Passionworks Instagram Summary

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In total, we analyzed 384 posts which is every instagram post spanning from October 1, 2019 to
October 1, 2020. From that sample size, we were able to split the data into the six following

1. Promotion
2. Action Photo
3. Art Showcase
4. Artist Showcase
5. Public Service Announcement (PSA)
6. Video

The following chart illustrates the distribution of posts into their categories (Note: Some posts
fall into more than one category)

Category of Instagram Post Total #

Promotion 226

Action Photo 92

Art Showcase 87

Artist Showcase 24


Video 16

Some other pertinent statistics are that of the averages of both the likes and comments. These
stats are located in the chart below:
Average Likes per Post 63.5041

Average Comments per Post .9105

The Passionworks Instagram has seen, throughout its tenure, a lot of patterns and emergent
qualities that could be capitalized on to increase user interaction and foster some growth. This
section will highlight those.

Social Justice
The Black Lives Matter movement that America and the world at large has seen surge through
the summer into now has focused itself on social media. Young people who support the
movement are all on social media, and the companies who show their support (like Passionworks
did over the summer with their BLM signs) make great numbers on Instagram. The BLM posts
had record-setting likes on the Passionworks account. Rallying behind a cause (in good faith) is
good press.

Weekly Posts
Posts that advertise the same thing, usually in the same way like the weekly art nights posts, do
not tend to get the same amount of buzz as a bespoke, unique post to advertise something. For
the Instagram algorithm, these similar posts do not attract the same kind of audience as other

Athens is full of businesses and opportunities for Passionworks to collaborate and grow with.
Posts that tag and are associated with other Athens-based businesses (including Ohio University)
usually do very well for themselves. This also lets the other business post to their social media
accounts, giving Passionworks more exposure for free.

Characters and Artists

Keeping your viewers on a first-name basis with artists and incorporating them into their work as
often as possible really works, as people respond to the people behind the art just as much, if not
more, than the art by itself. Additionally, characters like the Cake Monster always seem to pull in
a lot of fanfare and public response when they’re around.
Though Passionworks is doing many things successfully with their instagram, we found a few
areas that could be improved upon for greater success. The key to account growth on instagram
comes from engagement on posts. More comments and likes means that the instagram algorithm
will put the post on more people’s explore pages.

Comment Engagement
To increase the number of comments on each post, Passionworks should add a question to
encourage engagement. For example, if a post is advertising a holiday sale on passion flowers,
the caption could be ended with the question, “Who’s going to buy a passion flower for
Christmas?” Or if a post is showcasing drawings by one of Passionworks’ artists, the caption
could include the question, “Which drawing is your favorite?”
Adding a question encourages viewers of the post to comment an answer, and when the
instagram algorithm sees that a post has a lot of comments, it will try to show the post to as many
people as possible.

Hashtag Usage
The most important step for growing the Passionworks instagram is better utilizing hashtags.
According to our data collection, hashtags are used few and far between and not with much
consistency. On instagram, users can click on a hashtag and see every post that also uses that
hashtag. If Passionworks were to use more general hashtags, those browsing the posts under
those hashtags will be more likely to see posts by Passionworks and decide to follow the
We recommend that Passionworks include both hashtags about art, and hashtags about
developmental difference pride. Additionally, using #passionworks is beneficial as people may
click on that hashtag if they see it and find more posts from Passionworks in doing so.

Tag # of posts

#art 727 million

#artistoninstagram 62.6 million

#artwork 122 million

#artist 215 million

#artofinstagram 8.4 million

#artstudio 5.4 million

#painting 113 million

#artgallery 22.6 million

#disabilityawareness 529,000

#disabledartist 75,000

The tags listed in this chart are the most popular art and developmental difference tags on
instagram. Using these will draw much more attention to the Passionworks account.

Posting Consistency
Finally, our last recommendation is that pictures are posted with more consistency. Posting often
is good and research shows that it is the most effective method of growing on instagram.
However, from our data collection, we noticed some inconsistency with the amount posted per
day. Some days there would be no posts, and others there may be up to six posts in one day. Most
studies recommend posting 1-3 times per day for the best results. Overposting can be just as
damaging as not posting enough. Posting at least once a day, but not overwhelming the followers
with too many posts will also help grow the account.

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