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MM 5004 Operations Management - Final Exam BLEMBA 65,

Saturday, November 13th, 2021, Project Report.

Report due date: Sunday, 21st November 2021
Lecturer: Akbar Adhiutama Ph.D

Name : Topan Ardiansyah Putra, S.I.Kom

NIM : 29121248

TAHUN 2021

Table of content

Chapter 1
BUSINESS ISSUE ................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................3
1.2 Business Issue ............................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2
BUSSINES ISSUE EXPLORATION .....................................................................5
2.1 Literature Review ............................................................................................6
2.1.1 Objectives Of Material Requirements Planning......................................6
2.1.2 Elements of Material Requirements Planning ........................................7
2.1.3 Production Planning ..............................................................................10
2.2 Root Cause Analyze .......................................................................................13

Chapter 3
ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION...................................................................................15
3.1 Analysis of Requirement Materials..................................................................15
3.2 Master Production Schedule ..........................................................................16

Chapter 4


Chapter 1
Business Issue

1.1 Introduction

Jasa Sarana has an asset in the form of a 19.45 Ha of sand and stone mine
located in Paseh Kaler Village, Paseh District, Sumedang Regency, West Java
Province. Based on the results of a study conducted by the Company through a
consultant, the potential reserves of sand, as well as andesite, is + 2,284,278
BCM, and ± 274,442 BCM respectively.

Figure 1 Documentation of Sand and Andesite Mining PT. Jasa Sarana

In order to manage the sand and stone mine, the Company has acquired
several permits:
•Environmental Permit (Decree of the Sumedang Regent Number:
660.1/2523/BLH/2009, (June 29, 2009)
•Production and Operation of Mining Business Permit (IUP OP), December 23,
2019, consisting of sand commodities (Number
540/26/ and andesite commodities (Number
540/27/ ).

Performance Achievements in 2020

With the high potential of the currently existing reserves of both sand as well as
andesite and to support the acceleration of infrastructure development in the
West Java region, the Company has taken strategic measures to manage the
mine. Until the end of the 4th quarter of 2020, several activities have been
carried out to support mine management planning that has been prepared
previously, including the procurement of production machines, development of
supporting infrastructure, and provision of facilities and infrastructure.

2021 Plans

The company aims to reach a production of around 30,000 m3 per month to

meet market share needs in order to accelerate infrastructure development in
the West Java region, including the construction of the Cisumdawu Toll Road,
Aero City Kertajati, Bandung-Jakarta Fast Train (KCIC), and other infrastructure
development plans.

In practice, this project is not as easy as planned, there are several

adjustments and implementation trials in order to obtain high productivity but
still be effective and efficient, without having to go out of quality standards and
good mining practices.

1.2 Business Issue

The problem that often occurs is the problem of ineffective and efficient work
productivity. Production costs that are carried out are often not proportional to
the imposition of the selling price. So that production costs often swell, due to
several factors:
1. Geological Factor

Figure 2 Research Area Geological Map

Geological factors are often an obstacle, although, in mine planning and
exploration study has been made, this is only an estimate whose approach is
only 65%-70%. For example, in terms of thickness of topsoil and
overburden, it is estimated that the thickness is 5-6 meters and then the
desired material content is found, but in reality, it is often more, so that the
waste that must be peeled takes longer, of course after conversion it will cost
more than what is expected. planned. Or at the time of entering the
production stage, the material obtained after stripping the waste, is not the
released material that is obtained but instead is dominated by bolder stone
blocks, which in stripping require heavy equipment such as breakers, which
of course also increases costs.
2. Weather Factor
The weather factor is of course an issue because it can't be predicted. So
that it slows down productivity, especially if we are getting orders that require
speed in fulfilling volumes.
3. Worker Factor
The worker factor is one of the determinants of productivity, especially for
heavy equipment operators. The reliability and experience of heavy
equipment operators determine the level of productivity, especially in the
Mining Pit. It takes foresight and experience in making excavation methods
effective, breaking down materials, separate types of materials, and carrying
out the process of loading materials into transport vehicles.

Chapter 2
Business Issue Exploration

2.1 Literature review

For the efficient execution of the planned mining works, it is necessary to

provide materials supply, their preparation, and handover for production. A
rational, regular supply of a different type of materials for production may only
be achieved in the way of appropriate planning, which includes a division into
the product range and time intervals, months at best. Materials handover and
supply should be planned in greater detail, which is divided into decades,
weeks, or even days. The way of planning should be adjusted to the concrete
conditions and consumption character (Koh and Saad, 2003). All of this
ensures the link between the supply plan with the operational production plan.
As the mining enterprise functions in relatively unpredictable mining and
geological conditions, that is why in the process of materials supply planning it
is necessary to include a random disturbance characterizing the course of the
mining production process (Trenczek, 2016). The objective of this paper is to
present the theoretical assumptions of the material requirements planning
process and the practical aspects of this process in the operating activity of
mining enterprises. The paper is of theoretical and cognitive study character.
The research was based on a systematic review method – a systematic
literature review supplemented with the analysis of internal documents and
programs used in materials management in a mining enterprise.

2.1.1 Objectives Of Material Requirements Planning

A mining enterprise, if it wants to achieve its objectives, must use some

number of materials. The cost of materials shapes on the level of about
15% of the total cost value, and it is the second position, after the cost of
personnel, that burdens the financial result the most in the mining
enterprise. The cost of materials on a yearly scale amount to PLN 100
million per mine, and in the scale of a mining plant consisting of a few
mines, it is the amount of PLN 1.5 billion (Kałuski, 2013).
Sebuah perusahaan pertambangan, jika ingin mencapai tujuannya, harus menggunakan sejumlah
bahan. Biaya bahan terbentuk pada tingkat sekitar 15% dari total nilai biaya, dan itu adalah posisi
kedua, setelah biaya personel, yang paling membebani hasil keuangan di perusahaan
pertambangan. Biaya bahan dalam skala tahunan berjumlah PLN 100 juta per tambang, dan
dalam skala pabrik pertambangan yang terdiri dari beberapa tambang, itu adalah jumlah PLN 1,5
miliar (Kałuski, 2013).

The specificity of mining production results in the fact that most of the
materials used do not come into the content of the product manufactured
(Michalak, 2016). The materials are necessary to conduct the process of
mining production, and also for the maintenance of the machines and
appliances and for keeping them running (Drebenstedt and Singhal,
2014). Despite this character of materials, they play a very important role

in the process of mining production. Their lack may cause a disturbance
in the course of mining works and the continuation of the production
process. The mining plant, or the mines included in the plant to be
precise, use a variety of materials. Their type depends on the character
of the works conducted. The significance of the particular types of
materials used in the mines is not the same, though. Some of them have
a decisive impact on the course of the production process, and their lack
may lead to a production halt. The significance of some materials is not
as great, however, their shortage results in an impediment in conducting
the mining works and may cause a disturbance in regular production. In
order to provide the continuance of mining works, in particular the
adequate mining conditions, it is necessary to develop the material and
technical supply plan. The purpose of this plan is to grant access for
every mine department to the proper material quantity so that all the
work posts may receive the materials in the required amount and type.
Nevertheless, one must not forget about the rule of inventory
minimization, because excessive inventory is, on one hand, a comfort for
the people responsible for supply guarantee and on the other hand, is an
additional, redundant cost increase (Dolgui and Prodhon, 2007; Jonek-
Kowalska and Turek, 2013). In practice, it happens that the reserves of
some materials are too large and at the same time it happens that the
materials shortage causes disturbance in the course of production, what
is more, this forces an inadequate substitution.

Kekhususan produksi pertambangan menghasilkan fakta bahwa sebagian besar

bahan yang digunakan tidak masuk ke dalam kandungan produk yang
diproduksi (Michalak, 2016). Bahan-bahan tersebut diperlukan untuk
melakukan proses produksi pertambangan, dan juga untuk pemeliharaan mesin
dan peralatan dan untuk menjaganya tetap berjalan (Drebenstedt dan Singhal,
2014). Terlepas dari karakter bahan ini, mereka memainkan peran yang sangat
penting dalam proses produksi pertambangan. Kekurangan mereka dapat
menyebabkan gangguan dalam pekerjaan pertambangan dan kelanjutan proses
produksi. Pabrik penambangan, atau tambang yang termasuk dalam pabrik
tepatnya, menggunakan berbagai bahan. Jenisnya tergantung pada karakter
karya yang dilakukan. Signifikansi dari jenis bahan tertentu yang digunakan di
tambang tidak sama. Beberapa dari mereka memiliki dampak yang menentukan
pada jalannya proses produksi, dan kekurangan mereka dapat menyebabkan
penghentian produksi. Signifikansi beberapa bahan tidak sebesar itu, namun
kekurangannya mengakibatkan hambatan dalam melakukan pekerjaan
penambangan dan dapat menyebabkan gangguan dalam produksi reguler. Untuk
memberikan kelangsungan pekerjaan pertambangan, khususnya kondisi
penambangan yang memadai, perlu untuk mengembangkan rencana pasokan
material dan teknis. Tujuan dari rencana ini adalah untuk memberikan akses
bagi setiap departemen tambang ke jumlah material yang tepat sehingga semua
pos kerja dapat menerima materi dalam jumlah dan jenis yang diperlukan.
Namun demikian, orang tidak boleh lupa tentang aturan minimalisasi inventaris,
karena persediaan yang berlebihan, di satu sisi, merupakan kenyamanan bagi
orang-orang yang bertanggung jawab atas jaminan pasokan dan di sisi lain,
adalah peningkatan biaya tambahan yang berlebihan (Dolgui dan Prodhon,
2007; Jonek-Kowalska dan Turek, 2013). Dalam praktiknya, kebetulan bahwa

cadangan beberapa bahan terlalu besar dan pada saat yang sama terjadi bahwa
kekurangan bahan menyebabkan gangguan dalam proses produksi, terlebih lagi,
ini memaksa substitusi yang tidak memadai

2.1.2 Elements of Material Requirements Planning

The method that will be carried out in this analysis is the Lot Sizing
Strategy based on the stages and schedule of the Bill of Materials that
have been determined based on the Feasibility Study Document for
Sand and Andesite Mining PT. Facilities Services.

Metode yang akan dilakukan dalam analisis ini adalah Strategi Lot Sizing
berdasarkan tahapan dan jadwal Bill of Materials yang telah ditetapkan
berdasarkan Dokumen Studi Kelayakan Untuk Pertambangan Pasir dan Andesit

Economic order quantity

Lot-for-lot (L4L) (EOQ)

Lot Sizing

Least total cost (LTC) Least unit cost (LUC)

Figure 3 Lot Sizing Strategy

The stages and data analysis can be seen in Figure 1 with the following

a. Demand forecast
Demand forecasting is the main stage that needs to be done in raw
material planning. Demand forecasting is done based on past
production data owned by the company to forecast demand from
January 2022 to December 2022..
Peramalan permintaan merupakan tahap utama yang perlu dilakukan dalam
perencanaan bahan baku. Peramalan permintaan dilakukan berdasarkan data
produksi sebelumnya yang dimiliki perusahaan untuk memperkirakan
permintaan dari Januari 2022 hingga Desember 2022. Data peramalan
permintaan yang digunakan berada dalam kisaran Januari 2021 hingga
Desember 2021

b. Preparation of the master production schedule (master production

The preparation of the master production schedule is used to find out
when raw material is needed and determine the order schedule and
determine how much raw material will be ordered. The master
production schedule is obtained from forecasting results by referring

to company data regarding product production from June 2021 to
June 2022. This production master schedule will calculate the
number of products to be produced and when these products will be
ketika bahan baku dibutuhkan dan menentukan jadwal pemesanan dan
menentukan berapa banyak bahan baku yang akan dipesan. Jadwal master
production diperoleh dari hasil peramalan dengan mengacu pada data
perusahaan terkait produksi produk dari Juni 2021 hingga Juni 2022. Jadwal
master produksi ini akan menghitung jumlah produk yang akan diproduksi
dan kapan produk tersebut akan diproduksi.


production master

production Structure

Material Requirements Planning

Based on MRP Method

Determination of Lot Size with

Lot for Lot Method and lot EOQ

Inventory Cost Comparison with

the Best Lot Technique

Figure 4 Stages of Data Analysis

c. Preparation of product structure (bill of material)

Product structure or bill of material contains information about the
relationship between components in a production process. The
product structure also contains information about all items, i.e. item
level, as well as the quantity required.
Struktur produk atau bill of material berisi informasi tentang hubungan
antara komponen dalam suatu proses produksi. Struktur produk juga berisi
informasi tentang semua item, yaitu tingkat item, serta jumlah yang

d. Planning for raw material requirements based on the Material

Requirement Planning method.
Planning for raw material requirements is carried out using the
Material Requirement Planning method. To perform the calculations
are as follows:
1) Gross Requirements

The total of all raw materials or components needed in a period.
2) Scheduled Receipts
Is the number of items that will be received in a certain period
based on the order made.
3) Project on Hand
State the amount of inventory available at a certain time period.
On-hand at the beginning of the next period is determined using
the formula 1:
𝑂𝐻𝑡 = (𝑂𝐻𝑡−1 + 𝑆𝑅𝑡−1 − 𝐺𝑅𝑡−1 )…….(1)
𝑂𝐻𝑡 = Initial Period Inventory 𝑡
𝑂𝐻𝑡−1 = Initial Period Inventory 𝑡 − 1
𝑆𝑅𝑡−1 = Schedule Receive Period 𝑡 − 1
𝐺𝑅𝑡−1 = Gross Requirement period 𝑡 – 1

4) Net Requirements
State the actual number of requirements needed in each time
period to meet the needs of the item. To get the net requirements
can be used formula 2:
𝑁𝑅𝑡 = (𝐺𝑅𝑡 − ( 𝑂𝐻𝑡 + 𝑆𝑅𝑡 )……………(2)

5) Planned Order Releases

Indicates when a certain number of orders must be made, so that
it can meet the needs of the parent component adjusted to the
lead time of each Project on Hand component at a certain level
will determine the Gross Requirement at the level below it.

e. Lotting Determination
Is a process to determine the optimal order quantity for each item
individually based on the results of the calculation of net
requirements. In this study, the determination of the lot size used is
lot for lot and economic order quantity.
1) Lot size lot for lot method
It is the simplest and easiest to understand the lot-sizing
technique. Orders are made with the consideration of minimizing
storage costs. In this technique, the fulfillment of net needs is
carried out in each period that needs it, while the size of the order
quantity (lot size) is the same as the number of net needs that
must be met in the period concerned.

2) Lot size economic order quantity. method

This technique is used to determine the inventory order quantity
that minimizes the direct costs of inventory holding and inventory
ordering costs. This technique can be applied if the following
assumptions are met:
[a] The demand for the product is constant, uniform, and known;
[b] The price per unit of product is constant.
[c] The holding cost per unit per year is constant.
[d] The ordering cost per order is constant.
[e] The time between the order being placed and the goods being
received is constant;

[f] There is no shortage of materials.
Calculation of economic order quantity based on formula 3:

Q = Number of units per order

D = Raw material requirement (annual demand)
S = Order cost per order (setup or ordering cost)
H = holding cost per unit per day (holding cost)

f. Raw material cost comparison Analysis

Comparative analysis of the cost of raw material inventory is carried
out by determining the total cost of raw material inventory every
month at the company using Material Requirement Planning which
includes storage costs for total inventory costs with formulas 4 and 5:

TH = 𝑃𝐴𝑉. ℎ.........................................................(4)
TC = 𝐷. 𝑐 + 𝑓. 𝑘 + 𝑇𝐻..................................................(5)

𝑇𝐻 = Total storage cost

𝑃𝐴𝑉 = Inventory is available for use in the next period.
ℎ = Inventory cost per unit.
𝑇𝐶 = Total cost of material inventory.
𝑐 = Purchase cost (purchasing cost).
𝐹 = Frequency of procurement..
𝑘 = procurement costs.

2.1.3 Production Planning

Based on Feasibility Study Documents for Sand and Andesite Mining

PT. Facilities Services, production is planned as follows:

Table 1 Production Planning Target

Soil Andesite Rocks KOMODITAS
Y_01 39.159,15 34.000,00 36.000,00 70.000,00
Y_02 124.054,63 60.000,00 40.000,00 100.000,00
Y_03 31.482,22 40.000,00 90.000,00 130.000,00
Y_04 22.088,00 30.000,00 130.000,00 160.000,00
Y_05 17.284,25 25.000,00 135.000,00 160.000,00
Y_06 12.922,66 15.000,00 145.000,00 160.000,00
Y_07 7.562,67 9.000,00 131.000,00 140.000,00
Y_08 3.598,42 5.500,00 134.500,00 140.000,00
Y_09 1.972,67 3.500,00 136.500,00 140.000,00

TOTAL 260.124,67 222.000,00 978.000,00 1.200.000,00

Figure 5 1st Year Mining Block Opening Design

Overall, the stages of mining activities planned by PT Jasa Sarana are from the
process of dismantling cover material, mining of minerals, processing of
minerals to the final stage, namely reclamation of ex-mining land.

As for the mining sequence, starting with unloading and moving topsoil material
to the nursery area and overburdening to the disposal area, the next step is to
unload the excavated materials in the form of sand and andesite to be loaded
and transported to the mineral processing site for further reduction. size and
sieving, so that in the end, you will get several types of products based on their
respective specifications

The following is the acquisition of processed products for the realization in 2021
and the plan for 2022:
Tabel 2
Sand Realization Production 2021 and Production Planning 2022
Rencana dan
Realisasi Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des Total (BCM)

Rencana Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 73404
Realisasi Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rencana Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 8156 73404

Tabel 3
Andesite Realization Production 2021 and Production Planning 2022
Rencana dan
Realisasi Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des Total (BCM)

Rencana Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 76599
Realisasi Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rencana Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 8511 76599

Table 4
Over Burden and Soil Realization in 2021 and Production Plan in 2022
Rencana dan
Realisasi Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des Total (BCM)

Rencana Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 23301
Realisasi Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rencana Tahun
Nagrak 0 0 0 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 2589 23301

Table 5
Sand Production Plan in 2022
Rencana Tahun 2022 (Pasir)
No Deskripsi Total (LCM)
Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des
1 Produksi (LCM) - - - 10.602 10.602 10.602 10.602 10.602 10.602 10.602 10.602 10.602 95.418
2 Komoditas yang diolah (LCM) - - - 10.496 10.496 10.496 10.496 10.496 10.496 10.496 10.496 10.496 94.464
3 Recovery 99%
4 Rencana Terjual (LCM) - - - 10.391 10.391 10.391 10.391 10.391 10.391 10.391 10.391 10.391 93.519
5 Recovery 99%

Table 6
Andesite Production Plan in 2022
Rencana Tahun 2022 (Andesit)
No Deskripsi Total (LCM)
Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des
1 Produksi (LCM) - - - 12.446 12.446 12.446 12.446 12.446 12.446 12.446 12.446 12.446 112.014
2 Komoditas yang diolah (LCM) - - - 12.322 12.322 12.322 12.322 12.322 12.322 12.322 12.322 12.322 110.898
3 Recovery 99%
4 Rencana Terjual (LCM) - - - 12.199 12.199 12.199 12.199 12.199 12.199 12.199 12.199 12.199 109.791
5 Recovery 99%

The processing procedures carried out by PT Jasa Sarana are basically carried
out according to the plan, that rocks that have a size greater than 30 cm will be
inserted into the hopper for later size reduction using a jaw crusher. The
material that comes out of the jaw crusher is then transported using a belt
conveyor to the secondary crusher using a hammer mill. The results of the size
reduction process on the hammer mill tool are then transported to a vibrating
screen to separate the processed material into several types of products based
on the size of the material.

The final result of the processing carried out is in the form of products that have
different sizes, while the products produced include stone ash (0-5 mm),
screening (5-10 mm), split 10-20 mm, split 20-30 mm and splits 30-50 mm. The
following is a list of processing equipment, can be seen in Table 7.
Table 7
Equipment of PT Jasa Sarana
No Tipe Capacity Unit
Processing Equipment
1 Hooper 1
2 Jaw Crusher 1
3 Banker 1
4 Hammer Mill 100 - 150 tph 1
5 Sand Sievers 1
6 Belt Conveyor 7
7 Control Panel 1
Conveyance Equipment
1 Wheel Loader Bucket 2 m3 1
2 Excavator Bucket 0.93 m3 1

2.2 Root Cause Analysis

In the mining enterprises, five basic ranges of activity may be distinguished in

the process of material requirements planning: production, employee benefits,
materials marked for the process at investment objects (investment), mines
liquidation, own processing.

The development of material balance should always start from determining the
disposal planned and the final level of reserves planned because these are the
elements determining the requirements. The process of material requirements
planning in the mining enterprises, as it was mentioned before, consists of
planning cycles including a calendar year and months, in connection with the
technical and economic plan, but not only. From the planning point of view, the
problem of material security should be analysed in the contexts: strategic,
tactical, operational.

As the plans have a strictly defined structure, that should correspond to the
organizational structure of the mining enterprise, and an objective arrangement
based on the distinguished spheres of the main activity, their content should
refer to all these levels. Then the question arises, to what extent the material
requirements planning is strategic planning, to what extent is tactical, and to
what extent is it operational planning? The individual levels of planning are
described by several attributes, in which the aforementioned stock is included.
These are:
• Time horizon, which encompasses the supply plan, the longest for the
strategic plan, medium-term for the tactical plan, and the shortest for the
operational one,
• Range of material requirements planning, which involves the whole
enterprise, the individual mines,
• Participation, competence extent, including the responsibility of the
particular management levels in the mining enterprise, both during plan
development and execution,
• Plan range in the mining enterprise, whether the whole plant or
distinguished areas or individual undertaking
• Type of measures included in the supply plan, that is, synthetic, indirect
and analytical.

In this case, it will be analysed how the mechanism for scheduling and fulfilling
material production is in accordance with the targets that have been set in
2022. The expect target are :
Table 7
Realization of Processing Costs in 2021 and Plans in 2022

No Realisasi dan Rencana Hasil

Komoditas yang Biaya Satuan
Pengolahan Recovery (99%) Total Biaya (Rp)
Diolah (LCM) (Rp)

1 Realisasi Tahun 2021 2.496 2.471 99% 3.000 Rp 7.487.575,76

2 Rencana Tahun 2022 (Pasir) 94.467 93.523 99%
Rp 8.167 Rp 1.769.593.740
3 Rencana Tahun 2022 (Andesit) 110.896 109.787 99%

Table 8
Realization of Mining Costs in 2021 and Plans in 2022
Realisasi dan Lokasi /
No Deskripsi
Rencana Blok / Pit Pengupasan OB Penambangan
Reconturing (Ha)
(LCM) Komoditas
Kuantitas - 3.263 -
1 Realisasi Tahun 2021 Blok 1 Satuan Biaya - 23.288 -
Total - 75.980.040 75.980.040
Kuantitas 32.624 207.438
2 Rencana Tahun 2022 Blok 1 Satuan Biaya Rp 23.288 Rp 23.288
Total Rp 759.740.208 Rp 4.830.768.433 5.590.508.642

It can be seen in tables 7 and 8 that production in 2021 cannot be realized

properly, can only sell 2,741 LCM of sand, even though this material has very
market potential.

Chapter 3
Alternative Solution

3.1 Analysis of Requirement Materials

In determining production, based on the data, there is a basic calculation on the

effectiveness of the use of the equipment used :

Table 9
Equipment Used of Overburden and Soil Mining
Excavator Times Effective per day Dump Truck Time Effective per Day
Day Duration Unit Day Duration Unit
Monday-Thursday 6,87 H/D Monday-Thursday 6,87 H/D

Friday 6,87 H/D Friday 6,87 H/D

Saturday 6,87 H/D Saturday 6,87 H/D

Mean 6,8667 H/D Mean 6,8667 H/D

Excavator works efficiency per Day Dump Truck works efficiency per Day
Day % Unit Day % Unit
Mean 83,2323 %/Day Mean 83,2323 %/Day
Table 10
Equipment Used of Andesite and Sand Mining

Rock Breaker Times Effective per day Excavator Times Effective per day Dump Truck Time Effective per Day

Day Duration Unit Day Duration Unit Day Duration Unit

Monday- 6,87 H/D Monday- 6,03 H/D Monday- 6,03 H/D

Thursday Thursday Thursday
6,87 6,03 6,03
Friday Friday Friday
6,87 6,03 6,03
Saturday Saturday Saturday

6,8667 H/D 6,0333 H/D 6,0333 H/D

Mean Mean Mean

Rock Breaker works efficiency per Day Excavator works efficiency per Day Dump Truck works efficiency per Day

Day % Unit Day % Unit Day % Unit

Mean 83,2323 %/Hari Mean 73,1313 %/Hari Mean 73,1313 %/Hari

The following calculation of required material to achieve the target :

Table 11
Forecasting Requirement, The Materials in 2022

1 26 33,77% 7.867,87
2 24 31,17% 7.262,65
3 27 35,06% 8.170,48
4 26 11,30% 10.572,17 12.411,16
5 23 10,00% 9.352,30 10.979,10
6 26 11,30% 10.572,17 12.411,16
7 26 11,30% 10.572,17 12.411,16
8 25 10,87% 10.165,54 11.933,80
9 26 11,30% 10.572,17 12.411,16
10 26 11,30% 10.572,17 12.411,16
11 26 11,30% 10.572,17 12.411,16
12 26 11,30% 10.572,17 12.411,16
TOTAL 230 100,00% 23.301,00 93.523,00 109.791,00


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 6 The Graphic of Forecasting Requirement The Materials in 2022

Based on Table 11, the materials production target in 2022 is :

1. Overburden 23.301 BCM
2. Sands 93.519 LCM
3. Andesite 109.791 LCM

3.2 Master Production Schedule

After getting the forecasting results for the next six months, the forecasting
results are used to create a Master Production Schedule which is then divided
into 4 week periods, so there are 32 periods in weeks.
Table 12
Master Production Schedule of Materials

Month Jan-22 Feb-22

Period 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
OB/Soil 1.966,97 1.966,97 1.966,97 1.966,97 1.815,66 1.815,66 1.815,66 1.815,66
Sand - - - - - - - -
Andesit - - - - - - - -

Month Mar-22 Apr-22
Period 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
OB/Soil 2.042,62 2.042,62 2.042,62 2.042,62 - - - -
Sand - - - - 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.114,43
- - - - 3.309,64 3.309,64 3.309,64 2.482,23
Month May-22 Jun-22
Period 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
OB/Soil - - - - - - - -
Sand 2.805,69 2.805,69 2.805,69 935,23 2.114,43 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.819,24
3.293,73 3.293,73 3.293,73 1.097,91 3.309,64 3.309,64 3.309,64 2.482,23
Month Jul-22 Aug-22
Period 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
OB/Soil - - - - - - - -
Sand 2.114,43 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.819,24 1.524,83 2.880,24 2.880,24 2.880,24
3.309,64 3.309,64 3.309,64 2.482 1.790,07 3.381,24 3.381,24 3.381,24
Month Sep-22 Oct-22
Period 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
OB/Soil - - - - - - - -
Sand 2.114,43 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.114,43 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.819,24
3.309,64 3.309,64 3.309,64 2.482,23 3.309,64 3.309,64 3.309,64 2.482,23
Month Nov-22 Dec-22
Period 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
OB/Soil - - - - - - - -
Sand 2.114,43 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.114,43 2.819,24 2.819,24 2.819,24
3.309,64 3.309,64 3.309,64 2.482,23 3.309,64 3.309,64 3.309,64 2.482,23

Table 13
Lot for Lot Analysis for OB/Soil
Net Production Ending Mining Processing
Week Total Cost
Requirement Quantity Inventory Cost/LCM Cost/LCM
1 1966,97 1966,97 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp18.345.906
2 1966,97 1966,97 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp36.691.812
3 1966,97 1966,97 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp55.037.719
4 1966,97 1966,97 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp73.383.625
5 1815,66 1815,66 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp90.318.307
6 1815,66 1815,66 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp107.252.990
7 1815,66 1815,66 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp124.187.673
8 1815,66 1815,66 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp141.122.355
9 2042,62 2042,62 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp160.173.873
10 2042,62 2042,62 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp179.225.391
11 2042,62 2042,62 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp198.276.909
12 2042,62 2042,62 0,00 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp217.328.427

Table 14
EOQ Analysis for OB/Soil
Net Production Ending Mining Processing
Week Total Cost
Requirement Quantity Inventory Cost/LCM Cost/LCM
1 1966,97 5000,00 3033,03 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp46.635.000,00
2 1966,97 0,00 1066,06 Rp0 Rp1.200 Rp47.914.277,92
3 1966,97 5000,00 4099,10 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp94.549.277,92
4 1966,97 0,00 2132,13 Rp0 Rp1.200 Rp97.107.833,77
5 1815,66 0,00 316,47 Rp0 Rp1.200 Rp97.487.594,81
6 1815,66 5000,00 3500,81 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp144.122.594,81
7 1815,66 0,00 1685,14 Rp0 Rp1.200 Rp146.144.766,23
8 1815,66 3000,00 2869,48 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp174.125.766,23
9 2042,62 0,00 826,86 Rp0 Rp1.200 Rp175.117.998,70
10 2042,62 3000,00 1784,24 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp203.098.998,70
11 2042,62 2301,00 2042,62 Rp8.127 Rp1.200 Rp224.560.425,70
12 2042,62 0,00 0,00 Rp0 Rp1.200 Rp224.560.425,70

Table 15
Lot for Lot Analysis for Sand
Net Production Ending Mining Processing
Week Total Cost
Requirement Quantity Inventory Cost/LCM Cost/LCM
13 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp77.166.939
14 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp154.333.877
15 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp231.500.816
16 2114,43 2114,43 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp289.376.020
17 2805,69 2805,69 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp366.171.964
18 2805,69 2805,69 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp442.967.908
19 2805,69 2805,69 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp519.763.852
20 935,23 935,23 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp545.362.500
21 2114,43 2114,43 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp603.237.704
22 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp680.404.642
23 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp757.571.581
24 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp834.738.520
25 2114,43 2114,43 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp892.613.724
26 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp969.780.663
27 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.046.947.601
28 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.124.114.540
29 1524,83 1524,83 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.165.851.466
30 2880,24 2880,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.244.687.882
31 2880,24 2880,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.323.524.298
32 2880,24 2880,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.402.360.714
33 2114,43 2114,43 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.460.235.918
34 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.537.402.856
35 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.614.569.795
36 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.691.736.734
37 2114,43 2114,43 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.749.611.938
38 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.826.778.877

39 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.903.945.815
40 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.981.112.754
41 2114,43 2114,43 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.038.987.958
42 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.116.154.897
43 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.193.321.836
44 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.270.488.774
45 2114,43 2114,43 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.328.363.978
46 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.405.530.917
47 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.482.697.856
48 2819,24 2819,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.559.864.795

Table 16
EOQ Analysis for Sand
Net Production Ending Mining Processing
Week Total Cost
Requirement Quantity Inventory Cost/LCM Cost/LCM
13 2819,24 6500,00 3680,76 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp177.914.750,00
14 2819,24 0,00 861,51 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp181.432.733,78
15 2819,24 6500,00 4542,27 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp359.347.483,78
16 2114,43 0,00 2427,83 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp369.261.547,11
17 2805,69 6500,00 6122,14 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp547.176.297,11
18 2805,69 0,00 3316,45 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp560.719.040,22
19 2805,69 0,00 510,76 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp562.804.748,21
20 935,23 6500,00 6075,53 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp740.719.498,21
21 2114,43 0,00 3961,10 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp756.894.657,16
22 2819,24 0,00 1141,86 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp761.557.433,00
23 2819,24 6500,00 4822,61 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp939.472.183,00
24 2819,24 0,00 2003,37 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp947.652.942,62
25 2114,43 6500,00 6388,94 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.125.567.692,62
26 2819,24 0,00 3569,69 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp1.140.144.531,80
27 2819,24 0,00 750,45 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp1.143.208.987,86
28 2819,24 6500,00 4431,20 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.321.123.737,86
29 1524,83 0,00 2906,37 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp1.332.991.911,30
30 2880,24 0,00 26,14 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp1.333.098.635,64
31 2880,24 6500,00 3645,90 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.511.013.385,64
32 2880,24 0,00 765,66 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp1.514.139.961,80
33 2114,43 6500,00 5151,23 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.692.054.711,80
34 2819,24 0,00 2331,98 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp1.701.577.367,52
35 2819,24 6500,00 6012,74 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.879.492.117,52
36 2819,24 0,00 3193,50 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp1.892.532.757,01
37 2114,43 0,00 1079,06 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp1.896.939.109,18
38 2819,24 6500,00 4759,82 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.074.853.859,18
39 2819,24 0,00 1940,57 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp2.082.778.195,12
40 2819,24 6500,00 5621,33 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.260.692.945,12
41 2114,43 0,00 3506,90 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp2.275.013.360,62
42 2819,24 0,00 687,65 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp2.277.821.393,00
43 2819,24 6500,00 4368,41 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.455.736.143,00
44 2819,24 0,00 1549,17 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp2.462.062.159,17

45 2114,43 6500,00 5934,73 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.639.976.909,17
46 2819,24 0,00 3115,49 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp2.652.699.004,89
47 2819,24 0,00 296,24 Rp0 Rp4.084 Rp2.653.908.717,50
48 2819,24 2523,00 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.722.967.012,00

Table 17
Lot for Lot Analysis for Andesite
Net Production Ending Mining Processing
Week Total Cost
Requirement Quantity Inventory Cost/LCM Cost/LCM
13 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp90.589.859
14 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp181.179.718
15 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp271.769.577
16 2482,23 2482,23 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp339.711.971
17 3293,73 3293,73 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp429.866.301
18 3293,73 3293,73 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp520.020.632
19 3293,73 3293,73 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp610.174.963
20 1097,91 1097,91 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp640.226.406
21 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp730.816.265
22 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp821.406.124
23 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp911.995.983
24 2482,23 2482,23 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp979.938.377
25 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.070.528.236
26 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.161.118.095
27 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.251.707.954
28 2482,23 2482,23 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.319.650.348
29 1790,07 1790,07 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.368.647.267
30 3381,24 3381,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.461.197.002
31 3381,24 3381,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.553.746.738
32 3381,24 3381,24 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.646.296.474
33 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.736.886.332
34 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.827.476.191
35 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.918.066.050
36 2482,23 2482,23 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.986.008.444
37 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.076.598.303
38 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.167.188.162
39 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.257.778.021
40 2482,23 2482,23 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.325.720.415
41 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.416.310.274
42 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.506.900.133
43 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.597.489.992
44 2482,23 2482,23 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.665.432.386
45 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.756.022.245
46 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.846.612.103
47 3309,64 3309,64 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.937.201.962
48 2482,23 2482,23 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp3.005.144.357

Table 17
EOQ Analysis for Andesite
Net Production Ending Mining Processing
Week Total Cost
Requirement Quantity Inventory Cost/LCM Cost/LCM
13 3309,64 7000,00 3690,36 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp191.600.500,00
14 3309,64 0,00 380,72 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp193.155.155,92
15 3309,64 7000,00 4071,07 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp384.755.655,92
16 2482,23 0,00 1588,84 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp391.243.698,26
17 3293,73 7000,00 5295,11 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp582.844.198,26
18 3293,73 0,00 2001,38 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp591.016.847,69
19 3293,73 7000,00 5707,65 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp782.617.347,69
20 1097,91 0,00 4609,74 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp801.441.235,19
21 3309,64 0,00 1300,10 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp806.750.200,64
22 3309,64 7000,00 4990,46 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp998.350.700,64
23 3309,64 0,00 1680,82 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.005.214.322,01
24 2482,23 7000,00 6198,59 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.196.814.822,01
25 3309,64 0,00 2888,95 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.208.611.829,80
26 3309,64 7000,00 6579,30 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.400.212.329,80
27 3309,64 0,00 3269,66 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.413.563.993,51
28 2482,23 0,00 787,43 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.416.779.465,69
29 1790,07 7000,00 5997,36 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.608.379.965,69
30 3381,24 0,00 2616,12 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.619.062.872,18
31 3381,24 7000,00 6234,87 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.810.663.372,18
32 3381,24 0,00 2853,63 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp1.822.316.154,31
33 3309,64 7000,00 6543,98 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.013.916.654,31
34 3309,64 0,00 3234,34 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.027.124.092,35
35 3309,64 7000,00 6924,70 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.218.724.592,35
36 2482,23 0,00 4442,47 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.236.865.416,82
37 3309,64 0,00 1132,83 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.241.491.319,25
38 3309,64 7000,00 4823,19 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.433.091.819,25
39 3309,64 0,00 1513,54 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.439.272.377,60
40 2482,23 7000,00 6031,31 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.630.872.877,60
41 3309,64 0,00 2721,67 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.641.986.822,37
42 3309,64 7000,00 6412,03 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.833.587.322,37
43 3309,64 0,00 3102,39 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.846.255.923,05
44 2482,23 0,00 620,16 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp2.848.788.332,21
45 3309,64 7000,00 4310,51 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp3.040.388.832,21
46 3309,64 0,00 1000,87 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp3.044.475.897,28
47 3309,64 4791,00 2482,23 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp3.175.612.753,78
48 2482,23 0,00 0,00 Rp23.288 Rp4.084 Rp3.175.612.753,78

Chapter 4

From the two methods above, it can be concluded that the best method used by the
company is the Lot For Lot (L4L) method because from the calculation of the Lot For
Lot (L4L) method, the smallest total cost is Rp. 5,782,337,578, - when compared
with the calculation of the Lot Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is Rp. 6,123,140,191,
because the Lot For Lot method can minimize processing costs so that the total
costs incurred are small.
Table 18
Comparison of Total Cost with The Best Lot
Lot for Lot Lot Economic Order Quantity
Mining Cost Processing Cost Total Cost Mining Cost Processing Cost Total Cost
OB/Soil Rp189.367.227 Rp27.961.200 Rp217.328.427 Rp189.367.227 Rp35.193.199 Rp224.560.426
Sand Rp2.177.963.624 Rp381.901.171 Rp2.559.864.795 4 Rp545.003.388 Rp2.722.967.012
Andesite Rp2.556.812.808 Rp448.331.549 Rp3.005.144.357 8 Rp618.799.946 Rp3.175.612.754
TOTAL Rp5.782.337.578 Total Rp6.123.140.191

From the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the Material Requirement
Planning (MRP) method can be applied to PT. Jasa Sarana by paying attention to
several things, namely forecasting based on sales data, and scheduling production.
Some suggestions in this study are the company can consider the Material
Requirement Planning (MRP) method with the Lot For Lot (L4L) technique as a
model in determining the order size that is adjusted to company policy to minimize
the total cost of inventory and can plan raw material orders in a timely manner.
optimal. In addition, research can be continued by using the MRP II method and
making a computerized raw material planning system.

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