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Voice Typing Cheat Sheet

Punctuation Adding colour, background & highlights

● Full stop
● Comma
Turn on Voice Typing in ● Text colour [colour],
e.g. ‘Text colour red’
● Exclamation mark Google Docs ●

Highlight [colour]
● Question mark ● Background colour [colour]
● New line ● Remove highlight
● New paragraph ● Remove background colour

Editing Aligning, Formatting & Size

● Delete ● Align centre ● Bold
● Delete last word ● Align justified ● Italics Create & edit tables
● Delete all ● Align left ● Underline ● Insert table
● Delete link ● Align right ● Strikethrough ● Insert table [1-20] rows by [1-20]
● Select all ● Create bulleted/ ● Subscript columns
● Cut numbered list ● Superscript ● Insert row
● Copy ○ Insert bullet/ ● Increase indent ● Insert column
● Paste number ● Decrease indent ● Insert new column
● Undo ● Apply heading [1-6] ● Remove bold ● Insert new column on the left
● Redo ● Apply normal text ● Remove italics ● Insert new row
● Insert table of contents ● Apply title ● Remove strikethrough ● Insert new row above
● Delete table of contents ● Apply subtitle ● Remove underline ● Insert new row below
● Update table of contents ● Increase font size ● Clear formatting ● Delete column
● Insert bookmark ● Decrease font size ● Remove formatting ● Delete row
● Insert equation ● Font size [6-400] ● Line spacing single ● Delete table
● Insert header ● Line spacing double
● Insert footer
● Insert footnote
● Insert horizontal line
● Insert page break More from Google

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