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1971 – As part of their depopulation program, the Rockefeller’s fund Planned Parenthood to establish
the first large-scale abortion mill in New York City. The center is designed to perform more than 10,000
abortions a year, and is a model for future sites that will be set up around the country. By the next year,
700,000 innocent babies will be killed in the USA by abortion. Bill Gates’ father, William Gates Sr., will
soon become one of its board members.

1991 – George Nader is convicted on a felony charge for transporting sexually explicit videos of
underage boys in foreign commerce.

1998 – Jeffrey Epstein purchases Little St. James Island in the Virgin Islands.

Mar. 10, 2001 – Prince Andrew has sex with 17-year-old Virginia Roberts Giuffre at Ghislaine Maxwell’s

June, 2001 – Several Congressmen, a former CIA director, a former FBI director, government insiders
and privileged members of the press meet at Andrews Air Force Base to conduct a bio-warfare simulation
called Dark Winter.

Sept. 4, 2001 – Robert Mueller is nominated by President George W. Bush and becomes the sixth
Director of the FBI.

Sept. 11, 2001 – The World Trade Center in New York City is attacked and destroyed.

Sept. 21, 2002 – Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker and others travel with Jeffrey Epstein on
Epstein’s ‘Lolitta Express’ to South Africa.
2003 – George Nader receives a one-year prison term in Prague for corruption of minors, sexual abuse
and impairing minors.

2003 – Harvard opens the the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, a research center created with $6.5
million donated by Jeffrey Epstein.

2003 – Dennis Montgomery designs and builds the HAMMER for the US government as a foreign
surveillance system to protect America after 9/11. The HAMMER system featured multiple echelons of
safeguards and sign-offs to prevent US personnel, up to and including the President of the United States,
from using the system for unlawful domestic surveillance.

2004 – Pierre Omidyar founds the Omidyar Network.

Feb. 4, 2004 – DARPA’s LifeLog project becomes Facebook.

May, 2005 – Pierre Omidyar speaks at NSA headquarters to a conference organized by its director,
Michael V. Hayden, promoting “information sharing and collaboration.”

2006 – Edward Snowden is hired by the CIA as a technical/IT expert and receives a top-secret security

2006 – Ghislaine Maxwell stops working for Jeffrey Epstein.

May 2006 – Jeffrey Epstein is charged with multiple counts of unlawful sex acts with a minor.

2007 – Jeffrey Epstein's lawyers meet with Miami's top federal prosecutor Alexander Acosta and secretly
negotiate an illegal plea deal. Acosta will later claim that he was ordered by a superior to withhold
charges against Epstein because Epstein is an intelligence agent. What agency he works for isn't revealed.

2007 – Edward Snowden is posted to Geneva, Switzerland, under diplomatic cover as an IT and cyber
security expert for the CIA, a position that gives him access to a wide array of classified documents.

2007 – Pierre Omidyar proposes creating a peer-to-peer text-messaging service that would help people to
“survive a flu pandemic or other widespread disaster” — and to his belief in the responsibilities of
2008 – The Chinese Thousand Talents Plan is established in order to incentivize individuals engaged in
research and development in the United States to transmit the knowledge and research they gain to China
in exchange for monetary payments.

Mar. 2008 – John Brennan hacks into State Department computers to ‘cauterize’ Barack Obama's
passport file of potentially embarrassing information.

June 2008 – Jeffrey Epstein accepts a controversial non-prosecution agreement in Florida.

2009 – The US intelligence agencies leak false information about Dennis Montgomery to the press in
order to discredit him in case their domestic surveillance programs ever become public. Dennis
Montgomery can’t respond because he is under a US protective gag order and has the state secrets
privilege filed against him that would lead him to being charged with treason under the US Espionage

2009 – A scientist in Canada smuggles 22 vials

Jan. 13, 2009 – The domain is established.

Jan. 21, 2009 – Barack Hussein Obama, a closet homosexual crypto-Muslim who is married to a
transvestite male posing as a woman, is inaugurated as the 44th president of the USA.

Feb. 3, 2009 – John Brennan and James Clapper commandeer and repurpose the HAMMER by expanding
and transforming it from a foreign surveillance system into a private, parallel platform domestic
surveillance system. They relocate the system to Fort Washington, Maryland. The HAMMER will be
used to collect surveillance data on 156 Article III judges, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John
Roberts, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the FISA Court, including former presiding FISA Court
Judge Reggie Walton, members of Congress, and business leaders, including Donald Trump. The
HAMMER will eventually be equipped with a program called SCORECARD, which allows for changing
election votes on voting machines.

June 2009 – Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, and Chris Heinz, the stepson of John Kerry, form
Rosemount Seneca. The firm partners with the Thornton Group run by Devon Archer, and the Bank of
China, to form Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) in China. Biden, Heinz, and Archer will transfer and sell ‘dual
use’ technology to the Chinese military which will be used to create the Chinese drone program and
replicate the Chinese version of the F-15 fighter. Devon Archer is the nephew of Whitey Bulger, head of
the Boston Irish mafia who enjoyed federal protection under FBI director Robert Mueller as an informant.

Sept. 21, 2009 – FBI Director Robert Mueller is personally selected by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
to hand deliver 10 grams of highly enriched uranium to Moscow.

Nov. 2009 – The Obama Administration directs DHS to delete information collected on hundreds of
individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups from its database, the Treasury Enforcement
Communications System (TECS). The records are the basis for the ability to ‘connect dots’.
May 18, 2010 – John Brennan tells a Washington conference including Lebanese leaders that the Obama
administration is looking for ways to build up ‘moderate elements’ within Hezbollah.

June 29, 2010 – Bill Clinton receives $500,000 for a Moscow speech to Renaissance Capital in a pay-to-
play bribery scam arranged by Sec. of State Hillary Clinton for State Dept. approval of Russian purchase
of Uranium One, an American mining company.

Aug. 2010 – Robert Mueller rape allegations first occur.

Nov. 23, 2010 – Hillary Clinton suggests murdering Julian Assange with a drone strike.

Nov. 28, 2010 – Wikileaks begins publishing classified information from Bradley Manning revealing,
among other matters, that the US is extensively spying on the United Nations.

2011 – Charles Lieber becomes a ‘Strategic Scientist’ at Wuhan University of Technology in China. He
will become a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.

2011 – James Risen and Eric Lichtblau author a New York Times article in which they paint Dennis
Montgomery as a fraud, citing CIA sources.

Jan.31, 2011 – Bill Gates begins associating with Jeffrey Epstein.

June 16, 2011 – Hillary Clinton instructs Jake Sullivan to strip off classified markings from a document
and send it over a non-secure server.

Oct. 3, 2011 – The Obama administration secretly changes longstanding policy. The change creates a
‘loophole’ that allows the NSA to conduct ‘backdoor searches’ or ‘incidental collection’ of US citizens’
domestic communications.

2012 – Illegal spying starts in the Obama WH.

2012 – The Freedom of the Press Foundation is founded in order to fund and support free speech and
freedom of the press. The organization’s original purpose is to manage crowd-funding campaigns for
independent journalistic organizations, but will eventually begin to pursue technical projects to support
journalist’s digital security and conduct legal advocacy for them.

Mar. 2012 – Edward Snowden moves to Hawaii to work at a NSA facility there as a Dell employee.

Apr. 2012 – Michael Horowitz is appointed head of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

May, 2012 – Xi Jinping and Bill Gates meet in Beijing, calling for closer cooperation between the Gates
Foundation and its Chinese partners on medical care and technology.

May 12, 2012 – Michelle Obama refers to Kenya as Barack Obama's homeland in a public speech.

June 20, 2012 – President Obama invokes executive privilege over the release of Operation Fast and
Furious documents.

July, 2012 – General Mike Flynn becomes the Director of National Intelligence for the Obama

July 12, 2012 – Edward Snowden begins an unauthorized mass downloading of information from NSA

Sept. 11, 2012 – Attack on the US embassy in Benghazi. US forces are ordered to stand down, leading to
the deaths of four Americans.

Oct. 8, 2012 – Donald Trump tweets: "Got to do something about these missing chidlren [sic] grabbed by
the perverts. Too many incidents - fast trial, death penalty."

Nov. 6, 2012 – Barack Obama is elected to a second term.

2013 – Christopher Steele becomes a confidential human source (CHS) for the FBI.

2013 – Jeff Bezos purchases the Washington Post.

Mar. 5, 2013 – NRGLab New Technology posts two videos on Youtube. One video opens with a clip of
Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her
son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010.

Mar. 13, 2013 – Senate confirms John Brennan as CIA Director.

April, 2013 – Bill Gates and Xi Jinping meet for a second time at the Boao Forum in Hainan, with China
promising it would deepen its cooperation with the Gates Foundation.

May 4, 2013 – Dr. Frank Plummer, a world reknown virologist obtains samples of the SARS-2 virus from a
Dutch virologist by the name of Dr. Ron Fouchier, whom in turn had obtained the virus from Dr. Ali Zaki,
who works at a private hospital in Saudi-Arabia.

May 19, 2013 – Edward Snowden travels to Hong Kong without telling anyone where he is going.

June 5, 2013 – The first leaks from Edward Snowden are released by The Guardian.

June 9, 2013 – The Guardian reveals Edward Snowden as the source of the NSA leaks.

June 11, 2013 – Edward Snowden is fired by Booz Allen Hamilton.

June 13, 2013 – Edward Snowden steps forward as source of NSA leaks published in the Guardian.

June 18, 2013 – Michael Hastings, a Polk Award winning journalist for Rolling Stone and reporter
for BuzzFeed, is killed in a suspicious car crash and his body burned beyond recognition. Hastings was a
vocal critic of the Obama administration, Democratic Party and surveillance state during the
investigation of reporters by the DOJ in 2013. The day before the crash, he had indicated that he
believed he was being investigated by the FBI. In an email to colleagues, Hastings said that he was "onto
a big story", and that he needed to "go off the radar". The LA Weekly will report that he was preparing
new reports on the CIA at the time of his death. His widow will state that his final story was a profile of
CIA Director John Brennan.

June 23, 2013 – Edward Snowden leaves Hong Kong for Ecuador, with a planned stopover in Russia.
He is stranded at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow after U.S. authorities rescind his
passport. He spends the next month living in limbo in the airport’s transit center.

July 18, 2013 – Igor Pasternak hosts a campaign fundraiser for Adam Schiff. Donations start at $2,500.

Aug. 1, 2013 – Edward Snowden is granted temporary asylum by Russian authorities while they consider
his application for permanent political asylum.

Sept. 4, 2013 – James Comey is sworn in as Director of the FBI, taking over from Robert Mueller.

2014 – The Guardian launches Securedrop, a platform for whistleblowers to securely submit confidential
documents to the newspaper’s reporters. It was originally designed and developed by Aaron
Swartz and Kevin Poulsen under the name DeadDrop. The first instance of the platform was launched
under the name Strongbox by staff at The New Yorker on 15 May 2013. The Freedom of the Press
Foundation took over development of DeadDrop under the name SecureDrop.

2014 – Edward Snowden joins the Freedom of the Press Foundation's board of directors. He will begin
serving as its president in early 2016.

Feb. 2014 – Hunter Biden is discharged from the Navy for testing positive for cocaine.

Feb. 2014 – The Ukrainian Maidan Rovolution takes place, when a series of violent events involving
protesters, riot police, and unknown shooters in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of
elected president Viktor Yanukovych, and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.

Feb. 2014 – The Intercept is founded by journalists Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill and filmmaker
Laura Poitras. It is launched by First Look Media, which is funded by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, who
provides $250 million for the start-up. The publication’s first mission will be to set up a secure archive of
Edward Snowden’s documents, and to keep mining them for stories. It will have exclusive rights to the
documents, based on an agreement with WikiLeaks. Co-founders Greenwald and Poitras will
subsequently leave amid public disagreements about the leadership and direction of the organization.
Mar. 11, 2014 – Adm. Rogers gives testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee before
becoming the director of the NSA.

Apr. 2014 – Hunter Biden takes a paid position on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas
company. This comes, shortly after Joe Biden is named by President Obama to oversee Ukraine-US

Apr. 30, 2014 – James Clapper fires Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Mike Flynn for warning of
radical Islamic jihadists.

Aug. 2014 – CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery meets with Senior Judge of the
United States District Court for the District of Columbia Royce C. Lamberth, one-time presiding judge of
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Montgomery hands over a cache of Special Access Program
(SAP) classified documents.

Sept. 6, 2014 – Trump tweets, "Attention all hackers: You are hacking everything else so please hack
Obama's college records (destroyed?) and check ‘place of birth’."

Oct. 17, 2014 – US funding of SARS to create a biological weapon is paused due to the extreme risk of a

2015 – Sally Yates blocks Inspector General oversight of the DOJ National Security Division.

2015 – Nancy Pelosi leads a congressional delegation to Ukraine to discuss issues including ‘energy

Jan. 31, 2015 – Wuhan Institute of Virology’s National Biosafety Laboratory goes into trial operation in
Wuhan, China. It is the only bio-safety level four super laboratory in China and works with the world’s
most deadly pathogens.

March, 2015 – Xi Jinping meets with Bill Gates at the Boao Forum in Hainan, where they exchange views
on public health.

May 2015 – Both Amazon and Apple discover microchips within their server’s motherboard circuitry that
provide a backdoor into their systems. The chips will be traced to the motherboard manufacturer,
SuperMicro, where they had been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors in China.
SuperMicro is one of the largest motherboard manufacturers in the world.

June 16, 2016 – Donald Trump announces his candidacy for POTUS.

July, 2015 – Google invests $100 million into Crowdstrike.

July 14, 2015 – Iran reaches an historic nuclear deal that limits their nuclear program and enhances
monitoring in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions.
July 23, 2015 – A patent application is submitted for the coronavirus by the Pirbright Institute, which is
funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The patent will be issued in Nov. 2019.

Aug. 19, 2015 – Under a limited immunity agreement, CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis
Montgomery turns over 47 hard drives of information illicitly collected by ‘THE HAMMER’ to the FBI’s
Miami Field Office in Miramar, Florida. The FBI agents who debrief Montgomery (Strzok?) later begin
working for Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel.

Oct. 2015 – Nellie Ohr is employed by Fusion GPS as an independent contractor.

Nov. 1, 2015 – Adm. Rogers begins a full compliance audit of the NSA.

2016 – Dennis Montgomery sues James Risen of the New York Times and the publisher of Risen’s book
Pay any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War for defamation over a chapter that portrayed
Montgomery’s work for the US government as a hoax.

Jan. 2016 – Eric Schmidt meets with Pope Francis.

Jan. 16, 2016 – Having met its commitments, sanctions are lifted on Iran.

Jan. 17, 2016 – Obama secures a deal with Iran that includes a payment of $1.7 billion in cash. The first
installment of $400 million is shipped in a cargo plane at the same moment that four American hostages
are released.

Jan. 19, 2016 - Obama sends the remaining $1.3 billion payment to Iran in two planes.

Jan. 24, 2016 – The ambush interview of General Michael Flynn by FBI agent Peter Strzok and Special
Agent Joe Pientka.

Feb. 2, 2016 – Victor Shokin raids the home of the founder/head of Burisma Holdings.

Mar. 2016 – Vice President Joe Biden threatens to withhold $1 billion in foreign aid to the Ukraine if it
didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin who was investigating his son, Hunter Biden,
on the board of the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings.

Mar. 9, 2016 - DOJ oversight personnel learn that the FBI has been employing outside contractors
(FusionGPS and CrowdStrike) who have access to raw Section 702 FISA data and who are retaining that
access after their work for the FBI is completed.

Mar. 14, 2016 – George Papadopoulos meets with Joseph Mifsud.

Mar 19. 2016 – An alleged phishing expedition of the servers of the DNC throughout the month loots
thousands of emails, including 60,000 belonging to John Podesta, the DNC chair.

Mar. 29, 2016 - Viktor Shokin is forced to resign as Ukraine’s prosecutor general due to pressure from
US Vice President Joe Biden, who has threatened to withhold $1 billion in foreign aid unless he is fired.
The Ukrainian investigation into Burisma gets shelved as a result.

Apr. 18, 2016 - After having found unusual "About Queries", Rogers blocks all contractor access to the
NSA database while he performs a full compliance audit.

Apr. 26, 2016 – George Papadopoulos is told at a meeting at a London hotel by Joseph Mifsud that the
Kremlin had obtained compromising information about Hillary Clinton, including ‘thousands of emails’.

May, 2016 – The United Nations hosts the ID2020 summit to discuss how to provide digital identity to
all, including 1.5 billion people currently living without any form of recognized identification.

May 2, 2016 – Crowdstrike is retained by Perkins Coie on behalf of their client, the DNC (i.e. the Hillary
Clinton campaign) to assist Perkins Coie in providing legal advice or related legal services.

May 5, 2016 – The Clinton Foundation pays Crowdstrike $1462.50 and $7650.00.

May 6, 2016 - During a meeting with a foreign entity, Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George
Papadopoulos "suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it
could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be
damaging to Hillary Clinton."

May 23, 2016 – Nellie Ohr applies for a HAM radio license.

June 12, 2016 – Julian Assange announces that WikiLeaks has and will publish documents pertinent to
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

June 14, 2016 – CrowdStrike, a cyber-security firm hired by the DNC, announces that it has found
malware on DNC servers and has evidence that Russians were responsible for planting it.

June 15, 2016 – An anonymous person going by the name Guccifer 2.0 and claiming to be a lone hacker
from Romania takes responsibility for the DNC ‘hack’ reported the day before, and claims to be a
WikiLeaks source. The person then posts documents to a site called DCLeaks. The documents will turn
out to have been doctored to make them appear to come from Russians.

June 27, 2016 – Bill Clinton meets with AG Loretta Lynch on the tarmac.

July, 2016 – the FBI receives the first reporting from Christopher Steele regarding alleged Russian
interference in the 2016 US elections. Only Steele’s handler (FBI Agent Michael Gaeta) and select agents
in the New York Field Office will know of Steele’s reporting until September. Stephen Somma is one of
those agents.

July 2, 2016 – Hillary Clinton is interviewed by FBI agents over her illegal email server.

July 5, 2016 – In the early evening (EDT), someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer
directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MB of data onto an
external storage device in 87 seconds.
July 10, 2016 – Seth Rich, an employee of Hillary Clinton, is murdered on the street in New York.

July 11, 2016 – The day after Seth Rich’s murder, the Clinton Foundation pays Crowdstrike $98,849.84.

July 22, 2016 – WikiLeaks publishes more than 60,000 DNC email messages and documents.

July 25, 2016 – Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigns as DNC chair amidst WikiLeaks revelations of
improprieties and election rigging to defeat Bernie Sanders. Donna Brazile is appointed interim

July 26, 2016 – Hillary Clinton allegedly gives approval to senior Obama security officials on her proposal
from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal and claiming
interference by Russian security services. At about this same time or soon after, Obama convenes a
secret meeting of top officials at the White House.

July 27, 2016 – In regards to Hillary Clinton’s emails, Trump tweets "Russia, if you're listening, I hope
you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

July 30, 2016 – Bruce and Nellie Ohr meet for breakfast with Christopher Steele at the Mayflower Hotel
in Washington.

July 31, 2016 – The Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Russian collusion in the Trump election
campaign is started.

Aug. 2016 – Investigations are opened on Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, and
Michael Flynn, as part of Crossfire Hurricane.

Aug. 2016 – Mark Zuckerberg meets with Pope Francis.

Aug. 1, 2016 – Peter Strzok travels to London to interview ‘key witness’ Stefan Halper, a foreign policy
expert and Cambridge professor with connections to the CIA and its British counterpart, MI6.

Aug. 2, 2016 – The lawyer for Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas, is found dead in his bathroom. Lucas had recently
delivered a lawsuit to DNC headquarters that alleged the Democratic Party had committed fraud by
rigging their primary election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Aug. 3, 2016 – The day after Seth Rich’s lawyer’s death, the Clinton Foundation pays Crowdstrike
$4,275.00 and $113,645.77.

Aug. 5, 2016 – A text message from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page about the Crossfire Hurricane investigation
states: “the White House is running this.”

Aug. 9, 2016 – WikiLeaks offers a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction for the
murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.

Aug. 14, 2016 – Evidence surfaces of alleged payments to Paul Manafort that were recorded in a ‘black
ledger’ of former Ukrainian President Yanukovych’s political party.
Sept. 1, 2016 – Stefan Halper speaks with Sam Clovis about the Trump campaign in a recorded

Sept. 19, 2016 – Crossfire Hurricane investigators receive the first 6 of Steele's election reports.

Sept. 21, 2016 – A UK-based news outlet publishes a report that Anthony Weiner engaged in an online
sexual relationship with a minor from about January 2016 to about July 2016.

Sept. 23, 2016 – Yahoo News publishes an article entitled, "U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump
advisor and Kremlin," that describes efforts by US intelligence to determine whether Carter Page had
opened communication channels with Kremlin officials.

Sept. 26, 2016 – AAG John Carlin files a notification with the FISA Court.

Sept. 27, 2016 – An investigation into Anthony Weiner regarding sex crimes involving children is initiated
by SDNY. His laptop and other electronic devices are seized. In the course of searching the laptop, a
large number of emails belonging to Hillary Clinton will be found.

Oct. 2016 – Congressional investigators looking into the activities of Imran Awan pass the matter over to
the FBI and Capitol Police.

Oct. 18, 2016 – After speaking with Steele, Bruce Ohr meets with Andrew McCabe to share Steele's and
Simpson's information with him.

Oct. 20, 2016 – Adm. Rogers is briefed on the audit results by the compliance officer. He orders all
“About Query” activity to be disabled and reports the activity to the DOJ, and then goes to the FISA

Oct. 21, 2016 – First FISA warrant application for Carter Page. It is signed by Sally Yates. It is also signed
by FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer.

Oct. 26, 2016 – With the full FISA court assembled, NSA Director Rogers informs the court of numerous
FISA (702) violations. Additionally, and as an outcome of the NSA systems inability to guarantee
integrity, Rogers also stops ‘About Query’ permanently.

Oct. 31, 2016 – Mother Jones magazine publishes an article entitled "A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI
Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump". Steele will later admit to the FBI
that he was a source for the article.

Nov. 6, 2016 – WikiLeaks releases a second batch of 8,263 DNC emails.

Nov. 8, 2016 – Donald Trump wins the US presidential election.

Nov. 10, 2016 – John Kerry takes a trip to Antarctica for unknown reasons.

Nov. 17, 2016 – Without informing his superiors (i.e. Clapper), Adm. Rogers travels to Trump Towers to
inform Trump that he is being spied on.
Nov. 17, 2016 – President-elect Trump names General Mike Flynn to be White House national security

Nov. 18, 2016 – Trump moves his transition team out of Trump Towers.

Nov. 28, 2016 – John McCain dispatches State Department official David Kramer to London where
Christopher Steele reportedly shows Kramer his dossiere on Trump.

Dec. 4, 2016 – A shooting takes place at Comet Ping Pong.

Dec. 9, 2016 – John McCain provides FBI Director James Comey with 16 Steele election reports that he
had received from a staff member (David J. Kramer) at the McCain Institute.

Dec. 29, 2016 – Kramer provides BuzzFeed with a copy of the Steele dossier.

2017 – By this year, China has recruited more than 7,000 professionals, including Nobel laureates, into
its Thousand Talents Plan. Many are Chinese nationals who come to the U.S. to study or to conduct
postdoctoral research at U.S. institutions. Academics apply to the TTP to get on China’s payroll, and are
selected by the Communist Party.

Jan. 2017 – John Brennan hires Peter Strzok to write an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), which
will be used to initiate the Mueller investigation. The ICA won't actually find any evidence of collusion
between Trump and Russia, but will merely state that Putin 'aspired' to help Trump and that Russia
“developed a clear preference for Trump.” The Steele dossier will be added as an 'appendix' to the
report, even though Brennan will tell Congress that it was never used.

Jan. 2017 – Sally Yates signs FISA renewal application #1 for Carter Page.

Jan. 6, 2017 – James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Mike Rogers meet privately for briefing
with Trump. After the meeting, Comey briefs Trump on Hillary Clinton's fictional opposition research and
presents it as a US intelligence product. He discusses the sexual allegations but doesn’t mention
anything about Carter Page, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Michael Cohen being targeted under
the FISA Act. Comey takes notes immediately after the meeting before reporting back to top intelligence

Jan. 9, 2017 – President Obama authorizes the restart of gain-of-function research. This includes funding
at Wuhan Lab in China.

Jan. 10, 2017 – BuzzFeed publishes the full Steele dossier.

Jan. 10, 2017 – During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Anthony S. Fauci,
MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, states that there is ‘no
doubt’ Donald Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his
Jan. 21, 2017 – Donald Trump is sworn in as POTUS.

Jan. 24, 2017 – Peter Strzok interviews General Michael Flynn inside the White House without Flynn's
lawyer being present.

Jan. 30, 2017 – Mark Zaid, future lawyer for ‘whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella, tweets that a “coup has
started” and that “impeachment will follow ultimately.”

Feb. 2017 – Paul Pelosi Jr. takes on position as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative.

Feb 2. 2017 - The Awans are banned from House computer network. Florida congresswoman Debbie
Wasserman Schultz will continue to employ them until Imran Awan is arrested in July. She will be forced
to resign over the scandal.

Feb. 9, 2017 - Dana Boente is sworn in as the Acting Attorney General. He will serve until April 25.

Mar. 4, 2017 – Trump tweets: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump
Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

Mar. 7, 2017 – WikiLeaks dumps CIA Vault 7. The information dumped confirms the existence of the

Mar. 19, 2017 – US Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) gives a live radio interview with Dave
Janda in which Janda devotes it entirely to a discussion of Dennis Montgomery, ‘The Whistleblower
Tapes’ and John Brennan and James Clapper’s use of ‘THE HAMMER’ for illegal domestic surveillance
against Donald Trump. Later that same day, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page exchange text messages in which
they specifically mention Montgomery and his attorney Larry E. Klayman, the very people that General
McInerney was referencing during the radio broadcast.

Mar. 20, 2017 – FBI Director James Comey launches the Russian collusion investigation of President
Donald Trump. The same day, Comey lies before Congress and says that the FBI has no evidence to
support President Trump’s accusation that President Obama had wiretapped Trump, even though
Comey had taken possession in 2015 of the 47 decrypted hard drives of proof from Dennis Montgomery.

Mar. 21, 2017 – HIC Chairman Devin Nunes makes an impromtu visit to the White House for a secret

Mar. 22, 2017 – HIC Chairman Devin Nunes gives a press conference in which he reveals that
spreadsheets had been produced by the Obama WH of illegal intercepts that included names, phone
numbers, etc.

Mar. 31, 2017 - Dana Boente becomes the Acting Attorney General with respect to the Crossfire
Hurricane investigation after Jeff Sessions recuses himself.

Apr. 5, 2017 - Comey signs FISA renewal application #2 for Carter Page.

Apr. 26, 2017 - Rod Rosenstein is confirmed as the Deputy Attorney General.
Apr. 26, 2017 - A FISA court ruling makes significant changes to the handling of raw FISA 702 data.

May 9, 2017 – Trump fires FBI Director James Comey.

May 2017 – John Durham begins his investigations.

May 17, 2017 - The Crossfire Hurricane cases are transferred to the Office of the Special Counsel.

June 2017 – Rosenstein signs FISA renewal application #3 for Carter Page.

June 8, 2017 – Giuliani meets with Ukrainian leaders.

June 28, 2017 – McCabe signs FISA renewal application #3 for Carter Page.

July 2017 – Imran Awan is arrested while trying to flee the country.

July 2017 – Paul Pelosi Jr. travels to Kiev, Ukraine in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate
Governance Initiative. He will later claim that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership
with the Ukraine government, led by former president Petro Poroshenko. The organization that Pelosi is
involved with, World Sports Alliance, is affiliated with the UN and is involved in a cryptocurrency scheme
to defraud investors, as well as a global mining scheme top steal natural resources.

July 27, 2017 – George Papadopoulos is arrested by the FBI.

July 27, 2017 – GOP leaders call on AG Sessions to appoint a second special counsel to investigate a
plethora of matters connected to the 2016 election and its aftermath. These include actions by Hillary
Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and others, email controversies, mishandling of classified
information, Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier, FISA warrants, wire taps, leaks, grand juries, the Clinton
Foundation and the Uranium One deal.

Oct. 1, 2017 – The Las Vegas shooting takes place. Trump is secretly meeting with King Salman of SA in
LV at the time. Possible attempted assassination of Slaman/Trump.

Oct. 17, 2017 – George Soros transfers $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations.

Oct. 28, 2017 – Q begins posting on 8chan.

Oct. 28, 2017 – John Durham is sworn in as interm U.S. Attorney.

Nov. 2, 2017 – The CIA attempt’s to hack Trump’s Twitter account in order to track him.

Nov. 4, 2017 – Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and other members of his criminal cartel are arrested in
Saudi Arabia.

Nov. 5, 2017 – During a photo opportunity at the White House, President Trump asks the people
gathered for a group photo, “Do you guys know what this represents?” Upon being requested to “tell us,
sir,” President Trump responds, “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.” When asked, “What storm, Mr.
President?” Trump replies, “You’ll find out.”
Nov. 7, 2017 – Trump is in North Korea successfully negotiating a new relationship with Kim Jong Un.

Nov. 8, 2017 – Trump visits the Forbidden City in China with President Xi.

Nov. 13, 2017 – AG Jeff Sessions appoints US Attorney John Huber to investigation the Clinton

Nov. 17, 2017 – Twitter announces it will begin applying new ‘anti-hate speech’ rules.

Dec. 21, 2017 – President Donald Trump issues an Executive Order, titled Executive Order Blocking the
Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption, which allows authorities to
freeze the assets of anyone involved in human trafficking activity. POTUS declares a National Emergency
to deal with these crimes.

Dec. 21, 2017 – Eric Schmidt resigns from Google.

2018 – President Trump releases a National Biodefense Strategy.

Jan. 2018 – U.S. Embassy officials warn about inadequate safety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab
and pass on information about scientists conducting risky research on coronavirus from bats.

Jan. 2018 – The Chinese government announces that the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s National
Biosafety Laboratory is in operation. It has existed since January 2015.

Jan. 23, 2018 – Joe Biden brags during a CFR conference that he told Ukrainian leaders that the US
would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless they fired Prosecutor General Shokin.

Jan. 29, 2018 – a 26-year-old male sex worker from Texas is reported to have died of a drug overdose at
the home of a politically influential West Hollywood resident named Ed Buck. Buck is associated with
Congressman Adam Schiff, who is the Democrat representative of that district.

Jan. 30, 2018 – A freak helicopter crash kills three people tied to the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood
(Kimberly Lynn Watzman, manager; Brian Reichelt, regional financial manager; and Joseph Anthony
Tena, CEO of the Ferrada Group, which owned shares in the Standard Hotels chain).

Feb. 7, 2018 – Devin Nunes reports his findings to Judge Collyer. No response.

Feb. 7, 2018 – US attack at Deir Azzor, Syria.

Feb. 7, 2018 – Trump initiates a secret operation in China that takes out some Deep State players. Q
posts surveillance images.

Feb. 10, 2018 – Q posts more surveillance images from China, and asks: “What’s going on in Asia?” He
later posts: “Clown black op sites. Asia. Goodbye.” Another post gives the string

Mar. 1, 2018 – Trump signs Executive Order 13825: 2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial,
US. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2019.

Mar. 6, 2018 – Julian Assange is indicted in the USA on one count of conspiracy to commit computer

Mar. 26, 2018 – Keith Raniere, leader of the NXIVM sex cult, is arrested in Mexico.

Mar. 29, 2018 – In a letter to Republican committee chairmen, AG Sessions says that John Huber, the U S
Attorney for Utah, had been appointed to ‘evaluate certain issues’ raised by the GOP.

Apr. 2018 – Judge Collyer's ruling on spying by FBI contractors, in which she reveals the people involved
in conducting illegal database searches.

Apr. 6, 2018 – DOJ seizes, a classified ad website notorious for facilitating prostitution
and the sex trafficking of children.

Apr. 16, 2018 – It is announced that a large-scale 5G network engineering program will be piloted in
Wuhan, China. 3,000 macro base stations and 27,000 micro base stations will be built, with trials
expected to start by the end of the year.

Apr. 20, 2018 – TV star Allison Mack is arrested in connection to Keith Raniere and his NXIVM sex cult.

Apr. 27, 2018 – Bill Gates says that the US government is falling short in preparing the nation and the
world for the “significant probability of a large and lethal modern-day pandemic occurring in our

May 4, 2018 - Adm. Rogers formally retires as director of the NSA.

May 8, 2018 - President Trump announces he is set to withdraw from Obama’s Iran nuclear deal and
reimpose sanctions, calling it one of the worst deals he’s ever witnessed.

May 8, 2018 - Iran stops complying with the nuclear proliferation treaty. Iran’s Foreign Ministry
Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari warns Europeans that if they stop trade deals with Iran and do not put
pressure on the Trump administration to get back on board, the Iranian regime will leak the names of all
Western officials who were bribed to pass the deal, as well as how much they received.

May 15, 2018 – A pandemic exercise titled ‘Clade X’ is conducted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health
Security in Washington DC.

June, 2018 – A Bill Gates-backed company called Pivotal, based in Kirkland WA, reports that a successful
field trial was made of the Echo 5G in a simulated home environment in a Kirkland
neighborhood. Kirkland will be the location of many coronavirus deaths.

June 2018 - Devin Nunes again tries to bring FBI wrongdoing to the attention of Judge Collyer, but still
gets no response.
June 12, 2018 – President Trump meets with Kim Jong Un in North Korea.

July 2018 – Imran Awan is given a plea deal, and pleads guilty to federal bank fraud. Prosecutors claim
they found no evidence that Awan “violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems.”

Aug. 9, 2018 – A DOJ plane is spotted in Little Rock, Arkansas, possibly transporting evidence related to
the Clinton Foundation.

Aug. 15, 2018 – Trump revokes John Brennan’s security clearance.

Aug. 21, 2018 – Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is found guilty of bank and tax fraud
and hiding foreign bank accounts.

Aug. 30, 2018 – Q makes a series of posts referencing CORONA going offline, followed by ‘BLIND EYES IN

Sept. 12, 2018 – President Trump declares a national emergency over “foreign interference in U.S.
elections” on September 12, 2018, in an executive order.

Oct. 18, 2018 – James Baker testifies before congressional committees that he ‘remembered’ he had
received information from whistleblower Dennis Montgomery that government officials had illegally
wiretapped other government officials and other Americans, and that Montgomery had turned over a
significant amount of data that had been collected.

Nov. 16, 2018 – President Trump signs into law the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act
of 2018. This Act elevates the mission of the former DHS National Protection and Programs Directorate
and establishes the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). CISA is responsible for
protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats, a mission that requires
effective coordination and collaboration among a broad spectrum of government and private sector

Nov. 19, 2018 – The FBI raid the home of former FBI contractor Dennis Nathan Cain, a whistleblower
who is alleged to be in possession of copies of documents regarding the Clinton Foundation and
Uranium One that he had turned over to the DOJ IG and both the House and Senate Intelligence
committees. Cain has a top-level security clearance and he maintains a number of security-related
credentials. His specialties include the FISA Amendment Act (FAA) Section 702 and USSID SP0018
Minimization Procedures and Signals Intelligence Authorities.

Nov. 29, 2018 – Q posts an image of the Hyatt Regency lobby in Chongqing, China. Later posts hint that
eight CIA agents are under surveillance there.

Dec. 5, 2018 – US Attorney John Huber fails to appear before the House GOP to give his findings on his
investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

Dec. 5, 2018 – George H. W. Bush’s funeral.

Dec. 11, 2018 – A suspicious fire breaks out in Google offices in Beijing, China.
2019 - With the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health commits $3.7 million over six years
for research that will include some gain-of-function work. The program follows another $3.7 million, 5-
year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ends this year, bringing the total to
$7.4 million.

Jan. 11, 2019 – Q posts an image of an airport in China and asks “What senior US official is arriving in
China? Purpose?”

Feb. 2019 – The DOJ opens an internal review of Jeffrey Epstein's plea deal after a federal judge rules
that the deal with Epstein was reached in violation of the rights of the victims.

Feb. 7, 2019 – A secret military operation involving black helicopters is conducted in Los Angeles, CA.
Soldiers in white hazmat suits are seen loading a large package onto a helicopter that has landed in the
street. A P-8 Poseidon was spotted flying in circles for hours above the city a few days earlier.

Feb. 14, 2019 – Q posts a series of real-time surveillance images from China.

Mar. 10, 2019 – John Podesta is in New Zealand, attending a Global Progressives event. He is warning
about cyber attacks, the use of hacked information as fake news, and the use of social media to spread
dischord and lies.

Mar. 13, 2019 – Facebook and InstaGram both suffer major outages. Q posts about it, saying “The
'cleaning crew' is active.” News outlets also report on this day that federal prosecutors are conducting a
criminal investigation into data deals that Facebook struck with some of the world’s largest technology
companies. A grand jury in NY has subpoenaed records from at least 2 makers of smartphones and other

Mar. 13, 2019 – The Daily Beast reports that Pierre Omidyar’s First Look Media is shutting down access
to the trove of NSA documents stolen by Edward Snowden that it has exclusive rights to. Glenn
Greenwald will claim that it is due to financial constraints but that he and Poitras “continue to possess
full copies of the archive” and that he is working to “ensure that publication” of the material will
continue with “academics and researchers, not reporters” working with institutions that have enough
funds “to do so robustly, quickly and responsibly.”

Mar. 14, 2019 – A mass shooting at a mosque in New Zealand leaves 49 people dead.

Mar. 19, 2019 – Chinese researchers are caught trying to steal coronavirus from a Canadian lab. The
chief Chinese scientist (Dr. Xiangguo Qiu) has allegedly been making trips between Winnipeg
and Wuhan.

Mar. 20, 2019 – John Solomon of The Hill publishes an interview with Ukrainian Prosecutor General
Lutsenko, who alleges that US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch gave him a ‘do not prosecute’
list at their first meeting.

Apr. 3, 2019 – Verizon initiates 5G technology in Chicago, the first location in the USA. Other locations
where it will be operating by 2020 include Houston TX, Indianapolis IN, Sacramento CA, and Los Angeles

Apr. 11, 2019 – Julian Assange has his diplomatic asylum revoked by Ecuador and he is arrested by the
Metropolitan Police; he is remanded in custody by a judge at Westminster Magistrates Court. He will be
found to have breached his bail terms and will be sentenced to 11 months in jail on May 1.

Apr. 12, 2019 – A computer laptop that belongs to Hunter Biden is left at a repair shop. When it isn’t
picked up by the summer, the shop owner will look through it and discover that it contains damning
emails, image files, and at least one sex tape.

Apr. 18, 2019 – Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report is publicly released, outlining the
findings of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Apr. 18, 2019 – Q posts an image of the Long Beach Port.

Apr. 21, 2019 – Trump has a brief congratulatory phone call with Zelensky after Zelensky is elected
president of Ukraine.

Apr. 24, 2019 – Ambassador Yovanovitch receives orders to return to Washington from Ukraine `on the
next plane’. Once in Washington, she is told that “the President had lost confidence in me and no longer
wished me to serve as his ambassador.”

Apr. 25, 2019 – Joe Biden announces he is running for President.

May 2, 2019 – A court hearing takes place over Assange's proposed extradition to the USA. He tells the
court he does not consent to the extradition and the case is adjourned until May 30.

May 7, 2019 – The Port of Long Beach begins transferring over from Chinese ownership back to US

May 7, 2019 – The trial of Keith Raniere starts.

May 13, 2019 – Swedish prosecutors reopen Assange’s rape case saying they still want to question him.

May 14, 2019 — AG Barr appoints US Attorney John Durham to lead a probe into the origins of the
Russia investigation.

May 20, 2009 – Joe Biden takes a trip to Blegrade and makes a deal to help Serbian hackers there to get
control of info about a company called Election Systems and Software so he and Obama will have a
better chance in the 2012 elections. Biden will get Eric Holder to force ES&S in a divesture suit in the
Antitrust department in the US DOJ to give over half of ES and S to Serbian programmers for Dominion
Voting Systems.

May 20, 2019 – Zelensky is inaugurated as president of Ukraine, taking over from Poroshenko.

June 2019 – George Nader, a primary witness for Robert Mueller’s Russian collusion investigation, is
arrested on child pornography charges when images of young boys engaging in sexual acts and bestiality
are found on his phone.

June 3, 2019 – The Swedish court rules against detaining Assange in absentia, setting back his extradition

June 13, 2019 – A hearing sets out the date for Assange's full extradition hearing for February of next

June 13, 2019 – The US accuses Iran of attacking two tankers in the Gulf of Oman. Iran denies being
behind the attack.

June 16, 2019 – The trial of Keith Raniere ends.

June 20, 2019 – Iran shoots down a US surveillance drone, claiming that the drone was in Iranian
airspace. The United States says the drone was in international airspace.

June 20, 2019 - A secret cyberattack against Iran wipes out a critical database used by Iran’s paramilitary
arm to plot attacks against oil tankers and degrades Tehran’s ability to covertly target shipping traffic in
the Persian Gulf.

June/July, 2019 – When a computer laptop that was left at a repair shop in April isn’t picked up by it’s
owner after several months, the shop owner looks through its contents and discovers that it contains
damning emails, image files, and at least one sex tape. The owner appears to be Hunter Biden. The FBI is
contacted. The FBI will first make a forensic copy of the laptop, but will then return a few weeks later
with a subpoena and confiscate it. After the shop owner stops hearing back from them, he will contact
several members of Congress, who do not respond, at which point Rudy Giuliani’s attorney, Robert
Costello, is contacted and a copy of the contents are handed over to him.

July, 2019 – Chinese Communist spies who are working at the Canadian National Microbiology
Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba (the only Level 4 Quarantine Lab in Canada) are caught and forcibly
removed from the lab by the RCMP. Prime Minister Trudeau will allow the spies to leave Canada without
ever being charged for spying or any other crimes. The head of the Lab, Dr. Frank Plummer, will later die
under mysterious circumstances while at a virology conference in Kenya.

July, 2019 – The USA’s top biological warfare research facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland is shut down by
the CDC after it’s found that researchers “did not maintain an accurate or current inventory” for toxins
and “failed to safeguard against unauthorized access to select agents.” The closure of the lab will be
hidden from Congress and the facility will be partially reopened in November before all of the identified
biosafety issues are resolved. The lab has been working closely with virologists and virology labs in
Wuhan, China since the 1980s.

July 6, 2019 – Jeffrey Epstein is arrested in New York on conspiracy to traffic in sex. Hundreds of images
of naked underage girls are found locked up in a safe during a raid on his NY home.

July 23, 2019 – Epstein attempts suicide, is put on suicide watch.

July 24, 2019 - Special Counsel Robert Mueller testifies before Congress about the probe into Russian
interference in the 2016 presidential election. He says he has not found evidence of a criminal
conspiracy involving the Trump campaign.

July 25, 2019 - Trump's second telephone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, in which he raises the
issue of Hunter Biden. This call will be used in an attempt to impeach Trump for bribing the Ukrainian

July 28, 2019 – Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats submits his resignation, effective Aug. 15.

July 29, 2019 – Epstein is taken off suicide watch.

Aug. 2019 – Representatives from the Gates Foundation meet with U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush at a
sit down in Rwanda, East Africa to hash out a $100 million government-backed contact tracing contract
that will be inserted into HR 6666, better known as the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting
Everyone (TRACE) Act.

Aug. 1, 2019 – Q goes offline for the next 93 days. This coincides with 8chan going offline after a DDoS
attack. 8chan will eventually return as 8kun.

Aug. 1, 2019 - A fake FBI memo is published by Yahoo News that warns that conspiracy theories are a
new domestic terrorism threat. The memo names QAnon as a threat.

Aug. 9, 2019 – 2024 pages of Epstein-related court documents are released. 1000s more pages of
documents await clearance for release.

Aug. 10, 2019 – Jeffrey Epstein is allegedly found dead in his cell at MCC. AG Bill Barr will refer to it as a
“supposed suicide” and will publicly vow to continue pursuing the investigation into others who may
have assisted Epstein.

Aug. 12, 2019 - A whistleblower files an ‘urgent concern’ with ICIG Michael Atkinson regarding Trump's
July 25 phone call with Zelensky.

Aug. 15, 2019 – DNI Dan Coats leaves office.

Aug. 15, 2019 – The New York Post publishes a picture of Ghislaine Maxwell at an In-And-Out Burger
drive-through in Los Angeles, CA, suggesting that she is not in hiding and hasn't been arrested. Close
examination of the photos reveals possible photoshopping.

Aug. 17, 2019 – Freddie Brennan brags online about getting 8kun shut down. It will suddenly lose all of
its DNS info and other data that is beginning to populate.

Aug. 24, 2019 – Hurricane Dorian begins to form over the central Atlantic Ocean. It will increase in
power as it moves west, stopping over the Bahamas for a full day and causing extreme damage –
including to the Chinese deep-water container ports recently built there – before moving on towards the
US coast and then turning north and then notheast before eventually disipating on Sept. 10. The strange
behavior of the hurricane will lead many to wonder if it was controlled.

Aug. 26, 2019 – ICIG Atkinson forwards the whistleblower complaint to Acting DNI Joseph Maguire, who
under the law is required to transmit the complaint to the congressional intelligence committees within
seven days. The Justice Department, however, takes the position that the statute does not apply on the
grounds that the complaint does not involve “an intelligence activity within the responsibility and
authority of the Director of National Intelligence.” The complaint remains under wraps until HIC
Chairman Adam Schiff reveals its existence on Sept. 13.

Sept. 1, 2019 – Trump begins implementing tariffs on China.

Sept. 8, 2019 – German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits Wuhan, China.

Sept. 9, 2019 - The Intel IG notifies House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff of an "urgent concern" that
DNI has overruled. Three House committees launch investigation of efforts by Trump, Giuliani and
others to pressure the Ukrainian government to assist the President's reelection efforts. The committees
request information about Trump's July phone call with Zelensky.

Sept. 10, 2019 - A joint US-Iraqi bomb attack on ISIS destroys their last remaining compound.

Sept. 10, 2019 - National Security Adviser John Bolton formally resigns.

Sept. 11, 2019 - A hold on foreign aid to the Ukraine is lifted.

Sept. 13, 2020 – HIC Chair Adam Schiff announces that he has issued a subpoena to Acting DNI Maguire
to obtain a complaint from a whistleblower filed under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower
Protection Act (ICWPA) that, under the law, should have been provided to the congressional intelligence

Sept. 14, 2019 - A drone strike is made on the world’s largest oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia.
Although Houthi rebels take responsibility, the US blames Iran and believes the attack is in retaliation for
taking out ISIS.

Sept. 17, 2019 – Democratic donor Ed Buck is arrested after a nearly-dead man escapes from his home
after Buck allegedly plies him with meth. The arrest comes after two men previously died at Buck’s
mansion from drug overdoses.

Sept. 18, 2019 – The Chinese government conducts an exercise in Wuhan, where they simulate a
response for a novel coronavirus strain.

Sept. 24, 2019 - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump.

Sept. 24, 2019 - Adam Schiff tweets that the whistleblower is interested in testifying and could do so
before the end of the week.

Sept. 25, 2019 - The whistleblower's complaint against Trump is delivered to Capitol Hill.

Sept. 25, 2019 – After House chair Adam Schiff reads a glaringly false and misleading characterization of
Trump’s telephone call to the Ukraine’s President Zelensky into the congressional record, Trump
unexpectedly orders the release of the transcript of the call, revealing Schiff’s underhanded attempt to
blatantly lie about what was said.
Sept. 26, 2019 - The whistleblower complaint against Trump is declassified and released to the public.

Sept. 30, 2019 - The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issues subpoenas for the phone
records of various people, including Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, Congressman Devin Nunes, journalist
John Solomon, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow, attorney Victoria Toensing, and other American citizens.

Oct. 2019 – Trump forces China to sell the Long Beach Port in California, which they had owned and
controlled since 2012.

Oct. 2019 – According to Chinese defector Wei Jingsheng, it had been discovered that there was a virus
spreading in Wuhan at this time. Anthony Fauci has been funding research in Wuhan for some time and
will remain silent about this information.

Oct. 2019 – Melinda Gates meets with lawyers to discuss possible divorce proceedings after it becomes
public knowledge that Bill Gates has ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

Oct. 8, 2019 - The White House informs House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats running the
impeachment inquiry that it will not cooperate in what it sees as an illegal effort.

Oct. 15, 2019 - Democrats decide not to hold an immediate vote authorizing the impeachment inquiry,
but will instead continue their investigation.

Oct. 18, 2019 – A five hour viral outbreak simulation called ‘Event 201’ is conducted in NYC. This high-
level pandemic exercise is hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with
the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Oct. 19, 2019 - Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and other US reps arrive in Jordan to speak with King Abdullah
II and other officials regarding the situation in Syria.

Oct. 26, 2019 - The US military conducts a surprise strike in Iraq, taking out ISIS founder and leader, al
Baghdadi. A large number of documents are retrieved.

Oct. 28, 2019 – Epstein victim Courtney Wild sends a letter to AG Bill Barr asking him to support her
efforts to invalidate Epstein’s 2008 non-prosecution agreement, which extends immunity in Florida to
others who may have assisted Epstein or participated in his alleged crimes against children.

Oct. 29, 2019 – Israel temporarily closes all of its embassies around the world over a ‘minor issue’
relating to paying expenses of embassy employees.

Oct. 31, 2019 - The House conducts its first vote on the impeachment inquiry, resulting in a vote of 232-
196, showing a clear partisan split.

Oct. 31, 2019 – Wuhan, China turns on its 5G technology.

November 2019 – Two FBI agents (Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak) walk into the computer shop
where Hunter Biden had left his laptop for repair. The owner immediately offered to give them the data
files from the laptop, but after a brief discussion, they refused and left the shop.
November 2019 – Three researchers from the Wuhan lab fall ill and are hospitalized “with symptoms
consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness.”

Nov. 1, 2019 – It is reported that the US government has launched a national security review of TikTok
owner Beijing ByteDance Technology Co’s $1 billion acquisition of U.S. social media app

Nov. 2, 2019 – Q returns online after 93 days. 8kun (formerly 8chan) is still not fully operational.

Nov. 4, 2019 – Juliette Bryant, a South African model, files a lawsuit in Manhattan Federal Court against
Jeffrey Epstein’s estate alleging that he had repeatedly raped her numerous times and was flown to
various homes in Paris, New Mexico, New York City and the Virgin Islands.

Nov. 8, 2019 - US Congressman Frank Pallone introduces H.R. 4998 - Secure and Trusted
Communications Networks Act of 2019, which would immediately ban the purchase in America of
telecom equipment from Chinese manufacturers like Huawei and ZTE—and that further would give $1
billion in emergency funding to help smaller rural telecoms ‘rip and replace’ from their telecom systems
every single Chinese made piece of equipment they have. It will pass the House unanimously on Dec. 16,

Nov. 12, 2019 - Based on a whistleblower claim that Trump pressured Zelensky to look into Hunter
Biden's business dealings in the Ukraine, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declares Trump has betrayed his
oath of office and announces she is opening a formal impeachment inquiry.

Nov. 12, 2019 - Democrats conduct the first public hearings of the impeachment inquiry. Bill Taylor and
George Kent testify.

Nov. 14, 2019 - Marie Yovanovitch, the former US ambassador to Ukraine, testifies before the House
impeachment committee.

Nov. 15, 2019 – The CDC posts a job posting seeking Public Health Advisors for a quarantine program to
be set up in various states across the USA.

Nov. 16, 2019 - Prince Andrew gives a disastrous interview on BBC about his association with Jeffrey
Epstein and continues to deny that he ever met Virginia Roberts Giuffre, claiming that the photo of him
with his arm around her waste was somehow faked.

Nov. 16, 2019 – Adam Schiff tweets: “New technologies, like deepfakes – utterly convincing yet
completely fraudulent video and audio – give Russia and other malign actors new ways to disrupt our
elections. I wrote to @Twitter earlier this summer urging them to prepare – I hope this means they will
now do so.”

Nov. 18, 2019 – The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China posts a job opening, “asking for scientists to
come research the relationship between the coronavirus and bats.”

Nov. 19, 2019 - Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Jennifer William, and Kurt Volker testify before the House
impeachment committee.

Nov. 20, 2019 – A patent is issued to Pirbright Institute for the cornavirus.
Nov. 20, 2019 - US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland and Pentagon official Laura Cooper testify
before the House impeachment committee.

Nov. 21, 2019 - Fiona Hill and David Holmes testify before the House impeachment committee.

Dec. 1, 2019 – China enacts a vaccine law that makes vaccinations mandatory.

Dec. 2, 2019 – T-Mobile launches its nationwide 5G network, covering more than 5,000 cities and towns
across the US.

Dec. 3, 2019 – HIC Chairman Adam Schiff releases his committee’s impeachment inquiry report, which
reveals the acquisition of personal phone records of conversations involving Nunes, investigative
reporter John Solomon, and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani.

Dec. 6, 2019 – A search warrant is granted to special prosecutor Dan Webb to obtain from both Jussie
Smollett and his manager “not just e-mails but also drafted and deleted messages; any files in their
Google Drive cloud storage services; any Google Voice texts, calls and contacts; search and Web
browsing history; and location data.”

Dec. 9, 2019 - The IG report on FISA abuse is released, listing 17 instances where the FBI knowingly
abused its authority.

Dec. 10, 2019 – Zaosong Zheng, a Chinese national, is arrested at Boston’s Logan International Airport
and charged with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China.

Dec. 11, 2019 - Senate hearing on the findings of the IG report on FISA abuse.

Dec. 12, 2019 – The first victims become infected with what will soon be named Coronavirus 2019-nCoV.
The infections occur just a few miles away from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.

Dec. 17, 2019 – A shop owner who is in possession of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden that was found
to contain incriminating emails and image files is turned over to the FBI under a subpoena order.

Dec.18, 2019 – President Donald Trump is formally impeached.

Dec. 20, 2019 – Space Force is signed into law by President Trump as part of the 2020 National Defense
Authorization Act.

Dec. 20, 2019 – Judicial Watch sues Rep. Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee for phone
subpoenas targeting Trump.


Dec. 24, 2019 – The Wuhan Institute of Virology posts a second job posting, which includes the
declaration, “long-term research on the pathogenic biology of bats carrying important viruses has
confirmed the origin of bats of major new human and livestock infectious diseases such
as SARS and SADS, and a large number of new bat and rodent new viruses have been discovered and

Dec. 27, 2019 - A rocket attack by an Iranian-backed militia kills an American contractor at a US base in

Dec. 28, 2019 – A magnitude 4.7 earthquake hits Puerto Rico. President Trump authorizes an additional
$8.2 billion in aid.

Dec. 29, 2019 - Trump responds to the rocket attack in Iraq two days earlier by ordering hard hits at five
Shiite militia weapon sites.

Dec. 30, 2020 – Over the next six-weeks, Mariam Taha Thompson, a linguist working for the Defense
Department, will begin accessing dozens of files concerning human intelligence sources, including true
names, personal identification data, background information, and photographs of the human assets, as
well as operational cables detailing information the assets provided to the United States government.
The highly sensitive classified information will be transmitted to a foreign national with apparent
connections to Hizballah, a foreign terrorist organization.

Dec. 31, 2019 - An Iranian-backed militia storms the US embassy in Iraq. Trump sends in 100 Marines to
secure the site.

Dec. 31, 2019 – A Russian phishing hack on Burisma Holdings is allegedly discovered by a Silicon Valley
company called Area 1 Security, which will claim that the Russians are attempting to dig up dirt on Joe
Biden to affect the 2020 election. One of the founders of Area 1 Securities is also a founder of
Crowdstrike, the firm that claimed Russia hacked the DNC computers during the 2016 election but has
yet to provide any proof.

Dec. 31, 2019 – A deadly outbreak of coronavirus is reported to have occurred in China. Millions of
Chinese citizens will allegedly be quarantined as a result. Ground zero is Wuhan, the location of the
Wuhan Institute of Virology. The outbreak ends massive daily street protests against the government.

2020 – After the coronavirus is released, the Gates Foundation donates $100 million to China.

Jan. 2, 2020 – Trump responds to the Dec. 31 embassy attack in Iraq with an airstrike that kills Islamic
terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani. In response, the Iranian leader offers an $80 million bounty for
Trump's head. Trump opponents in the US start raising fears that he is escalating the situation to war.

Jan. 5, 2020 – Iranian-backed militias open fire on civilians refusing to attend a funeral ceremony for
Soleimani. A stampede leads to the death of over 50 people and several hundred are injured.
Meanwhile, the NYT refers to Soleimani as a "popular general" and "national war hero".

Jan. 6, 2020 – Two earthquakes strike Iran within a two hour period.
Jan. 6, 2020 – Harvey Weinstein appears in court in NY to begin jury selection for his sex crimes trial. The
same day, he is indicted on similar charges in LA.

Jan. 7, 2020 – A magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits Puerto Rico at 8:24 a.m. UTC.

Jan. 7, 2020 – Iran fires missiles on Iraqi bases but fail to cause any serious damage. The attack appears
to be a face-saving maneuvre, since better targets were left alone. Trump moves heavy military forces
into the area but refrains from responding further. He warns Iran that he has 52 sites picked out for
attacks if Iran harms any Americans or American assets.

Jan. 7, 2020 – Only hours after Iran fires missiles at Iraqi bases, a Ukrainian airline crashes after take-off
from Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran, killing all 176 people on board. Iranian officials
blame the crash on ‘technical dificulties’ and refuse to turn over the black box for analysis. Holes in the
fuselage reveal it was shot down.

Jan. 8, 2020 – Prince Harry announces that he and his wife, Meghan Markle, are stepping back from
their royal duties in order to live more independantly.

Jan. 8, 2020 – NYT columnist Paul Krugman tweets that a hacker compromised his IP address to
download child porn onto his computer, and attempts to associate it with QAnon. He later deletes the
tweet, calling it a mistake.

Jan. 9, 2020 – The Democrats introduce and pass a non-binding War Powers Act resolution in the House
in an effort to restrain Trump’s military response to Iranian aggression.

Jan. 9, 2020 – WaPo and other MSM news outlets publish articles claiming that the Huber investigation
into Hillary Clinton has ended without charges, based on anonymous sources.

Jan. 9, 2020 – Hillary Clinton posts a cryptic tweet that says: “We are in a climate emergency.”

Jan. 10, 2020 – In an attempt to control the Senate impeachment process, Nancy Pelosi announces that
she plans to hold a vote on impeachment managers before sending articles of impeachment to the
Senate next week. Senate leader Mitch McConnell introduces a resolution to dismiss the impeachment
once it reaches the Senate.

Jan. 10, 2020 – Iran admits that it ‘unintentionally’ shot down the Ukrainian airliner on Jan. 7. This leads
to thousands of protestors taking to the street and demanding that the country's supreme leader,
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, step down.

Jan. 10, 2020 – Devin Nunes issues a criminal referal against ICIG Atkinson for perjury related to
modifying the whistleblower’s complaint that led to the impeachment inquiry against Trump.

Jan. 12, 2020 – Iranian President Rouhani agrees to de-escalate tensions in Iran.

Jan. 12, 2020 – At 7:20 a.m. an emergency alert in Ontario warns that an incident was reported at the
Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. No further information is given.
Jan. 12, 2020 – A few days after returning from China, Tedros Adhanam of the WHO reports that the
coronavirus is not transmittable.

Jan. 13, 2020 – George Nader, a witness for Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, is
convicted on pedophile charges. Nader admitted to transporting a 14-year-old boy from the Czech
Republic to Washington DC in 2000 to engage in sexual activity with him. He also admitted to possessing
child pornography depicting infants or toddlers. Prosecutors agreed as part of a plea bargain to
recommend a 10-year sentence when Nader is sentenced in April. Nader has a past criminal record for
sex crimes against children and is currently under indictment for conspiring to conceal more than $3.5
million in political donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Jan. 13, 2020 – The Energy Department agrees to begin releasing a cache of Ukraine-related records.

Jan. 13, 2020 – The NYT puts out a fake story that Russian hackers from military unit GRU successfully
targeted Burisma Holdings.

Jan. 14, 2020 – Nancy Pelosi announces that the House will vote the following day on a resolution to
transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate. Hours later, Mitch McConnell announces that the
Senate will begin its impeachment trial in one week (Jan. 21), when the chamber will begin by
considering the rules package to govern the trial. HIC Chairman Adam Schiff transmits new evidence to
the House Judiciary at the 11th hour that will be included in the official record.

Jan. 14, 2020 – Project Veritas releases a new video exposing one of the people working for Bernie
Sanders’ campaign who claims to be an ‘anti-fascist’ and talks about burning cities and shooting people
if Trump is reelected.

Jan. 14, 2020 – General Mike Flynn moves to withdraw his guilty plea due to the “government’s bad
faith, vindictiveness, and breach of the plea agreement.”

Jan. 14, 2020 – Iranian President Rouhani announces that arrests have been made after ‘extensive
investigations’ into the downing of the Ukrainian airliner on Jan. 7.

Jan. 15, 2020 – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sends articles of impeachment to the Senate.

Jan. 15, 2020 – Trump signs Phase 1 of a new trade deal with China that will bring industry back to the

Jan. 15, 2020 – Lev Parnas gives an interview to Rachel Maddow about his involvement with Giuliani and
Trump regarding the Ukraine scandal.

Jan. 16, 2020 – President Donald Trump’s Senate impeachment trial begins.

Jan. 17, 2020 – The CDC reports the first case of coronavirus infection in the USA after a traveller from
China is diagnosed in Seattle, WA.

Jan. 18, 2020 – Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced fires the island’s emergency management
director after a video showing disaster aid sitting unused in a warehouse goes viral on social media.
Some of the aid has allegedly been sitting in the warehouse since Hurricane Maria struck in 2017.
Jan. 18, 2020 – John Basham tweets: “BREAKING: DEVELOPING (RUMINT) D.C. @GOP supposedly have
some extremely salacious pictures of @RepAdamSchiff that were recovered when the @FBI served
search warrants on Ed Buck’s drug den in Los Angeles. There is debate on whether these obscene pictures
should be publicly leaked.” The claim will prove to be false.

Jan. 21, 2020 – The Senate impeachment trial starts.

Jan. 22, 2020 – Lawfare publishes a report claiming that their analysis of Lisa Page’s twitter account
indicates that she is being targeted by Russian bots for complaining about what people are saying about

Jan. 22, 2020 – On around this day, 5 million people leave Wuhan, a few days before the CCP start
locking the country down. The 5 million people scatter to 13,000+ cities in China to visit family and
friends for the Lunar Festival (Chinese New Year).

Jan. 22, 2020 – At 4:37 pm, Lisa Page posts a tweet with a link to Lawfare’s report published the same
day: “This is astounding. Bots are behind almost a third of the vile and hostile responses to my most
recent tweet. Somebody cares enough about me to unleash a bot arny against me. This is what bullying
looks like in 2020.”

Jan. 24, 2020 – Rudy Giuliani begins releasing information related to the Biden family’s corrupt and
criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere.

Jan. 26, 2020 – Trump’s legal team begins its defense arguments in the impeachment trial.

Jan. 28, 2020 - Mike Flynn’s sentencing is suspended indefinitely.

Jan. 28, 2020 – Dr. Charles Lieber, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at
Harvard University, and two Chinese nationals are charged in three separate China-related cases.
Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a ‘strategic scientist’ at Wuhan
University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents
Plan from about 2012 to 2017. He was awarded more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at

Jan. 29, 2020 – Trump establishes the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

Feb. 2020 – The FBI is reported to be conducting roughly 1,000 investigations into China’s attempted
theft of trade secrets.

Feb. 2020 – Zhou Yusen, a Chinese military scientist specializing in coronaviruses who had collaborated
with the Wuhan Institute of Virology's ‘Bat Woman’, Zhengli Shi, files a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Three months later he will be found dead.

Feb. 2020 – A Ukrainian judge orders a legal probe into former VP Joe Biden forcing the ouster of
prosecutor Shokin who was investigating the gas firm employing his son Hunter Biden.

Feb. 2020 – Sen. Chris Murphy, John Kerry, and other Democratic senators hold a secret meeting with
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference in an apparent
attempt to undermine Trump’s foreign policy. Nancy Pelosi was also in Munich at the time.

Feb. 6, 2020 – Trump asks US scientists and medical researchers comprising the White House
Coronavirus Task Force to investigate the scientific origins of the novel coronavirus.

Feb. 6, 2020 – Frank Plummer, a renowned Winnipeg-based Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory
scientist who was key to a coronavirus investigation dies under mysterious circumstances while
attending a virology conference in Kenya, Africa. Plummer was the one who received a Saudi SARS
coronavirus sample which was smuggled to Wuhan, and had been working on a vaccine in the Canadian

Feb. 7, 2020 – Q posts about China, hinting at their Thousand Talents Plan and suggesting that it allows
them to bribe people in key positions to betray the US.

Feb. 12, 2020 – Chinese telecommunications conglomerate Huawei is charged in a racketeering

conspiracy and conspiracy to steal trade secrets.

Feb. 20, 2020 – Roger Stone is sentenced to 7 – 9 years for lying under oath.

Feb. 24, 2020 – Julian Assange’s extradition hearing begins, and is expected to last up to four weeks.

Feb. 24, 2020 – Tedros Adhanom of the WHO reports that the coronavirus is not a pandemic.

Feb. 26, 2020 – President Trump gives a press conference on the coronavirus, assuring the public that
the situation is under control.

Feb. 27, 2020 – Mariam Taha Thompson is arrested for transmitting highly sensitive classified national
defense information to a foreign national with apparent connections to Hizballah, a foreign terrorist

Feb. 27, 2020 – H.R. 4998 - Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 is approved by a
unanimous voice vote in the US Senate. Written as a response to recent concerns around Chinese
hardware manufacturers, the bill bans the purchase of telecom equipment from Chinese manufactures
like Huawei and ZTE, and includes $1 billion in funding to help smaller rural telecoms “rip and replace”
existing equipment from specific manufacturers.

Feb. 27, 2020 – A large number of Iranian officials begin reporting they have tested positive for the

Feb. 29, 2020 – The US signs a peace agreement with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Feb. 29, 2020 – According to, there are currently 154,552 sealed indictments on file across
the USA.

Mar. 2, 2020 – A judge orders that Hillary Clinton must give a sworn deposition to Judicial Watch
regarding her emails and Benghazi attack documents. Cheryl Mills and two other State Department
officials are also ordered to give depositions. Additionally, the court granted Judicial Watch’s request to
subpoena Google for relevant documents and records associated with Clinton’s emails during her tenure
at the State Department.

Mar. 2, 2020 – Devin Nunes files a lawsuit for $250 million in damages against the Washington Post and
intelligence reporter Shane Harris, alleging that a story from the paper relating to a classified House
Intelligence Committee briefing on Russian interference amounted to defamation. The complaint
specifically states that Jeff Bezos purchased WaPo in 2013 “for the purpose of using WaPo’s mighty pen
to influence Federal elections."

Mar. 2, 2020 – AG Barr, along with his deputy attorney general Jeffrey Rosen and several other officials,
takes over anti-trust probes into social media.

Mar. 2, 2020 – Chris Matthews from MSNBC resigns on air due to accusations of sexual harrassment in
the workplace.

Mar. 4, 2020 – Chuck Schumer makes a public threat against Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch
at a pro-abortion rally in front of the Supreme Court during an anti-abortion hearing, saying, “I want to
tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the
price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Mar. 4, 2020 – The US conducts a defensive airstrike to counter a Taliban assault on Afghan government
forces in Afghanistan.

Mar. 5, 2020 – Senate passes $8.3 billion emergency bill to combat the coronavirus.

Mar. 5, 2020 – Tedros Adhanom of the WHO reports that the coronavirus fatality rate is 3.4%, and that
by comparison, the common flu only has a 1% fatality rate.

Mar. 6, 2020 – Trump names Mark Meadows as his Chief of Staff.

Mar. 6, 2020 – Saudi authorities arrest King Salman's brother, Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz al Saud,
Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz al Saud, and others for plotting a coup to unseat the king and
crown prince.

Mar. 6, 2020 – Crowdstrike backpedals on their actions related to the fraudulent claim that Russians
hacked the DNC and sent the hacked emails to WikiLeaks, specifically stating that they “did not do any
investigations around the release of the information.” This is in direct contradiction to what the FBI

Mar. 10, 2020 – Italy goes into a nationwide lockdown due to the cornavirus.

Mar. 11, 2020 – Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein is sentenced in NY to 23 years for rape
and sexual assault.

Mar. 11, 2020 – The World Health Organization declares the novel coronavirus outbreak a global
‘pandemic’, claiming that there are now more than 118,000 cases of COVID-19 in 114 countries, with
4,291 deaths. New York State will deploy ‘containment areas’ in response.
Mar. 11, 2020 – Trump declares a temporary halt on air travel to the United States from Europe,
excluding flights from the United Kingdom and those carrying cargo, in an effort to contain the spread of
the coronavirus.

Mar. 11, 2020 – The DOJ and DEA carry out a nationwide round-up of members of the Mexican CJNG
drug cartel, making more than 600 arrests.

Mar. 11, 2020 – Chelsea Manning attempts suicide while in prison.

Mar. 12, 2020 – A judge orders Chelsea Manning’s release from prison, stating that her testimony
(regarding WikiLeaks) is no longer needed.

Mar. 12, 2020 – The National Guard is called out in the US in response to the coronavirus outbreak as
quarantines begin around the world.

Mar. 12, 2020 – A naked and extremely intoxicated Andrew Gillum, former mayor of Tallahassee, is
found in a hotel room with two other men when paramedics are called to the room after a male escort
overdoses on crystal meth.

Mar. 13, 2020 – President Trump declares a national emergency over the coronavirus outbreak. He will
approve $8.3 billion for fighting the coronavirus.

Mar. 13, 2020 – Bill Gates announces that he is stepping down from the boards of Microsoft and
Berkshire Hathaway.

Mar. 13, 2020 – On about this date, the official United States government seal will no longer be used,
signifying that Trump has relinquished control of the country from the incorporated ‘United States of
America’ and given it back to the people.

Mar. 13, 2020 – Many government officials from around the world and a number of Hollywood
celebrities begin claiming they have the coronavirus and impose self-quarantine. Many countries begin

Mar. 13, 2020 – Hillary Clinton and Cheryl Mills ask the Court of Appeals to overturn a court order
granting Judicial Watch’s request to depose them regarding Clinton emails/Benghazi attack records.

Mar. 13, 2020 – Ghislaine Maxwell files a lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein’s estate for financial legal fees
and personal protection costs as a result of receiving death threats.

Mar. 13, 2020 – China closes its last coronavirus hospital due to the lack of new cases.

Mar. 14, 2020 – Under the guise of an excercise, 20,000 US troops land in the harbor town of Vlissingen,
in the Netherlands for operation #DefenderEurope20.

Mar. 15, 2020 – FISA laws are set to expire, but are continued at the last minute due to their use in
ongoing investigations.

Mar. 15, 2020 – 298 people are arrested in Saudi Arabia in a corruption round-up.
Mar. 15, 2020 – Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau is allegedly indicted by the US government for
corporate and financial crimes.

Mar. 15, 2020 – The FBI claims that it lost the documents being sought by Sidney Powell that would
prove that her client, Mike Flynn, was set up by them.

Mar. 16, 2020 – Google search results begin returning previously blocked material. Twitter, Youtube,
etc. will quickly follow suit.

Mar. 16, 2020 – The DOJ moves to dismiss the charges against the Russian Company (Concord) who
conducted the alleged ‘information warfare against the US’.

Mar. 17, 2020 – Trump tweets: “The world is at war with a hidden enemy. WE WILL WIN!”

Mar. 18, 2020 – Bill Gates hosts a reddit Ask Me Anything forum in which he answers questions about
the pandemic. In one of his answers, he refers to a ‘digital certificate’ to keep track of who gets
vaccinated, suggesting that they will be needed in order to show who has recovered or been tested
recently or who has received a vaccination.

Mar. 19, 2020 – China reports no new cases of coronavirus for the first time since the outbreak.

Mar. 21, 2020 – Nancy Pelosi unveils her 1400 page economic stimulus plan to deal with the effects of
the coronavirus outbreak. It is loaded with extras that have nothing to do with the coronavirus.

Mar. 22, 2020 – German Chancellor Angela Merkel self-quarantines after allegedly coming in contact
with an infected doctor.

Mar. 23, 2020 – Q posts about the coronavirus for the first time, and mentions the arrest of Charles
Lieber and the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Mar. 25, 2020 – Julian Assange is denied bail.

Mar. 25, 2020 – The Senate passes a $2.2 trillion emergency stimulus package to assist the overly
stressed health care system and tumbling economy causedby the coronavirus pandemic.

Mar. 26, 2020 – AG Bill Barr announces the unsealing of indictments for President Nicolas Maduro of
Venezuala for narco-terrorism. More than a dozen other top Venezuelan officials are also ubder

Mar. 27, 2020 – The US Treasury and FED are effectively merged into one organization under the control
of Trump.

Mar. 31, 2020 – A spike in communications outages across the US.

April, 2020 – George Nader is sentenced.

Apr. 1, 2020 – Trump launches massive military offensive against the drug cartels.
Apr. 9, 2020 – The UK Treasury takes the Bank of England into public ownership.

Apr. 12, 2020 – Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse.

Apr. 28, 2020 - Dr. Yan Li-Meng lands at LAX. An FBI agent interviews her at that time about her
knowledge regarding the creation of the SARS-2 virus She will be interviewed again by FBI on May 1st
and 2nd, and Yan will show evidence of WeChat communications between herself and the director of the
CDC in Beijing dating back to December 2019 regarding the Chinese military’s involvement in the
development of the virus and specific links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

May 5, 2020 – Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey,
and other billionaires meet for the first time as the Good Club, in response to the global economic
downturn and numerous health and environmental crises that are plaguing the globe.

May 7, 2020 – The United States Department of Justice announces that it intends to drop all charges
against Mike Flynn.

May 16, 2020 – Hillary Clinton is supposed to be deposed by Judicial Watch regarding her emails relating
to the Benghazi attack. Only her lawyers are questioned.

May 25, 2020 – George Floyd is allegedly killed by police officer Derek Chauvin in Miniapolis, triggering
riots and looting across the nation, led by Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

May 31, 2020 – Trump tweets that he will be designating Antifa as a terrorist organization.

June 1, 2020 – Trump urges governors to deploy national guard and ‘threatens’ he would mobilize every
available federal force both ‘civilian and military’ to end violent protests.

June 3-4, 2020 – National Guard uses an RC-26 aircraft to surveil DC protests.

June 4, 2020 – AG Barr announces DOJ has evidence of Antifa involvement in DC have been instigating
and participating in violent activity, and that foreign actors have been playing all sides to exacerbate the

June 19, 2020 - Reporting confirms the DHS “used helicopters, airplanes and drones in more than 15
cities to watch protests over the killing of George Floyd and obtained more than 270 hours of

June 24, 2020 - The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals overrules District Judge Emmet Sullivan and orders him
to accept the Justice Department's motion to dismiss the case against former national security adviser
Michael Flynn.

June 26, 2020 – AG Barr releases an implementation memo for the creation of a DOJ task force on
violent antigovernment extremists.

June 28, 2020 – AG William Barr fires Geoffrey Berman, head of the SDNY.
June 29, 2020 – Ghislaine Maxwell is taken into custody by the FBI in New Hampshire.

July 2, 2020 – The arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell for sex and conspiracy crimes is announced.

July 8, 2020 – Cyber Polygon, a simulated attack on the digital infrastcructures of its particiants takes

July 15, 2020 – Twitter is allegedly hacked and a number of accounts belonging to high profile individuals
are compromised, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Kanye West, Elon Musk, Wiz Khalifa,
Apple, Uber, Jeff Bezos, and Benjamin Netanyahu.

July 28, 2020 – Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Youtube remove doctor’s coronavirus press conference
video that exposes a massive disinformation campaign, claiming it is disinformation. Donald Trump Jr. is
temporarily suspended from Twitter for sharing the video.

July 28, 2020 – AG Barr appears before the House Judiciary Committee for a general oversight hearing.

July 29, 2020 – The House Judiciary Committee holds an antitrust hearing with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos,
Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Jack Dorsey if
Twitter chooses not to attend.

Aug. 4, 2020 – A massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon destroys what appears to be a secret weapons

Aug. 4, 2020 – The FBI raid the Cleveland and Miami offices of Optima Holdings, a company that is
connected to Ukrainian oligarch Igot Kolomoisky, a principle of the Privat Group. The investigation
centers around a missing $1.8 billion in foreign aid.

Aug. 5, 2020 – Facebook and Twitter remove Trump’s coronavirus posts of a Fox interview about kids
being ‘almost immune’.

Aug. 7, 2020 – Massive blackout in NYC.

Aug. 10, 2020 – Christopher Miller is was sworn in by Donald Trump as Director of the National Counter-
Terrorism Center (NCTC), Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Prior to this, he was the Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combating Terrorism (DASD (SO/CT)).

Sept. 9, 2020 – Rioting in major Democrat-run cities ends rapidly as task forces begin to make arrests.
Fires begin in California and Orgeon.

Sept. 15, 2020 – President Trump signs an historic peace deal with Israel, United Arab Emirates, and
Bahrain, known as the Abraham Accords, which establishes full diplomatic relations between Israel and
the UAE and between Israel and Bahrain.

Sept. 18, 2020 – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg dies.

Sept. 22, 2020 – Ghislaine Maxwell appeal hearing.

Sept. 23, 2020 – The US Senate releases a report titled Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The
Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns.

Sept. 24, 2020 – A whistleblower contacts Senator Ron Johnson’s Senate committee and informs his
staff that he is in possession of a laptop left at his business by Hunter Biden. He also informs them that
he provided its contents to the FBI in response to a December 9, 2019 grand jury subpoena.

Sept. 25, 2020 – A YouTube channel affiliated with a dissident Chinese billionaire named Guo Wengui
uploaded a Chinese-language video announcing that Guo and Steve Bannon had sent “three hard disks
of evidence” related to Hunter Biden to both the Justice Department and Nancy Pelosi.

Sept. 26, 2020 – President Trump nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s
empty seat in the Supreme Court.

Sept. 28, 2020 – LudeMedia begins revealing information they have acquired through Chinese dissindent
Guo Wengui relating to Hunter Biden’s corruupt dealings with the Chinese Communist Party.

Sept. 29, 2020 – Mike Flynn court date.

Sept. 29, 2020 – The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden takes place.

Sept. 30, 2020 – James Comey testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Oct. 2020 –The FBI announce during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called ‘right-wing
militia’ to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.

Oct. 1, 2020 – President Trump and the First Lady test positive for coronavirus and go into quarantine
for 14 days.

Oct. 5, 2020 – John McAfee is indicted for tax evasion in the US.

Oct. 6, 2020 – John McAfee is arrested in Spain.

Oct. 6, 2020 – Andrew McCabe is supposed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, but uses
the coronavirus as an excuse to back out.

Oct. 11, 2020 – Giuliani hands over a copy of Hunter's hard drive to the New York Post.

Oct. 12, 2020 – Confirmation hearings begin for Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Oct. 14, 2020 – The New York Post begins releasing damning emails found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned
laptop hard drive. Some of the emails are between Hunter Biden and various foreign actors who are
offering him money to have access to his father. There are also alleged to be many damning image files
and at least one video of Hunter engaged in sex with an underage person. Twitter responds by censoring
anyone who attempts to spread the story. Other MSM news outlets will refuse to touch the story, but
releases of emails and images over the next weeks will force the story onto the public.

Oct. 15, 2020 – The House Intelligence Committee hosts an open virtual hearing on ‘Misinformation and
Conspiracy Theories Online’. The main subject matter is Qanon.

Oct. 15, 2020 – Twitter suffers a major crash — telling users “something went wrong” when they
attempt to open their feeds. For more than an hour, thousands of users will report experiencing issues
sending tweets or refreshing their timelines. The problem comes after Twitter begins heavily censoring a
news story about the discovery of incriminating evidence on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden.

Oct. 22, 2020 – Transcripts of the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition from 2016 are released to the public.

Oct. 22, 2020 – The third presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Oct. 26, 2020 – The Senate votes to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Oct. 27, 2020 – Keith Raniere is sentenced.

Oct. 28, 2020 - Facebook, Google and Twitter CEOs testify before the Senate Commerce Committee.

Nov. 3, 2020 – The US presidential election takes place. Polls will suddenly stop counting ballots at 2:00
am the following morning when it becomes clear that Trump is clearly winning, and will reopen two
hours later when thousands of new mail-in ballots suddenly appear that all favor Joe Biden. GOP poll
watchers are locked out of vote-counting centers.

Nov. 4, 2020 – Many instances of election fraud relating to late-received mail-in ballots are witnessed
and reported.

Nov. 5, 2020 – Election fraud reports begin to be heavily censored by the MSM and social media giants.

Nov. 6, 2020 – Action begins to be taken by the Trump Administration against election fraud when many
thousands of illegal ballots are found to favor Joe Biden.

Nov. 6, 2020 – Sidney Powell first mentions the HAMMER and SCORECARD on the Lou Dobbs show.

Nov. 8, 2020 – A rumor appears on 4chan that there was a raid in Germany and Scytl election software
servers were confiscated by the US military. These rumors quickly spread on social media.

Nov. 9, 2020 – Secretary of Defense Mark Esper is fired and replaced by Chris Miller, previously head of
the National Counterterrorism Center, as acting Defense Secretary. Ezra Cohen Watnick will fill the role
as Acting Undersecretary.

Nov. 9, 2020 – US military forces allegedly take possession of servers owned by a company named Scytl
based in Frankfert, Germany. The servers were used to run a US election fraud scam that turned the
election results in Joe Biden’s favor.

Nov. 10, 2020 – Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testifies before the Senate.

Nov. 13, 2020 – Sidney Powell is interviewed on Lou Dobbs, where she says that she’s going to “release
the kraken”.
Nov. 17, 2020 – President Trump fires Chris Krebs, the director of the DHS’s Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency. Krebs had publicly stated that said there was “no evidence that any
voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Nov. 17, 2020 – Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testify at a Senate
Judiciary Committee hearing titled, "Breaking the News: Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020

Nov.18, 2020 – Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller begins the process of elevating special
operations forces within the various military departments to report directly to him, as per the authority
of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act.

Nov. 20, 2020 – Sidney Powell confirms that the US military took possession of the Scytl servers in
Germany on Nov. 9, and reports that there were four foreign countries with lines into it that are
extremely adverse to the interests of the USA.

Nov. 22, 2020 – Jenna Ellis posts a statement on Twitter that Sidney Powell is working independently of
the Trump legal team.

Dec. 8, 2020 – FireEye, a prominent cybersecurity firm, announce that they were a victim to a
cyberattack. This is the first discovery of a widescale software supply-chain attack that will be
referred to as SolarWinds, named after the software that was able to be compromised.

Dec. 8, 2020 – Q makes his last post.

Dec. 14, 2020 – The Electoral College decides the official winner of the 2020 election.

Dec 18, 2020 – Donald Trump holds a private meeting at the White House that includes Gen. Mike Flynn,
Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne, Lin Wood, and others.

Jan. 6, 2021 – Antifa/BLM rioters dressed up as Trump supporters storm the Capitol building in
Washington DC immediately after a speech given by President Trump at a neaby location, disrupting
Congressional hearings on the electoral vote decision. Trump supporters will be blamed.

Jan. 8, 2021 – President Trump is permanently banned from Twitter for allegedly inciting violence.

Jan. 20, 2021 – Just before President Trump leaves office, the Pentagon gives control of 56 million
dormant Pentagon-owned IP addresses to a company in Florida called Global Resource Systems LLC. The
number of these IP addresses will increase to nearly 175 million over the next few months.

Jan. 20, 2021 –Joe Biden is inaugerated as president at the White House. President Trump does not

Feb. 10, 2021 – Vice Minister Dong Jingwei of the Ministry of State Security (MSS) defects from China to
the United States. The Chinese government will deny it, providing only a single photo of him at a
meeting as evidence. An anonymous source speaking for the Biden Administration will also deny it,
stating that they can neither confirm nor deny where he is. Some of the information Dong reportedly
brought with him was proof that Covid-19 was a bioweapon that was intentionally released.

May 6, 2021 – The Colonial Pipeline, the largest fuel pipeline in the United States, is the target of a
ransomware attack. The energy company shuts down the pipeline and will reportedly pay a $5 million
ransom. The attack is attributed to DarkSide, a Russian speaking hacking group.

June 22, 2021 – Joel Davis, founder of Non-Profit To End Sexual Violence Against Youth and a Hillary
Clinton Campaign official is sentenced to 13 years in prison for child pornography and enticing a minor
to have sex. Davis, who also claims to be a Nobel Prize nominee for his work with his organization,
engaged in sex acts with a minor, recording them, and distributing that recording to others. Davis
possessed more than 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous
images of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age, and received and distributed
material containing child pornography using a cellphone. Davis was arrested on June 26, 2018.

June 23, 2021 – John McAfee is found dead in his prison cell in Barcelona, Spain, where he was awaiting
extradition to the US for tax evasion.

June 25, 2021 – VP Kamala Harris visits the southern border 91 days after becoming the border czar.

June 30, 2021 – Trump visits the southern border.

July 5, 2021 – Jeff Bezos steps down as CEO of Amazon.

July 7, 2021 –Trump announces a class action lawsuit against the Big Tech companies for censoring and
banning certain voices.

July 9, 2021 – The WEF deploys Cyber Polygon, a simulation of an attack on the supply chain of
corporate infrastructures in real time. This simulation was planned and scheduled prior to a series of
reported cyberattacks took place that targeted key elements of the US infratstructure, including the
power grid, food supplies, oil pipelines, etc.

Sept. 10, 2021 – The 175 million IP addresses that were mysteriously assigned to a company in Florida
called Global Resource Systems LLC in January are given control back to the Pentagon.

November, 2021 – Ghislaine Maxwell trial starts.

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