CRIM 3 Midterm Exam Answer Key

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Conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each one

another in social interaction, reciprocally exerting social power in
Answer: an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals and prevent the
TEST I. IDENTICATION: opponent from attaining.
1. A significantly subaverage intellectual functioning (i.e., IQ no A. Psychological Conflict B. Approach-Avoidance
higher than approximately two standard deviations below the
mean), which is accompanied by significant limitations in C. Social Conflict D. Relationship Conflict
17. Damage to the structure and function of the brain can be
adaptive functioning. Mental Retardation associated with antisocial or criminal behavior.
2. Any behavior that deviates from what is considered
A. Biological Factor B. Learning Factor
normal. Abnormal Behavior C. Personality Disorder Factor D. Social Factor
3. Refers to the conduct of an offender that leads to the 18. 1. According to Binet Scale of Human Intelligence have an
commission of an unlawful act. An unlawful act occurs when IQ score of 120 to 139 is called?
there is a motive, a mean and an opportunity. Criminal A. Normal B. Superior C. Very Superior D. Genius
Behavior 19. Model of Abnormality is a way of explaining negative or
4. A. rules as follows: “Nothing is an offence which is done by a abnormal behaviors as arising from disruptive patterns of
person who, at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of thinking. It explains psychological issues as being due to
mind, is incapable of knowing the nature of the act or that he is cognitive processes that are not functioning normally.
doing what is either wrong or contrary to the law.” A. Cognitive B. Behavioral C. Psychodynamic D.
McNaughton Rule Biological
5. A criminal defendant can't be convicted of a crime if the act 20. Views abnormality as a result of conflict between
was the result of a mental disease or defect the defendant had at unconscious urges and conscious desires.
the time of the incident. Durham Rule A. Cognitive B. Behavioral
6. Are conscious mental reactions (such as anger or fear) C. Psychodynamic D. Biological
subjectively experienced as strong feelings usually directed 21. Believes that all psychological disorders have a physical
toward a specific object and typically accompanied by cause
physiological and behavioral changes in the body. Emotion A. Cognitive B. Behavioral
7. as the ability to manage both your own emotions and C. Psychodynamic D. Biological
understand the emotions of people around you. Emotional 22. A definition of abnormality where a behavior is seen as
abnormal if it violates unwritten rules about what is acceptable in
Intelligence a particular society.
8. The arousal of two or more strong motives that cannot be A. Deviation from Ideal Mental Health
solved together. Conflict B. Deviation from Statistical Norm
9. Is a common and serious medical illness that negatively C. Deviation from Social Norm
affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. D. Failure to Function Adequately
Depression 23. Abnormality where a person is considered abnormal if they
Diagnostic and Statistical
10. What is DSM-IV? are unable to cope with the demands of everyday life, or
experience personal distress.
Manual of Mental Disorders A. Deviation from Ideal Mental Health
11. Also referred to as a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, B. Deviation from Statistical Norm
is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress C. Deviation from Social Norm
or impairment of personal functioning. Mental Disorder D. Failure to Function Adequately
12. IQ means? IntelligenceQuotient 24. Defined by the presence of significantly sub average general
13. EI means? Emotional Intelligence intellectual functioning as well as significant limitations in
14. Is a medical condition that many women get after having a adaptive functioning present prior to the age of 18 years.
baby? Its strong feelings of sadness, anxiety (worry) and Individuals with a diagnosis of Severe MR generally obtain IQ
scores below 20–25
tiredness that last for a long time after giving birth . A. Mild Mental Retardation
Postpartum Depression B. Moderate Mental Retardation
15. What act otherwise known as Juvenile Justice and Welfare C. Severe Mental Retardation
Act of 2006? RA 9344 D. Profound Mental Retardation
25. Conflict is an intrapersonal conflict when a decision is to be
11. According to Binet Scale of Human Intelligence have an IQ made from two appealing choices. The choices are both positive
score of 50 to 69 is called? and equal in the eyes of the decision-maker.
A. Approach-Avoidance Conflict
A. Imbecile B. Moron C. Idiot D. Borderline
Deficiency B. Approach-Approach Conflict
12. Defined as significantly sub average intellectual ability, C. Multiple-Approach-Avoidance Conflict
which ranges between 35–40 and 50–55 and concurrent delays D. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict
in adaptive functioning that present prior to the age of 18. 26. Conflict is when a person has difficulty choosing between
A. Mild Mental Retardation two unfavorable options.
A. Approach-Avoidance Conflict
B. Moderate Mental Retardation B. Approach-Approach Conflict
C. Severe Mental Retardation C. Multiple-Approach-Avoidance Conflict
D. Profound Mental Retardation
13. Partial deletions or duplications of chromosomal material are D. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict
associated with contiguous gene syndromes which often involve 27. A mental illness that causes unusual shifts in a person's
mental retardation. Chromosomal abnormalities may also affect mood, energy, activity levels, and concentration.
placental development. A. Endogenous Depression B. Seasonal Affective Disorder
A. Genetic Factor B. Prenatal Illnesses and C. Bipolar Disorder D. Situational Depression
issue 28. Depression associated with late autumn and winter and
C. Childhood Illnesses and Injury D. Environmental Factor thought to be caused by a lack of light.
14. If you can understand the emotions of others and relate to A. Endogenous Depression B. Seasonal Affective
them, you can see problems from all perspectives and make
objective decisions. Disorder C. Bipolar Disorder D. Situational Depression
A. Self-awareness B. Motivation 29. This type of depression is define as feeling depressed for no
apparent reason, include feelings of sadness, worthlessness,
C. Empathy D. Social Skills guilt, and an inability to enjoy normally pleasurable things.
15. Is the ability to recognize and understand your own thoughts, A. Agitated Depression B. Psychotic Depression
feelings, and emotions, which can all affect your interactions with
others? C. Major Depressive Disorder D. Endogenous
A. Self-awareness B. Motivation Depression
C. Empathy D. Social Skills
30. A mental disorder in which a person has depression along
with loss of touch with reality.
A. Agitated Depression B. Psychotic
C. Major Depressive Disorder D. Endogenous Depression

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