First Time Meeting HOMETOWN Description

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Tiến trình giao tiếp Cách Mở lời Đáp

- Hi / Hello/ Hey!
1 - Hi there/ Hello there
- Good morning/ afternoon/
evening (formal)
- Morning!

2 - Hi/ Hello, I’m Trung. You are? - I’m Nhung.

- Hello there! What’s your name?
- Chào - Hi there! My name is Trang. - My name is Linh.
- Xưng tên What’s yours?
- Hỏi tên
- Nói lời hân hạnh
3 - Hello. It's nice to meet you. I'm - It's a pleasure to make your
Huong. acquaintance. My name is Duc.

- (I'm) delighted to make your


4 - Good morning. Pleased to meet - So am I.

you. - Pleased to meet you, too.

5 - I’m happy to meet you.

- I’m glad to meet you. - Glad to meet you, too.
- Nice to meet you!
- Good to see you!

6 - Is this Mai?
- You must be Lan? - Yes, I’m pleased to meet you.
- Who's this?
- Fine, thank you = I'm fine. Thank

- I’m doing fine.

- Hi, Thu! How are you
- I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
- Pretty fine/ good, thanks. And
- How (are) you doing? you?
+ Jane: How are you doing? - Couldn’t be better!
- Hỏi thăm sức khỏe 1 Mary: I'm okay. What about
người mới gặp và you? - Great. You? = Good, and you?
người đã quen Jane: Likewise. (cũng như
vậy) - Can’t complain (không phàn nàn
+ Sally: Sue, this is my little được, mọi chuyện đều tốt đẹp)
brother, Bill. = I can’t complain too much
Sue: How are you, Bill?
- Not very bad, thank you = Not
Bill: Okay. How you doing?
- How are you keeping? - Not so well. I’ve come down with
e.g: How's your mother keeping? flu.

- How have you been keeping? = - Not so well = Not so good

How have you been?
- Not so great/ Not too good

- I have been all right

- Hỏi thăm người đã 1 - Same as ever = Same as always
quen (như mọi khi thôi)
- What’s going on? (tình hình
như thế nào rồi?) - Nothing special (không có gì đặc
- How’s it going (today)?
e.g: -Much better. Thank you
+ Bob: "hey how's it going
bro!" - Just fine (đủ tốt)
Tom: "not bad dude, I
haven’t seen you for a long time" - I’ve been busy (dạo này bận
- How’s everything (going)? =
How are things (going)? (mọi - Great. You?
thứ thế nào?)
- Good, and you?
- How’s (your) life? (cuộc sống
dạo này sao rồi?) - (Things/ I) could/ might be
better (mọi thứ không ổn lắm)
- Everything’s okay? = Is e.g:
everything okay? John: How are things going,
Fred: Things could be better. And
John: About the same.

- Terrible

2 - It has been (such) a long time - Yes. It’s been so long

- It’s been too long (formal)

- It’s been a while.

- I haven’t seen you for a long


- Haven’t seen you for sometime.

- Haven’t seen you for ages.

- Nice to see you again.

- It’s good to see you again.

- Glad to meet you here.

- Long time no see. How are you

getting on?
3 - What’s up? (dạo này thế nào?)
+ Jay: What's up?
Sam: "Nothing" - Not much. I'm just preparing
+ Carl: Hey! Dude some material for my class
tomorrow. And you?
Mark: Hey! What’s up?
Carl: Nothing much - I have been to Ho Chi Minh city
Mark: Cool

- What’s new? (dạo này có gì

mới không?)
Bob: Hi, Bill! How are you?
Bill: I could be better. What's
new with you?
Bob: Not much. (không có gì mới

- Anything new?

- What’s the latest?

- Hi! Where have you been?

- What are you doing these days?

Tam: What are you doing these
Ha: Not much. I had a job interview
the other day - I think it went pretty
Tam: Good to hear that. Keep well,

- What have you been doing?

- What have you been up to


- What have you been up to all

these years?

Hỏi quê quán/ quốc - Where are you from? - I'm Tung. I'm from Nghe An.
tịch 1
- Where do you come from? - I come from Quang Ninh.

2 - Are you from Quang Binh? - No, I'm from Ha Tinh.

3 - Where is your hometown? - Thai Nguyen.

4 - Are you Australian? - No, I’m American.

5 - Which city do you live in your - Oh, Sevilla.


Hỏi số lần đến thăm 1 - Is this the first time you have - No, it's the second time.
come to Hanoi?

2 - Have you been to Vietnam - No. It’s my first time to come

before? here.

Hỏi về khoảng thời 1 - How long have you been to…/ - A month
gian ở VN… lived in…?

Hỏi về mục đích 1 - Are you here on vacation? - No, I’m not. I’m here working.
- Are you here on business or for - On business.

Hỏi tuổi 1 - How old are you? - I'm (almost) fifteen

- I'm eighteen years old

Hỏi nơi sống 1 - Where do you live? - I live at Hang Bong Street.

Hỏi nơi học/ làm việc 1 - Where are you studying/ - I am studying in Hue.
working? - My major is Computer Science.
- What is your major? And you?

Cảm nghĩ về nơi ở 1 - What do you think about Hai

(people, food, weather…)

2 - Are you used to life in Vietnam? - Yes, I am.

(Bạn đã quen với cuộc sống ở Việt - Of course, the food here is
Nam chưa?) amazing.

3 - Do you like Hanoi? - Yes, I like it very much, especially

the food.

Hỏi về dự định tương 1 - How long will you stay here? - About 2 weeks I think.

Miêu tả quê hương

- Where are you from?
- Could you describe your hometown? (Miêu tả quê hương của bạn).
- Where is your hometown located? (Quê hương của bạn nằm ở đâu?)
- Is it a big city or small town?
- What is the best thing in your hometown?
- What is it known for? (Nó được biết đến với cái gì?)
- What is special about it? (Có gì đặc biệt ở đó không?)
- Is it suitable for young people to live in?
- Is it easy to travel around your hometown? ( Có dễ dàng đi du lịch quanh quê hương của bạn không?)
- What do people in your town do? ( Mọi người ở quê của bạn làm gì?)

Vị trí địa lý/ Quy mô/ Đặc điểm chung

- I live in Nha Trang, which is a big city by the sea.
- I come from Hoi An. It’s an ancient city in Vietnam.
- My hometown is located in the northern/ central/ southern part of Vietnam.
- My hometown is in the south of Vietnam.
- Newcastle is one of the largest city in the Northeast.
- We live in the south-east of Hanoi.
- According to the map, the village lies about ten kilometers to the east of Hanoi.
- My hometown lies on the coast.
- I live in a small village. It’s called Duong Lam.
- I live in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam.
- My hometown is a …
+ metropolis with millions of dwellers
+ medium city with well-developed facilities
+ small city with a beautiful natural landscape
+ collection of villages with rich natural resources

Điểm nổi bật/ Nét đặc sắc/ Điều bạn thích ở quê hương mình (cảnh đẹp, con người, đồ ăn, lịch sử...)
- I live in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. It’s famous for the Old Quarter. It’s also well-known for its really
great food.
- I live in Ho Chi Minh City. It’s a huge bustling city. I’ve been living here since I was a little child. People
from all over the country come to live and work there.
- I love living in Da Nang. It has a lot of beautiful sites to see and is a great place to meet interesting people.
- Living in Da Lat suits me. It’s a romantic city where I can ride a scooter downtown and across the foggy
forests. People are also lovely and easy to talk with.
- My hometown features seafood and stunning ocean views.
- My hometown is the birthplace/ place of origin of X.
- My hometown has the worldwide reputation for X.
- The most outstanding feature of my city is…
- The most unique characteristic of my hometown is…
- When it comes to my hometown,… will be the first thing that comes into people’s mind.
- There are many time-honoured cultural relics in my hometown, such as X temple/ X historical site/ X national
park/ X pagoda/ X ancient battlefield.
- The history of… could be dated/ traced back to… (có niên đại từ...)
- My hometown used to be the capital city of X dynasty.

– be surrounded by open/ picturesque countryside: được bao quanh bởi vùng quê thoáng đãng/ đẹp như tranh
Ví dụ: My aunt’s house is surrounded by a picturesque countryside.
Nhà của dì tôi được bao quanh bởi một vùng quê đẹp như tranh vẽ.

– depend on/ be employed in/ work in agriculture: dựa vào/ được thuê làm/ làm việc trong ngành nông nghiệp
Ví dụ: The life of most villagers depends on agriculture.
Cuộc sống của hầu hết người dân trong làng là dựa vào nông nghiệp.

– downshift to a less stressful life: thay đổi thành lối sống ít áp lực hơn
Ví dụ: Sometimes you should take the time to visit your hometown to downshift to a less stressful life.
Đôi khi bạn nên dành thời gian về thăm quê nhà để giảm bớt căng thẳng trong cuộc sống.

– enjoy/ love/ explore the great outdoors: thích/yêu thích/khám phá đồng quê rộng lớn.
Ví dụ: My kids love to explore the great outdoors, so I usually take them to the countryside on weekends.
Con tôi rất thích khám phá đồng quê, vì vậy tôi hay đưa chúng về đó vào cuối tuần.

– enjoy the relaxed/ slower pace of life: tận hưởng nhịp sống thư giãn/chậm hơn
Ví dụ: My hobby is to go to the remote countryside to enjoy the slower pace of life.
Sở thích của tôi là hay tìm đến những vùng quê xa xôi để tận hưởng nhịp sống chậm rãi hơn.

– escape/ quit/ get out of/ leave the rat race: trốn khỏi/bỏ/thoát khỏi/rời khỏi guồng quay cuộc sống
Ví dụ: Countryside is a great place for you to escape the rat race.
Vùng quê là nơi tuyệt vời để bạn thoát khỏi guồng quay của cuộc sống.

– look for/ get/ enjoy a little peace and quiet: tìm kiếm/tận hưởng một chút thanh bình và yên tĩnh
Ví dụ: If your life is stressful, look for a little peace and quiet by going to a remote countryside.
Nếu cuộc sống bạn áp lực, hãy tìm kiếm một chút yên bình và thanh tĩnh bằng cách về một vùng quê xe xôi nào

– need/ want to get back/ closer to nature: cần/muốn trở về/gần gũi hơn với thiên nhiên
Ví dụ: You will be closer to nature when you live in countryside.
Bạn sẽ được gần gũi với thiên nhiên hơn khi bạn sống ở nông thôn.

– seek/ achieve a better/ healthy work-life balance: tìm kiếm/đạt được sự cân bằng công việc-cuộc sống tốt
hơn/lành mạnh
Ví dụ: My family usually spends 2 days on the weekend in countryside. It helps us have a healthy work-life
Gia đình tôi thường dành hai ngày cuối tuần ở miền quê. Điều đó giúp chúng tôi có sự cân bằng lành mạnh giữa
công việc và cuộc sống.

– seek/ start a new life in the country: tìm kiếm/bắt đầu cuộc sống mới ở vùng quê
Ví dụ: My father says that he will start a new life in the country when he retires.
Bố tôi nói rằng ông ấy sẽ bắt đầu một cuộc sống mới ở miền quê khi ông ấy về hưu.

Điều không thích về quê hương

- Ho Chi Minh city is great, but the cost of living is of the highest in the country. Trying to make both end meets
is not so easy.
- Living in a city always crowded with tourists like Phu Quoc is quite exhausting. It’s hard to find a peaceful
place to stay relaxed.

Cảm nhận về quê hương (nơi này có thích hợp với người trẻ tuổi không?)
- Thích hợp: Definitely yes, my hometown is a perfect place for young people to live in simply because…
- Không thích hợp: No, I don’t think so since my hometown…
Facilities (những tiện ích)
- Thích hợp: The facilities are well developed, including gyms, schools, hospitals, public transport, and even
leisure facilities.
- Không thích hợp: The facilities are less developed, and the resources are a bit limited.

Selection (sự chọn lựa)

- Thích hợp: Young people have all sorts of choices in my city; they can go shopping, enjoy fantastic delicacies
(đồ ăn ngon), watch films, and so on.
- Không thích hợp: Life in my hometown is a bit monotonous (đơn điệu, tẻ nhạt); young people have few
entertainment options.

Opportunity (cơ hội)

- Thích hợp: Opportunities in my city are various, from education to job-hunting, from making friends to
watching a show.
- Không thích hợp: Young people can hardly find a well-paid job in my hometown.

Life pace (nhịp sống)

- Thích hợp: My hometown is less competitive and stressful than big cities, so young people may live a comfy
and cosy life in such an environment.
- Không thích hợp: The living cost is a little bit higher than in small places, and people seldom have time to stop
and enjoy what they are supposed to.

Environment (môi trường)

- Thích hợp: My hometown is pretty peaceful and tranquil; it is the perfect place for young people to grow up
- Không thích hợp: The air pollution is increasingly serious, and there is traffic congestion everywhere, and I
guess young people ought to live in a less crowded place.

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