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BOOKS by Rita Dove.

Rita Frances Dove was born on August 28, 1952, in Akron, Ohio, USA.
She grew up in a highly educated and culturally diverse family, which
fostered her early love for literature and the arts.
Dove attended Miami University in Ohio, where she received her
bachelor's degree in English in 1973.
She later earned a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree from the
University of Iowa Writers' Workshop in 1977.
The most important aspect of Rita Dove's career is her
significant contributions to American literature,
particularly through her Pulitzer Prize-winning poetry
collection "Thomas and Beulah," her role as the U.S. Poet
Laureate, and her impact on literature and culture.
Rita Dove's poetry and writing continue to be celebrated
for their depth and beauty, and she remains a prominent
figure in the world of contemporary American literature.
Contributions to literature
She served as the U.S. Poet Laureate from 1993 to 1995, becoming the
youngest person and the first African American to hold this position at
the time.
Dove has published numerous poetry collections, such as "The Yellow
House on the Corner" (1980), "Thomas and Beulah" (1986), which won
the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, and "On the Bus with Rosa Parks" (1999).
Her poetry is known for its emotional depth and vivid imagery.
She has written novels , essays and plays like ‘’The Poet’s World’’ and ‘’The
Darker Face of the Earth’’, and also short stories such as ‘’Fifth Sunday’’,
showcasing her versatility and mastery of different literary forms.
Throughout her career, Dove has received numerous awards and
honors, including the National Humanities Medal and the National Medal
of Arts, recognizing her outstanding contributions to American literature.
"For the Love of Books" is an essay by Rita Dove that explores the deep and
enduring connection between individuals and literature. In this piece, Dove
beautifully captures the essence of bibliophilia, emphasizing the profound
impact that books have on our lives.

One of the notable aspects of Dove's essay is its universality. It speaks to all
readers, regardless of their preferred genre or the type of books they adore.
This universality underlines the idea that the love of books transcends
personal tastes and preferences. It is a common bond that unites individuals
through the ages.
heft shelf
NOUN: the property of being large in NOUN: a thin flat usually long and narrow piece of
material fastened horizontally at a distance
mass. from the floor to hold objects
SYNONYMS avoirdupois, heaviness, weight
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, probably from Old
English scylfe
“I loved to feel their heft in my hand and
the warm spot caused by their intimate "...had a sickeningly sweet lilac and gold cover
and was forbiddingly thick, but I finally pulled it
weight in my lap;“
off the shelf..."
“Me encantaba sentir su peso en mi "...tenía una cubierta repugnantemente dulce de
mano y la marca cálida causada por su color lila y dorado y era terriblemente gruesa,
peso íntimo en mi regazo;” pero finalmente lo saqué del estante..."

solarium cornucopia
a curved, hollow goat's horn or similarly
NOUN: a glass-enclosed porch or room. shaped receptacle that is overflowing and
that is used as a decorative motif emblematic
of abundance
ETYMOLOGY Latin, porch exposed to the sun,
SYNONYMS: argosy, gold mine, mine, mother lode,
from sol.
treasure trove, wellspring
“What I remember most about long summer days
"...and discovered a cornucopia of emotional and
is browsing the bookshelves in our solarium to
linguistic delights, from “The Ballad of Barbara
see if there were any new additions.” Fritchie,” which I adored..."
“Lo que más recuerdo de los largos días de "...y descubrí una gran cantidad de placeres
verano es mirar las estanterías de nuestro solario emocionales y lingüísticos, de “La balada de Bárbara
para ver si había alguna novedad”. Fritchie”, que me encantó..."

syncopated enticed
ADJETIVE: having a rhythm in which strong VERB: to attract artfully or adroitly or by
notes are not on the beat. arousing hope or desire.
RELATED WORD: syncopation SYNONYMS: allure, betray, decoy, seduce, solicit,
...for its sheer length and rather numbing rhymes,
"The Complete Works of William Shakespeare —that
to Langston Hughes’s dazzlingly syncopated enticed me, because here was a lifetime’s work—a
“Dream Boogie.” lifetime!—in two compact, dense packages."
...por su longitud y sus rimas bastante "Las obras completas de William Shakespeare, eso me
entumecedoras, hasta la deslumbrantemente atrajo, porque aquí estaba el trabajo de toda una vida,
sincopada "Dream Boogie" de Langston Hughes. ¡toda una vida!, en dos paquetes compactos y densos".

oeuvre installment
NOUN: one of several parts into which a story, plan, or
NOUN: a substantial body of work constituting
money owed has been divided, so that each part
the lifework of a writer, an artist, or a
happens or is paid at different times until the end
composer. or total is reached.
SYNONYMS: part, portion, section, segment,
SYNONYM: corpus
division, bit, chapter, episode, issue.
"Then there was Shakespeare—daunting for "In the course of the year I wrote one installment per
many years because it was his entire oeuvre," week, and I never knew what was going to happen
next—the words led me, not the other way around."
"A lo largo del año escribí una entrega por semana y
"Luego estaba Shakespeare, que durante muchos
nunca supe lo que iba a pasar a continuación; las
años fue desalentador porque era toda su obra".
palabras me guiaron, no al revés".


Dove's portrayal of the power of books as "silent companions" is evocative,

emphasizing the idea that books can be constant, reliable sources of comfort and
companionship in a person's life. The poem also delves into the transformative
nature of reading, how it can transport the reader to new realms, spark
imagination, and stimulate emotions.
In essence, "For the Love of Books" reminds us of the enduring magic of books and
the unique bond readers share with them, making it a delightful ode to the world
of literature and the enduring love affair between individuals and their books.
Final thoughts

We enjoyed this text because she uses great vocabulary, all of her stories are
relatable, and the way that she talks about how she loved reading and even when
it can be complex books.
First of all the adjectives that are used are great and create a great picture. All
of the stories that she tells make it so vivid that I can perfectly picture what is
happening. In her essay she talks about a book that she read as a child and she
describes it with having an alternate universe.

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