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Flip Charts Soft Skills Health and Hygiene | What have you done to improve yourself? Have you sharpened your axe? ¢ Past achievements don't count. ¢ You have to constantly sharpen your skills to become more productive. * Milk has its own qualities. But these qualities get enhanced when sugar is added to it Motivation Who learnt the right lesson? You wish to improve yourself and reach your goal? Then you have to act positively. + Things are difficult at home or at work? — Learn to face them. + Gain from your difficulties. Don't let them pull you down * Drinking is bad — so give up this bad habit. + Don't let fear change you. Once the fear is gone you will be back to your old ways. * The change in you must come from within you + No one can improve you. You have to improve yourself. sbi Emerxontoils Delegate Do it yourself Important Unimportant Postpone Urgent Not urgent Perform w a immediately Postpone Do you wish the day was longer? You can relax and work - if you manage your time. + Are you always rushing about? Divide your tasks. * Do not try to do everything at the same time. * What must be done immediately? — Do it first and by yourself. +» What can wait? — Let it wait for sometime. Do them in between the important jobs. + Finish your tasks on time. You will have more time for your family and friends. Can I, a gutkha addict, quit gutkha? * Something is bad. You know it. Why can't you give it up? That means you cannot stop yourself. + If you can stop yourself from chewing gutkha, you can give up the habit. You just need to make up your mind. + You want to do something good? Then make sure you do it! + Discipline yourself. + Self discipline is like a muscle — the more you train it the stronger it becomes. DT Will he remain on top for long? + If you are dishonest you may win at first — but it won't last long. * Honesty is for ever — you won't lose. | + Speak the truth and sleep peacefully. + No one trusts a dishonest person. + Gandhiji said, “Truth is my God”. He reached the top because he was honest. + So you will be at the top if you follow what Gandhiji had said. Does honesty win in the end? Yes it does! | ABUSES | Sia Anger Management Climbing up is hard, sliding down is easy Do you know why anger is like a snake? If you do not control anger, it will swallow you. Here are tips to control anger. * Try your best to remain calm. * Count ten before you speak if you are not happy about something. + Say a prayer if you are upset. + Forgive — yourself and others. + Forget the past — if it made you upset or angry. + Admit your mistakes politely. * Do not let your anger grow within you. Kill it. AMl6BS | Sis Team Dynamics ~ yh ! i, ye bY Eat Group or Team? * Does your group work together? + When you are together no one can defeat you. Do you agree? * In a cricket team, each player is important. But they can win only if they play together as a team. + A bee works very hard. But a single bee alone cannot make honey. The bees work together and make honey. ¢ Think!!! Your group is a team if you work like the bees. + Understand!!! You are a team if you are united like the cricket players. AISBS | Sais Inter-personal Skills Golden Rules . ile whenever you can + Say things. . ise the other person. * When you listen, f + If others find fault in you, get angry. * Think before you find faults in others. + If you follow these rules, people ISPS Social Grace Want to grow? Want to be a winner? + Then do not push anyone away. * Do not look down on anyone. + Try and feel for everyone. * Treat everyone the same way. + Both men and women are equally valuable to society and country. Personal Hygiene Teeth ~ Brush twice a day with paste f € 7. ase heen { Clothes - Wear short and aa clean dean X OY, clothes » v » Hands - Wash before Home ~ Clean everyday ) ater meals: Wy: after visitng tolet Feet - Scrub, Cut toe nails Tips! Tips to good health! Wouldn't you like to be healthy? You can do it. It is no big secret. Here's how... ¢ Brush your teeth everyday. * Clean your hands and feet. + Bathe daily. * Cut your nails once a week. * Wear clean clothes. * Don't chew gutkha, smoke or drink. + Keep your room and toilet clean. First Aid Minor Burns Major Burns Heat Stroke Help please! Give first aid Give first aid, and then call the doctor. Anyone can give first aid. + For fire — put it out, keep the burnt part cool. + For heat stroke — keep the victim cool; give lots of water to drink * For small cuts — wash it; stop the bleeding and put medicine. + For big cuts — wash it, stop bleeding by pressing, wrap the cut with clean cloth. ASILSBS, | Skills AIDS Awareness Who's afraid of AIDS? + Use acondom — stop AIDS. + Stay faithful — stop AIDS. + Fight AIDS — do not run away from it. * Cure AIDS — it is only a disease. * Help AIDS victims — take them to the doctor, treat them well. * Go for a checkup — if you are having fever, feel tired all the time and coughing and sneezing. Yoga Stressed out? Feeling tense all the time? | I) @ Pranayam - Anulom Vilom Practise Yoga | * Yoga e exercises keep pours t + Yog s the bod ; SO you won't fall ill. * Since your body is not tense your rv | « You will be able to learn better and k * Aperson who is able to fight stress and relax is a py person. ALISES | sé Take care of the money you earn. It is easy! e as much as you can. ¢ Borrow if you need but only from the right sources ¢ Borrow what you ca back Pee ate ee ear Peace Opp. Army Hospital Research & Referral Coea en Sno New Delhi - 110 057 mee CUP)

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