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Musical Theater Study Guide

You will be taking a two-part quarter exam.

Quarter Exams will begin on Monday Oct 7 with the written portion of the quarterly exam.
October 9 will be the beginning of your quarterly performances.

Part one will be reader/writer and visual.

The Stage
o Please identify Stage directions (Example: Stage Left, Up Stage, Down Stage, etc.,)
o Please identify Stage Body Position (Full Front, Full Back, Profile, Quarter Turns)
o You will need to provide the Abbreviation to stage directions (SL, X, DSR, etc., )

Different Types of Stages

o Thrust Stage
o Proscenium Stage
o Black Box Theater
o Environmental Stage
o Found Space

Comprehension- You will need to know the synopsis of the following shows
I will ask you questions based on the synopsis that are listed in Schoology.
o Peter Pan

Part two will be Kinesthetic- A Mock Audition.

Mock Audition will need to have the following

1. A monologue/Song/Performance memorized and performed. Your monologue must be
memorized and at a minimum of 1 minute.
2. You must start you audition with your slate. You will receive a number.
a. Hello, my name is _____________
b. Audition Number __________
3. Then you will perform your audition.
4. There is to be no talking or applauding during the Mock Audition

Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer!

Good Luck!

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