Pronouns - KEY

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1) Fill in each gap with an appropriate pronoun. There is often more than one
possible answer.

1. Do you like the President? I don`t like him.

2. You should listen to THEM, Jenny. They only want to help you.
3. I, SHE, HE, WE, THEY and John visited the exhibition yesterday.
4. Matt came and took ME, US for a ride. We had a great time.
5. So, this is my suggestion. And what is YOURS?
6. Meet Lara, and old friend of MINE, OURS. We used to be neighbors.
7. That`s not our car. OURS is the green one over there.
8. I asked MYSELF if it was really worth the risk.
9. One has to be proud of ONESELF.
10. Mum cut HERSELF while she was chopping onions.
11. The party was great; we really enjoyed OURSELVES.
12. My grandfather built this boat by HIMSELF.
13. Leonardo Da Vinci HIMSLEF lived in this chateau.
14. Please make YOURSELF, YOURSELVES comfortable.
15. Leon, WHO had been up studying all night, fell asleep during the exam.
16. This is the man WHO, THAT had an accident.
17. Yesterday I saw a car THAT, WHICH was really old.
18. Where did you put the book THAT, WHICH Julia brought me?
19. This is the man WHOSE house is on fire.
20. WHO was the first man on the Moon?
21. WHO have you just called?
22. To WHOM am I speaking?
23. Look at these two pairs of trainers WHICH do you like better?
24. I don`t understand you. WHAT do you want from me?
25. Has ANYONE / ANYBODY seen my sunglasses?
2) Decide which word is correct.
→ I can`t go to a party. I haven`t got anything to wear.
a) anything b) everything c) something d) nothing
1. Take care, won`t you, Anna? Look after_____________.
a) you b) your c) yours d) yourself
2. Yes, ____________would be lovely to see you again.
a) it b) that c) there d) you
3. If you want some apples, I`ll get you _________at the shop.
a) any b) it c) one d) some
4. We`ve brought some food with ____________.
a) me b) ourselves c) us d) we
5. Who does this CD belong to? ____________. I`ve just bought it.
a) I b) Me c) Mine d) Myself
6. The shop doesn`t sell new books. It only sells old _____________.
a) of them b) ones c) some d) them
7. Is __________________a post office near here, please?
a) here b) it c) there d) this
8. The two girls often wear _______________clothes.
a) each other b) each other`s c) themselves d) themselves`
9. Have you had enough to eat, or would you like something__________?
a) another b) else c) new d) other

3) Use a pronoun instead of the words in brackets.

→ Michelle is in hospital. She (Michelle) isn`t very well.
1. I lost my watch, but it was only a cheap ONE (watch).
2. I have to make tea for EVERYONE, EVERYBODY (all the people).
3. Tessa took a photo of HERSELF (Tessa).
4. My flat is the ONE (flat) at the top.
5. The phone rang. IT (The caller) was Alex.
6. There was SOMETHING (a thing) worrying me.
7. I`ve got some sweets. Would you like ONE (a sweet)?
8. YOU (People in general) can`t make an omelet without breaking eggs.
9. We decorated the whole house OURSELVES (without help)

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