Future Prospects of Rare Earth Elements and Its Importance

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Future prospects of rare earth elements and its importance

➢ REE stands for Rare Earth Elements and are a group of 17 chemical elements in the periodic
table, specifically the 15 lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium.
➢ Despite their name, these elements are not particularly rare in the Earth's crust, but they are
often found in low concentrations, making them economically challenging to extract.
➢ Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are expected to play a crucial role in the future due to their unique
properties that make them indispensable in various technological applications.
➢ The importance of Rare Earth Elements in the future is closely tied to advancements in clean
energy, technology, defence, and healthcare.
➢ As societies continue to pursue sustainable and technologically advanced solutions, the demand
for REEs is expected to remain strong, making them integral to the development of various
industries critical for global progress.
➢ REEs are essential components in clean energy technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels,
and electric vehicle (EV) batteries.
➢ REEs are integral to the manufacturing of various advanced electronics, including smartphones,
tablets, and computers.
➢ REEs are critical for the defense industry, playing a role in the production of guided missile
systems, radar technologies, and communication devices
➢ Some REEs, such as gadolinium, find applications in medical imaging technologies like
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
➢ The growth of smart technologies, including smart grids, smart cities, and IoT devices, relies
on REEs for the production of sensors, magnets, and other components that enable the
connectivity and functionality of these systems
➢ REEs are used as catalysts in various chemical processes, contributing to green chemistry
➢ The automotive industry's shift towards EVs relies heavily on REEs for the production of
powerful and lightweight magnets used in electric motors.
➢ Neodymium, in particular, is vital for the development of permanent magnets in electric vehicle
propulsion systems.
➢ Jharkhand, an eastern state of India, has emerged as a focal point for the exploration and
potential extraction of Rare Earth Elements (REEs).
➢ Presently specific context of Jharkhand, analysing the geological potential, ongoing exploration
efforts, regulatory frameworks, and the economic and environmental considerations associated
with REE development in the REE dominant region.
➢ Geological surveys have identified promising formations in Jharkhand that may contain
economically viable REE deposits.
➢ The Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD) is actively
involved in assessing and mapping mineral resources across the country, including
➢ Economic viability is a critical aspect of any mining operation. This addresses the
economic factors influencing the feasibility of REE extraction in Jharkhand,
considering market demand, global prices, and the associated costs of exploration and
➢ The exploration of rare earth elements in India, particularly in Jharkhand, represents a
dynamic endeavour with the potential to propel the nation into a key player in the global
rare earth supply chain.
➢ The synergistic efforts of government, industry, and research communities are
paramount in harnessing the vast potential of REEs for India's technological prowess
and economic resilience.
➢ Continued investment, innovation, and sustainable practices will be pivotal in shaping
the success of India's journey into the realm of rare earth element exploration and
➢ Currently, the Geology Department is keen on investigating Atomic minerals and Rare
Earth elements in the Lithium mica Belt areas of Jharkhand to gather the latest and more
specific information regarding unexplored elements for future exploration in Jharkhand

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