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Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 728–735

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Identification of Lean Six Sigma barriers in automobile part

manufacturing industry
Rajeev Rathi, Mahipal Singh ⇑, Alok Kumar Verma, Rahul Singh Gurjar, Amar Singh, Bijoy Samantha
School of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 14411, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this paper is to identify the various types of barriers that an automotive component manufac-
Received 14 April 2021 turing company faces when attempting to introduce Lean Six Sigma techniques. Initially, 31 Lean Six
Received in revised form 30 April 2021 Sigma Barrier (LSSB) were selected through an exhaustive literature review which was conducted using
Accepted 6 May 2021
questionnaire survey. In the questionnaire survey, the manager’s opinions were collected with the help of
Available online 28 May 2021
online emails. The collected responses were analysed through statistical tools like Importance-indexed
and CIMTC. The internal consistency of the collected responses was 0.971 which is good and the out-
comes of an importance index and a CIMTC analysis indicates that most of the Indian manufacturing
Lean six sigma
LSS barrier
firms were facing the challenges from LSSB-4 and LSSB-3. The identified LSSB exhibits that it is difficult
Statistical analysis to implement LSS techniques in Auto component manufacturing industries. As said above authors have
Cronbach’s alpha researched on barriers faced by automobile industries to manufacture a unit and also going on with
Manufacturing industry LSS. But, literature limited to explore the studies on parts manufacturing industries which are responsible
for many unique parts of automotive units.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Con-
ference on Functional Material, Manufacturing and Performances.

1. Introduction Henceforth, Lean idea assumes a part to limit every one of these
kinds of wastage by Toyota [7]. Lean methodology manages expul-
In the present serious situation, there are incredible difficulties sion of non-esteem added exercises, yet as an individual method-
before associations to satisfy the client prerequisites. The present ology, it doesn’t deliver to the issue of imperfection disposal in
clients need quality item at the most minimal expense on schedule measure. Simultaneously, Six Sigma lessens the variety into the
[1]. Subsequently, every association is attempting to embrace qual- interaction and makes dismissal/deformity lower in item and
ity instruments for improving their general efficiency and nature of administrations, however, it can’t dispose of non-esteem added
item and limiting assembling cost. The quality and efficiency exercises [8]. As a result, the use of both Lean logic and the Six
assume a huge part in industry and development. The abundance Sigma methodology has an effect on both non-esteem adding
of the whole association depends on its capacity to certification activities and flaws in every Lean Six Sigma system [9]. Several
the greatest at the most minimal charge [2]. After 1987, different large corporations, including DuPont, Ford, Honeywell, General
large enterprises began contemplating selection of progress proce- Electric, American Express, and others, have reaped significant
dure like six sigma [3]. Six sigma is an undertaking driven admin- benefits from receiving LSS in their core business [10].Plus, there
istration concern focused on consistently lessening offal brought are some other huge businesses that received LSS effectively to
about by the ventures defect [4]. The historical backdrop of Six upgrade the general efficiency, for example, measure ventures
Sigma is recorded, and it was presented in 1988 by Motorola [5]. [11], material enterprises [38], administration businesses, that is
Since, 1990 s associations began to consider to diminishing emergency clinic [45], coal mining industry [14], car industry
wastage in term of over-creation, abandons, pausing, non-used [14] Regardless of its immense achievement in huge associations,
ability, transportation, motion, stock and extra-handling [6]. Auto-parts producing people groups are as yet very little mindful
about the additions of LSS, and they are additionally battling with
its fruitful execution. Little and medium-sized associations have
⇑ Corresponding author. absence of advance innovations, restricted monetary ability, poor
E-mail address: (M. Singh).
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Functional Material, Manufacturing and Performances.
R. Rathi, M. Singh, A. Kumar Verma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 728–735

overseeing capacity, asset limitations, lower creation level, help-

3. Literature review
less observing commitments and quality [15]. Furthermore, indi-
viduals who work in the auto-parts industry have a strong
3.1. Literature search methodology
aversion to change and apprehension about making any new
improvements. No industry can make progress without embracing
The literature search methodology adopted in the present study
fresher and powerful methodology [16]. Likewise, numerous LSS
is systematic literature review (SLR) for identification of LSS barri-
execution systems for Auto-parts creating have existed in the writ-
ers in automobile part manufacturing industry. The SLR provides a
ing, yet just structure isn’t adequate to make a fruitful execution.
clear, inclusive, and transparent approach to literature survey to
As LSS is a major methodology and burns-through part of time
ensure that literature review was conducted with utmost care
and assets during its execution, on the off chance that such
[9]. It is a method to identify, evaluate, and amalgamation the pub-
methodology comes up short, association faces colossal misfortune
lished work formed by the researchers [15,95]. In SLR, three phases
as far as cash, time, and representative confidence [17]. Aside from
associated as strategic phase, conducting and reporting phase [34].
structure, availability estimates additionally required a far-
In first phase, the barriers of LSS for automobile manufacturing
reaching execution. Availability estimates strategies are the com-
industry were identified from the article in time span of 1995 to
ponents that are thought to be considerable for the fruitful execu-
2021. The articles have been found using the search engine of Else-
tion of LSS procedure in Auto-parts creating ventures. Barriers are
vier, Taylor and Francis, Springer, Wiley, Emerald, Inderscience, etc.
having unfaltering situations for affecting the aftereffect of any
so that no pertinent article left from the research view point. In
constant change method executions in certain planning steps
second phase of SLR, relevant research articles were found using
[18]. Before LSS execution in an industry or before implementation
the search string LSS; barrier; automobile manufacturing industry;
of LSS in an industry we need to know about different kind of bar-
statistical analysis. The exclusion criteria used for the literature
riers to be faced by companies. Through an extensive SLR and
search where article before 1995, conference paper and reports,
expert opinions, this research aims to discern the introduction of
and articles of languages other than English. In the third phase,
LSS barriers in Indian auto-parts manufacturing corporations. Ini-
the article pertains to LSS barriers in the automobile sector are ana-
tially, thirty-one LSS barriers were identified and analyzed using
lyzed through to find out the barriers. The SLR of LSS barriers leads
an applied mathematics instrument, CIMTC methodology and rel-
to the identification of 31 barriers that act as hurdles in the execu-
ative importance index analysis. The reliability check in the
tion of LSS in the automobile manufacturing industry.
Applied Mathematics Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version
27.0 yielded a finalised list of seventeen essential barriers as a
result of this applied mathematics analysis. These barriers enable 3.2. Lean Six Sigma barriers
every company to evaluate its readiness to carry out an LSS project.
Simply extracting barriers isn’t enough for triple-crown LSS imple- Over the last few decades, LSS has become well-known among
mentation; a rigorous relationship between them, as well as the practitioners as a process creation method that can be used in
area unit of the driving and dependent barriers, must be defined. any industry to achieve service efficiency [19]. LSS can be used to
Each alternative is related to the extracted LSS barriers, resulting benefit over competition by using much less wasteful and value-
in a higher degree of interdependency, in such circumstances, powerful production approaches. In different phrases, LSS is a tech-
clearing the abstract thinking among barriers and selecting driving nique to enhance performance and benefit a competitive facet [76].
barriers are difficult tasks. Without the use of powerful methods Lean is a waste-reduction strategy that is implemented in a sys-
like (SLR) and (CIMTC), as well as Cronbach’s analysis, such prob- tematic manner [20]. It is a non-stop production strategy that
lems cannot be solved. These methods classify barriers based on allows the product to flow in response to the consumer’s pull,
their driving power and dependence and create an indirect rela- enabling non-value-added activities or waste to be discovered
tionship between them based on their importance. There are six and reduced. The Lean model was based on the Toyota production
parts of the research paper. Introduction is presented in Section 1 system (TPS), which produces products in compliance with cus-
followed by the research objectives in Section 2. Section 3 summa- tomer requirements with minimal waste. To achieve complete sys-
rizes the literature on LSS barriers and Cronbach’s a analysis. The tem leanness, LSS implementation necessitates an integrated
research methodology adopted for extracting LSS barriers is shown approach. [22]. Six Sigma helps to increase product quality by
in Section 4. Section 5 shows the result and discussion through reducing strategy uncertainty [23]. LSS is an fusion of lean produc-
clustering diagram with the help of CIMTC values. The overall con- tion and six sigma philosophies can enhance best, lessen method
clusion of the current research work is covered in Section 6, along versions, and eliminate non-value added activities [24], it’s been
with managerial implications, limitations, and potential scope fol- a regular undertaking at agencies global to search for new and pro-
lowed by the references. gressive methods to enhance their enterprise procedure to hold an
aggressive side within the market. Organizations have been drawn
to LSS because of their desire to improve on a continuous basis[75].
2. Research objectives It is a method for improving business processes by focusing on the
best offer, a shorter time frame, improved customer service, and
The present study is carried out to accomplish the following reduced value, i.e. passing on the majority of profits to stockhold-
research objective: ers [25]. Lean as a manner to state cost from client’s angle, posi-
tioned the best series of cost-generate moves, carry out the ones
 To recognize the LSS barriers related to automotive component activities without interruption each time a person requests them
manufacturing industry. and carry out them increasingly more efficiently [26]. Lean and
 To validate the identified LSS barriers using statistical analysis six Sigma have accompanied discrete paths considering the fact
as CIMTC and Importance-Index analysis. that their initiation and methodd [27]. [28] In addition defined that
 To facilitate the automobile industry to implement LSS LSS implementation isn’t always an smooth venture. [29] Men-
approach through systematic understanding of critical barriers. tioned the loss of physical and technical properties, such as trade

R. Rathi, M. Singh, A. Kumar Verma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 728–735

and education, as a significant aspect of Six Sigma application in authors from whom we have identified the specific set of barriers
the United Kingdom, which is primarily found in medium and for our research.
small businesses. [30] Listed a lack of know-how and resources,
no discernible benefits, and the client’s unwillingness to pay for
the action as the primary impediment to a successful execution. 4. Research methodology
[31] at the same time as investigating in a Brazilian cosmetic man-
ufacturing facility mentioned trouble of obtaining satisfactory A systematic literature review was conducted, and the method-
facts, terrible estimation of economic benefit and insufficient size ology used to achieve the study’s purpose. is shown in Fig. 1.
abilities because the primary inhibitors of a success Six Sigma Learned Scholars contributed a lot of precious facts regarding the
implementation. [32] referred to loss of management, lack of LSSB [13]. There are majorly five different aspects of these LSSB
awareness of equipment, loss of training and remarks and absence has been figure out. In the next step, a detailed survey covering
of described goals because the foremost elements that avert a suc- these five aspects consisting of a questionnare has been prepared
cess implementation. [33–34] Mentioned data series as one of the and introduced among the mangers who are currently working
maximum extreme issues confronted via in Singaporean provider in the different manufacturing companies[69]. The data obtained
organisation throughout Six Sigma implementation. from survey was then analysed using SPSS tool to calculate terms
Management rules and day-to-day activities must be incorpo- like mean, standard deviation correlation, importance index value
rated, which is highly dependent on pinnacle-level management’s and reliability analysis as shown in Fig. 2.
mind-set, commitment, and engagement [35–38]. Effective influ- In order to navigate through this paper we firstly started with sys-
ence among decision-makers and employees encourages and moti- tematic literature review in which we studied research papers and
vates all employees to achieve excellent end results and increased articles on LSS implementation and its barriers [21] .After LSS barri-
productivity [39–41]. The new business implementation approach ers identification from SLR we created a Questionnaire for expert
is hampered by a shaky relationship between organisational goals opinion on the barriers and to create a data sheet of the opinions
and client needs; as a result, tactical planning is critical because it and reviews The mode of getting the opinion is through Google
is linked to both quality and productivity [42–46]. Furthermore, forms. With the help of data achieved from this questionnaire we
poor coordination in some divisions leads to faulty technical calculated mean and standard deviation of every barrier [92].We
records and data series errors, resulting in the company’s LSS fail- also analysed the importance index and CIMTC values of these barri-
ure [47–50]. Inner boundaries that contribute to LSS implementa- ers and with the help of CIMTC values we identified the final barriers
tion failure include poor tool selection, a loss of overall staff, a loss for further analysis .We found 17 barriers having CIMTC value in
of assessment, a flawed project selection, a loss of work plan for between (0.695–0.860) After getting these barriers we did Reliabil-
LSS implementation, a lack of understanding of LSS, an excessive ity analysis in order to achieve cronbach a value to be less than 1.
implementation price, and so on [51–54]. According to the litera- As if cronbach a value is in between 0.7 and 0.9 then the reliability
ture, top management approval is needed for the acquisition of
new strategies and equipment [55–56]. LSS execution is hampered
by a faulty correlation between organisational goals and client
requirements [57–59]. As a result, for a successful execution inside
the organisation, the strategy must be clever [60–63]. The litera-
ture mentions ‘‘ineffective project management” as a common
obstacle Management directives and day-to-day activities must
be in sync, which is highly dependent on high-level management’s
commitment, mind-set, and participation [64–67]. Fantastic
engagement between decision-makers and employees inspires
and motivates all employees to produce high-quality work and
improve their results [68–71]. Any new business implementation
method is hampered by fraud between organizational goals and
purchaser requirements; as a result, a perfect approach is critical
because it is directly linked to efficiency and quality [72–75]. The
management mind-set is crucial in adjusting policies and integrat-
ing the whole structure because of the ‘‘disparity between con-
sumer expectations and business goals” [76–77]. Fantastic
employee engagement allows for the creation of a positive atmo-
sphere and encourages them, all of which have an effect on their
job performance [78]. Implementation failures are caused by a
faulty link between organisational priorities and client needs. As
a result, organisational preparation must be completed with cau-
tion because it has a significant impact on the organization’s exe-
cution [79–82]. Furthermore, wastes like unnecessary
transportation, system time mismatches that cause delays, inven-
tory wastes [83], and even work in technique wastes that affect
glide must all be considered [84]. Auto parts manufacturing hubs’
financial reserves are limited because their turnover is lower than
that of large corporations [85–88]. As an end result, ‘‘Need for
training funds.” are distinguished barriers as some distance as Auto
parts manufacturing hubs in India are worried [89–91]. Below
(Table I) authors have listed 31 LSS barriers identified with the help
Fig. 1. Research Methodology.
of SLR and in parallel to the barriers there are the name of the

R. Rathi, M. Singh, A. Kumar Verma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 728–735

Fig. 2. Average value of mean with respect to LSSB.

Table 1
Lean Six Sigma Barriers.

S. No. LSS Barriers Authors

1. Breakdown in coordination between management and employees. Jadhav et al. (2014)[425746]
2. Resistance for change in workers Abolhassani et al. (2016)[8166].
3. Less authority to employees. Jeyaraman and Kee Teo (2012)[4856]
4. Lack of determination. V. Raja Sreedharan and R. Raju (2015)[4981]
5. Insufficient supervision from line managers. Moya, Muller, & Camargo,(2019)[2539]
6. Lack of shared confidence in staff. Jeyaraman and Kee Teo (2012)[4873]
7. Satisfaction with the present state of quality control. Dora et al. (2016)[777456]
8. Scarcity of trainers and consultants in sector. Brian & Smithwick, Jake. (2017)[1252]
9. Need for training funds. Arumugam et al. (2012)[7241]
10. Poor estimation of implementation cost. Ambekar and Hudnurkar (2017)[38]
11. Defects and customer satisfaction cost and waste. Thais Alves (2016)[65]
12. Scarcity of resources. Albliwi et al. (2014)[5672]
13. Absence of logistic support. De Leeuw, S. and Dubbers, R. (2016)[53]
14. Wrong perception of LSS in terms of tools and techniques. Rathi, R., Khanduja, D and Sharma, S. (2017)[6]
15. Complexity in data analysis. Shivam gupta , Sachin Modgil (2019)[80]
16. Insufficient knowledge about LSS. Hilton and Sohal (2012)[7036],
17. Absence of knowledge about LSS benefits and needs.. Bhasin (2012)[5781]
18. Mere experience of LSS implementation in company projects. Hilton and Sohal (2012)[70 48]
19. Difficulties in collection of data for LSS deployment. Netasha & Cullen, Donna & Kumar (2012)[58]
20. Lack of interaction between supplier and customers. Upadhye et al. (2010)[7842]
21. Improper data collection and retrieval system. Shreeranga Bhat ,N.A. Jhanesh (2014)[62]
22. Alignment between the project’s purpose and the company’s strategic vision. Joanna & Le Duigou, Julien & Eynard, Benoit. (2016).
23. Difficulties to work with statistical tool. Chakravorty and Shah (2012)[3670]
24. Ineffective material handling and transportation. Kumar et al. (2015)[84]
25. Problems faced in using effective techniques for LSS implementations. Jiju Antony , Donna Cullen ,Maneesh Kumar (2012)[58]
26. Incompatibility of LSS with company’s bonus, compensation, or incentive schemes. Shiau wei chan ,Fadillah Ismail, M.F. Ahmad (2019)[60]
27. Quality problems with supplied material. Souraj Salah, Abdur Rahim (2011)[61]
28. Disproportion between customer demands and company priorities. Raval and Kant (2017)[6768 29], Mandahawi et al., 2011[37]
29. Ineffective project management. Franchetti and Yanik (2011)[79], Ambekar and Hudnurkar, 2017[38]
30. Problems with machines and plant configuration Uzorh, Augustine & Olanrewaju (2018)[63]
31. Slow response to market / Time consuming Shreeranga Bhat, N.A. Jhanesh (2014)[62]

level is termed very accurate in analysis [93]. At last there is conclu- stands for corrected item minus overall correlation between
sion with limitations of this research paper and references of all the the actual item’s score and the sum of the remaining items’
papers and articles taken into account. scores. Prior to further study, objects with low correlation
(CIMTC significance less than 0.3) with other items must be
omitted. The comprehensive statistics and CIMTC for the LSS
5. Result and discussion barriers were calculated in Table 2. It release that CIMTC values
for all the variables of the barriers LSSB4 are higher than 0.61
LSS barriers are identified using SLR (refer to Table 1) and anal- and touches the highest 0.86, whereas the LSSB3 have the same
ysed through CIMTC analysis (refer table III) .On the basis of similar lower cut-off and reaches to 0.78, rest of the LSSB s are lower
traits shown by these barriers we have categorizes them in 5 sec- cut-off 0.44 and reaches to highest 0.70. Therefore because of
tions (refer Table II).The five sections are management issues, cost these outcomes it was concluded that LSSB4 and LSSB3 are the
effects on industry, way of data collection, project management important barriers, which will be treated well.
and goals of company, and in company issues faced by managers Table 3 reveals that the highest mean were 4.21 for LSSB2 and
and practitioner of LSS. LSSB4. This indicates that most of the organizations managers per-
Purification is carried out using statistical methods such as ceive these two as major barrier for the implementation of the LSS.
importance-index analysis and CIMTC to obtain a cluster of The lowest score was 4.15 which related to LSSB5, this reveals that
strongly correlated barriers for further analysis [94]. CIMTC it creates hurdle but lower in comparison to the others LSSB.

R. Rathi, M. Singh, A. Kumar Verma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 728–735

Table 2
Categorization of LSSB.

Sr. Barrier category Relative Barriers

1. Management Issues 1. Breakdown in coordination between management and employees.2. Resistance for change in workers.3. Less authority to
employees.4. Lack of determination.5. Insufficient supervision from line managers.6. Lack of shared confidence in staff.7. Lack of
shared confidence in staff.8. Scarcity of trainers and consultants in sector.
2. Cost Effects 1. Need for training funds.2. Poor estimation of implementation cost.3. Defects and customer satisfaction cost and waste.4. Scarcity
of resources.
3. Data Collection 1. Absence of logistic support.2. Wrong perceptions of LSS in terms of tools and techniques.3. Insufficient knowledge about LSS.4.
Complexity of data analysis.5. Absence of knowledge about LSS benefits and needs.6. Mere experience of LSS implementation in
company projects.7. Difficulties in collection of data for LSS deployment.
4. Plan Management and 1. Lack of interaction between supplier and customers.2. Improper data collection and retrieval system.3. Alignment between the
its Goals project’s purpose and the company’s strategic vision.4. Difficulties to work with statistical tool.5. Ineffective material handling and
transportation.6. Problems faced in using effective techniques for LSS implementations
5. Company Associated 1. Incompatibility of LSS with company’s bonus, compensation, or incentive schemes.2. Quality problems with supplied material.3.
Issues Disproportion between customer demands and company priorities.4. Ineffective project management.5. Problems with machines
and plant configuration.6. Slow response to market / Time consuming

Table 3
Barriers: Mean, SD, Importance Index, and CIMTC analysis.

List of Barriers Mean Std. Deviation Imp. Index CIMTC

1. Breakdown in coordination between management and employees. 4.10 0.73 0.82 0.522**
2. Resistance for change in workers. 4.24 0.65 0.85 0.482**
3. Less authority to employees. 4.01 0.96 0.80 0.774**
4. Lack of determination. 4.10 0.78 0.82 0.743**
5. Insufficient supervision from line managers. 4.08 0.86 0.82 0.710**
6. Lack of shared confidence in staff. 4.12 0.88 0.82 0.667**
7. Satisfaction with the present state of quality control. 4.11 0.84 0.82 0.444**
8. Scarcity of trainers and consultants in sector. 4.22 0.64 0.84 0.543**
Average 4.12 0.79 0.82
1. Need for training funds. 4.36 0.66 0.87 0.615**
2. Poor estimation of implementation cost. 4.19 0.84 0.84 0.677**
3. Defects and customer satisfaction cost and waste. 4.15 0.81 0.83 0.754**
4. Scarcity of resources. 4.14 0.91 0.83 0.778**
Average 4.21 0.80 0.84
1. Absence of logistic support. 4.07 0.77 0.81 0.737**
2. Wrong perceptions of LSS in terms of tools and techniques. 4.02 0.79 0.80 0.718**
3. Insufficient knowledge about LSS. 4.17 0.51 0.83 0.656**
4. Complexity in data analysis. 4.18 0.64 0.84 0.618**
5. Absence of knowledge about LSS benefits and needs. 4.38 0.58 0.88 0.789**
6. Mere experience of LSS implementation in company projects. 4.36 0.70 0.87 0.779**
7. Difficulties in collection of data for LSS deployment. 4.21 0.86 0.84 0.695**
Average 4.20 0.69 0.84
1. Lack of interaction between supplier and customers. 4.29 0.67 0.86 0.860**
2. Improper data collection and retrieval system. 4.18 0.88 0.84 0.749**
3. Alignment between the project’s purpose and the company’s strategic vision. 4.15 0.81 0.83 0.659**
4. Difficulties to work with statistical tool. 4.21 0.52 0.84 0.709**
5. Ineffective material handling and transportation. 4.28 0.67 0.86 0.618**
6. Problems faced in using effective techniques for LSS implementations. 4.17 0.62 0.83 0.705**
Average 4.21 0.69 0.84
1. Incompatibility of LSS with company’s bonus, compensation, or incentive schemes. 4.19 0.72 0.84 0.650**
2. Quality problems with supplied material. 4.06 0.74 0.81 0.735**
3. Disproportion between customer demands and company priorities. 3.95 0.90 0.79 0.699**
4. Ineffective project management. 4.21 0.76 0.84 0.544**
5. Problems with machines and plant configuration. 4.25 0.67 0.85 0.698**
6. Slow response to market / Time consuming 4.24 0.70 0.85 0.653**
Average 4.15 0.75 0.83

Authors have used relative importance index to identify most The relative importance index is measured in a scale of 0 to 1
important barriers for LSS using the responses opted by experts. where it is categorized in 5 sections as shown below:
Experts have opted the value from (1–5) in ascending order and Most relevant 0.80  (Ix)  1.00
then they were calculated using formula below: Relevant 0.60  (Ix)  0.80
P5 Favourable 0.40  (Ix)  0.60
i¼1 piX Less relevant 0.20  (Ix)  0.40
Relative Importance Index ðIxÞ ¼ P5 i
5 i¼1 X i Not relevant 0.00  (Ix)  0.20

R. Rathi, M. Singh, A. Kumar Verma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 728–735

Table 4
Reliability Statistics for 17 Barriers.

Reliability Analysis
Cronbach’s a value Number of LSS barriers
0.971 17

Relative importance index is calculated using the above formula

and then analysed with the help of SPSS tool and its results are
shown in table III .On comparing the relative importance index val-
ues of all the barriers authors find the highest value to be 0.84 of
LSSB3, LSSB4 and LSSB5 which conclude that these barriers are
more crucial than LSSB1 and LSSB2.
To eradicate biasness of LSS barriers authors have used reliabil-
ity analysis and for checking the consistency between them.
Authors have used SPSS software version 27 for reliability analysis
to get cronbach a value .This analysis was discovered by Lee Cron-
bach on year 1951.Cronbach a value determines reliability of bar-
riers and validate them .According to analysis and responses by
experts, Cronbach a value for these finalized barriers is 0.971(refer
to Table 4) which shows excellent reliability.
Authors identified 31 LSS barriers at the start of the study but
after statistical analysis (CIMTC and reliability) they finalized 17
barriers which are as follows:

Finalized LSS Barriers

1. Less authority to employees.
2. Lack of determination.
3. Insufficient supervision from line managers.
4. Defects and customer satisfaction cost and waste.
5. Scarcity of resources.
Fig. 3. Cluster Diagram.
6. Absence of knowledge about LSS benefits and needs.
7. Absence of logistic support.
8 Wrong perceptions of LSS in terms of tools and techniques. tures and changes required for controlling the quality of produc-
9. Difficulties in collection of data for LSS deployment. tion [43]. This paper help all the practitioners and managers who
10. Mere experience of LSS implementation in company wants to implement or are dealing with identification of barriers
projects. in their firm .This paper furnish easiness to manager’s, researcher’s
11. Lack of interaction between supplier and customers. and practitioners of LSS to identify barriers in their organization
12. Improper data collection and retrieval system. and implement needed ways or methods to eliminate these
13. Ineffective material handling and transportation. barriers.
14. Problems faced in using effective techniques for LSS
implementations. 6. Conclusion, Limitation, and future scope
15. Quality problems with supplied material.
16. Disproportion between customer demands and company This study apex the key LSS barriers responsible for the imple-
priorities. mentation of LSS in an Automobile part manufacturing Industry, to
17. Problems with machines and plant configuration. begin with we have 31 barriers identified which were finalized into
5 categories of implementations. These barriers are identified using
survey and expert opinion using Google forms platform .in this sur-
vey authors have taken responses and then analyzed them using
We use CIMTC and Important index to cluster the barriers The rec- statistical tools such as SPSS and CIMTC analysis used for reliability
ognized value for further analysis is from 0.695 to 0.860.Numbers test .At the end we are having the list of 17 finalized barriers which
used in clustering diagram are the numbers taken from list of final- are most relevant to the industry. Analysis used for this paper are
ized barriers shown in Fig. 3 and then presented in a way in CIMTC ,important index and reliability analysis using Cronbach a.
descending order of the CIMTC value. Then these Barriers are taken Barriers taken for reliability test are finalized using CIMTC values
for reliability analysis. between (0.695–0.860) and after using Cronbach a method relia-
bility value is 0.971 (refer to Table 4). Furthermore study con-
5.1. Implication for managers and practitioners cluded on the ground of the above Descriptive, Importance index,
CIMTC based analysis that barrier LSSB4 and LSSB3 are most
The current research is exhibiting a vast managerial implication important barriers taken into account for successful implementa-
in a field of LSS researchers and practitioners as they can focus on tion of LSS system in Different Indian Automobile parts manufac-
the identified barriers presented by our work to fulfil the gap and turing hubs in India.
prevent the failure of implementing LSS in their agencies or com- The relevant limitation for this paper was identified LSS barrier
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implement LSS in any organization it is necessary to know the fea- the basis of expert’s opinion and all the analysis is done on the
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