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Electricity has given humanity a tremendous change in term of living conditions.

It enabled us to think
beyond and invent things that seems impossible a century ago. Harnessing the power of electricity isn’t
done by a single person. It is a collective effort and knowledge of notable people throughout ages and
across different civilizations. Electricity, in a scientific perspective, the movement of electrons between
atoms. It is a science that is complex and need a further understanding. Electrical circuits is designed to
deliver power to one or more loads. One notable person that has contributed to the field of electricity is
Georg ohm. He invented ohm’s law which until now is used universally. Ohm’s law states that the voltage
across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, provided all physical
conditions and temperatures remain constant. Ohm’s law is one of the most important equations when
it comes to understanding electric circuits, but if you’re going to understand it, you’ll need a good grasp
of the basic concepts it links: voltage, current and resistance. Ohm’s law is simply the equation that
describes the relationship between these three quantities for most conductors. With that in hand, there
are a lot of units of measurement depending on their use. Electrical units of measurement are essential
to gauge and measure electrical quantities. These are developed by an international body known as the
international system (SI). Therefore, the units of electrical quantities are mostly known as SI units.

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