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Journal of Personality Assessment

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A Group Version of the Stroop Color and

Word Test
Charles J. Golden
Published online: 10 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: Charles J. Golden (1975) A Group Version of the Stroop Color and Word Test, Journal
of Personality Assessment, 39:4, 386-388, DOI: 10.1207/s15327752jpa3904_10

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1207/s15327752jpa3904_10


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Journal of Personality Assessment, 1975,39,4

A Group Version of the Stroop Color and Word Test

University of Hawaii, Manoa
Summary: The uses of the Stroop Color and Word Test have been limited because of the
lack .of a standardized form, particularly one which could be used for both individual and
group administrations as demanded by the requirements of a research project. The present
version of the test counted the number of items completed by the subject in a 45-second
time period. In the individual version the subject said the words out loud while in the group
version he said the words to himself. Results indicated that the two versions were equivalent
to each other as well as to forms requiring the subject to read a whole page of items. It was
felt that a group form would greatly enhance the research capabilities of the Stroop Test.

The Stroop Color and Word Test was non has served as the area of interest to
first introduced in this country by Stroop most researchers.
(1935). Since then it has been used to The present study was an attempt to
investigate personality, psychiatric dis- develop a form of the Stroop which could
Downloaded by [New York University] at 03:29 08 January 2015

orders, cognition, stress response, and be used in both group and individual
other psychological phenomenon (see the settings as well as serve as a basic form for
review by Jensen & Rohwer, 1966). researchers interested in the Stroop. The
Conclusions about the nature of the group and individual measures differed
Stroop have been hampered, however, by only in that the group test does not
a proliferation of forms of the test require a spoken response. The two forms
differing in number of colors, items, differed in general from other tests in
difficulty, and timing. In addition, no that the measure of subject performance
form of the test has been developed was items per 45 seconds, rather than
which can be used in both a group and time per 100 items.
individual setting. This has often limited
sample size in these experiments making Method
generalizations unreliable.
Almost all forms of the Stroop Test Subjects
have consisted of three basic pages: a Subjects were 240 college under-
word (W) page which consists of color graduates and 300 high school students.
words written in black ink; a color (C) Average age of the sample was 18. There
page with semantically meaningless were slightly more males than females in
symbols printed in colored ink; and a the total sample.
color-word (CW) page on which the
words on the first page are printed in the Materials
colors on the second page with the The Stroop Test consisted of three
restriction that the word and the color do pages stapled together. Each page had
not match. On the first page the subject is 100 items in 5 columns of 20 items.
instructed to read the words aloud. On Items on the first page were the color
the C and CW pages the subject is words RED, GREEN, and BLUE in black
instructed to name the color of ink. A ink. On the second page the items were
subject's score is usually the time it takes XXXX's colored in red, green, or blue
to finish a page. On the CW page the ink. Items on the third page were the
words interfere with the subject's reading words RED, GREEN, and BLUE printed
of the colors. This interference phenome- in red, green, or blue ink with the
limitation that word and ink could not
A copy of the form of the Stroop test match. On all pages the items were
discussed in this study will be sent with a randomly distributed except that no item
reprint of the article if requested from the
author. within a column could follow itself.
Table 1
Means, Standard Deviations and
Reliabilities for the Stroop

Card Form M SD r

Word Group 102.O 19.3 .89

Word Ind 99.6 18.9 .8 6
Color Group 78.5 15.4 34
Color Ind 77.2 15.7 .82
CW Group 44.2 10.1 .73
CW Ind 46.3 9.8 .73
Downloaded by [New York University] at 03:29 08 January 2015

Bocedure Results
Thirty subjects took the individual All pages were scored as to the number
form of the test twice, 60 took both of items completed in 45 seconds. Table
forms (one-half took the individual form 1 presents the means and standard devi-
first), and 450 subjects, including all the ations for the first presentations of each
high school students, took the group page on each form. In addition the
form twice. The basic instructions for the reliabilities across presentations for those
group form of the W page were: subjects taking the same form twice are
This is a test of how fast you can read presented in Table 1. Reliabilities for the
the words on this page. After I say group form were .89, 3 4 , and .73 (n =
begin, you are to read down the 450) for the W, C!, and CW pages,
columns starting with the first one respectively. For the subjects taking both
saying the words to yourself as quickly forms, cross-form reliabilities were .85,
as you can. After you finish the first
column, go on to the next and so on .81, and .69 (n = 60), quite comparable
until I say stop. If you reach the last to the reliabilities of the two forms alone.
item before I stop you, return to the There were no significant differences be-
first column and begin again. If you tween the individu%l and group forms on
make a mistake, correct it and then go any of the three pages.
on. Any questions? Then begin.
After 45 seconds the experimenter says, Discussion
"Stop. Circle the item you're on. If you The results of the present study indi-
finished the entire first page and began cate that the two forms of the test are
again, put a one by your circle. Turn the equivalent and can be used interchange-
page." ably. The results here are also basically
Instructions on the second page were equivalent to that of other studies when
identical except that the subject was their time per 100 item measure is con-
asked to name the color of the ink. On verted into the items per 45 seconds
the third page, he was instructed to name measure used here. For example, Jensen's
the color of the ink ignoring the word it (1965) results, when converted, are 118,
spelled. For the individual form, the 78, and 45 for the three pages, all
subject was instructed to say the words comparable except the word score -
"out loud" rather than "to yourself." which may be due to Jensen's primarily
388 Group Version of the Stroop Color and Word Test
female sample of college age versus the References
largely high school sample here. In Jensen, A. R. Scoring the Stroop Test. Acta
addition, the reliabilities in the present Psychologia, 1965,24, 398-408.
study are almost identical to those of Jensen, A. R., & Rohwer, W, D. The Stroop
Jensen who reported reliabilities of 38, Color and Word Test: A review. Acta
.79, and .7 1. Psychologia, 1966,25, 36-93.
The availability of a group form of the Stroop, J. R. Studies of interference in serial
verbal reactions. Journal o f Experimental
Stroop Test should enable the researcher P ~ y c h o l o g 1935,18,
~, 643-662.
to explore the cognitive and personality
components of the Stroop scores, which
have been suggested but never fully in- Charles J. Golden
vestigated in past studies. It is felt that University of South Dakota
further investigation of the Stroop will Department of Psychology
reveal it to be a valuable tool to the Vermillion, So. Dakota 57069
psychologist both as a measure of individ- Received: May 3,1974
ual differences and as a method of study- Revised: June 26,1974
ing personality and cognitive structure.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 03:29 08 January 2015

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