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Astral Travelling 💤 🌠 💤

I've had dreams throughout my life that I later realized appear to have been
instances of astral travel. Each time the dreams have been different than normal
dreams and aren't typical of the nonsensically disconnected events of regular
dreams, but instead have a distinct sense of realism and order to the events that
take place, and there are certain similarities between the dreams and a developing
progression of control over them as I eventually began to recognize them in the
waking state that they might be astral dreams.

This recognition began with the realization that they always end with me trying to
find my way back home, and the control of this returning has developed as I started
to recognize it when thinking about them while awake, which I knew from reading on
the subject many years ago that the astral body can leave the physical body during
sleep and returns to it before waking up. When I eventually started becoming more
aware of this similarity in these dreams, I began to find it easier and easier to
get home in the end, and as I did, the early settings of the dreams I found myself
in that were always somewhere relatively close to home started to become more
distant, and as I found it easier to get home I often began to find myself in other
parts of the world where the culture of the people I saw and locations I visited
were very foreign to me and seemed very real.

One of the other things about these dreams that stuck out when I thought about them
was that I remembered I would often be looking down from a high point in the sky,
and I would see the shape of the land, but at first I was disoriented as to which
direction I was looking at it from and didn't realize that the place I was looking
at was where I lived until I became more aware in the waking state that these might
be astral dreams, after which I became nore familiar with what I was seeing from
high up and was able to orient myself to it.

Another interesting thing is that the time of night or day that I've had these
dreams have always lined up with the time it would be in the dream, even when I
would find myself in distant places where it should be sunset or sunrise or middle
of the day or night when it was a different time at home while I was having the

When I first started having these dreams, I had no idea they might be astral
dreams, and in the dreams I always felt lost and concerned about getting home and
didn't know where I was, or I started out knowing where I was (always somewhere
local to home) but after wandering around in the dream I became disoriented and
confused about which direction home was and I'd wander around until I spotted
something that I recognized that helped me orient myself and find home.

Over time, as I started realizing that I might be astral traveling during these
dreams, I started to gain more control over them and finding my way home became
easier and easier. This is when I first started having the instances of being high
up looking down on the area where I live, looking for my home. After this became a
familiar part of the dreams, I started finding myself in other parts of the world
where the land and culture were distinctly foreign to me, and getting home no
longer became a problem, and almost as soon as I decided to leave the place I was
back at home and the dream would end.

In one of the first dreams to a foreign land, I remember finding myself on a lonely
road or highway in a desert in the middle of the night (proper time for at home
when I had the dream), and I was trying to figure out how to get home (I never know
I'm astral travelling during the dream). I started walking along the road until I
came to a small adobe building that turned out to be a bus depot where a bunch of
tired-looking Mexican peasants were crowded on benches inside, quietly waiting for
the early morning bus to take them to work or into town. At that point I realized
where I was and the dream ended after finding myself looking down from the sky on
my home area.

In later dreams I found myself in other more distant places, experiencing cultures
and landscaoes that were more unfamiliar to me but akways seeming very real, and
getting home became much easier and almost imsantaneous.

The progression of control in these dreams also involved

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