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Title: RA 7877: Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995


Godalle, Angelica L.

Rejano, Ian Cedrick G.

Rizul, Lyka M.

Sia, Paul Luigi B.


1. Educate students about the existence and purpose of the "Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995"
in the Philippines.
2. Clearly define the concept of sexual harassment in work, education, and training settings so that
students can recognize it when it occurs.
3. Inform students about their rights and legal protections against sexual harassment, empowering
them to report incidents and protect themselves.
4. Encourage a classroom environment that fosters respect and dignity for all, emphasizing the
importance of treating everyone with respect.
5. Instill a sense of social responsibility in students by educating them about their role in
addressing and preventing sexual harassment, both as individuals and as responsible citizens.

Brief Summary:

The "Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995" in the Philippines is a legal framework aimed at preventing
and addressing sexual harassment in the workplace, educational institutions, and training environments.
It defines sexual harassment and declares it unlawful. The Act places responsibility on employers and
educational institutions to prevent and address sexual harassment, including the creation of committees
to investigate cases. It holds employers and institutions solidarily liable for damages if they fail to act
upon receiving reports of harassment. Additionally, the Act outlines penalties for those who violate its
provisions, providing legal protection and recourse for victims of sexual harassment.


Game: Jumbled Words


1. Human rights
2. Employer
3. Wolf Whistling
4. Duterte
5. Harassment
6. Decrees
7. Republic
8. Unlawful
9. Liability
10. Education


Evaluation / Assessment

Quiz: Identification and Analyzing Situations

Directions: Read and analyze each statement

1. Republict Act 7877 shall be known as?

2. Work, education or training-related sexual harassment is committed by? (Give at least five)
3. Is former President Rodrigo Duterte's action of wolf whistling at a reporter during a press
conference in May 2016, and his defense that it was 'not a sexual thing,' a matter of concern or
4. Imagine you are a female employee named Jane working in a company. Your male supervisor
repeatedly makes unwelcome sexual advances towards you, and he insists that you engage in a
romantic relationship with him. He implies that if you don't comply with his requests, your
career at the company will suffer, and you may not receive promotions or pay raises. How
would you address this issue?

Answer Key

1. Republict Act 7877 shall be known as the “Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.”
2. Work, education or training-related sexual harassment is committed by an employer, employee,
manager, supervisor, agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainor, or
any other person who, having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work
or training or education environment, demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual favor
from the other, regardless of whether the demand, request or requirement for submission is
accepted by the object of said Act.
3. "Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995" provides a broader context for understanding what
constitutes sexual harassment and the importance of respecting the dignity and rights of
individuals. In the context of former President Rodrigo Duterte, actions that involve unwelcome
advances, as in the situation described, can be seen as potentially falling within the definition of
sexual harassment. It underscores the significance of addressing such behavior and taking it
seriously, as sexual harassment is defined as unlawful in various settings, including the
workplace. The Act serves as a reminder of the need to promote a respectful and harassment-
free environment and to address incidents that may be of concern or controversy.
4. If I were Jane, I would be aware that this behavior falls within the definition of sexual
harassment as outlined in the Act. The Act emphasizes the importance of respecting the dignity
and rights of individuals in the workplace, educational institutions, and training environments.
By documenting and reporting the supervisor's actions to the Human Resources department, I
would not only be following the company's procedures but also aligning with the principles of
the Act, which require employers to take action to prevent and address sexual harassment.
Furthermore, my request for confidentiality during the investigation would be in line with the
Act's provisions for protecting the privacy of those reporting harassment. Consulting an
attorney, if necessary, would also be a strategic move in ensuring that my rights and protections
under the Act are upheld.


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