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Hafiz: Good morning, everyone. My name is Mr. Muhammad Hafiz Ali Musthofa.

will be your. Physical Education (PE) teacher for this class. I am not alone
here, I am with my two assistants. They will help me teach this class. please
introduce yourself.
Fuan: Hai guys my name Fuan Maghfira Wahyudi and u can call me Ms Fuan. I help
Mr. Hafiz teach in this class, so please cooperate with me.
Ray: I will also help Mr. Hafiz in this class with my partner Ms. Fuan. And you
guys can call me Mr Ray.
Hafiz: I believe this is my first time teaching all of you so I would like to say good
luck to all of you. Okey let's get started. So today's material is about
badminton sports. Does anyone know what badminton is?
Ayas: (raise hand) a racket sport played by two people (for singles) or two pairs (for
doubles) against each other.
Hafiz: That’s right. What about the history, does anyone know who invented
Fuan: Anyone knows?
Hafiz: Okey here no one knows who the inventor is, so please Ms. fuan explain.
Fuan: So the competitive sport of badminton was invented by British army officers
in Pune, India, in the 19th century when they added a net and played it
competitively. Understand?
Students: Yes Ms
Hafiz: Thank you Ms Fuan. well now does anyone know what tools are used in the
badminton game?
Tazki: (raise hand) rackets, net, and shuttlecock
Hafiz: okey good. Now my assistant will demonstrate how to play badminton correctly,
goahade .
Ray: Thank you mr hafiz. first of all I will teach you how to hold the racket correctly(show
the students how to hold the racket correctly). That’s how you hold it corretcly.
Fuan: now i will show you the shuttlecock.(show the students a shuttlecock). Does anyone
here know what feathers Shuttlecock are made of?
Zul: Im not sure but it’s looks like it made of bird feathers
Fuan: It’s almost correct, but anyone else know?
Amar: (raise hand) Shuttlecock are made of a swan feathers ms.
Fuan: yes correct, it made from a swan does anyone know how many feathers
are in shuttlecock?
Ahad: (raise hand) There are 16 swan feathers in total.
Fuan: yes thats i return it to mr ray.
Ray: now i wanna ask you guys something. Does anyone know who are famous badminton
figure from indonesia
Diego: (raise hand) Alan Budikusuma
Adhi: (raise hand) Taufik Hidayat
Fazl: (raise hand) Susi Susanti
Ray: good, it’s all correct.but are you guys know what they do so they can become world
Amanda: (raise hand) they training seriously and diligently for years so that they can become
professional athletes.
Ray: correct, but they also have coach who train them with their different abilities so that they
can be developed into mature techniques.
Ray: ok any questions?
Rifky: i have a question mr, how to calculate points in badminton game?
Ray: good question, One set consists of 21 points. If the score is 20 equal, there will
automatically be a set of 2 and the game will end at point 22.ok any question?
Zidan: mr Ray i want to ask something.What are the violations in badminton?
Ray: ok for this one maybe some of you can answer?
Fikar: (raise hand) Double hit, this occurs when a double hit the shuttlecock more than once
in one area of play.
Ray: good, anyone else?
Ilham: (raise hand) contact fault sir occurs when the shuttlecock makes contact with a player's
Ray: correct, there also Over the net fault
This violation occurs if a player hits the shuttle while it is still in the opponent's area. There
are still 2 more violations in badminton, does anyone know the rest?
Luthfan: (raise hand) Service Fault mr , A serve is considered a fault when the player raises
the racket to shoulder height or too high when serving.
Ray: good 1 more?anyone?
Masayu: (raise hand) Receiver fault sir, it’s mean an error in feeding to the receiver.
A receiver fault occurs when the player receiving the serve moves his feet first before he
receives the serve from the opponent
Ray: ok good job guys.Ms Fuan anything you want to add?
Fuan: I think its enough. How about now we practice how to play badminton. anyone want
to try?
Umar & Rizqy: (raise hand)
Fuan: please come forward.
(practice playing badminton)
Rizqy: sir, ihave a question, how much does the shuttlecock weigh?
Ray: very light, only 4.47 grams to 5.50 grams.
Fuan: I think that's enough from us, Mr. Hafiz, is there anything you want to add?
Hafiz: Thank you Ms Fuan and Mr Ray for the explanation. do you all understand?
Students: yess sir.
Hafiz: OK, I think the material for this time is enough here. See you in the next class.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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