Lastin Impressions Florida

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Sure, I can help you with that.

Here are the core problem and other problems in the

case study, as well as some solutions and solution alternatives:

Core problem: The sales quota system is not fair to all account executives. Mary
Beth is penalized for doing what she does best, which is building relationships with
customers. Franco is struggling to meet his quota because his territory is less
populated and has fewer businesses. And Syl is resorting to unethical practices to
meet his quota.
Other problems:
 The sales quota system is not based on accurate sales forecasts. Rajiv used a
combination of the sales force composite method and the moving average of the
previous 4 years sales, but both of these methods can be unreliable.

 The sales quota system is not aligned with the company's goals. Rajiv wants his
sales team to be aggressive, but setting quotas that are too high can backfire and
demotivate the team.

 The sales quota system does not take into account the different challenges faced by
each account executive. Mary Beth, Suzanne, Franco, and Syl all have different
territories with different opportunities and challenges.

 Rajiv should revise the sales quota system to make it more fair and equitable. He
could do this by:

o Basing the quotas on accurate sales forecasts.

o Allowing for different quotas for different territories.

o Taking into account the different challenges faced by each account executive.

 Rajiv should also communicate the sales quota system to his sales team and explain
how it is aligned with the company's goals. This will help to ensure that everyone is
on the same page and understands what is expected of them.

 Rajiv should also create a culture of trust and transparency within his sales team.
This will help to discourage unethical practices like the ones that Syl is using.

Solution alternatives:
 Instead of setting quotas, Rajiv could use a different performance metric, such as the
number of new customers acquired or the amount of revenue generated from repeat
 Rajiv could also implement a commission-based compensation plan, which would
reward his sales team for generating sales.

 Rajiv could also provide his sales team with more training and support, so that they
are better equipped to meet their quotas.

The best solution for Lasting Impressions will depend on the specific circumstances
of the company. However, the key is to find a system that is fair, equitable, and
aligned with the company's goals.

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