Level 4 - Lesson04

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一些 + Noun , some, a few

Yīxiē tóngshì zǒng shì zhōngwǔ yīqǐ chīfàn, kěshì méiyǒu jiào wǒ
Some co-workers always have lunch together and chat but they have not invited me.

Jiějiě de yīxiē jiànyì hěn yǒu bāngzhù, wǒ zhēnxīn xièxiè tā
some advice from my older sister are very helpful so I thank her sincerly

Nǐ de xiōngdì jiěmèi gěi nǐ hǎo de jiànyì ma
Do your siblings offer you good advice?

去年在欧洲出差时,Jason 去了一些著名的景点
Qùnián zài ōuzhōu chūchāi shí,Jason qùle yīxiē zhùmíng de jǐngdiǎn
Jason went to some famous siteseeing places while he was on business trip in Europe

Alice 成功的投资了一些股票,赚了一些钱
Alice chénggōng de tóuzīle yīxiē gǔpiào, zhuànle yīxiē qián
Alice sucessfully invested some stocks and made some profit

verb/adj+ 一些 , a little, to some degree

Nǐ gǎnjué hǎo yīxiēle ma?
Are you feeling better?

Yào chídàole, nǐ kāichē kěyǐ kuài yīxiē ma
We are going to be late. Can you drive a little faster?
Zhè jiàn chènyī bǐ nà jiàn chènyī guì yīxiē
this shirt is a little more expensive han that shirt

Jack 练习钢琴比哥哥认真一些
Jack liànxí gāngqín bǐ gēgē rènzhēn yīxiē
Jack is practicing piano a little more deligently than his older brother

日全食 (Rì quánshí) = eclipse
文章 (Wénzhāng) = article
介绍 (Jièshào) = to introduce, introduce
眼镜 (Yǎnjìng) = glasses
质量 (Zhìliàng) = quality
研究 (Yánjiū) = research
给 (Gěi) = to give

A: Tracy 8 月 21 日 有日全食,你知道吗?
Tracy 8 yuè 21 rì yǒu rì quánshí, nǐ zhīdào ma
Tracy August 21 there's an eclipse, did you know?

B: 知道啊,我女儿很有兴趣,我也做了一些准备。
Zhīdào a, wǒ nǚ'ér hěn yǒu xìngqù, wǒ yě zuòle yīxiē zhǔnbèi
I know, my daughter is very interested, I also did something to prepare

A: 是吗? 怎么准备的?
Shì ma? Zěnme zhǔnbèi de
Really? How did you prepare?

B: 学校老师给了一些文章,介绍日全食。
Xuéxiào lǎoshī gěile yīxiē wénzhāng, jièshào rì quánshí
The school teacher gave some articles that introduced the eclipse.
A: 可以发一些给我看看吗?
Kěyǐ fā yīxiē gěi wǒ kàn kàn ma
Can you send me some so I can look at?

B: 没问题。还有我们买了看日全食的眼镜。
Méi wèntí. Hái yǒu wǒmen mǎile kàn rì quánshí de yǎnjìng
No problem. Also we bought eclipse glasses to see it.

A: 我听说一些眼镜质量不好呢。
Wǒ tīng shuō yīxiē yǎnjìng zhìliàng bù hǎo ne
I heard that a few of the glasses don't have good quality

B: 是啊,我们买以前上网做了一些研究。
Shì a, wǒmen mǎi yǐqián shàngwǎng zuòle yīxiē yánjiū
Yes, before we bought it we did some research on the internet

B: 这样吧,mary 你们来我们家,我们两家一起看日全食吧。
Zhèyàng ba,mary nǐmen lái wǒmen jiā, wǒmen liǎng jiā yì qǐ kàn rì quánshí ba
How about this, Mary you guys come over our place, both our families can look at the
eclipse together.

A: 好啊,我买一些披萨大家一起吃吧。
hǎo a, wǒ mǎi yīxiē pīsà dàjiā yīqǐ chī ba
Ok, I'll buy some pizza everyone can each together.

8 月 21 日的日全食十分难得,上一次类似的日全食是 100 年前了。简单的说,月亮刚
好走到太阳和地球中间, 挡住了太阳,这样就形成了日全食。 很多人都很兴奋的准

8 月 21 日的日全食十分难得,
8 Yuè 21 rì de rì quánshí shífēn nándé
August 21 total solar eclipse is very rare
十分难得 (shífēn nándé) = very rare
上一次类似的日全食是 100 年前了
Shàng yīcì lèisì de rì quánshí shì 100 nián qiánle
The last similar solar eclipse was 100 years ago
类似 (lèisì) = similar

Jiǎndān de shuō, yuèliàng gānghǎo zǒu dào tàiyáng hé dìqiú zhōngjiān
Simply said, the moon gets in the middle between the sand and the Earth
简单 (Jiǎndān) = simple
地球 (dìqiú) = Earth

Dǎngzhùle tàiyáng, zhèyàng jiù xíngchéngle rì quánshí
blocking the sun, so that this forms a total solar eclipse
挡住 (Dǎngzhù) = block
形成 (xíngchéng) = form

Hěnduō rén dōu hěn xīngfèn de zhǔnbèi guānkàn zhè cì rì quánshí
many people are very excited to watch the total solar eclipse
兴奋 ( xīngfèn) = excited

Yīnwèi zhè shì yībèizi yīcì de jīhuì
because this is once in a life time opportunity
一辈子 (yībèizi) = whole life
机会 (jīhuì) = opportunity

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