Final Group 5 Chap 1-5 Updated As of 09-25-23

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City



A Thesis Proposal Presented To

The Faculty of the College of Criminal Justice

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in the course Criminology 108

Research Method with Applied Statistics


Hibanada, Rynhiel E. Solis, Wenston S.

Muega, Marjohn N. Superioridad, Jade E.

Norada, Clyde H. Warman, John Philip S.

Panadero, Jenneses Leonard N. Yap, Reigner D.

Salao, Kent A.

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


The researchers hereby express their heartfelt gratitude, profound, and sincere

appreciation to the following persons who made valuable contributions and who in one way or

the other have become significant part of this endeavor.

First and foremost, to Almighty God who gave wisdom, good health, patience and

knowledge in order to finish this study;

The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to research professor Dr.

Arnold Rago for imparting his valuable supervision, giving critiques and various ideas in

improving the technical side of the research and assistance towards the conduct of the study;

They would also like to give thanks to their research adviser, PLTC Hilarion P. Roga Jr.

for his time, effort on this research, and for his patience, motivation, passion, and vast knowledge

shared on this research. His all-out supervision helped the researchers accomplished the writing

of this thesis. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under his guidance;

Furthermore, the researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to PCINSP

Arturo B. Bangcaya, PSSg Angelino V. Lusaya, and Mrs. Anna Liza P. Macalalag MAEd,

research panel members, for imparting their paramount knowledge and providing suggestions to

improve the study.

The researchers are sending our sincerest appreciation to Mrs. Anna Liza P. Macalalag

MAEd, for the time and effort in helping the researchers in analyzing the data gathered and for

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

extending her patience and motivation towards the researchers;

To the respondents from San Miguel, Iloilo, thank you for your time and effort in

participating in this study. To the residents of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo who were the respondents for

the pilot testing, the researchers thank you for your cooperation as well.

The researchers of the study would like to express their heart-felt gratitude to Mayor Ma.

Luz Sanchez Gorriceta of San Miguel, Iloilo for accommodating the group and gave permission

to proceed with our study in your municipality.

Lastly, the researchers’ parents, for their support financially, emotionally, and spiritually

and for their unending love and encouragement.

The Researchers

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


The undergraduate thesis entitled “The Efficiency of PNP Officers Towards

Implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as Perceived by the Residents of San Miguel, Iloilo”

prepared and submitted by the following:

Hibanada, Rynhiel E. Solis, Wenston S.

Muega, Marjohn N. Superioridad, Jade E.

Norada, Clyde H. Warman, John Philip S.

Panadero, Jenneses Leonard N. Yap, Reigner D.

Salao, Kent A.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course, Criminological Research and

Statistics (CRM 108), has been examined for oral examination and approved on _________.

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

PCINSP Arturo B. Bangcaya (Ret.) PSSGT Angelino V. Lusaya

Panelist/Evaluator Panelist/Evaluator

Anna Liza P. Macalalag, MAEd


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Science in Criminology.

Dr. Arnold Rago

Research Professor

PMAJ Arturo B. Bangcaya (Ret.)

Dean, College of Criminal Justice

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


This study was conducted to determine the efficiency of PNP officers toward

implementation of PNP patrol operation as perceived by residents of San Miguel, Iloilo. It is also

conducted to determine the significant difference in the Efficiency of PNP Officers toward

implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by the residents when classified according to

age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector. The 100 respondents of this study were

from the six sectors namely agricultural, business, education, and transportation sector of San

Miguel, Iloilo. The participants were chosen through the purposive sampling method. The

Descriptive-Quantitative research design was used. Data were gathered using researcher-

questionnaire. The descriptive statistics employed, were the mean and frequency count to

determine the number of respondents in various groups categorized according to variables.

Mann-Whitney U test is used to determine the difference in the efficiency of PNP officers

toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by residents when classified

according to sex, while Krustal Wallis was used to determine the difference in the efficiency of

PNP officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by residents

when classified according to age, educational attainment, civil status, and sector. Results

showed that there were no significant differences in the level of perceptions of residents toward

PNP patrol operation in San Miguel, Iloilo, when respondents are classified according to Age,

Civil Status, Educational Attainment, and Sex.

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Table of Contents

Chapter Page

1 Introduction 9

Background of the Study 9-13

Statement of the Problem 13-14

General Objective 14

Specific Objective 14

Hypothesis of the Study 15

Definition of Terms 15-16

Significance of the Study 17-18

Scope and Delimitations 18

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 19

Overview of the Topic 19

Literature for Variable 1&2 19-28

Synthesis of the Literature 28-29

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 29-33

Chapter 3 Research Methodology 34

Research Design 34

Respondents 36
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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Instrumentation 36

Data Gathering Procedure 37-38

Data Analysis Procedure 38

Ethical Consideration 39

Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 40

Descriptive Analysis 40-46

Inferential Analysis 47-49

Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 50

Summary 50

Limitations of the Study 51

Conclusions 51-52

Recommendations 52-53

References 54-55

Appendices 56
Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


Background of the Study

Police patrol refers to what the officers do whether it is a spying scenario, cops walking

the beat, or on in-depth criminal investigation. It is the only form of police service that directly

attempts to eliminate the opportunity for misconduct (Almoguera, Buyo et. al., 2019). With

this, the people, properties and the entire surroundings should be felt secured and free from any

dangerous acts from criminals. The operation of police patrols also includes various activities.

Initially, the police will identify crime and provide physical police presence at the location.

This presence includes officers on foot, as well officers in car patrolling the location. However,

police patrol can also include other types of operations including the use of 9-1-1 system like

in the United States of America and using certain types of patrol where in officers may also

look for opportunities to interact with community in casual or formal situations.

The time that police officers spend handling calls, take reports, quell disturbances, and

forth. The term patrol is associated with the police today. New police officers are usually

assigned to patrol duties and are often called patrol officers. When we call for police

assistance, whether for an emergency, to report a crime, to quit disturbance, or to request some

type of routine service, patrol officers are typically dispatched. Patrol plays a big role in crime

prevention campaign not just to protect the properties, business establishments but also

preserve maintain the entire jurisdiction.

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

San Miguel, the municipality of San Miguel is composed of twenty-four barangays, and

30,115 populations. San Miguel poblacion was located in Fonda, with Ermita serving as

commercial hub. Ermita is now located in Brgy. San Jose Sitio Langca. For the inhabitant to

cognate here on Sunday and holiday a wooden was built. The community decided to move the

Poblacion to the angoy property, the church was half way contracted. As small stone was

constructed, and a plaza was set up. The Archdiocese of Jaro often to divide the parishes of

Alimodian, Leon, and San Miguel after the church was finish.

San Miguel has twenty-four barangays there are a lot of crimes and vices happen. One

of the common crimes that happened is one of the barangay officials violated the PD 1602 or

also known as illegal gambling. That’s why the operation of police patrol also involve varies

activities. Initially, the police will identify crime areas and provide a physical police presence

at the location. This presence includes officer on foot, as well as officers in cars patrolling.

Also vices in San Miguel is rampant like alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction one of the

examples of gambling in San Miguel is illegal cock fighting, kara krus and card games (pusoy,

tong its) where Brgy. Captains and SK chairman in one of the Barangay is involve and get

caught by police officers of San Miguel. The law enforcement is one of the pillars of the

criminal justice system which focuses on enforcing the law, and the perceptions on

criminological understanding according to its functions describes that without this pillar the

justice systems could not work or attain its main objective.

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Significant crimes that happen in San Miguel, drug personality (STREET LEVEL

INDIVIDUAL) busted in SAN MIGUEL Members of San Miguel Municipal Police Station

headed by PLT RENE C MERCADO, station chief together with IPPO Provincial Drug

Enforcement Unit led by PCAPT FRANCIS ALBERT E FORTUNADO conducted a buy-bust

operation at Brgy. San Antonio, San Miguel, Iloilo, April 20, 2021 (7:00 AM). The 22-year-old

Charlie Barbecho of Brgy. Igtambo, San Miguel, Iloilo was arrested on the said place after he

handed over to police poseur buyer one (1) transparent zip lock plastic sachet containing dried

marijuana leaves in consideration of Php 500.00 buy bust money. Additional five (5) pieces

transparent zip lock plastic sachet containing suspected marijuana leaves worth five hundred

pesos (Php 500.00) each and other non-drugs items were recovered from his possession and

control. Barbecho, who is facing charges for violation of Republic Act 9165 or the

Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2020, is now at the custody of San Miguel Municipal

Police Station.

The intensified manhunt operation of the AKG against wanted person led to the arrest

of Pablo Talite Saban in the early morning of May 23, 2022 in Barangay Sto Niño, San

Miguel, Iloilo. The successful operation was supported by the San Miguel Municipal Police

Station. The warrant of arrest for rape was issued by Judge Elijo Sharon Ronzales Herrera–

Bellones of Regional Trial Court Branch 27 in Iloilo City on May 17, 2022 with no bail

recommended. Arrested suspect was brought to San Miguel Municipal Police Station for his

temporary detention.
Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

The more police we have, the less crime there will be. While citizens and public

officials often espouse that view, others claim that police make only minimal contributions to

crime prevention in the context of far more powerful social institutions, like the family and

labor markets. The truth appears to lie in between. Whether additional police prevent crime

may depend on how well they are focused on specific objectives, tasks, places, times and

people. Most of all, it may depend upon putting police where serious crime is concentrated, at

the times it is most likely to occur: policing focused on risk factors.

The Philippine National Police or PNP, primarily recognize the demographical,

characteristics and moral activeness of each police officer. The police personnel need to be

adequate on their jobs because it is part of the government support for the community. It is

very important for the law enforcement to know the residents’ opinions about the police. These

opinions and perceptions are tending to affect the law enforcement officer’s work performance

and should be considered as an important element of successful police training and effective

activity planning. Moreover, trust issues are specifically significant in democratic societies,

where police actions need to be legitimized by the citizens. Findings of the study revealed that

the crime prevention strategies in municipalities of San Miguel were “much effective” to

include Integrated Patrol System, Barangay Peace Keeping Operations, Ant Criminality

Operations, Integrated Area Community Public Safety Services, Bantay Turista and School

Safety Project in connection to the responses of 100 participants.

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Catching criminals is very important work, but today’s criminals use many kinds of

different weapons and can speed away from the scene of their crimes very quickly. The police

have to try and keep up with modern interventions that can be used to fight crime.

Machines have not been the answer to all the police problems. They use dog to ask

criminals and sniff out explosive and drugs. Hones are still used for controlling large numbers

of people. Most of the police officers all over the world carry guns (McMillan Encyclopedia.

The World Around Us).

This study is designed to know the effectiveness of PNP patrol operation as a crime

prevention in the municipality, the various problem encountered by the police in their routine

patrol works and the issue concern of the public people of San Miguel regarding the Police


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the perceptions of residents toward PNP patrol operation

in San Miguel, Iloilo

1. What is the profile of respondent in terms of Age, Civil Status, Educational Attainment, Sex,

and the Sector of Respondents?

2. What is the level of perceptions of residents toward PNP patrol operation in San Miguel,

Iloilo, when respondents are taken as a whole and classified according to Age, Civil Status,

Educational Attainment, Sex, and the Sector of Respondents?

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

3. Are there any significant differences in the level perceptions of residents toward PNP patrol

operation in San Miguel, Iloilo, when respondents are classified according to Age, Civil Status,

Educational Attainment, sex and the Respondents?

General Objective

To determine the efficiency of PNP officers toward implementation of PNP patrol

operations as perceived by residents of San Miguel, Iloilo.

Specific Objective

To determine the profile of respondents

To determine the level of efficiency of PNP officers toward implementation of PNP

patrol operations as perceived by residents when taken as a whole and classified according to

age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector.

To determine the level of significant difference in the level of efficiency of PNP

officers toward implementation of PNP patrol operations as perceived by residents when taken

as a whole and classified according to age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector.


Based on the preceding questions, the hypothesis is advanced: There is no significant

difference in the Efficiency of PNP Officers toward implementation of PNP Patrol Operation
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College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

as perceived by the residents when classified according to age, civil status, educational

attainment, sex, and sector.

Definition of Terms

Age - The concept of age describes how old a person is at a particular point in time

(Merriam Webster).

In this study age is refer to the time of life of the research respondents

Civil Status - a person's state of being single, married, separated, divorced, or widowed. "the

document will not show your marital status (Merriam Webster).

In this study civil status refers to the status of the respondent of this study it refers single or

married or separated.

Crime Prevention - is the attempt to reduce and deter crime and criminals. It is applied

specifically to efforts made by governments to reduce crime, enforce the law, and maintain

criminal justice. (Merriam Webster, n.d.)

In this study refers to those who are in High school level, High school graduate, College level,

College graduate to determine the effect of patrol operation in the community.

Educational attainment - refers to the highest level of education that a person has

successfully completed. (Merriam Webster, n.d.)

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

In this study refers to those who are in High school level, High school graduate,

College level, College graduate to determine the effect of patrol operation in the community.

Efficiency- the quality of achieving the largest amount of useful work using as little energy,

fuel, effort, etc. as possible. (Cambridge Dictionary)

In this study it refers to the perceptions of residents toward PNP patrol operation in San

Miguel, Iloilo.

Patrol Operation - This type of police operation is conducted to deny opportunities to commit

crimes and reduce the risk of citizens becoming crime victims (Law Insider, n.d.)

In this study it refers to the operation of the PNP towards a peaceful community in every

sector of Municipality of San Miguel.

Sex - a combining form extracted from heterosexual and homosexual, used to describe a

person's sexual orientation or identity. (Merriam Webster)

In this study sex refers to the respondents that will be grouped according to their sex (male or

female) to determine the effectiveness of the PNP patrol operations.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will benefit the following:

Community- is to response to incident deterring and preventing crimes. Visible police patrol

can crime to deny opportunities to commit crimes and reduce the risk of citizens becoming a
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College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

crime victim. Good police community relations are imperative for developing trust between

police and citizens.

Government- The Effectiveness of PNP patrol operation as a crime prevention in government

is main purpose of ensure citizens compliance with the law and maintain order in a community.

In maintaining law and order, the police can use specific means, including force, to make that

happen. Police powers ensure that a state can provide for and protect its citizens. Crime

prevention, criminal apprehension, law enforcement, order maintenance, public services, and

traffic enforcement and is to prevent crime and ensure a Peaceful and Orderly Community

interaction without the necessity of resulting into a military intervention to repress crime and

severity of legal punishment.

LGU (Local Government Unit) - initiate a community economic and planning effort. The

effectiveness of PNP patrol operation as a crime prevention in LGU is to influence economic,

maintain peace order and effective and credible police service working in partnership with a

responsive community towards the attainment of a safer place to live, work and do business.

PNP (Philippine National Police) - The Philippine National Police will benefit from this

study because they will be able to improve their patrol operations and crime prevention

strategies through the results of this study. This will also enable them to formulate better

strategies for crime prevention and be able to protect the community.

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College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Future Researchers- For them to use of the results of these investigations as they conduct a

study similar to the subject treated herein.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the efficiency of PNP officers toward implementation of PNP

patrol operation as perceived by residents of San Miguel, Iloilo.

This study used purposive sampling where in the six sectors namely agricultural,

business, education, and transportation sector at Poblacion, San Miguel, Iloilo served as

respondents. The questionnaire researcher made a survey questionnaire that gathered data from

24 barangays from the schools, business sector, and barangay official. The respondents of this

survey questionnaire are 100 respondents, age 18 and above. Each respondent was given the

same questionnaire to answer. The conduct of this survey started November 2022 every

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College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City




The PNP indicates that the decrease in the volume of crime is attributable of the PNP's

crime prevention program (Sunday 20 September 2007). Specifically, the PNP reportedly

increased police visibility, made use of foot patrol officer, established checkpoint, deployed

motorcycle police, and undertaken night watch operation, among other initiatives (Sunday 20

September 2007). Moreover, the PNP states in a press release that they posted a "Crime

solution efficiency" of 88.37 percent (Philippines 6 February 2008). Corroborating information

pertaining to this crime solution rate could not be found among the sources consulted by the

Research Directorate. The best studies have shown that patrol work combines a variety of

crime control, order maintenance, traffic enforcement, and service duties and request. Of these

four commonly used categories, crime control seems to account for the largest portion of calls

handled by the police as well as police encounter with citizens and pure service account for the

smallest portion. However, it must quickly be emphasized that most crime-related calls the

encounter involve minor offenses, routine report taking, and no arrest (Often because a suspect

is never identified). Patrol officer are more likely to the enforcement action, In the form of

arrest or citations, in order maintenance and traffic situation than in crime-related situations.

The seminal of patrol effectiveness was the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment,
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College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

conducted by the police foundation and published in 1974. This experiment tasted the impact

of three level of patrolling strength, ranging from no patrol to twice the normal level, in fifteen

(15) patrol beats during the course of a year. The result was surprising-there were no

differences in victimization, reported crime, fear of crime, public perception of police

presence, arrest traffic accident, or anything else that was measured. Police patrol (Not all

police presence, just regular patrol) were virtually eliminated from five beats for an entire year

and nobody noticed. Similarly, patrol was doubled in five other beats, and nobody noticed.


A section on police patrol method and strategies discusses automobile versus foot

patrol; specialized patrol method - bicycle, canine, and marine patrol; the controversy over one

officer versus two-officer patrol units; and the take home patrol car program implement by

some departments to increase police visibility. Different patrol tactics and strategies are

described, including preventive police, patrol, team policing, high visibility and low-visibility

patrol, decoy patrol, and split force patrol. Additional sections outline basic principles of

organization and management and patrol force staffing and deployment. In addition, the uses,

advantages, and background police communications centers, automated information systems,

classification schemes for call dispatch, and the 911 emergency telephone number are

discussed. The police records system, and special support functions, such as criminalistic, are

described as support to patrol operations. The attributes and function of effective police patrol

supervision are reviewed, and the importance of training personnel and enhancing patrol
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operations is assessed. Tables and figures included. Study objectives, summaries, and review

question are provided for each chapter. Police organization structure, Police manpower

deployment, Police command and control, Patrol, Police management, Law enforcement

overview text. The recent renaissance of ecological research in criminology has brought with it

a renewed interest in the relationship between crime and social control in local communities.

While several researchers have noted that the police are a critical part of the community crime‐

control puzzle, there is very little research and no theory that addresses variation in police

behavior across physical space. In an attempt to further understand police operations in local

communities, this article offers a theory that explains how levels of crime and other forms of

social deviance in communities affect police action. The article concludes with a discussion of

the implications of the theory for understanding how police behavior varies across physical

space and how crime patterns develop and are sustained in local communities.

Foreign Literature

Nash (1968) gives a case study of a one-week experimental patrol corps covering seven

three-blocks beats near 117th street in Harlem. In Newark, Anthony Imperial's North Ward

Citizens committee has a membership of roughly 1,000 and has become both an important

political issue in itself and a relatively operative peacekeeping force (Mangel, 1969). And, in

Boston, a chapter of the Jewish Defense League has created a great deal of controversy by

patrolling a Jewish enclave in a predominantly black neighborhood in the wake of three

synagogue fires.
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College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

In the last two or three years, the concept of civilian policing has overflowed the

original street patrol model coming, to focus on more limited context such as housing project,

rock concert, and protest demonstrations. For example, Richard Rogin (Forthcoming) report

that in 1970 more than 8,500 unarmed and unpaid volunteer are on tenant safety patrol in 93 of

the 165 New York City Housing Authority's projects. Similar patrol, on a smaller scale, have

occurred and are planned in Boston and other cities, many under official or quasi- official

auspices. The extent of citizen concern over law enforcement issues (though exacerbated by

self-seeking politicians) has been demonstrated by numerous opinions as well as election

result. As part of a broader inquiry into various forms of citizen involvement in the law

enforcement process, data have been gathered on 28 currently operating groups the, defending

in the group in question and, even more, on one's own perspective, would be labeled self-

defense, “vigilante"," security patrol", or community patrols.

Case study and preliminary result to illustrate the use of our approach to police patrol

districting we used data from the Charlottesville, VA (Virginia), USA police department.

Charlottesville is a city with a diameter of about 7 miles and a population of about 40,000.

However, this population increases during most of the year by another 26,000 due to the

presence of a major university. The population live in multi-dwelling building, as well as

detached townhouse, apartment, and homes. There is a more densely populated building near

the university and downtown. There are also commercial areas and some light industrial parks.

The current police patrol district of Charlottesville was designed more than 20 years ago. There
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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

are 8 patrol district and in most of case, one police car is assigned to patrol each district. The

police manager and commanders want to draw district boundaries to incorporate census block

group. These block group are too large to serve an atomic geographic unit in our district

growing algorithm (see section "approach to police patrol districting"). There are 37 block

groups in Charlottesville. To create more useful atomic geographic units, we decomposed the

city into 323 grids. Show the location of historical CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) incident for

several years, including 317,548 events. Many incidents happened at same places so each red

point may represent man CFS event. To have a bitter view of the CFS density distribution in

the city region, these historical incidents were spatially projected into the grid network. Based

on the counts of CFS incidents, the CFS probability was calculated for each grid. The CFS

distribution across these grids.

Foreign Literature

Increasing police presence can occur in a number of ways. One mainstay of policing

since the 1930s has been random preventive patrol by automobile. Random patrol generally

involves officers randomly driving around their beat downtown between calls for service.

The idea is to create a sense of omnipresence and to maximize deterrence by keeping

offenders on their toes about when an officer will drive by next. Additionally, crime is

expected to be deterred at the time officers are driving through (or sitting in) a particular area.

Because crime is not randomly distributed across beats, but is instead highly concentrated (e.g.,
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see Weisburd, Groff, & Yang, 2012), random preventive patrol has generally not been thought

to be a very effective crime control tool (Telep & Weisburd, 2012). In the major study in this

area, the Kansas City Preventive Patrol experimented on the (Kelling et al., 1974), increasing

(or decreasing) levels of preventive patrol did not have a significant impact on crime or


Random preventive patrol is routinely dismissed as an effective strategy that police

should not be using based largely on the results of this single study.

As Sherman and Weisburd (1995) noted, the small sample of beats in the study created

low statistical power, which made it difficult for the evaluation to discern a significant

difference between the study groups even if one had existed (Sherman, 1992). A more

systematic examination of the impact pf increasing patrol in beats or large geographic areas

may thus provide a stronger answer to the question of “does random preventive patrol work?”

than simply citing the Kansas City study as the final answer.

In a recent review of systematic reviews in policing, Telep and Weisburd (2004) argued

that while most police innovations in policing have been covered by an existing review, more

traditional tactics in policing have received less attention. While these “standard model” tactics

(Weisburd & Eck, 2004) such as random preventive patrol are generally seen as outdated, they

continue to occupy a substantial portion of police time and sources and so more systematic

inquiry into their effects would be worthwhile.

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College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Increasing police presence is not limited to random patrols at the beat level. Increasing

preventive police patrols has also been an important component in a number of interventions at

smaller units of geography than the police beat. The original hot spots policing experiment in

Minneapolis (Sherman &Weisburd, 1995) focused on trying to increase patrol levels on high

crime streets blocks to three hours per day. More recently, the Sacramento Police Department

used 15-minute stops by officers in a random order to increase police presence on high crime

street segments (Telep, Mitchell, & Weisburd, in press). Di Tella and Schargrodsky (2004)

evaluated the impact of adding police officers to guard Jewish and Muslim buildings following

a terrorist attack in Buenos Aires Ratcliffe and Colleagues (2011) evaluated the impact of

using foot patrol to increase patrol levels in high crime areas in Philadelphia. These hot spots

or micro place interventions generally show stronger evidence of effectiveness, in part because

police are maximizing their deterrent ability by focusing in on the highest crime places.

We recognize that many of these hot spots policing studies are also included in the hot

spots policing systematic review by Braga, Papachristos, and Hureau (2012). We will focus

though on only those hot spots studies focused entirely (or almost entirely) on increasing

police presence. Any problem-oriented hot spots interventions, for example, will not be

covered by our review and as result, we do not expect the overlap between the two reviews to

be substantial.

We suspect that most police interventions examining increased patrol and/or presence

will focus on either the police heat or a micro place (e.g., hot spot) as the unit of analysis,
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although police could increase patrol levels at any unit of geography. Our main requirements

are that an increase in police presence be the focus of the intervention and that the evaluation

focus on crime and disorder outcomes using a rigorous research design.

Deterrence is at the heart of the preventive aspiration of criminal justice. Deterrence,

whether through preventive patrol by police officers or stiff prison sentences for violent

offenders, is the principal mechanism through which the central feature of criminal justice, the

exercise of state authority, works it is hoped to diminish offending and enhance public safety.

And however well we think deterrence works, it clearly often does not work nearly as well as

we would like – and often at very great cost. Drawing on a wide range of scholarly literatures

and real-world experience, Kennedy argues that we should reframe the ways in which we think

about and produce deterrence. He argues that many of the ways in which we seek to deter

crime in fact facilitate offending; that simple steps such as providing clear information to

offenders could transform deterrence; that communities may be far more effective than legal

authorities in deterring crime; that apparently minor sanctions can deter more effectively than

draconian ones; that groups, rather than individual offenders, should often be the focus of

deterrence; that existing legal tools can be used in unusual but greatly more effective ways; that

even serious offenders can be reached through deliberate moral engagement; and that

authorities, communities, and offenders – no matter how divided share and can occupy hidden

common ground. The result is a sophisticated but ultimately common-sense and profoundly

hopeful case that we can and should use new deterrence strategies to address some of our most
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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

important crime problems. Drawing on and expanding on the lessons of groundbreaking real-

world work like Boston’s Operation Ceasefire credited with the "Boston Miracle" of the 1990s

"Deterrence and Crime Prevention" is required reading for scholars, law enforcement

practitioners, and all with an interest in public safety and the health of communities.

Literature about variable

Even though San Miguel has twenty-four barangays there are a lot of crime and vices

happen. One of the common crimes that happen is gambling because the Barangay official has

been involved in gambling. and also, the SK federated president of San Miguel committed a

frustrated murder these is of the biggest crime happen in San Miguel. That’s why the operation

of police patrol also involve varies activities. Initially, the police will identify crime areas and

provide a physical police presence at the location. This presence includes officer on foot, as

well as officers in cars patrolling. Also vices in San Miguel is rampant like alcoholism,

gambling, drug addiction one of the examples of gambling in San Miguel is illegal cock

fighting, kara krus and card games (pusoy, tong its) where Brgy. Captains and SK chairman in

one of the Barangay is involve and get caught by police officers of San Miguel. Police patrols

play an important role in public service by responding to incidents, deterring and preventing

crimes. It can give a sense of security to people who need protection and discourage those who

may commit crimes in the absence of a patrol.

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Low police visibility increases the opportunity to apprehend criminals. Deceptive

absence of the police officers will let criminals believe that they will not be detected or caught

if they execute crimes that they planned. In this theory, the objective is to attract as little

attention as possible while on the process of patrolling. The officers should operate in such a

manner that it would be difficult for either criminals or the public to determine that police are


Moreover, state in Brgy. San Miguel, the police station is increasing police visibility in

communities to reduce the numbers of crime. Most of the policemen are outside the advocacy

programs and maximize visibility. And also, don't let them ride in a mobile since mostly they

are on foot patrol to observe more the community safety, this way they could easily establish

connection with the community against criminal act. Policemen also go to house to house in

different village within the area of their responsibilities to make sure that they are safe by the

police force.


This chapter discussed the related literature how the Barangay’s Empowerment in term

of peacekeeping greatly impacts the peace and the crime rate in the locality along with the

initiatives being conducted by the PNP that also influences the reduction of crime. Along with

this, it was also discussed that the common crime as of the moment in the locality of San

Miguel is gambling, along with few other incidents of violent crimes, the talk of the town
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being the frustrated murder case filed against the SK federation president of the municipality.

Gambling and other vices that have been rampant in the vicinity have brought great threat to

the safety and security of the community and the people in it.

With this information, the literature enumerates the different activity being conducted

by the PNP to provide physical presence in the community. Example of these activities are

foot patrol and car patrol. Within this chapter, the significance of having the activities

mentioned above was also highlighted. The advantages and disadvantages of having the PNP

to conduct this measure have been presented. Moreover, connecting with the community and

building closer ties with citizen by doing house to house visits within the local police units’

area of responsibility is also important in order to ensure the establishment of connection

between the PNP the community it serve.

Theoretical Framework

The study is anchored on Thomas F. Adams (2001) Police Field Operations. Thomas F.

Adams identified: the theory of police omnipresence as one of the oldest but most effective

ways of preventing crimes. Police omnipresence is associated with the police visibility

principle. It requires physically uniformed personnel to patrol their beat, especially during peak

hours to implant into the minds of the people, including would-be criminals that police are

present in the vicinity. Thus, this strategy is effective in eliminating the desire to commit

crimes. When implemented, this theory will eliminate intent/motive, opportunity, and
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instrumentality as necessary in the commission of a crime. The environmental approach

maintains to change the specific attributes of the environment that possibly cause criminal

events to transpire. This includes situational strategies and broader planning efforts and aims to

reduce crime by designing and changing the physical environment to decrease the

opportunities for crime to occur. Situational crime prevention is based upon the idea that crime

is opportunistic and aims to change contextual circumstances to limit offenders' chances of

engaging in criminal behavior. Situational prevention comprises various measures that

emphasize the importance of targeting particular forms of crime in certain circumstances.

Rather than punishing violators or seeking to eliminate criminal dispositions through the

improvement of society or institutions, it suggests making criminal action less desirable.

It can be done in five main ways: (1) by raising the difficulties of crime, (2) by

escalating the instant risks of getting caught, (3) by diminishing the rewards of offending, (4)

by eliminating excuses for offending, and (5) by lowering temptations and incitement.

Situational crime prevention interventions encompass activities such as improved security by

strengthening locks and enhancing surveillance. Cornish and Clarke classified 25 situational

crime prevention methods into five broad categories based on the techniques underlying the

various ways: raising the effort involved in offending; growing the risk related with offending;

diminishing the rewards of committing a crime; reducing situational circumstances that affect

the propensity of a person to offend; and eliminating excuses for offending behavior. Under

NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2015-342 dated July 21, 2015, NAPOLCOM adopted the
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Community and Service-Oriented Policing (CSOP) System as the foundation of community-

oriented policing and crime prevention strategy. The CSOP System refers to the promotion of

peace and order and public safety and strengthening of local government capability aimed

towards the effective delivery of essential services to the citizenry. It shall be undertaken

through collaboration and cooperation between the local executives and citizenry, the

integrated law enforcement agencies through program or project implementation and sharing

funds and logistics. According to the PNP Managing Patrol Operations Manual (2015), the

PNP strategy in crime prevention, which the institution has advocated to be complete and

holistic, is composed of three mechanisms, namely police visibility, law enforcement, and

police-community partnership. Police presence is done by deploying various activities such as

area patrol, community engagement, and other related policing activities to respond to

situations that warrant police assistance or intervention. Law enforcement, as one mechanism,

is the implementation of laws and ordinances through police operations, investigation,

apprehension of suspects, or convicted offenders. Police community partnership applies the

philosophy of community policing, which emphasizes the collaboration between the police and

the community in settling peace and order issues towards a healthy and harmonious society.

The point of peace in order is seen as a shared responsibility. The community becomes the

force multiplier of the police. Barangay Tanods. This is equivalent to civilian police in the

place. The barangay tanod brigade plays an essential role in the development of the barangay.

It is one of the implementing means of the Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC),

which has the fundamental task of ensuring that peace and order prevail in the barangay.
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Chapter 4 Section 391 No. 16, of the Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code of

1991, mandates the Sangguniang Barangay, as the legislative body of the barangay, to provide

for the organization of community brigade, barangay tanod or community service unit as may

be necessary. The Punong Barangay shall supervise the barangay tanod. The results of this

study would be beneficial to the Philippine National Police (PNP) particularly the Iloilo City

Police Office (BCPO) and to the community of San Miguel, Iloilo City, Philippines because

the findings may be used to design crime prevention intervention ion barangay.

Conceptual framework

The police authorities will benefit from this study in order to gaining insight into how

the community sees them successful when it comes to routine patrols deterring crime; because

patrol was seen as the foundation of the police force, which is essential in preventing crime. It

is well established that routine, sporadic patrols are without clearly defined objectives and

without enough planning, is not an efficient utilization of police resources with little effect on

preventing criminal behavior. Consequently, it is It is crucial to do research evaluating their

applicability in limiting criminal chances, especially in the San Miguel Municipality.

A schematic diagram is presented below.

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Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Personal Profile:


18-25 years’ old

26-30 years old
31 above


Educational background:

High school graduate

High school level
College graduate
College level
Sector of Respondent:

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This chapter presents the research design, research location, study research instrument

respondents, context validity of instrument reliability, data gathering procedures, and data

statistical study.

Research Design

This study determined the level of efficiency of PNP patrol operation as a crime

prevention in the municipality, the various problem encountered by the police in their routine

patrol works and the issue concern of the public people of San Miguel regarding the Police

Patrol. The research design used was Descriptive-Quantitative research design using purposive


The Quantitative Research employed the questionnaire-checklist in gathering data on

the level of efficiency of PNP patrol operation as a crime prevention in the municipality, the

various problem encountered by the police in their routine patrol works and the issue concern

of the public people of San Miguel regarding the Police Patrol.

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The independent variables in this study are age, sex, educational background, civil

status, and sector of respondent while dependent variable was the Perceptions of Residents

toward PNP Patrol Operation in San Miguel, Iloilo.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in the municipality of San Miguel. The municipality of San

Miguel has 30,115 populations, area 31.97km2 (12.34sq mi) and 24 barangays.
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The study was taken from 100 respondents which are from the six sectors namely

agricultural, business, education, and transportation sector. Gathering of data of the study will

be conducted at Poblacion, San Miguel, Iloilo. For purposive sampling, the researchers

classified the following in the selection of the respondents according to their educational

background, sex, age from 18yrs old to 25yrs old, 26 years old to 30 years old and 31 up, civil

status, and sector of respondent.

Research Instrument:

The main source of data in this study was the response to a published questionnaire

created by the researchers for the patrol operations in the perceptions of residents toward PNP

patrol operation in San Miguel. The first section gathered information from participants on

their age, civil status, educational attainment, and gender.

The second part deal with the list of questions that will determine perceptions of

residents toward PNP patrol operation in San Miguel Iloilo in answering the questions, they

were guided by numerical scale with corresponding interpretation.

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The questionnaire was subjected to a validation process before administering for the

reliability testing and for the actual data gathering. In order to validate the evaluation tool

which was used in this study, the researchers subjected the questionnaire to the expert

validation on the topic of the study. The questionnaire constructed was presented to the

research adviser for the first validation, editing, and further suggestions and corrections for

improvement purposes. After which, the questionnaire was validated by three (3) validators

and experts in their own field of expertise. The Questionnaire was validated by selected

validators namely PMAJ Arturo B. Bangcaya, Dean of the College of Criminal Justice-IDC,

PLTC Hilarion Roga Jr, Internship Coordinator of the College of Criminal Justice, and Mrs.

Anna Liza Macalalag, MaEd, Director of Research- IDC. The researchers modified the content

of the questionnaire based on the suggestions of the validators.


The reliability testing was conducted to 30 respondents gathered from the 4 sectors

namely business, agriculture, education, and transportation sector of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo.

Descriptive method was used to compute for reliability coefficient. The reliability method

score base on descriptive method survey result. The overall result for 20 questions is 0.795

which is classified as acceptable according to Cronbach Alpha’s Score Table.

Data Gathering Procedure

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With approval of the researcher’s title, the researcher prepared a questionnaire that

cover all specific problem raised in this study. After the correction of the questionnaire and the

request letter was approved by the thesis adviser and it was floated and distributed to the

community people and police officers in San Miguel, Iloilo. For better comprehension of the

research instruments, the researchers to the respondents. the questionnaire was personally

distributed by the researchers to the respondents. Their response was tallied, tabulated and

analyzed for interpretation and to have meaning on this study.

Data Analysis:

The data gathered were analyzed, interpreted, and evaluated using the appropriate

statistical tools.

Frequency count was used to determine the number of respondents in various groups

categorized according to variables.

Percentage was used to indicate the proportion of survey participants who fit into various

groups based on variable classifications.

Mean was used to assess the effectiveness of the PNP Patrol Operation in terms of crime

prevention for the people of San Miguel.

Mann-Whitney U test is used to determine the difference in the efficiency of PNP officers

toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation when classified according to sex.
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Kruskal Wallis was used to determine the difference in the efficiency of PNP officers toward

the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation. When classified according to age, educational

attainment, and sector.

Ethical Considerations

All information gathered by the researchers are kept confidential from the study's

participants and was only disclosed for the purposes of interpretation, analysis, and evaluation.

The information gathered will only be kept for a year before proper disposal to adhere to their

data privacy protection. The study may benefit the police office of San Miguel, Iloilo, the

LGU, the community, and the future researchers who may use this study as a basis of further

research. The respondents have the right to participate or not and they are not required to

justify. Finally, the findings will be presented to our adviser, professor, and panelists in our

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Descriptive Analysis

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1. Frequency Distribution Profile of the Respondents

N %

As a Whole group 100


18-25 years old 25 25.0

26-30 years old 21 21.0

31 years old and above 54 54.0


Male 68 68.0

Female 32 32.0

Educational attainment

High school level 17 17.0

High school graduate 15 15.0

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College level 35 35.0

College graduate 33 33.0

Civil Status

Single 46 46.0

Married 47 47.0

Separated 5 5.0

Widowed 2 2.0


Business 25 25.0

Education 25 25.0

Transportation 25 25.0

Agricultural 25 25.0

A total of 100 residents participated as the respondents of the study. It is shown in

table 1 that 54% of the respondents are above 31 years old, which makes up the highest

percentage when classified according to age, 25% of the respondents are 18-25 years old, and

21% of the respondents are from the 26-30 years old group.
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On the other hand, male respondents are the majority of the respondents for this study

as they take up 68% of the total sample size, while the remaining 32% is taken up by the

female respondents.

Most of the people who participated in the study are college level, taking up 35% while

college graduates are 33% out of 100% while the remaining 17% and 15% are high school

level and high school graduates, respectively.

When classified according to civil status, 47% of the total size is composed of married

individual while 46% are single, while only 5% is composed of separated and 2% are


Lastly, for the four sectors where the respondents are taken from namely education,

transport, business, and agriculture, there are 25 respondents from each of the sectors

mentioned. The sample size for this study represents the four sectors equally with 25.0% each

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Level of Efficiency of PNP Officers toward Implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as

perceived by the Residents when taken as a Whole and classified according to Age, Civil

Status, Educational Attainment, Sex, and Sector

Table 2. Level of Efficiency of PNP Officers toward PNP Patrol Operation as

Perceived by the Residents when taken as a Whole and classified according to Age, Civil

Status, Educational Attainment, Sex, and Sector

N Mean Description

As a Whole group 100 85.21 Very efficient

Age: 18-25 years old 25 84.88 Very efficient

26-30 years old 21 83.86 Moderate efficient

31 years old and Very efficient

54 85.89

Sex Male 68 85.12 Very efficient

Female 32 85.41 Very efficient

Educational Very efficient

High school level 17 87.65
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High school graduate 15 88.87 Very efficient

College level 35 83.46 Moderate efficient

College graduate 33 84.15 Very efficient

Civil status Single 46 83.43 Moderate efficient

Married 47 86.15 Very efficient

Separated 5 89.00 Very efficient

Widowed 2 94.50 Very efficient

Sector: Business 25 85.80 Very efficient

Education 25 84.56 Very efficient

Transportation 25 84.28 Very efficient

Agricultural 25 86.20 Very efficient

Level of Efficiency of PNP Officers toward Implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as

perceived by the Residents when taken as a Whole and classified according to Age, Civil

Status, Educational Attainment, Sex, and Sector.

PNP Officers are “Very efficient” toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation

based on the perception of the residents. Similar perception is given by the respondents when

classified according to age 18 - 25 years old (25%) 26- 30 years old (21%) 31 years old and

above (54%). Majority of respondents are male (68%) and several female (32%) educational
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attainment high school level (17%) high school graduate (15%) college level (35%) and

college graduate (33%) civil status single (46%) married (47%) separated (5%) and widowed

(2%) sector with their means found on the range of 84.01 – 100).

Both 18-25 years old group with mean of 84.88 and 31 years old group with 85.89 mean

consider the implementation of PNP patrol operation of the PNP officers as very efficient

while the 26-30 years old respondents with mean of 83.86 deem it moderately efficient.

Male and female respondents scored the efficiency of the PNP Officers toward the

implementation of PNP Patrol Operation with 85.12% and 85.41% respectively, which

classify as very efficient.

Highschool level with mean of 87.65, high school graduate with mean of 88.87, and

college graduate that has 84.15 mean consider the efficiency of the PNP Officers toward the

implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as very efficient, while college graduate with 83.46

mean classify the implementation of PNP patrol operation as moderately efficient.

The respondents who are classified as single with mean of 83.43 think that the

efficiency of the PNP Officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation is

moderately efficient while respondents who are married with mean of 86.15, separated

respondents with mean of 89.00 and widowed respondents with 94.50 mean consider the
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efficiency of the PNP Officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as very


All four sectors namely business with mean of 85.80, education with 84.56 mean,

transportation with 84.28 mean, and agricultural with 86.20 mean deem the efficiency of the

PNP Officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as very efficient.

Shown below is the scale used to describe the mean taken from the responses classified

according to age, sex, educational attainment, civil status, and sector.

Scale Description

84.01 – 100 Very Efficient

68.01- 84.00 Moderate Efficient

52.01 – 68.00 Somewhat Efficient

36.01 – 52.00 Slight Efficient

20.00- 36.00 Not at all

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Inferential Analysis

Differences in the Level of Efficiency of PNP Officers toward Implementation of PNP Patrol

Operation as perceived by Residents when classified according to Age, Civil Status,

Educational Attainment, Sex, and Sector

Table 3. Mann-Whitney Result for Differences Results Level of Efficiency of PNP

Officers Toward PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by Residents when taken

classified according to, Sex,

df Mann-Whitney U Asymp. Sig Remark

Sex 44 1053.000 796 Not Significant

Mann-Whitney U test is used to determine the difference in the efficiency of PNP

officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by residents when

classified according to sex. The result in Table 3 reveals that there is no significant difference

in the efficiency of PNP officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as
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perceived by residents when classified according to sex as indicated by U=1053.000; p=

0.796, which is greater than 0.05 alpha. Therefore, the null hypothesis is not rejected.

Table 4. Kruskal Wallis Result for Differences Results Level of Efficiency of PNP Officers

Toward PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by Residents when taken classified according to,

Age, Civil Status, Educational Attainment, and Sector

df Chi square Asymp. Sig Remark

(x2) (2 tailed)

Age: 2 1.932 .381 Not Significant

Educational attainment 3 4.032 .258 Not Significant

Civil status 3 4.745 191 Not Significant

Sector: 3 1.074 .783 Not Significant

In addition, Kruskal Wallis H test is used to determine the significant difference in the

efficiency of PNP officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by

residents when classified according to age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector.
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When classified according to age, x2= 1.932 and p=.381 which is greater than 0.05

alpha which implies that there is no significant difference between the efficiency of PNP

officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by residents when

classified according to age.

When classified according to civil status, x2 =4.745 and p =.1.91 which is greater than

0.05 alpha. This indicates that there is no significant difference between the efficiency of PNP

officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by residents when

classified according to civil status.

When classified according to educational attainment, x2=4.032 and p=.258, with value

of p being greater than 0.05 alpha signifying that there is no significant difference between the

efficiency of PNP officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by

residents when classified according to educational attainment.

Lastly, when classified according to sector, x2=1.074 and p=.783, with value of p

being greater than 0.05 alpha which means that there is no significant difference between the

efficiency of PNP officers toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by

residents when classified according to sector.

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. The obtained p values are greater than 0.05 alpha, thus, the null hypothesis is not

rejected that there is no significant difference in the efficiency of PNP Officers toward

implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by residents when classified according

to age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector. The data are shown in Table 4.



Summary of the Study

From the results of the study, a total of 100 residents participated as the respondents of

the study. Most of the respondents are college level (35%), male (68%), aged 31 years old and

above (54,0%), married (47.0%) and single (46.0%). They represent the four sectors equally

with 25.0% each sector.

PNP Officers are “Very efficient” toward the implementation of PNP Patrol Operation

based on the perception of the residents. Both male and female respondents deemed the

implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as very efficient, similar to the perception of

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highschool level, highschool graduate and college graduate respondents, while college level

respondents consider it moderately efficient. Moreover, single respondents see the

implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as moderately efficient while all the other groups

find the implementation very efficient. Lastly, all four sectors consider the patrol operation

efforts of the PNP as very efficient.

The results show that there is no significant difference in the level of efficiency of PNP

Officers toward the implementation PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by residents when

classified according to age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector.

Limitations of the Study

This study was conducted to determine the efficiency of PNP officers toward

implementation of PNP patrol operation as perceived by residents of San Miguel, Iloilo. It is also

conducted to determine the significant difference in the Efficiency of PNP Officers toward

implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by the residents when classified according to

age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector. Because of the specific nature of this

research study, the number of respondents taken from the population only reflects the

perspective the four sectors where the respondents are taken from, namely the business,

agricultural, education, and transportation section. the efficiency of PNP officers toward
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implementation of PNP patrol operation that is the dependent variable of this study is only the

perception of the respondents from the four sections and may or may not represent the

perception of other sectors from the community.


Based on the findings presented, the following are the conlusions:

A total of 100 residents participated as the respondents of the study. Most of the

respondents are college level (35%), male (68%), aged 31 years old and above (54,0%),

married (47.0%) and single (46.0%). They represent the four sectors equally with 25.0% each


It is concluded that PNP Officers are “Most efficient” toward the implementation of

PNP Patrol Operation based on the perception of the residents when classified according to

age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector with their means found on the range

of 84.01 – 100. These residents belonging to 26-30 years old (M=83.86), single (M=83.43),

and college level (M=83.46), group perceived the efficiency of the PNP Officers toward the

implementation of PNP Patrol Operation as moderate.

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It is also concluded that there is no significant difference in the level of efficiency of

PNP Officers toward the implementation PNP Patrol Operation as perceived by residents

when classified according to age, civil status, educational attainment, sex, and sector. The

obtained p values are greater than .05 level of significance, thus, the null hypothesis is not



From the above-mentioned conclusions, the researchers suggest the following


1. The PNP should provide more programs for the people in the community to learn

and build closer ties with the police by providing lectures and information

dissemination within the community.

2. Further study should also be done to determine the efficiency of the implementation

of other strategies used by the local police to prevent and control crimes aside from

patrol operations.

3. Future researchers should use the results of the study as a basis to any related

studies and to take a look at the parts of the study to include other factors.
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Adams, T. F. (n.d.). Police Field Operations. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall Publishing.

Aquino, E., Pila, R., & Buraga, J. (2016). EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CRIME PREVENTION

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Weisburd, D. & E. R.-M. (2012). The Criminology of Place: Street Segments and Our

Understanding of the Crime Problem. New York: Oxford University Press.

Laru-an, N., & Beup, H. (2015). Level of Effectiveness of Community Policing. International

Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,

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College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Law Insider. (n.d.). Patrol Operation. Retrieved from Law Insider:


Marinas, L., Saong, M., & Tumbaga, G. (2023). An Analysis of the Strategic Initiatives of the

Philippine National Police-Cordillera Towards the Realization of the PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan

2030. CAS Journal. Retrieved from

Merriam Webster. (n.d.). Age. Retrieved from Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Merriam Webster. (n.d.). Civil Status. Retrieved from Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Merriam Webster. (n.d.). Crime Prevention. Retrieved from Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Merriam Webster. (n.d.). Educational Attainment. Retrieved from Merriam Webster


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Merriam Webster. (n.d.). Sex. Retrieved from Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Taccad, J. (2016). Effectiveness of Patrol Methods in Crime Prevention.
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Telep, C., & Weisburd, D. (2012). Effectiveness of Police Practices in Reducing Crime and




Survey Questionnaire

The Efficiency of PNP Officers toward Implementation of PNP Patrol Operation

as Perceived by Residents of San Miguel Iloilo

This questionnaire is aimed to determine the perceptions of residents toward PNP

Patrol Operation in San Miguel, Iloilo. Please answer this questionnaire honestly to yield a

reliable result that might be obvious in the field of community policing. Rest assured that your

responses will be kept with utmost confidentiality.

I. Profile of Respondent

Name (Optional): ____________________________________________


[ ] 18-25 years old [ ] 31 above

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[ ] 26-30 years old


[ ] Male [ ] Female

Educational Attainment:

[ ] High School graduate [ ] High School Level

[ ] College Level [ ] College Graduate

Civil Status

[ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Separated [ ] Widow

Sector of Respondents

[ ] Business [ ] Education [ ] Transportation [ ] Agriculture

II. Frequency of perceptions of residents toward PNP Patrol Operation in San

Miguel, Iloilo

Please share with us your assessment of the frequency of perceptions of residents

toward PNP Patrol Operation in San Miguel, Iloilo. By putting check mark (✓) to the

number that corresponds to your assessment using the scale below.

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Responses Description Interpretation

5 Always Very Effective

4 Frequently Moderately Effective

3 Sometimes Effective

2 Rarely Less Effective

1 Never Not Effective at all

Criteria or Questions Responses

5 4 3 2 1

Always Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never

1. The PNP conduct regular

inspection to establishment in the

area for security and safety.

2. Police officers are present in

the community during public

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


3. Police officers conduct regular

patrol in the different areas of the


4. Police personnel conduct

lectures and information

dissemination to the community.

5. They perform their duties

obedient to the law.

6. Police personnel immediately

respond to reports of criminal


7. The police officers are

knowledgeable in crime scene


8. They perform hot pursuit

operation if necessary.

9. In area where

incident/accidents occur, the

police assume responsibility in

the area.
Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

10. The PNP strictly implement

traffic rules and regulations.

11. Police presence is visible in

crime prone areas.

12. There is a continuous

monitoring on illegal activities in

the area of jurisdiction.

13. Police officers help in filing

cases against arrested persons for

committing crime.

14. The PNP coordinates with

the LGU of the municipality.

15. The local police coordinates

with barangay officials of the


16. The police are utilizing the

barangay tanods in every


17. Police officers of the

municipality of San Miguel

conduct patrols around

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

residential areas.

18. The area is safe and secure.

19. There is a possibility of crime

being committed in the area.

20. There were crimes that

occurred in the area.

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

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