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Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 57 (2018) 22–28

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In vitro e in silico evaluation of the inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus efflux T

pumps by caffeic and gallic acid
Joycy F.S. dos Santosa, Saulo R. Tintinob, Thiago S. de Freitasb, Fábia F. Campinab,

Irwin R. de A. Menezesc, José P. Siqueira-Júniord, Henrique D.M. Coutinhob, ,
Francisco A.B. Cunhaa
Laboratory of Semi-Arid Bioprospecting (Lab-Bioprospec), Department of Biological Chemistry/CCBS/URCA, Ceará, Brazil
Laboratory of Microbiology and Molecular Biology (LMBM), Department of BiologicalChemistry/CCBS/URCA, Ceará, Brazil
Laboratory of Pharmacology and Molecular Chemistry (LFQM), Department of Biological Chemistry/CCBS/URCA, Ceará, Brazil
Laboratory of Microrganisms Genetics (LGM), Department of Molecular Biology/CCEN/UFPB, Paraíba, Brazil


Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus has been reported as one of the most difficult to treat. In the search for new treatment
Antibacterial drugs alternatives, isolated plant substances such as phenolic compounds, have demonstrated the ability to reverse
Active efflux bacterial resistance. The present study aims to evaluate the inhibitory action of caffeic acid and gallic acid on
Gram-positive efflux pumps from S. aureus resistant strains. The broth microdilution assay was carried out to obtain the MICs of
caffeic acid and gallic acid while the efflux pump inhibition test was assessed through the reduction of the
minimum inhibitory concentration of the antibiotic and ethidium bromide. In addition, in silico theoretical
parameters were analyzed to determine the theoretical efficacy of the compound and its free energy of inter-
action. In the results, the inhibition concentration of the two compounds did not certify clinical relevance with
1024 μg/mL for all strains. In the efflux pump inhibition effect, caffeic acid inhibited the MrsA pumps of the
strain RN-4220 and NorA of the strain 1199B. Caffeic acid showed greater efficacy in the docking model, in
agreement with the demonstrated experimental efficacy. Isolated compounds can be indicated as efficient op-
tions in the inhibition of resistance mechanisms.

1. Introduction generally contained in plasmids and transposons, and by mutations that

produce changes in the active site of antibiotics, leading to the emer-
Bacterial infections have been increasing worldwide, being re- gence of resistance mechanisms [7,8]. These mechanisms include
sponsible for the increase in mortality rates and the increase in public changes in membrane permeability, inactivation by enzymes,
health costs [1,2]. Among the microorganisms that cause death, a group target alterations and active efflux [9,10].
of the most studied are bacteria from the genus Staphylococcus. Sta- Active efflux is caused by transmembrane proteins capable of ac-
phylococcus aureus is one of the most difficult microorganisms to treat tively expelling or exchanging toxic compounds out of the bacterial cell,
because it has a high capacity for host colonization, as well as for the enabling the survival of the micro-organism, denominated as efflux
manifestation of virulence factors and the development of resistance to pumps [11]. There are several types of pumps distributed among five
a great variety of drugs [3,4]. This is a Gram-positive bacterium asso- different families according to their characteristics. Among them, three
ciated with skin, wound and soft tissue infections, in addition to being of the most studied are NorA, TetK and MrsA. The NorA pump is re-
pointed to as the cause of endocarditis and infections linked to medical sponsible for the efflux of various drugs such as fluoroquinolones,
device implants, such as valves and catheters [5]. In addition, the quinolones, verapamil and omeprazole, as well as dyes such as acridine
number of S. aureus strains present in clinical isolates resistant to and ethidium bromide, belonging to the Major Facilitator Superfamily
multiple drugs is increasing [6]. (MFS) [12–16]. TetK, a member of the MFS family, acts on reducing
Bacteria become resistant to drugs by obtaining resistance genes tetracycline concentration from the intracellular medium [17]. The

Corresponding author at: Universidade Regional do Cariri – URCA, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde – CCBS, Departamento de Química Biológica – DQB, Laboratório de
Microbiologia e Biologia Molecular – LMBM. Av. Cel. Antonio Luiz, 1161. Pimenta. Crato – CE CEP:63105-000, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: (J.F.S. dos Santos), (S.R. Tintino), (T.S. de Freitas), (F.F. Campina), (I.R. de A. Menezes), (J.P. Siqueira-Júnior), (H.D.M. Coutinho), (F.A.B. Cunha).
Received 25 November 2017; Accepted 5 March 2018
0147-9571/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.F.S. dos Santos et al. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 57 (2018) 22–28

MrsA pump is part of the RND family, is ATP-dependent and causes the Infusion Agar (HIA, Difco laboratorises Ltd.), Brain Heart Infusion (BHI,
efflux of erythromycin [18]. difco Laboratories Ltda.), glycerol and blood agar.
Many studies are being carried out in order to find new substances
capable of reversing the bacterial resistance promoted by efflux pumps. 2.4. Preparation of the substances
Several compounds isolated from plants, as well as extracts and es-
sential oils, have shown good results in relation to the inhibition of this Each antibiotic was used for a particular bacterial efflux pump: er-
mechanism [19,20]. Among these substances, phenolic compounds ythromycin for the MrsA pump; tetracycline for the TetK pump; nor-
have been widely reported as promising alternatives in the search for floxacin for the NorA pump and the wild-type strain. All antibiotics,
new treatment sources [9,21]. caffeic acid, gallic acid and EtBr were prepared according to the CLSI
Phenolic compounds can contribute satisfactorily as a new com- guidelines [48]. Substances were diluted in DMSO with 10 mg/mL and
plementary treatment source, since they are able to modify bacterial then diluted in water, decreasing the concentration to 1024 μg/mL.
performance, impairing their locomotion, surface adhesion, biofilm EtBr was diluted only in water.
formation and formation of virulence determinants [22–30]. Phenolic
compounds also present a variety of properties such as anti-allergic, 2.5. Preparation and standardization of inocula
antiviral, anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as acting
in the elimination of free radicals and metal chelators [31,32]. Con- Inoculations from the stocks were prepared for all assays using the
sidered as one of the groups with the greatest diversity of secondary standard method determined by CLSI [48]. Bacteria were cultured
metabolites, phenolic compounds contain polyphenol categories such again on solid Heart Infusion Agar slants and maintained at 37 °C for
as flavonoids, tannins, lignins, phenolic acids, quinones, flavones, fla- 24 h. Deriving from this solid medium, the inocula were made using test
vonols and coumarins [32,33]. tubes containing sterile saline solution which were standardized ac-
In the search for the reversion of bacterial resistance, recent studies cording to the McFarland 0.5 scale corresponding to 106 CFU (Colony
with phenolic compounds have shown satisfactory advances. Diniz- Forming Unit).
Silva indicated in their work the antibiotic modifying activity of quer-
cetin in relation to norfloxacin in S. aureus carrying the NorA pump 2.6. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays
[34]. Lima demonstrated the synergistic effect of the combination of
gentamicin and norfloxacin with pyrogallol against S. aureus strains All microbiological procedures as well as the readings were per-
[35]. Tintino verified the inhibitory action of tannic acid on the NorA formed following the CLSI guidelines with some adaptations [48]. In
efflux pump in the 1199B strain of the aforementioned bacterium [36]. the minimum inhibitory concentration assays with caffeic and gallic
Phenolic acids can often be identified in foods [37]. Caffeic acid acid, ethidium bromide and the antibiotics, the distribution media were
(3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid) is a compound derived from hydro- prepared in eppendorfs using 900 μL of BHI liquid culture medium and
xycinnamic acid, considered to be one of the most commonly found 100 μL of the inoculum. Subsequently, the solutions contained in the
phenolic acids, and can be represented in the ester form [38,39]. It has eppendorfs were transferred to a 96-well microdilution plate, in a hor-
several biological activities such as antioxidant, antibacterial and fun- izontal fashion. 100 μL were placed in each well, making up 10 wells.
gicide [40,41]. Subsequently, serial microdilution of the substances was performed,
The tannin gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid) is a water- where 100 μL of each substance was microdiluted up to the penultimate
soluble polyphenol found in pomegranate peel, in processed beverages well (1:1), where the last well is intended for growth control. The
such as red wine and in various types of vegetables [42–44]. Considered concentrations are varied, from 512 μg/mL to 1.0 μg/mL. The reading
the primordial initiator of ellagitannins and gallotannins [45,46]. It is was performed after 24 h by visualization of the color change of the
widely mentioned for its antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer and anti- medium, as indicated by the addition of 20 μL of Resazurin (7-hydroxy-
oxidant properties [47,35]. In this context, the objective of this work 3H-phenoxazine-3-one 10-oxide). The color change of the medium from
was to evaluate the inhibitory action of caffeic acid and gallic acid on blue to red points to the presence of bacterial growth, while the pre-
efflux pumps from Staphylococcus aureus resistant strains and demon- sence of the blue color indicates the absence of growth. All experiments
strate this mechanism through in silico studies. were prepared in triplicates.

2. Materials and methods 2.7. Efflux pump inhibition assays by the reduction of the MIC of ethidium
2.1. Substances
The analysis of the effect of decreasing the MIC of EtBr was per-
Caffeic acid, gallic acid and ethidium bromide (EtBr), as well as the formed in triplicates. Firstly, the distribution media of the test as well as
antibiotics tetracycline, norfloxacin and erythromycin, were obtained that of the control were prepared in eppendorfs. In the test 150 μL of the
from SIGMA Chemical Co., St. Louis, U.S.A. inoculum and the substances at the sub-inhibitory concentration (MIC/
8) were added and the volume of the eppendorfs were supplemented
2.2. Strains utilized with liquid medium up to 1.5 mL. The control contains the same
amount of inoculum as the test and 1350 μL of the medium.
We used the following S. aureus strains in the tests: RN4220 carrying Subsequently, the prepared solution was transferred to 96-well micro-
the MrsA efflux pump; IS-58, which possesses the TetK pump; 1199B dilution plates, the distribution was performed vertically by the addi-
with resistance to hydrophilic fluoroquinolones via the NorA efflux tion of 100 μL of the eppendorfs content in each well. Then, the micro-
protein and the 1199 strain which is considered wild-type. Bacteria dilution of EtBr was performed with 100 μL added to this medium until
were kept on blood agar for testing of their type (Laboratories Difco the penultimate cavity (1:1). The last cavity did not receive any of the
Ltda., Brazil) and then transferred and maintained in two stocks, one in substances under evaluation, because it is considered as the growth
glycerol at −80 °C and the other in Heart Infusion Agar slants (HIA, control. Concentration ranges start from 1024 μg/mL to 0.5 μg/mL.
Difco) at 4 °C. After 24 h, the plates were read by observing the color change of the
medium, determined by the addition of 20 μL Resazurin. The reading
2.3. Culture medium has as an indicative the color change of the medium from blue to red
pointing to the presence of bacterial growth and the persistence in blue,
During the assays we used the following culture media: Heart the nonexistence of growth. The decreased MIC of ethidium bromide or

J.F.S. dos Santos et al. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 57 (2018) 22–28

specific antibiotics in strains carrying an efflux pump is a characteristic the probe. To achieve a more satisfactory understanding of the mole-
of efflux pump inhibition. cular basis of the binding compatibilities of NorA, potential NorA in-
hibitors were, through the identification of key residues, in charge of
2.8. Efflux pump inhibition assays by reduction of antibiotic MIC the binding interactions [52]. Compounds struck by the NorA in-
hibitory activity are considered compounds with good docking scores.
To verify the effect of reducing the MIC of the antibiotic, the media
for the tests as well as the control were prepared in eppendorfs. In the 2.11. Docking studies of NorA receptor in its predicted 3D structure
procedure, 150 μL of the inoculum, the substances at a sub-inhibitory
concentration (MIC/8) were added to eppendorfs and these were filled For the performance of docking calculations, DockingServer [53]
up to the volume of 1.5 mL. In the preparation of the control, the same was used. Partial Gasteiger charges were placed at ligand atoms. Non-
inoculum volume of the test was added and the eppendorf volume was polar hydrogen atoms were mixed and the rotational bonds were de-
completed up to 1.5 mL. The solutions were then transferred to 96-well termined. Calculations were performed on the protein content model of
microdilution plates, where 100 μL of the eppendorf content was placed caffeic acid and gallic acid. With the aid of AutoDock tools, the essential
in each well. Subsequently, the microdilution of 100 μL of the antibiotic hydrogen atoms, Kollman bound atom type charges and solvation
was performed in this medium until the penultimate cavity (1:1). The parameters were added [54]. The grid point affinity (grid) maps of
last cavity was reserved as the control. Concentrations ranged from 0.5 Å and spacing of 0.375 Å were generated using the Autogrid 54
1024 μg/mL to 0.5 μg/mL. After 24 h the plates were read by visuali- program (Morris et al., 1998). In the Van der Waals calculation and the
zation of the color modification of the medium characterized by the electrostatic terms, AutoDock set-parameters and distance-dependent
addition of 20 μL of Resazurin, as previously cited in the assay with dielectric functions were used, respectively. Coupling demonstrations
EtBr. were performed using the Lamarckian (LGA) genetic algorithm and the
local localization method Solis & Wets [55]. The establishment of the
2.9. Statistical analysis of microbiological results initial position, orientation and torsions of the ligand molecules were
random. During the docking, all the rotating torsions were released.
The results were processed in triplicate and shown as the geometric The docking experiments were derived from 10 different races that
mean. The results were subjected to statistical analysis using the sta- were determined to finish after a maximum of 250,000 energy eva-
tistical program GraphPad Prism 6.0. A Two-Way ANOVA test was luations. The population size was adjusted to 150. During the research,
performed using the geometric mean obtained through the triplicates as a 0.2 Â translation step and quaternion and torsion steps of 5 were
central data ± standard deviation of the mean. Continuing, a applied.
Bonferroni post hoc test was performed (where p < 0.05 and
p < 0.0001 were considered significant and p > 0.05 not significant). 3. Results

2.10. In Silico tests with the NorA efflux pump 3.1. Microbiological assays

Prediction of the 3D structure and identification of potential efflux The phenolic compounds showed results considered clinically irre-
binding pockets of NorA. levant, by obtaining MIC in the value of ≥1024 for all strains. In re-
In the present work, monitoring of NorA protein and all equivalent lation to the inhibition of bacterial resistance promoted by efflux
proteins (PDB ID: 1PV4, 1PV7, 3WDO, 2GFP) were acquired in the pumps, the caffeic acid in strain 1 obtained a non-relevant result. In
FASTA format through the NCBI resources. Identification of the se- strains 2, 3 and 4 there was a decrease in antibiotic MIC, characterizing
quence of the other proteins and the NorA sequence was 6.89%, 5.87%, a synergistic action (Fig. 1A). In the ethidium bromide assay, the MIC
14.80% and 3.47% identity, respectively. The transmembrane segment was reduced in all strains, however inhibition only occurred in the
prediction of the NorA equence was obtained using MODELLER 9.17v MrsA and NorA pumps of strains 2 and 3, respectively (Fig. 2A).
[49] found on the ModWeb server ( With respect to gallic acid, in the efflux inhibition assay by anti-
modweb/) using the crystallographic structure of YajR. biotic MIC reduction, strain 1 was found to be statistically irrelevant
The E. coli transporter [PDB ID: 3WDO] was used as a standard. The (Fig. 1B). In strain 2 an antagonistic action occurred. In strains 3 and 4
final shaped structure was identified using the PROCHECK [50] pro- the reduction of the MIC in the antibiotic association with gallic acid
gram in Ramachandran Plot. The NorA protein structure modelled by was verified. With ethidium bromide, a reduction in the MIC in strains
homology was reduced with the solvent implied by the Chimera pro- 1, 2 and 3 was observed. However, only in strain 3 which possess the
gram using AMBER 8 [51] as the force field. The topographic structure NorA pump was the reversal of bacterial resistance by efflux pump
of the pockets and cavities can be intermediated by the CASTP server inhibition observed (Fig. 2B).
( with a standard value of 1.4 Å of the radius of In this work we used a docking assay to evaluate stabilizations of the

Fig. 1. Inhibition of the efflux pump by Caffeic (A) and Gallic acid (B) on effluxing strains: CEPA 1 (IS-58/TetK efflux pump, using tetracycline), CEPA 2 (RN-4220/MRS efflux pump,
using erythromycin), CEPA 3 (SA–1199B/NorA efflux pump, using norfloxacin) and CEPA 4 (wild type). (****) P < 0,0001 compared with the control.

J.F.S. dos Santos et al. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 57 (2018) 22–28

Fig. 2. Inhibition of the efflux pump by Caffeic (A) and Gallic acid (B) on effluxing strains against the biocide activity of ethidium bromide: CEPA 1 (IS-58/TetK efflux pump), CEPA 2
(RN-4220/MRS efflux pump), CEPA 3 (SA–1199B/NorA efflux pump) and CEPA 4 (wild type). (****) P < 0,0001 compared with the control.

Table 1
Energy of interactio betwee caffeic and gallic acid from docking with the NorA structure obtained by molecular modelling.

substance Est. Free Energy of Binding Est. Inhibition Constant, Ki vdW + Hbond + desolv Energy Electrostatic Energy Total Intermolec. Energy

Caffeic acid −4.93 kcal/mol 245.08 μM −5.46 kcal/mol −0.12 kcal/mol −5.58 kcal/mol
Gallic acid −4.34 kcal/mol 653.95 μM −4.49 kcal/mol −0.07 kcal/mol −4.56 kcal/mol

protein/caffeic acid or gallic acid complex to corroborate with the re- the MrsA pump in the RN-4220 strain through the lack of ATP [59].
sults in vitro. Table 1 shows the interaction energies and the inhibition Although the results of the MICs of caffeic acid and gallic acid did not
constant calculated by Autodock. In these results, gallic acid had a free demonstrate clinically relevant effects, which made their use as an
binding energy (−4.34 kcal/mol) and a better inhibition constant with antibiotic unfeasible, these compounds presented a potential efflux
a theoretical value calculated at 654 μM, whereas caffeic acid presented pump inhibitory effect. According to Bhardwaj, ideal efflux pump in-
lower free binding energy (−4.93 kcal/mol) and better inhibition hibitors should be free of any antibacterial activity [61,62].
constant with a theoretical value calculated at 245 μM. These results In the results obtained by caffeic acid, the MIC of the antibiotic was
corroborate with the modulation assays observed in Fig. 2 for strain 3 reduced in the RN-4220, SA–1199 B and wild-type strains character-
which presents the NorA efflux system, in view of the fact that caffeic izing a synergistic action. In spite of not using the same strain, Lima
acid presented potency approximately three times higher than that of pointed out in their study the same synergistic effect of caffeic acid in
gallic acid. the association with antibiotics against S. aureus, Escherichia coli and
In Fig. 3 all interaction positions with the amino acids present at the Pseudomonas aeruginosa [35]. In the verification of the reversal of
docking site for caffeic acid (Fig. 1A) and gallic acid (Fig. 1B) are bacterial resistance by ethidium bromide (EtBr), synergism was seen in
shown. In this sense, it has revealed the orientation of the ligands all strains, however only the efflux pump inhibition in the RN-4220
within the binding site (as shown in Fig. 1), which allows their aliphatic strains carrying the MrsA pump and the SA-1199B, which possessed the
chain, from both the caffeic acid and gallic acid, to extend into the NorA pump, was verified. In the case of the IS-58 strain which possesses
hydrophobic cleft. Both the hydroxyl groups of caffeic acid and gallic the TetK pump, this action was due to the greater affinity with EtBr
acid were able to form a hydrogen bond with side chain amino acids than with the antibiotic, making it easier to extrude EtBr. In the re-
ALA261 (D), ALA339 (A), LEU335 (D) and GLY265 (D) for gallic acid search carried out by Diniz-Silva [63], tannic acid, which, like caffeic
and ALA261 (D), LEU335 (D), GLY342 (A) for caffeic acid, thereby acid, is classified as a phenolic acid, was able to inhibit the NorA pump
contributing additional stability to the ligand/NorA complex. These in its sub-inhibitory concentration, affecting membrane-bound proteins,
results suggest that the hydrophobic and π-π interactions also con- preventing the performance of its function.
tribute to the stabilization of the ligand/NorA complexes, therefore, an Gallic acid, on the other hand, demonstrated on the antibiotic
interaction of −3.72 kcal/mol was observed for caffeic acid, whereas modifying action of the RN-4220 strain an antagonistic action requiring
for gallic acid an interaction of −2.41 kcal/mol was observed. a greater amount of the antibiotic to obtain the effect. The synergistic
action was identified in the SA–1199B and wild-type strains. In the
4. Discussion study developed by Lima, a synergistic action also occurred in the as-
sociation of gallic acid with gentamicin and norfloxacin against S.
Isolated plant compounds have been consistently reported as pos- aureus [35]. In the case of the wild-type strain, the synergism observed
sible modifiers of antibiotic activity, and may act to reverse bacterial with the two compounds may be associated with another factor since it
resistance through various mechanisms, such as in the inhibition of has no resistance mechanism. In the EtBr data, synergism was observed
active efflux, resulting in a change in susceptibility to antimicrobial in all strains. This may be justified by lower drug affinity and non-
drugs [56]. Several studies have shown the inhibitory capacity of sec- chelation of EtBr. Chelation is characterized as the binding to the active
ondary metabolites on efflux proteins by reducing the MIC of antibiotics site of the drug by a particular substance preventing its action [64].
and other toxic molecules such as ethidium bromide. According to the Studies have reported that the interaction of phenolic acid com-
study by Ponnusamy, it was verified that the phenolic compound in- pounds with efflux pumps may be linked not only to their permeability
dirrubin presented synergistic interaction with ciprofloxacin, an effect to the cell membrane due to lipophilic [65] interactions, however these
caused by the inhibition of S. aureus efflux pumps [57]. can also interfere with the mechanism of the efflux pump. Chlorogenic
Several other studies have demonstrated the form of interaction of acid inhibited the active efflux of S. aureus by disturbing the cell
phenolic compounds in relation to the inhibition of resistance caused by membrane [66]. Tannins, however, can act in a variety of ways, among
efflux pumps. Among them, the blockade of action by iron complex them, by the complexation of enzymes with substrates and metal ions as
formation, interference in the production of ATP, membrane depolar- well as membrane-associated toxicity microorganisms [67,68].
ization, among others [58–60]. In Chan's work, the flavonoid diosmetin The results of the docking assay present in this study corroborate
in combination with erythromycin inhibited the resistance caused by with other studies present in the literature, thus, explaining the

J.F.S. dos Santos et al. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 57 (2018) 22–28

Fig. 3. Docking demonstrating all possible positions to the interaction between the NorA efflux pump and Caffeic acid (A) and Gallic acid (B), highliting the H+ bounds.

mechanism of molecular interaction between caffeic acid and gallic acid as gallic acid may be interfering with the NorA pump mechanism
acid and NorA. In studies by Zhang et al. [69] and Kalia et al. [70] it and thus reducing the ability to eliminate ethidium bromide.
was demonstrated that the π-π, hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding
interactions for the stabilization of the ginsenoside20 (S) −Rh2 ligand
5. Conclusion
complexes and capsaicin with NorA protein obtained by molecular
modelling described the mechanism of molecular interaction and in this
The results of this study demonstrated that both gallic acid and
way are able to reduce the activity observed in in vitro assays. The study
caffeic acid cause a reversal of the resistance phenotype, moreover it
by Sharma et al. [71] revealed that piperine is involved in the inter-
was observed that caffeic acid presented the best results, effectively
action of H (2.06A°) binding with Arg141 to form a protein-ligand
inhibiting the MrsA and NorA pumps belonging to the RN-4220 and
complex and the heterocyclic ring of His343 is seen to be favorably
SA–1199B strains, respectively, also demonstrating greater efficacy in
oriented to interact with a π-π interaction. In this way, similar inter-
the in silico model. In view thereof, caffeic acid would be a candidate
actions have also been observed that in part can be inferred as caffeic
drug as an adjuvant for a possible novel formulation using antibiotics

J.F.S. dos Santos et al. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 57 (2018) 22–28

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