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Last month, my friend and I went to white sand beach for a trip we went by car. We started out
trip 07.00 AM and arrived at white sand beach 15.00 AM.

Event 1

In the beginning

My father prepared the car for the trip and we prepared all things that we needed, like sanck,
drink, money and many more. Then, we got on our car the driver was my father. Next, we
started out journey during the trip we Awas excited and happy. Then we arrived at white and
beach at 08.00 AM.

Event 2


Later we got of the car. Then we took a pictures. After that, we bought some tickets and enterred
the gate. All of US were very excited with the ulew of the white sand beach. Next we player some
games and took a picture of nice place.

Event 3

We got on our car. Than, we went to the place of souvenir in lamongan. The souvenir wa for my
friend and my family and than we went home


We ware very happy to go have trip of to white sand beach, es pecially white sand beach. White
sand beach is very good place. we wanted to go there next time.

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