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English language education is one of the most hotly contested topics today.

Some people suggest

students should study abroad in English-speaking nations rather than taking English lessons with
classmates from the same country. This essay will look into the benefits and drawbacks of attending
English classes with classmates from their home country.

It is an favourable option for students for many reasons. Firstly, students can help each other
whenever they don’t understand a meaning of a word or the lecture without language barrier.
Therefore, the lesson will be certainly more effective and won’t be interrupted. Another positive of
having English classes with domestic classmates is that the teacher will understand the class's difficulties
with learning English and will be able to assist them with the most challenging aspects.

Despite the above advantages, some disavantages do exist. The most significan negative effect of
taking English courses with peers from your own country is the pronunciation. The pronunciation of
classmates from the same nation is not as good as the foreigner's. It is tough to understand how to
pronounce standard. As a result, when a beginning gains new words, they are unable to correct their
mistakes in a timely manner. Furthermore, most students exchange lessons in their native language,
making it difficult to improve their English skills.

All things considered, joining English courses with classmates from the same country bring about
both advantages and disadvantages. It might be beneficial for students to seek assistance from friends
who speak the same language. However, if a student is in a class where everybody has the same first
language, they must be very determined to succeed.

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