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A Review of On-Chip Micro Supercapacitors for Integrated Self-Powering


Article in Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems · July 2017

DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2017.2723018

98 4,590

6 authors, including:

Sixing Xu Yingxi Xie

Hunan University South China University of Technology


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A Review of On-Chip Micro Supercapacitors

for Integrated Self-Powering Systems
Caiwei Shen, Sixing Xu, Yingxi Xie, Mohan Sanghadasa, Xiaohong Wang, Senior Member, IEEE, and Liwei Lin

Abstract— Miniaturized self-powering systems that integrate resources from the environment and convert them into electric-
both energy harvesters and energy storage units as the ity but these resources are usually unstable or intermittent. For
power sources are essential to realize maintenance-free wireless example, solar power is highly dependent on the weather and
sensor networks, implantable medical devices, and active radio
frequency identification systems. On-chip micro supercapaci- the time of the day and mechanical movement power can occur
tors (MSCs) are promising candidates for energy storage in such occasionally at different frequencies based on the surrounding
systems by providing high power densities, fast charge/discharge settings. On the other hand, sensors, processors, transmitters,
rates, and long cycle life. Researchers have been improving the and other electronics are not necessary to work continuously
performances, especially energy and power densities, of MSCs as modern electronics can be frequently switched between
in recent years. This paper reviews the fundamental work-
ing mechanisms and design considerations of on-chip MSCs stand-by and active modes. As a result, energy storage devices
with special emphasis on the advantages of 3-D configurations. are needed to store surplus energy generated from the energy
Typical fabrication methods are summarized, and their effects harvesters when there are available resources and deliver the
on the device performance and system integration are analyzed. power on-demand when there are no or not enough energy
In particular, the power generation of micro energy harvesters generation sources [4]–[7]. Electrochemical supercapacitors,
and the power consumption of typical wireless micro systems
are surveyed, providing the basic and targeting performance as one of the typical energy storage devices, have great
requirements of future MSCs that can be integrated with advantages over rechargeable batteries in such applications,
them. [2017-0069] because they have much longer cycle life which is equivalent
Index Terms— On-chip micro supercapacitor, three to longer service time, and much higher power density for
dimensional configuration, self-powering system. higher efficiency of the whole power system [4], [5], [8].
Supercapacitors are electrochemical devices that store
I. I NTRODUCTION energy based on the electrochemical double layer (EDL) effect
and/or pseudo capacitance effect [8], [9]. EDL capacitors

W IRELESSLY operating microelectronics, such as wire-

less sensor networks (WSN), implantable medical
devices, and active radio frequency identification (RFID) sys-
use electrodes with high surface area to store static charges
on the electrode-electrolyte interface. Typical EDL electrode
materials are nanostructured carbons, such as activated car-
tems, have important usages in the environmental, medical, bon, carbon nanotubes and graphene. Pseudo capacitors,
and industrial monitoring applications. To further expand their on the other hand, use fast and reversible redox reactions
applications and to reduce the cost of replacing batteries on or near the electrode surface to store charges. Typical
(current power sources), it is desirable to make these systems pseudo-capacitive electrodes are transition metal oxides and
self-powered and maintenance-free [1]–[3]. Self-powering conducting polymers. While commercial supercapacitors have
systems harvest energy from solar, thermal, or mechanical been used to replace or complement batteries in various macro-
Manuscript received March 27, 2017; revised June 8, 2017; accepted scale applications [7], [10], researchers have been developing
June 29, 2017. This work was supported in part by the National Natural new materials and techniques to fabricate on-chip micro super-
Science Foundation of China under Grant 61531166006, in part by the capacitors for micro-scale energy storages [4]–[6], [11].
973 Program of China under Grant 2015CB352106, in part by the 863 Pro-
gram of China under Grant 2015AA043502, and in part by the Berkeley Micro supercapacitors (MSCs) are more than smaller
Sensor and Actuator Center, an NSF/Industry/University Collaborative devices scaled down from the macro-sized ones as specific
Research Center for MEMS and NEMS. Subject Editor G. Stemme. requirements are needed for their various applications [4],
(Caiwei Shen and Sixing Xu contributed equally to this work.) (Corresponding
authors: Xiaohong Wang; Liwei Lin.) [5], [12]. First, it is desirable for the MSCs to be integrated
C. Shen, Y. Xie, and L. Lin are with the Mechanical Engineering Depart- with active micro systems such that the size and fabrication
ment, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (e-mail: complexity of the whole system can be greatly reduced. For;;
S. Xu and X. Wang are with the Tsinghua National Laboratory for example, it is beneficial if the fabrication process is compatible
Information Science and Technology, Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua with that of micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) for
University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail:; easy process integration. Second, three-dimensional archi-
M. Sanghadasa is with the Aviation and Missile Research, Development, tectures different from those of macro-scale supercapacitors
and Engineering Center, U.S. Army, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898 USA should be developed and optimized to improve their perfor-
(e-mail: mances with the constraint of limited foot-print areas. Third,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at areal or volumetric performance of the electrode materials is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JMEMS.2017.2723018 of more importance than the weight considerations as these
1057-7157 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Schematics of the working principles of four types of capacitors: (a) parallel-plate capacitor, (b) electrolytic capacitor, (c) EDL capacitor, and
(d) pseudo capacitor. EDL capacitor and pseudo capacitor are called supercapacitors because they have much larger capacitance than the other capacitors.

systems have small sizes. In short, specific electrode materials for nanoporous carbon electrodes [13]. Therefore, EDL capac-
and architectures based on compatible fabrication processes itor has much larger capacitance than the conventional ones of
with the active devices should be established to meet the the same size, because of the large surface area and the small
particular requirements of different applications of MSCs. charge separation distance, according to equation (1). It is
This review focuses on on-chip MSCs that are compatible worth noting that, in an EDL capacitor, each electrode has an
and integrateable with MEMS. First, the basic working mecha- EDL and two electrodes are connected in series. Researchers
nisms and design considerations of MSCs will be analyzed by have been reporting specific capacitance (capacitance divided
using the equivalent circuit model. Second, different fabrica- by the mass or volume) of each electrode by testing it
tion methods and the performances of MSCs will be discussed. in a three-electrode system. The specific capacitance of a
Next, the power generation of energy harvesters and power whole capacitor, however, is the serial capacitance of two
consumption of typical commercial sensor nodes are surveyed electrodes divided by the total mass or volume, which can
to provide the targeting performances for future MSCs. be a different (usually much smaller) value [14].
A pseudo capacitor (figure 1d) also stores energy at the
II. W ORKING M ECHANISMS AND D ESIGN electrode-electrolyte interface, except that fast redox reactions
OF M ICRO S UPERCAPACITORS are involved [8], [9]. Compared with batteries which store
energy by redox reactions in bulk materials, pseudo capacitors
A. Working Mechanisms
have reactions only near the surface of the electrode, and
Supercapacitors differ from conventional capacitors by the potential of the electrode, V, is highly dependent on the
their charge storage mechanisms. Four types of capacitors, extent of charge storage, q, which results in a derivative
including parallel-plate capacitor, electrolytic capacitor, dq/dV equivalent to a capacitance. Pseudo capacitance is of
EDL capacitor, and pseudo capacitor are illustrated in figure 1. great interest mainly because it shows much higher specific
A parallel-plate capacitor (figure 1a) is composed of two metal capacitance than that of EDL capacitance. However, unlike
plates on which static charges are stored with a dielectric layer EDL capacitance that arises from surface charges stored
which separates the charges. Capacitance C of such a capacitor electrostatically (i.e. non-Faradaically), pseudo capacitance
can be calculated as: involves the passage of charges across the electrode-electrolyte
C = ε A/d (1) interface (i.e. Faradaic process), which reduces the power
performance and cycle life.
where ε is the permittivity of the dielectric material, A is the EDL capacitors based on carbon electrodes usually
area of the plates, and d is the separation distance between exhibit 1-5% of pseudo capacitance due to Faradaic reac-
plates. An electrolytic capacitor (figure 1b) works similarly to tivity of surface oxygen functionalities, while pseudo capac-
the parallel-plate capacitor except it has an electrolyte layer itors always show some EDL capacitance proportional to
attached to one metal plate working together as a cathode. the electrode-electrolyte interfacial area [8]. More bal-
The dielectric is an oxide layer of anode and can be as thin anced combinations of the two mechanisms results in
as nanometers. The electrolytic capacitor usually has a larger hybrid supercapacitors [9]. For example, pseudo-capacitive
capacitance than the parallel-plate capacitor of the same size materials can be deposited onto nanostructured carbon sub-
because its charge separation distance, d, is smaller. strate to achieve high specific capacitance based on pseudo
An EDL capacitor (figure 1c) store charges by using capacitors and high power density due to the effects of
the EDL at the electrode-electrolyte interface, in which EDL capacitors [4], [9], [15].
charges (electrons in the electrode and ions in the electrolyte)
are separated by a distance of less than 1 nm. Moreover, B. Equivalent Circuit Models for Supercapacitors
the area of the EDL is the interface area between the electrode MSCs are supposed to be integrated with micro energy
and electrolyte, which can be as high as more than 3000 m2 /g harvesters, sensors, communication modules, and other
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit models of supercapacitors. (a) The simplest model including a capacitance, an equivalent serial resistance (RESR ) and an equivalent
parallel resistance (REPR ). (b) The Randles circuit. (c) The equivalent circuit considering both EDL capacitance and pseudo capacitance. (d) The transmission
line model that describes a porous electrode with both electronic resistance (Re ) and ionic resistance (Ri ). (e) The two-branch model to simulate supercapacitor
behaviors in two different time scales.

electronics to store and deliver electrical power. Equivalent model supercapacitor’s behavior in different time domains. For
circuit models for MSCs are significant tools to simulate and example, the two-branch model in figure 2e may describe the
evaluate the whole system [16]. Besides, such models also short-term behavior of the device with one branch, and the
help us understand and predict the performance of MSCs in long-term behavior with the other one [19]–[21].
different tests. An ideal capacitor can be modeled as a passive,
linear element in electrical circuits, but a practical capacitor is C. Performance Metrics and Design
always associated with an equivalent serial resistance (RESR ) of Micro Supercapacitors
and an equivalent parallel resistance caused by leakage (REPR ) 1) Calculation of Energy and Power: As an energy storage
as shown in figure 2a. Such a circuit can also be used to device, the most important features of a supercapacitor are
model supercapacitors to a first approximation, where C is the the amount of energy it can store and power it can provide
maximum total capacitance of the whole device, RESR is the per unit weight or volume. Supercapacitors can store more
equivalent resistance added up by the electrical resistances of energy than conventional capacitors because they have larger
the electrodes and the ionic resistance of the electrolyte, and capacitance which can be as high as more than 1,000 F/g or
REPR represents the total leakage of the supercapacitor through 1,000 F/cm3 [22]. But the energy E stored in a capacitor is
different mechanisms [17], [18]. not only proportional to the capacitance C, but also limited by
More accurate models of supercapacitors can be established the operational voltage V as:
by considering the electrochemical processes in the device. For
E = 1/2C V 2 (2)
example, the charge transfer process in the electrolyte involves
the diffusion of ions, which can be modeled as a Warburg Therefore, the maximum voltage of a supercapacitor should
impedance (W) [8]. A typical equivalent circuit taking W always be considered together with the capacitance. The
into account is the Randles circuit as shown in figure 2b [8]. voltage limit of a supercapacitor is determined by the elec-
Such a circuit can explain why a constant phase angle trochemical and chemical stability of both electrode and elec-
near 45° is observed when testing the impedance of some trolyte. For carbon based EDL electrodes, the electrolytes are
supercapacitors in low frequency range. When double-layer usually more unstable and thus limit the voltage. For example,
capacitance (Cdl ) and pseudo capacitance (Cp ) are consid- EDL capacitors using aqueous electrolytes have a voltage up
ered separately, an equivalent circuit can be drawn as in to 1V since the electrolysis of water happens at 1.2V. But
figure 2c. Here, Cp is in series with a Faradaic charge transfer devices using organic solvent-based electrolytes or ion liquids
resistance (RF ) and in parallel with another resistance (R’F ) can be charged to 2.5 – 3.5 V [23]. For pseudo capacitors,
representing leakage through the Faradaic reactions. The however, the reversible reactions that lead to capacitance effect
equivalent circuit can also become more complex when the only happen within certain voltage range. For example, one of
structure of electrodes is considered. For example, a trans- the most studied pseudo capacitive material with very high
mission line model (figure 2d) can be used to describe the specific capacitance, RuO2 , has three accessible oxidation
bi-continuous nature of electron path (represented by Re ) and states within 1.2 V. Another promising electrode material
ion path (represented by Ri ) in a porous electrode, and the for pseudo supercapacitors, MnO2 , shows excellent capacitive
capacitance (C) at the electrode-electrolyte interface. In prac- behavior within less than 1 V [9]. It is worth noting that,
tical applications, a certain time scale may be of particular although some pseudo capacitive material has extremely high
interest, and researchers can use multiple R-C branches to capacitance, it may not store more energy than EDL capacitors
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


because of low operation voltage. For example, a symmetric

supercapacitor using MnO2 with a capacitance of 1145 F/g
for each electrode stores specific energy of ∼25.4 Wh/kg at an
operation voltage of 0.8 V [22], and the device using activated
graphene with 166 F/g stores ∼70 Wh/kg at 3.5 V [13].
To measure the capacitance and energy capacity of a super-
capacitor, two electrochemical approaches are mostly adopted.
One is cyclic voltammetry, which applies a linearly increas-
ing/decreasing voltage and measures the charge/discharge cur-
rent, the other is chronopotentiometry, which uses a constant
current to charge/discharge the device and measures the volt-
age. The average capacitance over the measured voltage range
can be calculated by definition as:
Q Idt
C avg = = 0 (3)
V V Fig. 3. Various features to be considered for the desired performances of
micro supercapacitors.
where Q is the total charge transferred; V is the voltage
range measured; I is the current measured or applied;
t is the total time of the measurement. The capacitance the substrate area and device volume are always limited.
is usually not a constant over the operating voltage range, Therefore, the areal and volumetric performances of MSCs are
and equation (2) may not be accurate enough to calculate the of more significance than the gravimetric ones. Many papers
energy for supercapacitors. Instead, more accurate calculation report volumetric capacitances or energies which are mainly
of energy by measurement is: dependent on properties of electrode materials. Such values are
 t of significance for comparison between different materials and
E= V · Idt (4) evaluation of the potential energy capacity of a MSC when the
0 electrodes are made thicker. However, the volumetric capaci-
where V and I are measured voltage and current over time. tance of a certain material is usually not constant with different
The power can be calculated at the same time: electrode thicknesses. Instead, it decreases when the electrode
becomes thicker, especially for EDL electrodes with complex
E inner pore structure [12], or pseudo capacitive materials with
P= (5)
t inaccessible redox sites [24]. Performances normalized to the
It should be noted that measured energy densities are footprint area of MSCs are more practical, because the devices
highly dependent on the test conditions, especially the are supposed to be integrated with electronics on limited
charge/discharge rate of the device. Smaller value of energy substrate areas. Therefore, the areal performances are mainly
density is always obtained when the device is working discussed and analyzed in this review, aiming to provide more
at higher power (i.e., under higher scan rate or larger practical insight into the application of on-chip MSCs.
charge/discharge current). The phenomenon is caused by the 3) Design of MSC: A lot of fabrication protocols and
equivalent internal resistance, including electrical resistance electrode materials have been reported to be viable for the
and ionic resistance, of the device. By looking at the simplest construction of MSCs. It is important to identify the applica-
equivalent circuit model in figure 2a, it is obvious that the tion requirements of the device before concluding what kind
equivalent serial resistance causes higher IR drop when a of design is the best. In the context of this review, we mainly
higher current goes through the circuit, and less charge/energy concern about the application of MSC in an integrated self-
can be stored into or withdrawn from the capacitor. The powering system. Three features are most desirable, including
input/output power of the supercapacitor will reach a maxi- integrateability (i.e. the ability to be integrated with other
mum value before the IR drop exceeds the operation voltage. on-chip components), high areal energy density, and high areal
A comprehensive approach to evaluate the performance of power density. The integrateability is determined by the com-
a supercapacitor device is to test over a wide range of patibility of the fabrication process, such as how the electrodes
various scan rates or charge/discharge currents, calculate the are fabricated and electrolyte is packaged. The energy and
corresponding power and energy, and plot the results in a power densities are also highly dependent on the fabrication
Ragone plot [9], [14]. The Ragone plot provides the important protocols, since they determine what electrode and electrolyte
information of how much energy can be stored into/withdrawn materials can be used and what configurations (i.e. the geome-
from an energy storage device when it’s working at a certain try of electrodes and the way two electrodes are arranged) can
input/output power. be constructed. Figure 3 shows various features that should be
2) Proper Performance Metrics for Micro Supercapacitors: considered for the desired performances of MSCs. A more
Researchers have been reporting the performances of superca- detailed review of typical fabrication protocols and materials
pacitors normalized by weight or volume so that it’s easier for MSCs is given in the next section. The following part of
to evaluate different electrode materials. In a micro power this section discusses the configuration design of MSCs and
system, however, the weight of a MSC is negligible, and how it affects the performances.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Diagrams of the on-chip micro supercapacitor with (a) a sandwich structure, and (b) an interdigital structure. Adapted with permission from [25].
Equivalent circuit models for porous electrodes in (c) a sandwich structure, and (d) an interdigital structure.

Two configurations are proposed to construct on-chip methods for the on-chip capacitors based on the sandwich
MSCs. The first one has the layer-by-layer sandwich structure, structure probably due to the limited choices of solid elec-
in which two electrode layers sandwiching electrolyte are par- trolyte and the assembly methods [4].
allel to the substrate plane. The other one has two electrodes Moreover, three-dimensional interdigitated electrodes with
separated in the same plane, mostly patterned as interdigitated high aspect ratio can potentially have both larger energy
fingers. Figure 4a and 4b show the cross-section schematics of capacity and higher power density than the sandwich one with
the two structures, respectively [25]. Although the sandwich the same thickness. As mentioned in the previous section,
structure has been widely used in macro-sized supercapacitors the volumetric capacitance of an electrode material may not
and on-chip thin-film batteries, the interdigitated structure translate from thin to thick electrodes, because thick electrodes
shows more advantages for MSCs, especially when thick may have more inaccessible surface area inside. While ions in
electrodes are required to store enough energy in a fixed electrolyte can only transport through vertical direction (direc-
substrate area. The interdigitated configuration is easier to be tion of t1 in figure 4a) in the sandwich structure, they can
integrated with other circuitry on a chip, because it allows access through both vertical (t2 in figure 4b) and parallel
electrical connection in the same plane. The reported papers (we in figure 4b) directions in the interdigitated one. As a
also show many different approaches to fabricate interdigitated result, it is possible that the increase of t2 may not result in the
electrodes, while there are limited reports on the fabrication decrease of volumetric capacitance of the electrode material if
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


we is kept small, and the energy capacity of the interdigitated material, patterning of electrodes, and package of the whole
structure may be larger than that of a sandwich structure with device are of particular significance to realize the most desired
the same amount of active materials. features of MSCs, including the integrateability and high areal
On the other hand, the power density is highly dependent energy and power densities.
on the internal resistance of the device, which can be tuned Various methods have been developed to construct MSCs,
in the interdigitated structure by changing the width of elec- and their strategies can be classified into three types in terms
trodes (we ) and the space between the electrodes (ws ). A num- of how electrode materials are patterned. For the first type,
ber of papers have proven that, by decreasing we and ws , electrode materials are synthesized elsewhere and then physi-
better power performance of the MSC is presented because cally transferred onto the patterned substrate by methods like
of a shortened ion transport path [26], [27]. Furthermore, MEMS-assisted injection, printing, electrophoretic deposition,
the electrodes have to be thicker to store more energy on etc. In those methods, the types of electrode materials are
a limited substrate area, and the internal resistance of a almost unlimited as long as they can be uniformly dispersed
sandwich-structured MSC increases with thicker electrodes, into ink-like solutions. As a result, various nanostructured
while that of an interdigitated one may not. To make a carbon materials and metal oxides in powder form have been
more convincing explanation, we can use transmission line used for MSC electrodes, which are detailed in the following
models (see section 2.2) to describe the distributed elec- sections from A to C. For the second type, materials are
tronic resistance (Re ), capacitance (C), and ionic resis- directly deposited on patterned conductive electrodes using
tance (Ri,p ) in a porous electrode for both structures, as shown electrochemical deposition, chemical vapor deposition (CVD),
in figure 4c and 4d, respectively. To a first approximation, etc. The construction of such electrodes needs chemical
the equivalent circuit of figure 4c describes one electrode in sources either from liquid solutions or from gases. Uniform
a sandwich structure such as in figure 4a, and it explains that coatings of pseudocapacitive materials including conducting
the increase in electrode thickness (t1 ) would increase both polymer and metal oxides are typical electrode materials
electronic and ionic resistance. In an interdigitated structure converted from monomer or ion solutions (section C),
such as in figure 4b, however, the ion transport direction is while various forms of carbon such as carbon nanotube and
perpendicular to the thickness direction of electrodes and the carbide-derived carbon are grown by vapor-based deposition
electrode can be modeled as figure 4d. The ionic resistance, at high temperatures (section D). The electrode materials
which dominates the total internal resistance in most MSCs, in the third one, however, are chemically transformed and
decreases with thicker electrodes, since the distributed ionic patterned at the same time by methods like laser scribing and
resistance elements (dRi,p and dRi ) are parallel to each other. carbon MEMS technology. Polymers or polymer-based com-
In summary, an optimized structure for MSCs to achieve posites are used as precursors and no other chemical sources
both high energy and power densities on a limited sub- are needed in those cases. The resulting electrodes are all
strate area can be realized through the following approaches: carbon-based electrodes (section E and F).
(1) to separate two electrodes in the substrate plane; (2) to Though 3D electrodes with high aspect ratio are preferred
make electrodes as thick as possible; (3) to keep the width configurations for high-performance MSCs, only a few fab-
of electrodes and the space between electrodes as narrow rication methods have demonstrated micro electrodes with
as possible. Three-dimensional (3D) interdigitated electrodes aspect ratios of larger than 0.1. Examples are mostly seen in
with high aspect ratio is one of the optimized choices. Many MEMS-assisted injection (section A), where MEMS structures
MSCs reported in the literature have used interdigitated elec- are used as the mechanical support, CVD (section D), where
trodes, but most of them are not considered as 3D because vertically aligned carbon nanotubes can be grown, and carbon-
their electrodes are too thin. Though there is no clear standard MEMS (section F), where photoresists with high-aspect-ratio
that differentiates 3D electrodes from planar ones, this review structure are directly carbonized. More details of the fabrica-
recognizes 3D MSCs when the electrode thicknesses are of tion methods and representative works are summarized below,
the same order of the electrode widths and gaps, or simply with discussion of possible packaging and integration methods
when the aspect ratio of the structure is larger than 0.1 followed.
(e.g. t1 /we > 0.1 in figure 4b). The major challenge to make
such a 3D structure is to synthesize a thick layer of elec- A. MEMS-Assisted Injection
trode material with micro-sized separation without shorting As analyzed in the previous section, the 3D electrodes with
the two electrodes. The following chapter reviews common high-aspect-ratio can contribute to high performance of MSCs.
fabrication protocols to build micro-patterned supercapacitors, One way to build such electrodes is to create a high-aspect-
the electrode material properties and overall performance are ratio MEMS structure as mechanical support, and then inject
also discussed. an “ink” containing active electrode materials and polymer
binders into the trenches of the structure. The ink could be
III. FABRICATION AND I NTEGRATION M ETHODS any electrode material suspended in a solvent, as long as
There have been intensive efforts on high-performance the suspension is uniform and able to be injected into the
electrode materials for macro-scale supercapacitors. While micro trenches. The mechanical support could be removed
MSCs apply the same types of materials, they are additionally after solidification of the ink to decrease the ion transport
required to be patterned and integrated on chips. Therefore, path in electrolyte and increase the power density, or retained
the fabrication processes including the synthesis of electrode as a separator so that the electrodes are more mechanically
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Steps to form 3D electrodes: (a) etch the substrate to form deep channels; (b) deposit an insulation layer and then a metal layer as the current
collector, the unnecessary layers on the top of the wall are removed by lithography and etching; (c) fill the channels with electrode materials; (d) etch the
wall between two electrodes [25].

stable with some sacrifice of the power performance. Such an

approach achieves the thickest electrodes (more than 300 μm)
and high aspect ratios (more than 1) for on-chip supercapaci-
tor, and result in high energy density per footprint area.
The high-aspect-ratio MEMS structure can be created
on silicon wafer by wet or dry etching technologies.
Durou et al. [28] fabricated a MSC using Si3 N4 coated
silicon wall as the separator, and the unprotected region is
etched by KOH as the cavity for the active material filling.
With the 336 μm-thick electrodes and a thickness-to-width
ratio of ∼0.58 for each electrode, the MSC shows an energy
density of 71.4 μWh/cm2 . Although wet etching is facile and
low-cost, the utilization of the footprint area is limited by
the trapezoidal cross section due to the non-vertical crystal
orientation. Dry etching achieves its anisotropic removal of
materials by the bombardments of reactive ions, and deep
trenches with about 90 degree walls and higher aspect-ratio
can be fabricated. Shen et al. reported a silicon 3D MSC
with high-aspect-ratio (∼0.5 for each electrode and ∼3 for the
gap between electrodes) interdigital electrodes by inductive
coupled plasma (ICP) etching [25]. After active material
injection to the deep trenches, the separator wall was removed Fig. 6. The schematic diagram of the screen printing fabrication
by ICP (Fig. 5). The fabricated device with 50 μm-thick process [40].
electrodes and 15 μm separation leads to an energy density
of 12.6 μWh/cm2 and a high power density of 51.5 mW/cm2 . Screen printing and ink-jet printing are the most widely
To build electrodes with a higher aspect-ratio and vertical used printing technologies for the facile and low-cost fab-
sidewalls, photoresist patterned by the standard photolitho- rications [34]–[41]. During the screen printing process, inks
graphy process could also be the separator [29]–[33]. For containing active materials were pressed through the opening
instance, Li et al. constructed a 3D MSCs with high-aspect- of a pre-prepared mesh to form the pattern onto the substrate.
ratio (∼0.7 for each electrode and ∼4 for the gap between As for the ink-jet printing, small droplets of ink were propelled
electrodes) interdigital electrodes supported and separated by onto the substrate through micro nozzles, with a controlled
SU-8 [32]. The 200 μm thick prototype device demonstrates a nozzle size as well as the pre-programmed motion. Many of
large capacitance of 311 mF/cm2 , with a high energy density the reported studies have used these technologies. As typical
of 380 μWh/cm2 when working at 3V. examples, Pech et al. applied ink-jet to make a MSC using
activated carbon-based ink [34]. The micro device shows a
B. Printing Technologies cell capacitance of 2.1 mF/cm2 . Wang et al. demonstrated
Printing technologies are also representative methods that a MnO2 /onion-like carbon (MnO2/OLC) based MSC by the
physically deposit electrode materials onto micro patterns. screen printing technology [40]. In this work, silver and active
Such technologies do not require the complex photolithog- material were sequentially pressed onto the substrate through
raphy process so that the fabrication process can be greatly a same mesh to form the micro electrodes (Fig. 6) and a
simplified. Meanwhile, the printed MSCs are inherently inte- specific areal capacitance of 7.04 mF/cm2 have been achieved.
gratable with printing electronics, which have been thriving in More recently, C. Shen et al. developed the printing of flexible
recent years. MSCs by near-field electrospining, in which functional fibers
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


with diameters of hundreds of nanometers are deposited on LIG-FeOOH//LIG-MnO2 MSC shows a good areal energy
micro patterns using inks composed of polypyrrole [42]. The of 9.6 μWh/cm2 at a power of 11.85 mW/cm2 .
prototype device shows a capacitance of 0.48 mF/cm2 and the In spite of those advantages, electrochemical or elec-
performance is not affected when it is bent to different extents. trophoretic deposition uses the wet processes and the sub-
However, the major disadvantage of printing technologies strates have to be immersed in complex solutions. To integrate
in fabrication of MSCs is the relatively low aspect-ratio of wet-processed electrodes with other components, additional
the patterned electrodes because the maximum thickness of efforts are required. For instance, a protection layer that covers
printed film is limited to a few microns and the patterning other area of the substrate should be applied, or the MSCs
resolution is usually hundreds of microns. Meanwhile, the vis- should be fabricated separately with other substrates and then
cosity and surface tension of the inks need to be adjusted, be integrated through bonding with the device substrates.
which may limit the choice of active materials.
D. Vapor Based Deposition Technologies
C. Electrochemical and Electrophoretic Deposition Vapor based deposition technologies categorized by physical
Electrochemical deposition, also called electrodeposition or vapor deposition (PVD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
electroplating, and electrophoretic deposition are both com- convert active materials to vapor phase to be deposited on
mon fabrication methods for MSCs. They are generally used substrates and they are widely used in the fabrication of MSC
to deposit a thin and tightly adherent coating of active material electrodes. As the commonly used processes in semiconductor
onto the surface of conductive substrates. While electrochem- fabrication, vapor based depositions are inherently compatible
ical deposition chemically reduces or oxidizes the desired with MEMS technologies. Meanwhile, films produced by
chemical species in a solution by applying a voltage or a vapor based deposition methods are continuous, uniform, and
current, electrophoretic deposition physically attracts colloidal cohesive to the substrates and of well-controlled thicknesses,
particles suspended in a liquid medium by using the electrosta- which grant MSCs great capacitive performances.
tic force. Both techniques are cost-effective, scalable, of low PVD method can be applied to fabricate ordered nanoporous
interfacial resistance, and able to deposit thick film. electrodes for MSCs. By selective removal of particular
By choosing different depositing materials, electrochemical/ ingredient from the sputtered alloy or carbide, a well-
electrophoretic deposition would render the device different organized nanoporous structure can be constructed, which
features. For example, we can build MSCs with outstanding is not only a high performance supercapacitor electrode,
power density through the electrophoretic deposition of highly but also a 3D porous framework for the further coating
conductive carbon material with easily accessible surface process [52]–[55]. For example, Zeng et al. sputtered a film
area [43]–[47]. Niu et al. fabricated a MSC with ultrathin of Au-Ag alloy and then etched the Ag to get a nanoporous
reduced graphene oxide (rGO) interdigital electrodes [45]. The gold (NPG) substrate [55]. MnO2 nanowires were subse-
device with electrophoretic deposited 25 nm-thick rGO elec- quently electrodeposited on the NPG substrate to enhance the
trodes shows a volumetric energy density of 31.9 mWh/cm3 capacitive performance. The MnO2 /NPG based MSC demon-
with the maximum power density of 324 W/cm3 , or areal den- strates a power density of 3.4 W/cm3 which is an excellent
sity of 0.08 μWh/cm2 and 0.81 mW/cm2 . Pech et al. deposited number among MnO2 -based MSCs. Huang et al. reported a
a 7 μm-thick OLC film also by the electrophoretic deposition carbide-derived carbon (CDC) based MSC, on which a layer
on the micro patterned gold current collector [27]. In order to of TiC was firstly sputtered and then the Ti element was
stabilize the OLC particles, Mg(OH)2 as an inorganic binder removed by the chlorination etching [53]. The CDC layer
is co-deposited. With the good electrical contact as well as the shows a narrow pore size distribution with a mean pore size
accessible external surface of OLCs, the MSC can discharge of 0.59 nm. The as-fabricated interdigitated MSC shows a
at 200 V/s, with a maximum volumetric power density close high volumetric capacitance of 350 F/cm3 , with an energy
to 1000 W/cm3 , or areal density of 700 mW/cm2 . density of 35 μWh/cm2 , for each electrode. In spite of
Another promising application of either the electrochemi- high volumetric capacitances, the areal performances of these
cal or electrophoretic deposition is to significantly improve MSCs are relatively limited due to the low deposition rate of
the capacitance of porous carbon-based micro electrodes the sputtering process and the rapid decay of the volumetric
by uniform coating of an additional pseudo-capacitive capacitance for thick electrodes.
layer [48]–[51]. Li et al. reported the electrochemical depo- Likewise, CVD method can be used to deposit various
sition of MnO2 on porous carbon substrate to form hybrid functional materials with interesting nanostructures, such as
electrodes of MSCs [51]. The MnO2 reduced from aqueous graphene nano sheets [56]–[58], carbon nanotubes (CNT)
MnO− 4 solution was uniformly and efficiently deposited on [50], [59]–[65], Si [66] and SiC [67] nanowires, and so on.
the carbon framework by controlling the deposition rate. These materials can be grown vertically from the substrate
Compared with pure carbon, the capacitance of composite surface, resulting in ordered and open nanoporous structures
electrode increased by 4 times to 23.2 mF/cm2 at a scan with high surface areas and ion transportation interfaces in
rate of 50 mV/s. Li et al. electrochemically deposited PPY, electrolytes. The work reported by Miller et al. is frequently
MnO2 and FeOOH onto laser induced graphene (LIG) to form taken as the example [56], which vertically grows graphene
symmetrical or asymmetrical MSCs [49]. The thicknesses of nano sheets on nickel foil by CVD and then constructed a
each material were precisely controlled to meet the balance MSC with an excellent frequency response comparable to elec-
by adjusting the deposition time or cycles. The asymmetric trolytic capacitors. Such performance results from the highly
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 7. The fabrication of LSG MSCs: (a–c) the schematic diagram showing the fabrication process for an LSG micro-supercapacitor. (d,e) More than 100
micro-devices can be produced on a single run. The micro-devices are flexible and can be produced on virtually any substrate with proper polymer
coatings [72].

exposed graphene surface and small interfacial resistance. The surface area and ion accessibility. These properties make LSG
vertically aligned CNT (VACNT) forests grown by CVD, a promising electrode material for both high power and high
on the other hand, have attracted more attention for MSCs, energy MSCs.
because they can form thick electrodes with high aspect-ratio The batch fabrication of LSG MSCs with programmable
structures in which the thickness-to-width ratio can be larger laser equipment has been reported. El-Kady and Kaner demon-
than 2 [62]. They can also serve as the scaffolds for further strated the direct laser reduction of GO using a standard DVD
depositions of pseudo-capacitive materials by providing excel- burner [72]. More than 100 MSCs could be prepared on a sin-
lent electrical contact with the substrate with high vertical gle disc in 30 min (Fig 7) and each of them shows a volumetric
conductivity and ordered porous structure [50], [62]. After power density of 200 W/cm3 , or areal density of 152 mW/cm2 .
the growth of VACNT, pseudo-capacitive materials including To further decrease the cost, polyimide (PI), a less expensive
Ni(OH)2 [50], RuO2 [59], PPy [60], MnO2 [65], etc. have carbonaceous precursor is used for the LSG fabrications. It has
been further coated to demonstrate improved capacitance for been reported that the heteroatom could simultaneously be
on-chip energy storage applications. In particular, Warren et al. doped into carbon frame during the laser scribing process [69].
fabricated the RuO2 coated VACNT electrodes via atomic The doping of heteroatoms, such as boron and nitrogen, will
layer deposition [59], and showed a high volumetric capaci- enhance the carrier density and lead to the increase of the
tance of ∼100 F/cm3 , or a gravimetric capacitance of 644 F/g, conductivity, but also improve the electrolyte wettability and
which is two orders higher than the bare VACNT without any pseudo capacitance of the materials. A boron doped LSG
coating. MSC demonstrated an areal capacitance of 16.5 mF/cm2 [69],
three times higher than the undoped sample. Moreover,
E. Laser Scribing and Cutting LSG can also be used as the scaffold for the deposition of
Laser scribing has recently been developed for the fabri- other pseudo-capacitive materials due to its high conductivity
cation of MSCs on certain carbonaceous materials [48], [49], and 3D porous structure. MnO2 was electrochemical deposited
[68]–[75]. The high energy from laser irradiation results in on the electrode to form a hybrid MSC [48]. The as-fabricated
high localized temperature, which breaks the chemical bonds device shows an ultrahigh capacitance of 400 F/cm2 , with a
between carbon and other light elements, such as oxygen, high energy density of 35.6 μWh/cm2 .
hydrogen and nitrogen. Subsequently, the light elements will Laser can also be used to cut unwanted materials of
be released as gas and the carbon sustained can be rearranged MSC electrodes [58], [76]–[79]. In those cases, the focused
to form graphene. As the size of focal point and the motion beam heats the surface of the thin film, and then evapo-
path of the laser beams can be controlled, laser scribed rates or melts the unwanted parts. Compared with the plasma
graphene (LSG) micro electrodes can be formed and patterned etching processing [80], [81], laser cutting is facile and can be
at the same time. Meanwhile, LSG has not only good con- applied to various materials, but it brings rough edges because
ductivity, but also high porosity, which increases the specific of the heat diffusion process.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of the photopatterned nanoporous carbon structures for MSCs. (a) Nanocomposite of the photosensitive polymer and template
material is first spin-coated on a substrate. (b) The composite membrane is exposed to light through a photomask. (c) The patterns on the photomask is
transferred to the membrane. (d) Patterned carbon membrane is formed after pyrolysis of the composite membrane under high temperature in inert atmosphere.
(e–g) Illustration of the nanostructure of the composite in each step. Porous polymer (h) or porous carbon (i) can be obtained by removing the template after
the corresponding steps [84].

F. Carbon MEMS Based Technologies provide high volumetric performances due to the short ion
Carbon MEMS (C-MEMS) are derived from the carboniza- transportation path and the efficient use of electrode materials,
tion of photoresists and can be used to fabricate the micro but have low areal performances because of the low areal
electrodes for MSCs [51], [82]–[87]. In such technologies, mass loading. Although these methods may not be used to
photoresist is first patterned by conventional photolithography, fabricate thick electrodes for MSCs, they can play the role
and then carbonized to form the conductive carbon struc- in some applications that the areal energy or power density
tures. By using thick photoresist layer and high resolution is not at the highest priority. They can be used to build the
photolithography process, electrodes with high-aspect-ratios MSCs which require a low effective series resistance and high
of more than 2 [87] can be constructed. The resulting carbon charging/discharging rate
structure is amorphous with good mechanical strength, moder- Spray-coating is one of the approaches used for the depo-
ate conductivity, but relatively low specific surface area (SSA). sition of thin films [76], [77], [88]–[94], in which small
The thick and porous carbon layers can be directly used droplets composed of active materials are sprayed out with
as electrodes of MSCs. Wei et al. fabricated an all-solid-state the compressed gas and uniformly fall on the heated substrate.
MSC using photoresist derived porous carbon with an ionogel The resulted film is usually loose and porous. Pu et al. demon-
electrolyte [86]. After the carbonization process, the electrode strated a highly stretchable MSC array with sprayed single-
thickness shrinks from 10 μm to 1.2 μm, and the as-fabricated walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) electrode (Figure 9) [93].
micro device shows a relatively small specific capacitance Taking the advantages of high conductivity of SWCNT
of 600 μF/cm2 at 10 mV/s due to the low SSA. While and large pore size, the maximum charging/discharging rate
Shen et al. reported a nanoporous carbon 3D interdigital of 100 V/s and power density of 40 W/cm3 were achieved.
MSC by combining nano template method with the C-MEMS Spin-coating is also frequently used to fabricate
technology [84]. In this work, nano silica particles are firstly MSCs [82], [83], [95]–[99], in which the colloidal of
mixed with the photoresist and then etched by HF after the active materials are first dropped on the substrate, and then
carbonization process, as illustrated in Figure 8. The resulting extended out under a high speed spinning process. The
mesoporous carbon film has an average pore size of around centrifugal force during the spinning can control the surface
30 nm and the thickness can reach 40 μm. A 5-μm-thick roughness and thickness of the film. A film of GO was
prototype device has a specific capacitance of 6.7 mF/cm2 , spin coated and reduced on the Si wafer with an ultra-small
with an energy density of 0.93 μWh/cm2 . Such 3D electrodes thickness of 15 nm [97]. After the deposition of gold layer
with tunable porosity and pore size are also demonstrated to and electrode patterning, the micro device demonstrated
be excellent scaffold of pseudo-capacitive coating to achieve a high power density of 1270 W/cm3 and a scan rate up
larger capacitances [51]. to 2000 V/s.
Self-assembly is a method that directly deposit materials
G. Other Thin Film Fabrication Methods on substrates by the local interactions among the materials
Several thin film electrodes have been demonstrated by themselves. By this method, materials can be designed to form
spray-coating, spin-coating, self-assembly, etc. Such electrodes an organized nano structure to provide higher performance.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 9. (a) schematic illustration of a stretched and bent device and (b) capacitance retention versus elongation (the inset figure shows CV curves for −50%
compression and 0−150% elongation) [93].

Fig. 10. Schematic of a 3D all-solid-state MSC with interdigital electrodes consisting of carbon particle/polymer electrolyte (PE) composite. The incorporation
of ion-containing PE in the electrode material before the formation of the electrode (left schematic) promotes the diffusion of PE in the electrode bulk after
PE gel coating (right schematic), resulting in the formation of a 3D PE network [102].

Wu et al. reported the self-reduction and deposition of the encapsulation of electrolyte and may not follow stan-
GO on the copper interdigital electrodes [100]. The result- dard processes. In particular, liquid electrolytes usually show
ing rGO electrodes demonstrate a great conductivity and better performance than solid-state ones, while they have
large pore size, which grant the micro device a capacitance more challenging packaging issues. A few works still demon-
of 0.316 mF/cm2 at frequency of 120Hz. strate the packaging of MSCs arrays with liquid electrolytes.
H. Durou et al. enclosed the MSC electrodes by using
H. Packaging and Integration of MSCs photoresist: manually dropping liquid electrolyte onto the
Although MSCs with all kinds of electrode materials have enclosed area in a glove-box with controlled Ar atmosphere,
been demonstrated using various fabrication methods, fully and sealing the devices through a wafer-bonding process [28].
integrated MSCs are seldom. It would be very helpful to K. Laszczyk et al. also used photoresist to enclose the
evaluate the integrateability of a MSC, but it’s very difficult electrode first, and the electrolyte was applied by a micro-
to set up criteria at this early stage due to the fast-advancing inkjet printing process and sealed by CVD of parylene [101].
technologies. Strictly speaking, to the best of our knowledge, Solid-state and gel electrolyte prepared by mixing aqueous
no reported MSC has fully compatible process with current electrolyte with polymers can be easier to encapsulate and
MEMS foundries that are making commercial MEMS prod- are frequently used in recent studies. However, low ionic
ucts. There are certain electrode materials, however, that are conductivities and poor ion accessibility in small pores are
relatively easier to be compatible with standard commercial drawbacks of such electrolytes [6]. A method to ameliorate the
protocols. For example, carbon-based electrodes produced by shortage is to replace the organic binder inside the electrodes
vapor-based deposition (section D) and carbon-MEMS tech- with gel electrolyte, so that the small pores of the electrodes
nologies (section F) could use standard equipment to fabricate are more accessible to ions in the electrolyte, as shown
but with different material sources. in Fig 10 [102].
On the other hand, even if the electrode fabrication is There are a few works showing the integration of MSC with
compatible with MEMS, the packaging of MSCs requires other MEMS devices, or even integrated circuits, by assembly
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 11. Area-normalized Ragone plots of representative on-chip MSCs (noted with lines or dots) and estimated performance requirements of MSCs with an
area of ∼1 cm2 to work with different applications such as energy harvesters [2], [104]–[113], sensors [121]–[124], and wireless communications [117]–[120].
The footprint area of MSCs include the area of interdigitated fingers and gaps.

of components fabricated separately. For example, Yun et al. from energy harvesters, and provide enough power to wireless
integrated a micro gas sensor with MSCs array [92]. The modules. Considering that the integrated MSCs may have
patterned-graphene sensor powered by MSCs could detect limited sizes, their performances normalized by area or volume
NO2 gas for longer than 50 min. Maeng et al. integrated could provide reasonable guidelines for practical applications.
chips with MSCs on a parylene substrate [103]. The chips For the extensive literature search, most reported MSCs have
are manually flip-chip bonded under a microscope using an area of 0.1-10 cm2 , and volume (including substrate
a room-temperature silver conductive epoxy. However, this and package) of 0.01-1 cm3 . Such sizes are similar to the
handmade method is not suitable for batch fabrication, and sizes of MEMS-based energy harvesters, sensors, and wire-
scalable processes are still in need of development for practical less modules. We can assume that an area of 1 cm2 , or a
applications. volume of 0.1 cm3 is assigned for a MSC in an integrated
system, then the required power density of the MSC would
IV. P ERFORMANCE R EQUIREMENTS be no less than the working power of the system divided
OF P OTENTIAL A PPLICATIONS by 1 cm2 , or 0.1 cm3 . The required energy density, on the
The potential applications of MSCs may include the other hand, would be no less than the power density times
integrations with energy harvesters and wirelessly operating the duration of one operation of the system, which could
microelectronics to realize self-powered and maintenance-free be half a day for a solar cell, or milliseconds for one
functional systems. It is of great significance to consider wireless transmission. Following this assumption, we plot the
the performance requirements of such applications before power and energy densities required of MSCs to work with
evaluating practical MSCs. Since most energy harvesters and typical energy harvesters, sensors, and wireless modules in
wireless modules are working in an intermittent manner, the Figure 11 and 12, together with representative performances of
basic requirement of MSCs is to be able to store enough energy reported MSCs.
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Fig. 12. Volume-normalized Ragone plots of representative on-chip MSCs (noted with lines or dots) and estimated performance requirements of MSCs with
a volume of ∼0.1 cm3 to work with different applications such as energy harvesters, sensors, and wireless communications. The volume of MSCs is estimated
by the product of device footprint area and the MSC electrode thickness.

Today’s energy harvesting technologies can generate elec- small scales [107], [114]. Another widely studied harvesting
tricity from many different sources, such as solar, thermal, method is to convert mechanical energy to electricity by
wind, environmental vibration, human motion, and so on [2], using MEMS harvesters using various mechanisms, including
[104]–[113]. However, most of the energy sources are unable piezoelectric, electromagnetic, electrostatic, and so on [107],
to provide continuous and stable power supplies. The energy [108], [115]. These technologies produce harvesters with a
harvested from the environment is greatly affected by the wide range of power densities, and these devices usually
time and weather. For example, the maximum solar power generate alternating currents and reach peak power only at
can reach about 100 mW/cm2 on a sunny day, and a typical high-frequency vibrations (∼kHz). As such, in order to store
solar cell with an efficiency of 10-20% can produce a peak energy from these harvesters, MSCs need to work at very high
power of 10-20 mW/cm2 . But the power is much lower power density conditions. Furthermore, small time constants of
under bad weather conditions and approaches zero at night. MSCs are desirable in cases where high-frequency alternating
To fully harvest and store the solar energy during a sunny currents are generated to good energy storage efficiencies [70].
day and deliver it at other times, the energy density of an The power consumption of a complete wireless node
integrated MSC of the similar size may need to be at the may come from different components such as radio fre-
level of 100 mWh/cm2 (Figure 11). Thermal energy is also a quency (RF) communication unit, sensor unit, computing
common source for energy harvesting and one good example is unit, and so on [116]. In most cases, the wireless commu-
the thermoelectric devices. They can generate electrical power nication systems by means of RF transmissions require the
with heat flows from higher-temperature resources such as highest power [117]–[120], while common sensors that mea-
human body and machines, to lower-temperature air environ- sure temperature, pressure, humidity, optics, acoustics, etc.,
ments. The energy conversion efficiency and power output are usually consume much less power [121]–[124]. The power
usually low because the temperature difference is limited in consumption of a commercial wireless module can be from
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


50 to 1000 mW for short-range communications using Blue- compatibility with MEMS and other active components are
tooth Low Energy, Zigbee, WiFi, etc., and from 600 to important for commercial products. Although not discussed
3000 mW for long-range communications using GPRS, 3G, in detail, other important properties of MSCs such as cycle
4G-LTE, etc. [120]. Fortunately, these communication units life, current leakage, mechanical stability, etc., are also essen-
and computing units are not working continuously and are in tial for design considerations. Interdisciplinary cooperation in
the sleep mode for most of the time. One can harvest and research is encouraged to realize the full integration of MSCs
store enough energy when the electronics are in low-power with energy harvesters and wireless modules. These novel self-
mode, and deliver high power for one operation (less than 1s) powering designs and systems will start a new era for next
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[115] K. Najafi, T. Galchev, E. E. Aktakka, R. L. Peterson, and Mohan Sanghadasa was with the Faculty of Uni-
J. McCullagh, “Microsystems for energy harvesting,” in Proc. 16th versity of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH), for 12 years.
Int. Solid-State Sens., Actuators Microsyst. Conf. (TRANSDUCERS), He is currently a Senior Research Scientist with
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techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks: A review,” in Proc. 5th IEEE enhanced sensors and energy storage systems. Dur-
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user/file/A&VElettronica/comparisons_between_low_power_wireless_ with UAH were primarily in the area of nonlinear
technologies.pdf optics. His research activities with AMRDEC were
[118] Power Considerations for 2G & 3G Modules, accessed on on the development of micro devices, and polymer based modulators for
May 29, 2017. [Online]. Available: IFOGs in inertial measurement units.
[119] R. Lajara, J. Pelegrí-Sebastiá, and J. J. P. Solano, “Power consumption
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[120] A. Mahmood, N. Javaid, and S. Razzaq, “A review of wireless
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[Online]. Available:
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[122] MEMS and Sensors, accessed on May 29, 2017. [Online]. Available: Prof. P. Fritz’s Group, Stanford University, as a visit- ing scholar from 2005 to 2006. She also had a short
[123] A. Somov, A. Baranov, D. Spirjakin, and R. Passerone, “Circuit design
visiting research experience with The Hong Kong
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[124] A. Baranov, D. Spirjakin, S. Akbari, and A. Somov, “Optimization of
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Phys., vol. 233, pp. 279–289, Sep. 2015. of MEMS/NEMS design, fabrication, materials, assembly, and integration
technologies, in particular on power-MEMS, such as micro fuel cell, micro
Caiwei Shen received the B.S. degree in elec- supercapacitors, silicon-based micro lithium batteries, and combining bio
tronic engineering and the M.S. degree in microelec- and power MEMS, such as biological microgenerators. She has served as
tronics from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, a TPC member in many international conferences, such as the IEEE-MEMS,
in 2010 and 2013, respectively. He is currently Transducers, the IEEE-NEMS, APCOT, and PowerMEMS. She was the
pursuing the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering General Co-chair of the IEEE MEMS 2016. She is also an Associate Editor
with Prof. L. Lin’s Group, University of California of the IEEE/ASME J OURNAL OF M ICROELECTROMECHANICAL S YSTEMS
at Berkeley. His research interests mainly focus on and the PNG Microsystems and Nanoengineering.
MEMS-based supercapacitors and nanomaterials for
energy storage and electronics.

Sixing Xu received the B.S. degree from the

Department of Microelectronics, Tsinghua Univer- Liwei Lin received the Ph.D. degree in mechan-
sity, Beijing, China, in 2015. He is currently ical engineering from the University of California
pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Institute of at Berkeley (UC-Berkeley) in 1993. He joined
Microelectronics, Beijing, China. His research inter- UC-Berkeley in 1999, where he is currently a Pro-
ests include on-chip micro supercapacitors and low- fessor with the Mechanical Engineering Department
dimensional nanomaterials for micro supercapacitors and a Co-Director with the Berkeley Sensor and
electrodes. Actuator Center. He has 20 issued U.S. patents in
the area of MEMS/NEMS. His research interests are
in design, modeling and fabrication of micro/nano
structures, micro/nano sensors and micro/nano actu-
ators, mechanical issues in micro/nano systems
Yingxi Xie received the bachelor’s and Ph.D. including heat transfer, and solid/fluid mechanics and dynamics. He is an
degrees in mechanical engineering from the South ASME Fellow. He was a recipient of the 1998 NSF CAREER Award for
China University of Technology in 2011 and 2017, research in MEMS packaging and the 1999 ASME Journal of Heat Transfer
respectively. From 2014 to 2017, he served as a Best Paper Award for his work on micro scale bubble formation. He led
Graduate Student Researcher with the Mechanical the effort to establish the MEMS Division in ASME and served as the
Engineering Department, University of California at Founding Chairman of the Executive Committee from 2004 to 2005. He was
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. the general Co-Chair of the IEEE 24th international conference on Micro
His recent research interests include micro/flexible Electro Mechanical Systems in 2011. He currently serves as a Subject Editor
supercapacitors, nanotechnology, fiber materials and of the IEEE/ASME J OURNAL OF M ICROELECTROMECHANICAL S YSTEMS
their composites, and functional micro structures. and the North and South America Editor of the Sensors and Actuators–A

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