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Pakistan International School, Jubail

1st Term, Academic Session 2023-24

Q#1: Define URL and IP address with examples.
A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is known as the address of a web page. It is used to
locate a file on a web server on the internet. They are easier to remember than an IP
IP Address:
Internet Protocol is an address assigned to each device on a network that is unique to the
network. Each device that is on a network has an IP address assigned to it. An IP address
consists of four numbers, each separated by a full stop. Each number is between 0 to 255.

URL IP Address .com
http://www.micropython .com .com

Q#2: Which characteristics can affect the wireless transmission method?

For each wireless transmission method, it is important that the following characteristics
are considered;
i. Bandwidth
ii. Transmission distance
iii. Security
iv. Interference

Q#3: What is the drawback of using 5G as compared to 4G?

When it comes to 5G vs. 4G, one drawback of 5G is that it has a shorter range compared to
4G. So you might experience a weaker signal if you're far away from a 5G tower. 5G covers

Notes by: Ms. MARYAM ASLAM

Pakistan International School, Jubail
1st Term, Academic Session 2023-24
only 500metres transmission distance and on the other hand 4G can cover 16kilometres
transmission distance.

Q#4: Define domain name and top-level domain (TLD) with example.
The domain name (an easy-to-remember name) is the part that changes, depending on
which web server you would like to visit using your web browser. For
example, in this URL is the domain name.
A top-level domain or TLD is the part at the end of the domain name. There are over 1000
TLD’s available to buy, but the most common is .com, some popular TLDs are;
 .org
 .net
 .pk
 .in
 .au

Q#5: What happens when you type a URL into your web browser?
i. A user types into their web browser the URL of the website they would like to visit,
for example
ii. The URL ( request gets sent to the DNS server to find the matching
IP address.
iii. The IP address of the web server where the website is kept ( is sent
back to the user’s computer.
iv. If the DNS cannot find the IP address in its database, this search is then passed on to
a higher-level DNS (another DNS that has access to an ever larger list of domain
v. It the higher-level DNS still cannot find it, a 404 error is returned. This means that
the page was not found.
vi. The web browser then sends a request to the web server’s IP address that returns
the web page.

Notes by: Ms. MARYAM ASLAM

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