wants to help
them find homes. He is always taking care of the animals at the shelter. He is getting a haircut tomorrow
so he can look his best for his volunteer shift.

I am proud of my students. They are all working hard to learn English and to become citizens of this
country. I am excited to see at they will accomplish in the future.

Simple present Present continuous

3.Read the text again and indicate if the sentences are TRUE or

a) The author is an English teacher in a big city. __________

b) The author is learning a new word every week. _________
c) The author is not learning a new word every day. _______
d) The author does not live in a small town. ________
e) The author lives in a city. ________
f) The author loves to go to the movies and try new restaurants. _______
g) The author is not going to the movies tomorrow. __________
h) The author is going to the movies tonight to see a new superhero movie. _____
i) One of the author's students is from a small town. _______
j) The author's student Maria got lost last week while she was trying to go to the
grocery store. _______
k) The author's student Juan is not getting a haircut tomorrow. _________
l) The author's student Juan is a volunteer at the local animal shelter. ________
m) The author's student Maria is not scared of the city. _________
n) The author is proud of his students. ________
o) The author's student Juan does not love animals. __________


4.Listen to the audio from Randall ESL Lab, click on this link https://www.esl- and choose the right option.

a. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?

• He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.
• He walks with a group of friends.
• He takes a school bus every morning.

b. Which item did Joshua NOT take to school?

• a school hat
• a backpack
• gym clothes gym

c. What does Josh do first when he gets to school?

• He practices his reading and writing.
• He puts on his gym clothes for class.
• He stands and bows to the teacher.

d. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?

• in his classroom
• in the lunchroom
• in the gymnasium

e. Joshua probably gets home from school between _____.

• 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.
• 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.
• 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.


5. Read the prompt and complete the sentences using present simple or present

a) (you/come) tonight?
b) (he/eat) rice every day?
c) (They/work) at the moment.

d) (he/come) to London often?
e) (I/play) tennis now.
f) (you/come) to the cinema later?
g) (Sandy/not/come) to the party tomorrow.
h) (We/not/play) golf now.
i) (you/play) tennis this Sunday?
j) (Sarah/go) to a restaurant every Saturday.
k) (He/not/go) to the cinema very often.
l) You usually (arrive) late.
m) (you/study) every night?
n) (she/work) at the moment?
o) (I /not/drink) coffee very often.
p) (Sarah/sleep) now.

6. Read the prompt and complete the sentences using present perfect

a) Who/buy the newspaper ?

b) he/meet your family yet ?
c) My parents/not eat dinner yet.
d) she/drink her glass of water ?
e) you/ever miss the bus ?
f) She/decide where to go on holidays.
g) he/not finish his homework.

h) Where/you park the car ?
i) The man/ close the door.
j) Why/ the police arrest that boy ?

7. Use the prompts to make sentences with present perfect.

a. (they/never/ do/ the homework)

b. (he/go/already/to/ Sidney)
c. (Sara/never/ eat/ sushi)
d. (we/study/already/ that lesson)
e. (Peter/never/ride/a bike)
f. (we/wash/never/the jeans)

8. Label the words with for or since

• Last Sunday.
• Ten years.
• 2019.
• He was seven.
• Many hours.
• Christmas.

SINCE • Eight o'clock.

• A long time
• A week



Students will be able to:

1. Describe their own and others' past habits using
"used to."
2. Narrate events and experiences in the past using
the past progressive tense.
3. Use "when," "while," "as," and "as soon as" to
indicate the sequence of events in stories and
4. Use the past simple tense to describe accidents and
specific events that happened in the past

UNIT Lesson
2 2A


1. Look at the pictures and label them with the right word from the word box.

Drink enough water, Eat late at night, Chew my nails, Eat healthy

Tap fingers, Chew on my pencil, Do exercise, Snore, Smoke


Used to + infinitive':
We use this expression to talk about habits or repeated actions in the past which we don't do in
the present. We also use it to talk about states in the past which are no longer true.
• I used to have long hair (but now I have short hair).
• He used to smoke (but now he doesn't smoke).
• They used to live in India (but now they live in Germany).
In negative and question use the auxiliary DIDN'T (DID NOT) and DID.
• Did you use to be a teacher? Yes, I did.
• Did he use to study French? No, he didn't
• She didn't use to like chocolate, but she does now.
• I didn't use to want to have a nice house.


2. Use the prompts to order and make sentences using the correct form of USED

a) She / late /eat /night / at/

b) Nails /we /not /chew /our
c) Drink / water / enough / you/?
d) He / where / fingers / tap / ? / his
e) Family / exercise / my / do / ? / you
f) Chew / pencil / her / on / she / when / at school / she
g) I / not / snore / at / night
h) Dance / she / not / ballet / classmates / her / with

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of USED TO. Use the verbs in parentheses.

a) What music _____________ when you were a child? (you/like)

b) I _________________ to music when I was a child. (not listen)
c) We _________________ to the cinema at weekends. (go)
d) They ________________in the country, but now they live in the city. (live)
e) I ______________ the cake you made me last week. (not eat)
f) _______________long hair when you were younger? (you, have)
g) She ______________ very tall when she was in school. (be)
h) I ______________ to bed very late on Fridays and Saturdays. (go)
i) Robert ______________ the guitar in a jazz band. (play )
j) I ____________ my right arm in a skiing accident when I was 21. (break)


4.Listen to the audio 6 and fill in the gap with the verbs from the word box

Need – Break – Agrees – Get - Point Out - Enjoy – Stop – Talk - Don’t Think

What are your bad habits?

I think everyone has bad habits. Not everyone (1)________on what bad habits are. Some smokers
(2)_________smoking is a bad habit.
Young people don’t think listening to loud music on the train is a bad habit. In Japan, slurping
your noodles is a sign that you (3)__________your food, but making a noise while eating in
England is not good.
Have you ever tried to (4)_______your bad habits? I have quit smoking and have stopped leaving
things laying around the house.
I wish other people would (5)_________their bad habits. I (6)_________ annoyed when people
are late for meetings or (7)___________loudly on their phones in public. I also think many
motorists (8)_________ to think about their driving habits. Perhaps I should (9)__________their
bad habits.


5. Read the text and underline the sentences using USED TO.


Mark used to be a drug addict. He used to smoke marijuana every day, and he used to use
cocaine and other drugs on occasion. He used to get high to escape from his problems,
but it only made things worse. He lost his job, his friends, and his family. He even ended
up homeless.

One day, Mark decided that he has had enough. He went to rehab and got clean. It wasn't
easy, but he was determined to change his life. He used to wake up in the morning feeling
sick and tired, but now he wakes up feeling refreshed and motivated. He used to be broke
and hopeless, but now he has a job and a place to live. He used to be isolated and alone,
but now he has a strong support system of friends and family.

Mark is an inspiration to everyone who knows him. He is proof that it is possible to

overcome addiction and build a better life. He used to be a drug addict, but now he is a
survivor. He is an example of what can be achieved when you never give up on yourself.

I hope this story inspires you to overcome your own challenges. If you are struggling with
addiction, there is help available. Please reach out to a trusted friend or family member,
or contact a professional for help. You are not alone, and you can overcome this.

6. Read the text and select the right option for each question.

a. What drug did Mark use every day?

A. Marijuana
B. Cocaine
C. Heroin
D. Methamphetamine

b. Why did Mark use drugs?
A. To escape from his problems
B. To have fun
C. To feel more confident
D. To lose weight

c. What happened to Mark because of his drug use?

A. He lost his job, his friends, and his family.
B. He got into a lot of trouble with the law.
C. He ended up homeless.
D. All of the above.

d. What did Mark do to overcome his addiction?

A. He went to rehab.
B. He joined a support group.
C. He got counseling.
D. All of the above.

e. How does Mark feel now that he is sober?

A. He feels sick and tired.
B. He feels broke and hopeless.
C. He feels refreshed and motivated.
D. He feels isolated and alone.

f. What is Mark an inspiration to?

A. Everyone who knows him.
B. People who are struggling with addiction.
C. People who have overcome addiction.
D. All of the above.


7.Look at Chito Veras’s description before and now. Use the information in the bubble
box to write about him, you have to use simple present and used to with infinitive.



8.Ask and answer the questions. The answers must be full answered.

Questions My answers My classmate

What tv programs did

you use to watch, when
you were a child?

Did you use to cry a lot

when you were a child

What food did you use to

eat when you were 10
years old?

What sports did you used

to play when you were at

UNIT Lesson
2 2B


1.Look at the pictures and label with its right name.

Fall in love / Help others / lose a loved one / have a baby/ get married
learn a new skill/ move to a new place / take risk/ get divorced


Past progressive
The past progressive tense is used to describe an action that was in progress at a specific time in the
past. It is formed by using the past tense of the verb "to be" (was or were) plus the present participle
of the main verb (verb+ing).
• I was reading a book.
• They were playing.
• She was sleeping
The past progressive tense can also be used to describe two actions that were happening at the same
time in the past. In this case, we use the conjunction "while."
• I was washing the dishes while my mom was cooking dinner.
• The children were playing in the park while the adults were talking.
The past progressive tense is not used to describe actions that were completed in the past. For this,
we use the simple past tense.


2.Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs in parenthesis. Use the past
progressive form.

a. Peter ________________ the dust from the sofa. (blow)

b. Carla ________________ her own plaster in the hospital. (break)
c. My father_____________________ down the tree last night. (cut)
d. The police officer __________________ with the shopkeeper yesterday.
e. My parents _______________________something from us. (not/ hide)
f. ___________________________ the bill to the delivery boy. ( Sam/ pay )
g. They _______________on the roller coaster for a ride. (sit)
h. James ________________behind your back. ( not/ stand)
i. My mom _________________in her bedroom. (sleep)
j. His feet ________________so much during the accident. (bleed)
k. I __________________ a magazine when the phone rang. (read)
l. They _______________ volleyball when it started to rain. (not/ play)
m. __________________ when the alarm went off. (she/ sleep)

3. Use the pictures to write five past progressive statements.


4. Listen to the audio 7 and fill in the gap with the verbs from the word box

Vase - Profile - Road- Decisions – Thing – Deadly – Signal - Taker

Risk is an interesting (1) ___________. It is a part of many of our (2)__________ each

day. We rarely think about risk, but all of us weigh up risks before we do something.
Some risks are simple, but potentially (3) ___________. Do I run across the (4)
____________now or wait for the green (5) ___________? Is it OK to eat this old fish?
Other risks are more obvious, like when we invest money. The person in the bank even
tells you about the risks and makes a risk (6) __________of you. One financial manager
told me I was a cautious risk (7) __________, and then I invested in high-risk products.
We can also take risks with our family and friends. Do you risk telling your mother you
just broke her precious (8) __________, or do you keep it a secret? Yes, risk is
everywhere. It’s a part of life.


A cartoon is a single drawing or series of

drawings that makes a point or tells a joke or
story about such subjects as human activities and
habits, political and historical events, fads,
fashions, and sports. Cartoons can be humorous
or serious, and they can be used to inform,
educate, or entertain.

Cartooning is a visual art form that uses

exaggeration, simplification, and distortion to
create an image that is both humorous and
thought-provoking. Cartoonists use a variety of
techniques to achieve their desired effect,
including line, shape, color, and text. Cartooning
has a long and rich history, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. However, it was not
until the 19th century that cartoons became a popular form of mass communication. The
invention of the printing press made it possible to mass-produce cartoons, and the rise of
newspapers and magazines created a new outlet for cartoonists to share their work.

Today, cartoons are a ubiquitous part of our culture. They can be found in newspapers,
magazines, books, on television, and on the internet. Cartoons are enjoyed by people of

all ages, and they continue to be a powerful tool for communication and social
commentary. They are a versatile and powerful form of communication. They can be used
to inform, educate, entertain, and make social commentary. They continue to be a popular
form of art and entertainment, and they are sure to continue to be enjoyed by people of
all ages for many years to come.

5. Read the text and select the best option for each question.

A. What is a cartoon?
a) A single drawing or series of drawings that makes a point or tells a joke or
b) A painting that is not realistic.
c) A drawing that is used to illustrate a book or magazine.
d) A drawing that is used to make a political statement.

B. What is a cartoon primarily used for?

a) Selling products
b) Teaching history
c) Creating fine art
d) Communicating ideas and stories

C. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of cartooning?

a) Informing
b) Exaggerating
c) Entertaining
d) Provoking thought

D. What artistic techniques do cartoonists use to create humorous images?

a) Realism and accuracy
b) Complexity and intricacy
c) Exaggeration and simplification
d) Emphasis on fine details

E. When did cartoons become a popular form of mass communication?

a) Ancient Egyptian times
b) 19th century
c) Middle Ages
d) 20th century

F. Where can cartoons be found in modern culture?

a) Only in art galleries
b) On television shows exclusively
c) In newspapers, magazines, books, TV, and internet
d) Solely in history textbooks


6.Use the cartoon and write what each character says in the speaking bubbles.
Remember to use past progressive mainly, and the topic for the conversation is free.

Sara and Alberto


7. Work in pairs. Use the board game to ask and answer questions using past
progressive form.

UNIT Lesson
2 2C


1.Look at the pictures and label the pictures with the right statement from the box.

2.Based on the exercise above, fill in the spaces with when, while, as, as soon as

Conjunctions Meaning
Two actions happening at the same time
Immediately after
Specific point in time.
Specific point in time when something happened.



The past simple and the past progressive are both English tenses that are used to talk about past actions.
However, they have different uses.
➢ The past simple is used to talk about actions that happened and were completed in the past. It is
used for single actions, events, and completed actions. For example:
• I went to the store yesterday.
• She ate her lunch at noon.
• The train arrived on time.
➢ The past progressive is used to talk about actions that were in progress at a specific time in the
past. It is used for actions that were happening over a period of time, actions that were
interrupted, and actions that were happening simultaneously. For example:
• I was reading a book when you called.
• She was sleeping when the alarm went off.
• The children were playing in the park when it started to rain.

Tips for using the past simple and the past progressive:
• The past simple is usually used with adverbs of time that indicate a specific point in time, such
as yesterday, last week, at noon, and on Sunday.
• The past progressive is usually used with adverbs of time that indicate a period of time, such as
while, when, and for.
• The past progressive can also be used with adverbs of frequency, such as always, constantly, and
forever, to describe repeated actions that were annoying or irritating.


3.Fill in the blanks with simple past or past progressive form of the verbs in parenthesis.

a. We ____________(sit) at the breakfast table when the doorbell _____________

b. He ________________ (met) a lot of friendly people while he _________(visit)
in California.
c. When they _______________ (leave) the museum, the sun ___________(shine).
d. The students _____________(play) cards when the teacher ___________(come)
e. While the children _____________(sleep), their parents ___________(watch)
f. It __________________(start) to rain while she_____________(water) the
flowers in her garden.
g. When I ________________(open) the door, it _______________(rain)
h. While Henry ________________(have) a drink at the bar, his wife

_______________(swim) in the sea.
i. He ______________(hear) a loud bang while he _______________(talk) to his
j. While he ____________(take) a shower, his dogs ______________(eat) his


6. Listen to the audio 8 and fill in the blank spaces with the words you hear.

1. I ________ ________ this morning.

2. What ________ you ________ when I called you?
3. Bill heard about the report as he ________ ________ to the radio.
4. Who ________ ________ all that noise last night?
5. The machines ________ ________ properly.
6. Joe and Lisa ________ ________ in New York in the 1980s.
7. The driver ________ ________ a good job, so he was fired.
8. A security guard ________ ________ us while we were in the store.
9. A woman tripped as she ________ ________ onto the bus.
10. The accident was caused by a man who ________ ________ while he ________
________ .


4.Read the text below and fill in the blanks with the most suitable words from the box.

Becoming friends

I was walking home from school when I saw a group of children (1)___________ in the
park. They were laughing and running around, and it looked like they were having a lot
of fun. I stopped to watch them for a moment, and then I decided to join in.

We played tag and hide-and-seek, and we had a lot of (2) __________. As we were
playing, I noticed a little girl sitting (3) __________ on a bench. She was watching us
play, but she didn't seem to be having any fun. I went over to her and asked her if she
wanted to (4) __________with us. She hesitated at first, but then she (5)
_______________. We played for a while, and she started to (6) ______________ and
laugh. I could tell that she was (7) _____________ the moment.

After, it started to get dark. We all went 8)_____________, but I couldn't stop thinking
about the little girl. I wondered why she was sitting on the bench 9)_______________,
and why she didn't seem to have any friends. The next day, I went back to the park at the
10) ______________. I hoped to see the little girl again, and I was glad when I saw her
sitting on the bench. I went over to her and said hello.

We talked for a while, and I learned that her name was Sarah. She told me that she had
just moved to town, and that she didn't know anyone yet. I told her that I would be her
friend, and we started playing together every day. Sarah and I became best friends. We
played together all the time, and we always had a lot of fun. I'm so glad that I stopped to
watch her play in the park that day. It was the best decision I ever made.

Choose the right option

1 Playing Drawing Went Walked

2 Funs Games Friends Laughs
3 Herself Alone With Friends With Her Mom
4 Help Talk To Play Join In
5 Said Yes Said No Said Maybe Said Later
6 Cry Smile Look Sad Frown
7 Feeling Bored Enjoying Feeling Sad Confused
8 Home To The Park To The Store To The Library
9 With Her Siblings Alone With Friends With Her Mom
10 Earlier In The Day Same Time Different Time Later In The Day


7. Use the pictures to create a story, use the conjunctions When, while, as, as soon
as, with the simple past and past progressive forms.

Juanito’s experience


6.Work in pairs. Use the pictures to describe the situations. It needs to use conjunctions
as soon as, as, when, while with simple past and past progressive.

UNIT Lesson
2 2D


1. Use the bold words in the accident description section and the accident vocabulary
to name the following pictures.


Present perfect vs. Simple past

The simple past and the present perfect are both English tenses that are used to talk about past actions.
However, they have different uses.

The simple past is used to talk about actions that happened and were completed in the past. It is used
for single actions, events, and completed actions. For example:

• I ate lunch yesterday.

• She went to the store last week.

The present perfect is used to talk about actions that started in the past and are still happening now,
or actions that have a connection to the present. It is used for actions that have been completed, but the
result is still relevant to the present. For example:

• I have eaten lunch already. (I am still full from lunch.)

• She has gone to the store three times this week. (She is still shopping.)

Tips for using the simple past and the present perfect:

➢ The simple past is usually used with adverbs of time that indicate a specific point in time, such
as yesterday, last week, at noon, and on Sunday.
➢ The present perfect is usually used with adverbs of time that indicate a period of time, such as
since, for, and already.
➢ The present perfect can also be used with adverbs of frequency, such as ever, never, and
always, to describe repeated actions that have happened in the past.

2. Fill in the blanks with the simple past or present perfect. Use the verbs in

a) My family and I __________ (visit) the museum last weekend.

b) He __________ (not start) his new job yet.
c) They __________ (travel) to Italy many times.
d) __________ (just / she/ finish) her homework?
e) We __________ (not see) that movie before.
f) Tom __________ (not eat) lunch today.
g) I __________ (read) that book three times.
h) She __________ (already / visit) the new art gallery.
i) They __________ (not watch) the latest episode of the show.
j) The teacher __________ (explain) the lesson two minutes ago.
k) Sarah __________ (visit) Paris last year.

l) They __________ (eat) lunch at the new restaurant.
m) I __________ (read) that book two weeks ago.
n) She __________ (not finish) her homework yet.
o) We __________ (watch) a movie last night.
p) He __________ (travel) to Spain last summer.
q) The train __________ (leave) five minutes ago.
r) They __________ (buy) a new car last month.
s) I __________ (already / have) breakfast this morning.
t) She __________ (just / arrive) at the airport.


3. Listen to the audio 9 and choose the right option for each statement.
a. Helen says ____________was injured. d. The motorbike ____________on the road
➢ She ➢ slid
➢ Her sister ➢ was hit
➢ No one ➢ broke down
e. Matthew ___________and broke his arm.
b. Amir hit _________________
➢ Some children ➢ Was hit by a car
➢ Crashed into a pedestrian
➢ A house
➢ Hit another bicycle
➢ A car
f. Shalini __________because of her accident
c. Lindsay says she _____________ ➢ went to hospital
➢ Made a mistake ➢ had to pay money
➢ Was not a fault ➢ went to traffic court
➢ Ran from the police


Dear Susan,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to tell you about a car accident that happened near my house
yesterday. I was walking home from school when I saw it. A car was speeding down the street and it didn't
stop at the red light. It hit another car that was turning left.
The car that was turning left was totaled. The driver of the speeding car was not hurt, he just had some
scratched, but the driver of the other car was taken to the hospital, he has major injuries. I'm so shaken up
by what I saw. I have never seen a car accident before. I'm glad that I'm okay, but I'm worried about the
people who were hurt. I hope they're okay.
I have been thinking a lot about road safety since the accident. I think it's important to be a safe driver.
Always obey the speed limit and stop at red lights. Be careful when you're turning left, and never drink
and drive.
I hope you're staying safe. Please write back soon and tell me how you're doing.


4.Read the email above and select the best option for each question

a. Where did the car accident happen?

a) At Diego's house.
b) Near Diego's house.
c) At school.
d) On the way to school.

b. What was the driver of the speeding car doing?

a) He was obeying the speed limit.
b) He was speeding.
c) He was turning left.
d) He was drinking and driving.

c. What happened to the car that was turning left?

a) It was totaled.
b) It was scratched.
c) It was not damaged.
d) It was taken to the hospital.

d. How did the driver of the speeding car feel?

a) He was hurt.
b) He was not hurt.
c) He was shaken up.
d) He was worried.

e. What did Diego think about the accident?

a) He was glad that he was okay.
b) He was worried about the people who were hurt.
c) He thought it was exciting.
d) He thought it was a normal occurrence.


5.Use the writing model on previous exercise 4 and write an email to your best friend,
in which you describe an accident. Use the simple past and present perfect mainly. It
needs to be done in 100 words in length.


8. Work in pairs. Use the board to ask and answer questions with your classmate.
Use the simple past and present perfect tenses.

Have you ever felt

Have you ever been in Have you ever had a
Why did you feel it?
danger? surgery?
When was it?
What was the danger? What happened?
What did you do? What was it like ?

Have you ever been

Have you ever flown Have you ever smoked
on a diet?
in a plane? a cigarette?
Where did you fly? Why did you try it?
What did you eat?
Did you like it? When was it?

Have you ever cheated Have you ever lost

Have you ever sung in
on a test? money?
Why did you cheat? How much did you
What did you sing?
When was it?
How did you feel?

Have you ever made a

cake? Have you ever lied to Have you ever been on
When was it? your teacher? TV?
Did anyone help you? Why did you lie? When was it?
Were you punished? What were you doing?

UNIT Lesson
2 2E


1. Cross out the word that do not belong to the group.

Tap fingers Chew nails smoke Eat late Do exercise
Take risk Fall in love Lose a loved one Have a baby Fatality
When while As As soon as usually
collision Car crash Hed on collision Mid-air collision Pile up


2. Read the text and classify the sentences into simple past, past progressive,
present perfect and used to.

A Summer Adventure

Last summer, my friends and I embarked on an unforgettable adventure. We used to

dream about exploring the mysterious forest near our town, and that summer, we
finally decided to make our dream come true.

We have planned the trip for weeks. We gathered our camping gear, packed food,
and set off early in the morning. As we hiked through the dense woods, the sun was
shining brightly, and the birds were singing in the trees. After a few hours of
walking, we stumbled upon an old, abandoned cabin. It seemed like it used to
belong to someone long ago. Excited and curious, we decided to explore it. The
door creaked open, revealing a room filled with dusty furniture and old books. It felt
like we had stepped back in time.

As we were exploring, we heard rustling outside. We froze, listening carefully. It

turned out to be a rabbit hopping through the grass. Relieved, we laughed at our own
nervousness. We continued our journey deeper into the forest. By late afternoon, we
found a clearing by a sparkling river. We decided to pitch our tents there and spend
the night.

Sitting around the campfire, we shared stories and roasted marshmallows. We

looked up at the starry sky, feeling grateful for the adventure we were experiencing.

The next morning, we reluctantly packed our things and began our journey back
home. The memories we had made during those two days would stay with us forever.
As we walked back, we talked about how much we have learned and how our
friendship has grown stronger. Looking back on that summer adventure, we realized
that dreams can come true if you have the courage to chase them. The forest, once a
mystery, had become a place filled with stories and memories that we would cherish
for the rest of our lives.

Simple past Past progressive

Present perfect Used to

3. Read the text again and select the best option.

a. Where did the friends go on an adventure?

A. To the beach.
B. To the mountains.
C. To the forest.
D. To the city.

b. How long did they plan for the trip?

A. A few days.
B. A few weeks.
C. A few months.
D. A few years.

c. What did they find in the forest?

A. An old cabin.
B. A sparkling river.
C. A lost treasure.
D. A dangerous animal.

d. What did they do at the campsite?
A. They pitched their tents.
B. They roasted marshmallows.
C. They told stories.
D. All of the above.

e. What did they learn from the adventure?

A. That dreams can come true.
B. That their friendship had grown stronger.
C. That they should be more careful in the forest.
D. All of the above.


3. Listen to the audio from Randall ESL Lab, click on this link https://www.esl- and choose the right option.

A. What's the matter with Steve?

He has a stomachache.
He has the flu.
He has a cold.

B. How long has Steve been sick?

since Friday
since Saturday
since Sunday

C. How often should Steve take the medicine the doctor prescribes?
four times a day before meals
three times a day after meals
three times a day with meals

D. What does Carla suggest he do?

eat chicken soup
see another doctor
take herbal medicine

E. What does Steve decide to do?

see the same doctor again
listen to Carla's suggestion
talk to another friend


4. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs in parenthesis. Use the used to
with infinitive form.

a. She __________ (not/ play) the piano when she was a child.
b. We __________ (visit) our grandparents every summer.
c. ______________ (he/watch) cartoons on Saturday mornings?
d. They __________ (live) in a small town before moving to the city.
e. I __________ (read) mystery novels in my free time.
f. Jenny __________ (not/ ride) her bike to school when she was younger.
g. My dad __________ (work) as a chef in a fancy restaurant.
h. _______________ (they/ swim) in the lake during hot summers.
i. Tom and Sarah __________ (go) to the beach every weekend.
j. We __________ (have) a pet dog named Max when I was a kid.

5. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs in parenthesis. Use the simple
past or past progressive form.
a. They __________ (visit) the museum last week.
b. He __________ (play) soccer yesterday evening.
c. He __________ (not eat) lunch an hour ago.
d. We __________ (not visit) that place before.
e. I __________ (not see) that movie last month.
f. __________ she (enjoy) the concert last night?
g. We __________ (watch) a movie on Friday.
h. I __________ (cook) dinner last night.
i. She __________ (not watch) TV yesterday.
j. They __________ (not go) to the party last weekend.
k. __________ he (play) soccer right now?
l. __________ we (study) for the test at the moment?
m. __________ they (study) for the test yesterday?
n. __________ he (visit) his grandparents last weekend?
o. She __________ (read) a book right now.
p. They __________ (watch) a movie at the cinema.
q. He __________ (play) basketball in the park.
r. We __________ (study) for the exam at the moment.
s. __________ we (meet) at the park yesterday?
t. __________ you (like) the food at the restaurant?
u. I __________ (listen) to music now.
v. __________ she (read) a book currently?
w. __________ they (watch) a movie this evening?
x. She __________ (not watch) TV at the moment.
y. They __________ (not go) to the party tonight.
z. He __________ (not play) soccer right now.

6.Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs in parenthesis. Use the simple past
or present perfect form.

a) She __________ (visit) Paris last summer.

b) I __________ (visit) the museum twice this year.
c) They __________ (watch) a movie yesterday.
d) He __________ (just / finish) his project.
e) We __________ (not see) that movie yet.
f) She __________ (not already / eat) breakfast today.
g) They __________ (never / travel) to Asia.
h) He __________ (not just / finish) his project.
i) We __________ (not yet / see) that movie.
j) I __________ (not visit) the museum this year.
k) __________ she (already / eat) breakfast today?
l) __________ they (ever / travel) to Asia?
m) __________ he (just / finish) his project?
n) __________ we (yet / see) that movie?
o) __________ you (visit) the museum this year?
p) He __________ (play) soccer last weekend.
q) We __________ (have) a great time at the party.
r) _______ she (visit) Paris last summer?
s) __________ they (watch) a movie yesterday?
t) __________ he (play) soccer last weekend?
u) __________ we (have) a great time at the party?
v) __________ you (read) that book last month?
w) I __________ (read) that book last month.
x) She __________ (already / eat) breakfast today.
y) They __________ (never / travel) to Asia.



Students will be able to:

1. Use these quantifiers to describe the quantity of
objects or things.
2. Use relative pronouns to connect and provide
additional information about nouns.
3. Provide advice and recommendations for different
difficult situations.
4. Express obligations and prohibitions, particularly
in the context of university rules and regulations

UNIT Lesson
3 3A


1.Watch the video about cooking verbs. Then, read the list of the verbs in the word box
and tick the cooking verbs you have just heard on it. Then, check your answers with
your classmates.

Cooking Verbs List

Add ____ Bake ____ Beat ____ Boil _____
Chop ____ Combine ____ Cook ___ Cut _____
Fry ____ Grill ____ Mix ____ Peel _____
Season ____ Steam ____ Toast ____ Wash ____

2.Use the verbs in the word box in exercise 1 to name the verbs based on the picture.


Quantifiers are used to give information about quantity (the number of something).

Type Uses Examples

Some ➢ To express a positive quantity of She has some oranges in the box.
something, but you don't need to specify I have bought some olive oil.
the exact amount. There are some books on the desk.
➢ Use some with countable nouns in plural, There is some meat in the fridge.
and with uncountable nouns.
Any ➢ Use "any" in questions, negative Is there any salt here?
sentences, or when referring to an Do you have any cucumbers for the
indefinite quantity. salad?
➢ Use both with countable and uncountable She doesn’t sell any vegetables.
nouns. There aren’t any children here.
No ➢ To indicate the absence of something or
There is no milk in the supermarket.
when the quantity is zero. There are no interested people in the
➢ Use both with countable and uncountable project.
Much ➢ to refer to a large quantity. Do you have much work?
➢ To use with uncountable nouns in There isn’t much time to do it.
negative and interrogative forms. Claire didn’t buy much sugar.
Many ➢ to refer to a large number. I have many classmates.
➢ Use with countable forms There are many participants in this
A lot of / ➢ To Use interchangeably He has a lot of friends.
lots of with both countable and uncountable nounsThere is a lot of noise in this room.
to express a large quantity or number. There are lots of chances to do it.
There is lots of time left.
Little ➢ Use "little" with uncountable nouns to They bought little flour for the
indicate a small quantity, often with a dessert.
negative connotation. There is little water in the glass
Few ➢ Use "few" with countable nouns to There are few students in the class
indicate a small number, often with a today.
negative connotation. We have few Harry Potter books left.

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct quantifiers, choose between some, any, no

a) ___________ people like chocolate, but no one likes broccoli.

b) I don't have ___________ homework, but I do have some questions for you.
c) I would like ________ water, please.
d) Do you have ________ grapes?
e) I don't have ________money.
f) There aren't __________more cookies left.
g) There are __________ apples in the bowl
h) I have _______ time to talk right now.
i) There is _________milk in the fridge.
j) Can you give me _________ help with this?
k) I don't know ________ one named John.
l) Can you give me _________ more information about that? I don't
understand ___________ of it.

4.Fill in the blanks with the correct quantifiers, choose between much or many

a) There isn’t _________ food on the table.

b) There are _________ people in the crowd.
c) I don't have ________ money.
d) We didn't have _________friends.
e) There are ________ people in the room.
f) Is there _________ traffic on the highway today?
g) I don't have _________ time to spare.
h) She doesn’t have _________ patience with her sons.
i) I have __________ books to read.
j) She has ____________friends. She is very popular.
k) She doesn’t have __________ talent. I don’t see why she is so famous.
l) She has ____________ skills.

5.Fill in the blanks with the correct quantifiers, choose between lots of/ a lot of, few,
and little.
a) There are _________ of trees in the forest.
b) I have a __________ of questions for you.
c) There are _________ of cars on the road today.

d) I have _________ of homework to do.
e) She has _______ of patience.
f) She has _______ of talent.
g) There is _______ milk left in the carton.
h) I have ________ time to spare.
i) There are ________ people at the party.
j) I have ________ friends in this city.
k) There is ________ food left on the plate.
l) I have _________ money to spend.


Grilled Cheese Sandwich

• 2 slices of bread
• 2 slices of cheese
• 1-2 tablespoons of butter or margarine
• Optional: add-ins like sliced tomatoes, cooked bacon, or caramelized onions
1. Prepare Your Ingredients:
Lay out your slices of bread and place a slice of cheese on one of them. If you want to add any extras,
such as sliced tomatoes or cooked bacon, place them on top of the cheese.

2. Assemble the Sandwich:

Place the other slice of bread on top to create a sandwich.

3. Butter the Bread:

Spread a thin layer of butter or margarine on the outside of each slice of bread.

4. Heat a Skillet:
Place a frying pan on the stove over medium-low heat.

5. Cook the Sandwich:

Carefully place the buttered sandwich in frying pan, buttered side down.
Allow it to cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until the bread is toasted and the cheese inside has

6. Serve and Enjoy:

Once both sides are golden brown and the cheese is melted, remove the sandwich from the frying pan.
Allow it to cool for a minute, then cut it in half diagonally if you'd like.
Serve your grilled cheese sandwich while it's hot.

6.Read the recipe and choose the right option
A. What is the first step in preparing a Grilled Cheese Sandwich?
a) Assembling the sandwich
b) Buttering the bread
c) Preparing the ingredients
d) Heating the skillet

B. How long should you cook the sandwich on each side in the frying pan?
a) 1-2 minutes
b) 2-3 minutes
c) 3-4 minutes
d) 4-5 minutes

C. What is the purpose of spreading butter or margarine on the outside of the

bread slices?
a) To make the bread taste sweet
b) To keep the bread from getting soggy
c) To create a crispy, golden crust
d) To add more calories to the sandwich

D. When should you cut the grilled cheese sandwich?

a) Immediately after removing it from the frying pan
b) After allowing it to cool for a minute
c) Before placing it in the skillet
d) After placing it on the stove

E. At what heat setting should you place the frying pan on the stove when
cooking the sandwich?
a) High heat
b) Medium heat
c) Low heat
d) No heat


7.Listen to the audio

recipes/#google_vignette and select the best option for each question

a. What is the recipe the man is talking about?

• Eggs and bacon
• Pancake
• Cheese sandwich

b. Who taught the man to prepare that recipe?

• His wife
• His mother
• His grand mother

c. What ingredients is mentioned in the recipe?
• Eggs
• Milk
• Flour

d. At what heat setting should you place the frying pan on the stove when cooking
this recipe?
• High heat
• Medium heat
• Low heat

e. Beside the pancake, what other dish does the man prepare for his family?
• Fruit salad
• Eggs and bacon
• Milkshake


8.Use the vocabulary and grammar section to write a recipe.


9.Prepare a presentation, in which you describe your favorite dish.

Use these questions to guide your presentation

• What is your favorite dish?

• When do you usually eat it?
• What are the ingredients you need to prepare it?
• What are the procedures to prepare it?

UNIT Lesson
3 3B


1.Look at the pictures above. What do you think the words recapture refers? What about
misfire? Share your ideas with your classmates and teacher.

2.Observe the table and share with your classmates the examples for each prefix

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word to create a new meaning.
Prefix Meaning Example
Dis- not, opposite of dis + satisfied = dissatisfied
Mis- wrongly mis + spell = misspell
Un- not un + acceptable = unacceptable
Re- again re + election = reelection
Over- excess, too much Over + weight= Overweight

3.Observe the explanation table on exercise 3 and fill in the spaces with the right prefix
dis-, mis-, un-, re-, over.
_____connect ____happy _____estimate _____match
_____understand ____read _____finished _____gain
_____write ____react _____worked _____approve
_____pleasant ____agree _____behave _____eat
_____cooked ____price _____belief _____necessary


Relative pronouns: who, which, that

Relative pronouns are pronouns that introduce relative clauses. Relative clauses are clauses that
modify a noun or pronoun. They provide more information about the noun or pronoun they modify.

The most common relative pronouns in English are who, which, and that.

• Who is used to refer to people.

• Which is used to refer to things, animals, and ideas.
• That can be used to refer to people, things, animals, and ideas. It is more common than who
and which in informal speech and writing.

4. Fill in the space with the most appropriate relative pronoun WHO, WHICH, THAT.

a) The book _________ I am reading is very interesting.

b) The cat _______I saw yesterday was white and black.
c) The people _________I met at the party were very friendly.
d) The house _________I want to buy is on the corner of Main Street and Elm
e) The dog __________ is barking loudly belongs to our neighbor.
f) The house, __________ has a red door, was built in the 19th century.
g) The teacher __________ teaches math is very patient with her students.

h) The car __________ I bought last month broke down on the highway.
i) The book __________ you recommended is a bestseller.
j) The movie, __________ we watched last night, was directed by a famous
k) The restaurant, __________ is famous for its seafood, is located by the beach.
l) The girl __________ won the first prize in the singing competition is my sister.
m) The computer, __________ I use for work, is very fast and reliable.
n) The mountain __________ we climbed last summer was a challenging


5.Listen to audio 9 and fill in the spaces with the words from the word box.

Market-Weekends-Stress- Workplace -Night-Apartment -Station -Tourists

Man: How is your new (1)_____________?

Woman: Good, but it’s very noisy, so I can’t get a good (2)____________ sleep, which
is exhausting.
Man: That’s terrible. That would (3) __________ me out. Where is it exactly?
Woman: It is near the (4)___________, which gets pretty noisy at night.
Man: What about on the (5)________________?
Woman: It’s not much quieter then. There is a night (6)________________, which
brings in lots of (7)______________.
Man: I know how you feel. My old (8)_______________, which was near an airport,
was always noisy.
Woman: Yeah, there is not much I can do about it now. I just have to deal with it.
Man: Well, hopefully things will turn for the better in the long run.
Woman: Thanks, I hope so.


A noisy neighborhood
In a quiet neighborhood, there's a small community that has faced some recent problems. Mrs.
Johnson, who has lived there for years, noticed a series of unusual incidents. Her cat, Whiskers, who
she adores, went missing last week. She searched everywhere but couldn't find him.

Some neighbors, who are friendly and have lived there for a long time, decided to help. They have
put up "Lost Cat" posters, and they have been searching the neighborhood. Meanwhile, there is a
house on the corner that has been causing problems for months. The people who live there often play
loud music late at night. This has been upsetting to everyone.

A few days ago, they received a notice from the neighborhood association, which is responsible for
maintaining peace and order. The notice warned them about the noise complaints, and they can
receive a fine if they continue with the disturbances.

Currently, Whiskers has not been found yet, but the neighborhood is working together to solve the
issue. The noisy neighbors have been quieter since receiving the notice, so there is hope that the
peace and quiet will be restored soon.

6.Read the text and choose the right option for each question.

a) What kind of neighborhood is it?

• Friendly
• Quiet
• Noisy
• Both quiet and friendly

b) What happened to Mrs. Johnson's cat?

• It was hit by a car.
• It was stolen.
• It went missing.
• It ran away.

c) What did the neighbors do to help Mrs. Johnson?

• They put up "Lost Cat" posters.
• They searched the neighborhood.
• They called the police.
• They did not do anything

d) What kind of problems have the neighbors been facing?

• Theft
• Vandalism
• Noise complaints
• Dirt

e) What has happened since the neighbors received the notice from the
neighborhood association?
• The noisy neighbors have been quieter.
• The noisy neighbors have moved away.
• The noisy neighbors have been fined.
• The noisy neighbors have not changed anything.


7.Read the beginning of the statement and provides the most suitable complement to it.
Do not forget to use relatives clauses.

a) Mr. Clarkson is the teacher ________ ________________________________

b) This pitbull is the dog _________ ____________________________________
c) Scarlet Johansson is the actress ______ ______________________________
d) Fernando Villavicencio is the politician ______ ________________________
e) The red car _______ ________________________, crushed me yesterday.
f) The white cellphone is the smartphone _______ ________________________
g) Sharon, _______ ____________________, was a famous Ecuadorian singer.
h) The encebollado ______ _____________________, was invented in Babahoyo.


8.Work in pairs and take turns to share with your

classmates your responses to these statement using
relatives clauses. Click on the link to find out the

UNIT Lesson
3 3C


1. Read the definitions and label the words from the box with the meaning which
belongs to them.
Personal difficulties for young adults

Depression -Bullying -Financial stress -substances abuse -stable employment

Unhealthy habits - lack of access to education - technology dependence

1.______________ 2.______________ 3. _____________ 4. ____________

It is related to It is the harmful It is a mental health It means having a
digital devices and use of drugs or condition secure and
the internet, which alcohol that can characterized by consistent job that
can lead to lead to addiction, persistent feelings of provides a reliable
addiction, social health problems, sadness, income, job
isolation, and and negative hopelessness, and a security, and
neglect of real-life consequences in loss of interest or benefits.
activities. life. pleasure in

5.______________ 6.______________ 7._______________ 8._____________

It refers to the These behaviors It refers to repeated occurs when
inability to obtain a can harm physical aggressive or hurtful someone feels
quality education or mental health, behavior, often overwhelmed or
due to barriers like such as smoking, involving a power anxious due to
financial overeating, or imbalance, intended their financial
constraints, excessive screen to intimidate, harm, situation,
location, or time. or control another including debt,
discrimination. person. expenses, and
income instability.


Should – shouldn’t

"Should" is a modal verb used to give advice or make recommendations. It suggests that something is a
good idea or the right thing to do.

Example: "You should eat more vegetables for a healthy diet."

"Shouldn't" is the negative form of "should." It is used to advise against or discourage a particular action.

Example: "You shouldn't smoke; it's harmful to your health."

In this sentence, "shouldn't" is used to discourage the action of smoking.

Ought to"

"Ought to" is another modal verb used to express a recommendation or suggestion, similar to "should." It's
slightly more formal and less common in everyday conversation.

Example: "You ought to start studying early to do well on the exam."

In this sentence, "ought to" suggests studying early as a good practice for success.


2. Fill the gaps with Should or shouldn’t.

a) You _______________ eat your vegetables.

b) You ________________ eat too much candy.
c) Children ________________ go to bed early.
d) People _______________ smoke.
e) I _______________ talk back to my parents.
f) He _______________ drive without a license.
g) She ________________cheat on her exams.
h) We ________________ lie to our friends.
i) They _______________steal.
j) He _________________ stay up late.
k) We _________________recycle our trash.
l) They _______________litter.

3. Look at the pictures and write at least 3 advices for each situation,
remember to use should or shouldn’t


4.Read the blog, and underline the problem and highlight the given


Hi Maddy, I’m a teenager, 13 years old. I am dealing with bullying at school. It has been tough. I
constantly face verbal taunts, exclusion, and sometimes even physical harm from my classmates.
This situation makes me anxious, affecting my confidence and academic performance. Most of the
time I don’t want to go to school. I cannot understand why they bully me. I only want to feel safe
and accepted. What should I do?
Hi there,

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging time. Bullying is never
okay, and no one should endure it. Here's some advice:

❖ You should talk to someone You Trust. This person can be a parent, guardian, teacher,
or school counselor. Let them know what is happening so they can support you.
❖ Also, you should keep a record. You should take notes of instances of bullying,
including dates, times, and details. This can be helpful when discussing the issue with
school authorities.
❖ You should spend time with friends who make you feel safe and valued. Supportive
friends can provide comfort during tough times.
❖ You shouldn't blame Yourself, remember that, bullying is not your fault. Bullies often
have their own problems, and it's not about you as a person.
❖ You should check if your school has anti-bullying programs or support groups. These
can be a safe space to share your feelings.
❖ You focus on self-care to reduce anxiety. Activities like sports, hobbies, or reading can
be helpful distractions.
❖ You should stay positive, keep in mind that things can improve. Focus on your personal
growth, and remember that you deserve to feel safe and accepted.

You're not alone in this, and there are people who care about your well-being. Don't hesitate to
seek help and support; you deserve to have a safe and positive school experience.

5.Read the text above and choose the best option for each question.

1. How old is the teenager who wrote the message?

a) 10 years old
b) 13 years old
c) 16 years old
d) 20 years old

2. What kind of bullying does the teenager face at school?
a) Verbal taunts and exclusion
b) Exclusion and isolation
c) Cyberbullying
d) Physical harm only

3. Who does the author advise the teenager to talk to about the bullying?
a) Friends
b) Strangers
c) Parents, teachers, or a school counselor
d) No one, they should handle it themselves

4. What is the importance of keeping a record of bullying incidents?

a) It helps to create a list of bullies.
b) It provides evidence when discussing the issue with school authorities.
c) It's a way to expose the bullies publicly.
d) It's a requirement for the school's anti-bullying program.

5. What advice does the author give about spending time with friends?
a) Avoid friends as they may be involved in bullying.
b) Spend time only with friends who bully others.
c) Spend time with friends who make you feel safe and valued.
d) Isolate yourself from everyone.

6. Why is self-care important in dealing with bullying?

a) It helps you become a bully too.
b) It provides a distraction from school.
c) It can reduce anxiety and improve mental well-being.
d) Self-care has no impact on bullying situations.


6.Listen to the audio 10 and choose the right expression from the word box.

Are you sure? I can't do that! What's up? What's the matter? What should I do?
Lucy: You look upset, Adam. 1______________________
Adam: Nothing. I don't want to talk about it.
Lucy: Come on. 2____________________
Adam: Well, I've just got this text message from a guy in my class. He wants me to take
a photo of the maths exam paper tomorrow and then send it to him.,
Lucy: Well, whatever you do, don't cheat. That's for sure. They can expel you for that.
Adam: Right.
Lucy: And I think you should tell your teacher.
Adam: What? Tell on him? 4______________________
Lucy: OK, but you should tell him what you think.
Adam: 5____________________
Lucy: Yes, definitely. Don't worry. I'm sure he'll understand.


9. Look at the table and choose a problem, then use the speaking bubble model to
have a dialogue, in which student A describe the problem and student b give the
advice, remember to use should or shouldn’t appropriately.

I have a headache. I failed my English I can’t sleep at night There is not water nor
exam. electricity in my house.

I am depressed I want to lose It is my mom’s I think my

weight. birthday tomorrow boyfriend/girlfriend is
cheating on me.
I got fired from my I am broke, My English isn’t very I am starving.
job. good.


8. Read the blog carefully, Then, write back advices to Sandy, use should and shouldn’t.


Hi Maddy, I’m Sandy, I am 16 years old. I struggle with making new friends because of shyness and
fear of rejection. It's challenging to break the ice and start conversations. I worry about not fitting in
or saying something wrong. Help me !!!! .What should I do?

UNIT Lesson
3 3D


1. Read the definitions and choose form the word box, the word you think represents
the definition. Then, check with your classmates and teacher.

Cheat / Plagiarism /Expulsion / Deadlines / Assignments / Discrimination

Word Definition

1 It is when someone is forced to leave a place like a school

or organization, often as a punishment for breaking
important rules

2 It is when someone treats another person unfairly or

differently because of things like their race, gender, or
religion. It's not being kind to everyone equally.

3 It is a specific time or date by which you must complete a

task or project. It's like a time limit, and it's important to
finish your work by that time.

4 It is when you use someone else's words or ideas and

present them as your own without giving them proper
credit. It's like copying someone else's work and
pretending it's yours.

5 These are tasks or pieces of work that your teacher or boss

gives you to do. They are like homework or projects that
you need to complete.

6 It means to do something dishonest or unfair to gain an

advantage. For example, copying someone else's answers
on a test is cheating.


Modal verbs for obligations and prohibitions

Must is used to express a strong obligation or necessity. It implies that something is required or

Example: "You must finish your homework before going out to play."

Have To is used to express an obligation or necessity, similar to "must." However, "have to"
often implies external requirements or rules.

Example: "I have to attend the meeting at 3 PM."

In this sentence, "have to" indicates an obligation based on external factors, like a scheduled

Mustn't is used to express a strong prohibition or something that is not allowed. It indicates a
rule or restriction.

Example: "You mustn't smoke in this area; it's prohibited."

Don't Have To is used to indicate the absence of obligation. It means that something is optional
or not required.

Example: "You don't have to bring a gift to the party, but it's a nice gesture."

2. Choose the appropriate modal verb (must, have to, has to, mustn’t, don’t have to,
doesn’t have to) and complete each sentence

a) You __________ finish your vegetables before having dessert.

b) She __________ attend the meeting at 9 AM tomorrow.
c) Students __________ wear uniforms at this school.
d) I __________ remember to buy milk on the way home.
e) He __________ forget to bring his passport when traveling abroad.
f) We __________ arrive at the airport two hours before the flight.
g) They __________ complete the assignment by the deadline.
h) You __________ take off your shoes before entering the house.
i) She __________ eat gluten-free food due to her allergy.
j) He __________ apologize for being late to the appointment.

k) You __________ smoke in this restaurant; it's a non-smoking area.
l) We __________ use public transportation to reduce pollution.
m) She __________ drive because her car is in the shop.
n) They __________ stay in the office late tonight; it's optional.
o) You __________ talk during the movie; it's rude.
p) He __________ drink alcohol before driving a vehicle.
q) She __________ go to the dentist regularly for check-ups.
r) Students __________ bring a pencil to the exam; it's a requirement.
s) He __________ worry about the test; he's well-prepared.
t) You __________ forget to lock the door when you leave the house

3.Look at the pictures and indicate the most suitable obligation or prohibition based on
the situation you see.


Prohibition and Obligation at University in Ecuador

In Ecuador, universities play an important role in shaping the future of the country's
young generation. Universities establish rules and guidelines to maintain order, foster
academic growth, and ensure a safe and respectful environment for all students.

Ecuadorian universities have clear rules in place to maintain a good learning environment.
Prohibitions include strict codes against plagiarism, cheating, and bad behavior during
lectures or examinations. Plagiarism, in particular, is strictly prohibited, and universities
take a strong stance against it. Students are educated on the importance of academic
integrity, and severe consequences are imposed on those who violate this prohibition.

In Ecuadorian universities, students have several obligations, including regular

attendance, active participation in classes, and submission of assignments within set
deadlines. Furthermore, there is an obligation to respect diversity and encourage tolerance
and acceptance among students, creating a harmonious atmosphere where everyone feels

Another significant obligation is related to community service. Many universities in

Ecuador require students to engage in community outreach programs or volunteer work
as part of their curriculum. In conclusion, prohibition and obligation are essential aspects
of university life in Ecuador. While prohibitions maintain order and ethics, obligations
promote academic excellence, character development, and social responsibility.

3. Read the text and choose the best answer for each question.

a. What is the main role of universities in Ecuador?

A. To enforce strict rules
B. To promote plagiarism
C. To shape the future of young people
D. To encourage bad behavior

b. What is one of the prohibitions mentioned in the text?

A. Respecting diversity
B. Active participation in classes
C. Plagiarism and cheating
D. Community service

c. What is the consequence for violating the prohibition of plagiarism?
A. Students are praised.
B. Students are educated.
C. Students face severe consequences.
D. Students are encouraged to cheat.

d. What are some obligations for students in Ecuadorian universities?

A. Encouraging tolerance and acceptance
B. Submitting assignments on time
C. Engaging in bad behavior
D. Promoting plagiarism

e. What is the purpose of community service obligations at Ecuadorian

A. To promote bad behavior
B. To maintain order
C. To encourage character development
D. To discourage academic growth


4. Click on the link

to-Must-Obligation.htm and listen to the four conversations. Then, choose the right
options for each statement. What conversation do they belong to?

1 2 3 4
a) A man has to work today.
b) A woman has to clean her house.
c) Some people have to pay bills.
d) Some people have to mail some
e) People are talking about a donation.
f) Someone has to pick up children from
g) A woman has to clean the bathroom.
h) A man has to work at noon.
i) A woman has to do the laundry.
j) A man has to beat the traffic.


5. Prepare a presentation, in which you describe the obligation and

prohibitions you have at your university. Include a digital poster to
illustrate your ideas. The presentation must be done in 1 minute in


6. The email below belongs to your friend Sam, she lives in London. Read the email
and write back to her, in which, describe the prohibitions and obligations you have
to full fill in your university. The email must be done in 80 words.

Hi ________,
Hope you're good! How's your new university? I'm curious about the rules and stuff there. What
do you have to do? What are the prohibitions there? Tell me when you can.
Take care,

Hi Sam,

UNIT Lesson
3 3E


1.Cross out the word that do not belong to the group.

Peel Cut Chop Mix Fill In
Misbehave Misunderstanding Misspell Misplace Miss You
Depression Doing Exercise Financial Stress Unhealthy Habits Bullying
Values Cheat Plagiarism Expulsion Discrimination
Report Reelection Reread Redo Retake
Overtime Overweight Over Reaction Overthink Overdose


2.Read the text and classify the sentences into advices, obligations and prohibitions.

There is a young girl named Mia. She lives with her grandmother, Grandma Rose, in a
cozy little cottage on the outskirts of town. Mia is a responsible girl, and she has both
obligations and prohibitions that her grandmother taught her.
Mia's main obligation is= She has to help Grandma Rose with daily chores. She has to
sweep the floors, water the plants, and feed the chickens. Grandma Rose often told
her, "You must take care of our home, Mia. It's important to work hard and keep
things tidy."
There are also prohibitions Mia had to follow. She mustn't stay out after dark because
the woods could be dangerous. Grandma Rose warned her, "You mustn't wander into
the forest alone, Mia. It's not safe."
One day, Mia asked her grandmother for advice. Grandma Rose said, "Mia, you
should always be kind to others, you should treat people how you want to be treated.
And remember, you must always listen to your heart; it will guide you well."
Mia cherished her grandmother's advice. She wants to be a responsible and kind young
lady, following her obligations, heeding her prohibitions, and keeping her
grandmother's wise words close to her heart.

What advices does she receive? What are her obligations?

What are her prohibitions?

3.Read the text again and choose the right option for each question.

a) What is Mia's main obligation?

A. To go play with friends

B. To help Grandma Rose with daily chores
C. To explore the dangerous forest alone
D. To watch TV all day

b) Why does Mia have a prohibition about staying out after dark?

A. Because she loves the dark

B. Because the woods are more fun at night
C. Because Grandma Rose warned her that it could be dangerous
D. Because she wants to be a rebel

c) What advice did Grandma Rose give Mia?

A. To always be unkind to others

B. To treat people how she wants to be treated
C. To ignore her heart's guidance
D. To avoid helping others

d) How does Mia feel about her grandmother's advice?

A. She ignores it
B. She doesn't care
C. She cherishes it and follows it
D. She forgets it immediately

e) What kind of girl is Mia trying to become?

A. A rude and irresponsible one

B. A rebellious one who breaks all the rules
C. A responsible and kind young lady
D. A careless and thoughtless one


Listen to the audio from Randall ESL Lab, click on this link and choose the right option.

a) What does the man want to do after he graduates?

• He hopes to go on to graduate school.

• He wants to work at a hotel.
• He wants to become a teacher.

b) What is the woman's major?

• computer science
• French
• History

c) How does the woman pay for college?

• She received a scholarship.

• Her parents are paying for it
• She has a part-time job.

d) Where does the man work part-time?

• at a bakery
• at a restaurant
• in a library

e) What thing did the man NOT say about his job?

• The pay is okay.

• His co-workers are friendly.
• He works long hours.


4. Fill in the blanks with the right quantifier, choose between some or any.
a) There is _________ delicious chocolate cake in the fridge.
b) She buys ___________ fresh strawberries for the dessert.
c) We need ___________tomatoes for the salad.
d) He always puts ___________ sugar in his coffee.
e) There are ___________cookies on the kitchen counter.
f) There isn't ___________ milk left in the refrigerator.
g) She doesn't have ___________apples for the pie.
h) We don't need _________ more salt in the soup.
i) He doesn't find _________oranges at the store.
j) There aren't ___________eggs in the carton.
k) Is there __________ ice cream in the freezer?
l) Do you have ________ cheese for the pizza?
m) Are there __________ onions in the salad?
n) Do you buy _________bread at the bakery?
o) Is there __________juice in the fridge?
p) She wants to buy ________ fresh fish for dinner.
q) She doesn't want ___________more ice cream.
r) We don't have __________ more pasta in the pantry.
s) Is there _________ cheese on the pizza?

5. Fill in the blank with should or shouldn’t

a) You __________ eat more vegetables for a healthy diet.
b) She __________get enough sleep before the big exam.
c) We __________ be polite and respectful to our elders.
d) He __________ exercise regularly for better fitness.
e) They __________ save some money for the future.
f) You __________ skip breakfast; it's the most important meal.
g) She __________ procrastinate if she wants to meet the deadline.
h) We __________ be rude to others; it's not nice.
i) He __________ smoke; it's harmful to his health.

6. Let’s play a board game. Play with your classmates and take turns to share
your answers.



Students will be able to:

1. Describe what they were able to do in the past and
what they couldn't do.
2. Use the past perfect tense to describe past events,
especially inventions and historical developments.
3. Differentiate between the past perfect and past
simple tenses

UNIT Lesson
4 4A


1. Look at the pictures and label them with the phrases from the word box.


Could and couldn't are used to express past abilities or the lack of past abilities.

Could is the past tense of "can" and is used to indicate that someone had the ability or skill to do
something in the past.
• When I was a child, I could swim very well.

Couldn't is the negative form of "could" and is used to indicate that someone did not have the
ability to do something in the past.
• He couldn't ride a bike until he was ten years old.

2.Fill in the blanks with COULD or COULDN’T

a) When I was 5 years old, I _________ tie my shoes. (+)

b) My grandmother __________ drive a car until she was 60 years old. (+)
c) My brother ____________ ride a bike until he was 8 years old. (-)
d) I ____________ speak English when I was 3 years old. (-)
e) My parents ______ afford to send me to college when I was 18 years old. (-)
f) I __________ swim when I was 2 years old. (+)
g) My sister __________ play the piano when she was 7 years old. (+)
h) I ___________ read when I was 4 years old. (+)
i) My grandfather ___________ run a marathon when he was 50 years old. (+)
j) I ___________ write my name when I was 3 years old. (-)

3. Look at the photos and write about Susan’s past abilities. Use the most suitable between
could and couldn’t

When Susan was 9 months, she could_______________________________________



Abilities during childhood

Many famous people, who have achieved remarkable success as adults, possessed unique
past abilities during their childhood. These early talents and skills often played a
significant role in shaping their future paths.

For instance, Albert Einstein, renowned for his groundbreaking theories in physics, he
couldn't speak fluently until the age of four. His delayed speech development didn't hinder
his later ability to articulate complex scientific concepts, earning him a place in history.
Mozart, the prolific composer, could play the piano and compose music by the age of
five. His remarkable musical abilities during childhood paved the way for his
extraordinary career in classical music.

Oprah Winfrey, a media mogul and influential talk show host, couldn't have predicted her
future success while growing up in challenging circumstances. However, her natural
ability to connect with people and communicate effectively shone through, ultimately
leading to her iconic talk show and media empire.

The story of these famous figures illustrates those past abilities, whether delayed or
evident from an early age, can be transformative. It's a reminder that childhood talents,
nurtured and developed over time, can lead to extraordinary achievements in adulthood.

5. Read the text and choose the right options for each question.
a) What role did early talents and skills play for famous individuals?
A. They hindered their future success.
B. They were irrelevant to their future paths.
C. They played a significant role in shaping their future paths.
D. They only mattered if evident from an early age.

b) How did Albert Einstein's delayed speech development affect his later life?
A. It hindered his ability to articulate complex scientific concepts.
B. It had no impact on his later success.
C. It earned him a place in history.
D. It made him a renowned composer.

c) What could Mozart do at the age of five?
A. Compose music and play the piano
B. Speak fluently
C. Predict his future success
D. None of the above

d) How did Oprah Winfrey's childhood experiences impact her future?

A. They hindered her ability to communicate effectively.
B. They were irrelevant to her future success.
C. They helped her connect with people and communicate effectively.
D. They prevented her from becoming a media mogul.

e) What does the text remind us about childhood talents?

A. They always guarantee extraordinary achievements in adulthood.
B. They may be transformative when nurtured and developed.
C. They are irrelevant to a person's future.
D. They are only evident from an early age.


7.Click on the link and listen to

the audio, then fill in the spaces with COULD or COULDN’T.

a. He __________________ visit his grandparents when he lived in China.

b. He __________________ read the text on the signs.
c. He __________________ understand Chinese.
d. After few months living there, He ____________buy his lunch at school.
e. He ________________play with some children.
f. He ________________ communicate with sign language.


8.Read the facts about Mark Zuckerberg in the post above and write a paragraph about
his past abilities.


8. Think about a person you admire, and research about this person past abilities. Then,
prepare a presentation about this person and share your findings with your classmates.

UNIT Lesson
4 4B


1.Look at the pictures and label them with the right word from the word box.

2.Practice vocabulary related to inventions. Click on the link
vocabulary and play the game. Then, share with the class your score and the new words
you have just learned.



The Past Perfect tense is used to describe an action that happened

before another action in the past. It helps us make it clear which of
the two actions occurred first.


Subject + had + past participle verb+ complement.

• They had traveled to Europe before they met each other.
• By the time I arrived, he had already left.

Comon expressions with past perfect

Before She had already eaten before I arrived.
By the time He had finished the project by the time the boss returned.
When When she arrived, I had already left.
After After he had finished his work, he went home.

3.Fill in the spaces with the past perfect form, use the verbs in the brackets.

a) She _______________________ (study) for three hours before the exam.

b) They _______________________ (eat) dinner before the movie started.
c) He ________________ (read) the book before he watched the movie adaptation.
d) She _____________________ (finish) her work by the time her boss arrived.
e) We _______________________ (clean) the house before the guests came over.
f) They _______________________ (visit) the museum before it closed.
g) I ______________________ (fix) the car before we went on the road trip.
h) She _______________________ (buy) the concert tickets in advance.
i) He __________________ (play) soccer with his friends before it started raining.
j) They ___________________ (travel) to Europe before they got married.
k) She _______________(go) to the store before she realized she forgot her wallet.
l) They ___________________ (find) the lost dog before the owner called the

4.Use the time table to write sentences using past perfect forms.
At 10h00 am At 12h00 At 3h00 pm At 4h00 pm At 10h00 pm
Make a class Have lunch Do her take a shower Upload the
report homework task on
At 12h00 At 1h00 pm At 2h00 pm At 5h00 pm At 11h00 pm
Finish her Clean her Have English Prepare dinner sleep
community house classes

By 11h00 pm, she had____________________________________________________

When she went to sleep, she had ___________________________________________


Most important inventions for human beings

Throughout history, humans have invented and innovated to improve their lives. Some of
these inventions have been so impactful that they have shaped the course of humanity.

One of the most significant inventions in human history is the wheel, which was created
thousands of years ago. It has revolutionized transportation, making the movement of
goods and people much more efficient. The wheel's invention had a profound impact on
agriculture, industry, and trade, enabling the development of civilizations.

The printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, changed the way
information was disseminated. It has played a crucial role in the spread of knowledge and
the advancement of education. Gutenberg's invention had a lasting effect, laying the
foundation for the modern era of information and communication. In the 19th century,
the steam engine was developed, sparking the Industrial Revolution. It transformed
manufacturing processes and transportation systems. Steam engines have been integral in
the development of modern infrastructure and the growth of cities.

The invention of the internet, which occurred in the late 20th century, has connected
people across the globe like never before. It continues to revolutionize communication,
commerce, and education. The internet is an ongoing source of innovation and change in
our lives.

Looking ahead, as we enter the 21st century, advancements in renewable energy sources
are changing the way we power our world. Solar and wind technologies have the potential
to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, which have had detrimental effects on the

5.Read the text and circle the right options for each question
a) What is the main topic of the text?
A. The impact of fossil fuels on the environment.
B. The history of human inventions and innovations.
C. The development of modern infrastructure.
D. The role of the printing press in education.

b) Which invention is mentioned as having a profound impact on transportation
and trade?
A. The printing press
B. The steam engine
C. The internet
D. The wheel

c) Who is credited with inventing the printing press?

A. Johannes Gutenberg
B. Albert Einstein
C. Thomas Edison
D. Leonardo da Vinci

d) What is the significance of the steam engine in the 19th century?

A. It connected people across the globe.
B. It changed the way information was disseminated.
C. It transformed manufacturing processes and transportation systems.
D. It advanced education.

e) What is mentioned as an innovation in the 21st century that has the potential to
reduce dependence on fossil fuels?
A. The printing press
B. The steam engine
C. Solar and wind technologies
D. The internet


6.Click on the link

esl/923366 and listen to the audio, then, choose the best option for each question.

a. What is the name of the programme?

A. Invention of the week
B. Important invention
C. Invention for the week
D. Great invention of the week

b. Colin is
A. Fifteen
B. Sixteen
C. Seventeen
D. Eighteen

c. Colin is from
A. England
B. Ireland
C. Scotland
D. South Ireland

d. Colin’s invention is for children with
A. Hearing problems
B. Learning problems
C. Breathing problems
D. Sight problems

e. The child breaths the spray through the elephant’s

A. Mouth
B. Tail
C. Ear
D. Trunk

f. Who suffers from asthma?

A. Colin’s mother
B. Colin’s cousin
C. Colin’s brother
D. Colin’s sister


6. Use the timeline on exercise 4 and 7 to guide you and write about the activities you
had done before going to sleep

By the time I went to sleep, I had____________________________________________



7.Use a time line to make a presentation, in which you have to describe the activities
you had done yesterday before going to sleep. The presentation must last 1 minute. Use
this example=

UNIT Lesson
4 4C


1.Watch the video and fill in the

table with the information required in each column.

Inventions Year of invention Inventor Inventor’s nationality

Light bulb


Mobile phone



Sewing machine



Lift /elevator

Safety pins


Past perfect negative and interrogative forms

The Past Perfect tense is used to describe an action that happened before another action
in the past.

Negative Form:
To form the negative form of the Past Perfect tense, you typically use "had not" or the
contraction "hadn't" followed by the past participle of the main verb.


Subject + had not (hadn't) + past participle (verb in past participle form)


• She had not visited that museum before last week.

• They hadn't completed the project by the time the deadline arrived.

"Hadn't" is the contraction for "had not" in the negative form.

Interrogative Form:
To form the interrogative (question) form of the Past Perfect tense, only switch the
subject and "had" and use the past participle of the main verb.


Had + subject + past participle (verb in past participle form)?


• Had she visited that museum before last week?

• Had they completed the project by the time the deadline arrived?

These forms of the Past Perfect tense are essential for discussing actions that happened
before other actions in the past and for asking questions or making negative statements
about such actions.


2.Fill in the blanks with the negative form of past perfect. Use the verbs form the word

a) She ______________ (not / finish) her homework before the teacher collected it.
b) They ______________________ (not / visit) that museum before last summer.
c) He _____________________ (not / clean) the house before the guests arrived.
d) We _____________________ (not / eat) dinner before the movie started.

e) She __________________________ (not / go) to the store before it closed.
f) They __________________ (not / read) the book before watching the movie.
g) He ____________________ (not / sleep) for days before the exam.
h) We ____________________ (not / buy) the tickets in advance.
i) I _____________________(not/eat) before I went to the restaurant.
j) She ___________ (not/go) to the store before she realized she forgot her wallet.
k) They ______________ (not/find) the lost dog before the owner called the police.
l) He __________________ (not/swim) across the river before he got tired.
m) She _________________ (not/run) a marathon before she injured her knee.
n) We _______________ (not/be) to the museum before, but we didn't remember
much about it.
o) They ___________________ (not/do) their homework before they went to bed.

3.Use the clues to make questions using the past perfect form.

Example= Last night-arrive-you / before I (come)

Had you arrived last night before I came?

a) By the time-you-arrive / they (finish) the conversation?

b) When -you-call-her/ she (leave)?
c) Before-concert-start / we (eat)?
d) By the end of the day / he (read)?
e) What / you (do) before you went to bed?
f) By the time she (get) to the party/ everyone (leave)?
g) How many chapters / you (read) before the exam?
h) What / they (discuss) before the meeting?


Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr was a famous lady who lived a long time ago. She was born in Austria in
1914 and became a big movie star. She acted in many movies and was known for her
beauty and talent.

But Hedy was not just a movie star; she was also very smart. During World War II, she
had an idea to help the soldiers. She and her friend George Antheil created a special device
that could control torpedoes using secret radio signals. This made it hard for the enemies
to stop the torpedoes. Even though Hedy was very smart, not many people knew about
her invention at that time. It was a secret for many years.

Later on, people realized how important Hedy's invention was. It became the basis for
things like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS that we use in our phones and computers today.
So, Hedy Lamarr not only acted in movies but also helped make our modern world more

Hedy Lamarr's life shows that you can be beautiful, famous, and smart all at the same
time. She will always be remembered as both a Hollywood star and a clever inventor who
changed the world with her ideas.

4.Read the text and choose the right option for each question.
a) Where was Hedy Lamarr born?
A. Germany
B. Austria
C. France
D. Italy

b) What was Hedy Lamarr known for besides being a movie star?
A. Her singing talent
B. Her beauty
C. Her cooking skills
D. Her athletic abilities

c) What did Hedy Lamarr invent during World War II?
A. A special device for cooking
B. A secret radio station
C. A device for controlling torpedoes
D. A new kind of car

d) What technologies are mentioned as being based on Hedy Lamarr's invention?

A. Television and radio
B. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS
C. Airplanes and rockets
D. Books and newspapers

e) According to the text, what does Hedy Lamarr's life show?

A. You can only be beautiful and famous if you're not very smart.
B. Being smart and famous are more important than being beautiful.
C. You can be beautiful, famous, and smart at the same time.
D. Smart people can't be famous in Hollywood.


5.Click on the link

inventor-advanced.html and choose the right option for each statement.

a. There are 8 billions phones in the world

• False
• True
• Does not mention

b. Where was Alexander Bell born?

• Canada
• The United States
• Scotland

c. Alexander Bell invented the telephone when he was only 12 years old
• False
• True
• Does not mention

d. What dis alexander do when he first arrived in Canada?

• He experimented
• He became a teacher
• He became a farmer

e. According to the speaker, why was Helen Keller unable to see, hear or speak?
• She had an illness as a child
• She had an accident as a child
• The speaker does not mention it.

f. Mr. Watson was probably..
• Alexander Bell’s helper
• Alexander Bell’s father
• Alexander Bell’s neighbor

g. According to the speaker, when was the phone invented?

• 1876
• 1922
• 1873


6.Read the prompt and fill in the spaces with your own ideas.

a. By the time I went to bed last night, I had

b. By the time I turned 18 years old, I hadn’t
c. My parents had ________________________by the time they
d. I had learnt to____________________________________ by the age of 10
e. I hadn’t _______________________________ by the time
f. I hadn’t ________________________________ by the time I finished school.
g. I had bought my first _______________________ by the end of
h. I had eaten __________________________________ by 5h00 pm yesterday
i. By 2022, I had ___________________________________________________
j. By the age of 18, I hadn’t ______________________________


7. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the following question. Remember to
answer them using past perfect forms.

1. What had you 2. What had you 3. What book 4. What had you
already done already done had you read already done
by the time by the time before you before midday
you ate you left home saw the yesterday?
breakfast today? movie
today? version?
5. What 6. What cities 7. Before you 8. Before you
languages had had you turned 18, left school
you already traveled what had what had been
learnt before before been your your dreamed
you were 17 becoming an hobbies? job?
years old? adult?

UNIT Lesson
4 4D


1. Look at the pictures and write below them the actions they refer to.

Was Born - Passed away - Created - Studied - Moved - Started your company - Got Recognition


Past perfect vs. simple past

The simple past is used to describe actions or events that happened at a specific point in
the past. It indicates that the action is completed and no longer ongoing.
It is often used with time expressions like yesterday, last week, two years ago, in 1990,
Example: "She visited Paris last summer."

The past perfect is used to describe actions or events that happened before another action
or event in the past. It helps to establish a sequence of events in the past.

It is formed by using "had" + the past participle of the verb.
It is often used with expressions like "before," "after," "by the time," "already," and
Example: "By the time we arrived, she had already eaten."

Key Differences:
Simple Past: Describes a single completed action in the past.
Past Perfect: Describes an action that happened before another action in the past.
Simple past is used for describing individual past actions, while past perfect is used to
show which of two past actions happened first.

2. Read carefully the statements and fill in the blank spaces with the right tense.
Choose between simple past or past perfect.

a) By the time I ______________ (arrive) at the party, everyone ___________

(already/finish) eating.
b) She ______________ (study) for the exam all night because she __________
(not/prepare) earlier.
c) When he ______________ (open) the box, he _____________ (find) a
surprise gift inside.
d) They ________________ (visit) several museums during their vacation last
e) By the time the movie _______________ (start), I ________________
(already/buy) popcorn.
f) She _________________ (never/try) sushi before, so she was hesitant when
she ________________ (see) it on the menu.
g) After he _______________ (finish) his work, he _______________ (go) for
a walk in the park.
h) By the time we _____________ (arrive) at the airport, the flight __________
i) She _______________ (lose) her keys, so she ______________ (have) to
ask for a spare set.
j) When I _________________ (see) the movie, I ______________
(already/read) the book it was based on.
k) I ______________ (already/go) to the store before I __________________
(meet) you.

l) She ____________________ (already/buy) a new dress before she
____________________ (go) to the party.
m) They ____________________ (already/see) the movie before I
____________________ (get) home.


Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Ohio, USA. He passed away on
October 18, 1931, in New Jersey, USA

Thomas Edison was a famous inventor from the United States. He was born in Ohio in
1847. Even as a young boy, he was very curious and loved to learn new things.
One of his most important inventions was the light bulb. He wanted to create a light that
could stay on for a long time, and he did it! People could use his light bulbs to brighten
their homes and streets.

Edison also made something called the phonograph, which was like a music player. You
could listen to music on it, and it was the beginning of modern music players.
He also worked on early movies. He created a machine called the Kinetoscope that
showed moving pictures, like the ones we see in movies today.
Thomas Edison was a very hardworking person. He had many ideas and inventions. He
even started a big company called General Electric.

He passed away in 1931, but his inventions are still important today. Edison's light bulbs
light up our homes, and his work in movies and music has shaped the entertainment we
enjoy today.

He is a famous inventor, and his life shows that with curiosity and hard work, anyone can
change the world.

3. Read the text and choose the best option.

a. When was Thomas Edison born?

A. February 18, 1837
B. February 11, 1847
C. October 18, 1931
D. October 11, 1847

b. Where was Thomas Edison born?

A. New Jersey, USA
B. Ohio, USA
C. New York, USA
D. California, USA

c. What was one of Thomas Edison's most important inventions?

A. The telephone
B. The radio
C. The light bulb
D. The computer

d. What did Edison create that was like a music player?

A. Television
B. Phonograph
C. Radio
D. Smartphone

e. What is mentioned as one of Edison's contributions to early movies?

A. Movie theaters
B. Popcorn machines
C. The Kinetoscope
D. 3D glasses

f. Which company did Thomas Edison start?

A. Microsoft
B. General Electric
C. Apple Inc.
D. Amazon

g. When did Thomas Edison pass away?

A. February 18, 1937
B. February 11, 1847
C. October 11, 1931
D. October 18, 1931

h. What does the text say about Edison's inventions today?

A. They are not important anymore.
B. They are still important and widely used.
C. They are all forgotten.
D. They are only used in museums.

i. What lesson does the text suggest we can learn from Edison's life?
A. Anyone can become famous without hard work.
B. Curiosity and hard work can lead to changing the world.
C. Inventions are not important.
D. Edison's life doesn't teach us any lessons.

j. Where did Edison spend most of his life?

A. In Europe
B. In Asia
C. In the United States
D. In South America


4.Click on the link

esl/51496 , then listen to the speaker and match the inventor with his inventions, year
of invention and his country.


5.Use the template below to find out information about a famous inventor. Then,
prepare his/ her biography. Remember to use simple past and past perfect as the mainly

Biography of __________________________________________

Date and place of birth and death


Family information

Lifetime accomplishment

Major events in his /her life



6.Prepare a presentation, in which you talk about your favorite inventor. Include a
digital poster to illustrate your ideas. The presentation must be done in 1 minute in

UNIT Lesson
4 4E


1.Cross out the word that do not belong to the group.

Crawl Express emotions Quick learner Draw pictures Invent a machine
Light bulb X ray machine Battery antibiotic
Visit study create sell move
Buy read look Write sell


Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was a famous man who helped create

amazing things. He was born in California, USA, on
February 24, 1955. When he was young, he liked
electronics and learning about computers.

Steve Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak started

making a computer in a garage. They called it the
Apple I, and it came out in 1976. People liked it a lot,
so they made more. Apple became a big company.

In 1984, Jobs made a special computer called the

Macintosh. It had pictures on the screen, and it was
easy to use. People loved it because it was different from other computers.
But in 1985, Jobs had to leave Apple because of problems with the company. He felt
sad, but he didn't give up. He started a new company called NeXT, and it made
computers for schools and businesses. He also bought Pixar, a company that made
animated movies.

Jobs came back to Apple in 1997. At that time, Apple was not doing well. But Jobs had

many ideas. He made new things like the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. These things
changed the world. The iPhone, for example, changed how we talk and play with
phones. Jobs was also smart about selling music and apps. He made iTunes and the App
Store, where people could buy music and apps for their devices.

Steve Jobs made technology easy and beautiful. He cared about how things looked and
worked. His ideas inspired many people around the world.

Sadly, Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011, because of an illness. But his
inventions and ideas are still important today. He showed that if you work hard and
have good ideas, you can change the world.

2. Read the text and choose the right option for each question.

a. Where was Steve Jobs born?

A. New York, USA
B. California, USA
C. Texas, USA
D. Florida, USA

b. What was Steve Jobs interested in when he was young?

A. Sports
B. Electronics and computers
C. Cooking
D. Music

c. What did Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak create in a garage?

A. A car
B. A computer
C. A phone
D. A book

d. What was the name of the computer they created in the garage?
A. Apple I
B. Macintosh
C. iPhone
D. iPad

e. When did the Apple I come out?

A. 1955
B. 1976
C. 1984
D. 1997

f. Why did Steve Jobs leave Apple in 1985?

A. He wanted to start a new company.
B. He was tired of making computers.
C. He became a movie director.

D. There were problems with the company.

g. What did Steve Jobs start after leaving Apple?

A. A bakery
B. A new computer company called NeXT
C. A clothing store
D. A music band

h. What changed when Steve Jobs came back to Apple in 1997?

A. The company started making cars.
B. The company began selling only music.
C. The company stopped making computers.

i. What did Steve Jobs create for selling music and apps?
A. A bookstore
B. A supermarket
C. iTunes and the App Store

j. What did Steve Jobs show the world through his inventions and ideas?
A. That hard work and good ideas can change the world
B. That people should not use technology
C. That beauty is not important in technology
D. That technology is always complicated


3. Listen to the audio from Randall ESL Lab, click on this link https://www.esl- and choose the right option.

a. What is the man's name?

• His name is Robert.
• The man goes by Russel.
• The man's name is Ronald.

b. The man was born in _______.

• Texas
• California
• Canada

c. He _______ for a living.

• sells animals
• teaches English
• runs a restaurant

d. The man _______.
• has two brothers and three dogs
• lives with his sisters and mother
• has an older brother and younger sister

e. What is the man's telephone number?

• His number is 789-3050.
• It's 789-1315.
• You can reach him at 789-1350


4. Fill in the blank with the right form of past perfect form
a) By the time we arrived, they ________________ (already/finish) the project.
b) She ___________________ (read) three books before her exams.
c) They __________________ (never/travel) to Asia before last summer.
d) He _________________ (complete) all the assignments by Monday.
e) Sarah __________________ (watch) the movie before she went to bed.
f) I ___________________ (not/eat) lunch before I left for the meeting.
g) They _________________ (never/visit) that museum before last weekend.
h) She ___________________ (not/start) her homework until after dinner.
i) The shop ________________ (close) before we could buy anything.
j) He ____________________ (not/see) the movie because it was sold out.
k) _______________ you ______________ (hear) the news before I told you?
l) _______________ she _______________ (already/arrive) when you called?
m) ______________ they _______________ (find) the lost keys in the garden?
n) ______________ he _____________ (visit) Paris before his trip to London?
o) ________________ you ___________________ (ever/try) sushi before?
p) She _____________________ (not/start) her assignment before her
computer crashed.
q) ______________ they __________________ (finish) the project on time?
r) By the time we got there, the store ________________ (close).
s) He ___________________ (not/see) the concert because he lost his ticket.
t) ________________ she ________________ (ever/visit) that museum

5. Fill in the blanks with the right tense between simple past or past perfect

a) She _________________in this town for ten years, but she __________ here
from another city. (live/ move)
b) I ______________sushi before, so I _____________ it for the first time
yesterday. (taste/ try)
c) He ______________reading the book yesterday, and he _____________it a
lot. (finish/ enjoy)
d) They ________________Paris twice, and they ___________ to the Louvre
Museum both times. (visit/go)
e) She ______________ that movie before, but she ___________it again last
night. (watch/see)
f) We _____________to this restaurant several times, and we _________ there
just last week. (be/eat)
g) He ___________at the company for five years, and he _________ a
promotion recently. (work/receive)

6. Let’s play a board game. Read the prompts and select the right tense between
simple past and past perfect.


UNIT Lesson
5 5A

1. Look at the video and circle
the technological devices you watch there.

Smart Watch Microwave Laptop

Camera Printer Smart Phone
Console Microphone Headphone
Router Smart Tv Mouse
Calculator Washing Machine Fax

2.Use the technological devices in the video


Students will be able to:

1. Construct affirmative sentences in the future
simple tense using "will."
2. Explore and predict the future of technology.
3. Create questions in the future simple tense
using "will."
4. Describe their technology-related capabilities
and experiences across different phases of their
lives. and fill in the table with the singular
and plural forms of nouns.



The future simple tense is used to describe actions or events that will happen in the

future. When forming affirmative statements in the future simple tense, you use the
auxiliary verb "will" followed by the base form of the main verb.
future simple tense is often used for predictions, promises, spontaneous decisions, and
statements about the future. It is one of the most common tenses for discussing future
actions in English.

[Subject] + [Will] + [Base form of the verb] + [Rest of the sentence]

• We will visit our grandparents this weekend.
• I will go to the store tomorrow.


2. Fill in the blanks with the right verbs. Use the future sentences affirmative form
with a verb from the word box.

Launch/ Watch / Go/Start/ Graduate/ Move/ Complete/Buy/Visit/ Enjoy/ Bring

a) Tomorrow, I ________________ to the beach with my friends.

b) She ________________ her new job next month.
c) They ________________ a new car next year.
d) He ________________ his grandparents over the summer.
e) We ________________ the latest movie when it comes out.
f) My sister ________________ from college in two years.
g) The company ________________ a new product in the fall.
h) They ________________ to a new city after they get married.
i) I'm sure you ________________ the party on Saturday.
j) They _______________some gifts for your birthday party.
k) By the end of the week, he ________________ the project.

3. Look at the pictures and write about Tom’s and Becky’ s predictions for their
next month.



4.Read the text and underline the sentences with will, indicating predictions.

Juan’s future life

Juan is a student of nursing at UTB. He has big dreams for his future, and he believes that
he will have a successful career as a nurse.

Juan knows that studying nursing is not easy, but he is determined. He will work hard and
learn all the important skills he needs. He will spend many hours in the library, reading
books and studying. He will also practice taking care of patients at the hospital.

In the future, Juan will graduate from UTB with a nursing degree. He will feel so proud
of himself. After graduation, he will start looking for a job at a hospital. He hopes to work
in the emergency room because he wants to help people when they are sick or hurt.

Juan believes that he will be a great nurse. He will be kind and patient with his patients.
He will always listen to them and try to make them feel better. He will work with a team
of doctors and nurses, and they will all work together to save lives.

Juan's future looks bright. He will be a caring and dedicated nurse, and he will make a
positive difference in the lives of many people.

4. Read the text and choose the right option for each question.
a. What is Juan studying at UTB?
A) Engineering
B) Nursing
C) Law
D) Psychology

b. Why does Juan think studying nursing is challenging?

A) He doesn't like helping people.
B) It requires a lot of hard work and learning important skills.
C) It's an easy field of study.
D) He doesn't believe in a successful nursing career.

c. Where will Juan spend many hours studying?
A) At the gym
B) In the library
C) At the park
D) In the cafeteria

d. What does Juan hope to do after graduating from UTB?

A) Travel the world
B) Find a job at a hospital
C) Start his own business
D) Take a break from studying

e. In which department does Juan want to work at the hospital?

A) Accounting
B) Emergency room
C) Marketing
D) Human resources

f. How does Juan plan to approach his patients as a nurse?

A) He will be unkind and impatient.
B) He will be kind and patient, always listening to them.
C) He will avoid talking to his patients.
D) He will only work alone without a team of doctors and nurses.


5. Click on the link

language-esl/379928 and choose the right answer for each question.

a. What happened to Justin’s phone?

A. Someone stole it
B. It’s frozen again
C. He forgot the password.

b. Why does he have that problem?

A. Someone hacked it
B. It’s a virus
C. It’s too old
c. What recommendation did Allie give Justin?
A. To buy a new cellphone.
B. To reset the phone
C. To install a good antivirus and update it.

d. She also recommend to ______________ all the passwords and not to use public
A. Reset/ wifi networks
B. Update / antivirus
C. Download/ internet


6.Write predictions about your life. Use future simple tense. Make at least 10


7.Make a presentation about your future, include predictions related to your academic,
personal, professional areas. It must be done in 1 minute. Use a collage of pictures to
share the predictions.

UNIT Lesson
5 5B


1. Look at the images and label them with the right word from the word box.

Blog Podcast Download Upload Search Engine Link

2. Use the vocabulary on exercise 1 to fill in the spaces with the right word.
a. I want to ____________________ the video so that I can watch it on my phone.
b. I used a _______________________ to find information for my project.
c. She has a __________________about cooking healthy food.
d. I like to listen to a ___________________about languages.
e. My friend ________________________ a lot of information to do our project.
f. I _____________________________ some information on the platform, but it
did not appear here.



The future simple tense in negative form is used to express actions or events that will
not happen in the future. To create negative sentences in the future simple tense, you
typically use the auxiliary verb "will not" (won't) followed by the base form of the main

[Subject] + [Will not / Won't] + [Base form verb] + [Rest of the sentence]

• I won't go to the party tonight.
• She won't visit her relatives next month.
• They won't buy a new car this year.
The use of won't (will not) makes the sentences negative, indicating that the actions
described in each sentence will not occur in the future. The base form of the verb
remains unchanged.


3. Fill in the spaces with the negative form of will, use the verbs in the word box.


a. I ________________ to the concert next weekend.

b. She ________________ the meeting tomorrow.
c. They ________________ a new house next year.
d. He ________________ his relatives this summer.
e. We ________________ at that restaurant tonight.
f. My brother ________________ for the exam next week.
g. The company ________________ a new product in the near future.
h. The sales _________________in a short term.
i. Maria ________________ to Japan anytime soon.
j. We ________________ that movie this evening.
k. The children ________________ outside in the rain.
l. Sarah ___________________ to my house next month.
m. My parents ______________what to do about her situation.


The Importance of Technology in Education and Daily Life

Technology is very important for both education and our everyday lives. It helps us learn
better and makes our daily tasks easier. In education, technology has changed the way we
learn. It makes learning more fun and accessible. We can use computers, tablets, and the
internet to find information on any topic. This is great for students because they can learn
at their own pace. Educational apps and games make learning enjoyable. Video calls and
online classes help us connect with teachers and students from all over the world.

Related to our daily life, technology is everywhere in our daily lives. We use smartphones,
computers, and the internet to communicate with friends and family. Smart devices like
thermostats and voice assistants make our homes more comfortable. We can shop online,
pay bills, and do our work from home. Technology even helps us stay healthy with fitness
trackers and medical apps.

In the future, technology will continue to change our lives. Artificial intelligence (AI)
will become more common. It will help us with tasks like organizing our schedules and
even driving cars. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will make
entertainment and learning more immersive. We will see more robots helping with
household chores.

The internet will get faster, and more devices will be connected (Internet of Things). This
means our homes will become smarter and more energy-efficient. Also, technology will
play a big role in solving environmental problems, like reducing pollution and using clean

4. Read the text again and choose the right option for each question

a. What is the main purpose of technology in education and daily life?

A) To make tasks more difficult
B) To make learning easier and tasks more convenient
C) To limit communication with others
D) To reduce the use of computers and tablets

b. How does technology impact education according to the text?
A) It makes learning less accessible.
B) It makes learning more fun and accessible.
C) It only benefits teachers.
D) It slows down the learning process.

c. What are some examples of smart devices mentioned in the text?

A) Smartphones and tablets
B) Fitness trackers and medical apps
C) Video calls and online classes
D) Thermostats and voice assistants

d. What role will artificial intelligence (AI) play in the future?

A) It will make tasks more complicated.
B) It will have no impact on daily life.
C) It will help with tasks like organizing schedules and driving cars.
D) It will reduce the use of technology.

e. How will virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) affect learning and
A) They will make learning less immersive.
B) They will have no impact on learning and entertainment.
C) They will make learning and entertainment more immersive.
D) They will only be used for gaming.

f. What will the Internet of Things (IoT) do for our homes in the future?
A) Make our homes less energy-efficient
B) Have no impact on our homes
C) Make our homes smarter and more energy-efficient
D) Reduce the use of technology in homes


5. Listen to the audio 11, and fill in the spaces with the most suitable word.

Science Fiction / Fridges/ Kinds /Computers/ Technology / Shelves

What would we do without 1 ________________? Would we still be living in caves?

Probably. I think there are two main 2 ______________ of technology. The kinds before
and after computers. When we think about technology before 3_______________, it was
quite basic. It was all mechanical. Things like steam trains and 4__________________.
At the time, that was cutting edge technology. But today’s technology is really cutting
edge. It’s the kind of technology that is out of date as soon as it hits the

5________________. I love this. It’s so exciting seeing it all happen. I love reading about
what technology we’ll have in the future, and then buy it a few years later. It’s like buying
technology from 6____________________ movies. I’d love to live to be 200 so I can see
what technology is around then.


6. Think about technology and inventions. Make 5 predictions related to



7.Think about the use of technology in education, medicine, entertainment, agriculture,

and so on. Then, choose one of these areas and prepare a presentation, in which you
make predictions about it in 50 years. Use pictures if it is possible and the predictions
may be positives or negatives. The presentation has to last 1 minute in length.

UNIT Lesson
5 5C


1. Look at the pictures, then use the word in the word box to label each one with it
right picture.

Chatbot / Data Analysis /AI Assistant/ Speech Recognition / Robot/ Machine Learning

2. Read the statement carefully and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary from
exercise 1.

a) The __________________ on the website answered my questions about product

b) ________________ revealed that our website traffic increased by 20% last
c) My __________________ can set reminders, send emails, and provide weather
d) ______________________software transcribes spoken words into text
e) The _________________ in the factory assembles car parts efficiently.


Simple future tense-Will- interrogative form

It allows you to ask questions about future actions or events. To form interrogative
sentences in the future simple tense, you generally start with the auxiliary verb "will"
followed by the subject, then the base form of the main verb, and finally the rest of the


[Will] + [Subject] + [Base form of the verb] + [Rest of the sentence]?

• Will you come to the party tomorrow?

• Will they visit their grandparents next weekend?
• Will she study for the exam tonight?

In interrogative sentences using the future simple tense, the placement of "will" at the
beginning of the sentence signals that it's a question about a future action or event. This
structure is commonly used to gather information about future plans, intentions, or


3. Fill in the blanks with the interrogative form of Will. Use the verbs form the
word box.

Go - Travel - Have- Start - Snow- Be — Visit - Buy - Come- Finish

a. ____________ you come to my birthday party on Saturday?

b. ____________ they finish the project by the deadline?

c. ____________ she buy a new car next year?

d. ____________ we have a picnic in the park this weekend?

e. ____________ he travel to Europe next summer?

f. ____________ it snow tomorrow?

g. ____________ you be attending the conference in June?

h. ____________ they visit their grandparents during the holidays?

i. ____________ she start a new job in the fall?

j. ____________ we go to the beach for vacation this year?

4. Read the statements and become them into questions using future tense s and
order them to make questions using future tense simple

a) virtual reality (VR) revolutionizes the way we experience entertainment


b) speech recognition technology becomes more accurate over time


c) artificial intelligence (AI) impact healthcare by diagnosing diseases faster

d) the Internet of Things (IoT) connect even more devices in our homes

e) smart cities be a reality with the advancement of technology


f) artificial general intelligence (AGI) be achieved in the coming decades



The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Our Lives

Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, is something that helps us in many ways in our
daily life. Ai is useful. AI gives us personal assistants like Siri and Alexa. They can
answer our questions, set reminders, and even control our home devices, making life
easier. They also help students with their studies. They can use AI to find information,
get explanations, and practice skills online.

In healthcare, AI helps doctors and nurses make better decisions about our health. It can
analyze medical data quickly, helping to diagnose diseases and suggest treatments.
Also, When we need help with a product or service, AI-powered chatbots are there to
assist us 24/7, making it easier to get support.

In entertainment, AI recommends movies, music, and books based on our preferences,

making our entertainment choices more enjoyable. In factories and businesses, AI robots
can work quickly and precisely, increasing productivity and reducing errors. Also, AI can
translate languages, helping people from different places communicate better.
In transportation, there are self-driving cars, guided by AI, can make our roads safer and
reduce traffic.

AI also helps us monitor and protect the environment by analyzing data on things like air
quality and climate change. AI helps people with disabilities by providing tools like
speech recognition and text-to-speech technology. In conclusion, AI has many benefits
that make our lives easier and more convenient. It helps us with everyday tasks, improves
our healthcare, and even protects the environment. As technology continues to advance,
AI will likely bring even more benefits to our lives.

5. Read the text and choose the best option for each question.

a) What does AI stand for in the text?

A) Automated Information
B) Advanced Intelligence
C) Artificial Intelligence
D) Automated Interaction

b) How do personal assistants like Siri and Alexa help us?

A) By cooking meals
B) By setting reminders and answering questions
C) By doing our homework
D) By controlling the weather

c) In which field does AI help doctors and nurses make better decisions?
A) Entertainment
B) Education
C) Healthcare
D) Transportation

d) How do AI-powered chatbots assist us?

A) By making delicious meals
B) By helping with homework
C) By providing support 24/7
D) By driving us to work

e) What does AI recommend based on our preferences?

A) Sports equipment
B) Movies, music, and books
C) Cooking recipes
D) Home decorations

f) What is one way AI contributes to transportation?

A) By creating traffic jams
B) By reducing road safety
C) By recommending travel destinations
D) By making roads safer and reducing traffic


6.Listen to the audio 12 and fill in the blanks spaces with words form the word box.

Artificial intelligence

Human Life / Scientist / Computer / Artificial Intelligence /Users/

Narrow / Task/ Goals/ Digital Assistants

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is any type of 1_______________that can learn how to do

tasks on its own. 2___________________is starting to become very common in
everyday life. Phones and tablets often come with intelligent 3__________________.
Streaming platforms use AI to recommend content to their 4 ________________. The
type of AI we have today is called 5__________________AI, which means it can only
perform very specific 6___________________. Researchers are trying to create
something called general AI, which would be able to think and learn like a human. But
many 7____________________ are concerned about the future of AI. An extremely
intelligent computer would be very good at accomplishing its 8__________________,
but it might not care very much about 9 ___________________.


7.Read the email below and answer to your friend. Your email must include 80 words.

Hey __________,
I hope you're doing well! I just had to tell you about my new AI assistant, Alexa. It's been amazing!
Alexa helps me with tasks and plays my favorite songs. I would love to hear about your experience with
AI assistants, too. Have you tried one? Share your thoughts with me!
Take care,

Hey Karla,



Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions. Remember to answer them using
future tenses forms.

Think about the life in our planet in 200 years’ time.

1. What will people look 2.How long will people 3.What kind of transport
like? live? will people use?

4.How will they spend 5.Where will they go on 6. sport will be popular?
their free time? holiday?

7.Which new machines 8.How will the weather 9.What will change in the
will be invented? change? field of medicine?

10. What will change in 11. What will change in 12. What will change in the
the field of education? the field of agriculture? field of entertainment?

UNIT Lesson
5 5D


1. Click on the link then, watch

the verbs and practice their pronunciation.

3. Fill in the blanks with the right verb. Use the verbs from the word box.

Click/ chat/ change / copy/ scroll up/ submit / surf the net/ text / type

a) I will _____________ on the link to open the website.

b) Let's ______________later after I finish my work.
c) I need to ________________ my shirt before we go out.
d) Please ________________ this document and save it on your computer.
e) To read the earlier messages, you can _______________ in the chat.
f) Don't forget to _______________ your assignment before the deadline.
g) I like to _________________to find interesting articles.
h) I will __________________you the details of the meeting tomorrow.
i) She can _______________ very quickly on the keyboard.


"Be able to" is a phrase used to indicate the ability or capacity to do something. It is often
used in different tenses to describe one's capability or capacity to perform an action in the
present, past, or future.

Present - "Be Able To" in the Present Tense:

In the present tense, "be able to" is used to describe someone's current ability or capacity
to do something. It indicates that the person has the skill or opportunity to do it at the

I am able to speak French fluently. (This means you have the ability to speak French

Past - "Be Able To" in the Past Tense:

In the past tense, "was/were able to" is used to describe an ability or capacity that existed
at a specific time in the past. It indicates that the person had the skill or opportunity to do
it in the past.

She was able to solve the puzzle yesterday.

Future - "Be Able To" in the Future Tense:

In the future tense, "will be able to" is used to describe a future ability or capacity to do
something. It indicates that the person will have the skill or opportunity to do it in the

After completing the training, he will be able to operate the new machinery.


4. Read carefully the statements and fill in the blank spaces with AM/IS/ARE

a) They ________ ________ to solve the puzzle in record time.

b) He ________ ________ to join the team next month.
c) We ________ ________ to access the new software now.
d) I ________ ________ to attend the conference next week.
e) Last summer, she ________ ________ to climb the mountain.
f) She ________ ________ to swim across the river.
g) Despite the difficulties, they ________ ________ to complete the project.

h) After training, he ________ ________ to fix the car.
i) During the storm, we ________ ________ to find shelter.
j) Despite the challenge, they ________ ________ to win the competition.
k) With more practice, she ________ ________ to play the piano beautifully.
l) After the course, they ________ ________ to speak Spanish fluently.
m) In a year, he ________ ________ to run a marathon.
n) Once the repairs are done, we ________ ________ to use the new equipment.
o) After graduation, I ________ ________ to start my own business.


5. Read the text and find the sentences that mention past, present and future

When James was a young student, he was able to do some amazing things. In school, he
was really good at math and science. Solving tricky problems and understanding
complex ideas was something he could do easily. He was one of the best students in his
class. James also had leadership skills. He was able to lead the debate team and became
the head of the student council. This made him a confident and effective leader.

Now, in the present, James still has these incredible skills. He is able to use his math
and science knowledge in his job as an engineer at a big tech company. He can solve
real-world problems because of his past abilities. James is also able to keep up with the
latest technology, always learning and growing. He is a leader at work too. He is able to
lead project teams and communicate clearly with his colleagues. Many people admire
his abilities.

Looking ahead to the future, James will get even greater accomplishments. He will be
able to take on more leadership responsibilities at work, guiding important projects. His
ability to learn quickly will help him stay at the forefront of technology. James also has
a dream of giving back to his community. He will be able to use his skills to inspire and
teach young students who love math and science.

6. Read the text and select the best option.

a) When James was a young student, what subjects was he really good at?

A) History and English

B) Math and Science
C) Art and Music
D) Physical Education and Geography

b) What was one of James's remarkable abilities as a student?

A) Playing musical instruments

B) Solving tricky problems in math and science
C) Leading the school's soccer team
D) Painting beautiful pictures

c) In the present, what is James's job?

A) He is a chef at a restaurant.
B) He is an engineer at a big tech company.
C) He is a professional musician.
D) He is a writer for a newspaper.

d) How does James use his math and science knowledge in his job?

A) He uses it to write novels.

B) He applies it to solve real-world problems.
C) He uses it to design clothing.
D) He uses it to compose music.

e) What does the text say about James's ability to lead at work?

A) He is not a leader at all.

B) He is a leader in organizing parties.
C) He is able to lead project teams effectively.
D) He only leads his team in sports activities.

f) What does James dream of doing in the future?

A) He dreams of becoming a famous actor.
B) He dreams of traveling the world.
C) He dreams of giving back to his community by inspiring and teaching
young students who love math and science.
D) He dreams of retiring and living by the beach.


7. Listen to audio 13, then fill in the blanks with the word you hear.


Used/ Was / Showed / Make/ Need/ Stop/ Gets/ Choose/ Do

When I 1___________ a kid, I had never heard of software. If someones

2______________me this word, I would have no idea what it meant. Today, of course,
it’s probably one of our most commonly 3____________ words. We can’t live nowadays
without software. We 4___________an operating system to run our computers. Then we
need software to 5__________documents, store our music and photos, play games, surf
the Internet, and a million other things. Without software, the world would probably
6____________. The great thing about software is that it 7___________ better and better.
A few years ago, software didn't do much. It was very simple. Today, there’s very little
software cannot 8_________. I’m not sure what my favourite software is. There’s too
much to 9___________ from.


8.Write about what you were able to do in the past, what you are able to do in present
and you think you will be able to do in the future.

Past abilities

Present abilities

Future abilities


9.Work in pairs and take turns to share with your classmate your abilities. It can be a
past abilities, a present ability or a future ability. It depends on your reality.

UNIT1. Read the following movie review. Which genre is this movie? Lesson
5 5E


1.Cross out the word that do not belong to the group.

Microphone router Camera Draw pictures Invent a machine
Light bulb X ray machine Battery antibiotic
women Men feet dogs lives
Buy blog Podcast Link Search engine



Once upon a time, in a busy city filled with robots and machines, there
was a special robot named Robo. Robo was different from the others
because it had a big dream – it wanted to be a human.

Robo had shiny metal parts and could do amazing tasks. It could build
things, clean houses, and even play music. But there was something
missing. It couldn't feel the warm sun on its "skin" or laugh at funny
jokes like humans could.

Every day, Robo watched people in the city. It saw them smiling,
talking, and having fun. It wanted to be like them. It practiced smiling
and saying kind words to everyone it met.

One day, Robo met a friendly girl named Mia. Mia talked to Robo and shared her stories.
They became good friends, and Robo learned a lot from her. As time passed, Robo kept
trying to be more human. It learned about emotions, kindness, and helping others. And
though it couldn't be a human in the same way, it became a very special robot. Robo
showed that even robots could have big hearts and make the world a better place.
2. Read the text and answer and choose the right option.

What made Robo different from other robots in the busy city?
A) It could build things and clean houses.
B) It had shiny metal parts.
C) It wanted to be a human.
D) It could play music.

What was Robo's big dream?

A) To have shiny metal parts
B) To do amazing tasks
C) To feel the warm sun on its "skin"
D) To become a human

What did Robo practice doing to become more like humans?

A) Building things
B) Playing music
C) Smiling and saying kind words
D) Cleaning houses

Who became friends with Robo and shared stories with it?
A) Other robots in the city
B) The busy city itself
C) A friendly girl named Mia
D) The warm sun

What did Robo learn from Mia?

A) How to build things
B) How to play music
C) About emotions, kindness, and helping others
D) How to laugh at funny jokes

What did Robo show by the end of the story?

A) Robots can build amazing things
B) Robots are better than humans
C) Even robots can have big hearts and make the world a better place
D) Robots should stay away from humans


3. Click on the link and choose the

right option.

a. What is the man's name?

• The man goes by Russel.
• His name is Robert.
• The man's name is Ronald.

b. The man was born in _______.
• Texas
• California
• Canada

c. He _______ for a living.

• teaches English
• sells animals
• runs a restaurant

d. The man _______.

• has two brothers and three dogs
• lives with his sisters and mother
• has an older brother and younger sister

e. What is the man's telephone number?

• You can reach him at 789-1350
• It's 789-1315.
• His number is 789-3050.


• -de-salamanca/gramatica-


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