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New start: From the foregoing...It has been intimated by some...At the very least...Before making a few remarks on the
subject…Throughout history...In the present work...Much has been said...To start with ...To a certain extent...Quite often...I
will describe...As remarked earlier...Until very recently...Until recently...At the outset...To begin very simply...At this
juncture...Historically regarded...To begin with...Just recently...At this time...In today's...We shall begin by...Now if it is
true...The aptness...One of the misconceptions...Let us begin by...As mentioned earlier...In this paper I propose...The
appropriateness...It is perfectly true...Of foremost concern...Confident of...The antecedents of this...The chief objective...These
points we shall address later, meanwhile...After sifting through the various elements...Keeping in mind...In the following I
hope to show...Let us now examine...Now...I shall attempt to...One wonders...In practice...There are several points
here...Greater difficulty attends...More apparent than real...From the previous points...From the aforementioned...Of crucial
importance...In all conscience...Within reason...It is construed that...Not infrequently...The following...There remains little
question...On the question...The point at issue...At stake...In view of...Presumably...Of course...Implicit in...Let us now
look...This brings me to...Let me now begin...It may be noted...Here is to be sought...From the first...To understand the
sense...The question...It must be borne in mind...It must be kept in mind...At present...It is recognized...The overall aim...The
aim...At the moment...It dawns on one...From time to time...It goes without saying...In this paper I wish to discuss...In dealing
with this matter...A lack of clearness...What strikes us...In theory...From this standpoint...It is salutary to discover...Crucially
significant...The propriety of a fresh inquiry...The failure to understand...In view of the fact that...As not to proceed to more
extravagant claims...We have touched on this previously...Throughout the history...

Changing the subject: Incidentally...An aside...To digress briefly...An aside...Leaving that...I pass over...Turning now to
the...On another track...Leaving aside...Leaving this aside...Laying aside...At any rate...Switching our attention...Directing our
attention...To touch upon another aspect...By the way...In passing...Harking back....An interesting side-line...Switching
gears...Back to our original point...Related to this...Turning your attention...

Summary: Let me conclude by summarizing these...In any sense...By summation...It will suffice here...On these
grounds...Accordingly...In short...A brief digest...In fine...In sum...Consequently...Finally...Questions remain...Thus...At this
point...To capsulate...In short...In brief...In fine...In a nutshell...Therefore...This being the case...In any case...To
recapitulate...Apart from this...Significant though it may be, there...The truth of the matter...It is reasonable to
conjecture...Readers may judge for themselves whether...Subsequently...For this reason...Taking stock of all that has been
said...Consequently...As a result...The answer is clear if tentative...Thus it turns out...Judging from the previous remarks...As a
matter of fact...From the preceding it follows...And now to conclude...It should be clear by now...To sum it up for now...The
upshot here...Suffice it to say...

Reformulation: To put into another idiom...To put it into another idiom...Better still...Though much as been said...Clarifying
this...More apt, is that...A recapitulation...Looking again at...In somewhat plainer terms...On a different track…On a different
note...Better still...This raises an interesting question...For the sake of brevity...By a different context...In spite...Said again...A
more precise view...A different aspect...In whatever manner...To reiterate...To become more accurate...One the same
score...That is also to say...With modification...

Generalization: In all...All in all...In any event...In general...By and large...For now...It is clear that...More generally...Writ
large...The entire consideration...As will be made clear later...As almost a given...What we have before us...Generally
speaking...In the main...It is well known...In many respects...It is often the case...On average...Broadly speaking...Roughly
speaking...While an approximation...Usually...Taken altogether...From a global perspective...Overall...Gathering up the
facts...All things considered....Chiefly speaking...In the long run...On the whole...As is often the case...To a large extent...It is
generally accepted...The main point seems to be...By all accounts...Taken altogether...Judging the matter as a whole...A
truism...In all probability...Implicit in much of the argument...Most agree...

Comparison: With respect to...In a like manner...The same holds true...In the same vein...According...In a similar vein...By the
same token...In similar respects...From this view...This line of reasoning...Against this backdrop...From the
standpoint...Paralleling this...In sharp contrast...Under the same idea...In contradistinction to...Under a different
scrutiny...Without reference or regard...In this connection...Consonant with...Beyond the specific meaning of...A more striking
comparison...On the other side of the matter...While on the contrary...By contrast...By comparison...On the one hand...On the
other hand...Looking at another aspect...Judging by the standard...Under this category...

Sequence: Next...The next step...In the meantime...Now, let me say...It follows...From this line of reasoning...In the foregoing
...Moving ahead....Another issue...Another topic...As will be seen in what follows...This then...Bearing this in mind...Keeping
this in mind...On the same track...Following this...Going this way...Proceeding to the next...Advancing...

Illustration: A salient example...A primary example...A fair example...In particular...A salutary example...For instance...Of
especial interest...In a figural way...This also suggests...An instance...At this stage...Of especial importance...In a representative
way...Note, for example...The most salient aspect...In essential respects...What is proposed...Several points should be
examined...A conspicuous example/part...An outline of this...The more notable features...

Addition: But more than this...In addition...I hasten to add...Moreover...Adding to this...Supplementary to this...To this it may
be added...This is supplemented by...Here again...Besides this...Ancillary to this...Adding to this...Subsidiary to
this...Supporting this...Furthermore...Related to this...Akin to this...

Introducing doubt: Nevertheless...Notwithstanding...Still...But while...Yet...The question is poorly formulated...In spite...In all

fairness...Ingenious though...Despite the fact...It may be objected here...To be fair, however...At the same time...Even
so...Granting that...Bud that aside...It doesn't follow...While it is true...While it might seem...Apart from this...All the
same...This is beside the point...Even so...Yet despite...Let us not presume...Just the same...At the same time...Be that as it
may...The same can be said...One wonders, however...If we are to believe...One question arises...As we shall see, however...But
that is beside the point...Yet, we need not presume...Wide of the mark...Granting this distinction, still...A notable exception,
however...To this it is replied that...A protest may be raised here...We need not discuss...We cannot concur...It begs the
question...If we are to believe...Consider for a moment...But if this be so...It is with great reservation...Against this idea...To us
it appears that...In such contexts...My misgivings...Care must be exercised so as not to proceed to more extravagant
claims...We ask the further question...Evidence seems to be wanting...There is still some question...But ought we to go...The
evidence seems doubtful...The temptation is to consider...Not all are unanimous...It seems a curious ...It is a disputed question
how far...While it is plausible...One must not be so incautious...Although it is true...It is worthwhile to point out...From this
perspective it may seem true...Under this consideration...

Explanation: further amplification...The crux of the problem...Roughly speaking...In this wise...We have now to note...Let us
consider...In a manner of speaking...By parity of reasoning...Delving into this...Owing to this...Unpacking this idea...Speaking
figuratively...Elaborating this distinction...Considering whether or not...The implication here...On the question of how...One is
inclined to say...Much depends...For this reason...The same can be said...Some elaboration is in order...It might be
hazarded...A more plausible explanation...A more plausible treatment...Teasing out the various...If we liken...Beyond this
particular meaning...In opposition to this...A more detailed explanation of my previous remarks...A plausible
explanation...This line of argument...Granting this...Touching on a few points...Allowing that...Drawing our attention...Just to
use one example...From the point of view...The distinction to be draw out...

Emphasis: The significance...Highlighting the problem...As we can see...It is serviceably clear...Under this emphasis...Quite
distinctly...The governing interest...Not surprisingly...The chief point to notice...A cardinal issue...We can see from this...Above
all...Just as important...Equally as important...Surely...A close scrutiny of...The sting of the problem...It needs to be
underlined...It needs to be underscored...It needs to be highlighted...Indeed...On cannot emphasize just how much...The
importance...Corroborating this...Above all...It can hardly be overemphasized...It should be acknowledged...What is important
is...To be sure...All the more...It is significant...

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