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I, Sri . Kushalk Gupta, aged about 28 years & Sri Abhishek gupta aged about 23
years, Partners Occupation: Business, normally resident of No .03, Langford Garden
, Bangalore-560025.District do hereby solemnly affirm on oath as under:

I affirm, the Partners of the said ware House located at in name of

Mr. Nagarajappa , Sy. No.139/6, Kambalipura Village, Sulibele Hobli, Hosakote
Taluk, Bangalore Rural District -562114,
I am authorized to swear the affidavit by the Management/Board/etc.
I state that the ware house to be established is the category of ware House failing
within the Green Category of RMC Plant as categorized by the Board Notifications No.
KSPCB/DEO-1/ EO-1/RE-CLA/98/1352
dated.1.7.1998, No.KSPCB / CORPCELL / AEO-4/ RE-CLA/ 99-2000 / 4125 dated:
06.01.2000.No. KSPCB/CONSENT/IND/CC/2001/5586 dated 15.03.2001 and No.
KSPCB/RE-CLA/140TH B.M./CC/2001-02/2803 dated 28.01.2001 and notified from time
to time.

I affirm the total capital investment on fixed assets is Rs:2,50,00,000/- (Rupees Two
Crore’s Fifty Lakh’s only).

I affirm that the contents/ information furnished in the accompanying Combined

Application Form under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974, and
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981, are complete in all respects and are
correct to the best of my knowledge.

I undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions to be imposed by the Karnataka
State Pollution Control Board, in the consent for establishment order, which will be
issued under Sec.25 of Water Act and/or Sec.21 of the Air Act.

I state that the project is located in a Ware House .

I state that the ware house will install adequate pollution control measures to treat the
domestic effluent to the standard stipulated by the Board at all times.

I say that Ware House will install adequate pollution control measures for control of air
emissions generated which will meet the standards stipulated by the Board.

I undertake that in case of any violation of the terms and conditions, which are
incorporated in the consent for establishment, we shall not operate the RMC Plant ,
apart from being liable to be dealt under provisions of Section 44 of Water Act and
Section 37 of Air Act. We have read and understood the contents of this affidavit.


Date: 20.11.2023 DEPONENT/OCCUPIER



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