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一些+ noun
Wǒ de yīxiē péngyǒu hěn xǐhuān qù hǎibiān
some of our friends like to go to beach

Wǒ de kāfēi lǐ qǐng fàng yīxiē táng
please add some sugar to my coffee

Kěyǐ gěi wǒ yīxiē shíjiān shìyìng xīn gōngzuò ma?
Could you give me more time to get used to the new job?

Měi gè yuè jiějiě dōu yào mǎi yīxiē xīn yīfú
Every month older sister has to buy some new clothes

Zhè jǐ nián gēgē cúnle yīxiē qián zhǔnbèi tóuzī
these couple years older brother has save some money preparing for investment

Lǎoshī, wǒ yǒu yīxiē wèntí, xiànzài nǐ yǒu shíjiān ma?
Teacher, I have some questions. Are you free now?

一些 can also modify adj/adv

Nǐ bìng hǎo yīxiēle ma?
Are you feeling better?

健身三年后,Rose 看上去年轻一些了。
Jiànshēn sān nián hòu,rose kàn shàngqù niánqīng yīxiēle
After three years of working out, Rose looks a little younger.
Wǒmen kuàiyào chídàole, nǐ néng kāi kuài yīdiǎn ma?
We are going to be late. Can you drive a little faster?

飓风 (Jùfēng) = hurricane
害怕 (Hàipà) = scared
留下 (Liú xià) = stay
离开 (Líkāi) = leave
饼干 (Bǐnggān) = crackers
罐头 (Guàntóu) = canned food
邻居 (Línjū) = neighbours
决定 (Juédìng) = to decide/ decison
心情 (Xīnqíng) = feeling

A: Tracy 听说飓风 Irma 快要到你住的地方了。
Tracy tīng shuō jùfēng Irma kuàiyào dào nǐ zhù dì dìfāngle
Tracy I heard that Hurricane Irma will soon reach the place you live

B: 是啊。 去年飓风 Matthew 刚来过,现在我还有一些害怕呢。

Shì a. Qùnián jùfēng Matthew gāng láiguò, xiànzài wǒ hái yǒu yīxiē hàipà ne
Yeah. Just last year Hurricane Matthew came, now I still feel a bit scared

A: 你打算留下还是离开?
Nǐ dǎsuàn liú xià háishì líkāi
Do you plan to stay or leave?

B: 还要一些时间才知道飓风到不到我们这里。
Hái yào yīxiē shíjiān cái zhīdào jùfēng dào bù dào wǒmen zhèlǐ
Still need a bit of time to know if the hurricane will reach here or not

A: 你准备了吃的吗?
Nǐ zhǔnbèile chī de ma
Did you prepare food?
B: 准备了一些,水,饼干和罐头。
zhǔbèile yīxī, shuǐ, bǐnggān hé guàntóu
I prepared a some water, crackers and dumpling

A: 你的邻居们打算留下还是离开?
nǐde línjū dǎsuàn liúxià hái shì líkāi
Did your neighbors plan to stay or leave?

B: 一些人已经离开了。一些人还没有决定。
Yīxiē rén yǐjīng líkāile. Yīxiē rén hái méiyǒu juédìng
Some already left. Some people have not yet decided

A: 你决定后告诉我啊
Nǐ juédìng hòu gàosù wǒ a
After you decide let me know

B: 好的,谢谢你给我打电话。我已经心情好一些了。
Hǎo de, xièxiè nǐ gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà. Wǒ yǐjīng xīnqíng hǎo yīxiēle
Ok, thanks for giving me a call. I feel a little better already

Irma 飓风已经造成十几个人死亡,很多受伤, 还有巨大的经济损失。美国的弗洛里
达州正处在飓风中心,其他几个临近的州也受到威胁。 马修去年才刚刚来过,很多

Irma 飓风已经造成十几个人死亡,很多受伤, 还有巨大的经济损失

Irma jùfēng yǐjīng zàochéng shí jǐ gèrén sǐwáng, hěnduō shòushāng, hái yǒu jùdà de jīngjì sǔnshī
Hurricane Irma has killed a dozen people, injured a lot, and incurred huge economic loses
造成 (zàochéng) = cause
受伤 (shòushāng) = injured

Měiguó de fóluólǐdá zhōu zhèng chǔ zài jùfēng zhōngxīn
Florida in the US is in the center of the hurricane
中心 (zhōngxīn) = center
Qítā jǐ gè línjìn de zhōu yě shòudào wēixié
Several other neighboring states are also being threatened
威胁 (wēixié) = threatening

Mǎ xiū qùnián cái gānggāng láiguò, hěnduō rén méiyǒu xiǎngdào yī nián zhī nèi jùfēng yòu huílái
Matthew had just arrive last year, and many did not expect that within the year another
hurricane would come back.

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