Origin of The Ghost Rider! - Ghost Rider, Volume 1, 1967

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: Sane Temata ies Peo el ie SECO a THaow your voice = ay zy ERK z 2 - MAGIC CARDS ¢ “a stripped. Can be ‘the ad aad SURPRISE PACKAGE fake SeatneeF aft Jou pet aut necheae Joule’ wiinisg to. FR 2 mane serous nace st SEE BEHIND GLASSES Rspecially treated, out anyone “knowing. you're EAD vce ant ASSAILANT 10 Really comes te ine MELPLESSWES set th stows 759 ‘wear out, nothing to a your, wectent face? Hien a enaie fashion, then teh ‘ether ten recon ils dawnt an fire forth ersparranst Mealan The, mest bopylae +1 ecelly tn ye seientitic opt and wear Tt ike, Weer vau shake ba sul on the "Kay" Sones Ing ea Won of You, tes ween ts ett his feet with tthack (Mrougehe“iesm tne ate feet tan in avery tatse Teg muacK * ‘on I a €.0.0. 1 witl aay poste i nH ordinary ‘Tooting piece | EL send €.0.8, wil ony pontman on celery ple cat soap. Wietim 6.0.0, and shipping charges. 4 ia your Hearts content. Sa handy for Cait Eocnterappag ana ei watche face ang eet Name Contains 2 atiponr full microicepe to fnauvaa NY. State residents please add 254 sales i THEVORIGINGS Bile GHOS EDITED BY. WHaa, BOY! LOOKS LIKE THERE'S. INTHE Bays Tare FROUBEE BRE Win. FOLLOWED THE IM THAT MALLE ME |] BERHEE THES) tates CAME WEST TO TadeH, chi NG FIGHT INBianS aur, 15 Gone thus oF THE WEST Staodiedoaes ro stor TANDFUCEE Baave Sibnt Leann 1e Shear ‘MEN sioep THCIA GROUND To mace THE GSE TO PRK { MAS DESTINED To COME Arie HHO iDES Tree. y is publived by GHEE GF PUBLICATION, 425 MADISON AVENUE, MEV.TOH TSsal Appl daran 1s Eos absreled class aostage saan in paning eb ew Yank. NY and Maidan, Conn: Tabled moni hy Sania €1NiS"8 "Sita Rogan aa wehich may. exter ty puraly t 30, Gon, marin Goodman, ukerateine ce eereu ae iene sara8: hl ae cane BARNS CARTER GABE REED imate ie of Barnes — % piaNs IM he Macabre... ay? We a Gun niaec Sastre. She geTTheRs ARE a MOVE wy ON HIM, yodige Sora Be: eo OFF HIS HOSS, Wi aceeanne) | SOaa eae IN THESE PARTS! hs i Orr! GOG0 Thing t MAINO USE THEM OR READING? Reon yRERPP and a DTS Side Mepacos rants YOu AL@EADY HELD is LP TOL ON 'ee, MUMTING: | OR WAEREVER IT 15 IMT WIND UP AT. SUDDENLY, ae ARM Fhe Ee CA See, Eeecuae 7 ae BRET hor Bia me eee Finbe fre saul Mey woee eee iy | BAe THATS THE Last. ROCK Tia RaNAviLL Fri. fe eon ates Gene BVER THROW! seavac wa Z eA Si ay Teer within “A Bight FOR BUTTING I Wideee Se ol ONHT, os EO MILES \ Have NO Business! \ \ oN HEY BBSE GEC To HERS iF F HERE, BLACKIE! aime PEs ald SUEZARDA WaT ine FORTE Nevitie Poe cet MORO SO NCE a Tne MAN. BUT DoWN BEFORE His LIES Wome Has , Ren we Gua, ITS BEEN GUET FOR A LOM Tite te INJUNS. most WE HOUSE! Tieton Leer roo MURDER BUEEe I tS Fie GROUNG! EMUSTA SWALLOWED SUS Cnc rave oe Weee! ZMEARO. ee INJUNS: GIF erat THERE ia THEN, as THE COUGHING, SOeaing Lac stuneles FROn THe REMAINS OF WHAT WAG ONCE His won WH WHO'S THAT F THe IJons MOST A Gor SOMeBORY eise BESIDES MAAN! FAL TA LOTTA BLOOD git im TOA DOC... FaSTIIE TOON. HES A SO ER, JUST LICE MY FOLKS! J BUT ITS TWENTY, Ayes Te THe NEngesr town! HEC Be EuigHED ‘Fok Sune BEFOR] TCOULS GIT BACKS STRANGER ON Fig HORSE THEN, ne BEGINS TO eae Nor! Reatiais, IN ws Bazee CONDITION, SHAT He ist GONG THe BUT wHEN THE GRier-STRICKEN BOY MOVES: CLOSER... HE AIT DEAD! : HE MUST’ TRIED TO HE'S Shor UP BAG. Sroe TMHOse REDS< ius BN @OUGHT HIMSELF Agivel LGotTA Bo = UMN E Sor Te., HELE THOSE. a eee ERAS Benest Woaser joer Must ot coer! WRONG. DIRECTIONS sc “any, FURTHER! Laoks LiKe...Wwe'se BOTH AiMisHeee Bor NOTHURT--Bur Have FEVER! wie tae Hist Race Came n cet HIM SLEBB! MIM BE. BETTER WHEN. SUN RISES! WE MAKE BONES Meador MUST CET WeUNGED sear re re 1o MEDICINE MANS = PASTE Fie ue Wik ED Rianne Shan cay HEAL HIM WE MUST MURR To REACH HIM IN FUME? [Reon anv any ey ne counace wacieuene | fittani te seaet, cacted Guage uNecne BE [Rrets We Ale Besta roa dare erie Senin EEE EES Meblene wan wovens over nin, ASKING TE 2 BEES Sapien solar iat Tie WOUNDED aan Se fheu ime Beso Shameor Tnenon Te Eletth Ca Tits CansNot WEAR AE, © FATHER OF OUP ig Mo. Sons IntueRe ease stag cLeaps \esertis| | susecy Tau GaeaT FORTHE LAG? Time! Let |Man MoT | | FATHER HAS HEARD MV ORD S ase THe GREAT Spit Lam — Tia stake can THEN, aS SEVERAL GF THe NolaNS 1S ALL RIGHT, ] PERHAPS YOU ARE FLEE SEARFUL OF TmIS MAN MMO SONS THESE ,' | @/GAT, FLAMING HAS RETURNED FROM THE LAND OF BEOPLE won't | Stag’ Maven may SHacOWs. = TRUE write : LIFE Was SPAREO fepianel \ nur Peeaees, UES poem Tehgeae ee REMEMBER. | POSING AS INDIANS! | aa/Ve. pigueer— Meare meee |uice erie TAM stds Shae = THig TRIBE'S MECI~ Cie Mane 1. CWITH, THE MELE OF THE Smoemrs| HAVE STOLEN YOU PROM THE CAND OF The BEDS mas POLAR’S NUCLEAR SUB Over 7 Feet Long Hn Fi Ket Torped Be Enough Foe res Rockets and Torpedoes eo 3 {HONOR HOUSE PROD. 60. t Ras eT i 16 ou : Smeg Rafe ‘ = 1 Asi Pointe es 5c , conte al | lantern oe perise0P ite s emt aie i toro ee MONE Ey BACK GUARANTEE : i rial janes Youn py nek Gua A NAME ace SE ats i Ga erat (es ‘Anstcume! Me oy vow Wer hat an cr 41 ood-milt de Sell GRIT 2. fer CASH paons ‘and sels dota Many of the more than 30,000 tive sling Grit MAKE $1 to $5 WEEKLY crir PRIZES GRIT Salesman ara Winning (oo ° TOUTE MAN Regularly Include Ha S# Prove WRist WATCHES an every copy. PApIos yeu sell MODELS also sroRTs every cop: EQUIPMENT counts tovard BIKE a prize ACCESSORIES ‘GRIT PUBLISHING CO., WI Send my fist bundle of os RODE and REELS CAMERAS Sale, GRAB THIS: ‘and many more Big OFPORTUNITY Pigeon {ali Ths Doapon Tay fy ‘Zor older Bur ear 7 MUST HAVE TIME TO Tauern" WARN }wAs UNCONSCIOUS: HOPE WAS HEALED! FOR Baths iF Ay WOUNDS WweRENT Poeee--t cou FAVE HAD ONLY 4 ABER HICH WAS QWSRoKEN By Time? THAT ere TBE THE ANSWER? MANY MOONS AGO, THE SPIRITS. OD TO SEND SUCH, RIDE, PROMISE: Mano A HAM WHO WILLS FAME ABM PANES, THEM — RE 2a1p TO ONELL THERE, THE MIGUIy BATHE TO LMAVE BEEN RECOGNIZED! AS S74 FROM THE GORE Sra ON THAT NIGHT So LONG acol HOW Z MUST GIVE YOU THE ISTRUMENTS OF THE GREAT Seigit--THat You MAY GE~ come ie Wn RIDES TH, ey ae Be HILE FLAMING. ue ie TWANG As THE rieRy Stak PASSED OY ME, TOIMBED ITSELF IN THE WiL>e BEYOND The caMpe, THE SST Peoa tr Cie BATHE ny BOpy IMA STRANGE Glow= ING Lids teeta: ie peat WITH The srisits...” © KEEB IT UNTIL THE Bay WHEN TesvatL SEND Mare Hise OU! ANO'ON, Thar Bay, Cet. your ENEMIES HEAVEN Bn ANC KEEP IT? Woat can ALL THis, MEANS MY HEAD 1S REELING? Tne Gust mths SackeD CONTHINER WILL GNE YOU Se Taya tie POWER OF THE Seei7shaNe.rou Must. OSE IC IN Oat TLE AS THEY, HAVE CROEREDS THE ONLY OTHER PuTy WHICH REMAINS 15 FOR FLAMING STAR TO LEAD YOU To 4 HORSE WORTHY OF HE Wire IGE S THE NIGHT WINGS? COME, AND 2 WILL SHOW TOU THE SiOST- MORSE: Moments LATER, Brow. Tey SEE. WHAT A MAGMUEIEENT Aniardet ive meek A SHEN aN TIN Cae og Hund FlAMms SjaR UeAne CARTER S\ADE TO) AHIGH HILL OVER(OCKING THE ROLLING PLAING—-ANO, ASELTEES © BlaveD AGAME CALLED 2020 Bt hy $cHOOL. Fam AWAY! GUT, NEVER HAVE T SEEN AHOESE To COMPARE THEN THE MEDICINE MAN BARKS A COMMAND To BRAVES. [THe CunNine GF tue mora Nor ENOUGH 10 TRAP 7 Beast. S HIS SPEED IS THAT OF A BEMON! Aan ANO ASAI THE BRAVES| Fail To GaP TORE THEE Quasey. No MAN COULD] EVER nore To Tame We ESeAPES suc A Binelies Lae Pe SuSE aoerS AAae pete HE HAS ESCAPED US! SURELY, THE STALLION TS NOT, MEANT IO BE CAPTURED? AY THAT PRECISE MOMENT, UST WHEN THE GREAT STAULION Seems DESTINED FORETAIN We FREEDOM, FOREVER. WHT THAT wORsa, ANG ‘Flam Stags yous Raves Bian ame Les Se WF hw eero | | THE GhOST-HoRSE gxpemienice | | comes TO wl! THay EAN HELP. Te THE ANAL peaor Rela nl Hin Tat He Ve THe CHOSEN ONE! Lets SEE Now TO HAVE A AZ Dust Gabe To me! ARTER DRAWING IO WITHIN A FEworae@bs OF THE HORSE, SLADE, DisMOUNTS, AMO SLOWLY WALKS TOWARDS IT == WHIGPERING To MLIN GENTLE TONES AS ME MOVES EVER CLOSER, UI EASY FELLA thy Noy GaING YOUNE Gor JAE 2g AND THAT Untisual Ween OF Yours NT ieee YOU AND T ARE GOING To BE FRENDS. SOMEHOW, day FUTURE zs Sep to ARID I FROM THIS DAY ON. TILL SEES roe A ‘cerosT-momse? Fy REWETE/FLANING ] GOOD BYE, SESE LEERAMING | SOS? BYE, Twooars [lac norarepre, /youleut Ane tmeels ||Soulben au v0 ve /Aeraines aur BINES || Sawe eae te EAR CONG conmterecy sears “oun Ceateo res bane anette Bal ahem: ‘rear osse Meas commit, ei Stabe AnD Hie vouNe EREKD Ride JOUT OF THE Horan! tian Seascit ore Then) AS THe ae nus oESRE RIPE SILENTLY across | wear THE PLAINS, EACH 6 (Osrin nie Own! RIDING GaNE TO ANE == THOUGHTS, BUT 2 Also HAVE TO FIGURE GUT WaT TO WHATILL HAPPEN TO (GO WITH JatAtie? ioe a Te Gor PAA AND Honey! nS IF ONLY © COULD Stay wir CARTERS FOR THE NIGHT. z Tawa ave SEEN TAKE THE PLAC! TRUNKING! BON Woul0 \ Tolls eareiN Ts, BUT JOU LICE TO Stay WITM oe Meg E cog ek Boer) ALaNe atest aN CEs sup stirere wea O cents BE File TO TOU ag! Bi LATER, AS THE WEARY TRAVELERS MAKE CAMP ROW = CULE NEVER Tink We eTTER TAN GOING, TO. AN ORPHANAGE? WHLINERE, CARTER OG. you REALLY: MEAN I? THAT? BE GREAT! SEUeReUin Deue, | ZEEaaTS ane Baneeen eevee, | Bee ece Saeae Pele ratiencn' =| Buisnse NEL, Guba Seats tine | TORS oe CCE scuhcr eteao Suey ees acs aesn te 163 WERE To TREAT 4 WHITE COSTUME WITH Twis DUGT, Ire WEARER WOULP LOW Like SOME SORT OF Aaaw roy OR A GHOST. THEN, IE T were TO COWER BaneHeE wire rn==trarie, Now © KNOW exMere HOW "te UTILIZE Tis | GIFT_EROM FLAMING STAR, JANIE! HW THE DUST, aN) ALITTLE IMAGINATION, TCAN Strike a stow AD MEN LIKE THOSE T WONDER wears, KEEPING CARTER, ie 6410 He Hap a SURPRISE TOR Me, Burne Has SHOWN Ui BE SILENT AND FROM THis Ay FORTH, No Gurtaw SHALL Be Teo) IER OUS. FREE Booklet gives you all the facts on this easier, modern way to finish high school at home...in spare time INGE 2adortt have to go back to school! Instead schoot ‘comes to you. modern way fer anyone over 17 to finish at home = wi afew hours a week of spare- Streamlined Teaching for Busy People ‘This néw, streamlined program tfered by Academy for Home Study. 1t was planned especially for working men and ‘women who need a'high school diploma to get shead 3nd al take time oul to go back to classroom study. Ie offers ail these advanuag A high school diploma means 1 lot today — in prestige and tb ea it ean be your Key tor haan © Abettet job © Higher pay @ Grastir saclal expartunition “8 Mors security — for you, your family Mail coupon today’ for your free Booklet US, government figutes show the average high schoo! sr Earns $70,000 more in a lifetime than the person who in't finish high sebool, ‘High school graduates move ahead faiiér in their waik. . ‘They get first crack at the interesting jobs, And they move in sesial cireles that ace closed (0 the person *ho dropped Out So why make it hard for youfselt to “get the breaks". ». shen it 30 easy 40 finish high sthool the Academy spare: time way! Get the Full Story—FREE/ Send for Academy's FREE booklet. Ii tells you the whol story of this time-saving way to earn your high school ploma ... and the better life that goes wil Discover how you can finish high school in less time than. you ayer dreamed! Fill out and mail ine coupon below. here's ne cost, no obligation. Mail it TODAY! iY FOR HOME STUDY saY, Dept 62-206 Chieagey inate SOND Pins ah yo FAEG Siig Sot on. yom sty fee meh gor ER eed See ch ee NEXT Day, ON THE SPRAWLING RANCH GF SAGON BARTHOLOMEW.. yessiR Boss, We SHORE we BUT We HAVE Av! sekious. 2 Ascwoon AND, AS YOU WELL icNOW, SCHOGLS. Have A were STATE NCR ear Tea SEPEES Age 6 ‘Gf THAT = CANNOT TOCeeAaTE! ONCE THE WORD THE INDIANS ARE JACK RABBITS! Teenie iLL ABLE TOCLAIM AZ THE GOVERNMENT CAND In THe TERRITORY! WITH YOUR AfeE = TT INTO A eaiPree : EMPIRE! YOU GOT ALL THE: ANGLES, ROPE ies ar CAN STOP US ROWE vERY. BUT-- WHAT e eoopie A DILaING Se HOOLHOUSE ? IP THERE AIN'T AY OF ATTRACT NG ATOR: Gets aut that GuITHE Meda BATE, THE SETTLERS, WILE GLEE THE LAND LIKE SCARED BOSS: aly No Ne aur THE Case Tae 18 Wey THERE MUST ae No MORE ate eaves —— Ny MORE MURDERS MiguT ayreact Se Sororers! ‘ano TO GIVE THE IES IGNS = STERS! ar Signe Mave Ei2ine vane IgM TMEIE accURSED. AAREED WIRE? BESIPES, SCHOOL WON'T BE GPENIN' ON ScaeoucE \RICIN' UP On THe SQUATTERS BEEN “pe. EXPECTING ALCy, WHEN HE ‘SIaeTe THATIS Goo! THEIR WOMEN-FOLi UT TILL THEY CARL EW ONES Bpy Non Que WANT you tO Whim OP UT le cena ary THEN, TuST To BE SURE THE S@uatTERs ee THE ALESSAGE, cere) Thaw Just HOW 73'S ITH T THINK © See WHAT YORE BRIVIN IAT, BOSS! WouUen Tir Be FEST ciee THEM, ZREQSKING UT BEFORE THE HELPLESS SETTLERS CAN REACH COVER, THEIR ATTACKERS Ree UPON TH BONIT ALE WE CANT Gen \ANYaopy 'LESSiN UH HAVE TO! ALL We WANNA Bo 1s, BURN THE SewOooc Js, Exactly TWO HOUES LATER) | 4S THE SETILERS age Portine THE Fits eirM Tovenes on aein New Ei rose TRRSVES OT AND FLING 'EM ON THAT STACK! gai oe LE dea See OKAY BOYS LET Have Us A eae | ScHOOL-wiareain!! We DONT Zeate WiC rs BURNED TO THE GROUND! OT we Goria reac AEC Uue area ee 4 etna Tiss Bremes HET RNG Tea f BUT AS THE SCHCOLHOUSE BURNS, THE SETTLERS GAIN COURAGE «. Ay BROTHERS MISTER--I DON'T KNOW VAUGHT IF NE WHO YOU ARE, OR ByAtY \ HAVE TO, WELL YORE TRYIN! Td PLAY. Have SCHOOL, INDIANS? BUT, THIS HERE'S /UNCER THE Ou@ LAND AND We AIN'T | Sane! AND I CAN GETTINGGAE IT NO PEACH UNTIL OUR MATTER #VMAT YOU NEW TeacHER VARMINTS DO! ARRIVES! ) WELL. Now--aIN'T roe THE } SASSY ONE! ANG BuRTY TO Boor! £ SrLieve OLO BLACKIE JUST HAVE To TAKE YOU HOME SWETH IME Wake feat GOOe CARE YOCE LITTLE Sis! JUST REMEMBER, YOU CLEAR OUT=-AND" SHE GOESAREE! Your INDIAN “TALIC WOULON'T FOOL A SCHOCL-CHILE, YOu CEvVILs/ ICOURSE, AS SOON AS VOUR ANB - STEALIN FRIEND: Cleam Curia HERE, 5 TRY NOT TO WORRY, BEN! WELL GET NATALIE ONT Race FOR LIFE GDESN'T. BATTER THAT Race: Boni Teave HERE NOUMAT TER LATER THAT GAY, a Weaity scMOOl-TeacueR AND nis YOUNG COMPANION FINALLY ARRIVE AT THEIR GESTINATION = ONLY TO FIND. + GOSH, CARTER--1T \ 3 DONT ACAOMG" Ganattice every. \ games aur a Saette era oure i you $8) LLo THERE! rom SLACE, nae iP FOR! PTE! ci en edie Sane aiaG sane ee a Heat eee tts Manes Ja Fi DENSA BREE Like INO ANS BUM ee ere “Bee Hite pestke Sian Caesiee OPE MT SIAR, MA TAL eT THEY Gor Us RIgnT, WRESESHESIEUL) SENSES US, MR. SLADE! I SAME GANG WHO Sau ieee fay Wee aus Sistess cima, 4 goins. oie Pus bane Ser Aint WoRTA Ire SOUNDS UKE iT BOING, THis? ANG pete THEM BESIDES=-IF we Bie ray aco PROBABLY ALL GEL xe ee BON, wm are THey WO! SA WELL, BOOTs THAT JASON SARTHOLOMEW'S THE GRAIN OF THE OUTFIT! 0 HATS WidaT THIS is ALL ABQUT) THE HLEGAL Lane Baan ACANET wae NOME STEADE! IWAAT THis MANS TOLD ME 1S TRUE = AND Z SUSPECT THAT W/$--2 JUST MighT BE apie tooo SOMETHING ABOUT IT! OR MAH Si THAVE To GET Bac 1 | youroucs wouLe) ust Bein enousH Back BY Taran, Boy Forme, / TAKE 7aMie NK I KNOW TAME 7 WHY outer eoyant NAN ISOLATED STALLION aWaits,. CUT TnOATS are b suemnsritious! Yeh BUSING erOrSs Rakes Soeo sat Feosd squatters TO Teen set sat tae SMe SAYS "eau aie oF THEM PIoNT el ONT THE FOR YOUR IGNORANCE | TUL MAKE YOU Ace. Wei daoF wie Tene Ut THE efoay re WHATIS GOING On > YOU'RE Gouna Ary. t TAM THE SPIRIT OF ED | rysrrcw, TASON. GoM) BABTHOLOMey! IF YOU HAVE CONE No. WRONG. --YOU MATE NOTHING To mabe Sh FOR TNE GWOST RIDER SEEKS ONLY THOSE WHO WOULD SPREAD aie AND TERROR ACROSS THE FRONTIER, Then ee roRe pauls EVES cay eeacy Accusts OTHE TH IS ILLUMINATED By AN SERIE GLOW. + A SLOWING WEA ASKene ti tee an PRIAT 7 THIS WH me OUT [SHAVE Been toLD aro aS Pa EASES, iyelbe ie Hou Susi Sl aneer rats ave + LaNe| STAND 4 COLO NIGHT MVM BEGING Te HOWL: 2ND 28 qufex ABOUE ITI 2 WANT To FINP OUT What, THIS IS ALL aeoury Lames CONT co. OUT BY THEMSELVES! SS FOE He Bae wege UPON Your Tat you Wish TO Bib tris UAND OF THE Sar rceme =~ AND tat Sen MEN DO WARE TO § THOSE: He NOT Zeave! is THIS SO, TASON BARTHCUOMEWE eee Fa intte Aorceeo QUEHTTA STOP YUH! GONTINUED AFTER NEXT PAGE “\A/e're looking for people who like to draw” says NORMAN ROCKWELL Today hundreds of men and women who never thought they couli! be art= gis are Working al easels and drawing boards, making pictures and getting well paid for it. They alll can thank a group of fan sts whe have de Noted much of their time and talent to helping others find sucess in art. Some of the People the Famous Artists Have Halped Carl Koch was an 18 year old ap- Prentice in a Chicago ari studio when he enrolled. Today he preisares ads for such companics as General ‘Mtors and Firestonc—has won five gold medals. | Howard Sanden of Minncapolis took the Course while still in high school, He is now 4 successful artist —last year he and ope Cart assignments. Paul Sullivan enrolled at 14. His Famous Artists training helped work his way through college tan Bowen, father of three chil- dren, was trapped in @ dull, low-pay- ing job. By studying ‘wilh FAS he hecame 2 sought-after il}istrator,” has opened his oven studio. With Famous Artists tr: Rasemury Roberts Was hired by a ton department store as am artist~ With a big chance to Oregon houses lites 150 mites from the st big. ity. Dut she does fashion illustration, has her own studio, runsan art work- shop, does portraits. A Plan to Halp Others. Istarted over’ IB years ago when a group of America’s most successful artisis—men like Albert Dorne, No man Rockwell, Jon Whitcomb, Al Parker and Stevan Dehanos—met in New York City. They knew that all over America there were people who liked to draw who could be turned, FOUNDING FACULTY OF FAMOUS ARTISTS SCHOOLS NORMAN ROCKWELL FRED LUDEKENS ‘JON WHITEOMA RES STAWL ALPARKER ROBERT FAWCETT STEVAM OOWANOS AUSTIN BRIGGS GEORGE GIUSTI KaROLD VON scHMIOT PETEN HELEK ALBERT BORNE NORMAN ROGKWELL—Am most beloved artist. £ And member of the Gi Of the Famous Artists Sch rica’s sa founder jing Faculy into pood artists. Albert Dorneasked. “Why can't we give these people the training they need—including all the trade secrets and know-how we've. learned over the years’ He suggested a new kind of art school—a home study art schoo!— that would give talented people the best professional art training, no mater where they live. ‘The famous artists agreed. Taking time from their busy careers, they created a remarkable series of art Tessons covering every aspect of draw= ing and painting. They: illustratcd their lessons with over $,000 “here's. how?” illustrations. The lessons start from’scraich and cover every skill 8 top artis. needs, Finally, they de- student personal correction and ad vice all through his training. ‘The famous artists with the School fare not surprised at the success of their students. The opportunities | open to successful artists today: are shormous. ‘The School continually gets calls from all over the country Asking for practical well-trained stu- Geris—-not_geniines—who can ster Into full-time or parttime art jobs Anil practical, thorou ining is what the School of Famous Artists Talont Tést ‘To find others with art talent worth developing, the ated re pand to take th School offer: and woinen who mons Artists cre- alent test, Thousands s test, bat now the ne gracles it free. Men 10 well on the test may enroll in the School. But there's no obligation. Simply mail the coupon below. Famous Artists School: Studio 5252, Westport, Conn. T would like (9 find out wether 1 nave fri talent worth deselonine me, ute obligation. 3 AnisisTalentTestarnd information: sour cauries Mr. i Nites) =qCirle one and pi Sieet SON Of THE = Fiae. a eReey COnAtAND vou fo Susmenver POURSELVES TO THE WOME STEADERS WHOM you HAVE PWRONGED! WAR TER weayl We SEEN TONIGHT! BUT eNOUSH OF THIS CHILD'S PLA, TMAvE NG Tine TO DEAL WITH SoRRy, BOSS--BUT Z AIN'T GETTIN! FEB NEEGHENO MOONS! THA CUTTIN OOTY BE GONE. ath Se roe Césr rou AROUSE MY TRUE ANGER! GHOST RIBER, HUN? c ee ee mead Aimene ouoeT ey (cies brary aur oro AND NOW, FEEL THE MATCHLESS: RASE OF THE HK HEN 45 THE BATTERED wi Lar Tee sor AND, KNOW THIS—— LAND! BARON CRUMPLES| THOSE BUT You MUST _| if vGU O4RE BREAK| 7a THE FLOOR... teave THis olin vows my PLACE-—aND VENGEANCE WILL Bel BO vou STILL FINO) NEVER eruRe! \ MORE TERRIBLE, rowelcuut to SURRENDER TO ( THAN EVEN YOU Be Leve in THE JASON BARTHOLG- THE #BDER AL CAN IMAGINE! SUSERNATURAL,. MARSHAL ANG MMR, BART HOLOMEW? TELLHIM OF, CRIMES: Ano, AS tHe TERRIFIED cRiMitAL His FIRST) The bAReeeoouse || cHaLLenae MET ano ADES away into warniaveNess ||cONGUERED, || ate. S2aBE! WHERE | OH? wy. THAT'S PAIRS A DisBELIEGING GIRL ours, ||Theonost! || Gweakta nave vou /MOADERruL? Bux, FROM HER HIDING PLACE... RIES. Nat Aa PRE A/ED: RETURNS TO A A HOW'o THis STRANGER! Rig cave i OMAN ITS WHERE, ONCE ASAIN (He Wit || WHILE You WeRs GOWE, assume THE || SOME STRANGER HOO! TEACHER FROM OH! BUT, NOW HE MuST FACE a PROBLEM WORE SERIOUS MEW GANG, “his uruRe! GOLLY, CARTER /nISS NATALIE With (HEIe FUTURE NO LONGER IN, Saip SOMEBODY.OR SOME BOUBT, CARTER SLADE AND JAM Taine, SCARED THE Ervine? SACOBS RIDE TOWARD THE PATCH SAyveIGNTS OUTTA THOSE OE LAND WHICH IS TO BECOME THEIR VARMINTS! THEY SURRENDERED) | 47 WAND SOMES THE SETILERS YES TAME{ UT, FOC IEM TO THe FECERAL CARTER, BID YOU VAS THe GHOST: “it RSHAL, o Scame OFF BOGE ets Now SHAT THEVILL BE NEEDING 4 TEACHER, in Maven We can REBUT D AGUM, WHO Do you REcKon cour | |Your roLs' PLACE AND BEMAN ENOUGH TO Fient | | kfve THERE! WOULD YOU Ef A BUNCH OF CRITTERS Cee THAT JAMES Lee agaee me musta BEEN SOME GUNF/GHTER! NEXT ISH: MORE WESTERN, WONDERMENT AS THE GHOST OG PACES ++ THE. TARANTULAL -Z27/ one ene 350° LABELS (ese AMieted a at Rat SS recreate poe etwas aod pete SO) 46 ge vet tie, OO G Sune BeCAS EO 1225.MC « NEWARK No GET A HEAD START IN, THE RACE FOR SPACE } cs GET FREE my Sigmon ichaan 49418. a Eos Clean Foggy Eyes lon aay dust, cir per (rears gh retiatting LAVONTIR Bye ren ieee kching ae Niiring PAVORTIIC Ee Wash, pe SurniRe UA ait aiaegenor set Siho'g Laven, 383 dinie Aven st Biot See EDUCATIONAL ° FUN AT PARTIES © SOLVES RIDDLES ® EVEN TELLS FORTUNES ony °4499 ADDS—SUBTRACTS— , MULTIPLIES — MEMORIZES Dig Goma, as mivania a he madara sone ate Full 12" x 314" x 4", it is open so complete operations can be viewed. Money Back Guarantee 1 Royal Advertising Corp. sary Lynbrook, New York Dept. 405 Rs 20 DAY PREC TRIAL ery plas 10. 3nd thlpping” DONS Sn SHOP_BY MAIL Now rou cane TALLER instantly! yt beet a fall ooh ints Bea Lary hw tr ro soy corey ow Megs On isnt oh a8 pont ea Ineheds cud by roles mE See riattavine vox tec wOeTdn 1, nas. Rites et fe prodira Fet aia ad Temple 4 WSU SEN ta 70.44 Str To Music est poem + ash ey, WP PHOMOGRAPH RICORES MABE CROWN MUSIC Co, Peay aed DAYS eo baa asst fans sett feelilee, plus etter, Empire itamp ca. Onpt Gy Farante, Canaca NEW, AFRICAN STAMP Ci Pretiuing Burana, Gainer, i Th pes mated as jee fe Taare PUNY STAMP stavite, orange, cat a2sea BETTER U.S. APPROVALS DIFFERENT 20 TRIANGLES: 256 NO. APPROVALS SENT Pieters Stamps, Bax C193 ME, Melpmaed, Cal pone Bargain U.S. Miniature Sheets ANERICAVE ON FOREIGN STAMPS prenigens. hens mies 3 er, Bes 4164-WC 1 Mieavaae, Hie-8 3246 rr Bers temee 6° Ji STAMPS NORTH OF to Ti! Ato APreovath, WRITE TODATE MEANWHILE, AS MAC MINTON AND His COHORT BALDY MAKE THEIR PLANS, THE KID| RELAXES WITH A LEISURELY DINNER... ACER, aaate i SURE FEELS GOOD To KNOW E GON Have TO DUCK FOR COVER IN THIS TOWN EVERY TIME SOME JASPER RECOSNIZES ME/ WISH THERE WERE MORE TOWNS LIKE THIS WHERE T AIN'T WANTEDS | KON CL RENT for ANEW HE'D ZOOM. Mi HE AND HIT THE a COME HERE TO HAY FOR A SPELL BEINT SACK UPL ON THE TRAIL Fok bays Peres 1? = <) ’ DID YOU SEE WHO / a W BUT yOU NEVER CAN ~ JUST RENTED 4 LE TW) fl TELL ABOUT THEM ROOM HERE, SAME : ri FOR AN’ GUNSHARPS/ HE'S: PROBABLY PLANNIN! TO TAKE OVER THE THIS AIN'T A SOCIAL cot CALL MISTER GIT. J-JUST DON'T DRaw ‘= OPEN~— YOUR GUNS I AIN'T LOOKIN! FOR NO. TrousLe/ No sin! NOT WITH }OULe O FAR SO Goop! Now, HAH! WHEN THEY COME STOP TREMBLINY Z WON'T Pim com 3a Nows Lt GOTTA BO 1S MAKE BTAWw!y AND LET THE KID GET THE BLAME! ATER HIM, THE KID'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT CK UP TO MY ROOM, id WHAT'S GOOD FOR YO POU'EL, ORS THis, SAvey Pe A HOMBRE LIKE AE CANM AFEORD TO WAIT AROUND. DUNNO wiaT THIS 15 > ALL ABOUT, BUT E DON'T FOR SOMEONE To FRAME. Him! I BETTER GT WHILE Feany q LIke SUNS! POINTES ar ONCE AN SWLHOS : ACW AN GONTINUED AFTER NEXT PAGE ately: ae a eee $10, Ta HS eae Bnet BSUS LE BS OR eae a CU esate ate peas eat) ea Den 000.00 FOR THIS SILVER DOLLAR (MINTED LESS THAN 75 YEARS AGO!) TREASURE HUNT! PO NOT SEND ANY COINS until you receive oe We want to buy ALL coins, current and our illustrated U.S. coin catalog ($1) which = obsolete that teas and tas ices WE PAY for all U.S. c ‘ / CENTRE COIN CO, 13831-M Ventura Bi., ¢ Sherman Oaks, Cal, 91413 Rush me your U.S. esin catalog. | felundabie Lamy net completely satitied: FEAR NO MAN! DON'T BE BULLIED! TURN YOUR HANDS into “EXPLOSIVE” DEFENSE MECHANISM! ‘Tou can lick your weight in tigers as a skilled FEARLESS MASTER OF ORIENTAL FIGHTING ARTS PHYSICAL STRENGTH NOT NEEDED! JUDO .. .KUNG FU... YAWARA, etc, included! pa 20 DAY F (SITES er TOWN WHa LOok= Lika MEL MIGHTY PECULIAR F Hees Lan, Mace BIE Popa A ITE EARLY/@EcKON © VorceT BALeY OUGHT TA BE ALONG Ana PROS TAN WAIN TES NOW Aare HaALeee © Yul B60l! Te fT Was YOU RNG NERVE ENUEE TO FRAME YOU GNLY. KID COLT, £ GOT NERVE, GIT ENOUGH To sHoor YOuy CUARTER NOW YUHILL GET MOTHIN' OF THE Biot ‘AKILLER'S GOTTA ‘AND YUH GOTTA BE ABLE AND YOU'VE ALSO GOTTA DRAW FASTER's 1s MAKE SURE THE MAN YORE THAT, MACS iz, SHOT FIGHTIN’ CAN'T GIT UP FoR: MISSES! <<} | A SPELL AND HIT YUH BACKS, Fr, WHat GOT INTS YUH, BALDY#? oo] fl-euT THAT WAS BEFORE T MADE YOu NEVER COULDA BEAT ME A BALDY MASK | BEFORE! wy SHOP AS SOON a: Tr RIGUREG IT Wis WAY TS GET A TUKE IT BETTER WHEN PEOPLE ADMIT THEY'RE MWY ENEMIES! AT LEAST T KNOW THEY'RE, BIN‘ HONEST! | ANOTHER MARVEL MASTERPIECE iN THE FABULOUS MARVEL STYLE ITEM: Boy. are we a Our srinier | just called to say he has to have this Bull Den Bulletin page on the pretses by tor Blgntl Ang thigvis the weak cur Marval SuperHeraer TV show goes on ihe wim eon te ou Byilern Tarra! ateragrn ts ths montne go by anes take it trom us—it couldn't happen Fe shout He reat TASTIC FOUR 9 Hues enue? I ou sft Menard Kramer (TERE. trem Dee Doom—sit me ean say ts: Hoo0 boy! f (And, imasine if we had to festure the | Gang regularly. tool-There are dozens of am) New ge you san Why Boor Stan and Jack even have troubl Tons on the typewriter Hargororhing May Ie Cunly wetting words inthe mouths ef The MEN. SOY, FURY AVENGERS, ang SHIELD. ihe payolt=Roy was ori Culture ‘and enuigmtenment’ (Mi te ai you, Neepere of the Flam i Brow whe's whee i Gun horn abouts. #HE GHOST. MOEA, Intaet aggitien te eur jsin’ Wenteen lineup! Say theae of wea ah ln fay kT COLT irLAW. <. THe RAWHIDE KID iar i ove, Sear THE MIGHTY MARVEL CHECKLIST, Marvelous Mage On Sale Right Now! | inieh youve ever renal tthe Silver Burien Only 1a¢7 How SPIDER-MAN 246 A orang new super villain. Yor $b1dey plus. FEN a fation trom Aunt Mey=the fetus St Palch—and anouah purpriven 12 hneeh | Fou But of vour dtwel AVENGENS 237: The Avengtis polish off ne iar the pte one "Bawarhouss | jon iil never be the STRANGE TALES 2134; Thi ain ite Tany inp sade more. deringly different ian ret Holl ls forces te bettie powerful fe of WiT~ine uneATY S5t, FURY 9H The ats hve 4 oo | Miche uty ths flay ot to High and ble hawt ras Neatlte Bing hanail’s 5 Tembat cerser Nanas inthe belereat | MARVEL COLLECTOR ITEM ciAssics MARVEL TALES #7: Spidey—Thor=the Hu- Taen—end the wlettul, wengertul Wanpl AIL In one mi Inds Mis Oklanoma La: Lucky Products, Inc., Dept. MG-2 No C.0.D.'s Box 888 Westbury, L.l., N.Y. ; Gentlemen: Herewith is my $1.98. Send me 200 pe. War Il American & German Armies. If not fully sati return merchandise for, full refund. 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