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Level 3 Module 1 Task 1 Class

Worksheet Student(s) Date

Database Tables

You have learned that a database is an organized collection of data. For example, a database can be a book
address, a student file, or a grocery list. Also, a database doesn’t have to consist of only one table, it can
consist of many database tables.
In the Geography lesson, your team undertook to create a database in Access that will include information about
different countries of the world. This database must consist of a table. Each row of this table (record) will present
the following fields:
• The name of the country.
• The name of the country's capital.
• The country’s population rounded to hundreds of thousands.
• The country’s official language.
• The region to which this country belongs.
Each record of the table must be unique. This means that in one field, at least, the value will differ from the
value of the corresponding field of any other record. Remember that a field in the table that can’t have the same
value is called a Primary key.

Discuss with your teammates and fill in the following table.

Choose if the following sentences are true or false true false justification
A primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a
The name of the country can be the Primary key.   database table, and it ensures that each row has a distinct
value for the primary key column(s).

 
A primary key should be a unique identifier for each
The name of the country’s capital can be the Primary key. record in a database table, and it should not change
over time.

Using a country's population as a primary key is not a

The country’s population can be the Primary key.   suitable practice for several reasons: Non-uniqueness,
Efficiency, Data Integrity

A primary key should be a unique identifier for each

The country’s official language can be the Primary key.   record in a database table, and it should remain stable
over time.

A primary key should be a unique identifier for each

The country’s region can be the Primary key.   record in a database table, and it should remain stable
over time.

If we are not sure if a field can be the Primary key then we insert one more field in our records
whose value will always be a different number. The name of this field usually has the extension
ID (from the word IDentity) and this will be the table’s Primary key.
Level 3 Module 1 Task 1 Class
Worksheet Student(s) Date

Before creating the database table in Access, fill in the following table.

Field Name Data Type Caption (Property)

Country_ID +355 Number

Country_Name Albania Short Text

Capital_Name Tirana Short Text

Country_Population 2832439 Number

Official_Language Albanian/Shqip Short Text

Region_Name Balkan Short Text

Let’s create this Database!

You can consult the Student’s Book. Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher’s advice.


Open Microsoft Access and create a new database in Desktop with the name
“YOURNAME YWorld Table Database”.

Name the new table “Countries”.

Insert the table’s field values that you filled in.

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