TEST 1-9 kl-ПГПТ= тест 2-8 кл.-ПГО-A2

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TEST №1-for the 9TH grade


I. Listening.
You are going to hear a conversation between two friends. Match the everyday and free-time
activities (A-H) to the people (1-5).
0….D…. Mark A play football
1……….. Ruth B do homework
2………..John C watch TV
3…………Mum D play video games
4…………Dad E go to football practice
5…………Aunt F go jogging
G surf the net
H read a book (5x2=10)
II. Reading
Read the text about a teenager’s daily routine and mark the sentences as T(True) or F (False)
A day in Frank’s life
Frank gets up at 7 am every day. He has a shower, then he has breakfast. After that he takes the
bus to school. He likes taking the bus because he meets his friends and chats with them. He also
likes school and he is a good student. When Frank finishes school, he usually plays basketball
with his friends. Frank is very tall so he is very good at basketball. When he goes home, he does
his homework, then he has dinner. In the evening, he watches TV or plays computer games. He
goes to bed at about 10 o’çlock.
1. Frank gets up at 8 am every day. ………
2. He goes to school by car. ………
3. He likes school and he is a good student. ………
4. When Frank finishes school, he usually plays tennis. ……….
5. He goes to bed at about 11 o’çlock. ………. (5x2=10)
III. Choose the odd word out.
1. eye-hair-mouth-ankle
2. leg-nose-knee-toe
3. lips-arm-hand-finger
4. foot-ankle-toe-face
5. mouth-hand-teeth-lips (5x1=5)
IV. Fill in: take, play, have, do, watch in the correct form.
1. In the evening, I……………………………………. video games.
2. In the afternoon, she …………………………………….TV.
3. In the morning, I …………………………………..a shower.
4. In the afternoon, he …………………………………….his homework.
5. In the evening, we…………………………………….dinner. (5x1=5)
V. Choose the correct item.
1. This is Lidias’/Lidia’s sister
2. Whose/Who’s computer is that?
3. That’s the men’s/mens’ office.
4. Whose/Who’s that girl?
5. Luke is the boys/boys’cousin. (5x1=5)
VI. Put the verbs in the correct form.
1. I like……………………………(play) football.
2. Mary loves………………………………….(read) books.
3. He enjoys…………………………………….(spend) time with friends.
4. Jane hates …………………………………..(watch) TV.
5. I love………………………………………(eat) dinner with my family. (5x1=5)
VII. Read the rubric, then write your postcard.
This is part of an e-mail from your English friend, Tom.
It’s cold here and it’s raining. Are you having a nice time? What’s the weather like? What are you
doing? Write back.
Write a postcard (60-80 words) to Tom and answer his questions. (10 marks)

Слаб /2/ Среден /3/ Добър /4/ Много добър /5/ Отличен /6/
0-14 15-23 24-32 33-41 42-50
1-H 2-B 3-F 4-E 5-C
1-F 2-F 3-T 4-F 5-F
1-ankle 2-nose 3-lips 4-face 5-hand
1-play 2-watches 3-take 4-does 5-have
1-Lydia’s 2-Whose 3-men’s 4-Who’s 5-boys’

Ruth: So Mark what do you usually do in the evening?
Mark: I usually play video games. What about you Ruth? Do you watch TV or
surf the Internet?
Ruth: Well, I usually read a book because I don’t like watching TV that much.
Mark: Oh, really? How about your brother John? Does he play video games
at all?
Ruth: John has usually got lots of homework to do during the week. He
doesn’t have much time for anything else.
Mark: I see. How about your parents? What do they do? Does your mum
watch TV?
Ruth: No. My mum hates TV. She often goes jogging in the evening.
Mark: Does your dad go with her?
Ruth: No, my dad is a football coach so he goes to football practice in the
Mark: So nobody in your house watches TV?
Ruth: Well, my aunt lives with us and she watches TV every night. She really
likes soap operas.

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