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Industrial Engineering

Chapter wise outlines for the midterm exam

Chapter -1 (Introduction to IE)
1. Illustrate the working procedure of Industrial Engineering (IE) department in
an apparel industry.
2. Briefly describe the five ways to improve production in a sewing line
3. Describe the daily responsibilities and duties of an industrial engineer in the
apparel industry.
4. Describe the Duties and responsibilities of the dept. Head of IE department

Chapter -2 (Production and Productivity)

1. Define production system with a suitable example
2. Classify the production system mentioning their characteristics, advantages
and limitations.
3. Define objectives of production management.
4. Describe the Factors that affecting productivity
5. Define Productivity
6. Mathematical Problems
Chapter -3 (Operation Bulletin & TechPack)
1. Short notes on-
a) Operation Bulletin
b) Contents of OB
c) Tech Pack
d) Contents of Tech Pack
e) Machine layout
f) Line Balancing
g) Bottle Neck

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