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~____PREMJI_ THE SHOP FOR COMPLETE GROCERY NEEDS PODDAR VIHAR Unit No-6, Ground Floor,Building No-A1 137 V.LP. Road,Opp. Haldiram, Kolkata-700052, MOBILE NO-9831538799 , 9831138129, ' GSTIN :'19ABPFM15870125 Rect belts ™ Serj oore [ters Ham Fo bays) Tissue PSI. 2, L541 kn Papecorre 268,266 (~ esi 94, C8 tines’ Paeid17- Ro, Ve Z : 86,494 © me Merios Maer c one g sc Amir? CrrerReRS ii gee ; Ogu ecn Cares eR> 4 i @ a recat Astraz ar § % ae “ crn Oi bu L Ashe won Mr a 30s Aapeam 12% OO res CHET pm fran eH Ke a MIS PREMJI Prone ky Pyh, partner © scanned with OKEN Scanner AAS CmSTT sanch : Nature of Facili Limit (Rs.) Last inspection date: Renewal Date : Insurance Cover : fe Cash Credit, VIP Pe Eb baths Hee ERGO debebss taloclte Insurance valid upto eked -Rs. in lacs Particulars Closing position | Less Margin | Advance Value] Drawing as on Margin% | amount 30.F.2023(Value) Power a 3 (ay (ab) 5 x Stock ae UTES] Tey 25%| 98,5 Oo tr Tt jook Debis (i wD 30% oo Jaiscounted, group | BYO* 14 Parsee aaa lcompany excluded in jabove) Please mention only upto allowed period [SUB-TOTAL [Less : Stocks under ol ol lusance LCs unpaid, included above */Creditor [TOTAL [OXBUCZ AO | WS PREMIJI Brrodber ke Hay, Partner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner _ oa ~ 3 A z a aaa Bae ee ae va fo a roy a. To) | o ©. @. | egal E -—+ f { E f ues joes M/S PREMJE Wirrndne Wn Rogh ne — @ scanned with OKEN Scanner fame of the Party Amount (Rs.) MIS PREMJI Wonk, Xe Singh, Partner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Foc tions Sor compilat afi borrowers) 7 proce: nq te. particulars of the fatter should be shown separately ee Thect inat they ¢i) have recenved such materials from tha na the park or ts authorised agents without demur whenever caited upon is shou sanity, value and names © aan sumg et {¥) Nall he guras r trun! tr tre Rar ard (5) undertake to dabene srch stock steed harematiows shousd be shown separately id be shown saparately ee are Kent detect som trai? ft maacar js. 1 the market vatue of any iter is less adopted tor the stahtery balarwe sheet and shoult be aopliad on a enesistent ba should be on the fe std be by way of 2 Foot rete 5 This statement should be furnished for all the unite financed by the barit unit w menary of the totsh storks incisive of stocks shown in this stat Lact greets ard book debts. (This is necessary @g. where a single ft tock statement reprevents onty @ ment cacthied eta tow mater Sockean ge res ard spares. fey if come omer barks where different keeny cf actty are france by us ard same cfher Dara! Jo may be As for exampln, if tha statement for the month of scote ts the month of October Whvla the gure of closing stocks of inventoriog seiate 49 the tame pened or tha samme AN. work nad wach cnt the Octobe 7 The data given against varus tems of the staternent thon sn Sarg the mo ober the hgures of net outstaniing eeoervablles reed in this fora tuch a8 current accnarting year net sation, otc, Rane same connotation as simiae expressions used in Forms ¥ and It of tha quarterh, statements, 10. The cooung stocks of raw materials, cocks grocers and frwhel goods ard reoenabies shows be examined 19 300 whether the vols are within the nostra, any, prescribed, there i any @2cess, sutable explanahon shoul! be given CERTIFIC, We hereby certty that sceets pledged / ypothecated to Dani are tut aed tat the said stocks. ant asaats are the absofute proper pect 19 ary ben, chan oF Changes whatsccver ooo and qualty of the abovensted stocks and othe ‘a. The quantity ts a0 nt Finn J Company and that the sab stocks and as pote have been valued 4) i same manner ad oh the sane kas and principles a4 anoted foe the Fien’s F Company's fast auaditest anc b. The stocks and other assets above ‘published accounts ‘c. The stocks tying with outside Pr _ puirchases whatsoever In the case of stocks Company's ttle to such stocks and asset ocessors inchiiad hereinabove sn charged to ths Bark are tie absolute property of the Fam / Company aru ara net subject 89 arty 3, claima a and assets shown as beng in Wand and charged 19 tue Gah. Fars Company 1s possesion of vat decuments oF Wt 19 nol subject 19 any hens, Chae oF charges whatsoever ts oF bite thereto and that the Fum's PREMUI @ scanned with OKEN Scanner season assets charged (0 the Bank; rg The abot * ecatdto the Bank shown above are Geed and donot include any book debi which in our pinion are bad or doubt of recover: eoratacenen of any tie oF pFOeSS frm any Courts or any other staulory authorities has beon received by the Fim / Company in respect ofthe whole or part of the pated stocks and assets (excepting those which are not subject to fire hazards) are fuly insured against fire and risks and that all the conditions and Fg, The abot sedi te insurance policies have been complied with and the said policies are valid and enforceable; tne santedars of stocks and assets and all other information fumished hereinabove have been taken from and are in agreement with the Firm's / Company's books of accounts does Pern te normal course of business and or other books and records maintained in accordance with statutory or other requirements. For and on behalf of Date :- 20-06,2023 gol) 2023 MIS PREMJI Wrcendas Wore Brag Partner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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