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The film describes the cloning of various species of dinosaur, carried out by a scientific Company
called INGEN. Based on the genetic manipulation of segments of prehistoric matter preserved in
a piece of amber.

On Nublar island. Located near costa rica, an employee of INGEN. Is attacked by a mysterious
and deadly animal, which he intended to reléase from its box in its future habitad in the zoo
under construction. His death sparks a conflicto between the family of the murdered employee
and INGEN. His manager pressured by the project’s investors, to sllow a safe investigation by
expertss on the island.

Upon entering the park, the researchers meet a speciment of a brachiosaurus, only at this
moment revealing to then the true nature of the parkm INGEN created the dinosaurs by
genetically cloning fossils found in prehistoric mosquitoes that fed on the blod of dinosaurs .
during the jurassic era. Preseved in amber through the ages.

The DNA of these specimens was finished with the addition of genetic segments from frogs

During the process only sterile female dinosaurs were created to prevent their procreation and a
posible and uncontrolled overpopulation of dinosaurs on the island.

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