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No. 1202
. ~ -"

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By W. Kruger

Translation of ZWB Forschungsbericht Nr. 1949, Januar y 21 , 1944

February 1949




By W. KrUger

Abstract: Results of measurements on a shrouded propeller are gtven.

The propeller is designed for high raM,o of advBJlce and
high thrust loacling. The effect of the shape of propeller
and shroud upon the aerodynamic coefficients of the
propulsj.on unH c8{1 be seen from the results. The highe s t
efficiency mee,sured is 0.71. The measurements permit the
conclusion that the maximulU efficiency can be essentially
X1 improved by shroud prof:i,le~ of small chord and thickness.
1l11ir",11 The largest static thrust factor of merit measured reaches,
...., . according to Bendemann, a value of about . t = 1.1. By the
f- :~' ; ; use of a nose split flap the static thrust for thin
~ " _.. J ' l
: .shroud . profiJ,es vTi th small no se radius CIilJl be about
doubled. In a separate section numerical investigations
of the behavior of' shr01.~ded pr(Yl?ellers for the ideal
case and for the case idth energy losses are carr:Led out.
The calculations are based on the assumpiiion ' that the
slipstreaill cross , section depends solely on the shape or
the shroud and not on the propeller loading. The
reliability of this hypothesis is confirmed experimentally
and. by floi" :photographs for a shroud with small circula···
tion. Calculation and test are also in good agreement
concerning efficiency and static thrust factor of merit.
The prospects or' applica'bili~y for shrouded p;r'opellers
and their essenttal advantages are discussed.

Outline: A. Introduction

B. Symbols and DefinHions

C. Model Specificatlons and Test Procedure

D. Test Results
~ .
"1'Windkanalmessungen und Rechnungen zum Problem del" urnmantel ten
Luftschraube. II Zentl~ale fur wlssenschaftliches Berichtswesen del"
Luftfabrtrorschung des Generalluftzeugmeisters (00) Berlin-
Adlershof, . Forschungs[)ericht Nr. 1949, Jan. 21, 191~!~.
,I' :

2 '. '.., ...; . ".

NACA TM. No. 1M2

· · E.~· Theoretic~J: ConsideratioIis .

I. Propeller in fOriolard motion
II . .Propellerat. rest.,. ,~. <::' '.

F. Additional r.teas:l,l~J;IlentsCbncelning the Problem of the

slipstream Cross section and of the p re ssure tosses
for FloyT through the Shroud

. G. Comparison between calculation ahd }'1easurement

" H. S:ummary and Conclusions . ' ,

K. References


The pOVler limi ts of the p:coduction of propulsion by means of

propellers as they are in use : today have been discussed repeatedly
elsewhere. '1'he lan?,er the velocity ' regien to be ' covered, the harder
it is to reach the Heal goal: to- transform w'it.h one · and the same
propeller the eT.t>enied. power wi th the best efficiency into useful
power f ol' both lim,i Mng opel"'ating conditions, stp.tic and high speed
as well e.s 1'01' e~ l il1't.2rrn.elia.i:;e states " For present fH ght velocities
one I!l.'W::; rbr SflU 1'01' tha l" .;;f1ign of the propellers on a compl'omlse
soJ.u.t iolJ. ~'ihlcb :LS necessarHy bound ' to bring . about considerable
10s e::)3 0:: p i~o :pu1sion pOYler fo r ' certain conditions. The
limito :~f the ' obtainable ste,'tic thrust were treated in detail by
A. B-3 (.~ . L~~ .~. AccordJng to him; . the propellerdlaw.eters, in
orclfn' 'l~~) 0 )tc'dn a su 'fj.r;i!O·n tstatic th k'ust" 1..l.8ually h 8o...e to be larger
the":!:", ';,'.') .::"_1:)\') 1'.e~0c';~ L!.:I ''''- fo! ' ~1 i gh speed. The in flight
the"!, fl.0 !~'Y:j :r :~n,C:l t,::.eL-· :;J(),-;c::'ib:'_8 optimum values, Mea sUl'ements on
sh:::-c)"u.r\ c.l"!. propeller s >a,,re Q6i1l0nst:cateo. that with arrangements of
this kind very consid6r able in~yovements of ' static thrust cml be
obtained. The use of a shroud is, therefore, a means to extend the '
power limits of the normal propeller. An added advantage of the
shroud, can be found in the fact that due to the add 1 tional velocities
in the propeller plane due to the shroud, the propeller itself will
experience smaller changes in operatine condition for a change of
the advance ratio than will a normal prop~lle T ~ This means a possible
reduction in the range of blade angle change, perhaps even permitqng
the applicat:ton of fixed pitch propeller blacles, Since the propeller
diameter may 'b e'reduced because of the better static ' thrust factor
of merit the propellers may, circumsta~ces permittinG, be run at
the motor rpm and thus avoid the use of a gear system, If the
occasion arises one could sometimes proceed to increase further the
motor rpm.
lTranslator l s Nota: Numbers in brackets refer to the references
at the end of the r eport.
NACA TM ,No. 1202 3

The nozzle propeller has been used for a longtime very

successfully in shipbuilding as KOrtno?zle. Itf? application in
airplane construction is rendered more difficult parti-c111arly by
the fact that the intrinsic drag of the sh:coud is, in view of the
essentially smaller thrust loadIng coefficient of the airplano
propeller at htgh : forward speed, of muen greater importance than
for the ship propeller at the fastest forward motion. The problem
'VTaS repeatedly taken up beca\lse of the Breat possibilities of
improvement for static conditions and because of the possibility of
reel_ucing the Mach number at the blade tip by a sultabla ahc~p e of the
shroud. Recent results can be found in the publications by
B. Regenscheit ['2), D. Ku·chemann" and ' J. Web~r [3] J and H. IIa."1sen jJ.~J.

The behavior of shrouded propeLlers was als:) re1'8atedly,

investigated theoretically. W. Stiess [5] extended the momentum
theorjr to nozzle propellers 1vi th and vTithout guide vanes. F'urther-
more, a treatise by O. Pabst ['6] deals 'loTi th the calculation of
shrouded propellers. Then the problem was treated. very thoroughly ,
by D. Kuchemann and J. v.Tebex· ~)j -by a:pplication of p otential
, theoretical considerations to annular profiles.

The tests carried out 80 far resulted in a valuable preliminary

clarification Qf the problems of lnterest. HO"Tev~r, many single
problems could not be solved because the model arrangements , ;'Thich
were used did not permit a I;leparate treatment of the effect of
various configurations upon pr opeller and, shroud. Moreover,
investigations of shrov:ded propellers were desirable "Th:i.cll about
corresponded to today I s requirements for high p01ve;r airplanes
regarding their region of advance ratio, and

'liJle firm DornieX'4 Jerke a" m. b .E. f,lhc,,"ed great , intere st in

these measurements in particular, in view of the applieation as
pusher propeller. The shrouded. propeller appears e spec ially, eui ted
for this case; because it requtres small diameters. Furthermore,
it i s ab~ol utely po sstble to use the shr.·oud s:tmul tal1eously as
damping surface so that ' the dOllbts mentioned above are of no
importance because of the intrinsic drag of the slp:'oud.

The present report gives the test resv~ts on a shrouded

propeller which w'as designed aeco:,:"ding to the present knmvledge
for a high ratio of advance and relatively hi g,."'1 thrust loading.
The forces at the propeller and at the shroud 'i-iei.'e measured
separately. The detailed investigations also permit t):1e inclusion
of the influence of energy losses upon the aerodynamic behavior
of the shro~ded propeller and there"Tith a clear rE?presentatlon of
the theory of the shrouded propeller subject to losses, In
particular the test results make it possible to elucidate the
C RACA TM No ~ 12C'2

behavlor for static con,i iti ons and to estimate tp.e attainable
.. limi ts of staM6 thrust f or shrouded pX'opell~rs.

Due to the separate suspension of nacelle and shroud the

supporting elements of the shroud whlch were necessary in full
scale could be omitted f'Oi" the mod.el. Howeve r , this dev i c~t i on of
the model test from full scale conditions is not ·ve r y important
because i.t "Till be useful to o.evelop the supporting struts also
on the full scale model as guide vanes.


. Subsc r ipts:

S propeller

M shroud

Go nacelle

TIT nose spl i t ring ·

PI' profile

.. R annula"l~ area between shroud and nacelle

o cono_i t5.on wi thout propeller

th theoretical

00 . condition far behind the propelle r


x coordinate in the di rection of the axis

tGo length of the nacelle

t chor d of the shroud, measured parallel to the axis

shroud chord, measured i n the direction of the chord of

the shroud profile

D diameter of ·ehe propeller

R radius of the propeller

NACA TN No. ' 12Q2 . 5

Dhub diameter of the hub .in the propeller plane

hub ratto D.b.V:b/ D .

diameter of the nacelle

mean shroud diameter

maximum diameter of the nose split ring

maximum profile thickness of the profile of the

shr oud and of the propeller blade, respectively


angle of adjustment of· the OlJ.ter propeller blade

profile measured bet,.,reen · chord and plane of

inclination of the line bisecting the trailing-

edge angle of the shroud profile toward the axis

F ~ )+ propeller disk area

cross section of th6 slipstream at infinite

distance behind thepl?opeller
ratio of the slipstream cross section
, F
chor d area of the : shroud 11vpa pr '.
fre e exi t cross 'sec tlon : itl the trailing edge
pltmeof the shroud

FR annular area between shroud and nacelle

FRS = F(l - 1)2) annular area betyTeen shroud and nacelle, m6asured
at disc ' plane

minimum annular cros s section between nacelle

and shroud

Velocities and significant ratios:

* index for the velocities for static condition

'. '.

v ~reestream velo,city

maximum circtunferential velocity of the propeller

ratio of advance v/u

axial additional velocity in the slipstream at

infinity behind the :prop~J.ler

quantity of air flowing through the annular shroud

crOSB section

mean axial flow velocity through the annular area

bet1'leen nacelle and shroud

'Rmax ~ F~ mean axial flow velocity through the minimum

annular area FR between shroud and nacelle
Rmin . min
=rns mean axial flow velocity through the annular area
betvTeen nacelle and shroud, measured in the
rotation plane of the propeller

mass coefficient - inner a.dvance ratio

local axial flo. .., velocity through ' ·the annular area,
measured for tho radius .. r ' .
. . :.
axial velocity in the ' slipst:i.~eam1hfinltely 'far
behind the propeller
, , ,vRs - v
dimens:f.onless ad.di tional velocl ty for the
condition without prop&ller, due only to shroud

theoretical value of the dimens:i.onless additional

veloc i ty for the condition I'll thout propeller,
due only to shroud circQlation

dimensionless additional velocity in the rotation

plane of the propelle;-:> caused by the addi tional
circulation of the shroud due to propeller loading
vR - v
dimensionless total additional velocity ---'S=-_
due to the shroud circulation anel the propeller
. ", .

:. "

NACA TM No. 1202 7

Propeller and shroud coefficients:

* index for coefficients for 'static conditions

=_s_ coeff.i.cientsof the propeller thrust
-P v 2F

i ", .

coefficients of the shroud thrust

· coeffidents of the total thrust of the

shrouded propeller not subject to

effective total thr..:wt coefficient of

the shrouded. propeller subjec't to

C~·i : .'.~
' e + c·w. +6c w ,load,tng :catio ' (defini tion)
kl = poweY.' coefflcient
P. u 3F
Li ~rd:tn~ todefin;l.tion: power '\>'hich ' is
put into thepl~opeller shaft
fl := A propulsion' efficiency

flm me.ximum .theoretical effic:l.ency

fJMa efficiency of the shroud,

TiE efficien.c y . of c()nfiguration

blower efflciency or factor of merit of

"G the propeller
ks *
~= static thrust factor of merit accordlng
(2k 'x- ) 2/3 to Bendemann
., NACA TM No. 1202

static thrust factor of merit of the shrouded


pressure coefficient of the blo~Ter

characteristic value for the operating condition

of the blm,re:c

normal force coefficient of the shroud profile

(The normal force is, according to definition,
posi ti ve if directed tow'ard the axi s • )

Drag and loss coefficients:

6Pv total pressure loss

6pg total pre~sure jump of pr opeller and stator

c w :: W actual parasite drag coefficient referred to
q' x F
F :: D2rr./4
cw* ::
q X F*
actual parasite drag coefficient r eferred to
F* "" IMrr."lpr
C~T drag coefficient measured including induction
drag induced by the shroud on nacelle

drag induced by the nacelle on shroud

additional drag caused by the increased relative
velocity at nacelle and shroud due to propeller

efficiency of the diffuser

energy loss referred to the stagnation pressure

of the free -str eam velocity 1'lh1ch occurs for
flux through the shroud due to friction and
separation on the surface of the shroud and
the nacelle
· ... ,

NACA TM No. 12C2 9

. . .6Pv ··
I.l e :::; - - - - energy loss in the flm., through the shroud
(j --
-v: 2 referred. to -the' st.agnation pressure at
2 Rmax smallest cross . section of annular shroud_


The model of the shrouded propeller under investigation :1;s

reproduc8<iiri figure l . ~d in the photographs 2 to 4.

Tl';l~:: body of the nacelle has the shape of an elli'Pso~Ji;' it ",as

calculated, so that smalle-s t possible add1 tional velocities will
occur.jn':~ht3i'.1(ri'rabout ;it. In tl18 nacel-Ie body there is a high
speed" a~o''1mo-tC!r(type AVA - SDM - E) which, for rpm of 30,000 has
a ma.,'"<;~mum !Jutput o'f, 30 PS (GenJlan hp) . ' -

The ad.just~~bl;e 8-blade propeller Wf." S sup:ported by roller

be ar:l,ng , on ,the shaft of the motor. It ".1,<;1, 8 a di81l1eter of 240 milli-
metem-anel 'I;t hub ratio D:hub/D.", 0·35. ' The pIop"Uer w6~ calcultited
by a -method ,.,blch 1,8 cust0n18.ry for the' desfgi.lof · axial olowers. .
The design was based on, "t.he follo"ling , cd ter:!.a: Quter advance
ratio )., = ~ := 0.95 and the ~otal- thrust loadIng of the propeller
including the .sht'Qud ( Os: ... IpSQ '; :::; ~p .15. Fo+, ~ul.1 seaJ,ethe~.~,.
.. . _ . ~.2 .vc..p .. ,. .: . . .-. .
relations vT:Ul approxiIUatelyhold t:vue if .a n eff~GtJye total t.hrust·
of'S'~ :; 400 k[S'is to be reached. fora flightyelocity of800km/h
at a. hAi ght bf 8.6 km for- a tl:pY EHoci ty of 230 9 lw means of a m.i
propeller of 1.65 m¢. The. nutnbe:r.' of revoJ.uticDS fo:r th1s., .c&M
"mUld be 2700/mih, . that. is. the same, as the· m.otor J::'QID
f -Use ' today . . in'
Therefore the gear system. could be omitted.. . The ' effect.lvspropulsion
pO"Ter would be 1e 13e X v '" 1185 P8 (German hp) . " In order to "
design the propeller one must knovr the mean axial flow velocity
VRs thr()uish.i~ pi~opeller di(3c" area, .that :l8, the inner ratio ' of
advancecp =: \')~S
' "
ais~.. .
distribut:!_6n of the total thrust on
. ' ' . : '. . ' ". '.
propeller and' shroud. These t"To values v~hich are a pri.ori unlmown
are furlctions of · the 'shape of the shroud anli .the total thrust, .
loading. F()r the ffrst a.e' theY' vT.dreestimated according to
earlier theoretical investigations and measurements on . shrouded
propell,ers (3J .' The additional conditIon haclto be taken into '
consideration that due to the effect of the shroud the inner ratio
of advance (q») has to be lower 'b y 20 pel'Gent than the outer
one (~) according to design (hi gh speed) in order to reduce the "
Mach number. After the approximate mass and pressure coefficient
10 NACA TM No. 1202'

of the blm.,er had been determineld from these calculations, the

necessary ~onstruction speCifications (number of blades, shape of
the blade, ang:I.e of incidence) could be calculated so as to obtain
a good blower efficiency for this condition.

Two propellers were investigated in this test which differod

only with respect to tho pitch distribution. Since the distribution
of the axial flow velocity along the radius of the propeller was
not known for .propeller number ;L as a first approximation tho axial
velOCity was ~ssumed to be independent of r. The calculation
yielded, under the eondi tion ' of (I.seign that the wing Cll'culation
along the radiu~ .should remain .the some, the c1.i1nensions of the
propellerblade·shown in flgure 5. The NACA series 23009 -
23012 wae -used. for the profiles and WI3,S adjusted to the cascade
flow by .giving the ch;ord larger 'camber (approxlma.t ion method
according to ·f·'( :). The angle of blade
~ ~ . '
setting for the propeller
number 2 is increased on the outside as compared with propell~r
number 1, in order to allow in the test for the proba'ble increase
of the axial flow velOCity toward the outside anQ for the offect
of this increase upon the efficiency. ' The propeller profiles can
be taken from figure 6. .
The 1nveetigations were c~rried ' out part~ ,-T1th' partly without
stator vanes. For reasons of construction ana. measuring technique
the stator vanes in the model had to be fixed b~hinQ the propeller
and attached to the shroud on the outside. Its characteristic
values may be taken from fi gure 5.

Tl+.e propeller was e~mined .in oper/iltion with 15 different

shrouds • . The shroud profiles ,,\>Thich were investigated are reprod.uced
in figure 7. The shroud profiles as well 8 S the shape of the body
of the nacelle were calculated by D. Kuchemann . and J. vleber (AVA).
The .flow variations (50th ) . of t4e ahroud~ in a free stream (with
nacelle, without propeller) which were t:ne~retical1y deter~ined
can be taken from the table in fie;ure 7. The following dimeneions
of the shroud profiles ~Tel;'e varied: chord, thicknees, angle of
inCidence, and camber • .

The following were deter.mined by .measurement: thrust of the

propeller, thrust of theehroud (separate ~uspension of nacelle
and ~hroud) ' and also tor~ue . of the propeller for varied. propeller
pi tch and ,ratio of advance. FurthGr more I the drag of the shroud
and the nacelle without propeller was measured , The number of
revolutions for ; the propeller could be d.e'l:iermined by means of an
electric tachometer • . The pressure distribution on the nacelle and
on the sll"roud profile was ta~en . w'ith and withqut propeller in
motien, ·as well ae the distribution of the axial floW velocity ·
along the radius immediately apead ~f the pr9pe~er plape.
NACA TM No. 1202 11

Theso tests ivere carrieG. out in win l } tunnel IV of the AVA


Adjoining the main investiga tion, severBlt.est.s · v~ere carried

out in a small tunnel (\lU ss J+: 1.0 X 0.68 illetar elliptic) which
ivere to elucidate the T,roblems of jet contra ction an1 expansion
for shrouded propellers,


Neither the Heynolds nor the Mach mmibcr could be kept constant
for the tests for rea sons of power and because of the l a rge range
of the ratio of advance. For the maximum CE:; se the Reynolds number
referred"{;o D ioTaS F. 0= 1.2 X 10 6 and the ,Mach T!lUllbor referr ed.
to t.he tip velocity wa s M = 0.45.

Only the essentia l ones out of the munerous El:nangements tha t

'\-lere measurecl are reporJ\isc. belmv. The shroud s d.esi gua ted. in
figure 7 by I and 5c 'verB investigated mo:ce tho:,' oughly than the
rest of the shrouds in theil, opera tion with t ile propellers 1 and. 2,
r 0spectively.
1. Nacelle. - Due to mutua l influence , 8c1d1 axial for ces
appear at ' the nacelle aud at. the shroud. which neutra lize each cthe,r,.
that is J the forc,e inouced by the shr oud. at the nacelle WGoi appears
in the same magnitude but "T;tth inverte d. si@l on the .shrou0..
D.· Kuchemann aIld J. Weber r3l already pc~nted out tilis fact. ' All
shrouds were, investi ga ted with ano. ivithout na celle oody. Fi gure 8
ShOioT;3 the depena.ence of the force ind.uced by the shroud on the
nacelle on the dimensionless flm., coefficient ,.,hich was rl etel'mined
for a condition i'lith nacelle. For those sh:t'ouds iv11ich inc:r-eEw e
the mass flo,\-T the 'nacelle has an adeli tional dra g, for those 1-1hioh
decrease it an aduitlonai propulsion. From fi gur e 9 one can ·
recognize how the nacelle pressure distribution is challged , for
instance, by the shroud numbo:r 1. Since according to measurement
the shroud. 1 reduces the ma ss flmv a nd therefore according to [3)
must have a posi ti ve natu:t"s l circula tion, a (ld.i tional yeloei ties
are induced a t the nacelle tail which increa se the static pressurl3
as demonstr ated by the l)ressul'e distribution.

2. Shr oud . - The var ious shroud. profiles which ,.,er e investi fl1 ted
are taken fr'om fi e ure 7. The Shl~ouds 1, la, a nd Ib ci iffer only '
by the chord 'vhich io18S extended. by a conic8~Y {3hapAd meta l piece.
The shrouds 3, 3a, and 3b have the same profile, but different
chorc. . For shrouds 5 to 5c the thickness ratio and. the chord were
12 NACA TM No. 1202

varied whereas the camber of the profile remained. the same. The table
reproo.uces the d.imensionless values as ~.,ell as the measured aero -
dynamic characteristic values of the single shr ouds. Ther ein CW'M
is the shroud dra g measm-'ed for the' condition with na ce~le. By a
the amount 6c to this value one at-tains the actual pa ra site (t ra g
of the shroud c"lM' 'r he va lues d.esi gnated by * ax'o refel-red to the
the shrouc1 development 11.1n'1,Pr' In the measur ed Reynolos number
range a dependence on the characteristic valuos of the c'vM - values
was hardly recognizable. One can count on more favorable values for
the full - scale model, since the Reynolds hurn.bel' · refer re d. to the pro -
file chord was at the most 6.5 x 105 • . This f a ct is of the hi ghest
importance for ' the attainable toted efficiency as 1'1:ill be shovm
later. The dr a g coefficients ascerta ined for the shroud cWM~
lie in the order of ma gnitude whi ch is ususl for plane vTings. The
net parasite c,ra g of the shr oucLs is l~,artly "incr ea sed., pa r tly r educ ed.
by a etdi tion of a na celle. The dimensionless ad di tional voloc "
v .- v .
ities 2 __ given in the table as t €: st values ~ver0 de ter-
mined by measurements of the velocity distr ibution over the ra dius.
Figure 10 shows that the va lues 00th calcula tod by D. Kuchemann
and J . ~'l eber for several shr ouds are on the average about 5 ller cent
higher than the measur ect values. . Une can a lso l'1ell recogni ze from '
the curve of the dra g over • 1+ 00 = S tha t ~he actual ,conditions
v ~
approach theol'y most closely if the pa r asite drag c"1M* D s nows a
minimum. This minimum lies at about i + 00 ; 1.0, that is, in using
profile shapes as were usecl her o it is bIe, for instance , to
eq,uate the natural circulation of the shr ou0. to z81'0in order to
obtain small pl:lrasite shroud. dra gs. However, the inve sti gation 'tolas
not sufficient to make a 0. efini·te statement. Fi gure 11 shows ho,",
the axial velocity through tho annula r ar ea is distl' ibuted over the
radius for the a r rangement "shroud - nacellevTithout prope ller " in
free str eam.~h e veloel ty vTaS mea sured., fo:c instance, a t the
narrm-lest pla ce ' of the shroud by a probe intr oQ.uce c!. f ::.' om outsia.s.
For nearly all shl'oud.s a consid.erable increase in velocity t a kes
placs toward the outside. Only the two shapes la ancl. Ib c' iffGI' in
this r espect beca uso the gre3t constriction of' these shroud.s at the '
nacelle taiJ, causes . such a la rge incr ease in pressttre that the flow
separates ther e. Altogether, it is essentially the total-pressure
10s8 due to the f r iction along the nacelle surfa ce "'hich is re -
sponsib.l e for the veioclty re("_uction t owaro_ the ·hub (as shmm by '
NACA TM No. 1202 13

the total-pressure measu:r:'ements in fi gure 11). The total flow ,vi t11
anrl wHhout propelle:r in motion vTaS cLete:r'min ecL, as a lready montionef_ ,
fr om these velocity measurements. Measurement results for the
propeller in motion are given in a later figure. The pI'essur e dis-
tribution at the shroud profile was measurec -on varj,ous shrouds. It
is given in fi gurE> 12 for the shroud number 1 for a test 'I<lith na celle ,
'\oTithout and with propelle:c . The propeller (number 1) vTas f or these
measurements set to ~ == 40 0 at the tip. One can see that ,vith
d.,ecressing ratio of aoY~nco, and. ther efore i ncreasing loa , the
loading of the shroud p:1 Ofile increases rariCLly. The normal fo r ce
coefficiants cnp of the shr oud profile given uncl eI' the CUl'ves
' I'
vThich were approximately cLetel 'm ine(l f rom t h e meaSUl'Gct pressur e
distributions inclica te the exJ,jent of the incr ease. These normal
force coefficients are r eferreci to the amooo.d. profile chord and
the stagnation pressm'8 of the free st!_'eam .velocitl .R 2
2 v .
The cnPr - values arG according t o (Lofin i t i on pos i ti ve if .th e
normal force is c:irecteCl imTarc_, that is, if t he incremental
velocities 5 \-1hich a r e due to the shr oucl c i rcl~lati on a :ce positive
in the annular cross section. The position of the f ront stagna tion
point which shifts outvrard increasing loa ct can a lso be 1'eco g-
nizecl from the pressure-dist!'ibution curves. The superstream velocities
appearing at the outsiele of the shr oud, become negligible only for very
high total loa dings Cs (c s ;:
6.0). Since 10a Ci.s of this kind can ha rdly
be considero(l at high speed., such a pr ofile shal')e will he us eless for
very high fli ght ve locities because of the then occul"r i ng cOIDIlre ssion

Figure 13 sho'VTE! f or the shr ouc'. 1 the ra tio of t he axial flm"

velocity in the annula r area at the r a cii us l' and the mean axial
flo,,, velocity in depencLenco on rIB for t he ca ses !I,d thout propeller II
and rtwi th propeller'" for various loa dings C s . Th e velocities ioTOJ.e
measured cl_irectly ahead of the propoller p1:::1ne. Or.e can recQ.::sni ze
that by the influence of the static propeller the veloc i t y O_i 8-
tribution of the oncoming fl m-T takes place more evenly. A.
red_uction of towards the hub becomes noticeable "lith
vR v
increasing ac-:"vance ratio, _1'. cLecr eases the more the smaller the
propeller loao_ine; becomos. Since the pi tch c~ istribution of the
propeller can be deter minec-:" only for a particula ~c ( istr i bution
function vr /vR = f (I' jB.), one is forced to c ompromise. In orcLer
to elimina te the ariSing d isadvanta ges r e ganling the factor of merit
it '\oTill be oxpedienr;. to fix the stator (if it is a t a ll necessary)
because of too high rot a tional losses) ahead. of t he propeller as an
inlet stator ancL to impart a c o un~er - rotation to the air. The changes
14 NACA TM No. 1202

in inclination of the relative approach velocity tOlvEll'd the bla cle

elern.ent of the propeller as cOl1lpa:ced to the plane of rotation
are thereby reduced.

3. "VT~ut shroud. - The coefficients of the pr ope],+er

number 1 without shroud."lWith nacelle sha:i?e 1) are represented. in
figure 14 as functions of ·the advanco ratio foX' several blad.e aneles.
The same figure shows also the thrust ant power coefficients for sta tic
conditions (ks * and k t *) and the sta tic t hrus t f a ctor of mel'it to Bendemarm

as functions of the bla de angle.

In evaluating the total of m.easurements the paras ite drags of the

suspension as ,yell as of the "nacelle alone" (without shroud, without
propeller) were a d.cLec:.. to the measured thr ust so that the coeff; cients
indicated in the diagrams differ from those of the propeller alone
solely by the dra g of the nacelle 1vhich is increased. because of the
ao.ditional velocity of the pr opelle:r' . The cont}"ibution of the pressure
drag may therein assume a very considerable ma@J.itude as will be
discussed in more cletail in the follmTin g section 4a. One can talee

the efficiency ratio of the propeller

It is at the highest about 0.68. This unfavorable value is proba'bly
caused mainly by the high rotation losses ana. the shape of the blaCi.e
tips which is unfavorable fo:c use IIwithout shrouding."

!+. Pr o-peller number 1 iI?- o"peration ~vi tIl shrou(-.. 1.-

La) Hi thout stator. - Fi gure 16 Sh01'18 the aeroc..Yl1amic coefficients

of the propeller 1 ~vith shroud 1 as functions of the nce ratio
and of the blade angle of the propelle:r. One can Doe tha t the
shrouding absorbs a very considerable pa r t of t he total thrust,
particularly fOJ.~ static cono.itions. Moreovel' t h e ]?ropeller flo", is,
o.ue to the natUral circulation of the shrou6. , still 3 0lL.'1d. at bla de
angles at which it would long since have se ~Jara te C ,vithout shroud .
(See fig. 14.) Accordingly, the first imp:r.oves essentially
the eta tic '(hJ:'uEt factor of merit c;alculatec1 by means of the
13enc~,emann formula S ~ ks*/2k1*)2/3 andsecon0_ ma kes an absolute
magnitud.e of the static thruat coefficient ks·:~ a ttaj.nable which is
more than t",ice as high as the one of the uns hr ourl e o. 1rO])eller.
NACA TM No. 1202 15

It is remarkable that for this arrangement the flow wetted completely

the blunt afterbody (cap) (nacelle shape 1 according to figs. 1 ·
and. 9) due to the high exit rotation since the rotation which
increa sed rapicllytoward the axis caused very high negative pressure
on the na celle • Thereby the nacelle body exper ienced a very
considerable pressure drag. The maximum efficiencies r eachecl are
small, corresponding to the large loss in rotation and prossure drag.
The exit rotation "Tas meas1.U'ed along the radius and the exit sta tor
constructed accorctin gly.

i£) With exit sta~. - The shape of the stator vanes can be taken.
from figures 1 and 5. They hael to be fixed to the shroud because
othervTise mea!:3U"r ement of the reaction torQue ,voula. have . become
impojeib:'.o . Tho coefficients of the propeller 1 with shroud l ' and
eX~.t, 8t::l"" or 8r0 shown in fi gure 17. The fact must be taken into con -
sider a. t J\)ll thA ~: the axial force of the stator itself is contained in
the shroud thr ust coefficient kSM • Accorel1ng to .expectation both
maX:Ur!;llln efficienoy and static thrust ' f a ctC'r of mer it are e88entla~ly
1mpro~red by the stator ~ Qu::.te possibly the static thrust factor of
meri(. :- 8. l.c~:1JJ:). GE:lct a ccording to Bend.emann 't-r.t1l assume values over 1
bec2.·;Yi8 liD:'l(lr0\i :i. (\e.~J.v laHnr ic -LhrUS-G5 can be obta inGd with a
shro .hied i~} ~~h a~ u r;rcl:1ed prOT)8:Ll er. (Co::1.paret:10 deliberations
of t"lP f:'~" c ':J."
•• •_.. J <;" ' on. 'E" ' ,_.T )
.J-. . Tl'1 -" 1r8Y·lw",,,;
L ·. · ... .• ..» C<_.
•• ",,,,-
·•• ,. L·711C·y . ,~""o
.P:t'l C-l°
.1. v a C'he c'
J O . . l l' p' <! ·at ·
arGl ;~l.d. 0 ,. 7;),:-:-, is rr:taiu:ly ",Ji 3 na tural d..1'a g · ofl:.he shr oud ,,!hich ie
re8r :)):F ~i.Y~ .8 for t.l~~. s small value as the consictc:,ations of the
follovd.n g s ec t,ions E, I, and Gwill c'l ea r ly d.emon~trate.

5. Pr ~)"')8J ' er 1 four blael e s with exit stator and shroud number 1.-
. Fi gur~~,~ ,~"C'how3 the coefficie:r;lts of the shrouded four-blade propeller 1.
Since th ~ net propeller thrust decreases · with the decreasing number of
blades for oQual ad.vance ratio . and equal blade angle the .shroud. thrust
must also dec..i'ease. Due to the reduction of shroud circulatiori the
additional velocity induced by the shrou(l. in the propeller planea).so
decreases. ConseQuently the four-bla de-propeller separates for
smaller bla de angles.

6. Propeller 2 with shroud 1 without .andwfth exit stator.-

Propeller 1 ha d been clesigned for ' unifor m a xial appr"oach velocity along
the radius. Propeller 2 differ s from the former by only one ·
specification: the twist was made smaller in order to take into
consideration the tendency of the approach velocity d.istribution to
increase tow'ard the · outsj,de. The influence of this exPedient can be
seen in figures 19 and 20. For eQual blade angle and eQual advance
ratio the values ksS' kSM' Its . and k~ are ~ 11aturally smaller than
for the pr opoller 1. However, the maximum .efficiency is hardly changed.
A slight improvement may be ascertained in the static thrust factor of
merit. Therefore, the efficiency r ati o of the pr opeller does riot seem
to be too sensitive to the distribution of the approach.
16 NACA TM No. 1202

7· Propeller 1 with ' sh~oud '5c ,h thout exH stator. ~ Shroud 5c

differs from shroud1 maj nly :by its ' smal18r ch ard aria:- ' ,
smallrr thi okness r atio. ' Ther eby the natural d~g
cwr/ 15 is according to figure 7, l'ed~ced t o. a value 0.0034 as
contrasted with 0.01 for shroud 1. Moreover, the addiUonal velocity
caused by the shroud is -pos1.tive (50 ' -= 0.13) for , the shroud 5c
whereas it was negative for shroud 1 (00 -= -0.055). ~herefore,
the characteristics k S ) k~ -=f(>-') mu~t t~ke 8. different course
from the ones f'or shroud 1. They may be taken from figure 21. The
vari8.tion of the total thrust coef'ficient ' It; with the advance
ratio is compared with the one' measured for shroud 1. fO,r the same
adjustment engle ~, somewhat stee~er throughout. , This fact ie
due to thel'os:ltive circulati on of shroud 5c. The total thrust
becomes zero already for a smaJ.1er 'advance ratio , True to expectation
the maximum efficiency is, particularly for large advance ratios,
considerably improved because of the sma1;L parasite shroud drags.
(For ~ = 55 9 by about 10 percent.) Unfortunately this arrangement
could not be investigated with stator. If one assUmes that the
gain in thrust due to an added stator ,TOuld equal exactly the one
measured for shroud 1 ( fig, 17), for instance -propeller 1 with
shroud '5c and stator would reach for f3 = '55 d a maximum efficiency
of 0 .77 . An improvement of the maximum efficiency can, therefore,
doubtlessly be obtained by means of shroud shapes of small ChOl'd
and small thickness ratio. However, this ad.vantage is neutralized
by an essential dtsadvantage concerning the magnitude of the static
thrust unless special precautions al 6 taken. A comparj,son of the

absolute static thrust and the static thrust factor of merit of

the shrouds ';i.c and 1 clarines the loss for static conditions. The
bad effect for static condition is caused by the apl)SeJ.'ance
of separation phenomena in the flow about the rather ~ointed profile
nose of the shroud 'S c "Thlch, first, decrease the shroud thrust and,
second, reduce the propeller thrust. The reduction of the propeller
thrust then causes a further decrease in shroud circulation, therefore
in shroud thrust. However, this difficulty can be s~mountod by a
simple meaeure,

8. Improvement of the static thrust - behav:l.or of thin e-!J.rowie

by a nose split rin~. - The following a:Ims can b,e attained by ' -
attaching .a n outward. going sp11 t ring to the nose of the shroud

(1) Separation phenomena at the shroud are avoided for static

.. condi tions .

(2) T'he blade setting at which the flow ' s'e1;>arates at the
propeller blaie can be increased very considerably. Thus one Is
in a posl tinn to absorb more pO'iver with good efficiency.
NACA TM No. 1202 17

(3) The low pressures a:pDearing at the inlet at the shroud

profile nose can be absorbed by the S1;lUt ring surface. The shroud
circulation, that i.s, the shroud thrust, increases.

(4) The advan.t ageous effect of the nosespli t ring can be

retained with about the same power expenditure even for small . advance
ratios, because for flow impinging on the ' shrouded propeller
provided wHh a nOl3e s1;llH ring (:i.n fre~ stream) the stagnatton
point lies up to a critical loading coef;ficient exactly on the
outer edge of the ring. Only when the loading coefficient further
decreases, separation phenomena will appear at the outer surface
of the shroud due to the of thestagnatiop point;
then, of course, the parasite (hag w1:).l be increased very considerably.

The measurement resuits on propeller 1 "'ith shroud Sc and 110se

sl'li t ring are presented in the figures 22 to 24. . ]'igure 22 shows
the considerable increase of the tota;L thrust for static conditions
for various shape s of the split ring , It is remarl~able that not the
largest of the investigated rings proved most favorabl~ but a ring
"'ith a diameter of about 1.20 to 1.25 D (D ~ diameter of the
pro-peller). No more essential increases in tllrust cO\lld be obtained
for the investigated profile by rounding off the frontal area. .
However, a further improvement of the static thrust by about
10 percent could be obtained by lengthening the shroud chord by a
sheet metal cylinder pushed out to the rear. A simple cylindric
shrouding ,'lith nose split ring also brought good results , The
use of such a shroud should be , ap-pro}:l'd~te in s,!)ecial cases that
require utmost simplicity of manufactur~ for instanc~ for motor
sleds and boats. The hIghest static thrust coefficient measured
was for this case k s *"" 0.3 for · a B~ndemann · static. ·thrust factor
of merit ~ = 0.B5. For an unshroude~ nro~eller, the maximum static
thrust vlas according to figure 14 about lc s *"'" 0 ', 15 for an
efficiency ratio of h= 0 ;6') ,These figures prove beyond doubt
the advantage of such a simple shrouding . It is iIirportant that
the effect of the split ring is retained even ':when it is subdivided '
several times along the circumference (see the dashed line in
fig. 22, at the right). Extending several flaps probably would
permit a simpler cons.truct'ion .... :·· .,

The results "Tithoutand "'ith split ringfor the most favor-

able case are represented again: in figure 23. . Figure 24 reproduces
the me9.suredcharacterisUcs as · functions ' of the advance ratio.
One can see that, for instance)' 'for an angle of blade ad.justment
13 = 1.j.0? up to an advance ratio · ;\" ~ 0;3 the total thrust. of the
arrangement "with split ring" is larger. than without split·rlng.
The power coefficient is almost unchanged. Thus one could fully ·
utilize the advantages of the split ring for the climb also, and
retract only for higher flight veloc1 ty .
18 NACA TM No. 1202

Ey means of a smoke method (hydrochloric acid - ammonia) the

flow at the shroud .11 th split ring was made visible. The photo-
graphs 2'5(a) to 2'5(c) ' illustrate the ef'fe ct : > f t he spli t ring very
clearly. For the smallest )..". 0 .07 (almost stat:J.c .thrust condition)
the stagnation point lies exactly on the outer edge of the split
ring as shmm tn figure 25( c) •

Surr~arizing the properti~s of the split ring one. may say that
this expedient permits the utilization of short thin shrouds for
the flight at high speeds without d.ete:i :'iorating the behaviour for
static conditions.

It should be noted here that also for the case of the two-
dimensional "Ting very oonsiderable improvements of the maximum
11ft coefficient c
were obta ined. by use o~ i
nose split
flap. According to a: measurement by W. Kruger t,8J the maximum
11ft coefficient of a hIgh speed profile with the maximum thickness
at 60 percent of the chord w'as for the most favorable case
increased by . 6c a ". 0 ,72.


The following considerations concerning the shrouded propeller

without losses and the shrouded propeller subject to 108see have
the purpose of explaining the aerodynamics of such propulsion units
in a generally valid manner. and to recognize what limiting values
(efficiency, static thrust, etc.) . are obtainable and what aspects
must be heeded in order to 'obtain optimum values.

I. 'Propeller in Forward Motion

1. Ideal case without energy 108ses.- From the change of

momentum infinitely far in front of to infinitely far bebind~ne
propeller one obtains. for fi6W' without rotation the ,conn€}ctlon :
between the total thrust " S",' the sHpstream crons' section . ](:0 .
at infinHY behind the propeller, the free stream velocity v,
and the axial additional velocity in the jet wa at ·infinity
behind the propeller.
, .;

' -.,; ; .

. : ': '
NACA TM No. JZ)2 19

yJith -8 = C- s '2P v 2F and the loading ratio becomes:


( 1)

Thus the additional velocity to be ascertained from this equation

( 2)

is for the same loading ratio C s the smaller, the larger becomes
. the slipstream cross-section ratio a. Since the axial aclditional
velocity in the slipstream determines the maximum theoretic al
efficiency for the shrouded. as well as for the standard pr 01)eller,
it is necessary to know hOYT the slipstream cr oss-section ratio a.
depends on the loading ratio and the shape of tIw shroud.

From the continuity equation one obtains

F F'O,_.::::. _V"R.
· _.._ Fn 1
a !" -Q;l. :::: D :'; ~
'0 .. .. :::: -2. .:.-':..3 !::.

F F v +Wa' F W
1 + ~

Therein represents the annular cross sect.i on in

. the . prope Uer plane, F =D-l-~
n: t h e -pY'opeer
1 1 aisc
' area, -and
'.. vR - v
~ ._ _-,S",--_ the add.itional velocity in the propeller plane
u g - v
caused by the shroud and the propeller, referred. to the free-stream

Furthermore, according to Bernoulli's energy eauation,

..., . .
20 NACA TM No. 1?02

Thus one obtains for the slipstream cross-section ratio the relation:
. \ ,','

~: . ,. If . .,
.' , .
( 4)

.. '

. .
The additional velocHy in' the- propeller plane caused. by the shroud
circulation and. the pro]?eller loading, referred. to the free-stream
velocity can be divided up (KucheDlann - Weber " [3]) accord:ing to
defini tion as follows: ' .

50 represents theaddi tional velocity of .the ShrOUD. in free stream,

caused by its circulation

.: 5S ' .additional . veloci ty induced. by an ac1.ditional circulation

co:rresponding .to the · propeller loading

50 therefore, is merely dependent on the , shape of the shroud., 5S

on the other hand, on the shape of the shroud and. on the loading
ratio caS of th& propelJe.ralone ',' .

With the defi nition equatton (5)' and with oCJ,.'Ilation (3),
equation (4) may be vlri tten a 8 ~follows: '. '.

( 6)

Therefore, according to this equatiu:Ll the sl1pstrealll,cross-section

ratio for a give·Ii. ahrolid sl1ape( 5(j)' anda g1ve~ :nub ratio HS is
a function of the propeller loading ratio CaS and of the additional
velocity 6S cause~ by .th,e addit.i onal circulation of the shroud.
Since BS increases wfth 1Ilcreae1ng propeller loading one may assume
NACA TM No. 1202 21

that the influence of the pTopeller loading upon the slipstream

crofls-section ratio. is very slight. This fact has alrea dy been
poiClted out by Weinig- L9·1. There the absolute ma@litude of the
cross-section ratio ~ is brought into direct relation to the
angle of inclination -Il of the trailing edge of the shroud.
. profile tow'ard. the shroucL axis:

F FA ,
_ 00
_ ",
"" -< _ . . .... _ ...l.._ _ _. _ _ _
F F 1 - 0.45 -Il

However, this relation can be applied. only ~ri th grea t uncertainty

when the profile trailing-edge angle is r elatively large and if
there is a hub body in the shl'ouo. •

Kiiohemann - Weber r3-,

calculated.potlintla l-theor et1cally the
streamline picture for a- ioaded. pl'ol)eller with cyl:i.ndr1c shr oud .
This exact calculation sho"Ts that for the cylindric shroud. the
slipstream cross -section r atio is not at all changed by the propeller
loading as compared. with the condi tion ~!i thout propeller. ThUR
the assumption mentioned above is fully confir med. for this special
case. The measurements and flm.,- photogr'aphs given in section F of
the present repor t alsn show essentially the same r esult. One may
therefore assume witb very great pr obability that a method of
calculation for shrouded propellers based on a slipstream C1'0SS -
section ratio that remains unchanged r epresents a good approxima -
tion which can be used for the technical design. The paralle~
between calculation and measurement draml in section G confirms
this assumption quite well.

The further considerations are based. on the assumption that

the slipstream cross-section ratin is not influenced. by the loa eling
ratio, but is determined merely by the shape of the shroud and
the hub ratio of the propeller. Its magnitude must, therefor e,
be the same for all Cs values as in the cas~ without loss for
C s = 0, tnus "without propellor." Since for this caeo 0g::: 00t4
equation (4) appears in the simple for m:
22 NACA TM No -. 1202

Figure 26 re,rescnts the dependence cf the slipstream cross~ 8e ction

ratio ~ on 50th and on the hub- ratio v· If 50th has not oeen
calculated the slipstream cress-sect:lon ratie for any shape .of
shroud can be determined by flow measurement ' .of the empt,y shr oud
with nacelle, wi thout prepeller. (Compare sec ti.on F.) The pewer te
be put in fer the case witheut less can be calculated from the
kinetic energy which remains in the sli~stream as

,~ ., .

' ., .

( 8)

From this equation one obtains the maximum theoretlcaJ. efficiency of

the shrouded propeller

and i f one introd,uces the relatien between the 3.ddHional velocity,

the total loading r atio and the slipstream CY'08s-~ection ratio
according te equatien ( 2) :

11m = --.- 1
1 +
4 VI +
2 _ .
~ Cs ; '~ ,
(10 )
NACA TM No. 1202 23

In figure 27' TIm is represented as a function of the effective

thrust loading rat~'o c s • The diagram is valid for the case
subject to friction and for the ideal case. For the ideal case
cSe = c s ; thus the effective thr~st equals the thrust theoretically
present for the same additional velocity ~Ye.' The course of the
maximum theoretical efficiency of the lIDshrouded propeller is drawn
into the same diagram with a dashed line. One can see that the
theoretical efficiency of the standard propeller for cS~ 0
approaches asymptotically the efficiency of the shrouded pro'geller
wi th ex. = 1, and for Cs ~ <'Q the efflc iency of the shrouded
propeller with ex. = 0.5, as was to be 6xpected. The conslderations
of ltl. Stiess [5J led to the same result.

The improvement of the theoretical efficiency by shrouding

becomes considerable only for large eli '9stream cr'oss -section ratios a..
However, the magn:l. tude of the shroud circulation necessary for pro-
duction of very considerable slipstream cross-section enlargements,
",hen standard profile forms are used, can be obtained only at the
price of very high shroud drags, in most cases the effective
efficiency is thereby reduced beyond reasonable values.

In the following chapter the influence of losses upon the

effect of the shrouded propeller is taken into consideration.

2, Shrouded propeller wtth ener~y 10ss8s taken into consideration.-

The following considerations concern ~hrouded propeller alone, ~
that is, the drag of the nacelle (without pro'geUer and without
shroud) i8 not contributed to the propeller.

Due to the losses at the propeller and stator profiles the

power input :from the motor to the propelle:r must be larger,than the
power input from the 1>ro'ge11er to the air flowing through, " The
pm.,er put into the r>ropeller shaft will be designated by "induced
power," Li . The 10SS6S at the profiles are for the standard
propeJ,ler without shroud included by the factor of merit. Since the
shape of the shrouded propeller is:"lIlore like an axial blower we
introduce instead of the factor of merlt the blower efficiency fiG
which is identical "'ith it. There:fore, its definition .is;

24 NAeA PM ··No • .1202

If one takes the ' equation '(8)' into 'consideration, the induc ed. power
will be'


For the snme induced, P2:wer the effective thr ust Se is, as c ompared
Hith the theoretical S of the jjrc peller without 108s, reduc ed. 'by
the magnitude of the drags V. The total drag consists of the
par asi te drag of the shT0ud. Wl'1 1vh10h appears for the condl ti.on
without propeller, ana of the addi ttonal drag t},!T which is caused
on shroud and na celle by the additi on a l velocIties f or t he condi t i on
of a propeller in moti on . Thus one obta in8 for the effective
propulsive pOl'Ter:

so that the efficiEmcy :results f ;"om (12 ) and (13):

,s -\.<~l· ~ 61,.T
1') -, 1Ie. - - --i.fa~--
.- I
S '\'1 -I- 'is-'

If one refers the drags as well 'as the' thrusts to E. v 2F and takes "
the magnitude of the maximum theor etical efficiency according to
equation (9) into . c ClUsid.eration, the c-btai nable total efftciency of
the shrouded propeller alone can be written in the form:


The separa te efficiencies in this equati0n are defined a s ' follows:

1')m = ma:x:imurrr'theol"e'tical efr i c ien cy

- I),
NACA TM No. 1202 25

b1:)wer efficiency or factor of· merit of the

proneller (stator included )

1 sh-:oud efficiency
TlMa =

TlE = ~nstal1ation eff~.ciencJ'

Cain these 0x-p:ressJb.q.srepresents the effective total thrust

loading. This effective total thrust load'ingis the thrust :recluced
by the magni tucle of th3 pal'asi te drag as compared.•vi th the
theoretically posaJble thr"LlSt of the propeller W"j·th0ut. loss, for
the same effective bloH'er um.,er, The maximum theoretical effi'ciency
has· alread'y been di scussed in section E I I , If. the right dJmensions
. a1;e selected the blmver efficiency ~an aSSUlne valvgs above 0.9.
The shroud efficiency is of decisive importance for the Dossibility
of application as was ment.ioned oefore(C3j; USJ)The shroud
efficiency :i.8 plotted over c8 in fig'ure27 for( various clrag
coefficients of the shroud , The drag coefficient is referred to
~ v 2F. There i8 therAfore an optimum total loadinG for each special
shroud ( °0 , 0." cwM ) for which the product of efficiencies '1m X '11Na
i 8 a maximum . ( For examples, · see fig. , 28,)

The first three separate efficlenci'3s can be calculated

r~latively simply . I~ order to calculate the installation efficiency
TlE the adeli tional drag c8.l'sed by the slipstream must be est5.mated .

..L_Ca;tculat.ion .9f _the addi~.:L0nal ene l '~L1.<2.!3J?_£§tUsed by j;h~

addi tional veloci tie8 for propeller in motJon, - This amount ('{ill. be
determined 'onlY-approximately :-H~er-:-8.-nUmerical calculation
carried out later showed. that the magnitude of the installation
efficiency · as corrrpar~d"Ti th the other separate efficiencles normally
is of hardly any import?~~ce at all.

One assumes for this ap"?roximatlon that only the energ.y losses
6pv caused. for the flow through the shroud by the :tnner shroud
surface and the corresponding part of the nacelle surface are
NAeA TM No. 1202

influenced by the additional propeller velocity. - If we equate

6Pv 6Pv
P'--2 = ~t and j3---- = ~e) wi th R --
repres0_nting the velocity
- v - - 2
2 vRmax
in the minimum annule.r cross secti.on FR : ,'~e becomes for the
min , 0
shroud without, propeller (subscript 0), if the continuity is taken
into consideration:

Gen~rally the mintmum annular cross section will lie :in tho propeller
, , 'ERs '
pl~n~, therefore will be :F'-- =
l. Only for shroucl shapes whiCh
-min '
narrow in front of or behincl the propeller~ - the quoUent Fp /Fn
" S ~min
becoines larger than 1. - If one eque.tes the loss coefficient Pe for
propeller in motion to Pea (without prope:ler), one obtains as the
total-pressure loss for propeller in motion:

Thus tht1 additional total-pressure lOBS cBused by the additional

velocities ia:

6.Pv - (15)
NACA TM No. 1202 27

ce.n be determined by flow measurements on the empt~r
P 2
- v
shroud. With this total pressure loss according to equa tion (15)
the loss power becomes:

- 1

If one equates .N, jet = 6Cw~ v 3F, there results as a. good

approximate value for the additional ve locity, caused by the pro -
peller in motion:

r(l 5)2 1- _ +_ -:.£ 1 ( 16)

I _.
1 + 00

T'ae ad.ditional drag is, therefore, d:ependenton the total

through fiow (1 + Og ); this total through floyr" however, . fsa , .........
function of the actual l oading c~~ = 'c;-~' + ,c"M + .6.c." . ,which . shall
be designated as induced loading; taki ng' the equation (2) into
constderation ther e re 8ul ts from the la.T of continuity f or the
additional velocity, 1n the sli-ps tream:

V 1--
Rs := 1 + Og = 0,_F 1 ' J.

VI 2
+ ex. Q: ' '; 1- c " .
.' . se,. ' ViM +6"0J .(17)
v FRS '2
': .. .

The comparison between cal~ulat i on and me a8urein~ehtperfci:rmed. ' in

section G shows that ' the influence of , (::.C"T ' upon the 'total through
flo\{ is noticeable 'only fo!, ' verY , smalladvancG :rattos. anq, ,ev(,)n .
there is very, sifglit. (See fig . 34.) Thus' one : is , l1 1lstified in
wri tingfor the installat:!.on efficiency
" . .
i na ,$_'
. P proximatlon:
' .' : " ,

NACA TH No. 1202

T)E = ____...-1... ( 18)

1 +-
'C'se -
+ c- fCc)


f( c) Z

Cne can obtain a seconcl approximatlon If one calc'.uates (1 + bg )

first from (17) , ne glecting 6c~, and then determines the first
approximation 6c w(1) frcm (16 ) "rith this value. By inserting
6cw(1) again into (17) one obtains the second ap-proximati on
(1 + 0g(2)) and therewith from (16) the second approximation
6C w(2)' 'Pith 6c w(2) the second aT;l'Pr'oximation of the shroud
effidency according to (14) can be calc\1lated,

Figure 29 represents the o.ependenc e of the ins-l:.allation

efficiency 'IE (calculated according t o this method.) on cs~ + ,c
for the 'Parameters a, and Po' to fi gur e 29 the
influence of the pressure coefficient Po upon the installation
efficiency is of essential importance f or l a~ge value s of Po '
Rm.rever, aerodynamically bad shroud forms must be a priori. excluded
for the since large values of Po, thus l ar ge cWM' are
connected with a bad shroud efficiency T)Ma' The test values for
the pressure 10s8 coefficient Po gi ven in s ection F show that ,
this coefficient reaches for good shr ollrl T,)Tofiles a niagni tude
"7hich guarantees very good installat+on efficienci'es,.A com'"
parison of t he curves for a,:::: 1 and 0, ':: 2 ' demon strates that
the installation eff i ciency improve s, for the same pressure loss
coefficient 'Po' with i ncreasing slipstream ' cross-section ratio . '
NACA TM No. l2O~ .29

However, 'one 'must bear in mind that a larger s11pstream cross-seqtion

ratio can be obtained only by larger i.rttrinsic -circu18:ti'on 8.n:d. ;t,qat
therevltth the. l osses " (c vlM , ' ~i~' aiso increa~e . .

The influence of energy l08ses l"rpol1 the total efficiency of the

shrouded propeller W9.S treated above . Thus one is in a position to
calculate the obtainabl0 maxi mum efficiency for any arrangement before-
hand in a good app:ro~,tm3.tion .

Knowledge of the mass flow' and. the total-pressure jump which is

to be put in by the propellor is necessary.

~~!!-.2f_th~yl~.~ q'.C?.!!._f.l~?:~.~ng~f!.9.E.I3.::l}._th~..J?!:0p~)J;EE '­

The relation between the axial fl ow v el oc ity through the propeller
plane, the l oading and the 'p ropertles of the 8hrou0:v1a8 already
indicated in equat:i. on (17). . Thi s relation y1elO.s the mass coeffi-
cient cp -=: vps/u which cm be dirsGtly t a ken over:

.- A.a -.---- -
u F'R 2

It has already been p ointed out that the j.nfluence of the (irag . 6c,.,.
caused by the additional velocity on the t otal through-flm1 is very
slight. Thus one o'ttains ' a good first a p-proximat1on from:

(20 )

For a more accuratec alcnlation}irt -pa rticula::rfora 've r y small ratio

of advance, one ' c~ pToceedas foll ows: first (1 + Dg ) :is
calculate d. in a f1:!:'st approximation from equat:i.on (17r-(',ith 6c V[ '" 0),
,.r1 th th:i.s value . 6Cv,T . i 8 then determined from equation (16), and
there",i th cp as second a:PP2"ciximation f rom equation (19).

L~9~~~1~:_~.!£~ o f_1he_p'!.~~tl1:'~ ..Jtl.rn'?_.!.f2_.E~_._~.~tab~.t~b.e.~. - Acc ordJng

to the oonsidera.tion In secUon E l l the power tn,?ut fr om the
propeller to the ai r flmTing through J 8 d.etermined by the kinetic
30 NAtA TM No. 1202

energy remaining in the sli-pstream. The magn.:t.tude of this pow'er j8

according to equation (8) written ,i n a sllg..'I1tly different manner:

i ·',

L" (08 e +'''M + "Ow) ~ v3F'.~ + ;:~)

On the other hand it ls to be explained as blowe r feed performance:

Taking the r e l at ion f or the adriHional veloc1ty

i-i'~ _
V -

of the equat:!.on ( 2,) i nto consid eration one obtain s from the two
above equations the 'Pressure coefficient of the blo":.' er
\1 ""
~ u

Cs + c", + 6 c y,
\)1' = A2 _._~ _ _M_ __ (21)
NACA TM :Jo. 1202 31

7. The operaUng condition of the propeller for varylng :co.tio

of ad:""an6~.:' The proportional number customary lllbIo;rer-ccm-st:r;uct:ion

p 2
~ vRS cp2
a '" ---
:: -\j;-

is characteristic for the opera tir..g cond.ition with re spect t o flow

mass "and pressure .Jump. For the standard propeller withl)ut shroud
a. varies very considerably in the re gJon of the ratio of advance
A...= 0 t o A.:: ~ax' a increases I'lith 87mTln g A, that is, the
.propeller blade is not loaded. lIm·rever: the pY'opelJer can only vTOr'k
for a quite defini t~ operating ' c oll'ii tion (a) " n amely for t"hedesign
conM ti on for the most favorable effidency. If 'the ope rati.on
c ondi tion varies ·very greatly with the rati 0 of advance, 'I). de creaSes;
moreover) sometimes the blade mus t be made ad,jus table. Due tCI t he
change in ci rculati on at the shroud prcfile for vaTying ra.t :io of
a dvanc e additional ve l oc ities are l.nduced in the pro peller plane
for the shrouded propeller whose effe~t ma.kes the operating c ond. i tion
of the propeller f oY' the entire region of a ,: lvance x'atio change very
much less t han f or t h e stan1ar d. DropelJ.e ~ , If ('n e vT0 1)~d sur:ceed ln
c onstructing the 8h1'our1 in s uch 8 . me.nner t hat a 10ema ins the same
f or the enti rEl A. - re gion , one vTOuld gain b -lo ess e nt ~la1 a1va n tages :

1. The prGuc1ler VTould not have to be dcl.justable,

2. The bloyTer efficiency and. the lJrolJelJer effi8 i en8 Y ratio

would equa l t he maxJ,mum vali le at the desi Gn -potnt for th e entire
A. - r e gion .

From th e relations f ound. for th e ma ss c oe ff :i.c i ont <p ( equ a ti on (19))

and the pressure c oeffi cient \jJ ( ea uation (21)) on e obtains

P 2
'2 vRS
a ;=: --- ::


::' . .
32 NACA 'rM No. 1202

Figures 30( a) and '30(b) show the depend.ence of the o'perating

conc,U tjon (J on the inducerl '~e + c + !"IC", fo '~~ vari ovs
sli pstream cro~s-section ratios 0" tha.t 1s, for vl;l.rious Sha'?8S of
the shroud.

The corresponding cu -~ve for the pro-peller ,,,Hhout sh'x1ud is

also p~, ott ed in figure ~O( a). The curves are valid f c.)" a hub
rat+.o '0 '" D
/tJ = (). 2') . They clearly show the a(lvantage of
the shrouded -pro-peller. On the other hand one can see that the
goal of equal ~PQrating c ondit jon in the entire C s-
r egion can
not be :c'ea~hed by means of one and the ' same shaDe of shrouc. . In
order to really reach this aim 0, . th'1t is, the ci Tculation of
the shroud ,vauld have t o be variable d'J.ring the flight. This
condi tion can be fulfilled only by Cho9i1€dUp, the f~rm of the
-profile (fo r instance flaps) or b'c ' ir:n pene' the boundary layer
at th€1 shroud -profile 1[1.OJ. FigtJ r e 30(b ) shows that the uresence
of a hub chan.'?(}s :the tendency of the curves only slightly .

The following chapter contains a few considerations of the

behavl,pr of th~ shrouded -Pl'o oeller at r est.

II. ~ro~eller at Rest

All values refer-ned to the stat ic thrust conoi tion are ~esj.p.Jlatecl
by an 'asterisk *.
1. Ideal caSQI i.Ji.:tho.~~_~~;I&..19S.~.~J'!' - A considerati on of t.he
momQl)ttun yields the magni tud.e of thfl stat i c t.hrust f o'.' i r rotational

S* "!: Oa.Fwa * ( 23 )

Just as in the ease of the propeller ln fOl"1.,rard motion the 'Powe r' to
be p,,:t in equals the kinetic ener~r lost '!)er' second. :

From (23) and (24 ) one obtains t.he connection betveen the stattc
thrust and the PB'''er to be put in for the theor etical c a se ivi thcmt
frictt~It ;
NACA TM No.. 1202 33

'")C' ) •
( c:.~) ,

If ane equates

-* 1;*
k7, =

ane can write dimensi anlessly :


Of course this ,'elatian j s also. valid far t he speciaJ. c a se of the

-praue'ller' witha ut sbroud. Since he re a, c:.1 k *
2' e "Ti thaut shrow.':

Thus the static thrus t coefficients 'fith and. Ifi thout shroud are in
direct ratio. t o

k s*/k *
, S wi thau t ohroud
= (20,)1/3 (27)
NACA TM No.• 1202

The physical limits of the obtainable static thrust for standard

propellers have been treated in detail by A. Betz "(lJ.

It is theoretically possible to increase the absolute map:Jli tude

of the static thrust f or the same power in'iJut to any degree by the
use of a shroud i f one succeeds in making the slipstream cross-
section ratio sufficiently large by a shroud with large circulation.
Practically, however, this possibility is limited, H simule ,!)rofiles
are used, because of the energy losses which a,!)1?ear in the diffuser
behind the pro,!)eller. Probably these limits can be considerably
shifted u'!)ward by sr,>eclal exped.ients, for instance) influencinf7 of the
boundary layer at the shroud ,!)rofile. Ex'!)eriments by B. Re ~enscheit
[lOj on a nozzle '\Ili th suction at the trailing edge have shown that
even '\ITi thout geometrical d.iffuser considerable through - flow variations
can be obtained b;'T the suction. This behavior was to be expected
after the experiences ,-lith trailing-edge sucti on on plane "rinGs.

The static thrust factor of merlt of the shrouded is

with (26):


kg represents.
.__ ._* the theoretically obtainable total sta.tic thrust
whe reas ks represent the total staUc th:rust act.ually obtained
with the same power tnput,

2. Shrouded -pro-peller at rest . ,·ri th energy 10sse 8 taken into

consideratlon.- The power necessary f or -producti on of the effective
thrust S~'r: paF"'a*2 (equati on (2'1)) is distlnguished from the .
nower calculated theoretically accord.inr, to (24) first by the
ad.di tional power to be put in bec ause the energy transfer from the
propeller to the air flmTing through 1.s subject to los se s 8..-Tld
sec ond by the amount of pm-rer which has to cove r the losses 6u v*
ori ginaUng in th e flow thr ough the shroud. The induoed p01'Ter
necessary at the propelle !.~ shaft then is:

6pv *

*) 1 +---

1 + ()6~ J;) *2
-= L* --...?_wa_·
2 wa*2 TlC*
NACA TM lifo. 1202 35

Since according to eguatiqn (2'l) the t otal static th:r'ust 'S* is

r elated to tIle -po'Wer L*2/3, one obtains as the reacbable s-ta-\:,jc
thrust factor of me r it of the shrouderl pr o'oelle r:

= (L* \2/3 ._ ( flC *' 'lE*)2/3

. Lr*) .

wi th the instal1aUon f actor of merH f 0]:, staUc condition

liE * ..- 1
-'-AUT -=
- . -- -- ~. -- ...- - . . -- . ----
C . y

1 +

The actually obtainable static thrl18t · then has th e magnitude:

-k * ( 31 )
se ·

F'rom this denendence one can clearly see bmv greatly the obt ainable
static thrust is influensed by the installation fact or of me r it.
The theoretical stati c thru st mus t increase '~ith Grovli ns sl i'os tream
cross-section rati on a. On the other han d the i nstallati on fac tor
of merit . 1"lE-x, decre ases ", g:couing a" Sinc e t he 10s8 c06ffi c ient
also will · increas'e with gr m,Ti ng a , tha t t s, fo r shrouds
p - 2
'2 vRmax "
becoming enlarged, it is to be eXlJected that TlE* dec rease s very
sharply. For this ~'ea son the stati c th r ust could n ot be essentially
increaserl fur ther by use of fur t her enlarge rl. sh y·oud.s a s compared
with approxlmatelycylindr ic ones ]n t he t ests ca-Tied cut 80 far.
The hub a lso has an unfavorable influence on the obta inable static
thr ust be cause the insta llati on f actor of merit also detertcrates
"'i th increasing hub d i. ame ter.
NACA TM No. 1202

Figure 31 shows the de~endence

of the value 'k--*«2k *)2/3TJ *2/3 on
8e/' l G
the slipstream 'cross section ratio a., and on t he l oss coefficjent
, 6p * '
'v for two hub ratios Fn
~ 1 IF
and Fp,
/'F: 0,75
p v. *2
2 Rmax ~ub
corresponding to - -- - 0 and 0.'5, X'es~ectjvely. The influence
of the installation factor of merj, t fiE ,x- on the static thrust bec omes
even more evident i f one inserts the loss into equatIons ( 30 ) and (31)

in the fo!~m 6Pv* '" (1 - TJD) ~ (7-Pmax

- "Ta 2) . .,ith TID representing
the diffuser effictency, As the resnl:~ of this calculation the
function of figure 31 is ~lotted :tn 32) but with the
diffuser effidency as 1)arameter, Since this latter will hardly
increase beyond 0.9 unless special steps are taken one can see that
an attempt to increase the slipstream cross-secti on ratio essentially
beyond a., '" 1 would be usoless.




I. Slipstream Cross-Section Ratio a.,

In order to check the independence of the sli 1) str eam c )~oss­

section ratio a., -= F; , of the loading 1)resumed in section E several

further measurements on shroud 1 were performed , For th:ts shroud
the slipstream cr oss-BoctJon ratio for the theo:retical case (no
energy added or removed during the flovine; through the shroud,) is
according to equation (7):
NACA TM No. 1202 37

.For the two 1imi ting cases "shroud without -pro-pe11er'" and
"shroud wi th 1)ro"(>e11er' fer static thrust condition" the sl1 pstreaID
crosa-section ratio ' a, can be calculated from the mass f10YT end.
the mean total pressure in the exit cross section of the sh.i.~oud.
accordinc, to the method described below'; thl:S one can dEhe ymine
hOl-T far the presumption of a cross-section ratio remaining
unchanged has actually beenfulfil1ed. .
The contl"'.J.ui ty yields: ;... __ F
F Vco
For the tvro limi ting casee. the mean axialf10vT velcc j ty
through thepropelleI: diso area was de-::;erm1ne(1 by measllrement. the assumut.}on that the enerey of the ,jet j s not varier1 any
further behind the exit cross section of tree shroud., the sli~­
stream velocity .far behind tl1epropell er can be calculated from
Bernoulli's energy equa+,ion:

In this equation

mean total -pressure in. the exit cross section ' FA

u' St static pressure fa.r behind the propeller - This -pressure has
o to be equated to the $tatic pressure in the undisturbed.

The mean total 'Pressure TJg7: in the e xit c r oss section alsovTas
measured for both limi Une cases.

The numeric a l .result for shroud'l i_ .I.:J

(1 .

Theoretically, . . 'i thout change in energy a, .- 0.878

Measurement, without propeller . . . _ .- 0,:::: 0.890
Measurement : 'Ivi th-: -propellor 2 ( ~ ;::: 4cP ), ·
with stat or at r e s t ), '.l;: 0 .. tLz 0.9lJ.

It is to be expected that (F; - 1) somewhat increasea with

increasing l oading, in particQlar fOl~ shrolld.s with enlarged. ' rear
'Portion. The shroud. "7hich I'Tas examined he re more closel;y is
behind the propeller -plane about cyUndl'j c, :t ts circulation is
almost zer\ . and the variation of the slipstream cross-s ection ratio Ct
"Ti th the l oading is very smf'lll. Th8 absolute magnitude of the CTOSS-
NACA TM No. 1202

section ratio ex, a grees quite 1-7e1l on the 9.1Ter ,-lith t he
t heoretic a l magni tud.e of t he empty shroud. .

va th the aid of the smoke method. , already mentionerl in secti on D

it was attempted to make the jet boundaries for vari ous loadtnp,s of
the propeller visible. Figure 33 ShOV1S that increasing propeller, in f8.ct, causes hardly any variation of the jet contour .
Unfortunately, the sl~ pstream cross -section ratio could. not be
checked for more greatly enlarged shr ouds because there was no
stator for these shrouds. The large exit-rotation renders a
comprehensive photograph impossible.

II. Pressure Losses in the !flow ThI'ough t he Shr oud

Accordjng to the consideraHon s of section E the pressure

loss 6Pvo which originates in the flov7 through the shroud
(vTithout propeller) is of essential j,nfJ.uence on the
of the installation efficiency 11E' Figure 29 showed the d.e L)end.ence
of the installation effici ency on the loading, the slipstream cross-
section ratio, and the loss coeffici ent Po = -----.
It is
~ v2
interesting to ascertain the order of magnitude of this loss
coefficient Po for the shrouds investigated. To this end the
mean total pressure ehortly in front of and shortly behind the
shroud for several extTeme shroud. shapes 'ioTaS determined by meaeure-
ment,taking into consideration only the ma ss flowing through the

The following numorical values resulted for the three

investigated shroud shapes 1, '5c, 7:

shroud 1 Po =: 0.010

shroud 5c 1)
' 0 .
:: 0.007

shroud 7 Po "" 0;180

If one considers the curves '11K -= f( cs) that a r e valid for the se
Po - values (fig. 29) one can see that the installa tion effici ency
for the first two shrouds equals almost 1 vlhereas it deviates
from 1 considerably for shroud 7 which has a very str ong (Uf'fuser.
The effects of large mass flow losses, that is, of large Po -
values on the static thrust shovT according to calculations and to
measurements the same tend·e ncy.
NACA TIvl lITO. 1202 39


liTi th the aid of theexhausti ve measu:cements YThich 'He rein

particular taken on the shroud 1 in connection'YTi ththe propeller 2
and exit stator, the reliability of the calcuJation desc:C,nect in
section E can be checked. ' The measured coeffj ci ents ' ks' kZ' 'f), and, !-,
are given in figure 20 as funct:1ons of the bJ.adc angle 13. 'For ,
three blade angle s (40 0 , 55 0 , 6')0 ) the mass ~oefficient qJ '= Y:R;;}J..
calculated according to equations (19) ' and. (20), respectively, '{s
represented as a funct ion of the ad.vanc e r atlo '" in fi gure 31~.
The effective totEd thrust loe,ding. c se vTaS dete~mined for each .
bla(le angle and advanc e ratio cons1Clered f rolJl ks /A,2. . The paraSl te
shroud drag of the shroud 1 J 'YTi th nacello, results from the measure-
ments. (See fi g . 7 . ) The sHpstre8ID , ~ rOS8 ,-sec tion ratio could. be
determined from equation (7), since 00th is Imown. ~ever8,1 test
points, be s ide s tho calculated cur7es, are plotteJ in the,gTC'Jll.
(See fig. 34.) There is exc ell,e nt ag.teGiUent b etvleen calculfltion 'IDd
measurement, in particular f or the second app ro~dmat l on Galcula teCl
from equat ion (20).

Figure 3'5 shOyTS the clepeno.ence of the meas1:JT3d s ffici ency on the
effective total thrust loading Cg f er t hree blacle angle s. Further-
more, the values for . the maximum theoretlcal efftcjoncy '11 m, the .
shroud: effic:lency 1'JMa' and the installation effidency TJE' which
were calculated accordIng to section E, are plotted in the same
diagram. Thus the ,product TlmTJMa,TJE represents the e f fi ci enc y
obtainable by calculation if the transf'3r of energy j .n the propeller
would take plac e wi thout loss (1'J G = 1). ' The ratlo o,f the measuY'ed
efficiency and. the product of efficiencies TJmTiMa11E indic a te s the
presumable ma gnltuo.e of the blower efficlen cy T)(~' T)C , is represented
as a function of : 'c~' 1n fi gure 36 and. as a funct i.on of the r a tto
of ad.vance in figure 37. For several A. and.·13 the actually
existing blo"18r efficiency was appro~dmate ly a sc ert a ined from the
measurement. It can be determined from the ratio

'=8"'inc ( :prope.ller 'irRS

_ _ _ L_.._
L s hart
40 NACA TM No. ' 1202

The shaft pO'YTer TJshaft ,., k! Qu3F, as vTell as the mean axiaJ.
flm<l velocity through the propeller disk area vTere measured d:lrectly,
The thrust effective on the propellerblacles resulted. from the
measured thrust of propeller and nacelle pI us nacelle a.rag, The
pressure drag of the nacelle ,could be determined from pressure-
distribution measurements. For calculating the propeller blade
thrust it vTas assumec'l, that the fri<;:tion drag of the nacelle is
small compared with the pressure The experiences on
profiles with large thickness ratio (>0. 25 ) ruld the maximum
thickness far to the rear support this /'J,S8umption .

The stator thrus t vas determined from the d.ifference of the

shroud thrust with and 1<li thout stator. The blo)Ter efficiencies
ascertained from the measU1'ementl:l to this method are
plotted in fi gure 37 a3 separate points for the three blade angles ,
f3 = 40°, 55 0 , and 65°. Theagreeement i<lith the rest··efficiency
calculated from T)measured/ TJ m11Ma11E is; not unsatisfactory if one
considers the uncertainty in determining the bl owe l.~ efficieJ.lcy ,
f r om the measurement .

Since for shroud. 1 accord ing to the test results given in

section F, tho pressl're 10s8 "Thich originates in the flo~IT through
the shroud, is also lmovm, the calculation performed for the static
case in section E II also may be compared with the test r esults.
The tnstallat10n factor of IDe l'i t for static thrust cond 1ttons TjE *
to be calculated accordtng to. equation (30) has, for the shroud 1,
the magnitude 0.988, It almost equals 1 because there is no strong
diffuser present and thus no large losses can occur. Wtth the
blower efficiencies to fi e::ure 37 whtch were d.etermined
d.irectly from the measnrement one obtains the f ollowing cbm'p arison:

-* 1 - - .--------.~

~ == -~.~- 110*
(a::! *) 2/3 ,
( deg)
}l"'rom mea suremenT- ;rom ' I From measurem'-e-n-t-+--c-aJ-.c-u~a:-on---
( sea fi g , 20) 'VI measurement
55 .512
- 1.035 I
,220 .4·26
~'-.___,_1_92_ ! 1 6_0_________ ._.2_.00
.087._. ___._._ _ _ __
NACA TM No. 1202 L~ 1

If the values of the 'bloT,Ter efficiency and_ -of he pressure losses

,d thin the shroud are known, the static thrust obtainable can
easHy be calculatod in advance.


In the present report test results on 8. shrouded propeller

were givon . . 'hieh was designed for bigh-speec_ flight and high-
thrust loading. The measurements cover the entire region of
advance ratios from 0 to Amax f::J 1.2 ana include the influences
of vadations in the form of propeller and. shrouri on the aero-
dynamic behavior of the shrouded propeller. Slnee the propeller
i3 heavily loaded 8, sta.tor is;lutely necessa:cy in order to
avoid the hlgh rotational 10S888 and the large pressure drag of .
the nB.celle due to suction at the afte:cbody. The maximum effidency
moasured is 0.71. The measU1'ements pe:cmi t the conclusion tba'G the
maximum efficiency- could be _essentially increased by usin g shroad
forms of smaller chord and. profile thiclmees. However, thin
shroud. profiles \·r:tth small nose radius have a very unfavo:cable
effec t on the static thrust behavtor. The. staUc thrust facto;rs - ~
j{-s* /
of merit measured for In.rge shroud. chord. (Bend_einaffi'1 b =
reach values over 1 .1. The sta.tic thrust behavior can be .
improveo. very consifi erably by application of a nose split ring
pointing outward on a shroud profile of small chord and thickness.
The nose split ring permits, for' static conditions and even for
small ratios of advance, essentially larger propulsion po',mrs to
be converted with good effic::!.ency tnto useful pO,"T8r then it is
poss::!.ble for a shrouded propeller ~.;ith6ut split ring. The
absolute maximum value of the total sta tic thrust is, a cc onling
to the measurement, increased to more than tv7tce the valtle as
compared with the case "without" split ring. Thus i t is possible
to utilize by thts exped_ient the advanta.ges of sbort thin shroud
profUss which are for hj_ gh~speed flight, without "
deterioration of the stattc thrust behavior.

Subsequent to tho given test :i~esults the shrouded_ propeller

without and with energy losses is considered theoretically. These
conoiderations are applied to both propeller in forward motion and
propeller at rest. The calculations are based. on the essential
assumption that the sUpstream crOSG section far behind the
propeller depends only on the shape of the shroud, not on tbe
loading of the propeller. The correctness of this assumption :i.s
supported by several additional measurements and by flo1.,r photo-
graphs at least for shrouds without large circulation. Therefrom
results a simple possibility to calculate tbe properties of shrouded
propellers in advance 1.,ith a very good approximat:ton anrl furthermore
42 NACA TM No. 1202

to realize clearly the influence of energy losses on the ae r o -

dynamic "behavior . The limits of efficiency attainable for
propulsion unHs of this kind are thus made visible.

The shrouded propeller surpasses the standard. propeller o:r

essentially better static thrust factors of merit. The magnitude
of the static thrust is limited by the losses ori gina ting in t he
flow through the shroud (mainly diffuser losses). Subsequently
an attempt is made to increase the sta tic thrust furthe:r' by
applying an influencing of the b01mdary lay er at the shroud. Due
to the parasite intrinsic drag of the shrouding the shr ouded
propeller will be parttcularly sui table for propulsi on by pusher
propeller because here the shroud could , circuDlstanc e s permltting ,
simul taneously take over the function of the dam"9h1g sUTfac e s for
the plane , For an airship body the possioili ty of ,stabiHzation
by means of annular tail surfaces is confirmecl by vTind·-tunnol
measurements by R. SGiferth [n]. I t s a pp1ic a t:l on i s a lso ve r y
promi sing for other c ase s. WOTk (·n fur t her develoyme.nt wi ll h ave
to alm mainly at a red.uction of' the pa.rasi.te d rag of the shroud
alone for small s1rperstre am ve loc i tie s at high speed . Ther e is
a possibility of s uccess by use of laminar profiles . Thus the
shr oud would have to be designed for fl ight c ondtti ons at high
speed and cou.ld be improved vrHh respect t o the magnHude of the
static thrust by use of the no s e s pl :i.t flap and, CirCl( l1stances
perml tting, simul tan80us steps f oI' inc r oase of the circulation
in the rear domain of the prof H e .

The test r esults of the shroud profiles l a, 1b , 2, 3, 3a,

3b, 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 6, 7, and 8 (fi g . 7) ""'7h1ch a re no t given i n
the present report a re at i!he disposal of inte r e sted parties and
be claimed at the AVA G6tt i ngen.

Translated by Mary L. Mahle r

National Advisory Committee
for Aeronautics
NAeA TM No. 1202


~. Betz, A.: Physika11ache Grenzen dos err eichbaren Standschubes,

Jahrbuch 1938 del' deutschen Luf'tfahrtforschtmg I, 348.

2. Regensche1t, B.: St:md.schubmessungen an 2 uJ:lJl1lEmtelten

Luftschrauben. UH 681.

3. Kuchemann, D., ancl. vJeber, J.: Ueber die Stromung an ringform1gen

Verkle1deungen. · FB 1236/7.

4. Hansen, M.: Stand.schubverbesser. .mg d.UJ~ ch Dlisen:cing bei

einer Modell -Luftschraube kleine.L~ Steil3ung. UM 3043.

5. St.iess, W.: En-rei terte Strahltheorie fUr Dusenschrauben mit

un ohns Leitappara t. Tderft, Pee d el~ei, Haf6n 1936,
Heft 14 and. 15.

6. Pabst, ,).: Die Berecbnung Ul11I11Emtelter Schrauben. Focke-

Hulf - Ber icht GDV Nr. 20.

7. Betz, A.: Diagramme zur Berechnung von Flugelreihen. In-

genieurarchiv II, 1931, p . 359.

8. Kruger, VI.: Ueber eine neue Moglichkei t del' Steigerung

Hochstanftriebes von Hocheeschwindi gke1tsprofilen.
UM 3049.

9. ldein1g, F.: Aerodynamik del~ Luftschra ube. Berlin, Verlag J.

Springer 1940, p. 323 ff.

10. Pegenschei t, B.: Venturidiisen mit ver anderlichem Durchflu6S.

(also ava ilable as NACA TI~ No . 1191.)

11. Seiferth, R.: 1t!ind Tunnel Tests on a 1/75-8c81e Model of the

Goodyear - Zeppelin Airshi p Akron z .R.s.4 with Normal and
Bing Tail Surfaces. I~eport No. l!I5 of the Guggenheim
Aerona utics Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.

I- 540 I , .. I

so M-E

axial rotor

--- - -1--- OJ

12-bladed ~
exi t stator ~
Figure 1. - The investigated model of the shrouded propeller. Scale 1: 5. - I-'
NACA TM No. 1202

Figure 2. - Oblique
front view.

Figure 3. - View of
the stator.

Figure 4. - View in
flow direction.

Figures 2 -4 . - Views of the model (shroud 1) in the wind tunnel.

Page intentionally left blank
NACA TM No . 1202 47

90 20 N
80 \ /A
Q3 15

Q3 70
\ /J

Y i1~ 1\\ /JIR

Pr opeller ld~d 2 \ , / ' 'R

, Q,2 10 ~

Propeller 1 I~
Propeller 2.
~ \
1 a~d 2. \ " ...
Propelle r
dll-r--_ \ Q1 5
Q1 50
Propell er Stator

Figure 5. - Dimensions of the pr opeller and stator blades.

R =q3
i =0," i =o.5 fr = 0,6

R = q7
j =q, 1. =Q'
R i = tD


R- 120mm ~

Figure 6. - Profiles of the propeller blade. Scale of the drawing 2:1. Blade angles are valid
for propeller No. 1. I\)
NACA TM No . 1202 49

liD o/t,cr ?F &w "'~c~/r ~~I r;~ Ctlfl/f CW,., cWfof Ctr,: 6 0 ~th
1'10. Nr~s.
\Ij~~~~~!-ta'wtf ~ wi1h nacelle 1 withovf wi1h

1 W5 Q100 loU 0 QDf6 r~ Qm CIot5 QQ" Q,06. Q,O~ ..., 0

1Q aln ~7 f007 Q,Dt6 fG1SS QlI' ~1.u QQJI!I "" .. Q+211
, ""

1b t110
" +.11 fa1O+- Q~ ~f511 4JII ~ZJI Q067
'" " ~m ..

z QUS 1l1" 1.71 ~OI' Q. o~ QO+Z QOO6 ao" Qrm 1l0+7 4017 QUO a200

J QUS am 2J' aon Q0t6 ~IW QON (lOllS Q02t ~0CI5 Q,0l+ foolo 0

~ k Q'f2 Qm ~)f QJJZ9 Qotc! aM QMO QOJ3 ~ ~+l (J112 ~ 0

~ Jb 'ffn Q."" Q/J6 Q.OZI Q0+6 ~ QOn Q(JD7 QOft QfJ21 Qo.t1 ~OIO '"

E--=--~ _ _ _-'-"P--j
+ Cl~ a., 2.7l 0.017 ao~ QO+1 QOfO 0;051 QD1f ~ QDf6 ~515 (lZOO

5 ~625 azoo lJJ6 /lZJ9 Q0-t6 Q1U 11HZ 0;0" 11017 Qaf2 Q011 4¥D Q/I()O

5Q Q,621S Q12S Z,6 0,22$ O. ~ 0.179 ~U5 QO» 11015 aOJ1 0.010 a~ /

Sb aJll QZOO tn 0.129 QDt6 QOl3 f-o,OS2 <1011 QOlJ 0.019 QOt. 0.210 0.300

5c (I.1f2 QWl U7 Q10g O,Ot6 0.063 ~04f qOf~ O.ON Q016 /lOfl a130 /

6 0.025 4200 2,9, 'lZS QO+O CHIt ~10' QOlJ 0,01' Q05.2 0;011 Qf t(l Q~

7 Q~!l Ql OD J.oo Q2~ QQ1C! 0.210 -4l095 aN5 .{),pJI q01~ aOl s am 0.1(10

----- - - - - -- -/

S QJ12 Qt95 t28 -ao~ Cl0f6 0.015 am 0.1182 <106t Q135 0.105 ~ ~)50

Figure 7. - Shapes, dimensions, and aerodynamic coefficients of the

shrouds investigated. In the sketches, P = parallel to the axis .
At the point of the shroud profile designated by,t.. is the location
of the plane of rotation of the propeller .
50 NACA TM No. 1202

Q2 I>



-QS i t;i
Q5~ 1. o


Figure 8. - The drag coefficient 6 C induced by the shroud on


the nacelle by mutual influence as a function of the dimensionless

mean additional velocity 8 0 = V Iv (without propeller).
.R S

~----{Go --+----+-I~

1.0~--------~--------~ %O fr-----~-----~

Q5 ~-----+----------I 0'5~------4-------~

-a5r-------+-------~ -q5~-----4------~

-tOL-------L-----~ -1.0L-----~-----~

. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Area of reference ~------- Area of ref'erence
XDl. x~ ~x OZ il'1)1GcJ
-<>- Wi thout shroud CINNiCfI/k qO+6 0.1J8 ~Wi thout shroud C""N<I«f/e 0.0,,7 0.1'"
- .... - Wi th shroud few Na<./Ic 0 0 ---.- - With shroud _
____ -L_~~ __ ~

Nacelle form 1 Nacelle form 2

Figure 9. - Pressure distribution at the nacelle without and with shroud.

NACA TM No . 1202 51

to .-----.-----.--~----. Q08

0.9 1--i--+-.lo4-----:'O~__I Q0 ~
1 +do ~. *
Q8 l--.....;+- --I-- + ---I ao+-

Figur e 10.- Ratio of the measured (1 + 8 0 ) and calculated (1 + 8 0 )

mean axial flow velocity thr ough the shroud (with nacelle, without
propeller). Further, parasite shroud drag c * 1.
wM D asa
function of the measured dimensionless mean flow velocity
1+ 80 =v Rs/
52 NACA TM No. 1202

1.8 1.8 I.B 1.8

1.6 1.6 I
V lY' ~
y,% Vr/V ~'\ R:: ~ 7~ p.- ¥
v- JIl' '"
z .... 5(~ ~ ~ b-b ~ lJ; t:P 6 l.,.I l.J
I.Z 1.2 I.Z
I¥ I'"
IA~ d ~ ~ tp ~5c
.., /.0 ~\ 30: 1.0 1.0
lP 10'
P 1 W~ ~
I;I:Z lb r; w~
0.8 c
~ d
0.6 I 1/ ~ 0.6
!II 0.6
11 1a I~
0."1 Ii j ~ 0,4 0.4

0.2 ~ 7,;,
~ az a2 0.2
I~ ';
0.5 1.0 0.5 rl 1.0 0.5 r~ 1.0 0.5
'1R R

J-1 rr
10 /.0 /.0 1.0
~P '1:
~ru 17 I:'
Pg Jt Pg

~I! fJ ~
'9q, PgQ) Pgro goo
Q6 0.6 0.6 0.6
II o
A 3a
A 5",
o 4
l:> 6
0.4 0.1 ~ I- • 3b - I- Q4 '-- I-- '\J 5b - f- l - I- 0 7
o 5c
I I I ~
0.2 0.2 o.Z E 0.2 t
0.5 r/R,
1.0 as r/f?, 1.0 0.5 0.5 .1 1.0

Figure 11. - Distribution of the axial flow velocity v r and of the

total pressure present shortly ahead of the blower plane Pg over
the radius. R = outer radius of the propeller; v = free-stream
velocity; Pgoo = total pressure in the undisturbed flow. The
numbers designating the curves refer to the designation of the
shroud according to figure 7.

10 IIJ, Propeller
~ ;1 ;1 ~ propel~er ~ I ~ ~

~ l\~
I \"'-V lJ VU
~~ ! ~
Propeller :"'i \

-'. ~ ~
\.....-~VQl ~ \~ .1l"J'7 QI M~V"B f~
I \ ~
~;. ~ ~ k ~

r Outside 1
.b J" .o


k:::'.;\.~e --"wItl,
to oI\)
~.;\.~e 1 - JYI~ cr->~';~,/ - ~A-l out-s\.r ( _1~AA'lt, ;f--;X/IA' I
- to h ~ I
-1.0 lO l -~o -10,

-2,0 I
I -2.~
I ,,'
~J I

-lO I I I I I
"""l" rr
If I
I I ,\ ·
Without propeller With propeller With propeller \

JJ \k1 I I I
rnA- . . -0,"'1 A • 0987 0.512 - --8

t.;:~~~~ ~;~:lQ09~.

~O~L--~~ __L--L~
Wi th prope ller With propeller
A -0,266 A .00Z .
~ -61
15 • 3,1
C"Pr-tl,O ell,.,._ ,,3
Figure 12. - Pressure distribution at the shroud profile 1 without propeller and with propeller 1
({3 = 400 ) for several ratios of advance A.
54 NACA TM No. l202

~2r--.--.--'--~~ ~Z

I. 0 1---+--t:----+l~[ojC.._I I. 0 ~ I. 0 1---+--I--~-Q;iI:)I!!!L~
IVR I---+--t---.,IL+---+-_I
rr- ~Wr--r--~-r--~~
0.6 0.6 0.6 r--r--~-+----~-l

0.1 • Without propeller 0.4 -0(\-0,20; C =6.J8- 0.4 0 l!~o.i5; Cs~O.72

o i\ =- 0.038; cs .230 4;\=0.32; CS =I.90 t::. ?I.=O.6J; ~=o.z+
az static condition az 0.21----.---.--.--.--/

0.2 0.4 0.6 r-/ 1.0


Figure 13. - Ratio of the velocity at the radius r and the mean axial
flow velocity v through the annular area immediately ahead of
the plane of rotation of the propeller. Shroud 1 without propeller
and with propeller 1 at ~ = 400 •

1.0 , ........=;;;;;::::r--------r--------,------,

0.9 t-------+----'~-+------_+_----__l


0.2 ~-----+-+

0.1 ~----__+____4......,:::'

0.01 0.05 0./ as / 5 /0 50 /00

Flight at high speed ..--- Cs ~ At rest

Figure 15. - Propeller 1 without shroud. Measured efficiency and

maximum theoretical efficiency T} m = 2/(1 + 1/ 1 + c s ) as a
function of the measured loading c s '
NACA TM No. 1202 55

-0. 1 ~-r--+-~~-r--+-~~~
/0 20 30 40 (30 60


-o.Z '------L_ _-1---l'------L_ _....l..---l'--~


kZ /0 20 30 40 (30 60
Q2 t---t-~A:.=..!e......,..._+---~---1
~ 1
I..~:: I<S7(21<.2*
s Static. thrust =

"- Factor of mer i t

-0. / ~~--r_-+--+-_4--~~

- Q2~-L--L--L--~-J--~~

/: 0 r---,----,-------,--~---r-------,--__.
"" ~~
0.9 .---t---t---+---t----+--+_--I
/0 20 30 40 (30 60
0.8 I-----+----+--+--+-+--+--{
~ f3 == /5°
0.7 ~ 25°
<;J 35°
0 40°
0.6 B 4'4.(;-
'1 • 55°

Q4 1-------'~1_++l_+__+-I---.JL-+-_+_+\-~-----1

Q3 ~~~~-+~*-++4-+-~

O. 2 l----l-J'-I-lJ.~_+_---jr--__fQI--4+-+-I--~

Q/ UU~--~~--++-*~rl-~

02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 it 1.4

Figure 14 .- Measured coefficients of the propeller without shroud 1
as functions of the ratio of advance and of the blade angle.
Nacelle shape 1.
NACA TM No . 1202

I~ 0.9

~'\ r\, 0.8
-0.2 -- ~
~, O II 1.4
- 0./ ~ 0.6
~ ~ ~ t\..l,,\
0.4 ~
r,r I~~, ~
II \ ~

-0.4 0.3 11
tf '/
~ \~
-- 2 ....°f8Q"'Or
'11 ~ ~
~ ,.......
0. 8 If A['-.01.4I
0. /
..... J \

- 0.1 I 1 02 01 a6 0.8 /.0 A 1.4
_ 04 r---,- ---,--- ,----.---,--.----, k * D.1.---,----,---y--,-- ---,--- ---,
Ks .5
O'3~~-1--~-+-4-~~~ *Q3~_+-~-~~-44--r-~

0. / t--+~-'

- 0.1 r--+-1--~-+-~~~-1 !.O
v-- -* I

- Q2
- 0.3

" ~-7
"" \'\
" ql'
t-. S" ks/(Zkl
of mer! t

KZ 0,4 , ,so.;...
Q3 " OqQ' I~
...... ~ ..... -...... 0.2 " -, ' -
o.z r-o-. ~ ........

0./ 10 20 30 40 (30 60 70
L... ~
~ ~ •c (J = /5°
0.2 0.1 Q6 0.8 1.0~Z AI. 4 25°
i'( 0 40 °
-0. / 0 50°
• 55°
Figure 16. - Propeller 1 with shroud 1. Coefficients as functions of
the ratio of advance and of the blade angle.
NACA 'I'M No. 1 2 02 57

0,3 /. 0
/( .
O. l 09
0./ 08


- 0.1
II} ~ ~k
I ~/ tf I 1\ ' f\\
- 0.2 1.
- 0.3 0.4 II I 1,1 ~ \ ~ l"t
- 0.4 0.3 11 J )' \ ~,\ \
j \ ~'
t '
40 'e~
~t r
J.-- J 1\ \\'t' .
0. /
\ 1'0\
- 0.1 0.2 0. -4- 0.6 0.8 /.0 ?I. 1.4

04 k i0.4
Q3 0.3
0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

J:, "'
/.8 .. \" -*
r~ ks/cZkl)
- OZ ~~--+--+--4-~--~~ / ....<rI

- 0.3 0,6 t---t-~~

/ ...." \\ Static th rust =:
Factor of' me r it

L-..---L_ _...L....---l._ _.....l..----lL--L---l
. ....
0.4 ~ ~ f\
1<2 0.4
,..-- w ....... t-- QZ
0.2 ~

I---. t'---... ~
-~ ~

~ /0 ZO 30 40 (30 60 70
0. / I ~
~ r--......
I> t3 :: 25°
0. 2 0.4 . 0.6 0.8 1.0 ;\
~4 o
4 0·
- 0./ ~ • 55°
Figure 17. - P r opeller 1 with exit stator and shroud 1. Coefficients
a s functions of the ratio of advance and of the blade angle. The
par tial thr us t of. the stator is contained in the coefficient of the
s hr oud thr ust k s · because the stator was fixed to the shr oud.
NACA TM No. 1202


0.1 0.8
~ Iii;:& id
""'6.. ~
o.Z ~
~ ~O
- 0.1
V\ /\
- 0.2 "~ '""- """~ -fI I! \ /~ \
"" 0.4

- 0.4
k 0.2
" 0.3

,I I
U \'
0./ ..0..

~ ............
-v 0.1
\ \
0., (y Q: 0.8 IA
V \ ~
I t I QZ 0. 4 0.6 0.8 1.0 i\ 1.4-
k l'
0.2 0.2
I~ 10. .. ~ ......
0.1 -n.

"'" .... ......


- ~
...- ~
~ ~O~~1.4
0.2 10 20 30 40 (3Q 50 70
- 0./ 1.0
~~ \
-o.z I 1\

- 0.3 \
Q4 I\.
0. 2

0./ ~
10 20 JO 40 fr 60 70
N '-..0...
0.2. 0.4 0.6 ~o.8
1.0 A --........
- 0./

Figure 18. - Propeller 1, 4 -bladed with exit stator and shroud 1.
Coefficients as functions of the ratio of advance and of the
blade angle. The partial thrust of the. stator is contained in
the value ks .
NACA TiM No. 1202 59


~ Q,
Q2 ~'
~ ~O A t+
-Q1 Q6
~ ~

-(lJ Q+ / V/ ~R\
- Q+ II f \ D

q2 r-----.--.-----.--.---.---.----.
'I ~ \
Q1 . JO=~~~~"""'O.~_+_ -----lr--~

'/ \
Ql Qt QS at
\ 10 ~ 1"
iiS ~ / \.R.-

./ V \
~ ~ ~n Qf
. Y

~ "" 0 ~
, "" .. 0 '0 .,
Q2 Q+-- Q6 "' 10 10 ~o
-QJ \
If, Q+

~ 10 Co JO ~o • 11 11 -,

Q1 """'"........
~ ~
.Q2 114 C6 ill'" 0 A t+
- 0.1

- Q2

Figure 19. - Propeller 2 with shroud 1. Coefficients as functions

of the r atio of advanc e and of the blade angl e .
60 NACA TM No . 1202

0.3 1.0
0.2 0.9

0.1 0.8


- 0.1 06 I
/ [\ \. A

- 0.2 '1. \
· 0.3 Q4 / l \/\ \

- 0.4 0.3
f / I \\ \ I
KSS 0. 2 I / l,..4' v \
j/ . / 1\
V \
- 0.1 0. 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 i\ 1. 4

04 _. 0. 4
K. . -*
1<.5 KS
0.3 Jt.o. 3

- --'"
0.2 O,z /(/tr,\
0./ 0.1 -.
/0 20 30 40 (do 60 70
- 0.1 /0

-o.z ~~--~~--~~~+-~
- 0. 3 1-----'-_--'------'L------I-_...l...-----l,J~___J

? r-o- 0.4
0.3 1\
~ 0. 2 "'r

~ ...-
O. Z ......
0.1 ~ k 10 20 30 40 (3 0 60 70
k "'-
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ~ 2 i\14
.... 0

Figure 20. - P r opeller 2 with exit stator and shroud 1. Coefficients

as functions of the r atio of advance and of the blade angle. The
partial thrus t of the s tator is contained in the value . ks .
NACA 'I'M No. 120 2 61


0. 9
0. 1 0.8
~ ~

~ ~ :-<T ;u
0. 7
0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 /.0 i\ /.4
0. 6
-0.2 rz
I.Jr/ ~
-0.3 0.4 ~ ~I \ 1-'\- _\
-0.1- 0.3 Inft / 'A \
02 r--,---r--'-~--~--~~
@ b/ r\
0. / ~~~k,.j....~f--L--L.J
0. /
~ ~ \
- 0. 1 L-----L_ _----1..-_ _L----1_ _- L_ _-=-----l
v ~
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. 0
A /. 4
_ '0.4 r-----.-------.----r-~--~--~~ _ 0.3 .-------r---r--..,.------,--~--~~
Ks kt
Q 3~-+--~--~-4--~--+_~ 0.2 I---+--~--+-__+--_+--+_~
0. / 11:..--.-r--t~P9_-r_-l

10 ZO (30 60 70
/. 0
/. 4
-0. 1 I----+----+---+---+--~--+-~
0.6 "-
-Q3L-~ __~~__~__L-_L~ 0.4 1\
0.4 I 0.2 " r\.-r-

/ ~
/0 ZO 30 40 (30 60 70
/" ':: '~
0./ ~ ~
~~ Q /3 = /5 °
b ~ fv::;r-o """"J"A ~
Cl 25 °
v 35 °
/,4 0 40°
0.2 0.8
0.4 0.6 /.0 A
A 45 °
- 0./
• 55 °
- 0.2
Figure 21. - P ropeller 1 with shroud 5c. Coefficients as func tions
of the r atio of advance and of the blade angl e .
62 NACA TM No. 1202

6.Zh"--~--~~--~--~~ 0.2

(i\ = a03)
. .r
/0 20 .30 10 (80 60 /0 20 .3 0 40 (do 60

(A =0.03)
(A =0.03)


/ ~

0./ ...

/0 20 3 0 · 40 (30 60 10 20 30 40 (3 0 60 :;
o Without split ring
--I:J--DN/D 8 I. 15} Profile -:;;
• DNIO = /.42. } - - -D- - I. /5 acco rding
. to Fig. 1 ~
e 1.25 Fig. 1 --6-- 1.15 t
• 1. 20 below -+- 1.25 Fig. 2 .,
It 1.15 -x- /.25 Fig. 3 ;::
- )...- 1.25 Fig. 4 !JJ'

Vi ew o f split ring i n t he
di rectio n of the axis
.3 12
-1 r-1
Fig. l'ia
Fig. tJ

Fig. 5b

Fig. 3

Fig. 5c


Fig. 4

Figure 22. - Propeller 1 with shroud 5c. Improvement of the

coefficients for s tatic thrust conditions by use of a nose
s plit ring.
NACA TM No. 1202

10 20 30 'f0 501160

Q2 /.\

0,1 /
V \
,.--"'" ......... '~
10 20 .30 'to 50 ~60

10 20 J0 'HJ 50 p-60

-"- .
a, ~ \
'" ~\ N
10 20 30 'to 50 pe60
A With nose • Wi thout nose
spli t ring split ring

Figure 23. - Propeller 1 with shroud 5c. Improvement of the

coefficients for static thrust conditions (" AI 0.03) by use
of a nose split ring.
64 NACA TM No . 1202

0.3 . 0.4
/(SM kS
0.2 0.3

O. /

0.8 1.0 1."1
- 0.1
0.8 /'0 ~ 1.+
- 0.1 I I
0.2 0.4
:5 1(2
0./ 0.3

0,8 1.0 t\ 1.1·

- 0./ 0.1
-o...c: .0

:3 ~~
'" ~-.
With nose split ring 0 (3 = 40° r--..
V 35° O.Z 0.4 'Q.6'0.8 /.0 it I.
~ .. 1.2 ~ 25°
---- (30: 40° -0.1
without nose split ring - - 35°
I --- 25°

Figure 24.- Propeller 1 with shroud 5c. Coefficients as functions

of the ratio of advance and of the blade angle for the cases
"without" and "with nose split ring" .
NACA TM No. 1202

TTT "ok' T
O. Free wheel

b. ~ = 0.21
CS = 3.6

c. A = 0.07
Cs :: 51.0

Figure 25a-c. - Flow at shroud 5c with nose split ring made

visible by smoke method. Propeller 1, ~ = 35 0 , without
exit stator.
Page intentionally left blank
NACA TM No. 1202


1----+--2,0 1----+

-10 - Q5 Q5 ~O 6 1.5 2,0

Figure 26. - Dependence of the slipstream cross section ratio
on the theoretical nondimensional additional velocity 8
and on the hub ratio (according to equation (7)) .
68 NACA TM No . 1202

09 ~------+---~~~~~~~~----~----~

08 ~------+-_+__/_-+_~_/_~~_.._~~

QD 1----

Q 5 ~-----,f--+----/~

~~ ~--~~~-4~~~----~--~---4~



0,001 aOOSQ01 Q05 Q1 _5 10 so 100


Figure 27. - Maximum theoretical efficiency 11m according to

equation (10) and shroud efficiency 11Ma accor ding to equation
(14) as functions of the effective total thrust loading c.
dashed -line curve applies to the propeller without shroud
11 m = 2/(1 + vi 1 + c s ) . Cw is the parasite drag coefficient of
the shroud, referred to D 2v /4 .
NACA TM No. 1202

1, 0r-----~~----~------_.------_r------,

Q 9~----~~--~~~~~_+------_r----~~

O' 8~------~-r-,~-+--~~~~------T-------,

'7m,?m t-----tt--f----t-;f--+---t-~~-t__--_;
0' 6~-----r~-----rr7~----r_--~~r_----_1

Q5 t----

0,3 ~~~~--~~~------~------_r----~~

0,2 ~~----++~~--~------_r------_r------~

Q1 ~--~~~------~------r_------r_----~

0,001 0.00 5 0,01 0.05 0.1 0..5 1





0:. = 4-


0.05 01
, 0.5 1 5 10 50 100
Figure 28. - Product of the maximum theoretical efficiency and of
the shroud efficiency as a function of the effective total thrust
loading for various slipstream cross section ratios a. and
shroud drags Cw .

1.0 10
r-- o.05
0.9 Q9
Q8 ,,< '< I as ~
'7t F< '>. < " '" 1'7£
\: '"

0.6 '\~ '\~ \I 0.6 ~

Q5 r-------+--------r------_+------~~~~ 05
Qit r-------4-----r-~--~----+_------~1 Q'

0.3 r-------r---~--~~----;-------~I Q3
Iex • 21
QZ ~------~------~------~----~I o.z
·0,1 ~------4-------_+--------+_------~1 Q1

0. 0 50,1 0.5 1 S 10 50 100 0,01
-. J.
,1 1 10 It.
Cs.t- CWI1 CSe + cw" l;!I
Figure 29.- Dependence of the installation efficiency 11 E on :r>
s e + Cw M. Parameter: slipstream cross section ratio
and pressure loss coefficient Il o'

NACA TM No. 1202 71


Without shroudcT=l(f.)[_~ z
4 ~ 'V/1>fCs -l}
With shroud

/000,1-----'''- z ~s csi {3tV /+£ Cst]

500 I' I
.1 Pg q- Curves are =o.Z5 D~UB
100 ~--~'--~-~\b ' - valid for: (~ =o. 1\
F .938,
50 ~o



0.01 0.05 0.1 o.s I 5 10 50 /00

CSt::: CSe +Cw M + Acw

Figure 30a. - Variation of the operating condition of the blower

C1 = ~ VRs16Pg with the induced loading c Se + c + 6C w
for various slipstream cross section ratios a., Le., various
shroud shapes.
72 NACA TM No . 1202




-". Q75



Q01 0.05 Q1 as 1 10 IfO 100

'5e+ C...,f&W

Figure 30b. - Dependence of the operating condition of the blower

a = £. vR2/6.p on the induced loading C s + Cw + 6. Cw
2 S/ - g e M
for a shroud which yields the slipstream cross section ratio
a. = 1. Parameter: hub ratio u = D /D.
NACA TM No . 1202 73

1. 5 t-+~~~~QD

0,5 I-----+---+---~--- 0.5 .-----+----+----+.....;:;:,;~

1 2 3 1 3
--~ -ex
FRrnin = 1.0 FR .
~ = 0'15
F f '
Figure 31. - Influence of the slipstream cross section ratio a., the
p - *2
pressure loss coefficient Pe* x ~Pv* / ZVR and the hub ratio
u = ~ub / D on the static thrust behavior of shrouded propellers.
74 NACA TM No. 1202


Nozzle ~ Diffuser Nozzle .-.<:~ Diffuser

1 2 J
-0( -cx

Figure 32. - Influence of the slipstream cross section ratio CL,

the diffuser efficiency T) D' and the hub ratio u on the static
thrust behavior.
NACA TM No. 1202 75

..---- anoke supply



Propeller Z, B = 40° J with stator,

A = 0,07, c.= b6,o

o o
Propeller 2, B = 40 , with stator, Propeller 2 J B :: 40 , with stator,
"II = 0,40 , cs = 0,96 1\ '" 0,80, c = -0,07

Propeller 2, B :: 40 o , with stator, Without propeller and

wi thout stator
~ = 1,0, c = -0,17
Figure 33. - Jet bOlL.'1daries behind the shroud made visible by smoke
test. Shroud 1 with propeller 2 (f3 = 400 with exit stator).
Below, right: shroud 1 without propeller.
Page intentionally left blank
NACA TM No. 1202 77


1/ I
/J Iii
0.7 v
o,s A, / /
V/ Measurement 0 fJ • +rf
.... . • 5S' r------
V Calculation
= 'tOo r------
0.2 r---
(2. Approximation) - ... 5~
_ . _{)S
Calculation ~ .......
(1. Approximation)

02 0'+ 0.6 0.8 A 12 1.1f-

Figure 34. - Comparison between calculation and measurement with

respect to the dependence of the mass coefficient cp = v R lu
= (1 + 5 g) " on the ratio of advance. Valid for propeller 2
with exit stator and shroud 1.
78 NACA TM No . l202









0.0/ Q 0./ 0.5 1.0 50 100

Figure 35 .- Measured efficiencies and calculated partial efficiencies
as functions of the total thrust loading ratio. Valid for propeller 2
with exit stator and shroud 1.


" . "0

'lG .U-
~ I ~

0.4 "-
0.3 ~ ~
\ o (:l- 4-0°
• 55 0

"" ~ 6-50
0.1 ~

, •
0.0/ a.os 0.1 0.5 1.0 5 10 SO 100
Figure 36. - Propeller 2 with exit -stator and shroud 1. The blower
efficiency probable according to calculation '1 G = YJ measured/
(T} )( TJ M . x T} E) as function of the total thrust
m a calculated
loading ratio.
NACA TM No. 1202


-' ~
Q8 \ •
"" ~
"¥.. .~

0.0 I ~~ •
I \~ I \~o \
0.5 °
/ /

/ /
02 • V
0.2 Q'" 0,6 Q8 A. 1,2 1,+

Curves drawn in: '76- "? measured

('7m' ~'- . 'If)
. calculation
o p.. 'tOO}
• 55° From measurement
¢ 05°
Figure 37. - Comparison between the blower efficiency probable
according to calculation and the actually existing blower
efficiency. Propeller 2 with exit stator and shroud 1.

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