Question BUP FSSS 16

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Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) OS. Chicago was primarily important to the cattle
Faculty of Security & Strategic Studies (FSSS) industry as a-
Department of International Relation & Law ® market for meat
Admission Tcst-2016-17 (Sample( ® breeding center
© center of veterinary medicine
�·".N F• fsn·�·.:,;,. ,··" _..·.n @place to finance cattle purchases
06. The Queen is said -- Australia next year.
Read the following passage carefully and then ® to have visited ® to visit
answer the questions form O I to OS : © to be visiting @that she will visit alBl
During the nineteenth century, the mechanization of 07. Choose the correct sentence.
farming and the fencing of range land opened the · ® He absented from the meeting
agricultural heart of North America to intensive ® He did absent from the meeting
development. As the n�tural geographic center ofthis © He was absented from the meeting
region, Chicago became ihe crossroads of a vast @He was absent from the meeting IL1l[D]
transportation network. The great waterway systems 08. You are ill. You - see a doctor. Choose the right
of the Mississippi valley and the Great Lakes were modal for filling in the gap.
linked in Chicago in 1847, when the lllinois­ ® would better ® had better
Michinga Canal was opened to traffic. Within the © ought to @should BllJJ
next year, rail lines began to operate trains to and 09. He appears to be a fish out of water. The
from the city. 'fhe rise of agricultural activity underlined phrase means-
demanded facilities for the stor-i:;e and milling of ® uneasy ® frustrated
grain, the slaughtering of cattle, and the processing © bored @unnatural•
and shipment of meat. .The manufacmre of farm 10. I cannot _ your words. Choose the correct
machinery branched out into ·,he basie metal­ phrasal verb to fill in the gap.
fabricating and woodworking industries. This soon ® make up ® make out
attracted banks and other financial instiutions. Four © make for @make of mBl
years after the end of the Civil War, Chicago was 1 I. Didn't you know that it _ who played the joke?
already established as the focal point of the largest Choose the best option to fill in the gap
system of inland waterways in the world and the hub ® was us ® were us
of a rail network that extended to the Atlantic, Gulf, © were we @was we
and Pacific coasts. The productive potential of the 12. Choose the incorrect sentence.
city was unparalleled, and the pace of its industrial ® His father is an LMF
expansion reached explosive proportions. @Nazrul is the Shelly ofBangladesh
01. In the nineteenth century, the farming areas © The man speaks English like the English
around Chicago developed rapidly because- @ Who is more beautiful of the two girls?
® new irrigation waterways were built 13. Choose the correct sentence.
@ men who had been soldiers provided a plentiful ® I expect to invite to the wedding
workforce ® I expect to be invited to the wedding
© new machinery permitted farming on a large scale © I expect to have invited to the wedding
@ the Greai Lakes were linked @none
&Drol 14· We opted _ a reconciliation _ the dispute.
02. What is the main topic of the passage? Choose the right prepositions to fill in the gaps.
® The effects ofthe Civil War on the development of ® With, of @for, of
Chicago © to, between @of, against
@The effects of intensive farming in North America 15. The cyclist he crossed the main street.
© The evolution ofChicago as an irrdustrial center ® looked with caution after
@The impact ofagriclture ofindustrial development lm1Y; @was looked caution when
03. Why did Chicago initially begin to grow'! © had looked cautiously before
® It was located in the middle ofa productive area @ looks with caution after
® Its industries attracted jobless people 16. The antonym of the word "magnificent" is_.
© It could provide food for a large local population ® palpable ® marvelous
@Its wealthy inhabitants invested their money there&mAl © grotesque @ordinary
04. When did Chicago's first railroad service begin? 17 .. "Bag and baggage" means_.
@IM6 @JM7 ® property ® leaving nothing behind
© 1848 @ 1849 © costly @'heavy things mB;

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. The verb form of "father" is

® fatherly ® fatherhood
© father @none � 31. 'lll�<lll��lP!l'��?
19. Which spelling is correct? ®� @mms
®necessary ®nesessary ©�'1� @�-!ll
©ncccssery @neccesary � 32. 'olfi"flt' �� C'l"1t?
20. We are late. The film _ by the time we get to the ®� ®�
cinema. ©� @qm�
®will already start 33. Pllll'3f�Clii'l"11' � tt� "l�l'll-nt <lill?
®will be already started _,{/y � Milii!,j(sC"tl.,lil ®� 1iflm'll
©will already have started ©�� @�
@will already be st<1rting m'd 34. �15tv1·,mm���"ll'ATll?
,,I®l5ffi1I fwtqe;m � �
21. The assertive form of the sentence "Shall I ever
forget a friend like you?" is - ®���m�lif!I
® I shall not forget a friend like you ©�n
® I shall never forget a friend like you . @�
© I shall not ever forget a friend like you 35. �-�· � � �!Rlt � f1lll �?
@ I shall not always forget a friend like you mJi) .....,®����
12. Some patients are asked to drink tepid water. The ®.,,rn�.lll.,®1 '() "llTffl �
underlined word means-. ©<!J<l>illJi_NiC<!i
®pure ®sligitly warm @� Wilt-ml -,,1-iM m ilJ
©boiled @baccena-free mnl 36.�����'l'l!?
23. Which one is the correct sentence? ®�m� ®�
® He has been hunged for murder ©�'Q @��"<IV>i
®He was hung for murder 37. �1T!!��'l�-l'f1!�?
©He was hanged for murder ®'<IT'll6\1 '5flirn "<1Wl5i1'1 ®'� "<1Wl5i1'1
@He has hanged for murder � ©�-�'1 @<IJRlil'l �
24. The correct spelling is_ 38. �!11'1 � �?
®conscience ®conscence ®<I @15
©consciense @conciense &DA} ©� @�
25. He was almost dead_ the time he got back home. 39. � � 151'1 1· Ill����-
®by ®on ®<::!I� ®�"llml
©in @at � ©� @'ii� 11118)
26. Wait here until return. Here the underlined 40. �· � t/ii( �?
word is_. ®lro
®a ·preposition ®a conjunction ©�
©an adverb . @an adjective mlJJ 41. � �lP!T � �-
27. Which one is correct? @� ®�
® Let me to go ®He made me to do so ©� @�
© I got him do so @Help me do the su, mG 42. � ;_i;· �,�I!!(�?
28. Choose the correct one ®��t� ®�<ml�
® He spoke so well as ifhc knew everything ©!fl<� @��
®He spoke so well as ifhe had known everything 43. '"513tlf��·���'I?
©He speaks so well as if he had known everything @W'IIA� ®��
@He spoke so well as ifhc would know everything amBJ ©'llltrn<l � @� �
29. A 'pseudonym' is a/an 44. � �.fir Ill• <1fi1<1£<1c<1> � �7
®fictitious name ®unknown name ®� ®�
© popular name @mistaken name ©� @"1il't�
30. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is composed by­ 45. � � �­
® William Wordsworth ®TS Eliot ®t"ltJ.�
©P B Shelley @ST Coleridge l!lff>] ©�"1"9J�

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46. �· Ull t?mct � wn, 60. How many freedom fighters got 'Bir Protik' for
their contribution to the Liberation War?
®426 @7
©68 @175
47. 'Ancestor·���,
61. Where is the Head Quarters of the Center in
®� Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the
©�� @� Pacific (CIRDAP)?
48. >J.���lllll��lfl'Tll���'ftll�7 ® Dhaka ®New Delhi
®'��'1 @�'I © Manila @Bangkok �
©������'1 @�'1 mi\! 62. Who is the sculptor of 'Sa bash Bangladesh'?
49. f.!m � � �, ®Shamim Sikder @Nitun Kundu
®� @� © Hamiduzzaman @ Mrinal Haq m"8l
©C<ltif<I @C<IMT'f l!!fD) 63. Who is the singer of the song 'Mora ekti fulke
so. ·.a�· Ull ��� � �, bachabo bole juddho kori'?
®Apel Mahmud ®Syed Abdul Hadi
®� @�
© Abdul Jabbar @ Runa Laila Ill�)
©� @� m:Q 64. How many lines of Tagore's 'Amar Sonar Bangla'
were taken for the National Anthem of
®Last J (J 'ines ® First IO lines
SI. The Constitution of Bangladesh does not
©Last 8 tines @ First 6 Jines mJJJ
®Equality before law ® Equal pretection of Law 65. Who raised the issue or Bengali Language in the
Provincial E ducationalConference?
©Non-discrimination @Capitalism 111D)
® Maolana Akram Khan
52. Which of the following institutions is a part of the
local government in Bangladesh? @Syed Nowab Ali Chowdhury
®Zila Porishad @Upozila Porishad © Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah
© Union Council @All of the above mJ)l @Prof. ASM Nurut Bhuian �
53. Which of the followings is a painting by Zainul 66. Who was the Commander in Chief During the
Abedin? Liberation War?
®MAG Osmani @Major Zia
® Sangram
© Famine
@ Harvest
@None of the abovem<:;l ©Major Haider @ Kamal Lohani m�
54. Who is the first Bangladeshi cricketer to take a 67. Value added Tex (VAT) was introduced in
hat-trick in One Day lnternationals? Bangladesh in the year-
® Abdur Razzak @Alok Kapali ®.2001 @ 1982
©Shahadat Hossain @ Rubel Hossain mt) ©ins @1�1
SS. By which amendment 'Caretaker Government' 68. Who is the founder ofComlla BARO?
was abolished from the Constitution of ® General Ayub Khan ® Dr. Mahbabur Rahaman
Bangladesh? © Dr. Ataur Rahaman @ Akter Hamid Khan mUJ
®Twelfth amendment 69. Which one is the latest archaeological site in
®Thirteenth amendment Bangladesh?
©Fourteenth amendment ® Minamati @ Wari Bateswar
@Fifteenth amendment ©Mohastangarh @ Paharpur
56. 'Tin Konna' is painted by-. 70. Where is the Headquarter or BIMSTEC?
®S M Sultan ®Mostofa Monoar ® Dhaka @Kathmundu
©Kamrul Hasan @Joynul Abcdin � ©New Delhi @ London mAJ
57. One of the following four birshrestha was not a 71. Mobile phone operator 'Teletalk' started its
member of the army. Identify him. operations in­
®Hamidur Rahman @Mahiuddin Jahanoir ®2000 ®2002
© Mustafa Kamal @ Ruhul Amin °l.1llro) ©2004 @2006
58. Who invented Jutton? 72. Which bank first introduces the Telephone
®Siddique Ullah ®Siddique Ullah Baflking Service in Bangladesh?
©Mohammadullar @ Mohammadullah � ® Dutch Bangla Bank Limited
59. Mujibnagar Government was formed on ....:... @Brae Bank
®10th April @17'h April © Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
©26 th March @31 •h March @Standard Chartered Bank Limited �

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-3. Mobile Banking of lslami Bank Bangladesh 87. 'Operation Desert Storm' is the name of a -
Limited is known as-. @Cyclone @Tropical storm
® bKash @bCash ©uKash @mCash � ©Military invasion @Peace keeping afCl
-4. Lifestyle retail chain 'Aarong' operates under- 88. The American General who led the revolt against
@ASA @BRAC the British and declared American independence
©Proshika @Grameen 11m»J was-
-;. What is the fiscal year of Bangladesh? ® George Washington @James Madison
® January-December @April-March ©Alexander Hamilton @Thomas William 111A]
©July-June @September-August mrJ 89. Which country docs not have a permanent armed
@Nicaragua @Costa Rica
©Colombia @ El Salvador
-6. Permanent Court of International Justice was 90. Doha Round refers to­
established under @ Football competition policy
® League of Nations @UNO @Policy regarding climate change
©European Union @None of these amJ1J ©Policy on heritage
-7, Who had defeated the Mughal army chief Man @Policy on international trade
Singh? 91. Who is the author of Maine Camp?
® Musa Khan @Kedar Rai @ Churchill @Homer
©Sher Khan @ Isa Khan m,m ©Shakespeare @Hitler mt>)
-8. During the Non-Cooperation Movement, which 92. Which of the following American presidents was
award did Mahatma Gandhi return? not elected through general election?
® Knighthood @Rai Bahadur ® Richard Nixon @Gerald Ford
©Kaiser-e-Hind @Hind Kesari mr:l ©Jimmy Carter @Ronald Regan l!lllJJl
-9, R�publican Party is- 93. Hundred year war was fought between­
@one of the important parties in USA ® France and England @Greek and Persian
@the polities parties which has no definite principles ©Italy and Germany @Argentina and France&DA)
©the political party which changes with the change 94. Before the Everest was discovered, what was the
in the times and circumstances in the country highest mountain in the world?
@All of the above l1IIAl @Mount Godwin-Austen/ K2
80. The Winter Olympics started in - @Mount Kilimajaro
@1924 @1928 ©1932 @1936 � ©Mount Aconcagua
81. In 1979, Stephen Hawking joined Cambridge @Mount Everest
University as Lucasian Professor of- 95. Who invented Penicillin?
® Physics @Mathematics @Alexander Fleming @Tomas Edison
©Cosmology @Applied physics m:Dl ©Marie Curie @George Orwell mAl
81. Who is considered to be the inventor of detective 96. Which is the highest literary award in the word?
fiction? ® Nobel prize @Booker prize
® Arthur Conan Doyle @Agatha Christie ©Pulitzer prize @Magsaysay award m:nl
©Earle Stanley Gardner @Edgar Allan Poe m:nl 97. World Trade Organi1.ation succeeded to the-
83. Who is the author of the book A Bunch of Old Letters? @ United Nations Conference on Trade and
® Jawarhar Lal Nehru Development.
@Mahatma Gandhi @ World Trade Institute.
©Smt. Indira Nehru Gandhi. ©Trade Related Investment Measure.
@Shri K.C. Pant mAJ @General Agreement on Tariff and Trade. 1!11>;
84. Which is not a Scandinavian country? 98. Which of the following states is not a part of the
® Norway @Iceland 'Seven Sisters'?
©Sweden @Switzerland mDJ @Tripura @Nagaland
85. Which was the first country to abolish death ©Arunachal @Sikim at5)
penalty? 99. In which of the following city is the head-quarter
@The Netherlands @Germany of the New Development Bank (BRICS Bank)
©Venezuela @Costa Rica mrJ located?
86. Which one of the following is not a principal @Shanghai @Moscow
organ of the United Nations? ©Brasilia @Cape Town 11m.AJ
@ World Health Organization 100. Which of the following countries has the briefest
@Trusteeship Council Constit ution in the world?
©Security Council @The USA @The UK
@General Assembly mAl ©Vatican city @South Sudan �

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