K3 Migas

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6690054 aes SERTIFIKAT KOMPETENSI CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE No. 78429 3257 0000294 2022 Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa, This is to certiy that, HANAFI No. Reg. 8. 2023.0000294 2022 ‘Telah kompeten pada bidang : Is competent in the area of : Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Industri Migas (Oil & Gas Occupational Health and Safety Dengan Kualifikasi / Kompetensi With Qualification / Competency PENGAWASAN K3 MIGAS Oil and Gas OHS Supervision ‘Telah Menyelesaikan Pelatihan Kompetensi ‘Has Completed in Competency Training Pengawas K3 Migas Oil and Gas OHS Supervisor Sertifkat ini berlaku untuk: 3 (tiga) Tahun ‘This certificate is valid for: 3 (three) Years Bojonegoro, 31 Januari 2022 ‘Atas Nama BNSP On behalf BNSP Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pengembangan ee en Professional Certification Body of Indonesian Energy & Mineral Development Daftar Unit Kompetensi List of Unit(s) of Competency ‘Melakukan Kerja Sama Penanggulangan Keadaan Darurat di Industri Migas. Conducting Emergency Response - as a Team Work in Oil and Gas Industries. ‘Menerapkan Taktik dan Strategi Pemiadaman Kebakaran di Industri Migas. Implementing Fire Fighting Tactics and Strategies Practices in Oil and Gas Industries. Menerapkan Penempatan dan Penyebaran Alat Pemadam Api Ringan (APAR) ditempat Kerja di Industri Migas. B.060018.003.02 8,060018.011.02 8.060018.012.02 Applying Fire Extinguishers Placement and Deployment in Oil and Gas Industry Workplace. Menerapkan Safety Permit ci Tempat Kerja di Industri Migas. Implementing Safety Permit in Oil and Gas Industry Workplace. Menerapkan Kegiatan Forcible Entry. Implementing Forcible Entry Activities, Melaksanakan Pelaporan dan Pencatatan Kecelakaan Kerja di Industri Migas. Implementing Accident/Incident Reports and Records in Oil and Gas Industries. Melakukan Inspeksi K3 i Indust Migas. Implementing Inspection of OHS in Oil and Gas Industries. Melakukan Audit K3 di Tempat Kerja. Conducting Audit of OHS in Oil and Gas Industries. 8.060018.013.02 8.060018.014.02 8.060018.015.02 8.060018.016.02 8.060018.024.02 Bojonegoro, 31 Januari 2022 Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pengembangan Energi & Mineral Indonesia Professional Certification Body of Indonesian Energy & Mineral Development HANAFI ‘Triwayati Ayu Ningsih ‘Tanda tangan pemilik Bagian Administrasi (Signature of holder) (Field OF Administration)

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