Practical Exam NOTICE

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November 28,2023


The Practical Exams for Value Added Ciourses (VAC) and Skill Enhancement Courses
(SEC), Semester I ancl Semester III will be conducted at Zal<ir Husain Delhi College
from (December 6- 9,2023).

End Term practical DATE TIN{E

Exam for Courses
VAC Sem I 06 Dec 2023 (Wednesday) 9AM-5PM
VAC Sem III 07 Dec 2023 (Thursday) 9AN{_5PM
SEC Sem I 08 Dec 2023 (Friday) 9AM-5PN{
SEC Sem III 09 Dec 2023 (Saturday) 9AM_5PM

*All Studentsof Semester I & Semester III undertaking the examinations are requesteci to meet
their respective teachers teaching the above courses and the 'feacher -ln -Clrarge fcrr lirrther

St"" lr I
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Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Prof. Narendra Singh
Coordinator Coordinator Principal
Practical Examination V AC, SEC & AEC

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