Mental Health Issues Among Malaysian Workers

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Mental health issues among

workers in Malaysia
Gain more
information related to
the problem/task
Get a clear understanding
of the problem/task 1. Definition 2. Data Collection
In 2018, 4.57M working adults in Malaysia
Mental health has been the least reported mental health issues and 29%
issue to be spoken among the safety of employees indicated that they have
and health officers. poor mental health
Include stress, anxiety, burn out,
conducting surveys or interview with
decreased productivity
individuals who are experiencing mental
health issues.

Based on the data

7. Evaluation Process collected try to answer
the question of why
evaluate the whole problem occured
initial screening
process of solving
clinical interview 3. Cause Analysis
the problem so you
psychometric testing
can improve in
medical evaluation Anxiety symptom

Dr shiba's
future stress symptom
personal burnout

7 steps
check if the solution
can be generalized
and applied widely Devise a possible
solution based on the
6. Standardization information you
Awareness and education acquired
-: to promote understanding and 4. Solution Planning
recognition of mental health problems
among workers. Humanistic- Discrimination ;
screening and assessment 5. Evaluation Effects propagate clear policies
-: Implementing standardized tools and Environmental friendly-
protocols promote prompt action which
Organizational Change ;
policies and procedure may reduce harm, avoid prolong Enhance the use of natural
-:Establishing clear policies and toxication in workplace elements
procedures that address mental health exposed to greenery and natural Technological and economical
concerns in the workplace environment. feasible- Work Life Balance ;
flexible regulation; enable to
check weather the achieve a healthier work-life
solution works/not. balance
Find better solution
if needed

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