IIT Resume Book

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Jin Shaun ANG

jinshaun @ gmail.com 773 698 1364 http://ca rgo collective.com/jinshaun

Seeking a career in design strategy and plannin g.

I am keen to design compelling experiences that cut across the areas of service, interaction and product design. I am interested in how design bridges physical and digital worlds, and creates positive behavioral and social chang e.

Work experien ce and accomplishme nts

2011 Yahoo!
Internship Worked with SV P(Design) to create a framework for designing meaningful and fulfilling digital experiences, presented and tested framework with manageme nt

Current field of study

IITInstitu te of Design
Master of Design candid ate projected gradu ation Spring 2012 2009 - present Chicago, IL

2011 Halverson Group, Oak Park, IL

Senior resea rch anal yst Created a framework describing consumer path to purchase

London School of Economics
MSc Economics, 2002 gradu ated with merit London, United Kingdom

2007 2009 Ministry of Manpower, Singa pore

Assista nt Director, Employment Agency Licensing Branch Supervised a 14-person team responsible for processing empl oyme nt agen cy license s, and condu cting investigations into regulatory infringeme nts Reviewed regulations to enhance penalties for offenders, plug existing loopholes and raise minimum standards for business practices Developed methods to analyze and mine administrative data to flag out infringements and ultimately to conduct proactive ground audits

University of California, Berkeley

BA Economics (Honors), 2001 gradu ated with highest honors Berkeley, CA

English fluent Mandarin intermediate Japanese beginner

2004 2007 Ministry of Manpower, Singa pore

Head of Strategic Planning, Corpo rate Planning Depa rtme nt Led a 4-person team responsible for mana ging and facilitating the process for strategy creation, fundin g, monitoring and review Redesigned the strategic planning process to stretch the planning horizon and collect fresh ideas to generate new strategies Created and implemented the Ministrys first strategy map, designed and implemented the communications plan for the rollout Designed and implemented the Ministrys first corporate scorecard, achievements include: Developed framework to share ownership of corporate results and to link individual employees appraisals to team performance Implemented an online dashboard of performance indicators to facilitate management oversight Inducted into Palladium Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Hall of Fame, 2008 Successfully sought approval for $73M in funding for new projects Allocated the Ministrys budget of $160M

Software skills
MS Office, InDesi gn, Illustrator proficient Photosho p, Flash, Rhino intermediate

Other experience
2009 Lead Designer and Partne r, Cardboa rd Island Games lead designer of game mechanic s, overall thematic direction and playtesting 2002 - 2004 Full Lieutena nt, Singapo re Armed Forces commanded a platoon of 24 men and non-comissioned officers

Jorge Angarita
Interaction Design, Design Planning & Research

www.jorgeangarita. com angarita@id.iit.edu + 1 (3 12) 394-0568

Seeking an internship that w ill satisfy my keen interest in tackling complex problems using design methods and tools to create innovative human-centricsolutionsthat have a lasting and positive impact. Im particularlyinterested in the synergies of design and technology.

2 01 1.07 Bilkey LlinsDesign 2008.04 Hong Kong, China

IIT Institute of Design Chicago, USA Master of Design (MDes) Candidate Expected Graduation Spring 2013 Universidad de Los Andes Bogot, Colombia IndustrialDesign B.A. 2008 BusinessAdminist ation minor r

Designer and IT AssistantManager Project Leader in charge of space planningand interior design for the New World Hotel in Guiyang, China. Participated in concept development for Indigo Hotels in Asia. Coordinated presentations and renderingsfor projects with Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton,Hyatt and other Hotel Operators. Designed presentation workflow templates. and In cha of IT equipment selection and administration. rge

2007.06 Bilkey LlinsDesign 2007.1 2 Palm Beach,USA - Bogot, Colombia(remote)

Spanish - Native Speaker French - Fluent English - Fluent

Design Intern Designed, coded and implemented company website: w ww.bil eyllina .com k s Created presentations and digitalphoto composition s. Developed internal color management workflo . w

2006.06 Area Loft S.A. 2006.1 2 Bogot, Colombia

Design Skills
Interaction, Product and Communication Electronic prototyping & programming Ethnographic & secondary research Design analysis & synthesis Product & website development

Design Intern Created and developed furniture design concepts. Designed furnitu for individualand corporate re clients. Space planningfor coffee shops and restaurants.


Other Experience
Anabelle Dolce & Caffe Bogot, Colombia(remote) Designed and developed website for small business: w ww.anadolce.com Asalf Bogot, Colombia Created branding and identity for school organization. Designed digital newsletter.

2D Adobe Illust ator, Photoshop, r 3D Rhinoce ros, Vray, 3DS Max, Code SketchUp

Flash, Dreamwea & InDesign ver Maya, AutoCAD &


Processing,Wiring Working knowledgeof HTML, CSS and ActionScript.


Pea, C. (2009). Proyecto Libre, Entre la historiay el diseo. Bogot: EdicionesUniandes. Senior Thesis featured on the Design Departments 15th Anniversary commemo rative book. Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad de los Andes.

About Me
Curious by nature, I enjoy learningnew things and engaging in stimulating conversations. I have traveled extensi ely, and I am fortunate v to be able to consider myself a citizen of the

w or ld. D es ig n a n d te ch no lo gy in sp ir e m e.

Kristine Angell is a social design strategist, expert in elevating the users experience. She utilizes human-centered design research to inspire, guide, and define client offerings.
(646) 831-7035 kristine.angell@gmail.com www.kristineangell.com

Professional Experience
Sr Design Researcher and Strategist
RKS Design, Thousand Oaks, CA Categories include: Consumer Packaged Goods, Food & Beverage Equipment, Emerging Markets Developed market research with a focus on the user to qualify design activities. Designed and led consumer workshops to co-create new products and study behaviors associated with identified user needs and activities Generated culturally-relevant product positioning strategies for localized Indian and Chinese market expansion by global food and beverage brand Conducted qualitative research in Delhi, Mumbai, Shanghai and Guangzhou with local vendors and consumers to identify relevant themes and behaviors, followed by deep data analysis and strategic positioning recommendations. Analyzed consumer validation data for executive level briefing Led qualitative research planning and participant recruiting efforts Developed personas and video use cases to inform design Wrote discussion guides, scripts and screening questionnaires Writing support for HBR.com articles 2010 - 11 (AUG - APRIL)

Freelance Market Research

Omhu, NY Developed baby boomer market research for Omhus web interface and product development efforts Documented and analyzed baby boomers web and interactive media experiences

2009 - 10

Art Director

2003 - 08

daSILVA Architects, NY Managed and produced design activities and documentation Led firm renaming and brand relaunch Developed advertisingmessaging, placement, design Identified and bench-marked new models of Designed and developed four web sites retail and social environments with a focus on wire framing, coding, content development interactive spaces Wrote and designed proposals, presentations Supported product development with Directed photographers, web producers, research on sizing and physical limitations writers, design interns of an aging and declining body Identified and researched new business Developed firms understanding of the opportunities toll aging takes on cognitive, social and Developed department budget emotional functions Developed and managed databases Provided market landscape analysis

M Collaborative, TX Completed discovery intercept interviews Gries Architecture, WI Provided marketing and business strategies to improve market positioning Indesit Advanced Design Lab, Design Innovation, Milan, Italy Developed scenario models for future kitchen appliance s

Adjunct Professor


Communication Arts Department SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology, NY

Mentoring Program Co-Chair (volunteer)

2003 - 06

AIGA/NY Mentoring Program, NY Client: AIGA/NY in conjunction with the NYC Department of Education Organizational Leadership Provided analysis on current materials, trends, technology, culture and their potential Responsible for program promotion, recruitimpact on the client 5 and 20 years out ment, outreach Crafted strategy and brand alignment Event planning, promotion, and implementadocuments tion for 120 participants Designed and prototyped conceptual appli Managed budget and directed design teams ances resulting in a show at Eurococina 2010 Defined, formed, led team exercises and group projects IIT Institute of Design, IL Developed health care technology research 2000 - 03 Conducted industry research in robotics, Senior Designer medical and emerging technology Communique Advertising, NY Wrote and tested qualitative research Projects included: websites, magazines, protocol brand advertising launches

Masters in Design Methods
IIT Institute of Design Coursework: ethnographic research; rapid prototyping in service and experience design; interactive environments; systems level planning; emerging markets business framework development Major Projects: service prototyping; robotics; behavior change modeling and platform development; emerging markets business protocol research and recommendations 2008 - 2009 1998

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Graphic Communications

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Awards: AAF National Student Advertising Competition finalist

Professional: Skilled in ethnographic research, analysis and synthesis. Discovery techniques include: observation and user journals; behavioral testing labs and ideation workshops; product, wire frame, service and experience prototyping; intercept, expert and layperson interviews. Synthesis techniques include: trends analysis and scenario planning; story boarding, user journeys and persona development; platform roadmaps and implementation strategies. Software: Expertise in traditional office and design programs. Knowledge of interactive, video and audio editing programs.

Amir H. Arabkheradmand
Experience Design Strategist amir a @id.iit.edu 312 810 8043 Education:
IIT Institute of Design IIT Stuar t School of Business
2012 Master of Design 2012 Master of Business Administration

To facilitate the interaction between design and business through the creation of meaningful customer value.
Photography 3 International Exhibitions

IAU School of Ar t & Architecture

2008 Master of Architecture

Primary Research Planning Insight Analysis Concept Development and Evaluation Rapid Sketch Ideation Prototyping and Modeling Quantitative Decision Making Project Management Market and Financial Analysis Agent Based Modeling Aviation Systems and Procedures

Adobe CS4: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator SPSS MS Office; Access, Project Auto CAD Repast Agent Base Modeling Software

IIT Design Strategy Conference 2011 Reception team IIT Design Research Conference 2011 Marketing team 2010 Web site content manager IIT Executive Education Summer Course 2010 Research associate Institute of Design Teaching Assistant Problem Framing and Decision Making Courses

M.A. Architecture and Urban Design Quar terly 2002 - 2009 Member of board of editors Road Trip in 21 Countries and 25 States in the USA

Yahoo! Inc. Internet and Media
2011 (ongoing) Design Strategy Consultant Refining frameworks to make them specific to Yahoo!s internal projects and effective in the creation of meaningful value. Designing and conducting workshops for design stakeholders at Yahoo! in appl ication of meaningful value creating frameworks.

Design Analysis and Synthesise Project Developed service concepts to bring Thrift Stores to the mainstream market and increase their customer base. Analyzed various sets of insights from user and industry studies. Created, evaluated, and visualized new concepts to grow the Salvation Army customer base by improving stakeholder experiences.

Yahoo! Inc. Internet and Media

2011 Summer Intern Developed generative frameworks for Yahoo! in order to both create new and improve existing offerings by creating meaningful value for customers.

Arapi Sys. Co. Research and Consulting

2007 - 2009 Cofounder and Director Planned and conducted research to improve airpor t networks. Designed and establ ished the new airpor t cer tificate programs for various countries in Middle Eastern. Conducted research and improve upon service levels and decrease delay time in hub airpor ts.

Design Core Architecture and Urban Design Consulting

2004 - 2007 Director Planned strategy road map for companies growth. Coordinated an international EPC housing project among various design and construction disciplines. Planned and designed individual architecture projects.

Undisclosed Manufacturing, Retail and Operation Supplier
Interaction Design Project Conducted research and analyzed existing customer relationship channels, needs and related trends. Improved service offerings and redesigned customer interaction with company.

Solution Group Chicago - Mexico City Corner Stores

Product Development Project Generated concepts for small-scale convenience stores inspired by in-depth user observation study. Applied ethnographic interviewing and shadowing techniques.

Salvation Army Thrift Stores and Charity

Leticia Araujo Baio

labaiao@id.iit.edu | +1 (312) 282 5988

Selected Projects
100 Design Methods Book | jan 2011 - present Research and development of content for a design and innovation methods book in assistance to Prof. Vijay Kumar. The Dispatch | jan-may 2011 Project in colaboration with the Columbus Dispatch aimed at exploring how a newspaper company mantain relevancy within its communit y. BID VIVO | feb 2010 Planning, execution and analysis of user research aiming at understanding behaviors towards mobile phones and services. Graduation Project | mar-dec 2007 A study on collaboration between design schools and small local businesses, resulting in guidelines for future interactions and a case study. Investigation of ways, possibilities, advantages and disadvantages that collaborative projects can bring to design education and local businesses in Rio. Project Exploring Interactions | sep 2006-jan 2007 Volunteer!, within the theme Trade, development of a product aiming at stimulating communication and interactions among people involved and interested in volunteering.

Apply user-cente red design methods to develop and implement meaningful innovations.

Education Professional Experience

Freelance | feb 2007- 2010 Designe r. Development of ethnographic research, products, stands, visual identity and print. Work in companies such as MJV Technology and Innovation, Fibra Design and Artes & Ofcios. MBA Cultural | jul 2009- oct 2009 Product Designe r. Development, detailing and production of interactive objects for science exhibitions. Artes & Ofcios | apr 2008-jun 2009 Industrial Designer. Detailing, prototyping and coordinating p roduction of point of sale displays and small products. ESDI | mar-jul 2007 Teaching Assistant for the Microsoft Design Research 2007 project. Assistant to teachers Noni Geiger and Eliane Jobim tutoring students and producing graphic material for communication of projects. Motorola/ESDI | may-jul 2006 Intern Motolab II. Development of user research and opportunity analysis for communication solutions. Coordination of the intern team and presentation of methodology and proceedings used in the first edition of the Motorola and ESDI cooperation lab. Cludia Zarvos | mar-jun 2006 Design Intern. Development of exhibitions, print material and residential furniture. Zidesign | jul 2005-jan 2006 Graphic Design Intern. Development of brands websites and print material. Construction of banners and websites using flash and html. Motorola/ESDI | sep 2004-mar 2005 Intern Motolab. Research focused on users from economic classes C and D (Brazil),analysis of consumer profiles and development of projects for cellphone hardwa re. MBA/Mdes Dual Program Aug 2012 expected graduation Illinois Institute of Technology - Stuart School of Business and Institute of Design Bachelor of Graphic and Product Design Jan 2008 | U ERJ/ESD- Escola Superior I de Desenho Industrial - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil *Exchange program MSc Design for Interaction Fall 2006 | TU Delft - Netherlands

Other Activities
Design Strategy Confe rence | 2011 Design and Emotion Confe rence | 2010 Brazil Design Week | 2008 Social Design Inte rnational Forum | 2007

Softwa re
SolidWorks, Rhinoceros 3D, 3D max, Illustrator, Photoshop, In Design, Flash, Dreamweaver, AutoCad 14, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Access.

Fluent in Portuguese and English

Ishan Bhalla
bhalla@id.iit.edu | www.lukwhostalking.com | (312) 395 0425
Seeking a summer internship to develop my strategic thinking skills in the areas of design planning, service design or interaction design.

Master of Design IIT Institute of Design [Aug 2011 May 2013]
Learning to apply design methods to understand and solve complex problems. Focusing on strategy, design for development and interaction design.

Professional Experience
User Interface Design Lead @ Infosys Technologies Limited [Bangalore, India: Mar 2010 May 2011]
Designed interfaces across web, smartphone and television platforms. Worked on projects across telecom, health care, aerospace, consumer product and entertainment domains. Authored research articles on trends in smartphone app discovery and app interface design differences between the Android and iPhone platforms. Organized regular knowledge sharing sessions for designers.

Bachelor of Engineering Mumbai University Sardar Patel College of Engg. [Aug 2002 May 2006]
Focused on databases, object oriented analysis and design and software engineering.

Software Engineer, Team Lead @ Infosys Technologies Limited [Mysore, India: Oct 2006 Feb 2010]
Led a team of engineers developing KBE applications for an aircraft manufacturer. I was in charge of people management activities like goal setting and performance evaluation, project management activities like planning, client interfacing and configuration management. Started a practice of rapid prototyping to accelerate the requirement gathering process. Introduced and instituted the practice of object oriented analysis and design in the team. This helped the team save over 3000+ man hours of effort in 2 years from code reuse. Initiated and anchored knowledge sharing unconferences and games. Set up and popularized the use of a wiki platform for knowledge sharing.

Microsoft Visio, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom Rational Rose, Requisite Pro, Microsoft Project Python, Java, Visual Basic, C, C++

Other Activities
Conducted a study on the accessibility of the Bangalore city bus system for the blind. (Report URL: http://lukwhostalking.com/research-report-studyingthe-accessibility-of) Served on various management councils at Infosys as a young leader. Deeply involved with social work in India in the spheres of Education, microfinance and democratic reform. Have been involved in the organization effort for various conferences including TED India, Barcamp Bangalore and various fun events at work.

Won 8 awards at Infosys for my work on KBE projects, knowledge management efforts and social work including a Best Innovator Award. Was selected to make a presentation to Infosys Chairman Narayan Murthy about social work taken up at Infosys.

Tanushree Bhat
Seekingexperienceswhere I can take on challengingand diverse research projects/wicked problem s,specifically related to new emerging markets work with a multidisciplinary and team in planningand development insightsinto opportunities. of

tanu@id.iit.edu geraniums@gmail.com (312)515-4576 3311 S C R E EK R .S E , A PT #102,M I 49512 D

Design Researcher, Steelcase Inc Grand Rapids,MI, July 2011-present. Work Space Futures,F loorP acs Measurement.
Responsible for measurementand research of the new lydevelopedF loorPac settings using Nonaka Knowledge s creationframework. Designedand distributed research tools and led observations a newly in installed space w ith FloorPac technologies. Responsible synthesisanalysisof the measurementand designingand for conducting upcom ing Analysisw orkshopw ith the Em ployees an Co. at Steelcase.

IIT Instituteof Design, Chicago, I L Master of Design Candidate, Expected 2011 Coursework in Design Planning, User Research and Systems approach to planning, Strategic Design Research for Base of the Pyramid. Srishti School O f A rtDesign and Technology, Bangalore,INDIA Diplomain Communication Design, 2006 (a contextual learning lab) Coursework in Design for Community. Worked with craft communities and learnt process of design facilitation,research while also developing a deep sense of the design context for India- Development by Design.

Design Planning (SummerAssociate) Doblin- Monitor Group Company Chicago, USA May 2010-July 2010 Design Researcher & Communication Designer Onio Design Pvt. , Ltd. Pune, India, Jan 2008-Mar2009 C olorM aterialFinish(C M FStrategy2010 forL G Mobile phones India. ) in
Appointed projectlead and strategist. Conducted depth customerand expert in interviewsin four major Indian cities using ethnographic tools to understand sociocultural implications key design attributes for C M Fpreferences. and Workedwith a colorexpertto create C M Fpreferencemaps, physical mood boardsand swatches for client presentations. Gainedexperiencein forecastingtrends. Gained experience marketdata analyses.Presentedm aps hi-lighting in the changingpatterns in trend s o f C M Fpreferencesin India. In charge of com m unication. Designedand presented the fin alC M Fstrategy reportat the L G headquartersin Seoul,Korea.

Academic Projects & Awards

Awarded certificate of commendationin recognition of the final diplomaproject. To Be and What To Be- A Web site (pilot) allowing a young person (15-20yrs)to articulate and explore the different issues that surround the idea of choosing a career path. Nominatedat the IN D E X Design Awards, 2003 Copenhagenin the category of Community Eco Source- Designed information architecture and proposed an idea of an Eco Source for Indian cities. The source was designed to be more than a directory by additionallyproviding different ways to make an informed choice in being eco friendly in your city.

Vital IndiaR esearch2009/2010for SA M SU N GB randstrategy and Design Direction six productcategoriesin India. for

Conducted user interviewsand marketresearch,in four major Indian cities for six productlines;washingmachine,refrigerato, microwave, television, r home theatre and digitalcamera. A nalyzed data, created insightclusters,m appeduser behaviors, defined segmentationand articulateddesign directions for product the development team. Createdbrand perception maps each productcategory and in identified opportunity space for the Samsungbrand. In charge of com m unication. esignedthe finalpresentationfor client in Korea. D

Co-Authored hatIndiaWants, a trend report,with Mr. M anojKothari,D irecto, W r

O nioD esign;For G lobalD esignR esource(G D Rresearch consultanc , U K ,publishedin ) y 2008.

Design Lead,Live IND IA Project, N O K IADesign Oasis Bangalore, India, Aug 2007-Dec2007
Led team of three design students throughthe entire processof user research to conceptualizing phonedesign for a specificuser categorydefinedby N OK IA . a Exposedto Nokia approachto research methods,segmentation, s trend analysis and forecasting.

user research and analysis, story boarding facilitation in design process Expertise working with Adobe Design Suite (Illustrato Indesign, Photoshop) r, Familiarwith video editing software- FinalCut Pro (Mac OS)

Communication Designe Quicksand Design r, Studio, Delhi, India, Jan 2007-Aug2007

Designedand detailed a storyboard a five m inuteanim ationfilm w ith a for voice overfor a non profitcitizenjournalismm agazineC ivilSociety.

Communication Designer (SummerAssociate), HP Labs India Bangalore, India, Jun 2005

Designedcommunication material packagingfor their first productlaunch and The Gesture Keyboard.

Base of the Pyramid, experience modeling & service design

Seeking the opportunity to work on challenging, uSercentered innovationS in the field of tangible interaction deSign and architecture.
work eXperience:
* St u d i o B(20 0 6-cu r re nt) Fre e l a n ced esi g n e r,exh i b i t i o n & p ro d u c t d esi g n I nte ra c t i ve i n st a l l a t i o n s & o bj e c t s w i t h a fo cu s o n p rotot yping & co n su l t a n c y wo r k fo r va r i o u s cl i e nt s * Pa p p ka m e ra d e nG b R(20 05-201 0)Fo u n d i n gp a r t n e r,p ro d u c t d esi g n st u d i o Resea rc h , d esi g n, p ro d u c t i o n & f u l f i l l m e nt of a p ro d u c t l i ne * B a u h a u sTra n sfe r ze nt r u m D E S I G N(20 07-08) P roj e c tl ea d&co n su l t a nt , Ce nte r fo r D esi g n Tra n sfe r & Co n su l t a n c y Tea m l ea d fo r d i f fe re nt exh i b i t i o n p roj e c t s, u se r exp e r i e n ce, exh i b i t i o n d esi g n, sc h e d u l e a n d b u d g et i n g * Ca m p h i l lS c h o o l s(S cot l a n d,20 03-20 0 4) Vo l u nte e r,wo r k i n g a n d l i v i n g i n a sc h o o l fo r h a n d i ca p p e d st u d e nt s

philipp bhM
+1 (773)-964-2350 i n fo @ b o e h m p h i l i p p . d e www. bo eh m ph i l i pp.de

facilitation & ManageMent:

* Wo r k s h o ps: Exp l o r i n g t h e 5 es se nt ia l s / CPS, U EI, U T EP (I I T I n st i t u te of D esi g n & U EI, Ch i ca g o, 201 1) Exh i b i t i o n d esi g n & co n ce pt d eve l o p m e nt (N a i ro b i, Ke n ia, 201 0) U n i ve rs a l D esi g n Co n fe re n ce (B a u h a u s U n i ve rsi t y Wei ma r, G e r ma ny, 20 0 9) * Eve nt&co n fe re n ceo rg a n izat i o n: D RC x - D esi g n Resea rc h Co n fe re n ce 201 1 (I I T I n st i t u te of D esi g n, Ch i ca g o, 201 1) SKH C - S p a ce k i d H ea d Cu p (30 0 0 + p e o p l e) ( Wei ma r, G e r ma ny, 20 0 6/07 )

* I I TI n st i t u teofD esi g n/St u a r tS c h o o lofB u si n es s M a ste r of D esi g n / M BA D u a l D e g re e (USA , 201 0 - 2012) P u rsu e d a s a Fu l b r i g h t sc h o l a r * B a u h a u sU n i ve rsi t yWe i m a r D i p l o m i n P ro d u c t- D esi g n (G e r ma ny, 20 0 4 20 0 9) * P rat tI n st i t u tei nB ro o k l y n P ro d u c t D esi g n (USA , 20 07 )

N eu n k i rc h e n D esi g n Awa rd & D esi g n Awa rd of t h e St a te of T h u r i n g ia * N o m i n ate dfo rt h eD esi g nAwa rd oft h eFe d e ra lRe p u b l i cofG e r m a ny201 1 * f u r t h e rexh i b i t i o n sa n dawa rd si n cl u d e: S t a d t L a n d T h r i n g e n (e.g . B e r l i n & CEB I T, 20 07- 0 9), N eu n k i rc h e n D esi g n Awa rd (3 rd, 20 08), T h u r i n g ia n I n n ova t i o n Awa rd fo r Ent re p re n eu rs (1 st, 201 0) T h r i n g e r Wa l d a u to b a h n A7 1/A73 (G e r m e rsh ei m, Su h l, 20 0 9 201 1), ma r ke.6 ( Wei ma r, 20 08), ISH 0 9, G K Wa (B o n n, 20 08; Wei ma r, 20 0 9)

* S N I Tste l l em u s e u mco n ce pta b o u tt h eg e r m a nAu to b a h n Re co g n i t i o n t h ro u g h t h e T h u r i n g ia n M i n i st r y of Tra n sp o r t * e.co n cretean ewwaytoe l e c t r i f yb u i l d i n g s E xce pt i o na l awa rd a t t h e p l a st i c- O PACI T Y co m p et i t i o n Au d i e n ce Awa rd a t t h e N eu D e l i Fo u n d a t i o n Awa rd (p a te nt p e n d i n g) * g e h s a m m l e rh owt h em a g azi n ef i l el ea r n e dtowa l k G a i n e d m u l t i p l e awa rd s, i n cl u d i n g M a r ia n n e B ra n d t P r ize,

Skill S & activitieS:

* D esi g nRes ea rc h P r i ma r y a n d se co n d a r y resea rc h , Et h n o g ra p hy * D esi g nM et h o d s&T h i n k i n g: P ro b l e m f ra m i n g, A na l ysi s/Sy nt h esi s, P l a t fo r m d eve l o p m e nt, Sto r y te l l i n g * 3 DM o d e l i n g&A n i m at i o n: R h i n o ce ros, S o l i d Wo r k s, Ci n e ma 4 D, H y p e rS h ot * Ad o b efa m i l y: P h otosh o p, I l l u st ra to r, I n D esi g n, P re m i e re, B r i d g e, L i g h t ro om * L i veV i d e o: MxWe n d l e r (b a si c s i n M ax/ M sp/J i t te r & P D), * M i cro co nt ro l l e rp rotot y p i n g: A rd u i n o - p l a t fo r m (S of t- a n d H a rd wa re) * P CBd esi g na n detc h i n g E AG L E * P rotot y p i n g&M o d e l - m a k i n g: wo o d, m et a l, p l a st i c s, p a p e r * St u d i o/d i g i t a lp h oto g ra p hy * MSO f f i cefa m i l y * L a n g u a g es:G e r ma n (na t i ve) En g l i sh (exce l l e nt) Fre n c h (b a si c) S p a n i sh (b a si c)

Maggee Bond

1422 N Western Ave #1 Chicago, IL 60622 (206) 788-6244 bond@id.iit.edu

Creative, dedicated, and insightful graduate student seeking a summer internship as a user research designer.

Community Partners for Affordable Housing, Inc. (CPAH) Youth Program Manager, Portland, OR June 2006June 2011 - Designed, implemented and managed all enrichment and educational programs for low-income youth living at CPAH properties - Recruited, trained and managed volunteers for on site programs and events - Supervised youth program staff, AmeriCorps members, interns and volunteers - Communicated with parents regarding childrens behavior and needs - Designed and wrote Summer Youth and After School curricula - Grant writing for youth services

IIT Institute of Design Chicago, IL Masters of Design Candidate Expected May 2014 Emphasis on human-centered design through user research and strategy. Lewis & Clark College Portland, OR Bachelor of Arts May 2006, Cum laude

Girls Inc. of Northwest Oregon Intern, Girls Inc., Portland, OR Sept 2005Jan 2006 - Helped organize workshops and events - Contributed to management of volunteer programs and schedules - Recruited photographers and film makers for the Allies in Action media project: a collection of youth documentaries focused on conflict resolution and communication skill-building Facilitator with Girls Inc., Portland, OR FebMay 2006 - Led after-school group of 10 girls each week at Peninsula Elementary - Organized activities and lessons focused on enhancing communication skills, positive girl relations, stress management and peer-pressure refusal skills The Connections Group Intern, Political Consulting Group, Seattle, WA MayAug 2004 - Assisted in organization of focus groups for King County Elections - Located and reviewed applicants for diversity outreach intern program - Collaborated with supervisors to coordinate and oversee the activities of interns in diversity outreach program - Promoted clients through community outreach

Phi Beta Kappa Psi Chi AOCDO Future Leader Award CDN Star Player Award 2008

ConversationalSpanish Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite

I am dedicated to improving the human condition through design. Additional inte rests: sustainable design, interior design, cooking, and playing ukulele.

LaurenBraunis a communications strategistand writerseekingan internship w hereshe can applyher skillsto bridge the gap betweendesignand business.
McDonald Corporation IA CollaborativeO akB rook/C hicago, s / IL Intern, Global Concept and Design Jun 2011 present
MenuboardGuidelines:Currently orking 50-pagedesign guidelines w on

laurengbraun@gmail.com| 248.303.5978

I I TInstituteof Design Chicago, L I Master of Design, expected 2013
Emphasison human-centered design. Coursework user research,designstrategy, in productdesign,communications design and data visualization, branding and digitalmedia. Welcom eIDco-chai InsideID r, co-chair.

for menuboards, synthesizing years of user research and best practices. 10 Developing visualformatw ith IA Collaborative written contentwith internal and cross-disciplinary team. OrderingSystems: L ocalizing information architectureand G U Ifo r instore kiosk.W irefram ed internaldesign software for requirem ents gathering.

Jasculca Termanand Associates Chicago, L I Account Executive A ug 2008 A ug2010

Independentstrategiccommunications agencyspecializing in publicaffairs.
Exelon:Designedsales presentationand managedcollateraldevelopment to

Universityof Michigan A nnA rbo M I r, Bachelor of Arts in Art History, 2006

memberof honorscollege

Coursework 20th centuryart and architecture, in criticismand semiotics.

help marketnew nuclearpowerservices.Researched,evaluatedand organized climatechange policy-focused speakingopportunities companyexecutives. for Pfizer:W rote and pitchedstories on patient safety issues to Illin oisprint, T V and radio outlets as part of coordinated nationaladvocacycampaign. Poetry Foundation: Createdcommunications strategy and designedmaterialsto boost publicsupportduringconstruction controversial facility. of new DeVry Inc: M anagedday-to-day R activitiesfor A Z ,IL and F L campusesof the P Cham berlain Collegeof N ursing.PlannedFloridacam pusgrand opening. Illinois Holocaust Museum:Executed publicity strategies for M useumevents, generatingmedia coveragein the Tribune,Sun- im es,N P R ,A B C N B Cand PBS. T , Operations:Spearheadedfirm -wide transitionfrom paper to digitalmedia clips. Training:D eveloped taught sem inarson Excel,FileM aker and RSS. and Pro

Universityof Michigan (Ross) Bachelor of Business Administration,2006

graduatedwith honors

Focuson information systems. Coursework in operations,corporatestrateg usability/HCI y, and managementconsulting. Edito r-in-C hief business school weekly of s new spape. Co-founder annualstudent art r of auctionraising$30kfor charity.

Institute of Design 2010 Jay D oblinM em orial Fellowship 2011 Okabayashi Fellowship Ross School of Business 2006 Leaderin Thoughtand Action 20 05 B .B .A S erviceAward .

Aflatoun: ChildSavings International Amsterdam, Netherlands The Communications Manager Jan - D ec 2007
N G Oproviding financial educationcurricula childrenin developingcountries. to

W rote article on children financialeducationpublishedin The Swiss Human s Rights BookDesigned textbooks manuals,and oversawwebsite redesign, . and accounting for languageand technology issues of partnersin 30+ countries.

Arts at Michigan A nnA rbo M I r, Funding and Financial Coordinator Jan 2003 - Jul 2006
Helpedbringarts and cultureprogram ming the U ofMcam pusby to administering $40k/yeargrant-giving program for student and facultyprojects.

I reallylove w ords.A com petitive e of gam Scrabbleand the Sundaycrosswordare two of my favoriteactivities.I like reading, especially about the historyof scienceand human discover Contem porary y. fiction,too. Im into cooking,restaurants,and tryingnew cuisines.Id lik e to eat m y way across the globe Ivem ade it to 25 countriesso far. In a pinch,I can read menu-level Dutch and German.

M icrosoft officesuite; K eynote; FileM aker Advanced Adobecreativesuite; prototyping, sketching, photography Intermediate Rhino,G raphite, Flash,A fterEffects,FinalC ut - Beginner Pro

Jared A. Bryll
2930 N. Sheridan Rd. Apt 904 Chicago Phone: 810.348.0772 E-mail: bryll@id.iit.edu IL 60657

Obtain a position conducting ethnographic and prototyping new products studies, brainstorm ing,

Reverse Vending Machine | IIT Institute of Design | Spring 2011
Worked with an entrep rene ur to design a system of recycling aluminum cans. A rev er se vending machine was designed, prototyped, an d tested. The machine will be located at grocery stores to seamlessly integrate into the shopping cycle an d allow shopper s to recycle their can s in exchang e for store credit.

Software InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Goo gle SketchUp, Inventor, ProE, AutoCAD O ther Primary an d Se conda ry Research, Analysis an d Synthesis, Prototyping Methods, con cept to completion design, patent sea rch an d process, Design For Six Sigma trained

The Family Dinner | IIT Institute of Design | Fall 2010

Us ed system design metho ds to trace foo d from the dinn er table ba ck to its source of origin. Faulty area s were identified an d solutions were the n provided.

The Grocery



| IIT Institute

of Design | Fall 2010

Observed a varying group of shopper s to find comm onalities an d offer suggestions to improve their experience. The findings were do cume nted and recomm endations m e abo ut better store organization an d ad accessibility.

Tribune M edia Group | Chicago, Present IL | June 2011 -

IIT Institute of Design 2011 Design Resea rch Conference Expe rien ce Team IIT Institute of Design 2011 End of Year Show Experience Design Team

Research and Strategic Insight Intern Condu ct primary an d seconda ry us er research Synthesize collected information to develop new media concepts

Eaton Corporation

| Fayetteville,

NC | June 2007 - August 2010

Application Engineer Interacted with sales tea m an d custom s to determine style of er Motor Control Ce nter nee ded Designed an d process ed produ ct s to m et custom r requirements e e Troubleshot compone nt an d design problems throughout manufacturing process Design Engineer Designed an d configured MCC FlashGard com pone nt layout Developed Rem ote Racking Access ory: ma rket analysis, design, prototype, test, an d man ufacture - Pat ent Pending / App lication 200 90301851 Developed MCC FlashGard Pad Lock Device: ma rket analysis, design, prototype, an d test Comm un icated with off-sho re design resource to en su re quality of output Led Kaizen ev ent to organize referen ce material for increased productivity Assisted Wes tov er High School with FIRST Robotics Competition

snowboardi ng, mo untain biki ng, surfing, music, ultimate frisbee

IIT Institute of Design | Chicago, IL | May 2012
Master of Design Candidate

Ferris State University

| Big Rapids, MI | May 2006

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology Program accredited by ABET

B.S. in Product

Design Engineering


Research + Design
t: 734.673.7895
Chicago, IL

Rebecca Buck


Seeking a full time design research position with a positive, challenging, collaborative team beginning in the fall of 2012.

Over three years experience conducting qualitative research Producing usable insights from design research methodologies Framework development and utilization Storytelling and presentation narratives Qualitative database utilization Excellent organizational skills Prefer working in collaborative teams, but am comfortable self directing and working independently Proficient in industry software, (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, PowerPoint, Camtasia, iMovie)

Work Experience
Motorola Mobility, Design Research Summer Intern with CxD June 2011 - August 2011 Organized and lead a workshop to share research findings with senior leadership in order to set project direction. Developed protocol for ethnographic interviews and intercept surveys. Developed process frameworks and concept evaluation criteria. Mindseye Research Group, Focus Group Facilitator. July 2010 - October 2010 Provided on-site administration and focus group moderator support. Adecco Technical & Engineering, Research & Design Consultant for SC Johnson Corporate New Products Division October 2009 - present Assisted in conducting qualitative research and helped direct the expansion of current product line. Currently working to develop an existing website by providing graphic alternatives, helping to oversee unified implementation of brand guidelines, and advocating for user experience based on primary and secondary qualitative research. Doblin Inc., a member of Monitor Group, User Research Consultant December 2009 - February 2010 Conducted qualitative research and analysis through on site interviews, an online journal study, and database management. Created thematic videos of interview participants for use at a client workshop. Doblin Inc., a member of Monitor Group, User Research Consultant March 2009 - May 2009 Designed and fielded an online journal study, developed research protocol and presentation visuals for clients, and provided research support including database development and interview analysis. Multiple short-term freelance projects August 2008 - February 2009 Doblin Inc., a member of Monitor Group, User Research Consultant March 2008 - June 2008 Supported the research team by monitoring online diary studies and creating presentation visuals of synthesized data.

IIT Institute of Design & Stuart School of Business MDes/MBA duel degree candidate Expected graduation August 2012 Columbia College Chicago Graduated with honors, BFA in Product Design May, 2008

Diana Cheng

dianacheng89@gmail.com| 312.725.3997 ww w.dianacheng.com

E d u c a tio n Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology Master of Design Candidate Expected May 2012 Course studies in strategic planning, service design, interaction and experience design, and user-centered research methods University of California, Berkeley Bachelor of Arts, double major: Political Science & Practice of Art May 2005

E x p e rie n c e

SC Johnson, Racine, WI
Design Intern May 2011-Aug. 2011
Worked as a core contributing member of cross-functional product development team Planned and conducted workshops for the team Developed project plan, set scope, research and competitive analysis for a strategy project

Google, Online Sales & Operations Mountain View, CA, 2006 - 2009
Optimization Account Strategist Retail Team, Jan.2009 - Jun.2009
Worked as the brand and marketing strategist of account management team, helping to manage and drive ~$50M/year revenue Consulted on Google products and marketing campaigns for branding and direct response Researched and developed insights about end-users for customized marketing strategies Thought creatively to develop and implement cohesive branding campaigns through integrated multi-platform strategies, involving pay-per-click, display/interactive ads, traditional media, YouTube and Google Maps Managed interoffice workflow and trained/mentored overseas counterparts
P ro je cs & Honors t

IIT Moholy-Nagy Fellow, F2011-S2012 IIT Nathan Fellow, F2010-S2011 UC Regents & Chancellors Scholar Golden Key Honors Society National Society of Collegiate Scholars Deans Honors List Spring, 2003

S kills

Retail Celebrations Maven - provided research and analysis to rest of Retail Team on industry trends, consumer behavior and needs related to holidays and lifetime celebrations Selected for OSO Rotation Program: collaborated with YouTube, Gmail, Google Voice and other internal teams, met with product managers, user advocates, strategists & engineers

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign Basic knowledge of Flash & Flash Catalyst Basic Final Cut Pro Microsoft Office Online tools such as Google Apps, Prezi

Optimization Account Strategist Healthcare Team, Jun.2007- Dec.2008

Helped manage top Healthcare clients, responsible for ~$30M/year revenue Leveraged research on industry trends and competitive landscape to provide customized solutions and consulting on Google products, budgets & integrated marketing campaigns
P ro je cs & Honors t

primary & secondary research, ethnographic interviewing, field observation, survey, market research, competitive analysis, prototyping (interaction, service, experience, product)
Lan g u ages

English primary Mandarin fluent Taiwanese conversational

Customer Service Principles - collaborated with MBA intern and training team to develop and implement Customer Service Principles for dept; researched and analyzed customer satisfaction, user needs and employee values, created training modules and incentives Customer Loyalty Team - analyzed results of initiatives, explored viability of new programs Google OSO Recognition Gold Award 2007

A c tiv itie s Co-Chair IDSAB, 2011 Institute of Design Student Activities Board Planning Committee member, Spring 2010 ID End-Of-Year-Show Planning Committee

Account Associate Aug.2006 - May.2007

Provided account management support via email, phone, and chat Identified high potential accou nts and developed strategies to acquire new business
P ro je cs & Honors t

Customer Satisfaction Rep: led workshops, analyzed customer feedback surveys Member of AdWords Core Educators: trained and mentored newer employees

Industry-University Cooperative Research Program Berkeley, CA

Senior Clerk, Jun.2004 - Aug.2004
Assisted with research, data entry and clerical work

Nordstrom Inc. Walnut Creek, CA

Sales Associate, Jun.2002 - Aug.2002; Jul.2003 - Aug.2003
Delivered excellent customer service in commission-based environment Analyzed consumption patterns and provided feedback on merchandising


1 E . 8th St. Apt #802 Chicago, Illinois,U.S.A.60605 +1. 312. 806. 3691 | ychoi@id.iit.edu


03. 2010 - 04. 2010

POSTVISUAL, Seoul, Korea

Account Executive | Global Communications Team Responsible for localization of Nikes online PR materials for the Korean market.

12. 2007 - 07. 2009


Merchandising Assistant | Apparel Merchandising Division Responsible for proper design implementation for the Macys 7 private labels including Alfani, American Rag, Clubroom, and INC. Managed 4 apparel vendors performance from development and production to shipment. Oversaw $120 million business and increased volume 9% in one year. Collaborated with multi-disciplinarystakeholders in the fashion retail business including product manager, designer, technical designer, colorist, product evaluator, vendor, quality controller, etc.

05. 2007 - 01. 2008


Co-Founder (laptop pouch manufacturing company) Responsible for design, communication with fabricators, and distribution channel control. Developed brand identity and built a Flash-based website for the product. Negotiated $10,000 contract with Pascucci, an Italian premium coffee shop brand for Limited Edition 2007 Christmas Season promo product.

08. 2005 - 03. 2007

ARTNDREAM, Seoul, Korea

Sales Assistant and Translator (artbook trading company) Assisted in art books sales to small retailers and walk-in customers with unique and diverse interests. Topics included fashion, product design, graphic, architecture, and interior. Created weekly email copy to be utilized for promotional purposes. Translated book reviews for the online customer.

seeking a design research internship to apply skills & knowledge gained from graduate studies 08. 2008 05.2012 (expected)


Master of Design in Design Research and Communications, Institute of Design Research Assistant, 05. 2011 - 08. 2011 Conducted research on a collection of design methods, studied their applications, and worked on visual designs for the new publication from Prof. Vijay Kumar on 100 design methods (releases on July, 2012).


Bachelor of Science in Clothing & Textiles, College of Human Ecology Bachelor of Fine Arts in Industrial Design, College of Fine Arts Cum Laude, Honor Student

RESEARCH : SPSS, Repast (Agent Based
Modeling Tool), Ethnographic Observation, Data Analysis and Synthesis, Data Visualization, Prototyping GRAPHIC : Adobe Creative Suite LANGUAGE : Fluent English, Native Korean

CLOTHING & TEXTILES SOCIETY | Executive Committee Sookmyung Womens University, Seoul, Korea
Art Director, 02. 2007 - 03. 2007 Directed design and publication of promotional materials for the 30th Sookmyung Womens University Clothing & Textiles Graduation Exhibition. Core Committee Member of Cultural Department, 02. 2006 - 02. 2007 Coordinated seminars, fundraising, and various aspects of fashion events.

cooking, traveling, photography, yoga, hiking, amateur rapper, urban music aficionado

Microsoft Office Specialist Master Certificate, 08. 2007 Microsoft Business Certification, Microsoft Learning 2nd Level Certificate, Color Coordinator, 12. 2007 3rd Level Certificate, Color Coordinator, 06. 2007 Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry Colorist Industrial Technician Certificate, 06. 2007 Human Resources Development Service of Korea

Ire n eM . C h o n g
14 B roadle af oad R D onM ills,O ntario M 3B 1C 2,C ana da +1 416 445 2062 irenec@ id.iit.edu

advancem ent service des ign. of

City of Chicago Trou bled uild in gs Worke dwith B Mayors O ffice& otherdepartm e nts to dev elop strategies to minimize trouble d buildings problem C onc epts . aligne d servicesw ith resident city needs C onducted . workshops, w ork flowanalys is,interview sand ethno graphic research. M acArthurFoundation Electronic L ea rn in g e co rd D e v e lo p ea R d v ehiclefor the creation,gathering, reflection sharing and of s ociallearning experiences. C onducted ethno graphic research, in terview sa nd b ehavio ralprototype. G E Healthcare Cath Lab - C onduc ted ethno graphic researc h w orkflow & analy sisto a nalyze ho w d octo rsuse dthe w ork space, patient experience, the adm inistr relationships define d ative & opp ortunities improvement. for


Designand Software Tools: InD e sig nP ho to sho p , ator, , Illustr M icrosoft ffice O Languages: nglish, icF rench E bas a n d C h in e s e a n to n es e ) (C O thers:R es earch, analysisand s ynthesis, identify ing strategic opp ortunities,riting& present w ation, project, get& clientm an bud agem ent.

A boutMe
Tirelessw orldtravelerwith insatiable curiosity abouthum an behavior, w illingto ex perience new thingsand pushcomfort zon ebo un d a rie s, ctor colle of c obaltblue glass bottles other and random objec ts, av id cook , sailing enthusias aspiringto liv e, t, eat and w orkin he althy ways all at the sam etim e.D edic ted to the a

S eeking position aD esign trategist as S c onducting researc h the areas of in new productand service offerings, s ystem s thinkingand de signstrategy. P artic ular interested service ly in des ign. bleto reloc A ate.

contributio to the com plianc conversatiow ith O E C countries. n e n D

A da ptive ath D esig n trategist In te rn | S a nF ra n c is c o , A ,U S A | S um m e07 P S C r

Im m ersed m ultipleconsulting in projec ts largefinancial for institutions m obiledevicecompanies. and Illustr ted & de velop ed e rso n as; na a p a lyze d /synthe sized a rch ing sfro m userin terview s& diaries. rese find Transl ated p rim a research storyboards guideclientworkshop. ry into to

M cD o n a s Info rmatio n D esignIn te rn | O a k b ro o k , , U S A| S um m e06 ld IL r

Ind ep e nd en t o n su ltan tD e sign C
S trategist | U S A , e w Z e a la n dC a n a d a N , | Aug 08 - p re se n t Inte iew edm otorcyc lists rv and indusry experts to redev elop t the A cc ident C om pens ation C o rp oations r m o to rcycle sa fe ty w eb site ridefo re ve .n z; de velop ed r.co use r a nd copy req uire m e n ts based on an a and lys is synthesis interv iew s. of

A pplied contextual earch ran foc usgroupsto understand needsof em ployees res and the seeking highereduc ation opportunities. E nhan ced sability o f a M cD o n ald in tran e t ,use dby 1 3 ,00 0 re s ta u ra n ts c ro s sU S ,by u s site a im prov ing navigation and layout.

D esignR eseach C onfe r rence C o-C hair| C h ic g o , IL , U S A | Jan 06 N o v06 a

M an aged the Institute D esign annualstudent-run of s conferenc e. w.designresearchconference.org ww A ssem bled le d a team of 35 v olunteers, and overs eeing as pects the c onference, all of including content, logistics,m arketing, publicrelations,sponsors hip, m unic designand production. com ation R e spon sib m a n ed bu dg e t, isingove r1 2.5% o f the b udg e t roug hp rivate funding. ly ag ra th

D esignE xchange Proje ctC oordintor | To ron to O N ,C a n a d a| Oct 04 A ug05 a ,

C on ducted e hom interview s ,ethno graphic researc h ex plor and atory w o rk shop ith a F ortune w 500 telec om m unic ations com pa y to identifynew n opportunities apply their to technoloy. g Va lidated re sea rch r fo M acA rthuF ound tions r a E le ctronic a rning ecord Le R proje ctby le ad in gw eek ly obse rvationsof students in m ulti-m edia program m e, to understand they acquire how new skills; condu cted w o rk shop ith hom e w schooled hildrento c understand they share how new skillswith others; projec tbecam e com m ercial spin-o BettrAt. ff

O rga nized logistics,m a rke tin g mate rial,exh ib itin stall ation s for vario us orksh op s, petitions, w com and designfestiv als to the great satisfaction pres enters,ponsors partners. of s and P ro duced professional elopm ent portolio reviewprogram aim edat preparing dev and f design students the workforce. for

D e sig nE xcha ng e Info . S e rvices & Volun te e C o ord into r | To ron to O N ,C a n a d a| Aug 02 N o v03 r a ,

M an aged 40 volunteers a not-or-profit m useum . ated and plem entevolunteer for f Initi im d program im provem e nts, including training, recruitm ent retention, and resulting highervolunteer in loyalt y.

IllinoisInstituteof Technology| C h ic g o , IL ,U S A | A u g08 a

M asterof D esign, es ign D Planning Institute of Design M B A- Stuart School of Business

RyersonU niversity | To ro n toO N ,C a n a d a Ju n05 , |

D esig n an M agem ent

H arvard University | C a m b rid g M,A ,U S A | S u m m e04 e r

C are er isco ve C on ce nation :U rb an P lanningD esign D ry, tr &

U niversity G uelph| G u e lp h , N ,C a n a d a Ju n 02 of O |
B ache loo f S cien ceE nviro nm ental r , M ajo r:E n vironm e n talcono m ics P olic M inor:Math M od elin g R iskAs sessm ent E & y, &

C E DM V is itin P rofessroof In n ov tion I g a

| M onterr M exic | Jan 11 - F eb 11 ey, o Teac hing tudents s user-centered des ignresearch ethods architec ture m to & interiorarchitecture students.

In la n R eve nu Gov. of N ew d e, Z e alan Sr. D es igne Innov tion d r, a

P lan ne | Welling tonNZ | Jan 09 - Jan r , 10 C reated a fram ew ork N ew for Z ealand tax and socialpolicy s adm inistr ation, to trans form the agencys approach to com pliance an m agem ent. C o nd u c te s ys tema n a is by d lys in te ie w in gIR s taff at a ll le v e lsa c ro ss rv th e o rga n iztion. a

Taught design thinkingsk illsand s ystem s thinkingm ethodolo gy S tructured lannin g team and P to S erv ic eD es ig n Department.

Worke w ith senio d r m anagem en enhanc t to e understandinof g com pliancfrom e customreperspective, im provin IRs g

281-813-687 1 cristina .cook@g mail.co m 1503 West Co rtez Stree t #B Chicago , IL 6064 2 ww w.cristina coo kde sign s . co m

20 12
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)

Design Strategy
analyzingqualitativeuser data, developing insightsand ideatingproductand servicesolutions

N a turalH o m eC leanin gC P GC om pany M inneapolis, N M Design Strateg y Intern- Create d and conducte d qualitative consume r studies, analyzed the data to creat e usable insights for near and long term produc t development. Created and led workshops on design thinking and brainstormin g.

20 11
Clairol and Capitol One.

C hicago, L I Masters of Design Masters in Business Administration Anticipated graduation Summer 2012

Patent experience,ideating,sketching,

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)

P rov id en ce, I R Bachelor of Fine Art in Indu strial Design

20 10

Brown Uni versity

P rov id en ce, I R Extended S tudies in Italian Studies and Cognitive Sciences

Creati ve Circle
Talent Placem entA gency Seattle, WA Free lance- Contrac t work creating packaging, brochure and presen tation designs.

20 09

US Pat #8 007379
Personal Invention Tennis racket with adjus table balance


Watson Guptill Publishing

Subsidiary R andomH ouse,Inc. of N e w Yo rk ,N Y Freelance- Created inst ructional graphics and illustrations for a variety of book topics.

20 08

Mic roso ft Built Design

Designconsultancy specializing outdoorsports in Seattle, WA Junior Designer- indu strial and graphic design. Implemented design solutions for produ ction of products , fixtures , trade show exhibits and graphics for clients including K2, Marmot, Thule, and Arcteryx. Globalleader in technology development P rov id en ce, I R Sponsored studio for the Microso ft Student Challenge: learning and educatio n. Creating an educational tool for public school environments based on resear ch and feedba ck from the end users.

20 07

Re cycline Lit ex Industries

Industryleader in fan and lightingdesign GrandPrairie,T X Design Intern- fan and lighting fixtures. Created designs from concept to proto type including a new line of contempora ry lighting for Lowes and Design Within Reach.

20 06

Creatorof eco-friendly household goods Wellsle M A y, Collaborative sponsored studio with Babson College MBA students developing a product to make bottled water drinkers into water bottle users based on in field resear ch- including customer inte rviews and surveys.

Landor A ssociates
Leadingbrandingand graphics agency N e w Yo rk ,N Y Design Intern- Branding & Corporate Identity. Created solutions in brandin g, corporate identity, and package design for clients including Smirnoff, Don Julio,

20 05

Unil ever
World w ide leader in distribution and sales of food, home and personalcare products P ro vidence, I R Sponsored studio, revitalizing the Axe product line structure and

packaging to appeal to a wider range of consumers.

m odelmaking Rhino, SolidWorks, Maya

Packagi ng
Branding, graphics,and structure Illustrator, Photoshop

Comm unicati on Design

Printcollateral, bannersand posters, branding and identit , and y information graphics InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Present ation
D igitaland analog PowerPoint, Prezi, Adobe Acrobat

Design Resear c h
creatingand conducting research

Yu Cui
555 W. Madison Street, Apt. 2710 Chicago, IL 60661 cui@id.iit.edu TEL: 312-952-4124 Objective Self-motivated, product design and interaction design student seeking summer internship to leverage and develop product and interaction design experience

Work Experience July 2010 Aug. 2010 Tianjin Jiao Du Industrial Product Design Company Summer Internship design of electricity-powered bicycle 2-demensional, 3-demensional effect picture making using sketching, 3Ds Max, Rhinoceros, Photoshop, Keyshot. Other Experience Apr. 2009 Visited 2009 China International Machine Tools Show Oct. 2008 Visited Tianjin Color Cube Rapid Printing and Prototyping Center Sep. 2008 Visited Tianjin Textile and Mechanical Factory Obtaining knowledge about mass production of metal machine components using digital machine tools. Oct. 2007 Four weeks Metalworking Practice at school-ran factory Learning how to use machine tools including lathe, milling machine, planer, drilling machine and how to manually shape metal pieces. Skills 3Ds Max, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Keyshot, Photoshop, CorelDraw, expert sketcher Education Expected Graduation Illinois Institute of Technology, Institute of Design Sep. 2007 June 2011 Hebei University of Technology, School of Architecture & Art Design Bachelors Degree in Engineering with a major of Industrial Design Selected project include: Hospital Bed Design: Designed to solve the problem of pelvic fracture patients who cant normally get onto and out of bed. Safe Outlet Design: Designed to prevent children from being accidently shocked by

Skills: Language

electricity when using outlets improperly. Bus Shelter Design: Designed for passengers to get public transit information more easily via a multi-touch screen. 3Ds Max, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Keyshot, Photoshop, CorelDraw, expert sketcher

Mandarin: Fluent in speaking and writing English: Intermediate speaking and writing

> Hi, im Raph,

raph.dami co@gmail. com | +1 (312) 480-5666 | raphdami co.com Raphael DAmico, 1511 N Wood Street, 3F, Chicago, IL 60622, USA

Im a hacker, improviser and beh avioral econ nerd seeking a full-tim e interactio n desig n positio n startin g Jun e 2012. I making sense of big quali tative data, crafting persuas ive interactions and shaping the conditions for good design. One day Id like to be a choice architect.
Master of Design (Pew Fellowship) IIT Institute of Design 2009-2012 | Chicago GMAT 740/800 (97th percentile) Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level 1 Pass BSc in Economics London School of Economics and Political Scien ce 2003 2006

Clarity Consu lting | Interactive Design Intern | Fall 2011 | Chicago Leading interaction and softwa re implement ation consultanc y. Part-time support for ideation, design and development of a range of design projects. S.C. Johnson | Design Intern | Summer 2011 | Racine, WI Leading global maker of household products. Synthesi zed a decade of selected previous projects. Assisted in the analysis of large scale qualit ative data. Presented an app roach to diffusing ethnographic insight throughout the organiz ation. (ww w.scjohnson. com) Chicago Loop Alliance | Experien ce Design Intern | Summer 2010 | Chicago Membership o rganiz ation that promotes Chicagos Loop. Resea rched and designed physical & digital experien ce for Art Loop Open, a $50,000 art competition featuring 200 works scattered around Chicago, with the winner decided by open public voting. (ww w.artloopopen. com) Acanthus Advisers | Associ ate | Sep 2006-Jul 2009 | London, UK Advisory firm helping European private equity funds seeking to raise 100m-1bn from institutional investors. (ww w.acanthus.eu. com) Javascript NodeJS After Effects InDesign Keynote Keyshot Rhino - Assisted three clients seeking 620 million ($890m). Led stakeholder interviews, analysis and synthesis of clients history into a compelling story - Started resea rch function. Created a comp rehensive private equity database and produ ced reports distributed to the top 1,000 players in the mar ket , - Designed and implemented an intranet. This trac ked new business, streamlined project management and obsoleted the resea rch function. Senso ry Overload Records | Co-Founder | Jan 2004 Jan 2006 | London Independent UK hip-hop record label with eleven releases from 2004- 6.

Tech & Tools HTML5, CSS Flash Premie re Photoshop Illustrator Office SolidWorks

Experimented with PHP, .NET, Ruby Objective- C, Processing, Arduino Languages English: French: Italian: Spanish: German: Passions Rock climbing Snowboa rding Capoeira Drumming Beatbox Guqin fluent fluent fluent intermedi ate beginner Improv the ater Indie games Sketching Data viz

Design Research Conference Co-Chair | Sep 2009 - May 2010 400+ attendees and 40 spea kers includin g Tim Brown, Don Norman & Rick Robinson. (drc.id.iit.edu) Sha keoutblog.com | Nov 2009 A blog to explo re and catalogue what it might take to design a better world. Improv | May 2008 to cur rent Perform or train three to five times a week at The Annoyan ce, Gorilla Tango, iO, Unde rground Lounge. Acid Jam | Jan-Dec 2008 Co-ran a successful monthly creative event built around live imp rovised music and group art.



233 E Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, 60601 c: (312) 618-8195; e: dejo@id.iit.edu

Strategic executive leader with expertise in marketing, brand management, experience in product development and design methods. Outstanding results, leadership and people skills with over 10 years experience in CPG and Telco companies.

IIT INSTITUTE OF DESIGN Fall 2010 to Fall 2011 SK Telecom Finding opportunity spaces and ideas for social networking in the US. Home Life: Eating and drinking on the go | Rethinking retirement An open exploration on extreme users to find insights behind their eating behavior and application of platform strategies to offer a sustainable model for retirement.
Presented results to the members of the ID Research Consortium Helped run a methods immersion workshop at Frito Lay HQ (Aug 2011)

IIT Institute of Design Chicago, USA Fall 2011 Master of Design Methods: Design Strategy, Business Design Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP) Lima, Peru - 2000 Bachelor in Business Administration Top 10 of class

TELEFONICA I+D (Spain) Jun 2011 Aug 2011 R&D arm of Telefonica, one of the top 3 global Telco companies. User Experience - Design Strategy Responsible for bringing business perspective into the design process and finding opportunity areas to make innovation initiatives viable.
Applied business/value related frameworks and questions during analysis and synthesis phases. Ran a workshop to demystify business models for the design team and stakeholders

Spanish (native), English (fluent), Portuguese (intermediate)


Guest Speaker at UPC Peru: Media Connections, Lima 2008 & 2009 Guest Professor at UPN Peru: Marketing Strategy, Trujillo 2007 Negotiation Workshop: Cambridge Consulting, Lima, 2005 & 2009 Competencies Course: Unilever HR, Mxico 2002 Marketing Foundation I, II & III Inspiring Insight, Action & Brands: Unilever Marketing Academy, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo 2001, 2002 & 2003 Union Vida Academic Excellence Award 2001 Co-author of the winning project of the Social Responsibility Projects Contest among University Students, Peru Promesa Responsabilidad Social, 2000 Hobbies and Interests: Food, coffee, traveling, swimming, biking, cooking, reading

BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO PERU Dec 2007 Apr 2010 Perus leading tobacco company. Annual Revenue: 120M USD From Premium Brands Manager to Portfolio Manager Responsible for the brand equity and volume results of the brands portfolio
Planned and launched Pall Malls new global image Achieved a global record of 53% in Lucky Strike brand preference Launched new packaging according to consumption patterns and brand stages

ALICORP SAA Dec 2004 Dec 2007 Perus leading CPG company. Annual Revenue: 1.2B USD From New Categories Brand Manager to Personal Care Sr. Brand Manager Responsible for the development and management of Anua (www.anua.com.pe)
Achieved 5% nationwide volume share in first 3 months after launch (Source: Latin Panel) Exceeded sales objectives during a 3 month Trade Marketing stage Planned Anuas 2 year innovation pipeline, currently in progress Exceeded gross margins >60% above business plan

PROTISA PERU Aug 2004 Dec 2004 Tissue Product Manufacturer. Annual revenue: 40M USD Brand Manager, Sanitary Products UNILEVER Peru & Bolivia Apr 2001 May 2004 Branch of Unilever PLC. Annual revenue in Peru: 100M USD From Management Trainee to Brand Manager Responsible for the Personal Care category
Supported Sedal (Sunsilk) growth of 18% share of market and > 236% in sales Increased consumption and incidence ratios of the deodorant market >20pp (02-03) Attained >254% growth for Dove soap in 2002, and launched cross-category initiatives 4 month stage in Unilever Bolivia, resulting in >10% growth in PC categories

Caroline DeWick

350 N. La Salle, 4th Floor Chicago, I L 60654 dewick@id.iit.edu 906.630.6309

To secure an internship where I can practice and develop skillsand techniques applicable to communication, product, and digitaldesign.

I am a licensed interiordesigner with 4 years commercial experience currentlyenrolled in graduate school to strengthen my skillsin design & business strategy. I specialize in visualization through hands-on craft and problem solving, as w ell as client interface.

Illinois Institute of Technology Instituteof Design Stuart School of Business Master of Design/MBACandidate Expected Graduation Spring 2013 Honors: Deans Scholarship Member: Design Research Conference 2011 volunteer and environment/ experience designer Focus: Dedicated to humanizingtechnology and improvingthe process of innovation through human-centered design. Weste rn Michigan University InteriorDesign Major, Business M inor Bachelor of Science 2007 Summa Cum Laude Honors: Deans Scholarship, Lee Honors College graduate, Deans L ist all semesters, PresidentialScholar 2007, Research & Creative Studies Award 2007, A SIDCharette 2nd Place, Thesis Research Scholarship Member: Alpha Lambda Delta National Honors Society, Phi Kappa Phi NationalHonor Society, InteriorDesign Student Organization Representative, II D ARepresentative A ctivities: M U Crew Team, Study Abroad W (B razil 2005), Kalamazoo ValleyMuseum Volunteer, Habitat for HumanityVolunteer, The Blueprint columnist

Work Experience
O|X Studio, Ann Arbor, MI | Interior Designer | 2007-2011 Project management across range of disciplines, sizes, and budgets Managed, organized, and updated resource libra and project ry folders Responsible for direct interface with major clients: Midwest Eyebanks Bluestone Oxford Property Management University MichiganHospital Systems of Ann Arbor HistoricalRenovation Projects Created construction standards and company branding for clients Created computer models, full-sizemock-ups, and hand renderings Selection, qualification, and approval of finishes, fixtures,and equipment Construction drawing set creation, documentation, and verificati on Meeting minutes, records, finishboards, and print/bindingservices Software instructionto interns Custer Workplace Interiors, Kalamazoo, MI | Design Intern | 2006 Prepared commercial furniturespecifications Institutional renovation projects includingfurnitureplans and orders Prepared marketing materials Maintainedand organized resource libra ry Mackinac Reflections, Mackinac Island, MI | Manager | 1999-2005 Managed operations and appearance of retailstore and stock room Assisted customers, managed invento and created merchandise orders ry, Designed and maintained window and product displays Oversight of coworkers includingscheduling Increased sales with creative sales pitches and superb customer service

Skills & Inte rests

NCIDQLicensed InteriorDesigner Revit 2011, AutoCAD2011, ArchitecturalDesktop 2009, MicrosoftOffice Adobe Creative Suite (CS4), SketchUp Pro 2011, Rhino Experience and trainingin wood and metal shops Imagingequipment training:offset lithograph rotogravure, screen printing y, Freelance interiordesign, space planning, and finishselection Passion for crafts, cooking, reading, camping/hiking,photography Enjoyexploringlocal culturalofferings,wandering museums

er ic d

diamo n

9237 Lavergne Ave Skokie, Illinois 60077 USA

T E L847-414-6467 ediamond@m e.com

i n n o v a tio n + desig n
obj e c t i v e
Im looking for a position with a firm to leverage my design and business experiences and seek challenging opportunities to use strategic thinking to solve business problems, and design new products, services and experiences that engage, persuade, and help businesses grow. Graphic Design Apprentice, Savlin/Williams (1986) Formal 2-year European-style design apprenticeship under the direction of Robert Savlin and Louis Williams.

experienc e
Adjunct Pro fesso r, IIT Institute of Design (Present) Teaching a course in design for first-year design students; developing a workshop in Brand Design; Also working on a design strategy engagement externship for Yahoo! developing new design tools and methods. President (owner), Firstwater (1999Present) Design and design research practice specializing in creative strategy, interaction design, brand design and design resea rch. Design and project management of a web-based T-shirt design and print application for a consumer prod- ucts manufacturer Directed a team of visual and U I designers to create an extranet for a major US cosmetics manufacturer that empowered their sales reps and helped the company realize their brand promise internally Designed the user experience to help manage a major airlines air cargo operations Turned technical limitations of an in-flight entertainment system into an engaging experience by develop- ing innovative proof-of-concept prototypes for a major telecommunications brand Developed brand identities for a coffee roaster, an environmental services firm, and sports consultants. Creative Director, Xqsite/divine, inc./WHITTMANHART (20002004) Creative Lead for Interactive engagements in Chicago, Cleveland and Cincinnati. Developed creative strategy, vision and direction for P& Gs femcare online teen marketing program that included interactive advertising, web redesign and promotional applications Created a web design strategy for a large real estate investment company that unified 25 separa te compa- nies with one consis tent online brand identity Innovated a new type of Flash-based shopping cart that encourages impulse purchasing without naviga- tion away from content pages Directed development of an award-winning healthcare site for a major pharmaceutical company Rapidly developed a brand identity for a startup corporate jet company Managed internal day-to-day operations of an 12-person creative team and assisted in the pursuit of new business and strengthening client relationships Creative Technical Director, Ogilvy & Mather Chicago (1993 1996) Director of Consulting, EPR/Boller Coates Spadaro 1993) Director of Consulting, VSA Partners (1990 1992) Art Director, Enabling Technologies (1989 1990) (1992

e d u ca t i o n
MDes, IIT Institute of Design (2011) Master of Design in Design Planning, Product Design, Intereaction Design MBA, Illinois Institute of Technology (Candidate) (2011) Bachelor of Arts, DePaul Uni versity (2008) Liberal Arts Major with concentration in digital interactive design

Clients United Airlines A HIM AAvon Acquity Group Regis Corporation Tellabs International Accenture Accero Info.com Wilton Industries Verizon Airfone DePaul University P&G Caremark Civitas Initiative Blue Rhino Inland Real Estate Group Mesirow Financial Ford Motor Company Harley Davidson Eaton Johnson & Johnson Other Skills: Videocasting Podcasting digital photography digital audio production copywriting teaching and instructional design presentation design public speaking print design and production Publishing: Chicago Sun-Times Baltimore Sun StreetTech.com Digital Chicago Digital New York American Center for Design Using QuarkXPress Currently produce a podcast and blog with sponsorship and global audience of over 12,000/month Awards 2010 International Design Excellence (ID EA )Bronze 2004 Best in Class, Medical Condition website



84 7.736.7049
8300 concord dr. #403 mo rton grove, IL 60053

graphic design

Passionate and multi-disciplinary designer seeking an opportunity to create compelling experiences by merging my visual expertise with user-centered research, systematic thinking, design strategies and planning.

advertising art direction shopper marketing interactive design envronmental design design planning design reserch

fostering creativity / service design / experience design/ cross-cultural issues/ trend awareness / sustainability/ international travel/ bulldogs

G2 Promotional Marketing
Art Director P&G, CoverGirl, Kraft, DMI, Coca-Cola, Heineken, Walmart, Target, Safeway, Publix


design planning // user-centered research // brand strategy+identity // ideation sketching // shopper marketing // retail promotion Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office Procient with Mac/PC

The Maude Group

Art Director Caterpillar, Pfizer, Chicago Bears


The Ungar Group

Art Director/Freelance New business, Masterlock, Keefers


Element 79

Art Director/Intern Gatorade, VO5, Long John Silvers


Home Life Consortium Research || Performed strategic ethnogaphic research on the topic of Eating on the Go and presented new findings to the members of the consortium. iSee App Development || Performed strategic research and planning to develop a smartphone based application for visually impaired individuals in order to help them navigate inside the public spaces such as stores, libraries and museums. Newtritious Platform || Utilized systematic approach in researching US food industry, eating habits and its effect on US population. Developed platform strategy to address agricultural, nutritional, communal and healthcare aspects of the problem. Deep :: Integarated Fashion Retail System || Researched, planned, designed and prototyped fashion retail system that connects independent apparel boutiques with engaged consumers to create a more rewarding shopping experience while providing boutiques with an effective channel to activate and increase their business.

Imagination Publishing
Web Designer Lowes


WICO Information Tech.

Web and Graphic Designer Zookbinders, AAOS, Moran and Co., Wico


Illinois Institute of Technology
Masters of Design Methods


Focus on design strategy and planning with coursework in service design, user-centered research, communication and behavioral prototyping.

Chicago Portfolio School

Course work in Concepting and Advertising Strategies


Columbia College Chicago

BFA in Advertising Art Direction


J e s s ic D u g a n a
3 4 2 6 N S p rin g fie A ve .,Ap t 2 ld C h ic g o , IL 60618 a jdugan@ id.iit.edu 312-532-8729 /

O b je c tiv e
S ee k in g fu ll-tim e o sitio n a tallo w s e to le v erag e y s killsin res ea rc h n ds tra te y a p th m m a g to crea teco m p e llinservic ean dexp erie n co ffe rin g s. g e

E d u c a tio n
IIT In s titu te f D e sig , C h ic ,IL o n ago M D e sca nd idte, e x pe cted p rin g2012 a S C o u rse s de signre se a rch nd strategy in a with consider ationsin analysis and synthesis, visualform and digitalplatform s. IIT S tu a rtS c h o oo f B u sin es, s h ic o,IL l C ag M B A C a n d id , e xp e cte d p rin g2012 ate S S tudies m an in agerialpractices, strategy and oper tionsincludingeconom ics, a org a niz na lb e h ioran d busine ss ry. atio av theo E .W. S c rip p s c h o oo f Jo u rn alism S l O h ioU n iv e rs it A th e n sO H y, , B .S .Jo u rn a lism2005 , C o u rse s featu re w ritin g ,re se a rchethics in , an d m az in edesig na n d p ro duction . o ag A ls studies socialand cultural in histo ry. H a rrin g to C o lle g e f D e s ig ,nC h ic o ,IL n o ag Januay 2008-July r 2008 Traditional auhaus-like B courses drawing, in co lo shap e, p rop o rtion nd 2 D a nd D sp a ce . r, a 3

S e le c teWo rkE x p e rie n c e d

D e sig n trate y Intern S g Pe e r In s ig hWa s h in g to n .C . t, D M ay2011-A ugust 2011 P ro to typeintita lp rod u ct d service con ce pts ro ug hthe creatio n o f storybo a rdsce n a rio s d an th C o nd u cteuse rre se a rch an e ls te st a nd eva lu initia lproduct service solutions d p to ate and C o lla bo r o n th e co n cep tion d d eve lop m e n t a p ro to type r a dig itae xp e rie n ce , ated an of fo l now in in-m arket testing P rin ta n d O n lin e ro d u ctioC o o rd in ato r P n S R D S e d iaS o lu tio n s, e sP la in e s, M D IL Januay 2007-July r 2009 Particip ated oncross-departm ental sto develop team client-facing solutions M aintained and onlineadvertising print creative acrossm ultip leproduct lines C o lla bo r d ire ctlyw ith p rin tven d o rs en su rep ro du ctio n ated to quality A ssisted ith balancing onthly yearlybudgets w m and A s sistanP rin tP ro d u c tioC o o rd in a to r t n S R D S e d iaP u b lish in g , e sP la in e s, M D IL N o ve m be20 05 -Ja nu a 2007 r ry D e sig ne d rint rea d ocu m e nts r in -h ou se p dy fo publications A ssisted ith processing printedad materials w of Workedw ith otherdepartm ents ensurethat all copyw as approved publication to for

Te c h n ic S lk ills a
S o ftw a reP rofic ienin P hotos h op , e sign , : t InD Illustr ator, Q ua rkX press, icrosoft ffice. M O Inte rm e d i in D re a m waver, Ve llu m ,R h in o ate e a n d G o o g le Sketch-up R e se a rc h e th o d o lo g iesth n og r M E: aphic interview ing, culturalprobes, low-fidelity prototyping, era cam studies, journaling, bloggin g card-sort and activities. L e anS ix S ig m a A tten de d 2-day : a se m in a on p ro ce ss lu r eva ation an d p ro ce ss im p ro ve m en t strate g ie s. h eo n lynonT m a n e r le ve lasso ci ch o sen particip te ag ate to a in the sem ina. r

S e le c tePdro je c ts
In c rea sin g ele R vancy, Pe er In sig ht M ay2011-A ugust 2011 A pro je ctfor a Natio n aln on -p rofit rga n iz n fo cuse d n d ev elop ing d prototy ping o atio o an a new service eco syste m be tte rserve an d e ngage th e o rg an iztions la rg ecu sto m eba se. to a r Fro m in itia lse co ndry re sea rch ro vid ed th e clien t,ou r tea m de ve lo p ed wide-range a p by a of prelim ina concepts hichw eretestedand refinedthrough ry w userresearch panels. ext, N co lla boatin g w ith th ird -pa rty eve lop e rs, dig itap ro to typ e the e co syste m a s de ve lo p ed r d a l of w and launched an in-m arket into test. In teg ratio n trate y, IIT In stitu te f D esig n S g o A ugust 2010-Janua 2010 ry A sixte e n e e kclien t-sp on so redro je ctthat e xp lo re d othsho rt-te rm nd long-term w p b a strategiesto integr te the com pa ys traditionaprint-based a n l business its digitalofferings. with A n ad d itio n ath e m eo f th e co u rsefo cu sed n b ring in g m p y in to ea chste po f th e de sign l o e ath p ro ce ss. u rte a m con d u cte d rre se a rch nd intervie w sto ga inin sig hto n how an d why O use a gen-yw om en, assigned our dem ogr aphic,com m unic A nalysis ated. resulted concept in mock- u ps an d e ve n tu a lly fu ll-sca le ila islep ro totyp e re se n te to th e client. a reta p d A d v e rtis inPo rta l,S R D S ed iaS o lu tio n s g M D e ce m be2 00 8Feb ruay 2009 r r In-house project re-purpose re-im plem e nt to and existingcom pa y technoloy in orderto n g b ette rserve clie n t an d in te rn a tea m m e m be r ed s. on du cted tervie w sw ith bothexternal l ne C in and internal partiesto determ ine m ostbeneficial the featuresto be includedon portalsite. C o o p e r d w ith m e m b e rs f th e IT, m a rk e tin g n d s a le ste a m sto e n s u req u ic kp ro je c tturnate o a a rou n d nd implementation. a

Pe r s o n a l te r e s ts In
E xp lo rin g u m a ncen te red h scien ce s chas su cultural anthropolo histo a rcha e o gy, gy, ry, lo a nd ph ilo sopy. I a lsoe n oy re ad in g d h j an w ritingshortstories. o of m y current Tw favo ritesho rtstory au th o rs re D S ed a ris a avid an d N e ilG aim a n .

Kyle Duke
4633 N. Hermitage Ave. Apt. 2B Chicago, Il 60640 du ke@id.ii t.edu 262.370.1831

Seeking an internship where I can leverage my planni ng skills and empathetic outlook in the design of new human centered products and services

Design Planner, Summer 2011 Rock Island Cycle Trail, Chicago IL Created a brand identity for a proposed 10 mile bike trail through the South Side of Chicago Conduc ted a planni ng workshop for 30 peo ple including politicians, Department of Transportation represen tatives, professors, students and other professionals Designed a portfolio of optio ns to present to the City of Chicagos Department of Long Range Planni ng Architectural Intern, Summer 2009 Johnson Design Inc., Oconomowoc, WI Produced detailed renderi ngs and animatio ns Presen ted 3D work to clients Developed Revit families and drafted floor plans Evaluated construction quality during site visits Residential Counselor, 2007-2009 Rogers Memorial Hospital, Oconomowoc, WI Supported and encouraged patients through individual counseli ng sessions and group discussions Communicated patients nee ds to doc tors, psychiatrists, and support team Admin istered prescription medi catio ns President, 2009 Vice President, 2007 Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity, A E Chapter, Chicago, IL Led an organization of 40 membe rs in achieving value based goals Coordinated meeti ngs with IIT A d m in istration, International Headqua rters, and Alumni Board Designed plans to address organizational operations and risk management Created a $20,000 budget surplus from a $6,000 deficit in one fiscal year

Master of Design, Expected 2013 IIT Institute of Design Chicago, IL Professional mastery at the high est level in the planni ng and design of new communications, products, services, environments and systems Bachelor of Architecture, 2010 Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL Trained in the planni ng, design and construction management of built environments and structures

Technical Skills
Autodesk AutoCAD, Revit Architecture, 3ds Max Design, Adobe Pho tosho p, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Google SketchUp, Rhinoceros 4.0, Grassho pper, Microsoft Office Suite

608.751.303 0 / E k b l a d @ i d . ii t . e d u

Objective See king an internshi p wit h a desig n tea m tha t uses human-centere

d approache s to inno vate. Interested in applyin g my desig n knowledg e of th e buil t environ ment.

Edu cation Institute of Desig n at the Illinois Institute of Technolog y / Master of Desig n Candidate / Sprin g 201 4
awarde d partia l fellowship

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

University of Wisconsi n Milwauke e / B.S. in Architectural Studie s / Sprin g 2008 / magn a cum laud e Honors College Graduate / 200 8 foundatio n in advance d writing , critical thinking , an d effectiv e comm un ication Into the Poche / Paris, France / Summe r 200 7 architectura l stud y abroa d tri p analyzin g buildin g desig n and urba n fabri c in Paris Haworth Scholar / Sprin g 200 8 hand-selecte d as an advance d undergraduat e for a graduate-leve l desig n stud io focuse d on the interconnectivit y of social researc h and desig n excellence

Award U.S. Green Building Council Natural Talent Desig n Competition / First Plac e / 200 9
designe d an affordabl e gree n hom e prototyp e tha t reevaluate s the hous e an d occupant relation ship integrated principles of innovation, social consciousness, and green technologies to achieve LEED Certification projec t wen t on to compet e nationall y at Greenbuil d Phoeni x 2009 con ference

D.I.R.T. Studio Urban Edge Desig n Competition / Honorable Mentio n / 200 7 proposa l to increas e social connectivit y in Milwaukee s do wntown re-purpose d locally discarde d material s as sustainable , modula r buildin g unit s for social interaction

Exp er ience Chicago Architecture Found ation / Model Building Intern / Summe r 201 0
digitall y modele d the architectur e of Chicago s downtow n in SketchUp generate d dimension s of building s base d on field measurement s and existin g drawing s

Town Builder Studio s / Architecture and Planning Intern / Jan-Dec 200 7 collaborate d wit h architects , landscap e architects , urba n planners , an d civil eng inee rs improve d the desig n of the firms presentatio n template s an d website enhance d digita l models , AutoCAD drawings , an d maste r plans gathere d sit e researc h an d create d effectiv e presentation s an d request s for propo sals


. .

Microsoft Office Googl e SketchUp

Adobe : Photoshop , InDesign , Illustrator AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Microstation

. .

viola urbanism

environmenta l respon sibility design history and theory

Skil l

spatia l vis ualization hand -drawing concep t sketching

angelica espinosa
I am looking to further the learnings and application of interaction design and user research/testin g with an organization that strives to create the best experiences for its customers.
EDUCATION M asters of D esign (MDes) IIT Institut of Design, Chicago, IL e Interaction, User Experience
May 2012

EXpErIENCE TElEfnICA I+D Madrid, Spain User Experience Intern: June 201 1 - August 2011 Identifyin user needs: Conducted, analyzed , and synthesized primary research. g Helped guide an ideation workshop and later conceptualized ideas. Created user scenario, pag e flows, and wireframes. CArs. CoM Chicago, I L Interaction/Use r Experience Intern: March 201 1 - June 2011 Supported multipl interaction designers in an Agile environment. Assisted a variety of e interaction design projects, analyzed user research, and created detailed user reports. rAn E, InC. Chicago, I L g graphi c Designer: August 200 9 - February 2011 Create collateral material for store retailers regarding new meat cuts, recipes, and Range branded materials. Aided in the edit and design of The Art of Beef Cutting, now available on Amazon.com. V IsIBlE | lIsA P. MAXWEll Chicago, I L Web Design: February 200 9 - August 2010 Redesigned existing sites using graphic design and wireframe skills Created . brands through the inception of a Web site. Created production work for potential client meetings. rEgIo Al TrAn PorTAT Io AUTHo ITy Chicago, I L n s n r 200 8 Annual Report Designer: June 2009 Led, managed , and directed 48 pag e annual report. sCrIP CoMPAnIEs Bolingbrook, I L freelanc e Designer: October 200 8 - December 2008 Executed 2 catalogs and several advertisements for chiropractic magazines and newspapers. PEEl MAgAZInE Indianapolis, IN Design Intern: August 200 7 - December 2007 Created identity branding and compiled a strategy for a future sponsor kit. InDIAnAPo Is rECyClIn InIT IAT IV E Indianapolis, IN l g researche r and graphi c Designer: August 200 7 - December 2007 Manage d teams development and client dialogue. Presented ideas and solutions to stakeholders. Worked to identify how to increase recycling among apartment dwellers through research and collaboration with communit partners. Created y prototypes which were essential for feedback and refinement of solutions.

B achelor of fine arts Herron School of Art & Design, IUPUI Indianapolis, IN , Visual Communication, Art History Minor
May 2008

AwArDs art Director s clu B: natio a l n stu De t n p rtfo o review o li New York, New York Top 20 0 students in nation
May 2008

n a a lea Dership c c n re c e n Minee o fe n o


coMMissioner s lis t o f a a DeMic excellence c


ACTIVITIE s Desig n research co fe ce n ren IIT Institut of Design, Chicago, IL e

May 2010

nex t: aig a natio a n l Design co feren n ce Denver, CO

October 2007

sE L E C T E pr OJECTs D sUsTAInABlE EnErg DEsIg Sponsored by Galvin ElectricityInitiative y n Oak Park, IL - August - December 2010 Conducted and designed ethnographic interviews and usability tests to develop tools that allow Oak Park renters to better understand and see their electricity usage in order to reduce their consumption. InT Eg AT In EMPATHy Sponsored by a major greeting card company r g August - December 2010 Used in depth ethnographic interviews to inspire the design for a more meaningful user experience in online and in-stor experiences. e

MEMbEr Ips sh Usability Professionals Association (UPA) AIGA

CONTACT angelica.espinosa7@gmail.com 219.629.0638

Joe Fleischhacker
joefleischh acker@gmail.com 312.351.356 4

Seeking opportunities to improve the livability of cities through user-centered design planning and strateg y.

Institute of Design Illinois Institute of Technology , Chicago, IL Masters of Design, Expected Spring 2012 Coursework in experience design, design planning and strateg y, and structured planning Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Bachelor of Science in Speech, June 1999 Major: Radio/Television/Film Studies

Strategy Intern (May 2011 August 2011) Gensler Chicago, a global architecture, design, and consulting firm Conducted user observations and interviews to assess value and effectiveness of collaborative work environment prototypes Analyzed user research to develop insights and design directions to inform redesign of client work spaces Created communication booklets, posters and videos to share research insights, design principles and directions with client Led multi-disciplinary team in creating urban development concepts based on extensive trend and contextual research Experience Design Intern (June 2010 present) ID & Chicago Loop Alliance - Art Loop Open, a mixed-media art competition Conducted user research and analyzed data to guide event development and detailed design of visitor experience Created concepts for and produced visualizations of interactive event site at Block 37 to attract and engage visitors with integrated Twitter-feed screens, Microsoft Surface tables and Pivot kiosks Devised voting system to maximize public participation in competition Directed workshop for stakeholders and potential competition entrants to brainstorm event activities and promotions Advised on build-out and implementation of interactive event location

High proficiency with Adobe CS5, including After Effects compositing and Flash animation Expertise in DV, HDV & HD acquisition Expertise in Final Cut Pro Proficient with Avid Media Composer and DVD Studio Pro

Writing, sketch comed y, food-focused travel, deep frying, graduate of Second City Writing Program

Freelance Video Producer (March 2003 - August 2009) Co-created and co-directed new media branch for non-profit client to meet the needs of non-profit, education-based niche market Wrote, produced, directed, shot and edited documentary videos Developed narratives and wrote scripts that effectively and efficiently communicated clients messages Conducted on-camera interviews for both research purposes and to extract statements in support of clients needs Strengthened clients videos with composited and animated video segments using Adobe Creative Suite tools Associate Producer (November 2000 - February 2003) Cresta Communications - a boutique marketing firm in Chicago Collaborated with creative teams and clients to conceptualize and create communication and marketing videos and web sites for Fortune 500 companies Produced, shot and edited communication packages to help launch and explain clients corporate-wide programs and initiatives Designed and packaged RFPs to attract and acquire new clients Managed freelance crews, equipment and locations during production Enhanced client web site experiences with Flash animations Wrote creative copy for client marketing brochures and advertising collateral Managed maintenance of all production equipment

Russell Thomas Flench


2247 S. Whipple St. #3, Chicago, IL 60623 russell.flench@gmail.com 312-860-3052

Seeking a summer internship in which I can exe rcise my analytical eye and apply my burgeoning inte rest in systems design to facilitate innovation.

Designer , Rock Island Cycle Trail Planning Committee, Chicago, IL 2011 - present Implemented a ten-mile multi-use recreational/commuter trail on Chicago s south side. Created a brand identity and web presence for the project. Orchestrated a planning workshop at which bicycling organizations, state and local politicians, and city planners convened with IIT architectu re students and faculty to collectively ideate, generate prototypes, and present concepts for a trail. The project has since extended into graduate-level classes at the Institute of Design. Design Intern, The Office of PlayLab, Inc., Brooklyn, NY 2009 Developed Sound/Friends , a non-p rofit music lab in Greensbo ro, Alabama. Worked with local musicians and town leaders to cultivate strategies for stimulating and promoting a sense of community among its increasingly seg regated population. Generated a proposal to create a space for music education, with facilities for archiving local music and stories, an artist residenc y, reco rding studio, and performance venue. Independent Designer and Builder, San Francisco, CA and Washington D.C. 1998 - 2010 Managed a variety of projects, specializing in kitchen and bath room renovations for clients inte rested in sustainable remodeling and building practices. Responsibilities included client consultations, materials sourcing, planning and construction, coordinating and collaborating with sub-contractors and labo rers, accounting and reco rd keeping.

Teaching Assistant / Facilitator, ID Summer Camp 2011 Acted as guide and aid to six-person teams of industry executives throughout two week-long workshops in which participants experienced a crash course in the design resea rch methods espoused by IITs Institute of Design. Curator, recruitID Student Work Exhibition, IIT Institute of Design 2011 Chai red a committee responsible for organizing the collection, display and formal reception for students design work during the spring 2011 recruitment week hosted by the Institute of Design.

Institute of Design , Illinois Institute of Technolog y, Chicago, IL 2013 expected graduation Master of Design, Focus in systems and resea rch Parsons New School For Design , New York, NY 2009 Summer Intensive Program, P roduct Design Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH 1997 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Photography major, Ceramics minor

Skills and Interests

Adobe CS5: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, AfterEffects; OSX, Microsoft Office, Rhino, Keyshot Traditional and digital photography and dark room techniques Rough and finish carpentr y, electrical wiring, plumbing, masonry Cycling, moto r-driven and otherwise

Shlomo Goltz
s tat ement o f int ent

260.602.4737 shlomo.goltz@gmail.com www.sgoltz.com

1926 North Lincoln Park West Apt 6b Chicago IL 60614

Seeking full time employment as an interaction designer after I graduate this December 20 11 .

int er nship s

Cooper summer 2 01 1 Co-designed scenario wireframes for next-generation ophthalmology devices and produced interactive touch prototypes to facilitate feedback on the design from medical technicians. Established a methodology for rapid generation of interactive prototypes for the iPad that retained Coopers preferred tools and process while streamlining and increasing flexibiliy of t production. Trained key employees in this new process and developed training materials to support company wide adoption and implementation. Critical Mass summer 2010 Conducted secondary research, competitive analysis, and synthesized findings into models that recommended how to strategically implement a new three year vision for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. ACT 3 Design Internship summer 2006 Created storyboards, recorded, edited, and arranged audio, wrote website source code, edited photos and illustrations, and animated in Flash. Cardiac Diagnostics fall 2009 Worked with the IT department to design the interface for a software tool that would store medical records and allow patients to communicate with their doctors in real-time to facilitate remote treatment options that are difficultor infeasible now. JDub Records winter 2009 Designed point-of-purchase advertising materials to promote new and upcoming albums. Howard Rheingold summer 2007,summer 2008 winter 2009 Designed motion graphics, composed music, and aided in production of video podcasts utilized in a Social Media/Technology course at Stanford University. Addy Award American Advertising Federation fall 2007 Worked as a production assistant for an interactive, flash-based photography portfolio. National Finalist Chevy College Super Bowl Ad Design Competition fall 2006 Worked as part of a three person team which designed and produced storyboards, concept boards, and presented our ad to the executive board of General Motors. Illinois Institute of Technology Reside ntial Advisor fall 2009sp ring 2011 Developed social and educational programming for undergraduate student s, designed R A uniforms, developed training materials to aid Residence L ife staff and other RAs to more effectively design their own promotional materials, and supervised a group of 27 student s. Apple Inc. Retail Store Macintosh Specialist winter 2008fall2009 Determined customer needs, then presented customized solutions comprised of software, hardware and services, and taught customers how to use their new technology. Cutting Tools, Inc. 19992001, 20032005 Designed architectural diagrams, repaired compu ters, and developed integrated advertising. Institute of Design 2009current (graduation inDecember 2011) Masters of Design Focus on interaction and communications design with an emphasis on ethnographic research and business strategy.

so f t war e knowledge

Photoshop CS5 Illustrator CS5 InDesign CS5 Fireworks CS5 AfterEffects CS5 H T M L& C S S (intermediate) Javascript (novice) iL fe 09 i iWork 09 Soundtrack Pro ScreenFlow OmniGraffle Balsamiq Mockups M S Office Mac O S X and Windows
award s fr eel anc e

employmen t

educ at io n

Second City School of Improvisation graduated fall 2010 Performed three fully improvised shows as the culmination of a ten month program where I conquered stage fright, improved my collaboration, delegation, and active listening skills. W UJSArad Institute fall 2007spring 2008 Participated as an artist-in-residence, took classes on Israelihistory, and attended lectures on contemporary cultural and religious issues in the Middle East. Washington University School of Art graduated spring 2007 Visual Communications Major BFA Graphic Design and General Psychology Minor

Jennifer Gzesh jengzesh@gmail.com 847.212.7114

Obtain a design strategy summer inte rnship where I can contribute to creative problem solving on an interdisciplinary team.

Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide
An independent, fully integrated, global marketing company

Candidate: Master of Design
May 2013 Illinois Institute of Technology Institute of Design

Account Executive January - August 2010

Coo rdinated communications between pha rmaceutical company and study locations across the country for a clinical research trial Analyzed data from inte rnet advertising campaign and led a project to overhaul the design and placement of banner ads for more effective advertising Acted as main point of contact for all shopper marketing collateral for client partnership by dete rmining client needs, translating needs to art department, and placing orders for app roved collateral items

Completed coursework
Foundation year of work in visual communications, product design, photograph y, digital design and introduction to the design process.

Current coursework
In-depth studies of design process phases, including planning, problem framing and systems thinking. Continued learning in product development, particularly focused on the various methods of prototyping.

General Growth Properties, Inc.

A publicly traded real estate investment trust that owns, develops and operates regional shopping centers both nationally and abroad

Bachelors of Science; Journalism

May 2006 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Knowledge Management Coo rdinator January 2007 - March 2009

Examined the specific needs of internal business units and designed online locations to respond to those needs utilizing SharePoint and web 2.0 technology Fo rmulated surveys and analyzed usage data to assess the effectiveness of new initiatives using online survey tools Resea rched and wrote reports and news stories about technology and sustainability as they related to our business Elevated the overall aesthetic of the employee portal using good web design practices and responding to the needs of users as documented in satisfaction surveys

Technical Skills
Mic rosoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint

Adobe InDesign, Illustrato r, Photoshop Advanced Intermediate Google Sketch-Up, Graphite, Rhino
Intermediate Beginner


434 W Wellington Ave, Apt 202, Chicago, IL 60657 leslienicoleh@gmail.comphone: 601.519.7117

SUMMARY A design professional interested in creative problem solving using the principles of designs.

EDUCATION Illinois Institute of Technology, Institute of Design Chicago, IL MDes in Product Communication Design Expected graduation December 2011 EXPERIENCE Colour, Material, Finish/ Product Graphics Intern, Motorola Mobility Jun 2011 - present Researched competitive brands and provided innovation insights Created a organization system for product graphic team Analyzed consumer markets and forecasted trends in CMF and PG University of Arkansas Fayetteville,AR BA in Visual Design and Photography, 2008 TRAINING Typography Product ideation Color Studies Communication Design Photography (35mm and digital) Layout Prototyping Sketching SOFTWARE Mac/PC OS Microsoft Office Flash Dreamweaver Photoshop (CS3) InDesign (CS3) Illustrator(CS3) After Effects AutoCAD Windows Movie Maker VOLUNTEEREXPERIENCE ICFF Convention (2010)- New York, NY Innovation Summit (May 2009)- Chicago, IL Habitat for Humanity (2006)- Hurricane Katrina Relief INTERN ATIONAL EXPERIENCE I have had the opportunity to travel to Germany, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Portugal, Austria, Gibraltar, England, and France. I have lived in Spain and Bahrain.

Research Assistant, IIT Institute of Design, IL Dec 2010 - present Created presentation material for a company run conference Standardized visual representation of framework diagrams Synthesized information and created new condensed diagrams

Design Intern/ Hellman-Chang,NY May 2010- Aug 2010 Assisted in furniture ideation and line expansion Photo documentation of new custom pieces Maintained brand identity and organized visual language for print media Conducted design researched for new company ventures for product line expansion

Freelance Graphic Designer/ Photographer Aug 2006- present Experience in logo design and print media Digital photography, working portraits and special events Illustrations,hand and vector drawing Graphic Designer, University Programs, AR Aug 2008 -Dec 2008 Provided promotional support for on-campus events Aided office administration Designed graphics and layouts Maintained brand authenticity for various university groups

Gallery Assistant, Anne Kittrell Art Gallery, AR Aug 2008 -Dec 2008 Assisted in gallery visual layout and organization of work Guarded displayed work

Oversaw gallery receptions Informed guests about new and upcoming exhibitions

Kareem Hindi
kareemhindi@ yahoo.com (630) 927-0508

An internship with a multi-disciplinary team with a focus on communication and interaction design.

Illinois Institute of Design
Masters of Design Chicago, IL Expected May 2013 Messenger Mechanics Project Identified an opportunity space for a mobile application connecting biking enthusiasts with mechanics, bike messengers and other enthusiasts to assist them with repairs and maintenance on the go or at home Determined essential functions and features through user interviews and survery based resea rch Designed navigation and features including GPS location based services

Motorola Mobility Consumer Experience Design Intern
Sunnvale, CA May 2011 - August 2011 Developed a simplified share interface allowing the user to aggregate updates to available social networks from a dialogue in the browser application Worked with designers, engineers and product managers to determine essential functions by defining personas, determining use cases, and wireframing user flows

Dr. Peter Grant Private Practice Office Coordinator

Oak Park, IL January 2010 August 2010 Digitized billing procedures saving on daily FedEx and UPS cost Developed daily patient check-in ledger and archiving processes Assisted patients with scheduling, insurance verfication, prescription refill and locating pharmacies

DePaul University
Bachelor of Arts, English Chicago, IL June 2005

BG+H Publishing Editorial Researcher

Chicago, IL March 2009 July 2009 Resea rched leading construction firms and interviewed management to determine eligibility for coverage in construction trade magazines Developed professional business relationships which resulted in increased advertising revenues in first month

Technical Skills
Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Microsoft Office Suite AP style writing and interiewing DePaul Universitys Best Practices in Web Design postg raduate course

Ceteris Financial Consultants Research Associate

Chicago, IL March 2007 May 2008 Determined general project timelines through empl oyee interviews resulting in automated time tracking processes and development of weekly progress reports Designed, implemented and monitored new compa ny wide accounting and reference processes Edited and revised final client reports for consisten cy and accu racy Wrote and edited content for newly developed legal edition newsletter

Playing guitar Discovering new music Stand up and improvised come dy Snowboarding Photog raphy and video editing Growing fundraising mousta ches for afterschool tutoring programs

Privila Web Development Inc. Editor

Schaumburg, IL May 2006 December 2006 Simplified article submission process by assigning to groups rather than individuals increasing article publishing by 15% Assisted programmers in development of content management system by determining essential needs of journalism interns Oversaw article assignments and scheduled deadlines for a staff of up to twenty journalists Resea rched and wrote content for websites on a variety of subjects

S tep h an i e S.H O N
hon.stephanie@gmail.com I 773.822.8790 http://cargocollective.com/szeenay

Seeking a full-time position to work with a global and diverse team in developing new and compelling consumer experiences by integrating user-centered design

WO RK E X P E R IEN C E Telefonica I+D User Experience Designer (R&D) Madrid, Spain, Summer 11 Materialized the results of primary and secondary resarch to identify opportunity spaces for different segments for mobile applications in the Latin American market. Helped the team determine appropriate methods and frameworks for analyzing market data and primary research. Designed a series of wireframes for Brazils Imagine TVA guide iPhone app (v1.0 to 1.5) and created the first iteration of iPad wireframes.

projects. Led the redesign of Bonaqua, Coca-Colas leading water brand that became Hong Kongs number 1 selling water drink. Managed the creation of McDonalds first self-service beverage kiosk in Singapore from the conceptual phase to actual roll-out. New Business: Guided new business development process from initial client contact, development of credentials, case studies and proposals to deal close.

Landor Associates, WPP Group Strategy Brand Consultant - Hong Kong, China, 07 - 09
Brand Strategy: Crafted strategies to redefine corporate and consumer brands; Clients include: Dow Chemicals, Bank of East Asia, United Engineers Malaysia, Caf Coffee Day. Refreshed Indias leading coffee chain Caf Coffee Days brand strategy and recreated the customer journey experience to appeal to younger customers. It won Indias most preferred brand in the retail/cafe category in the 2010 CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards. Naming & Identity: Assisted in the creation of Barclays iShares Chinese naming including the development of the brand idendity. Setup and participated in client workshops, conducted management interviews, analyzed findings and carried out competitive research for brand repositioning programs.

Brand Image (Desgrippes & Laga) Brand Consultant- Hong Kong, China, 05 - 07
Client Servicing: Managed client expectations and relationships for highest value accounts: CocaCola/McDonalds, Colgate-Palmolive, Avon and Danone in the Asia-Pacific region for packaging and retail design

IIT, Institute of Design Master of Design / MBA Chicago, USA, 09 - 12

Client projects include: Motorola, Galvin Electricity Initiative, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Facets Multimedia

McGill University B.Com, Marketing

Montreal, Canada, 01 - 05

Skills Ethnographic research Prototyping (U.I & product design) Project management Software Adobe CS5 - Proficient (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom) Omnigraffl - Intermediate e Rhino 3D - Intermediate Google SketchUp - Intermediate Languages French - fluent Cantonese - fluent Mandarin - intermediate Spanish - basic Interests Photography, architecture, fashion, updating my blog http://szeenay.com
badminton, yoga,

Yelim Joanne Hong

I'm a product designer with a passion for human-centered design research and methods to create meaningful and innovative products. Im seeking a full-time position where I can utilize both my design and research skills.

c. 818.590.9632 yelim@id.iit.edu

Professional Experience Yahoo! Inc.

User Experience Design Research Intern
Conducted independent and exploratory user-centered research with a fellow intern to inspire and inform internal Yahoo! Stakeholders. Worked in a highly collaborative environment to plan, design and conduct forward-thinking, qualitative research to uncover opportunity areas and shape meaningful experiences to Yahoo! users.
Sunnyvale, CA June 2011 - August 2011

Sanrio Global Consumer Products

Senior Product Designer
Designed and created products in home decor, health & beauty, housewares and party products for all Sanrio brand style guides. Managed and art directed hardline products for major licenses in Europe, North America and Latin America market. Collaborated on branded projects with major companies such as Sephora and Amscan.

Los Angeles, CA Oct. 2008 - Sept. 2009

Idea Nuova
Senior Designer
Designed product lines for toddlers, tweens and young adults in home decor, luggage, slumber and bedding for the mass market. Worked on various in-house and licensed projects with clients such as Disney, Mattel and Warner Brothers.

New York City, NY Sept. 2007 - June 2008

MGA Entertainment
Product Development Designer
Designed, developed and managed product lines from concept to nish for all MGA lifestyle products. Worked closely with Hong Kong oce for cost management and sample development. Developed extensive product lines out to mass market under tight deadlines.

Van Nuys, CA August 2005 - Sept. 2007

Eureka Film Productions

Art Department Design intern
Assisted Art Director in designing commercial lm sets and props for major clients in Seoul, Korea.

Seoul, Korea April 2002 - August 2002

Education Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology

Master of Design candidate
Buildin g conce pts, user genera ted scenar ios, sketch ing, render

Art Center College of Design

Bachelor of Science in Product Design

Research & Design Skills

Ethnographic Interviewing, Data Analysis and Synthesis.

ing and basic model making skills. Programs: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. Knowledge in solid works.

Chicago, IL May 2012

Pasadena, CA Dec. 2004

Maste r of Design
Institut e of Design, IIT, Chicago, Illinois, Fall 2009 - Fall 2011 Furtherin g my education , I expande d capability in use r experienc e researc h and design plannin g to bette r addres s issue s at the front end of the design process. Projects : Hybrid Wheelchair , Knowledge Sharin g Platform , ModuReCycle 1-(312)-860-1118 xhuang id.iit.edu krop.com/xiaonan Language English , Chinese Interests Painting, Basketball, Fencing, Cooking, Baking

B.A., Industrial Design

National University of Singapore , Singapore , 2005 - 2008 Coursewor k focuse d on traditiona l produc t design and huma n factors , with elective course s from busines s school and mechanica l engineerin g school. Projects : Family MediCare, Arthritis Exeriser , Infusive MediPatch

Passionate , Multi-Cultura l And Multi-Disciplinary Designe r Seekin g Caree r Opportunit y In Design Researc h And Produc t Development.


S.C. Johnso n & Son, Inc, May - July, 2010 Played a key role to interfac e betwee n design consultancie s and the R&D team. Propose d strategie s of effective collaboratio n betwee n R&D team and design consultancie s to senior managers. Facilitate d ethnographi c researc h on consume r behavior to deliver user-centered produc t strategy . Developed concept s and prototype s for R&D projects. Strategize d competitiv e marke t trend analysis . Propose d potentia l development roadmap s for househol d products.

User Experienc e Resea rch ethnographi c study usability testing insight analysis story telling Product Development concep t sketching concep t prototyping wirefram e development 3D modellin g /rendering Desig n Strategy analytica l frameworks implementatio n planning busines s cas e development Softwa re MS office, Photoshop, Illustrator , Indesign, Sketchboo k pro, Rhinocerous , SketchUp, Alias Imagestudio, Solidworks, Pro-engineer

ASUS Design, ASUS Technology Pte Ltd, Singapor e 2008 - 2009 Performe d competitiv e analysi s to identify new produc t opportunity. Participate d in ethnographi c research . Analyzed and synthesize d researc h results. Designe d and delivered concept s for multimedi a notebook , netbook PC and compute r accessories.


NUS Design Incubation Centre , Singapore , June - July, 2007 Performe d technolog y and competitiv e researc h on AI and robotics . Analyzed researc h result s and generate d concept s for applying robotic technolog y to next-generatio n communicatio n devices.


NUS Entrepreneurshi p Society, Singapore , 2006 Led a team of 5 designers . Redesigne d identity for NUS Entrepreneurshi p Society. Managed daily design and publicity operations. Awards Finalist 2007 Next generatio n PC Microsoft. U.S.A. Best creativity award 2007 Lite-On Award, Taiwan


SNAG magazine , Pixie Media Pte Ltd, Singapore , 2005 - 2006 As a founding membe r of a start-u p magazine , designe d editorial and marketing materials . Coordinate d marketin g promotion s and events.

Douglas Jefferson Hsu

210 North Wells Ave. Apt 1506, Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 917 929 0828 Email: hdouglas@i d.iit.edu

IIT: Institu te of Design/DENSO Global Chicago, IL
JunDec 2011

IlT: Institu te of Design Chicago, IL
Candid ate, Master of Design Methods Expected in May 2012
Emphasis on human -centered design through user research, prototyping, and plannin g. Coursework in product design, design analysis, design synthesis, design planning and strategy, portfolio plannin g, design manageme nt and information design.

Design Research Analyst, Intern

Helped client identify potential user needs in the area of personal transpo rtation in North America (NA) in the 2020s and develop systems concepts to enhan ce Densos NA Business Roadmap especially in the comfort and convenien ce business area.

University of Notre Dame South Bend, IN

Jun 2010Feb 2011

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN Master of Business Administ ration May 2009-2010 Bachelor of Arts, History/Intl Studies Aug 1996-May 2000

Consulta nt, Innovation & Design Expansion Program

Helped plan future curriculum and developed benchmarks for the incorporation of design/cross-fun ctional innovation based educ ation in University programs. Teaching assistant for innovation and design methodology clas s.

Memorial Hospital Brain Works South Bend, IN

Jan 2010May 2010

Team Leader , Innovation Studio Intern Program

Led a team of graduate level Design, Engineering and M B Astude nts to understand User needs and design two products and a service concept. The concepts engaged female baby boomers in activities that will help optimize their brain health and cognitive fitness.

Internationally experienced M B Awith comprehensi ve training in the innovation design process. Military officer with leadership experience in both combat and humanita rian aid missions. Historian and lifelong learner who has studied/t raveled/ worked throughout Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Europe.

United States Marine Corps Camp Lejeun e, NC

Dec 2004Apr 2008
Led, trained, develope d, and managed Marines by evaluating intelligence, making estimates regarding operating e nvironme nt and situations, and then formulated and executed plans of action. Final rank at discharge was Captain.

22 M EUTraining Officer/Security Platoon Officer

Developed & executed training programs and humanita rian aid missions for the over 2,000 man 22 Marine Expeditionary Unit.

Platoon Commander & Company Executive Officer, 2nd MA R D IV

Primary responsibility was the leadershi p, discipline, morale, personal welfare, training, combat readines s, and empl oyment of up to 5 Officers and 200 Marines. Coordinated and managed all facets of a mechani zed compa nys operations including the accountability of over $6M of equipme nt.

Achievements & Distinctive Skills

Team Leader for Notre Dames Business on the Front Lines 2010 Beirut, Lebanon team. Acknowledgeme nt: Notre Dame Business Magazin e. Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal & Navy-Marine Corps Commend ation Medal with Combat Distinguishing Device recipie nt. Acknowledgeme nt: CB SNews Interview Proficient in Mandarin Chinese via Beijing Language and Cultural University, PRC (2001-2002).

Alliance Capital New York, NY

FebMay 2003

Quantitative Research Analyst, Intern

Suppo rted Quantitative Research Division with economic market analysis. Developed economic forecasting models to maximize financial product productivity.

Prudential Financial Inc New York, NY

Jul 2000Aug 2001

Asian Branch Coordinator

Suppo rted Asian branches in resolving operational, administ rative, and customer issues. Planned and directed team of junior Analysts in creating financial model s.

US Government Security Clearance Level: Secret

Nathaniel Jiang
jiang.id.iit.edu 312.513.6384

OBJECTIVE To generate compelling concepts utilizing my abilities in visualizationand storytelling at a product design or design planning internship. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Yahoo! Chicago, IL and Sunnyvale, CA Research Assistant May 2011 - Present Meaningful Value Project. secondary resea rch to answer the question, How do we create meaningful value for our customers? concept generation frameworks conducting workshops to identify potential Yahoo! offerings to utilize frameworks for improvement Shanghai SJS Animation Co., Ltd. Shanghai, China Assistant Producer Jan 2010 - Jul 2010 Managed post production of Chinas first 3D animated film. Shanghai Expo 2010 screening in French Pavilion maintained contact and cooperation with firms in German y, France, and the United States gove rnment authorization for release and distribution oversaw final editing for content, Chinese and English subtitling, and continuity for theatrical release representative for screening at the Linwood Academy Theater in Hollywood, CA Creative Assistant Jun 2008 - Sep 2008 Concept developement for television series and feature film. storyboa rd and television series script editing character and environment concept generation Chinese to English translations EDUCATION IIT Institute of Design Chicago, IL Master of Design Candidate Aug 2010 - Apr 2013 The Ohio State Uni versity Columbus, OH Bachelor of Humanities in English Sep 2005 - Dec 2009 CURRENT PROJECTS Product Design Platform Construction creating concepts to integrate within the assisted living environment Workshop Facilitation Visual Storytelling graphically recording brainstorming CAPABILITIES Creati ve Soft ware Adobe Creative Suite Concept Visualization Detailed and rapid sketching Languages Fluency in Mandarin Chinese Conversational French

Parminder Kaur 502.554.7315 kaur@id.iit.edu Seeking to expand my knowledge of user research skills in human factors OBJECTIVE allow mea summer internship to apply my analyticaland interaction design. that will EDUCATIO IIT Instituteof Design - Chicago,IL ExpectedMay N 2013 Master of Design

Cornell University Ithaca, NY

2010 Bachelorof Science in Design and Environmental Analysis Concentration Human Factors and in Ergonomics





Ergonomics Intern
LINAK U.S. Inc. Louisville,KY May 2011August 2011 Introduce d ergonomi c practices and identified unsafe work practices and condition s on the productio n floor using ergono mic evaluat ion tools. Develope d solutions that would create a safer work environm ent and reduce the risk of injuries for employee s on the product ion floor. Organize d past company data on injuries in order to evaluate frequenc y of different

types of injuries, their location within the plant, and the costs associated with them. This helped reveal of concern and areas will be used by the health and safety committee determine actions that need be taken in order to create to to a safer work environment and track the companys progress toward this to goal.

Taj Palace Restaurant Louisville,KY June 2010- May 2011 Designed advertisements using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop that appeared in various print media. Performedall graphic design related tasks. Managed staff and resolved any issues with staff and customers. Resolved technical issues and completed the restaurant website using Dreamweaver.

Cornell University, Department Design and Environmental Analysis of Ithaca, NY October 2009August 2010 Conducted literature reviews past studies relating anthropometry and biomechanics of to of the human hand and consideredits relevanceto current research being conducted Prof. DavidFeathers. by Analyzed3D anthropometry the human hand and researched implications computer of for mouse design. Conducted literature reviews studies relating touchscreen user interfaces that have of to revolutionized the world of smart devices with products like the iPad tablet. Deviseda study that analyzes the performance people with arthritis when using the of iPad. Speculated future considerations and implications of touchscreen interfaces the in environment based literature on reviews and study be conducted. to

Undergraduate ResearchAssistant
Cornell University, Department Design and Environmental Analysis of Ithaca, NY January - May 2009 Further developed communication product that was designed Prof. Paul Eshelman a by for individualswith Alzheimers disease and their families make it more intuitive. to

Treasurer Secretary

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Cornell University 2010 Society for India, Cornell University


2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008

ExternalVice President

Society for India, Cornell University

Co-Chairof Entertainment Planning

East Coast Asian American Student Union Conference, Cornell University

Technical Software: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, AutoCAD, Google Sketch Up Other Skills: Model Making, Graphics Rendering, Drafting, Painting

Research people and contexts, uncover oppo rtunities for meaningful chang e, and create enga ging experiences for clients to understand consumer s.

1948 West Lawrence Avenu e Apartment 3W, Chicago, IL 60640 G r e t chenL e eK elly@ g mai l .co m 630.890.8770

Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology Master of Design candida te Chicago, Illinois, expected May 2012 Research: Developed a toolkit of qualitative research and analysis methods that uncover user behaviors, attitude s, and motivations that lead to new design opportunities. Communication: Explored best practices for presenting research insights that create userempat hy, are quickly understood, and create longterm value within organizations. University of Washington Bachelor of Arts in Design Studies Seattle, Washington, June 2008 Paired research and critical writing with multidisciplinary studio instruction. Completed an eightmonth capstone project. Exposed to anthropology, landscape architecture, and Design for Environment practices.

Selected Academic Projects

Oak Park Smart Energy Conducted ethnographic interviews, analysis and synthesis of insights, and user prototype testing to develop a device and educational program to reduce residential energy use. Design By Youth Developed participatory workshops in which to work with highschool students to improve their school while teaching design method s. Expected entry in the School: by Design competition in November 2011. Real Simple Designed a multimedia experience to share insights that engages in the moment and retains longterm value.

Work History

Social Media Intern: Black Spectacles, Chicago, IL ,Summer 2011 Developed webinars and competition to gain awareness among architecture students Researched and implemented applications and monitoring for social platforms Assistant for Summer Camp and Executive Training: IIT Institu te of Design, Chicago, IL ,Summer 2011 Developed workbook and presentation materials to teach usercentered design methods Facilitated small groups of professionals during multiday workshops Freelance Graphic Designer: Wheaton, IL ,Dec. 2009-Aug. 2010 Created visual identity and print design Sign Shop Assistant: Mount Rainier National Park, Ashford, Washington, Summer 2007 Created and installed vinyl and wood signs Associate Director for National Services and Recognition Office: National Association of College and University Residen ce Halls, Seattle, Washington, Marketing 2007-2008, Merchandise 2006-2007 Prioritized customer service, inventory management, payment tracking, packing and mailing; standardized order-tracking system; developed new products and catalog Student Designer: Univ. of Wash. Housing and Food Services, Seattle, Washington, Aug.-Sept. 2006 Designed and updated in-house marketing and communication materials Performed production, installation, and delivery tasks

Et Cetera

Software Skills: Adobe C S (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), Microsoft Office ( Word, Excel, Powerpoint), iMovie, Mac/PC OS, H TM L

Design Research Conference Graphics Team 2011 Participated in Chicago Service Jam 2011 Attended Design Research Conference 2008 and 2010 University of Washington Deans List

Eunkyung Kim
http://issu u.com/EKkim/docs/po r tfolio_ekkim eunkyung.ek.kim@gmail.com 312-593-7570

Seeking a full-time user experience designer position where I can apply user-centered methods to create meaningful user experience

Work Experience U X Consulta nt, Design Seedling

Jun 2011 - present

Produce U I guidelines and wireframes for the client websi tes. Clients:TD Ameritrade, C VS Caremark, Waxing Poetic

Design Intern, Steelcase Inc. Education

Institu te of Design, Illinois Institu te of Technology Master of Design, 2011 Interaction Design Courses
-Interactive Media -Interaction Design Workshop -Interactive Environme nt -User Interface: The history of interaction Design -Immersive Media -Usability Methods -Prototyping Communication and Interaction -Communication Workshop (Developing interactive tools for B2B compa ny) -Communication Workshop (Creating interactive experience in Chicago Loop Area)

Jun - Aug 2010

Conducted research on How office environme nts can improve social interaction and collaboration. Analyzed interviews and obse rvations, provided design principles to develop behavioral prototypes. Surveyed, interviewed on How non-researchers participated in usercentered design projects and produced Framework Handboo k for non-researchers in Steelcas e.

Designe r, Ewha Womans University Museum

Feb 2008 - Mar 2009

Designed web site, promotional interactive e-mails, pos ters, brochures, banner s, and indoor display. Developed exhibition- related education program for children and teenager s, developed prototypes, and designed materials.

Designe r, Merrill Lynch International Inc.

Jul 2007 - Feb 2008

Ewha Womans Universi ty M .F.A . in Visual Information Design, 2008 B.A . in Business Administ ration/Economics (Minor in Graphic Design) 2006

Produced and designed presentation materials in investme nt banking depa rtme nt, focusing on visualizing quantatative data and creating client-friendly research reports. Within the pacific graphics team, prepared and revised communic ation applications in Asia and North America regions.

Interaction Design Projects Skill

Proficient Adobe Indesi gn, Illustrator, Photosho p, MS office Sketching, Rapid Prototyping Intermedi ate Visio, Omnigraffle, Premiere, Flash, HTM L,Rhino

Knowledge Sharing in Design Consultancies

Feb - May 2011

Sugges ted a mobile application that allows users effortless awareness of other projects and share in progress outcome s. Conducted research on how to improve knowledge sharing between teams in design consultancie s. Surveyed 16 companie s, interviewed 13 employees and experts in the field.

Retail shopping innovation for small businesses Language

English_ Fluent Korean_ Primary Chinese, Japanese_ Intermedi ate

Jan - May 2010

Designed interactive public display, web, mobile application concept for neigh borhood shopping district. Surveyed, observed on current off-line shopping beh aviors. Created a concept of using communities as a filter to get right information in minimum effort for both individual and group shopper s.

S H VA NI KOT H A R, IIID A, M .D e s, .M .S., N C ID #23683 I Q

cell:720-936-1558 e-m ail:shivani@ shivanikothari.com w ww.shivanikothari.com web:

Accom plished professional diverseexperience solidbackground in user centeredresearch,designeducation, and converting with and insights into experiences. Offers outstanding team leadership, entoring, collaboration skills.D em onstr organiztion,discipline, exceptional m and ates a and interpersonal skillsw iththe abilityto comm unic inspire,influence, shape view sthat initiate change. ate, and

U nderstanding cognition the localIndian of popul tion w hileusing Interactive a Voice Response -IV Rtechnolo y [2011]Paper g

S h iv a inKo th air C o n s u ltin g [2 0 0 - P re s e n t] , CO 2

Fre e la ne D e s ig nr, R e s e a r c h e r c e C onducted user research and recom m ended design solutionsfor variousprojectsranging retailenvironment, onlineeducation, and mobiletechnolo ies. Conceptualized created g and Em er ing M arketsC oll borative Program in g a effectivebrandingsolutions designinglogos,graphics, present by ations, and spaces for Classroom Education [2009].Program Proposal global companies. submittedto T h e A rtInstituteof Colorado.

T he A rt In s tituet of P itts b u rg O n lin D iv is io,nPA [2 0 1 - P re s e n t] h e 0

S y s te m D e s ig [2002]. s n
B o o http://ww .kentl w.edu/cajt/ k w a
Access oJusticeM eetingTheNeeds.pdf T

A d ju n tc Fa c u lt D e s ig n y, D evelop ed taug hto nlin ecu rriculum D esig nV isu aliz . T his and for ation increasedpersistenceof studentsby 15% and the class was permanent added into the curriculum. ly

S VT C o lle g,eS N D U n iv e rsy, In d a [1 9 9 - 1999] T it i 7

G R A P HS A ND W E B Photoshop, IC :
Illustr tor, InD esign, crob t Pro,Dream w aver, a A a e A xure,B alsam iq, T M LCSS. H ,

F u ll-tim Fa c u lt , D e s ig D e p a rtm e na nd A d ju n tc Fa c u lt H e a lt a nd Nutrition e y n t y, h

C ro m p to G reav e s, In d a [1996] n i
In te n E rg o n o m iA n a ly s t r c

In te rios U n lim ite,dIn d a [1 9 9 - 1996] r i 4

J u n io In te rio D e s ig nr, In te n In te rio D e s ig n e r r r e r r

Sk etchu pP ro, R ev it, u toC A D . A

What is and what can be

Ethno graphic ResearchM ethods[2002].Paper A s s o cate P ro fe s sr, D e s ig [2 0 1 0 -2 0 1,1 ]F u ll-tim Fa c u lt [2 0 0 - 2 0 0 9,] S e n io F ulli o n e y 6 r https://trex.id.iit.edu/intranet/seeid/sp_projects/ time Ins tru cto [2 0 0 - 20 0 6 ,] F u ll-tim In stru cto [20 03 - 2004]. r 5 e r files/13/documents/outpostlab.pdf Developed im plem ented and learning-centered coursework variousprogram s in Interior for Design,Photo graphy, Industrial Design,and Graphic D esigndepartments. Steeringcommittee for variousaccredit ations. Spearheadedthe Intern ationalInterior esignA ssoci D ation student E D U AT I O N C chapter as facultyliaisonand expandedindusty connections. r M a s te of D e s ig [2 0 0 2,] Humanr n C enteredC om m unic D esign,May 2002. ation B u r D e s ig G ro u ,pCO [2 0 0 - 2009] k n 7 Instituteof D esign,I IT, C hic go, U S A a S e n io In te rio D e s ig n e r r r M a s te of S c ie n e [19 97,] Ergonom ics, r c Led design team s in developing effectivey com m unic and l ating innov ative design May 1997. D ept.of P. G . Studies,SN D T solutions [throughsketchesand renderings, interiorfinishschem es,and verbal U niversit M um bai, ia y, Ind ation] y, and projects.Projects 1 B a c h e lo of S c ie ne [1 9 9 5, ] In te rio r com m unic for hospitalit retail,com m ercial, residential r c ranged from 2500 U S Dto 1,500,000 USD. Designand D ecor tion,May 1995. a S .V.T. C o lleg eS N D T n iv e rsit M um bai, , U y, J u n ip e N e tw o rk, sCA [2 0 0 - 2001] r 0 India G rap h c D e s ig nrea nd M a rk e tin C o o r d in i g ator

T he A rt In s titu t of C o lo r a d, oCO [2 0 0 - 2011] e 3

shivani kothari

U n d e rs ta n dgin o g n itio of the lo c a In d ia p o p uation w h il u s in In te ra c tiv Vo ice R e s p o ne - IV R c n l n l e g e s te c h n o lo [2 0 1 1. ] Pap er To be subm ittedfor publication. gy E m e rg in M a rk est C o lla b o r P ro g ra in C la s s rom E d u c g ative m o ation [2 0 0 9.] P ro g ra Proposalsubm ittedto m
T h e A rtIn stituteof Colorado.

S y s te m D e s ig [2 0 0 2.] B o o http://w w .kentlaw.edu/cajt/AccessoJusticeM eetingTheNeeds.pdf s n k w T E th n o gap h ic R e s e a rc M e th o s [2 0 0 2.] Pap e r r h d


P ro je c M a in s trem [1 9 9 - 1 9 9 9.] P ro g ra Taughtwom enin Indianslum s and prisonto earn an honest livingthrough t a 6 m

M a s te of D e sig [2 0 0 2,] H um an-Centered om m unic Design,May 2002. Instituteof D esign,I IT, C hic go, U S A r n C ation a M a s te of S c ie n c [1 9 9 7,] Ergonom ics, 1997. D ept.of P. G . Studies,S N D TU n ive rsit M um bai, r e May y, India B a c h e lo of S cie n c [1 9 9 5,] InteriorD esignand D ecor tion,May 1995. S .V.T. C olleg e, N D TU n iv ersit M um bai, r e a S y, India

G R A P HSC ND W E B Photoshop, ator, InD esign, crob t Pro,D ream waver, A xure,B alsam iq, T M LCSS. IA : Illustr A a e H , IN T E R R A ND A R C H IT E C T :USketchupP ro ,R evit,A utoC A D . IO RE

S H VA N IK O T H A R I, A M .D e s ., .S .,N C ID Q I IID , M #23683

720-936-1558 sh iv an i@ sh iv an ik o th ari.co w ww.shivan ik othari.co m m

What is and what can be

shivani kothari

Seeking a summer internship position in industrial design with a user-centered approach and multi-disciplinary team environment.

#234, 639 w. Grace st. Chicago, IL 60613, USA woohyun@ id.iit.edu 312 731 7659

PROJECTS KARI - Smart UAV Development Project / June 2009 - Dec 2009
Design Internship Assisted researchers and engineers by providing suitable flight experiment conditions Designed compositions of electric lines and flight components inside of UAV Conducted primary and secondary research and analyzed data for UAV Contributed to refinement in layout and color design of Smart UAV center official website Guided visitors and assisted administration by providing interpretation supports at military seminars

Design conception & development Research analysis & synthesis Skilled at idea & data visualization Creative organizational & management skills acquired through various academic and work responsibilities.

LG Electronics
Next Generation Music Phone / Oct 2008 - Dec 2008 DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) Phone / Mar 2006 - Jul 2006 School-industry collaborative Worked on the entire design process from secondary research & ideation to the final rendering Developed new product concept ideas and solutions using sketches and 3D modeling

EDUCATION Illinois Institute of Technology, Institute of Design, Chicago, USA

Master of Design, Expected graduation spring 2013 Human-centered product design, design planning, user research

General Motors - PACE Extreme Sports Car / Mar 2006 - July 2006
School-industry collaborative Participated in PACE(Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering) program Designed 2 seats extreme sports vehicles Developing concept ideas with 2D sketching & renderings Supported 3D modeling & final presentation at the annual conference in Brigham Young Univ. Provo. UT, USA

Hongik University, Seoul, Korea

Bachelo rs in Industrial Design, february 2009 Class President, Hongik Scholarship 6 semesters Product & transportation design

WORK EXPERIENCE Hongik University, International Language Institute, Seoul, Korea

Teaching Assistant / May 2010 - May 2011 Managed all aspects of English education program Designed study materials, newsletter/brochure copy, textbook graphic design and other resources as classroom supplements

EXHIBITIONS Seoul Design Cluster - Studio 00 Exhibition, Seoul, Korea / Oct 2008
Exhibited hybrid furniture work at the Seoul Gangnam design cluster

Hongik 8th Degree Show, Seoul, Korea / Mar 2008 - Oct 2008
Designed hybrid furniture and presented at the degree show

Korea Aerospace Research Institute(KARI), Daejeon, Korea

Smart Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Development Center Intern Researcher / June 2009 - May 2010

Hongik Design Exhibition, Seoul, Korea / Mar 2005 - Oct 2005

Designed Dental treatment tools hand-piece from conception, sketch to final mock-up

LG Electronics , Design Internship Program, Seoul, Korea

Intern Designer / June 2008 - July 2008 Designed navigating device for the handicapped New digital multimedia device research & planning

Proficient in freehand sketching & drawing and digital modeling & rendering 2D software: Illustrato r, Photoshop, In-Design, MS Office 3D software: Alias Studio Tools, Alias Image Studio, HyperShot, Rhino Languages: Korean(native), English(fluent)

UK Trade & Investment , World Best Design Exchange in Seoul, Seoul, Korea
Exhibition Promoter / Nov 2007 - Dec 2007

EM ILIA KLIM IUK // 630.706.0992 // emila3@gma il.com // emiliaklimiuk.com

Meaningful design should create systems & interactions that deliver genuine value to users & companies. I love translating insights into fresh ideas and witnessing such value creation; but I am also devoted to the crucial precursory tasks of user research & business analysis. Transforming research into insights, insights into ideas: either job is meaningless without the other.

To subtract first, then think about adding Uncovering hidden patterns & connections Communicating precisely

RECENT PROJECTS, Institute of Design / August 2010 - Present

Design Research: Better At with Patrick Whitney Software Design: Microsoft Imagine Cup 2011 with Jeremy Alexis Research & Analysis: Online Shopping Study with Kim Erwin
TOCA, Interaction Designer / September 2011 - Present

Design intuitive interfaces that support information sharing Conduct usability testing to identify software issues & low-impact solutions
MOTOROLA MO BILITY, CxD Summer Intern / June 2011 - August 2011

Conducted extensive secondary research & user interviews to inform UX development Organized & led a senior leadership workshop to share research findings and to help set a future strategic direction for the team Worked with the UX team, ideating features & systems to answer user needs identified during research
LOWERCASE INC., Graphic & Interaction Designer / June 2008 - July 2010

Conceptualized & designed a wide variety of interaction, identity & publication projects Developed brand strategy, messaging & information architecture Programed Flash, HTML & PHP based websites

IIT INSTITUTE OF DESIGN Master of Design / May 2012 COLUM BIA COLLEGE CHICAGO Bachelor of Arts, Graphic Design / May 2008

Imagine Cup: Honorable Mention (2011) Graphis 100 Best Annual Reports: Gold (2011) & Platinum (2010) TDC 56: winner (2010) / Mohawk Show 10: finalist (2009) Included in the 50th Communication Arts Design Annual (2009) Featured in the Graphis New Talent Annual (2008)

dkodinsky@gmail.com 857.364.1634 :: www.davidkodinsky.com

Designe BusinessStrategist. SocialEntrepreneu r. r.

Seeking opportunities to improve lives through the application of smart business and user-centered design.

Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology
MDes/ M B Acandidate Spring 2012
Emphasis on applying user-centered principle in s design strategy/planning, ethnographic research and experienc design. e

Best Buy Corporation :: R ich field, MN
Design Lead Intern, May 11 - A ug 11
Co-lead initiative to attract small business customers by analyzing and synthesizinguser research to inform long-termstrategic planning. Facilitated a brainstormingworkshop for the Best Buy for Businessteam. Designed communicatio tools to internall disseminat the new customer experienc strategy. n y e e

San Francisco State University

Aug 06 Aug 07
MultimediaStudies ExtendedProgram
Courseworkin Typography, Branding, D esign Theo & H TM L ry

Chicago Loop Alliance (Art Loop Open) :: C hicago,IL

ExperienceDesign Intern, Jun 10 - O ct 10
Conducted user research and developed a comprehensive design plan for a mixed media art competition. Developed concepts and visualizationsfor an interactive event site using Pivot, Photosynth,Surface Tables and other Microso technologies. ft Facilitated a brainstormingworkshop for key stakeholde involved in the event. rs

George Washington University

Sep 99 May 03
B .A .,B usinessAdministration/Marketing M inor:Psychology

Freshly Pressed Designs
C o- ounder F
Designed pedal-powered (non-electric)washing machine to address significant need in the developing world,specifically India. Currently in testing phase with commercial deployment scheduled for early 2012.

Village Exchange International (N G O ) :: H o, Ghana

Program Coordinato, Aug 08 - May 09 r
Oversaw operation for microfinance and fair trade programs. Engaged in strategic s planning, devised long-term growth strategies and implemente program activities , d accordingly. Facilitated 300% growth in microfinance loan portfolio. Assistedin loan disbursement to over 250 clients and in the development of a 5-year business plan. Managed partnership with fair trade distributorGlobal Mamas (Women in Progress).

Freelance Design Clients:

M G R esearch & Consulting Human ServicesCoalition Beth Yeshua Congregation

Aidez Small Project International (N G O ) :: A ccra,Ghana

BusinessDevelopmentManager, Oct 07 - Jun 08
Designed Reorganization and Expansio Plan for Global Fund-sponsore malaria control n d program. Awarded $1.1 millionby U SA IDto fund said plan. Wrote and submitted Technical Workplan,Cost-Business Application,and all other proposal requirements. Developed Operational Manual for an integrated microfinance and health scheme serving over 250 groups of borrowers. Redesignedprogram to better address client needs.

Institute of Design (select projects):

The Family Dinner - SystemsDesign Used Structured Planning methods to redesign current food system (US & India to meet higher s ) standards of food availabilit , affordabilit and y y nutrition. M -So - D esignPlanning ko Leveraged existing mobile technologyto create an education and marketplace platform for rural Kenyan farmers. Emotional Design - D esign Research Conducted research to understand why individuals establish emotional connectionswith everyday objects and the implicationsfor future design.

Euro RSCGWorldwide (GlobalAdvertising Firm) :: San Francisco,CA

AccountExecutive,M ar 05 - A p r 07
Clients:Wells Fargo and Visa
Collaboratedwith creative teams to develop brand strategies and long-term positioning for Fortune 100 financial companies. Managed project activities,including client communications,budget details, press checks, and development of business proposals.

Esquire Deposition Services :: San Francisco,CA

AccountManager, Nov 03 - M ar 05

Identified prospecti e clients and presented v them with productand servicesolutions. Successfully secured 12 new accounts.

Katherine Kowaloff
1509 N Wicker Park Ave Chicago, IL 60622 kowaloff@id.iit.ed u 917.855.3522

Seeking an internship for summer 2012 in a creative team environment where I can contribute and grow my strategic design and research skills



educ atio n
IIT Institute of Design
Master of Design Degree Candidate 2011-2014 Chicago, IL Emphasis Human-centered research, strategic communication and planning

EPIC: Engaging Philanthropy, Inspiring Creatives

Program Director, 2010-Present Chicago, IL Work as part of the core leadership group to develop and execute programming related to EPICs mission to engage creative individuals in social change Client and team management Overse all aspects of main e programming efforts, where teams of creative volunteers work together on eight-week nonprofit design projects; manag e communicatio n with creative tea ms, clients and corporate partners Strategic planning Partner with Board of Directors on the internal and external plan to grow and strengthe n this three-year old organization; oversee social media strategy, including Twitter, Facebook and blog

Cornell University
College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology 2001-2005 Ithaca, NY Honors Magna Cum Laude Senior Honors Thesis Hybridity in Art: An Exploratio of the n Creative Expressions and Artistic Resistances of Three Women Producing Art in Kathmandu, Nepal Ethnographic research Thesis based on resea rch complete d over a five-month period in Nepal, Spring 2004

VSA Partners, Inc.

Account Manager, 2009-2010 Chicago, IL Account Coordinator, 2007-2009 Oversaw strategic design initiative for multiple leading s brands simultaneousl , including Harley-Davidso Motor y n Company, Avery Dennison McDonalds Corporation and The Art Institute of Chicago , Client and team management Managed day-to-day client communication and coordination of internal project team s (designers , writers, strategists) Brand strategy Collaborated on front-end strategic initiative s related to brand positioning and development of client white papers and roadmaps Writing and research Developed client proposals and new business pitches, and conducted research related to business development Budget and vendor management Manage d all project budgets, timelines and production relationships


inform ation

Skills and Languages

Photoshop , InDesign, Illustrator; proficiency in French and Nepali

Creativity for social change ; writing; cooking; running with my dog; learning aboutan traveling tonew d and different places

Groves Development Group, Inc.

Development Associate, 2005-2007 New York, NY Worked as part of a team of three to direct and implement successful strategic programs and fundraising campaigns for leading visual and performing arts institutions including The Film Society , of Lincoln Center, The Apollo Theater Foundatio and The National n Theatre of London Strategic fundraising Assisted in the development of philanthropic partnerships with individualdonors, foundations and corporate sponsors

stephanie krieger
objecti ve work expe rience

303 east 104th st apt 8 new york new york 10029 201.739.761 4 | krieger@id.iit.ed u | trex.id.iit.edu/~krieger
Seeking a position with opportunities to develop enhanced experiences that resonate with users.

Rock well Group | New York, New York DesignStrategist, 10/2010-Current

developed conceptual ideas and programming strategies for brand experiences conducted user research and formulated insightsto drive brand strategies and test

Freel ance Designer 9/2009-10/2010

redesigned websites to provide a more intuitive user experience, (Maypro, U JA of Nor thern NJ) designed and implemented an interactive iPhone applicationfor children stories called Stor yPlease s completed graphic design projects for Quality of L ife labs includinglabels,brochures, ads, and catalogs

Sm art Design | New York, New York Insightsand Strategy Intern, 4/2010-7/2010 Steelcase | Grand Rapid s, Michi gan Intern WorkSpace Future , 5/2008-12/2008 s

conducted user research and formulated insightson current behavior to drive new product development

researched mobile work enviroments, includingstudyingworkers in a prototyped mobile work environment synthesized research and proposed ideas for new products and ser vices based on findings

Redsqu are | Brooklyn, New York Rendere , 2/2006-7/2007 r Tonetti Associates Architects Designe , 7/2005-2/2006 r

created high-end architectu renderings using 3D Max and Photoshop for major architecture firms ral

| New York, New York

completed construction drawings and renderings for LE EDcer tified public buildings

Skidmo re Owings & Mer rill | Los Angele s, California Intern, 6/2004-8/2004
updated autocad drawings for drawings for Booz Allen LA office interior

Play ground Productions Intern, 6/2003-8/2003

| New York, New York

designed and prototyped potential toys and concepts for Word World (now running on PBS) evaluated market trends to look for oppor tunities in pre-school learning toys

The Science Center | Ithaca, New York ProjectManage 9/2002-12/2004 r,

developed, designed and constructed new hands-on museum exhibits


Institute of Design, IIT | Chic ago, Illinois Master of Design, May 2009 Concent ration in D esignResearch Cornell Uni versity | Ithaca, New York Bachelor of Science Interior Design, May 2005 D ean List, GPA 3.63/4.0 s CommunityPartnership BoardGrant Recipient, 2003

academ ic


Institute of Design IIT | Chic ago, Illinois TA , Obser ving U sers and SocialHumand Factors Classes9/2008-12/2008 Chic ago Transpo rtation Autho rity | Chic ago, Illinois Designe , 9/2008-12/2008 r

studied current bus drivers and users to find improvement oppor tunities in the new bus system (BRT) constructed prototypes for user studies and presented user test results and conceptual ideas to CTA

IIT Sust ainable Student Housing Designe , 9/2007-12/2007 r

| Chic ago, Illinois

completed ethnographic research to better understand student behavior and motivations designed and proposed ideas to enhance sustainable behavior among students in dorm created and installed a working prototype with micro controller and flash display

com puter


Proficient in Auto Cad, Adobe Creative Suite, 3-D Studio Max, Rhino, Word, and Excel Experience with Flash and Omni Graffle

Shilpi Kumar

skaska2002@gmail.com | 312.772.6457 | 907 N. Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60622

I am a passionate design researcher and strategist with 7 yrs experience looking for opportunities to help companies understand their customers, identify strategic opportunities and nd solutions to enhance user experiences.

Mine Users' Unarticulated Needs Use of sensor technology for data collection, eld observations, ethnographic interviews, intercepts, self-docs, cultural probes, qualitative surveys, audiovideo analysis, social mining Design Thinking In Business Implementation Use of analytical frameworks , problem framing, reframing, brainstorming workshops, era analysis/trend analysis, secondary research, competitive landscapes, experience modelling Integrate Empathy In The Design Process Prototyping, storytelling, workshop facilitation, client engagement workshops using empathy exercises Ideate, Prototype And Employ Storytelling Ideation/concept development, rapid prototyping tools, sautering, 2D-3D visualization, web design, graphic rendering, UI user testing, heuristic evaluation.

Aug-Oct 2010 Hypothetical client: Cars.com Developed an analytical model of customer journey and outlined opportunities. Grocery Store Shopping Behavior Study Jun- Sept 2011 Sponsor: Condential Coordinated and implemented a two day in-store study in two stores, created a new analytic model for understanding shopping experience using sensor technology.

Selected Projects
23hr Surgical Outpatient Experience Jan-May 2011 Sponsor: Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY In-depth user research redening rehab as a more fun and engaging experience for the users. Proposed a platform level design concept. Online Car Shopping Experience

Contract Associate, Iota-Partners, Chicago IL 2011-Present Involved in creating a new kind of analytic model for understanding shopping experience through sensor based technology. Design Strategist, Zonta International, Oak Brook IL 2009-2010 Designed and managed implementation of the new branding throughout the organization. Achieved 20% growth in membership by re-dening global outreach. Design Consultant, SKA Design 2007-2009 Consulted with National Lekotek Center, Chicago IL to organize design workshops with parents of autistic children. Formulated and implemented a new branding strategy for startup company Spatial Information Solutions Inc., MS, Growth On Demand Enterprises, LLC, MS, and Shutterspeed Photography. Visiting Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University 2004-2007 College of Architecture Art & Design Collaborated with Mississippi Furniture industry to evaluate the use of new technologies through primary and secondary research. The study enabled large furniture manufacturers to re-assess their processes and upgrade their methods by integrating new technology. Taught courses in Furniture Design, Introduction to Product Design, Professional Practice Strategies. Industrial Product Designer, (INBAR)

20032004 International Network of Bamboo and Rattan Established a Design Center for future capacity building and formulation of product design strategies. Organized training workshops imparting the principles of good design for market oriented products around rural India which led to economic and sustainable livelihood development. Product Design Assistant, Godrej & Boyce Ltd. Architect, Kanvinde Rai & Chowdhury 2001 2002 2000-

Master of Design Methods (MDM) 20102011 Design Research & Strategy, Institute of Design, IIT Chicago, USA Master of Design (M.Des) 20012003 Industrial Design, Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay, India Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) 19952000 Architecture, Department of Architecture, BIT Mesra, India

Work Authorization Permanent resident of the U.S., Indian citizen

Min Lee
objective experience

min.lee@id.iit.edu | mnlee.hubweb.net 773 715 7003 | 1111 N Dearborn St #1709 Chicago IL 60610

Seeking an interaction design and resea rch internship where I can gain hands-on experience and me rge my backg round in industrial design with my resea rch experience in spatial design Hongik University | Seoul, Korea Research Assistant | Mar 2008 - Jun 2009
Conducted qualitative resea rch on pattern recognition and fractal theory Managed and directed resea rch projects such as Seoul U-bike which is about urban scale energy saving bicycle systems, and Incheon Zero City which is marine city planning for the future Worked on design proposals such as pavilion design for Yeosu Expo and Robot Taekwon-V theme park Guided unde rgraduate students group projects in Digital Design Studio courses

Design Lab, Hongik University | Seoul, Korea Design Intern | Mar 2006 - Jun 2006
Assisted in computer graphics for printed media mostly on brochu res and pla cards Worked on 3D-modelings in designing outdoor frunitures in rest areas within university

Institute of Fine Art & Design Education, Hongik University | Seoul, Korea Art Instructor | Sep 2005 - Dec 2005
Taught water color and did demonstration works

selected projects

Prepa red art supplies and models for class

Balloon House | Hongik University, 2007

Concept design for the future housing and interior 2nd prize in Stuent Architectural Exhibition sponso red by Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK) Project for Hongik Graduation Exhibition

Gone with the Space | Hongik University, 2007

Conceptual design for the future transportation and information systems Honorable mention in Digital Architectu re Competion sponso red by Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK) Project for Hongik Graduation Exhibition

All in One | Hongik University, 2006 education

Design proposal for unit-based bath room 3rd prize in Bath room & Kitchen Design Idea Competition by Hyundai & Korean Society of Interior Architects Designers(KOSID)

Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology | Chicago, IL Master of Design, Interaction design candidate 2013
Courseworks in interaction design and design planning

Hongik University | Seoul, Korea Master of Fine Arts, Spatial Design 2010 skills & Bachelor of Fine Arts, Industrial Design 2008 language
Honors Thesis: A Study of Collective Intelligence Community Systems under Ubiquitous Computing Environment

2D | Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Auto Cad 3D & Video | 3D Max, Rhinoce ros, Hypershot, Sketch up, Adobe Premie re, After Effect Language | Native Korean, Fluent English

HyunJoo Lee
Work Experience

555W Madison ST. Chicago 60661

312 . 401 . 3609


Pleasanton, CA May 23 2011- August12 2011

2011 Summer internship Generated ideas for new market considering the Clorox product portfolio and conducted focus group research, and developed prototype models of brand new products.

IIT lnstitute of Design
Chicago, IL Master of Design Candidate, Expected Fall2011 Coursework: Design planing, Research


Seoul, Korea June 2010- July 2010 [www.sktelesys.com, www.sk-w.com ]

2010 Summer internship Conducted the smart phone market research, planed the design strategy and developed the prototype model of smart phone to bridge the perspective of user centered design and new business model.


Hongik University
Seoul, Korea June 2009 - Nov 2009 [Public kiosk manufacturer-www.t1bt.com]

Project Manager Developed and produced kiosks with a wide touch screen, vending machine, queuing system with human-centered point of view for public places such as banks, post offices and hospitals.

Private Consultant Seoul, Korea

Mar 2007 - May 2009

Freelancer Led design projects, ranging from user research to prototypes, leveraging client business objectives for diverse companies. Projects and Clients 2007, April 10.2 Kitchen Appliance TV with HNS, Human Network System 2007, Jan. Vibration Earphone with N-tech 2006, Nov. Earphone with YoofKorea 2006, Aug. Air Purifier with AirBita

Korea B.A. in industrial design Mar.1997-Feb.2002 Course works: Product design, Interior design, including developing the skills, sketch, computer programs

Sketching Rapid prototyping Adobe Suite MS Office Pro-E IDEAS Rhino Auto CAD Hyper-shot Flamingo

Dadam Design Associates

Seoul, Korea Apr. 2002-Mar. 2007 [www.dadam.com]

Senior Industrial Designer Led development and production of digital products based on user research insights and client business objectives, including hardware design development and material choice. The scope of the projects included primary research, concept development, and creation of comprehensive brand identity. Projects and Clients Project manager 2007, Apr. Bidet with Daelim 2007, Feb. Remote control with CJ Cable Net 2007, Jan. Portable Multimedia Player=PMP with ELENTEC 2006, Sep. Ultra Mobile Personal Computer=UMPC with MDS 2006, Apr. Portable Multimedia Player=PMP with SODIFF 2006, Feb. MP3 mobile phone with WE3 Team member 2006, Dec. Battery charger & system door lock with dadam 2006, Nov. Bluetooth headset with CLIPCOMM 2006, Oct. Headphone with CRECYN 2006, Mar. Fingerprint access with SUPREMA 2005, Sep. Laptop computer design with INTEL 2005, Aug. Remote control with ETRI 2002~2003 2nd,3rd,4th advanced design with dadam 2002, Oct. Camera mobile phone with PANTECH 2002, May Mobile phone with BLUE WINK

2008 - Hong-ik Univ. Industrial designers 97union 2001 - Graduation Exhibition 1999 - Small Groups Exhibition Time & Space Window, Class Work 1997 - Thesis Review Class Work Exhibition

Design Tangent

Seoul, Korea Aug. 2001-Jan 2002 [www.designtangent.com]

Volunteered for JA Korea

NGO, Junior Achievement Korea

Interior Designer Developed and produced space design concepts for exhibitions and restaurants. Projects and Clients 2001, Nov. Japanese Restaurant with SUSHI BA 2001, Sep. 2001 World Cyber Game with WCG

Sooji Lee
Industrial Designer Design Researcher

To work in a creative environments designs. to translate design research into user-friendly product

2256 N. Cleveland Ave. #401 Chicago, IL 60614 765-543-9371 infinite.lee.sooji@gmail.com sooji@id.iit.edu

Professional Experience
05. 2011 ~ 08. 2011 Design Research and Product Design Intern at Wilson Sporting Goods - Conducting design research targeting new/beginner golfers - Implementing and translating research findings into product line Junior Industrial Designer at Sundance Spas (Jacuzzi Brands) - Designing spa and spa parts for Sundance Spas and Jacuzzi Hot - Improving usability and discovering innovation potential through ethnographic research 08. 2006 ~ 05. 2007 Intern: Purdue University Agricultural Communication Exhibit Center - Designing and building interactive elements for educational exhibits Freelance translator for Gaga TIC (based in Seoul, South Korea) - Translating documents from Korean to English or English to Korean www.gaga21.com

01. 2008 ~ 01. 2009 Tubs

08. 2004 ~ 08. 2006

2004 ~ 2007 IDSA (Industrial Designers Society of America) member Sponsored Design projects 2011 CCC: Developing design thinking tools for non-profit organizations 2007 Whirlpool: Designing kitchen appliance for different ethnic groups 2006 Delta Faucet: Designing blue-sky faucet concept 2006 Fundex Toy Company: Designing juvenile toy 48:2 Design Competition Team design competition within Purdue Industrial Design held over a weekend 2005 Dorel Juvenile Group: practical and blue sky concepts for car seats 2004 Fundex Toy Company: diverse concepts for juvenile toys

Awards and Honors

2003 ~ 2007 2006 2003 Presidential Scholarship, Purdue University Juried Industrial Design Show @ Purdue University Liberal Arts Dean Scholar Scholarship, Purdue University

Educational Background
Exp. Grad 05.2012 Masters in Design, Illinois Institute of Technology Instititute of Design Chicago, IL Bachelor of Fine Arts in Industrial Design, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

05. 2007

Technical Proficiency
Proficient in Rhinoceros, Pro-Engineer, Solidworks, 3-D Studio Max, Alias Image Studio, Adobe Creative Suite, word processing

Language Proficiency
Fluency in English and Korean

Yang ( Roy ) Luo

Professional Software Engineer and Interaction Designer with five years of work experience seeking a summer internship.
312-375-7879 Luoyangroy@gmail.com 1350 S. Federal St., Chicago, IL, 60605

Experience in h llib a u Rton

interaction Designer Halliburton-Sperry Technology Center


Master of Design
Illinois Institute of Technology expected 2014

E-Chart book learning Platform System Responsible for UI design and system architecture. Wrote the User Interface Design Guides for Sperry Technology Center. Participated in Halliburton Interaction Design Training.


Master of Computer Science

China University of Petroleum


bachelor of Computer Science

China University of Petroleum


inSit E Sessionlog & ResMapping GiS System 2009-2011 Sperry INSITE can be a key enabler, allowing drilling and other relevant rig site data to be collected, transmitted, replicated and managed in real time. The Session Log System, and ResMapping GIS constitute two significant parts of the platform. Responsibilities: Conducted primary research, designed the Presentation Layer of the two systems. Digital asset Data Migration application 2008 Conducted primary research and upgraded the Digital Asset Migration Application from CS (JAVA) to BS (.NET) and reviewed the code.

Research on Production of BPM System Architecture Based on SOA, Application Research of Computers (one of Chinas most highly respected core journals in the computer industry)

Professional Software Engineer, Consultant Halliburton-Information Management & Infrastructure
The projects below are to meet the increasing needs of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC No.25 in Fortune 500) for information based support.CNPC has been investing billions of yuan in developing the projects. business Process Management System 2008 Conducted comprehensive evaluation of the production process and finished the bidding documents, summarized the design procedures and published a paper in a highly regarded computer magazine. landmark Production Management(lPM) 2007-2008 Assisted in system architecture and UI design and took charge of LPM promotion of oilfields of CNPC. Geosciences and Drilling System 2006-2007 Assisted in establishing customized database based on Engineers Data Model of Landmark, and undertook the data migration of petrol exploration of Da Qing Oilfield(including 15 plants). President of the Computer Science Department Student Union President of the Class in the Computer Science Department President of the Class in the English Department 2001-2003



Scholarship for Merit Student (The highest level of annual scholarship in our University) Scholarship for Merit Student Leader No.3 in the University Speech Competition The Most Creative Thinkers Award in the Versatility Competition for Student Leaders Excellent Graduate Thesis Award 2001-2004

2002 2002 2003

Design: Microsoft Expression Blend and Design, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator,InDesign, Google Sketch-up, 3D TrushBrush, Visio, MS Office Computer: C#, Java, C, VB, Oracle, SQL Server, Web Service, .Net, WPF, Sliverlight, JSP, Crystal Report, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JBPM, JUNIT, LoadRunner


Public speaking, Debating, Painting, Calligraphy

S ty lia n o Makridis s
100 W. Chestnut, Apt. 702, Chicago 60610 IL. USA T: 312 933 1839 E: coolooc@mac.com stelios@id.iit.edu

IIT/Institute of Design Master in Design candidate. (Awarded Fellowship) 2010-2011 NY Institute of Photography Professional Photography 2009-2010 Cardiff Business School Master of Business Administration, (MBA) 1995-1996 Athens University of Economics and Business (Awarded National Scholarship), 1989-1993

Work Experience
Wheelwell,Partner, Product Design & Strategy (United States) | Aug. 10 - Current Non-profit organization, established to advance design ideas, and create products for people with physical disabilities. Initial product involves a hybrid wheelchair for people with spinal cord injuries. Skills: product design, interaction, strategic planning, ethnographic research, business modeling, experience modeling. Oddbol Ltd., Owner/Managing Director (India, Uruguay, Greece) | Jul. 07 Current Private consulting service with stakes in real estate development (managing one of the biggest projects in S. America), in niche food retailing, and telecoms for small and medium size business. Skills: business modeling, communication design, experience modeling, starting new ventures. Second Road, Associate Consultant (Australia) | Jun. 10 Aug. 10 Strategy and innovation consulting with focus in financial services, risk management, mining, construction and telecoms, in Australia and SE Asia. Developed framework facilitating strategic planning and business modeling for financialservices and risk management clients. Skills: strategic design planning, information design, product planning. DEMCO SA, Group Director, Business development (Greece) | June 05 June 07 Group of companies in broadcast media, telecoms, FMCG, executive aviation, online betting, real estate. Developed group wide, commercial structures for product/service marketing synergies with record market share growth and sales increase. Skills: media planning, strategic product planning, managing diverse teams, business modeling Shell Europe, Fuels Marketing Director, South Europe (Portugal,Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey) | Sept. 03 June 05 Product development and strategy (record volume and margin increase). Developed commercial initiatives in fuels, loyalty, pricing, and convenience retailing in all five countries. Designed portfolio/strategy for all markets. Member of the Global Retail Strategy Team. Skills: complex portfolio initiatives, interacting with diverse cultures, people mentoring, process optimization, stakeholder management. Shell Hellas SA, Marketing Director (Greece) | June 01 Sep. 03 Designed and implemented first loyalty scheme and fuel strategy increasing market share in record times. Developed retail product/brand architecture. Designed and implemented online pricing mechanism for 1600 sites that enhanced margin by 30% in 6 months. Skills: product and service planning, sales management, people selection, management and coaching. Diners Club, Marketing Manager (Greece, Italy) | Jan 00 Jun 01 New service development and portfolio planning. Designed and developed online card travel service. Developed direct sales channels for personal and corporate products. Extensive use of online and DBase marketing and geographical information systems for targeted communication. Achieved record low attrition and enhanced profit per account. Skills: statistical modeling, financial analysis, process optimization, sales management. Citibank N.A., Investments Product Manager (Belgium, Germany)| Sep 96 - Jan 00 Launched first in market European Brokerage Service based in Germany. Designed affinity, sand derivative-linkedproducts. Repositioned total service offering for the segment. Extensive use of micro-marketing and GeographicalInfo Systems(GIS),and communication development. Exceeded sales(units,volume) and profitability targets. all Skills: financial modeling, product planning, sales, communication development. Beiersdorf S.A., Production Planning - NIVEA (Greece) | Jun. 92 - Jun. 93 Production planning for leading personal care, and cosmetics products. Prototyped the development of new online dynamic system for ordering/inventory management. Skills: capacity planning, procurement, quality control.

Software: Adobe Suite (InDesign Photoshop, Illustrator),MsOffice. Languages Greek (native) : English(excellent command) French(good command) Spanish (elementary)

Work examples
http://web.mac.com/coolooc (Portfolio work examples) , www.wheelwell.org (NPO, product designer) www.latitudsur.com.uy (R ea Estat ) l e www.zanadoo.gr (Telecoms)

ArtLoopOpen, Photography, Chicago Oct. 2010 Photography and the Social Landscape. Intl. Center of Photography, New York, Aug. 2008 Dark matter(s)Installation,Athens, Jan. 2009

Waterski, travel, motorcycle racing, trekking, reading, cooking, saxophone.

Anthon y B. Mallier


| 616.328.4894

To collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams, exploring and identifying new connections between products, services and system with hum s an behavior and emotions. I bring value to projects through prototyping as a tool, brainstorm and communicate ideas. Spot Me, Software Design | Leveraging social network to develop a banking solution iScope, Product Design | Magnification photography tool for sm artphones/tablets OTObox, Product Design | Hearing diagnostic tool for infants in developing countries
Interaction Design | Investigating the effects of displaying social associations in public

projects at Institue of Design

work experience

Design Strategy

Intern | SC Johnson

| May 2011 - Aug 2011

W orked on a multi-disciplinary team, analysing and deriving insights from ethnographic research attempting to deliver the ideal user experience to a low-income developing markets user. W able to leverage experience as a cultural insider, to help the team as to gain a richer understanding of a developing countrys context.



| Idiom Design and Consulting

Ltd. | Nov 2009 - Jun 2010

Core team member charged with developing retail environment for a clothing brand, automobile brand, bicycle brand, and a DIY home improvement brand. Collaborated with strategists, designers and engineers to research, design and detail space making and product elements.


A rchitect

| KSADPS | Jun 2008 - Dec 2008

Collaborated with a team to design a work environment exploring collaboration zones supported with shared wellness and respite services such as restaurant, bar, gym and spa.

Interior Architect

Intern | Kakani Associates

| Jun 2006 - Dec 2006

of two Axis Bank branches in

Conceptualized, detailed and supervised Ahmedabad, India. international design competition awards

the execution

Spot Me | Honorary

Mention | Microsoft

Imagine Cup | 2011

Design Competition

eLota | Honorary

Mention | W orld Kitchen | 2009



Sparkle | 2nd Prize | Swarovski

Crystal Vision | 2008



IIT Institute

of Design | MDes. Candidate,

Spring 2012

Focus of study on human centered product design and strategy, with a further in the virtual interaction of users with tangible artifacts and services.

CEPT University

| Bachelors

in Interior Architecture


Research Thesis: High-Tech Regionalism Proposed a museum conveying the corporate ethos of Tata Motors. Praised by Senior Tata Group Executives for its conceptual clarity and execution. honors JN Tata Scholar 2010 Pidilite Award 2007, Best Environmental Design Smt. K. G. Shah Award CEPT University, 2006, for Tata Motors Museum Best Student Award CEPT University 2004, 2005, 2006

Miguel M artinez
1360 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. 1707N, Chicago IL, 60610 mar tinez@id.iit.edu :: portfolio: ww w.manschut t.com

Summ ary
A passionate problem-solver interested in framing complex problems, identifying strategic opportunities, and developing innovative solutions through structured and user-centered design methods.

Educatio n
M aster of Design IIT Institute of Design, May 2011; Chicago IL, U.S. Coursework in design planning, interaction design, and user experience and research M aster of Business Admin. Stuart Deans scholarship Stuar t School of Business, May 2011; Chicago IL, U.S. Coursework in operations, marketing, and strategic management BA Communication Design Cum laude and thesis excellence Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), Dec. 2008; Monterrey NL, Mexico Coursework in design theory, information design, branding, adver tising, semiotics; minor in object-oriented programming

Professional experience
Design research consulta nt

IIT Institute of Design Chicago IL, U.S., Summer 2011

Based on a research project with a global manufacturer, worked primarily in prototyping and distilling research and concept exploration insights into meaningful principles for creative decision-making in data-driven environments. The project culminated in an academic paper Encouraging Operational Insight and a creative kickstar ter toolkit, a set of printable cards that encourage creative exploration and an understanding of common behavioral biases in decision-making. Design consulta nt / Production m a nager

Graphic Planet Monterrey NL, Mexico, 2008-2009

Responsible for creative direction, project work flow management and print/ media production at a creative services and design firm. Supervised and assisted creative teams in planning, concept development, design, and production for a number of projects involving brand development, adver tising, copywriting and communication design. Designer / Assista nt br a nd m a nager

Skil ls
Proficient with Adobe creative suite Proficient in photography, studio lighting, production, and digital postproduction Proficient with prototyping techniques Knowledgeable in film, video, and audio production, editing, techniques, and postproduction Other interests Game mechanics and design, creative writing, woodworking,

Empresas KEY Monterrey NL, Mexico, 2007-2008

Responsible for communication design, print collaterals, service and product branding, photography, copywriting, and print production for Empresas KEY and its three industrial supply and B2B service companies. Assisted in the development of a re-branding initiative, and collaborated in the conceptualization and re-design of brand identity for two of the companies, along with the development of communication and promotion strategies, their design and implementation.

ping pong, and cats Free l a nce D esigner / Photogr apher / Art Director L a ngua ges Fluent in english and spanish v. 09/2011

Select works include the design of the monthly Velocidad Crtica zine issues 92-99 (2006-2007) and UDEMs U.DESIGN. symposium and its inaugural event Multidisciplinaryidentity and materials design (2007).

interaction research, strategy & planning

margaret mcintyre
mcintyre@id.iit.edu | 312.933.9053 4028 north springfield, chicago, Il erris road, crossmolina, co mayo, ireland

work experience Executive Creative Director Chempetitive Group Chicago, Il 2009-2010 Partner, Creative Strategy & Planning Mobium Creative Group Chicago, Il 1998-2009 Associate Creative Director Mobium Creative Group Chicago, Il 1996-1998 Senior Art Director Mobium Creative Group Chicago, Il 1994-1996 Senior Art Director Frankel (now ARC part of Leo Burnett) Chicago, Il 1993-1994 consultancies Board of Directors for Literacy Chicago Design Industry Foundation Fighting AIDS

I am a creative strategist who pushes the boundaries of interaction, communications and design. I continue to pursue transformations of thought through challenging current methodologies, seeking beyond the norm to what if possibilities. In 20 years of professional experience on interdisciplinary teams and individually, I have fostered the unusual in a variety of project types including strategy, research, business brandbuilding, culturalization and creative communications for clients such as Time Warner Cable, CDW, Accenture, Motorola, Oc North America, Target, McDonalds, Technology Service Solutions (IBM & Kodak), R.R. Donnelley, Dow Microbial Control, Illumina, SAFC/Sigma Aldrich, TCI (Tradition Center for Innovation), and Humana Hospitals. select projects Digital media and learning | Explored opportunities in China through user research and analysis. A project supported by the MacArthur Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Focused on how to create a bridge between high school students individual interests and the educational goals needed to enter university. Child interactive development tool | Concepted an interaction tool enabling children to learn various concepts while watching their favorite programs. Centered around key developmental stages and linked to individual needs of child while enabling parents and teachers to observe, interact and review progress. Motorola reviewing ideas. Human knowledge sharing platform | Concepted and architected an experiential tool enabling users to share knowledge and collaborate. Disaster prediction platform | Concepted a social impact platform empowering organizations to visualize gaps of relief in order to optimize resources and man power. Making invisible connections visible | Currently developing a platform that visualizes connections among people in public areas. Facilitating users to connect with people whom they were unaware a connection exist. Brand transformation | Strategic brand plan developed on research analysis and synthesis, creating a sub-brand position to encompass the breadth of Motorola GTSS technology products and services for 3G. An integrated branding campaign rapidly gained mindshare and recognition. education IIT Institute of Design | MDM candidate, Fall 2011 Emphasis on human-centered interaction design through user research, strategic design and prototyping. Coursework in interaction design, strategy design research & planning, information design, behavioral observations, analysis methods & frameworks, rapid prototyping methods & interactions, physical human factors. Miami University | BFA Visual Communications, minor in business achievements Work has appeared in Graphis, Print, Communication Arts, BtoB magazine and Advertising Age magazines. Over 200 awards from Clio, Art Directors Club, One Show, Andy, ADDY, International Advertising Festivals of New York, DMA Echo, LA Art Directors Club, Type Directors Club, London International Advertising Awards, BMA Pro-Comm, Tower, Ace, Icon, CEBA and Telly Awards. And twenty-two Girl Scout badges. fears Children with scissors and the mundane

1 9 2 9 W. Wa rn e r e Av C h ic a g o , 60613 IL 773.321.0050 ) (h h a n s @ id .iit.e d u

H a nsMickelson

Wo rk E x p e rie n c e
RetailPlanner Intern | RT C | R o llin g e a d o w s , | S u m m e2011 M IL r

P e rfo rm ere s e a rc re v ie w a n dfie lda u d its . d h s Wo rk e do n te a m s n a ly z infie ldre s e a rc a n dg e n e ra tind e s ig n b je c tiv efo r c lie n ts . a g h g o s C o -a u th o re d rric u lu m n dta u g h b a s icA d o b e k illsb o o tc a m p fo r in co m in g tud e n ts . cu a t s s Te a c h in A s s is ta n t r F o u n d a tioC o m m u n ic a tiocn su rs eF a ll2010. g fo n o ,

C ourseInstructor In s titu te f D e s ig n t IIT | C h ic a g o , | 2010- p re s e n t | o a IL

Directorof SpecialProjects| Te k g ra f, c .| G re e n v ille ,C | 1999- 2008 In S

R e s p o n s ibfo r in te rn aa n de x te rn a l in in g n ds e m in ap ro g ra m s , c lu d in g o n te na n dc u rric u lu m le l tra a r in c t c re a tio ns,c rip tw ritin g m a n a g e m e n t,p le m e n ta tio n dp re s e n ta tioTa u g h h a n d s -o a n dle ctu re ty leto , im a n. t n s in d iv id u a ls m a llg ro u p s n dla rg eg ro u p s p to 2 0 0 .M a n a g e tra in in g r H e w le tt-P a c k a rd s ig n je t ild s, a u d fo De m so lvenw id efo rm a p rin te rs . t t Wo rk e d s a p a rto f th e c re a tiv e a mo n a d c o n c e p ts r a d s ,s e m in a rs n dp ro m o tio n P .ro v id e w o rk a te fo a s d e stim a tea n do v e rs ig h tf q u a lity o n trofo r s ervic e sg ro u p M a n a g e tra des h o wte a mfo r ou ts id e lie n ts, s o c l . d c in c lu d in H e w le tt-P a c k a rddE p s o nw ith re s p o n s ib ilitie sc lu d in e q u ip m e n t t up a n dtea rd o w n , g an , in g se p ro v id in te c h n ic a la le s re p re s e n ta d u rin gth e tra d es h o wa n da n yn e c e s sry bre ak -fix . g s tio n a E v a lu a ten e wp ro d u c ts ,ro v id e c o m p e titiv e a rk e a n a ly s is n dte c h n ic a l u id a n c fo r M a rk e tin te a m in d p d m t a g e g th e d is trib u tiog ro u p S e tu p m u lti-v e n d o r c h n ic aslu p p o rt a m P ro v id e te c h n ic are p re s e n ta tio nr th e n . te te . d l fo c o m p a n in le g a lm e d ia tio nP ro v id e d c h n ic are q u ire m e n fo r d e m oc e n te ra n d p rin te rro o m sin n e w y . te l ts c o rp o ra tee a d q u a rte rs . h

S kills
E x p e rt t m a k in g c h n ic aclo n c e p ts v a ila b len d a te a a u n d e rsta n d a b len o n -te c h n icp e o p le to al A d o b e re a tiv S u ite a p p lic a tio nc lu d in P h o to s h o p , C e in s g Illu s tra toIn D e s ig n ,c ro b aP ro ,F la s h r, A t C urric u lu mn dsc rip tw ritin g a S tu d io h tin g n dp h o to g ra p h y lig a U n d e rs ta n d in fgp rin tin g a rk e t, s p e c ia lly id e o m e w fo rm a m a rk e tsin c lu d in g q u e o ua n ds o lv e nb a s e d t , a s t w id efo rm a p rin te rs t U n d e rs ta n d infgp rin tte c h n o lo gin c lu d in R a s te r o y, g Im a g e ro c e s s o rrin tc o n tro lle rs o lo rm a n a g e m e n t P p c, in c lu d in g CP ro filin g ,re p re ss ys te m s ,ffs e tp re s s IC p o te c h n o lo g yn dH e w le tt-P a c k a rd ig o ig ita p re s s e s a In d d l M ic ro s o O ffic e a ca n dW in d o w s )n dV is io ft (M a (W in d o w s )

Creatorand C o- w ner| S ipTe a a n dC o ffe e G re e n v ille ,C | 2005- 2006 o | S

C re a te d o rp o ra te e n tit b ra n d in g ,n dlo g o s C re a te d ll a d v e rtis e m e nin -s to re ig n a g e n dm e n u c id y, a . a ts, s a b o a rd sD e s ig n es ig n a g eD e s ig n ein te rio la y o u o f a ll e q u ip m e n tn dfu rn itu re . . d . d r, t a E v a lu a te se le cte d n dso u rc e d q u ip m e n t. d, a e

Creativ R etou e, cher, FirstA ssistant F a s h io n a bP h o to g ra p h y re e n v ille ,C | 2002- 2008 | le |G S

C re a te d o rp o ra te e n tit b ra n d in a n dlo g o s . c id y, g R e to u c h inc o lo rc o rre c tio a n dp re p a ra tio n r o u tp u o f a ll fin a lim a g e s. g, n fo t A s s is te o n se tw ith lig h tin g n deq u ip m e n t d a

P roduction anage, D igitalDepartm ent G a m m P h o to a b s| C h ic a g o , | 1998- 1999 M r | a L IL

S tra te g iz e dithc lie n ts n b e s tw a ys to c h ie v e o a lsfo r q u a lity n dp ric e D e te rm in ecd sts M a n a g e d w o a g a . o . p ro je c ts r c lie n ts c lu d in K ra ft, o re aP a ris S t.Iv e sa n dH a rp o ro d u c tio n s . fo in g L l , P M a n a g e s ix te e n e rs o n ta ff.O v e rs a w ll h ig he n ds c a n n in g ,re pw o rk , e v ic e a n do u tp u t. e s p o n s ibfo r d p s a p d s R le a ll q u a lity o n troa n dp ro c e ss s u e sP e rfo rm eh ig he n dtro u b le s h o o tin g te m p lo y e eco u ldn o td o . c l is . d th a s E v a lu a ten e wp ro d u c ts n dte c h n o lo gS o u rc e a n ds e le c te d q u ip m e nw o rk in g ith la b m a n a g eto m a k e d a y. d e t, w r fin a le q u ip m e n te c is io n s. d

H o n o rs
O u ts ta n d in ge n io Aw a rdin P h o to g r a y,h S r p 1992

P roduction anage C olorD epartm ent F X R e p ro g ra p h icVe rn o n ills ,IL | 1995- 1998 M r, | | s H
P ro v id ec lie n ts ith la rg efo rm a c o lo rp rin tin g n dth re e -c o lo rig ita p h o to g ra p hoic tp u a s w e lla s high d w t a d l u t s p e e d o n n e c tecdo lo rc o p y o u tp u t, c o n v e rs io nssc, a n n in g ,n dfile a rch iv in g . c file a R e s p o n s ibfo r a ll qu a lity n tro l. le co R e s e a rc h e d wte c h n o lo g ie s dm a d e u rc h a s ind e c is io n s . ne an p g

Te k g raP re s id e n ts lu b , 0 0 0 th ro u g h f C 2 2007 Te k g ra f L e a d e rsAw a rd 2005 h ip , F e a tu rein G re e n v illein kYo u n gE n tre p re n e uto d L rs Wa tch 20 06- S ipTe a a n dC o ffe e

E d u c a tio n
Instituteof D esign, IllinoisInstituteof Technology C h ic a g o , o is | Illin
M a s te o f D e s ig n a n d id a te c u s in g n h u m a n e n te re d e s ig nD e c e m b e r r C fo o c , 2011 C o u rs e w oin th e fo llo w in g : rk D e s ig n p e c ific n a ly tic a l o ls s a to P ro d u ct e sig nra p idp ro to typ in g , y s ic a l u m a n c to rs d , ph h fa C o m m u n ic a tioe s ig nb ra n d in g dn , In te ra c tiod e s ig n e th o d s, la s h n im a tio n n m F a E th n o g ra p h ics e a rc h ,h o to g ra p h y re p

C olum bia ollege C h ic a g o , o is C | Illin

C o u rs ein d ig ita la y o u t, s tra tio n ,n dim a g e a n ip u la tio n rim a rily d o b e ro d u c ts ) s l illu a m (p A p B a c h e loorf A rts P h o to g ra y,h1992 in p S tu d y b ro a d e a rin P ly m o u th ,n g la n d A y E

P urdue U niversity We s tL a fa y e tte , d ia n a | In

R e fe re n c e nd w o k s a m p le a v a ila b lby r e q u e s t sa r s e

Scott Miodus zewski

Objecti ve

sco ttmiodus zewski@gmail.com (812) 319-1031

1903 W. Ainslie St., Apt. 1 Chicago, IL 60640

To obtain a position in user experience design and strateg y.

Education Master of Design Insti tute of Design, Illinois Insti tute of Technolo gy
Chicago, IL 2010


User Expe rience Strategist, AKTA Web Studio

Chicago, IL March 2011 to Present

Responsible for resear ch planning. Conducted primary and seconda ry resear ch for digital products and applications. Created trend and business reports, personas, scenarios for client user experience strateg y. Responsible for proto type testin g. Freelance Designer and Resea rcher
Chicago, IL Janua ry 2011 to Present

Communication Design; Design Resear ch; Design Planning Courses in user resear ch, human factors, design methods, and strategic plannin g. Projects include Chicago Rec ycling Increasing recycling rates by unders tanding moti ves and barriers to recycling. Design Policy Analysis of policy design and the role design methods could play in future policy creation. Bachelor of Science Murray Sta te Uni versity
Murray, KY 2000

Consulted with Better At to create demonstration and inst ructional videos. Scout and contributing writer for trend reporting website PSFK.com. Collaborated with Conifer Resear ch on internal project to explore and refine their video capabilities. Project Consultant, Doblin, a member of Monitor Group
Chicago, IL August to December 2010

Conducted primary and seconda ry resear ch of consume r-driven innovation for a customer loyalty project. Resear ch and analysis led to concepts to improve customer experience in loyalty program. Trend Resea rch Consultant & Business De velopment Intern, PSFK
New York, NY July to August 2010

Conducted seconda ry resear ch of indust ry-driven and technological innovation. Provided clients with mar ket implications and strategies of how to utilize emerging trends. Video Editor, Bradley David Productions, Inc.
Evansville, IN December 2002 to August 2007

Radio-Television; Minor in Studio Art

Created rich viewing experiences for three nationall y-broadcast shows (My Classic Car, Corbins Ride On, and Texas Hardtails) by synthesizing raw video into concise, enter taining programs that rea ched 250, 000 to 500,000 viewers weekl y. Contributed to all aspects of show production including story concepts, project workflow, graphic and animation storyboards, and post production. Production Assistant


Henderson, KY February 2001 to March 2004

Production and pre-production work for live newscasts; producing graphic designs and 2-D animations for use on air.


Experience Innovation Design Intern, SC Johnson Wax Shanghai, China 2011 Identifying new home care opportunities for the Chinese consumer. Responsible for research, strategy, problem framing and overseeing design partnerships. Contract Clothing Designer San Francisco, CA 2009 Clients included Old Navy, Timbuk2, Chrome Industries, Keen and Cordarounds.


Designer II, The North Face San Francisco, CA 2009 Sustainable clothing design. Responsible for trend direction, textiles, and company education. Designer I, The North Face San Francisco, CA 2007 Casual sportswear design. Responsible for styling, textiles, color direction and factory travel. Assistant Designer, The North Face San Francisco, CA 2005 Technical sportswear design. Responsible for styling, textiles and fitting. Assistant Dancewear Designer, JJs Mae San Francisco, CA 2002-2004 Clients included Target and Walmart.

http://ww w.co roflot.com/jamiemunger http://jamiehansena.tumbl r.com/ Education Illinois Institute of Technology - MDes/MBA, expected graduation May 2012 Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising- AA Fashion Design, 2004 Emory University- BA Sociology, 2000 (Summa Cum Laude)

Skills Abode Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Google Sketch Up, iMovie, Keynote, WebPDM, Excel, Flat pattern drafting, Draping, Sewing, Textile construction and manufacturing, Rapid prototyping, Sketching, Technical drawing

Feathers in my hat I have lived in Indonesia, Kenya, China, Lesotho and the US. Im an outdoor rock climber, an avid urban biker and a beginner at the trapeze. I design costumes for theatrical productions.

D E S IG N E S E A R C+ S T R E G Y R H AT Seeking a full-time opportunity in a multi-disciplinary setting to demonstrate the value of human-centered approaches to complex issues and to improve user experiences. Experience
Experience Designer Adaptive Path, San Francisco, CA Summer 2011 Conducted contextual in-home interviews, in-situ observations and secondary research for the Samsung User Experience team. Performed analysis of research findings, concept generation, persona and scenario development. Worked closely on the project team and with the client to provide key deliverables and a strategic roadmap for the final presentation. Design Researcher Chicago Dept. of Cultural Affairs, Chicago, IL Summer 2010 Conducted research and interviews of itinerant performing arts leaders to better understand the current challenges throughout Chicago. Provided stakeholders key opportunities to improve experiences. Workshops conducted based on project findings in the final report. Creative Consultant + Recruiter The Smart Dept., Chicago, IL Dec. 2006-May 2008 Handled client relationships with core agencies and won new accounts. Recruited and matched job seekers for design job placement. Managed weekly activity reports, payroll and database. Performed account responsibilities and negotiated rates within budgets. Development Associate IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, IL Jan.-Dec. 2006 Supported director of development with fund-raising projects including grant proposal research and donor stewardship to communicate value of human-centered design. Coordinated board meetings, design related events and workshops. Client List: Facets Multimedia, Chicago Public Libraries, Motorola, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Galvin Electricity Initiative, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, private MRO supply company


nguyen @ i d.iit.edu nguyen-design.com

IIT Institute of Design Master of Design Candidate, Expected May 2012 Coursework in user-centered design: research, strategy, interaction, systems and planning. School of the A rt Institute of Chicago Continuing Education, Oct. 2008-May 2009 ArcheworksSchool of Design Post Graduate Certificate, May 2008 Marquette University BA in Communication Studies, May 2005 Deans List 2005, Phi Eta Honors Society 2005 Milwaukee Institute of A rt & Design Studio Art Emphasis, Aug. 2001-Dec. 2002 Deans List, 2002

Awards + Recognition
The Air We Breathe Design Challenge exhibited at NEOCON Conference, 2011 Visualiizing.org Water Day Visualization Challenge Runner-Up, 2011 IDEO Climate Change Challenge Video Finalist and Honorable Mention Award, 2010

Leadership + Activities
ID Student Activities Board Chair, 2011 oversaw all student groups, budgets, act as liaison with admin to improve student life ID WelcomeID Chair, 2010 organized orientation events for new students ID InsideID Chair, 2010 organized lecture series, started paper recycling ID Research Conference Volunteer, 2010, 2011

Skills + Interests
Contextual research, Concept and storyboard development, Sketching, Interactive prototyping, Workshop facilitation, Project management, Presentation and report deliverables Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, Flash, Microsoft Office, Filemaker Pro, Google Sketch-Up Social impact and sustainability focused projects, Connecting with various design communities, Photography and Prepping art installations


ksenia.pach@gmail.com 1.646.321.3003 http://t rex.id.iit.edu/~pachikov

A full-time position conducting user-centered design research and synthesizing data into stories and strategy.

Conifer Resea rch, Chicago Synthesis Lead, July 2011 - Present Facilitate client teams th rough the use r-cente red design process to build ownership over project direction and empathy for their customers. Lead and designed collateral for workshops that took client through the qualitative data analysis process to insights and reframe. IIT Institute of Design, Chicago Resea rche r, June 2010 June 2011 Resea rcher on two projects under direction of the Dean, Patrick Whitne y. How Badges Work: Study on the social application of badges. Sponso red by the largest badge manufactu rer in America. Defined resea rch plan; conducted in-home interviews; developed experience models; defined business opportunities; created posters, booklets and videos; and presented to client in a two day ideation workshop. BettrAt: Platform for inte rest-based learning. Funded by MacArthur and Gates Foundations. Wrote report for publication; resea rched inte rests and lesson planning in schools, and ran workshops for team to share and build on learnings. GlobalLab, Boston (remote work) Summer Resea rche r, June August 2010 Defined user experience and key concepts to help client envision the next generation of collaborative science labs. Distant Village Packaging, Chicago Planning Intern, September - November 2009 Developed high-level road-map to measu re, improve and communicate the sustainability of company s eco-conscious packaging. E-flux, New York Project Administrato r, 2004-2008 Wore many hats at a dynamic and prolific contemporary art space.

Design resea rch methods User-observation, digital diaries, ethnographic interviews, cultural probes, behavioral prototypes Technical capabilities InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Sustained by Design Tools for design planners to integrate sustainability into their practice. sustainedbydesign.o rg Use r-Resea rch in the Digital Age Guide to the use of eme rging web-based resea rch methods.

Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology Master of Design candidate, May 2011 Coursework in ethnographic resea rch, semiotics, experience modelling, prototyping, client engagement and communication design. Wilton Industries Fellowship & Jay Doblin Memorial Fellowships. New York University, College of Arts and Science B.A. Magna Cum Laude, 2006 Art History major; Chemistry and Studio Arts Minors Faculty Choice & Founders Awards, 2006 New York University, School of Continuing and Professional Studies Intensive Certificate in Arts Administration, 2004 Coursework in non-p rofit incorporation, management & fundraising.

Catherin e Pansa rd
MSc in Management with eight years marketing experience, seeking a usercentered research position within a collaborative multidisciplinary team.

1499 N Clybourn, # A, Chicago, Il 60610 |



Professional experience
Halverson Group - User-centered Research Intern June - August 2011 | Oak Park, Il Halverson Group is a research & analytics firm specializing in the retail and service industries Field research, secondary research, coding and video clipping, data analysis for RadioShack, US Cellular, Crate & Barrel, Mc Donalds. Root learning, Inc. - Ethnographic research mission for Taco Bell Jan. - May 2011 | Chicago Ethnographic research and analysis for Taco Bell drive-thru services to improve their speed and accuracy. IIT Institute of Design - Research and prototyping mission on decision-making Jan. - May 2011 | Chicago Selected to be part of a small dedicated research team to explore and prototype tools and techniques aiming to improve the decision-making process in business settings. Singles Travel International, Inc. - Marketing Manager Feb. 2009 - July 2010 | Chicago STI is a tour operator catering to the singles market. Implemented STIs first client database and integrated it into a CRM solution dedicated to the travel industry. Led an in-depth client survey to define demographics, motivations, purchase patterns. Compliance Team, Inc. - Sales Representative Jan. 2008 - Jan. 2009 | Chicago Compliance Team provides technical consulting services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. Groupe UFG - Product Development Manager Oct. 2002 - Nov. 2005 | Paris, France Groupe UFG creates, manages and distributes long-term investment products. Developed several funds: worked on marketing, legal, fiscal, and financial aspects and designed the new processes necessary for these products. Defined and managed launch schedules, mobilized internal resources (IT, sales, legal, financial, and operational marketing) and external resources (legal counsel, IT, partner banks, and partner life insurance companies). Groupe UFG - Web-marketing Manager Oct. 2001 - Oct. 2002 | Paris, France Identified company needs, drafted the scope and parameters for internal and external IT solutions, and managed the IT development process. Created the first intranet of the company and adapted UFG websites to incorporate the new mechanism of the French REITs market (real-time display of the share prices online). Angie Interactive - Project Manager Jan. 2000 - Sept. 2001 | Paris, France Angie Interactive is a multi-media publishing company. Directed the development team for client websites including Schneider Electric, Novartis and BNP Paribas. Coordinated strategic recommendations, controlled budgets and delays. LOreal - Assistant Brand Manager Intern Jul. - Dec. 1999 | Paris, France Developed the promotional plan of mass distribution perfumes for 2000 Unilever - Assistant Brand Manager Intern Jan. - Jul. 1998 | Paris, France Led concept research and cost analysis for a new range of odor-counteractant cleaning products.

Master of Design Methods IIT Institute of Design Expected Dec. 2011 Master in Management EM Lyon business school, France, 1999 Ranked 5th of all Masters in Management by the Financial Times in 2011.

Academic p rojects
Activity-focused research on eating & drinking on the go IIT Institute of Design Sept. - Dec. 2010 Conducted in-depth ethnographic research and analysis. Presented to executive consortium HomeLife at request of Dean. Research on finding new ways for men to connect emotionally IIT Institute of Design Sept. - Dec. 2010 Conducted ethnographic interviews, identified insights and developed lowfidelity prototypes.

French (native), English and Spanish (fluent)

17300 Fairhill AmbassadorApt 4B Rd. ShakerHeights,OH 44210 jxp354@case.edu

Innovation & Service Design + Business Concept Illustratio + Protocols and Methodologies n

312.485.3439 www.jaehyun-park.com


Seekinga full-timeposition creating new design and managerialopportunities.

SA P Inc.,User ExperienceS & GTeam U X designer, P alo A lto ,C A (Jun~Aug2007)
Project : Standard & G uideline 2.o, BI(Business Intelligence) Recreated current S AP Product Interface ExcelPrototypingfor S & G2 .0 Project Researched interactive look feel prototypes for B Iproject and Interactivedesign Prototypeswith Flex,Flash Created new interactivemethods based on S A PU X Strategy

WeatherheadSchool of Management(M ay 2012) Case WesternReserveUniversity,
Cleveland,OH PhD Candidate Informatio Systems , n Innovation & user experience design Design as social protocol Interactiv protocols between designers and users in e IS DEmpirica researc in design and management l h research Developin qualitativ research g e methodologies

SA M SU N G CorporateDesign Center,Strategy U I Group Design Strategist, Seoul, Korea (2006)

Project : VizM in : Digita TV G UI Product Planning d l G U I| U I| InteractionMethodsResearch Designeduse flows,personas, scenarioswith diverse tasks and user behaviors Created wireframes,interactiveprototyping Suggested spiral and puzzle G UI concept Designed user flows, frameworks, business models, and user interfaces

Institute of Design (2007) Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago,I L

Master Degree | Human- entered CommunicationDesign & C Planning Businessconcept illustrationand new product planning, ethnography research techniques, prototypes Developingdesign analysisand synthesizingtools

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (2003)

W eb 2.0 W orkin Group (2006~Present) g

Web 2.0 Planning Strategy Discussio Group , , n

B .F . A Visual Communic ation Design / B .F . A Painting 2D-Communication Design and V isualEffects The meanings of orientalpainting with forms and sprits

SA M SU N G Digital Solution Center | AdvancedMarketingGroup User ExperienceDesigner, Seoul, Korea (2005)

Project : Thinkerbell (EmotionalIntelligentCommunicaor) for S A M S U N Devices t G Researched intelligentservicesand technologies withengineers and marketers Created conceptual and procedural prototypes Elicited concepts throughout user needs and user research Worked with marketers and engineers to ensure user experience Designed user flows, frameworks, business models, and user interfaces

TeachingAssistant Design Management at C W R U all2 00 8 / Spring (F 2009) UbiquitousComputingat Tem pleUniv(Spring 2008 ) DesigningInnovationat Tem pleU niv(Fall2007) TeachingCertificates(2003) Middleschool fine art and design teacher InternationalW orkcampOrganization, South Korea (2005) Budda Camp Leader,ZoGaeTemple,Seoul InternationalWorkcampOrganization, Germany (2002) K idsC am p Teacher,Stuttgart

W E B Monthly Design Magazine , International Reporter / Write r fo r U I column (2005~ Present)

Topic : Innovation Design and Business Web2.0,Human ComputerInteraction , , (HCI)Interview C E O sof design companies, professors, and web designers Write articles about diverse web sites and web environments

Award / Exhibitions s
Second prize at 5th FinancialSecurityPaper Contest Graduate Fellowshipat C W R U (2008~Current) Graduated withhonors (2003) FulltimeScholarship(1998~2003) JinjoongCreation Contest, Excellence award (1999, 2000) New Phase & Mind ExhibitionDuk Won Art Center , (2004) Got-Mae-So-Ri ExhibitionMuseumof Seoul NationalU niv. (2003) , Anti War & NuclearExhibitionLibrary of Seoul National U niv. , (2003)

Hunet , e-businessEducation| http://www.hunet.co.kr International W riter for Gold Class M em ber (2007~ s Present)
Topic : new design and business solutions

Interactive Design Conference, Lecturer 2006 New Trend Conference, (Jun,2006)

Topic : User Centered Design (U C D / U I ) Process What is User Centered Design? Introduced methods and methodologiesabout U C Dprocess

Qualitativ Research ethnographic methods and interviews e : Analyti methods with S P S S S A S A M O ,SN V iv 9 c , , o Quantitativ Research trained statisti analysi with SPSS A M O S e : c s , Busines concep illustratio techniques s t n Design prototype and U CD approach s Idea generation and dynami diagramming s c Scenario-base product d

Baramedia, Kids media company

Graphic Designer, Illustrator (2004) Made experimentalchildrenbooks

Clifford, Fashion and Textile company

Graphic Designer(2004) Designedcreative textiles and new graphicsfor mens ties

Adobe Photoshop Illustrator InDesign QuarkXpressFlash, Adobe , , , , Premiere Action script ,

Hello, Im...
ABOUT ME The American Dream / addiction
Transformative spaces / interest Ad Mayora / motto New York City / obsession Clocky / object Unwrapped / tv show Highly demanding / vice Never without a goal / virtue

Francesca Passoni

I am passionate about supporting corporations in envisioning a thick, sticky and meaningful difference they can make in the marketplace. I also love to architecture that difference in a way that the embedded competitive advantage can be preserved and sustained. libfra@tiscali.it ~ 312.608.5358
EXPERIENCES May 2011 - Aug IIT Institute of Design Chicago, IL 2011 Research Assistant, Tribune Grocery Initiative Leveraged design research to reframe the role that The Tribune has within the FDD (food/drug/discount) advertising business model and developed strategic directions rooted in consumer desires together with The Tribunes core strengths.
Barilla America Inc. Bannockburn, IL Jun 2006 - Jun 2010 R&D Engineer, New Product Category Worked with a cross functional team to translate the brand vision into a strategic innovation pipeline. Followed product development path through all phases including idea generation, concept development, product validation with qualitative and quantitative consumer research (sensory and marketing testing), implementation to deliver an exceptional consumer experience in line with Barillas brand values and mission in the food industry.

EDUCATION IIT INSTITUTE OF DESIGN Chicago, IL Sep 2010 - Dec 2011 Master of Design Methods
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Milan, Italy Sep 1997 - Apr 2003 B.S - M.S Business Engineering Thesis in Innovation Management: The acceleration trap: how to avoid it innovating through Business Classics UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA Barcelona, Spain Sep 2000 - Sep 2001 Erasmus Exchange Program

Dec 2005 - Jun 2006 Barilla G. & R. F.lli Parma, Italy R&D Engineer, Sauce Category Identified the opportunity spac e for a new line of sauces; envisioned the offering and designed the product features from ingredients, packaging, sensory standpoints to drive users acceptance and adoption. Led early product testing. Jan 2005 - Aug 2005 Barilla G. & R. F.lli Parma, Italy Marketing Brand Associate, Food Service Redesigned the product portfolio catalogue and packaging graphics aroun d the target consumers needs; developed a knowledge repository to keep track of food trends, changes in people eating habits and new products launches in the food service industry. Ideo London, UK; Munich, Germany Oct 2004 - Dec 2004 Freelance Research Planner Responsible for planning the field research for food related projects. Continuum Milan, Italy; Boston, MA Sep 2003 - Sep 2004 Design Strategist Identified the design direction to grow the clients business by understanding the industry dynamics and managing in-depth user centered research to uncover insights in Europe, U.S. and China.

SKILLS SOFTWARE Adobe Creative Suite Microsoft Office Suite Mac OS & Microsoft Windows Genesis
LANGUAGES Italian - English - Spanish

Viraj Patwardhan
viraj@id.iit.edu 860 372 5301

To create transformational, life-changing user experiences.

Steelcase - Summer2011 Workspace Futures:
Innovation Center Planning: Developed concepts and built true-scale rapid prototype for project spaces in the Steelcase innovation cente r. Developed measurement methods and created measurement plans for rapid and behavioral prototypes. Telepresence Strategy and Planning: Mapped existing settings and created integrated systemic design concepts from surveys across Steelcase.

Instituteof Design - Design Summ erCam p2010

Provided guidance to participants on how to use ID methodologies such as design thinking, problem-framing, rapid prototyping, and storytelling to help them complete tasks assigned during the camp.

Skill highlights
Concept development Product research and design Design Starategy Real scale prototyping Experience design Graphic design, brand development

Social Entrepreneurship Ventures

Dho-dala, changing the way India does laundry
Co-inventer of a unique laundry eco-system designed for the unde r-served communities in India using principles of local-sourcing, community-building, and micro-franchising.

IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, Master of Design May 2012 Mumbai University, India, Bachelor of Architecture, 1995

Professional Experience
Business Head, Indage Group,Mumbai,India, 2003-2009
Spearheaded development of each project from concept to execution including interior design, furniture design, branding, and communication. Launched new product lines: a wine bistro and a wine experience store educating the discerning Mumbai customer about wines and wine accessories. Managed and mentored team of architects, interior designers, project managers, and graphic designers for successful implementation of projects. Developed business strategy for each new project to ensure minimum effort overrun during operations. Created and mentored budgets, sales predictions with customer communication strategies.

Adobe suite Autocad Corel draw Microsoft office

Professional fluency in English Native fluency in Hindi and Marathi

Architect, WriterCorporation, Mumbai,India, 2001-2003

Researched and documented local conditions for an eco-resort, studied impact of resort on nearby villages, and identified suitable water harvesting techniques. Co-created and developed master plan document for the project with Landscape architect Margie Ruddick. Worked with Steven Harris Architects, NY on design development drawings. Supervised construction of rainwater harvesting structures, managed re-forestation activities and organic farming. Prepared annual budgets and estimates for the project.

Project Architect,various architecturalprojects,1996 - 2000

dan peterson
dan @ br ai n d i n i .com w ww.b r a in d in i .c o m

insight I str ate g y I innov ation

Cre a itv e pro fe s s io n a l ithyears o f ex p e rie n cin b o thnew pro d u c tdev e lo p m e n tn d business. w e a I return ed to sch oo lin I I T M D M s progra m to sh a en my ex s ting resea , strategy, and innova tio n rp i rch s k li ls a n d to a d d so m enew o n e . I mlo o kng fo r a p o sitio where I c a n util iz e my s k li ls an d s i n ex p e ri w thin a c o m pny co m m itted a user-cen teed ap pro ach toward prod ucs, bran ds, an d ence i a to r t serv c es. i

773.817.727 3

C h ie fC a ta s t & In sti ant Brain d inIn novatio n I 2011 present ly g i Consult small business cl ients on conc generation and produc development process ept t and strategy. D irectorProgram M an agem en t H e rb st L azB rell(H L B )I 2005 2010 a Managed multi-discipl inary development team to create over 250 new consumre& s medical product. Engagem ent ranged from the Xbox to a new b ody par t imaging device, s s and from a new infant feeding tube to a slushy machine, and from the original Room b to a futuristic technologies for the Mil tiary. Responsibi li ies included managing all facet of t s product development as well as directly engaging in various aspect of strategy, conc s ept generation, ideation, design research, and design engineering. Critically evaluated conc to ensure com mrcial appropriatenes ease of assembly/m an facturab il ity, cost epts e s, u targets and safet . y D ire cto rResearch & Strategy H L B I 2001 2005 Planned, developed, facilitatedand m an , aged qu alitat e resea stu d iesu tiliz in a broad iv rch g range of prim ay and seconda m ethodol r ry ogies. A citv itie s d e dru n n in gm u ltiinclu day In n vatio nC am p s w ritin g itepap ers to id en tify o te n tial o , wh p techn oo gy p latorms, l f coordinating facilitatinstructu consum er and g red groups, VO Cin te iews, n am in g rv studie , s a futurist/scenarioorkshopto create conc 10-15 years out. w epts S enio rA cco u nM an H L B I 1998 2001 t ager Generated new business, helping to close $1,000,000+ in each of 3 consecutive years. Planned and developed 1,000s of N PD process plans, m anaged multiple projects w it h direct project P &L responsibi li y, and represente employees on E S O a d v iso board. t d P ry M an o f Pro d u ctDeve lo p m en t Joss D e s ig nGro u p I 1994 1998 ager M an aged day-to-d y businessoperationsfor Pro du ctDevelo p m en t a Depar tm ent,inclu d in g m an agingproject , personnel,b illin, purchasin forecastin , a n d sch e d u lin g ithd irect s g g, g w depar tm e n tP & Lacco u n t ilit . A d v ised te al m an ab y in rn agem en to n m ark etin , bu sin es legal g s, issue operationalstrategies, and procedures s, D ire cto Vice-P r, resident,G e n ral M g r In fin ity an e M agem ent I 1987 1992 Gov ern ed corporate & strategic initiaivesfor 5 affiliated t co m p etin o n -p isefood t bu g rem & beverage operationsto ensu long-tem v iab ility f e ach . A sG e n rea l M a nger, created re r o a and im plem ented m arketin prom otion positioning strategic plansfor one unit, all g, s, and as w e llas h an d s-o nm a n agem en to f all d aily bu sin es phy sic al c ilit a n dem pl yee s, fa y, o operation w ithdirect corporate P & Laccount ilit s, ab y.

ED U AT I O N C M astes D esign eth od s2013 r M

I l inois In stitut of Technology e

C e rtific ate Pro fessio n al C oryk2006 o e

K e n d all o ll , C hic go C ege a

M B A M ark etin g1993 BFA In d u striaD e sig n1 9 86 l

w it honors h

U niv ersity o f Illin o is rbana-C ham paign U

S C U B div in g A I have over 500 dives around the world, including cage diving w it great white h sharks on the boat of the A ri Jaw s crew C o o k in g I havebeen cooking sinceI was 7 and prefer what I callim p rov coo kin g C om dy e I have preform ed standu and im prov p com e y in variou clubs around C hicago d s E x p loation r I recenly to oka 90 day, 40,000m iletrip t circu m n a v i gthe globe gatin

1500 W. Monroe Street, #421, Chicago, IL 60607 ted@pollari.org :: 773.8 17.0768

Theodore Charles Pollari

Technical, Creative and Strategy Experience:
Strategy/Design Intern
Doblin | Monitor Group :: Chicago, IL :: 2011 With a team of design and strategy consul tants, helped a large tech compa ny explore innovation oppor tunities to complement their core consumer offerings. Led seconda ry resear ch efforts for the project, assisted in developing user resear ch protocols, led user interview field team, managed, edited and assisted in analyzing video and audio material to frame insights to design oppor tunities for the client.

Illinois Insti tute of Technology Insti tute of Design/S tuart School of Business Maste r of Design :: 8/2012 Maste r of Busines s Administratio n :: 8/2012 The University of Chicago Bachelor of Arts, Psycholog y :: 2002 Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy :: 2002

Illinois Insti tute of Technology Stuart School of Business Stuart Deans Scholarshi p :: 2009 Python Software Foundation Electe d Membe r :: 2009 The University of Chicago General Honors :: 2002 Departmen tal Honors, Psycholog y :: 2002

Resear ch Programmer
The University of Chicago :: Chicago, IL :: 2003-2010 Department of Health Studies, Resear ch Computing Group Developed open-source powered, cross-plat form data collection and management systems used in multiple federally funded studies, trials, and resear ch consortia. Managed systems administration for the Resear ch Computing Group.

Project Manager
The University of Chicago :: Chicago, IL :: 2002-2003 Department of Psycholog y, Social Neuroscience Lab Shared responsibili ty for operation and data management of a 5-year longitudinal study on the effects of social isolation on health, funded by the National Insti tutes of Health. Supe rvised undergraduate resear ch assis tants.

Training and Skills:

Extensi ve design and digital media software experience using tools including Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, InDesign, SketchUp, Flash, Final Cut Express and Rhino. Professional film and digital photograp hy experience. Experienced in agent-based modeling methodologies and development with the Repast Simpho ny suite. Proficient in Python and test dri ven development practices. Experienced in HTML5, Javascript, JQue ry, D3 and CSS powered app development. Professional OS X systems administration experience. Significant experience with Apache, mod_r ewrite, Trac, Matlab, Stata, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQue ry, MySQL, SVN and related tools. Formal training in reflecti ve listening and crisis intervention.

Resear ch Assis tant

The University of Chicago :: Chicago, IL :: 2000-2002 Department of Psycholog y, Social Neuroscience Lab Developed and managed data collection systems and processes for a study on the physiological detection and development of an alternati ve to polygraph.

Studio Photographer/Photo Lab Technician

Proex Photo Systems :: Edina, MN :: 1995-1999 Speciali zed training in color theory and color printin g.

Teaching and Speaking Experience:

CS5 Bootcamp Instructor
Illinois Insti tute of Technology Insti tute of Design :: 2011 Coauthored curriculum and taught basic Adobe CS 5 course for new students.

Design Summer Camp Student Facilitator

Illinois Insti tute of Technology Insti tute of Design :: 2010

Presenter: Using Stata for Questionnaire Development

3rd North American Stata Users Group Meeting :: 2004 Pollari, T., Schumm, P., Using Stata for Questionnaire Development http://ww w.s tata.com/meeting/3nasug/abstracts.html#pollari

Volunteer Experience:
IIT Insti tute of Design: Strategy Con ference /Design Resear ch Conference
Presen tation Technical Coordinator :: 2011

PyCon: North American con ference for the Python programming language
Program Commi ttee Member :: 2007-2010 Local Coordinator :: 2007-2009 Financial Aid Coordinator :: 2007-2009

D ougas Y. Radecki l
B IO S K ILS A dobe Creative Suite E thn og ra ph i Researcher c In fo rm a tio Designer n C o m m unicationExpert s

A s a leaderw ho enjoys the spiritof learningfrom failures, I have developed into one w ho belie ves in the power of listening fellow team m atesin order to to provide thoughtprovokingfeedbackthat benefitsan environm entof iterationand discovery. I see myselfas an obse of life,w ho looksat the rver ordinary to see the extrao rdinary and the possibilities enricheveryday life. to Becauseof that I am an advocate of user experience research and the power it has tolead to product and service innovations.

H O N O R A ND AWARDS S The Schoolof the Art Instituteof Chica Incenti M erit go ve Scholarship
01.04 05.07 C hica o , IL g

C o n ife Research r
Inform ation Designer Researcher and 06.07 07.1 1 C h ica o , IL g
A s a designerat C oniferR eseacher, I participatedin the fieldwork,analysis r and synthesis. y project role in fieldresearch involved interview ingparticipantsfor a M varietyof com panies, both dom estically internationall A s the designerI was and y. able to see the participants behaviors,beingm ost interested in how they lived their lives, suppo rting my fellow socia scientis as they looked to the why. W he l t n analyzing data, I developed the abilityto see into how our participantslived, the w hichlead to insights,behavioralpatternsand how they intera cted with their env ironment. Creatinginform ation graphicsbased on these insight,I took the complexresearch findings distilledthem into executableoppo and rtunities and actions.Alongwith field work,I developed and participatedin clientworkshopsin order to w alk clientsthrough our finding,explainingthe oppo rtunities for innovation.

The Schoolof the Art Instituteof Chica Galle Art Bash go ry

05.04 C hica o , IL g

The O xbow SchoolOS8 Process Award

05.04 N apaValley, CA

Aw arded EagleScout
08.02 Albuque rque, NM

select clients
S C JFam ilyCom pa y, M icrosoft, NBC ,M cDonald Sam sung, n s, FedEx,A M PM BP, M illersC oors, aiserPermanente K

T he F ie ld Museum
G ra p hc D e sig Assistant i n 05.06 12.06 C h ica o , IL g select projects
Created prom otionalm aterials CentralAm erican for exhibition and visitin g in g K Tut exhibition. Designed installedlarge form atgraphicsfor the permanent and Inuitart galle ry.

I IT, Instituteof Design

M astersof Design Expected com pi lation 05.1 3

C hica o , IL g

Schoolof the Art Institute

BFA 01.04 08.07

C hica o , IL g
douglas.adecki@ gm ail.com r 505-400-4636 1383 NWolcott, C hicago IL

Sajid Reshamwala
1511 N. Wood St. Apt 3F Chicago, Il 60622 (t) 919.389.6717 | (f) 919.380.8689 | sajid@id.iit.edu

Seeking a full time design strategy and planning position with high rega rd for the design process and its ability to both transfo rm culture and bring clarity to complexit y.

The Yahoo! Meaning Project: Chicago, IL Design Strategist
Worked with Yahoo! s design team to develop frameworks to help the media company adopt a culture of ongoing interdisciplinary design Conducted workshops with members of Yahoo s design and engineering teams to test the ability for new frameworks to generate concepts that were both desirable and viable

2011 Institute of Design (IIT)
Master of Design/MBA Candidate, Expected Fall 2011 Coursework in Product Design, Communication Design, and Managing Innovation

North Carolina State University 2010

B.S. Mechanical Engineering, 2006 B.S. Economics, 2006 Applied Studies in Thermodynamics, and Behavioral Economics

Studio for Design Research: Hong Kong, China Design Resea rch Lead

Worked with the HK Polytechnic University to implement design resea rch methods into their design program s summer workshop Developed an insight management tool to be used by future students for documenting work and act as a growing database of user insights for the Hong Kong design community

Softwa re & Programming
Solidworks, FEA Analysis, Simulink Adobe CS4 Suite, Rhino3D, HTML/CSS Fabrication Rapid Prototyping, CNC Operation

Chicago Urban Forest Project: Chicago, IL Design Resea rcher


Worked with IIT Knapp Ent repreneurial Center to investigate viable business models utilizing the forests of Chicago Conducted primary resea rch with utilizers of urban wood and leaders of the forest preservation community

Conversational Chinese

SYSMA International : Guangzhou, China Product Sourcing and Engineering


GMAT: 720 Four Time Scholar Athlete Toastmasters International Institute of Design s Student Activities Board Chair

Developed new line of Alcohol Gel burning Stoves for South Africa from ideation through manufacturing Acted as purchaser and quality cont roller in the development of small elect ronics business in Mumbai, India

AKG Thermal Systems : Mebane, NC Applications Engineer


Designed a series of standa rdized heat exchangers to assist small businesses in reaching Tier 3 Emissions Standa rds Helped grow value of national accounts from $1.2 million to $1.5 million over the course of a year, acting as a resou rce for systems problem solving for distributors and OEM customers

Music Transposition, Paleo Cooking, Immersion Learning



* N EW*

937.234.7723 hello@cameronreynoldsflatt.com www.cameronreynoldsflatt.com 1111 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL

EDUCATION IIT Institute of Design Master of Design Expected May 2012 | GPA 3.7 Chicago, IL Cedarville University Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design December 2009 | GPA 3.7 Cedarville, OH

OBJECTIVE My desire is to take large, complex problems and break them down to find innovative, creative solutions. This is achieved through the holistic use of frameworks, research, analysis, synthesis, and a splash of creativity. I aim to understand peoples needs in order to create interactive and user-centered solutions in technology, marketing, and communication.

EXPERIENCE Best Buy | Interaction Designer | Minneapolis, MN, 2011 Created a consistent Best Buy experience that transcended across all the gaming interactives (web, mobile, touch) Started from the ground up to develop blueprints, wireframes, and prototypes while utilizing key frameworks to ensure a holistic customer experience Assisted the UX designer in usability testing in both the in-store and controlled settings Oxiem Interactive | Visual Designer | Springfield, OH, 2010 Designed a variety of concepts for web, print, and software interfaces Assisted and led creative projects for clients in industries ranging from electronics to health care to entertainment Interacted with art, account, development, and content team members to craft client solutions and ensure design integrity Cedarville University | SGA Communications Director | Cedarville, OH, 2009 Lead designer for all major student campus events, including Cedarvilles music awards show Elliv Used budgeted funds to produce campus-wide marketing and awareness campaigns, using print, web, display, direct mail, signage, and video Planned, designed, and implemented staging and event display elements Directed and managed a committee of designers

SKILLS Design Ethnographic & secondary research Design analysis and synthesis Physical human factors Information architecture Concept development & prototyping Wireframing Usability testing Data visualization Communication deliverables Technical Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Fireworks, Microsoft Office, iWork, Processing & Arduino

MY SIDE PROJECTS Weird Things About Me A fun website where users can post random quirks about themselves. PlayPause A simplistic and streamlined app to control multiple music sources from your phone. (mt)ServerMonitor: Android Application An application that easily allows users to easily monitor the Media Temple server through a modern and clean design.

RECENT PROJECTS Interaction Research Workshop | IIT Institute of Design | Chicago, IL, 2011 Worked for an industrial client to enhance the customer service experience Practiced methods for design research, concept development, interaction design, and rapid prototyping Explored possible interaction design topics such as persuasive design, multimodal interaction, touch and gesture based systems, speech recognition systems, and context aware systems ID Design Planning | IIT Institute of Design | Chicago, IL, 2010 Worked in small teams to create an iPhone application with an innovative purpose and a successful business model to teach children about energy conservation Developed an understanding of the basic ideas, frameworks, and capabilities that modern design planning and innovation demand Created an application called Pictivity, which allows children to be the voice of change for environmental issues The Campus List | Creator | Columbus, OH, 2010 Founded The Campus List with three other students from Cedarville University Created a classifieds website, free for college students, that allows individuals to easily post and view ads and conduct transactions within their own college campus communities Worked on all stages of the website, developing business, conceptual, and visual materials Interactive web finalist in the AIGA Flux 09 contest

INTERESTS Running I love to run. I am currently training for the 2011* Chicago Marathon. Nonprofit Work I have been on several short-term mission trips to Thailand, Ecuador, London, and China. Outdoors Nothing beats an adventure in the open outdoors.

Daniel Roberts
740 W. Fulton, Apt. 1108 Chicago, IL / droberts@id.iit.edu / www.danroberts.co / 614-216-0347

Objective: Obtain a full-time position at a user cente red design firm that would allow me to apply and build my skill sets in design and business.

IIT Institute of Design MDes Candidate, fall 2011 Focus in design planning Ohio State University Fisher College of Business B.S.B.A, June 2006 Majors: Marketing, Logistics

Professional Experience
MAYA Design, Pittsburgh, PA Interaction Design Intern / May 2011 - August 2011 Produced, maintained and iterated on the wireframes for a large financial services client project Conducted product usability tests and contributed to usability reports Recruited test clients for initial product rollout and to provide feedback Writer, Chicago, IL / March 2006 - Present Recently published a book titled The Innovators Sourcebook Created a framework for entrepreneurs on how to approach the process of innovation Entrepreneur, Chicago, IL / January 2010 - Present Founder of SideStax, a multimedia e-reader platform for enhanced ebooks Co-founder of Bigstove.com, an online marketplace for chefs and food entrepreneurs Founder of West Fulton Media, a small publishing firm for my book Fizmo Inc., Chicago, IL Marketing Consultant / September 2008 - October 2008 Assisted in driving web traffic and organicall growing the user base y Generated written and visual content for promotional materials and the Fizmo website Total Quality Logistics, Cincinnati, OH Account Executive / June 2006 - October 2007 Generated approximately $450,000 in gross sales during my tenure Established thirteen new client relationships and maintained over twenty accounts Facilitated client communications, mitigated problems and was oncall 24 hours a day Coordinated vendors and delivery schedules on over 225 shipments Value City & Retail Ventures, Columbus, OH Logistics Intern / June 2005 - September 2005 Designed and implemented an Access database responsible for tracking over $400 million dollars in inventory Helped pinpoint the sources of $2.8 million dollars in inventory discrepancies

Proficient in: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Fireworks, Balsamiq, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, iMovie Experience with: Flash, Keynote, Rhino 3D, Google Sketchup, Hypershot

Speaking Events
U.C. Berkeley, Nov. 2010 Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship MBA class The tools of the entrepreneur Big Idea Forum, May 2010 Presentation outlining my book, The Innovators Sourcebook, and SideStax

Gladys Rosa-Mend oza | 26W268 Inwood Lane | Winfield, IL 60190 | 630.750.4705 (cell) |
Seekinga positionin the areas of designresearch, servicedesign,or communicationdesignwith an emphasis on creatingdeep meanin gful product and serviceexperiences usersand clientsalike. for Creative, independe nt worker with strong organizational and project manageme nt skills, demonst rated ability to work with a wide variety of creative professionals, ability to remain flexible, excellent communic ation and presentation skills, and a great sense of humo r. SK ILL S User research (contextual interviews, audio and video analysis), concept exploration (hand sketching and rapid prototyping), developme nt of participatory artifacts and method s, including cultural probes and preparing deliverables (presentation materials, finished conceptual prototypes) L A N GU A G E S English and Spanish, spoken and written E D UC AT I ON IITInstitute of Design Chicago, IL | MDM, Design Research, Service Design | May 2011 Emphasison usercentered resea and analysis, rch servicedesign,cross-cultual r resea and communicarch, tion design University of Chicago Chicago, IL | 2010 Poverty, Promise, and Possibility The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, IL | BFA, Visual Communic ations 1986; Scholarship recipient Basel School of Design, Switzerland 1985 E X P E R I E NE C McDonalds US HQ | Oak Brook, IL | 2010 Research project to understand McDonalds empl oyees needs in order to develop a viable GED program that could be scaled across 13,000 restau rants in the United States. Analyzed the feasibility of a McDonalds GED system and the critical success factors needed to implement said program. Created an ethno graphic video of the participants aspirations, desires, and the pain points involved in pursuing their education. A State-by-State GED Analysis report for the H R and TLDexecutive manageme nt teams to aid their evaluation of appropriate next steps was also part of the final deliverable package. Oversaw a team of Northern Illinois University business stude nts who were tasked with developing a business case and analyzing possible scenarios for the launch and developme nt of the McDonalds GED program. Led an informational exploratory workshop with 25+ Spanish-language restau rant managers to uncover needs for the developme nt of a Performance Review training modul e. Sylver Consultin g, Innovation Research and Strategy Firm | Chicago, IL | 2010 Assisted with the analysis and synthesis of large amou nts of user research to uncover distinct patterns and needs for a major food manufa cturer through a granular behavioral analysis process. Helped to develop frameworks to communic ate findings and identify opportunity areas for future product developme nt. rosa+ wesl ey, inc. | Wheaton, IL | 1986 to present Content developer for major educ ational publishers Pearson, McGraw-Hill, and Harcourt. Highlights include: Developme ntofasocialstudies curriculumfor grades K-6 for Scott Foresman/ Pearson for the Texas market. This program went on to sell over $230 million in the first two years. Developme ntofareading/language arts program for California with a working budget of over $50 million. This program has garnered over 50% of the market since launch. Developed Marketing campaigns for the gene ral and Latino markets for a variety of clients including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, American Family Insurance, Cook County Hospital, Communi ty Health Centers of Chicago, Banco Popular, Park Federal Bank, and the US Post Office. GR A DU ATE P R O J EC T S 2009201 1 Rethinking Health Initiative: Bienestar Pilsen Part of an ongoing project at the Institu te of Design to understand how people relate to and perceive their well-being. The 6-month project focused on diabetes educ ation and communic ation of medical information within the Latino popul ation in the Pilsen neighbo rhood of Chicago. As the project manager (for a team of 6 stude nt researchers), I recruited and secured 12 Latino families, developed the research protocol and the participatory research methods with special attention to cultural nuan ces. Designed, wrote and edited the participatory artifacts as part of the research kit, and organized 2 workshops with over 50 participants. Created and presented final report at the ID Diabetes Innovation Fair. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Design Planning project to create a hotel experience for patients in the Bone Marrow Transpla nt unit with a sharp focus on rehabilitation and complian ce. Recruited participants for interviews, analyzed and synthesized primary and secondary research to develop and explore concepts that M SK CC could use as a point of depa rture to move the project forward. project reCOVER | City of Chicago Department of Community Developme nt Research project to develop a new typology for affordable housin g in Chicago as a way of rebuilding neighbo rhoods in the current state of economic disaster. Used strategic design methods in concert with found ational architectural design methodolo gies to develop constructive alignments with initiatives suppo rted by the City of Chicago. Recruited interview participants ranging from the Alderman to neighbo rhood reside nts. Designed final deliverable triptych poster to present initial findings to the DCD Commisione r. First Impressions Independe nt research project to understand what it means to create a first impression on new and current attendees at the 14th most influential Christian church in the US (Communi ty Christian Church, Naperville, IL ).Project consisted of observational video studie s, interviews with staff and attendee s, and a co-ideation workshop, to analyze where opportunities exist to create deeper and more emotional experiences. Created a roadmap of 5 initiatives that could be phased in over the course of the next two years.

email: royer@id.iit.edu portfolio: chrisroyer.com

Summer 2001

I I TInstitute of Design Master of Design candidate Chicago, Illinois Expected graduation in December 201 1

University of Missouri Bachelor of Journalism Columbia, Missouri Graduated May 2002

Dobli /Monitor Group n Innovation Consultant Chicago, Illinois Summer 201 1 Chicago Tribune Page designer Chicago, Illinois March 2007 present I I TInstitute of Design Course instructor 2010 - 201 1 I I TInstitute of Design Event photographer 2010 - 201 1 The Times of Northwest Indiana Designer and copy editor Munster, Indiana May 2005 - March 2007 Lawrence J o u rnal-World Designer and copy editor Lawrence, Kansas Sept. 2002 - April 2005 The Poynter Institute St. Petersburg, Florida Summer 2002 Oceanas H erald-Jou rnal The W hite Lake Beacon

Christophe r Royer
:: Design interactive user experiences for products and services

skills as a designer, graphics researcher and reporter :: Designed concepts for alternate presentation of the Sunday newspaper :: Honored in the 2002 Student Society for News Design competition


Creating grand prize challenges to bring innovation to education reform :: Planned steps the U.S. Department of Education would take to administer prizes :: Determined criteria for participant submissions and appropriate enticements :: Researched education landscape to find suitable topics for prize inducements Helpingbuild a media company for the 21st century :: Prototyped premium print offering for a niche of Tribune subscribers :: Analyzed editing and presentation against newspapers brand :: Coordinated presentation of news reports to meet daily deadlines Training students in design software :: Co-authored curriculum and taught Adobe Creative Suite boot camp for incoming Masters degree students with a range of prior exposure to the software Documenting the life and ene of professional events rgy :: Captured the activity of university sponsored and hosted conferences :: Published Design Research Conference images on the Core77.com blog Developingalternate storytelling methods for the newspaper :: Designed news reports for eight editions tailored to distinct audiences :: Summarized wire service reports for time-pressed readers :: Created online candidate preview for local primary elections Im proving the readers experience of the newspaper :: Coordinated redesign and reorganization of news and entertainment sections :: Directed presentation of newspapers front page and special sections :: Awarded 1st place from the Kansas Press Association for 2004 Learning from the best practitioners in the field :: Selected to study at journalism think tanks six-week program in visual storytelling :: Conceived a visual interface for a news website Reflectingthe life of local commun ities to residents :: Produced weekly entertainment magazine for surrounding beach-house communities :: Reported, photographed and copy edited for joint-operated weekly newspapers


Showing the changing definition of shoppingto a major online retailer :: Analyzed a two-week, 25participant shopping study to explain how user behaviors should reframe the clients approach to designing interactions on its website Deploy technical expertise to the point of customer need for a global parts supplier :: Supported customers ability to communicate problems and expanded employees options for sharing solutions through a redesigned smartphone application Connectinginsights to customer research for a national wholesalers design team :: Created exploratory software linking data points from a qualitative study to the higherorder insights, so client team might craft stronger brand communication Managing a creative team through a public-private partnership :: Coordinated the student teams development of an interactive installation with multiple stakeholder clients from city government to a national hotelier Learning to tell stories visually and verbally :: Established communication


Claudia Ruge
2114 W North Ave, Chicago IL (973) 519 2394 claudia@id.iit.edu

Strategic executive leader and professional consultant for Communication, Corporate Identity projects and design research for product development

IIT Institute of Design, Chicago IL, USA Masters of Design Methods Design Research and Strategy Expected Graduation, Spring 2012 Universidad de los Andes, Bogot, Colombia B.A. Industrial Design, 2004 Minor in Arts: Electronic Media and Time Arts

Curve ID, New York, USA Project: Authentic, Traditional and Cook & Strain. Client: Wearever/G roupe SEB Participation: Conducted primary and secondary research about latin american cookware, conceptualization for product design. Nov - Dec 2009

Relevant Experience :
- Entrepreneurship of business and Innovation ideas - Communicating the value of design to clients and organizations - Leadership of creative teams - Identifying, understanding and forecasting customers needs - Conducting design research strategy for product design and development - Applying analytic and design thinking to business strategies to drive innovation.

Work Experience:
Efecto Design, firm, Bogot, Colombia Executive Manager, founder Leadership and management of branding and communication projects www.efectodesign.com 2002 - May 2011 Clients: Abbott laboratories, Human Perspectives International Inc, Bed Bath and Barrel, Universidad de los Andes amongst others Universidad de los Andes, Bogot, Colombia Research Assistant. School of Architecture and Design 2004 - May 2011 Projects: - Materials as sources of Inspiration in Design. 2011 - General program of organizational communication of the Design Department 2010 - Pedagogy and Design Strategies incorporated to the development of educational material and didactics. 20042005

Publications / Awards:

Couple of Coffee. (Product Design) Selected in cup of coffee and plate design contest / Proyecto Diseo Magazine. Bogot - Colombia, 2006 Flower lamp (Product Design) Entre Objetos-Entre hilos. Publication of the School of Architecture and Design. Los Andes University. Bogota - Colombia 2003- 2004 Media Communications oriented to marketing internal process in organizations. (paper) Diseo + 3d International Conference of Design Research ICESI University, Cali - Colombia. 2008 Design for children education in science and technology. (paper) Diseo + Second National Conference of Design Research. ICESI University. Cali, Colombia, 2006 Pedagogy and Design Strategies incorporated to the development of educational material and didactics. (paper) Diseo + Second National Conference of Design Research. ICESI University. Cali, Colombia, 2006

Digital Photography, Video

Spanish, English


Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom, Final Cut Pro, MS Office

James William Schuyler III

schuy ler @id.iit.edu skilerstudios. com t 774.644. 0756 Chicago, Il
e w

summa ry
Designer, arti st, and skilled craftsman with strong communi cation, problem solving and techni cal skills. Bridges passion for material, form and detail to inform holistic design solutions. Utilizes deep insights from an empathy and passion for people to guide the design process. Commit ted to envi ronmen tal, social and political issues and their impact on design.

TEAG UE - Seatt le, Wa Design Strategy Intern Summer 2011 Based primarily within the Design for Aircraft studio, worked to align Boeing s larger strategic goals with possible future passenger experien ces and expec tations for air travel. IIT Institute of Design - Chicago, Il Design Summer Camp Student Facilitator Summer 2010 Facili tated instruction in a week- long engaging and intensive deep-di ve into the latest methods of design and design thinking. Participants included experien ced designe rs, manage rs, innovation leade rs and problemsolvers from a variety of indu stries. Rebuilding Together / Preser vation Resou rce Center - New Orleans, La Americorps Summer Associate Summer 2009 Led team that was tasked with designing a processing facility to reuse and repurpose salvaged building ma terials from hurri cane damaged buildings. Designed new, mar ketable furnitu re to be construc ted from available salvaged building ma terials. Illinois State University - Normal, IL Instructional Assistant Professor 2005-2008 Instruc ted unde rgradua te students in woodworking/furnitu re design (I, II), 3D foundations, drawing fundamen tals. Employed strong oral and written communi cation skills to deliver lectu res and instruction to students and colleagues. Led rigo rous critiques of assignments from design through production. Developed assignments to ensu re indepth unde rstanding and appli cation of fundamen tals of good design.

Institute of Design + Stuart School of Busine ss, IIT - Chicago, IL Master of Design + Master of Busine ss Administ ration Expected Graduation Spring 2012
ID Fellowship Recipient

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth North Dartmouth, MA Master of Fine Art 2005 Woodworking / Furnitu re Design University of Notre Dame - Notre Dame, IN Bachelor of Busine ss Administration 2002 Marketing / Product Development Bachelor of Fine Arts 2002 Sculptu re / Studio Art

Diba M. Salimi
Seeking a position with a multidisciplinary team combining design strategy and research to help clients capture new opportunities for developing products and services.

www.DibaSalimi.com diba.salimi@gmail.com (312) 402 2245 300 S Maple Ave. Apt C3, Oak Park, IL 60302

Ziba Design, Inc. Branded Environment Design Intern: Portland, OR, Fall 2010 Participated in developing concepts for a major brands retail space Designed and executed the production of companys annual gala celebration space Painted a mural for the Featured Exhibit: Ziba Design at OPUS V II gallery, in Eugene, OR, and assisted with the exhibits design Researched and developed new methods to help the company present consumer insights and trends both internally and to clients, as well as other secondary resea rches on few smaller projects. Mushroom, The Journal of Wild Mushroomi ng Freelance Graphic Designer: Chicago, IL , 2010-Current Graphic Design and branding for the print publication Designed advertisements for the journals sponsors, including artists and small business owners Andreas Salon & Spa Freelance Designer: Chicago, IL, Summer 2010 Developed the retail space layout and concept for a new salon facility Gallery Installations Installation consultant: Various locations, 1/2008 - 1/2 010 Acted as the Installation team leader for exhibits designed by Cecil Balmond and ARUP Advanced Geometry Unit (AGU), held in s Chicagos Graham foundation exhibit, Pittsburghs Carnegie Museum of Art and Japans Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery Contributed to the design and manufacturing of substructu re pieces for the Chicago Exhibit Ragdale Artist Foundation Design-Build Architect: Ragdale Artist Foundation, Lake Forest, IL, 1/20 07 Developed and executed design concepts from drawings to demolition and construction Responsible for construction documents and drawings Presented the design concept to the city of Lake Forest

IIT Institute of Design Chicago, IL Master of Design Candidate, Expected fall 2011 Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL Bachelor of Architecture, 2009 VanderCook College of Music Chicago, IL Music Minor, 2009

Digital Modeling and Graphics AutoCad 2008 3ds Max 8 Rhinoceros Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Microsoft Office SketchUp 7 Mac & PC Proficient Prototyping tools and methods Rapid prototyping Laser Cutting Working knowledge of CNC Experienced with manufacturing drawings and configurations

Deans List certificate IITCollege of Architecture, 2008 Schiff Scholarship Nominee Morgenstern Scholars Program, IIT, 2008-09

IDEA Bronze Award

International Design Excellence Awards, 2010

Co-Creation, Entrepreneurship and new business models, Vocal music and performance, Fluent in English and Persian, Familiarity with Arabic


CerviaDx Chicago, IL, Summer 2011-current Working with a biomedical innovation team developing new diagnostic tools for cervical cancer screening and early diagnosis. Assisti ve device for blind swimmers IIT, Chicago, IL, 2008 Worked with an inter-professional team leading user research and prototyping, developing a device for swimming pools which helps blind or visually impared athletes swim better and safer.

Becca Serr
SEEkinG an internship with a team that creates engaging, elegant user experiences. EDUcATio n
IIT Institute of Design Master of Design candidate Aug 2010 - May 2013
Awarded Moholy- nagy Endowed Fellowship (2010-11) and chris Edwards Fellowship (2011-12). completed foundation year, designed to build fundamental skills in communication, product, and digital design. and being a pop culture junkie.

ht t p : / / w w
s e rr

email serr@id.iit.edu phone (650) 996-5477 p o r t f o li o b e h a n c e .n e t/ b e c c a

w . b e h a n c e .n e t / b e c c a serr

Stanford University BA in Human Biology Sept 2001 - Jun 2005

concentration in cognitive psychology and language development. coursework included selfdesigned studies on topics including memor y, reading and writing habits in young adults, and youth leadership.

Technical proficient in inDesign, illustrator, photoshop; Familiar with Flash, omniGraffle, HTML, cSS, processing. Research Ethnographic interviewing and observation techniques, data visualization, writing, photograph y.

Writing fiction, imagining the future of health and wellness (especially genetics), getting competitive playing word games,

Exp Eri En E c
HCI Group, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, cA Intern, Jul - Aug 2011
redesigned and implemented in HTML/cSS a new website to help the Human- computer interaction (Hci ) Group engage nASA clients. conducted competitive analysis, defined visual guidelines, and created written and photographic content. participated in usability testing of problem reporting software for the international Space Station.

average of $45M per year for the childrens Hospital and Department of pediatrics at Stanfo rd. interviewed high-level donors to understand their side of the fundraising experience; used insights to create materials rolling out a $250M campaign. resea rched, wrote, and designed proposals soliciting gifts of $100k+. collaborated with fundraisers to understand the inte rests of potential donors and connect them with the right doctors and resea rchers. interviewed hospital staff and patients and sha red their stories through the Foundation s magazine, website, and newsletters to build a case for support.

Cognition, Language, & Learning Lab, Stanfo rd University, Stanfo rd, cA Research Assistant , Sept 2002 - Jun 2004
recruited subjects and administe red p rotocols for two studies investigating innate vs. learned contributions to language development. Developed experimental stimuli to measu re childrens language learning.

copywriting voluntee r, iD Design resea rch confe rence, May - Jul 2011 Genetic counseling intern, northwestern University, Jul 2009 peer residential and academic advisor, Stanfo rd University, Sept 2004 - Jun 2005 peer writing tutor, Stanfo rd Writing cente r, Sept 2003 - Jun 2005

Coliloquy, San Francisco, cA Independen t Consultant , May 2011 - present

Developing logo and branding guidelines for coliloqu y, a stealthmode startup in the ebooks space.

IIT Institute of Design , chicago, iL Research Assistant , May - Jul 2011

Worked with iD professor Matt Mayfield to explo re tools to help operations executives at a cpG company be more innovative. co-wrote a paper explaining findings and created a toolkit that allows executives to apply concepts.

Lucile Packard Foundation for Childrens Health, palo Alto, cA Developmen t Writer, nov 2007 - Jul 2010 Stewa rdshi p Associate , Sept 2005 - nov 2007
Member of a 35-person development team that raised an

Rebecka Sexton
1207 S. Old Wilke Rd. #206 Arlington Heights, IL. 600 05 Cell: 773.368.3482 rebec ka@rebec kas exton.com

Seeking a full-tim position to integrate user-centere d design into the strategic development e of new products, services, and experiences in a collaborative environment.

6 Things I Do:
Empathize w ith users and listen deeply Understand a wide variety of processes Excel at exploring new opportunities and setting forth plan to successfully launch Conduct and translate researc h findings into opportunities Frame problems and explore scenarios Visualize solutions for easier decision making

Strategy & Branding (Portfolio planning, Competitive analysis, L ife cycle mapping, Trend analysis, and Road mapping) Proces s (S ix Sigma, 5S & Lean Mfg, ISO 9000 & 14001) User Researc h (VOC, Usability studies, Contextual interviews, Video-analysis, Observation techniques, Ethnography, Cultural probes & A r tifatc development, Insight analysis, Experience mapping)


Completed design planning project to identify how to reach youth market for print and online media. Led secondar y and primary researc h and analysis phas e including recruiting participants and facilitatin concept workshop. Created and g presente d final concept s to Executive team. roadmappin g and competitive analysis; Implemented design improvements for sample dispense r based on usability testing and user researc h through client partnerships; Co-manage d rebranding and message managemen t strategy resulting in winning back two customers and targeting new markets; Led re-design of multi-department equipment maintenanc e program now standar d w ith all equipment sales; Led green marketing campaig n that led to implementation of sustainability program w ithi entire organization. n


Part of ongoing project at I IT to understan d how people perceive their own well-being Worked w ith Hispanic . Healthcare Coalition to identify ways to help member s of the Hispanic community in Pilsen neighborhood manage diabete s personally and within their community. Conducted primary and secondar y researc h to identify gap s and problem areas . Co-led design and facilitatio of final n analysis workshop, focusing on teen population.

Senior Technical Writer

Oversaw holistic program for development of graphically oriented technical documents, video how-tos, and packaging resulting in 3% decrease in calls to Customer Service Center and Lowes equipment replacement order.


Strategic researc h project to design a working program to teach empathy and problem-solving throughout organization. Conducte d extensive primary researc h w ith CCC executives and field employee s leading regional CCC programs.

HE RPE RS GM BH | Gladbach, Germany | 2003 to 2004, Project Coordinator

Co-managed marketing, development, installation, technical documentation, and testing of Johnson & Johnson (Jansson Belgium) pharmaceutical mills with over 200+ machined parts for implementation and replacement program throughout Europe.

Society of Technical Communications M eri Award t for Distinguished Technical Communications, 2005. Illinoi Individua A rts Council s l Award s 2001, 1997. Rome Prize Finalist, American Academy in Rome, NY, 1995.

CHAMBERLAIN GROUP | ELM HURST, IL | June 2011-present Design Research Contractor
Research lead for understanding business case for new opportunity space incorporating task analysis, technolog y, user behavior and activity for Advanced Development group.

SCHOOL OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO | 1995 to 2003 Adj. Assistant Professor/Studio Coordinator Managed daily operations of jewelry
design facility; Developed five year strategic curriculum to increase enrollment, budget, and resources; Taught, facilitated, and developed college-level classes, workshops, and programming; Supervised 5-7 employees.

M DM, 5/2011, IIT Institut of e Design, Chicago, IL, Emphasis on planning, strategy, research, and service design. Human Computer Interaction coursework, DePaul Universit , y Chicago, IL, 2005. Columbia College Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, Chicago, IL, 2000. MFA, 1995, UT Austin, Sculpture, M inor in A rt History. BFA, 1988, UNC-Greensboro, Design, M inor in A rt History.

SC JOHNSON | Racine, WI | Summer 2010 Design Research Intern

Design lead for two innovation programs developing new products in insect division. Conducted user research and analysis in U.S. and Europe. Designed and facilitated strategic concept framing workshop for narrowing opportunities from 300 down to 5 to present to executive team. Managed external design resources.

KNAGGEN INC., Vxjo, Sweden | 1988 to 1993, Product Development Manager

Developed and designe d cabinet solutions for first U.S. H20-base d painted kitchen cabinet line; Developed line of sustainabl e laminated wood products w ith Kentucky state government for IK EA N ort America and Baumarkt German h retail centers; Developed color finish and material strategy for six kitchen cabinet brands and furnitur components: e W hite Westinghouse Cabinet Group, STOR, IK E Brammer, A, Riviera, Schrock. Supervised five-person production team.

IDEX CORPORATION | Wheeling, IL | 2004 to 2009, Associate Product Manager

Led user research , analysis and synthesis that led to re-design of software resulting in $6Millio sale; Led n VOC interview for Six Sigma project to guide strategic s

jo h n jsh in @ g m a il.c o m 61 0 457 678 8

John Shin where I can apply robust interaction design I am seeking an internship
methodologies towards innovative growth strategies. S T E E L C A SIN C . | Design Researcher E I provided research analysis and design principles for Steelcases corporate development initiatives. As a member of the WorkSpace Futures team, my goal was to understand current workspace conditions and project future oppo rtunity areas for Steelcase in the next 3-5years. NSF INTERN ATIO NAL Certification Project Manager | I supervised certification projects across five unique depa rtments while managing relationships with 70+ clients. I engaged with most of the South Korean clients in my department and trained new field staff overseas which ultimately yielded the NSF South Korea office. NSF INTERN ATIO NAL Assistant Test Engineer | I assessed the flushability of nonwoven fabrics such as baby wipes and toilet pape r. Additionally, I led a trans-depa rtmental effort to develop technical specifications for over 300 products for a Fortune 500 food retaile r. I ITI N S T IT U TOF DESIGN| Master of Design Candidate E My concentration is in design planning and strategy with a formal understanding of interaction design. My goal is to combine advanced design synthesis with robust analysis to create defensible, reproducible and user-centered growth initiatives. Relevant coursework is as follows:
Design Planning Interactive Media Obse rving Users Embedded Systems Product/Po rtfolio Planning Advanced Digital Development Design Communication Engaging Stakeholders

E X P E R IE N C E S U M M 20R11 E

2 00 7-20 10


E D UAT I O N C E X P E C T E D20 13 MAY

20 03 -2 00 7

U N IV E R SIT O F M IC H IG A N BSE Mechanical Engineering Y | I completed 4 years of undergraduate study in thermodynamics and mechanical systems with an emphasis on compute r-aided design and compute r-aided manufacturing applications. Im an early adopter and a driving enthusiast: if it has wheels and tweets Im generally interested. I prefer 5 good words to 10 mediocre ones, especially in the form of dry humor. Above all, I enjoy learning new things and equally enjoy explaining things that are new to people. KOREAN| Moderate Fluency I was born in Korea and raised in the U.S. If dropped off in the middle of Korea I could find a place to live and (great) food to eat. SPANISH | Corner Store Fluency I can chat comfortably with native Spanish speakers.




A D O B EC R E IV ES U IT E| High Proficiency AT I have a high understanding of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign with supplemental knowledge of Flash and Actionscript 3.0. 3D M O DELING R E N DE R IN G Moderate Proficiency & | My engineering background has afforded me moderate mastery over modern 3D modeling and rendering software such as Rhino, NX, ProE, and KeyShot.

Alok Singh

http://uxdpro.com/alok.htm I alokzee@gmail.com I 773-440-4499

Experience Architect who utilizes design thinking methods to target problems, opportunities and needs to create solutions. Skilled at conducting rapid research, designing research plan and generating and iterating concepts to bring products, services and experiences to market. Professional Experience
Good Methods, Chicago IL, Oct 08 till date
Experience Architect Researched & designed user experiences for various projects. Crafted strategic plan, design research and UX around the development of an ecosystem of connected web services solution for the Civic Sector. Developed concepts, strategies to integrate the clients traditional print-based business with its digital offerings.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Des

Moines, IA, Sept 04 - May 05 User Interface Designer Converted business requirements into design specifications working with product management, systems analysts, subject matter experts, and developers. Created information architecture, task flows, storyboards, wireframes, low and high-fidelity prototypes, and detailed design specifications.
* US citizen, authorized to work anywhere in USA

Bank of America, Chicago IL, Dec 06 Oct 08

Usability Engineer/Business Analyst (Front End) Worked closely with business partners to identify business needs, prototype requirements and present to business and technology partners. Designed and developed Anti-Money Laundering - Know Your Customer application user interface, participated in usability testing, created/updated bank wide UX style guide. Achieved deadlines to ensure that the firm reduces exposure to regulatory criticism and penalties.

Huron Consulting Group LLC, Chicago IL, Sept

06 - Nov 06 UX/UI Designer Designed the user interface using Adobe/XHTML/CSS for The Effort Certification Reporting application with the end-certifier in mind. This ensured enhanced user experience through the effort life-cycle, promoted the completion and return of effort reports, and managed the research organizations compliance.

Orbitz LLC, Chicago, IL, June 05 Aug 06

Product Design Analyst Worked with product managers in defining the strategy for Orbitz hotel business models. Created comprehensive process models, project plan and data analysis diagrams towards creating a new process for adding more than 60,000 new hotel sites into Orbitz.com.

Education & Skills

IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, IL

Master of Design Methods Candidate, Expected Graduation Fall 2011
Relevant coursework: service design, business model design, product planning, valuing an innovation pipeline, empathy design workshop, Re-imaging health: research methods, behavioral economics, cognitive human factors, Strategic design research: base of the pyramid, design analysis, design synthesis , observing users, opportunity identification, developing options, applied quantitative methods, advanced design planning, usability methods

MMY Institute of Management, Fairfield, IA

MA, Digital Media, Interaction Design 2000-2002

Human Factors International, Fairfield, Iowa Certificate in The Science and Art of
Effective Web and Application Design. Nov. 2000

Planning Skills
Competitive analysis, planning roadmaps, portfolio planning, new product and service definitions, facilitations in design process

Research Skills
Observation techniques, ethnographic interviews, questionnaire design, discussions guide, research plans, insight analysis, experience maps, usability use cases, rapid secondary research

Design Skills
Service design blueprints, stakeholder maps, business model design, user personas and scenarios, concept illustrations, interactive prototypes

Technical Skills
iRise Studio, Axure RP, Morae, MS Office Suit, Quality Center, Clear Quest, Test Director Microsoft Expression, Adobe CS, Wireframes, Action Script, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script

Experience modeling, service design and business model design

Experience developing and implementing innovations
Prize design for U.S. education, D O B & U.S. D EPT. O F E D U LIN CATIO N SUMM E R201 1 ,
Conducted contextual research, including interviewing global education experts, to identify areas within the field in need of intensified focus and innovation. Subsequently, designed inducement prizes to stimulate new energy and capital in those targeted areas.

3326 N. Bell Ave. #4, Chicago I L 60618 909.374.7477 willskelton@gmail.com

Curating a more supportive environment, MSK CA NCE R CENTE R & INSTIT UTE O F DES IG N 201 1 ,
Designed ground floor hospital space that promoted patient wellbeing through the creation of designated areas of activity that accommodated for the need of both private and social behaviors.

Intuitive ways to conserve energy, GALVIN E L E R CITY INITIATIVE & INSTIT UTE O F DES IG N 2010 CT I ,
Using contextual research and prototyping methods, designed intuitive device that empowered families to better observe, manage and talk about their electricity use.

Entrepreneurship for high school students, AM E RCA N SCHOO L FO U N I DATIO N 2008 ,

Created experiential curriculum in which economics classes designed and implemented businesses based on in class learnings. The student-run enterprises, once up and running, marketed to the student body at large.

Arts education for at-risk students, WE D JPU BLIC CH ARTE R SCHOO L, Washington D.C ., 2007
Developed program to incorporate the arts into curricula by collaborating with local artists. Example curriculum includes visual artists instructing students to sketch with perspective as seen in the Renaissance and performing West Side Story while studying U.S. immigration issues.

Experience working with diverse communities

Economics teacher, AM E RCA N SCHOO L FO U N I DATIO N Mexico City, M ex, 2007-2009 ,
Taught a classroom of diverse high school students representing over 30 countries and 1 1 languages. Developed curriculum stressing the real world application of economic theories. Collaborated with international faculty and administration to plan and implement school-wide lessons and activities.

Cleaned floors and took out trash at one of the great small music venues in the United States. This is really only in here for bragging rights.

History teacher, WE D JPU BLIC CH ARTE R SCHOO L, Washington D.C ., 2006-2007

Guided a classroom of at-risk and below grade level middle school students in a institution with limited resources. Inspired students with little previous appreciation of history to engage the subject by creating a classroom environment cultivating curiosity, imagination and respect.

Gallery director, VA N D RZE E GALL ERY, Washington D.C ., 2005-2006 E

Co-founded fine art gallery and art education center that worked to promote local artists and educate aspiring painters. Co-developed art education curriculum that included courses ranging from introductory to advanced.

Custodial practitioner, 9:30 CLU B, Washington D.C ., 2002-2005

Institute of Design, 2009 - Present Master of Design Candidate S AMPL E CO URSE W O R : Strategic Design K Research Systems Workshop Analysis/Synthesis Methods Prototyping Methods Communication Design Observing Users

George Washington University, 2002-2005

B.A . Anthropology, Magna Cum Laude Studied socio-culutural anthropology in both lecture environment and abroad in West Africa and the Caribbean.


Design Researcher & Playful Designer

773-770-5535 collinglennsmith@gmail.com collinglennsmith.com

OBJECTIVE I am seeking an internship as a design researcher to deepen my empathy for people that I might better design product experiences for them. EXPERIENCE Design Facilitator & Blogger - Playful Factory
August 2010 - Present Facilitatingmonthly toy design projects through this interactive blog allows me to help children explore their creative abilities as I guide them through a simplified design process developing and building their own toys.

Illinois Institute of Tech Masters of Design Design Research 2011 - 2013 Arizona State University Bachelor of Science Industrial Design 2004 - 2009

Student Ambassador IDSA Ping Pong Club

Designer - Playful Studios

August 2008 - Present As a design consultant, I help make business fun by developing new products, brands, websites, interactions, and experiences. Sample Clients: Ulubulu, PBS-Bio, Moderncat Studios, Copa

IDSA Student Merit Award Candidate InternationalHousewares Student Competition 2008 (honorablemention) Dean's List at ASU Eagle Scout BSA

Designer - Tenshon
November 2009 - March 2011 I managed the design, marketing, production, and purchasing process in the manufacturing and distribution of tensile shade for commercial and residentialuse, including; shade sails, shade canopies, shade umbrellas, and shade structures.

people - interactions - wood working - family - materials impact of toys - wordpress sewing - power of play

Designer - Boon Inc.

February 2008 - September 2009 At Boon I started as an intern then was hired as a staff industrial designer and project manager. Working as a team we developed product 'Innovations for Modern Parents'. Although, I worked on an array of projects, I managed the development of their bath toys.

Photoshop, Illustrator Rhino, Prototyping, Facilitating,3D Scanning, 3D Printing, Workshop SolidWorks, Shot, HTML

Designer & Fabricator - Creative Home Engineering

May 2007 - February 2008 As part of a team of mechanical engineers and industrial designers I experienced extreme problem solving as we designed and built custom secret passageways for residentialand commercial use.

Available upon request

111 2 N. MARSHFIEL #2, CHICAGO IL 60622 D , S A S M I T H 1 @ G M A I L . C O // 773.401.164 2 M

WHAT IVE DONE// start-up business planning, analysis, marketing, project management, branding, user experience design, communication design, information architecture, contract negotiation WHAT I SEEK // an internship in the fields of design planning and/or design strategy CURRENT PROJECTS // research assistant to Patrick Whitney for upcoming book, Seeing Innovation (working title)

May 2013 IIT Institute of Design master of design candidate IIT Stuart School of Business master of business candidate May 2005 Loyola University New Orleans BS, music industry studies magna cum laude, honors program

2007-2010 Meeting Trader Inc director of operations meetings and events industry technology startup co-wrote and edited business plan and cash flow, with sensitivity analysis for successful seed funding ($650K) directed 6-person computer programming team in Chicago and India writing 60,000+ lines of computer code designed user interface for web-based application created marketing presentations, materials, logo and stationary

2010-2011 2009 co-chair, outsideID, ID student activities board co-chair, Student Affairs Committee Meeting Professionals International (MPI), Chicago Area Chapter

2010-2011 Deans Scholarship, IIT Stuart School of Business


The Austin Group market analyst meetings and events industry procurement consulting firm negotiated multi-million dollar hotel contracts for corporate meeting and event planners maintained, update d and analyzed benchmar k pricing and group standards of negotiated corporate meetings provided litigation support including databas e creation and instantaneous settlement calculation

2008-2009 Tomorrows Leader (Nomination), Meeting Professionals International (MPI), Chicago Area Chapter 2005 Ignatian Scholar, Loyola University New Orleans

software languages adobe creative suite (cs5) MAS 200 conversational Spanish, conversational French


Putumayo World Music world music record label

caribbean sales and marketing coordinator

music fiction culture composer, pianist, vocalist in classical, jazz and rock music participant in writers loft workshop (2009) for creative fiction writing formative childhood years spent living in Seoul, South Korea and extensive world travel for business and pleasure

established three new distributors in Caribbean market, increasing profits generated from that market by 200% created segmented marketing plan for record retail business in Trinidad coordinated co-branded sales promotion with Club Med Resorts

Brian Str awn

7 7 3 .3 5 4 .3 5 4| s traw n @ id .iit.e d| s traw n s iera lta .co m 6 u r

O bjective
S e e k g a fu ll-tim d e s ig s tra te y p o s itio on a m u ltid is c ip lin a te a m in e n g n ry d e v e lo pg c o m p e llin u s e e x p e rie n s e ro u d p ro d u c ,tss erv ic e a n d in g r ca n s in te ra c tive n v iro n m e n ts . e

Innovation Intern| M e m o ria l lo a n -K e tte rin g n c eC e n te|r 2 0 1 1 N e wYo rk ,N Y Lab S Ca r |
T h ew o rld o ld e s a n dla rg e sp riv a te a n c ecr e n te. D e d ic a teto p a tie nct a rea s w e lla s to in n o v a tivre s e a rc h , s t t c r d e m akingsignificant contributions new andbettertherapiesfor the treatm ent cancer. to of L ed a projectin the departm ent StrategicPlanningand Innovation broughttogetherthe insightsand of that design principles fourcom pleted of researchprojects.Resultsincludeddesigndirections an environm ent for embedded w ithinteractive patienttouchpoints a series of user-journeysto allowprojectimplementation. and

Aw a rd san d H o n o rs
S ki-O H o m feature in H ouse We Love n e d s D w el m agazin | A pri 2011 l e l Lake E ffec publishe in G estalten book U topi Forever: t d s a V ision of A rchitecturand U rbanism | A pri 2011 s e l S ki-O H om selecte by Tahoe Q uarterl m agazin for n e d y e M ountai H om Aw ar | A pri 2011 n e d l C hicag A rchitectura lub and A m erica Institut of A rchitects o lC n e Em ergin V ision Aw ar | 2007 g s d H istoy C hanne C ity of the Future r l IBM Engineerin Innovatio Aw ar | 2006 g n d M cC orm k Tribun Foundatio Sculpture ic e n CompetitioFinalis | 2005 n t Ford Calum teEnvironm enta l Center CompetitioFinalis | 2004 n t G re n Te nt D e s ig C om petition e n Firs Priz Aw ar | 2004 t e d Pari O lym pi Landm arCompetition s c k N otabl E nt y Aw ar | 2004 e r d N am d by C hicag Tribunes architectura , B lai K am in e o l critic r O ne to Watch | 2003 s World Trade C ente Memorial r CompetitioFinalis | 2003 n t

D esignDirecto, A rch ite ct C o -F o u n d erStraw n.Sierralta r & | | 2003-CurrentC h icag o IL | ,

Straw n.Sierralta a boutiquearchitecture designstudiothat explores is and issues spanningthe fieldsof architecture, landscape design,art, ecology futurecities. and Projectsinclude:Ski-O nH om e,World TradeC enterM em orial, C alum et Ford Environm entalente, H isto C r ry C hannel City of the Futureand Paris 2012 O lym pic s Landmark. F eatured T h eN ewYork Tim es,N ew sw eek, rchitecturalecord, he C h icagoTrib un e,T h eWall StreetJournal, in: A R T C hicagoSun Tim es,A rchitect agazine others. M and E xhibited The M useum S cienceand Indust The C hicago rchitecture at: of ry, A Foundation, he C hicago T Cultural C enterand T he G rahamF o u n d atio n C h icag o IL ,T h e A rtM useumof WesternV irginia C harlottesville, , in , in VA P avillion LA rsenal P aris,F ran ce,H ig hD esertTest S ites 4 in Joshu a Tree,C A ,gardenL A bat T h e A rt de in CenterC o llegeof D esign,Pasadena,C A ,and at T h eWorld Finan cial enterin N ewYo rk,NY. C

A rchitecturalesigner G ensler| 2010 | C h icag o IL D | ,

Gensleris a globalarchitecture, design,planningand consulting . firm Workedin designand planningteam son urbanproposalsfor St. L ouis,Indianapolis Chicago. and

ProjectM anager V inciH am pA rchitects 2003-2007 C h icag o IL | | | ,

V inciH am pA rchitects a practicethat specializes m useum is in installations, interiorarchitecture, space planning a n dh is to ric re s rva tio n . p e Wo rk edas a projectm anage, coordinating r interdisciplina team sfrom conceptsketchesthroughconstruction. ry P rojectsinclude:JosefH offm an: Interio rs, 2 -1913 exhib itat the N eu eG aleriein N e wYo rk ,NY. Interior 190 restoratio n FrankL loydW righs B eachyR esid ence O akPark,I L .A m odernsum m erhouse, of t in adjacent to Solon SpencerBem ans historicdairy buildings, C rabTree Farmin L ak eB lu ff,IL .In terio r o v atio n f H o w ard at ren o Van D orenShaw historicpenthouseresidencein C hicago, . s IL

Design Conceptual developm ent, ideation, prototyping, space and city planning, architecture, projectmanagement Software A dobePhotoshop, esign, InD Illustrato A utocad, r, 3D S k etch u p K ey sh o t, icro so ft ffice u ite,PC & M ac , M O S Proficient

E d u ca tio n
Illin o isIn stitu te f Tec hn olo g|yInstitute D esign| C h icag o IL o of , M asterof D esignC andidate M ay2012 |
P rojectsinclude:K ickstarter ultural C Education arden, m artM eterE nergyM onito, E m pathy G S r Infrastructure, Interactive Placem aking, Reverse VendingM achine, latform evelopm ent U rbanInformatics. P D for

A ctivities A sso ciatio n s and

ChicagoA rchitectural lubPresident-E lect 2012 C | recruitID o-C hair spring2011 C | Institute D esignS trateg yC onference of Volun teer 2011 | ChicagoA rchitectural lubBoardM em ber 2009 - current C | U ICS o AA lu m nA sso ciation o ardM em b er 2006 - 2010 i B | In vitedA rch itectu re riticat U IC ,IIT, Colum bia C College, L U Z(Ven ez u e la a n d U R U(Ve n ez u e la |) 2006 - current ) G reenR eschem e esignCom petition D InvitedJudge | 2010

U niversity Illinois C hicago Schoolof A rchitectureC h icag o IL of at | | , M asterof A rchitectu re2003 |

S tu d yA b ro a d T.U .D elft, N etherlands | Summ er 2001 R om e,Italy| F all2002 Aw ard s Susan M cN ealy Scholarship 2003 | Top P ortfolio ard| Spring2003 Aw

S outhern IllinoisU niversity C arbondaleC arb o n d ale, at | IL B achelor A rtsin Z oology 1997 of |
Work sam plesand references available upon request.

Jessica Striebich
jessicas@id.iit.edu | jstriebich.com | 213.210.3730 | Chicago, IL

Design and envision meaningful experiences with products, services and communication through a deep understanding of users. Engage in a collaborative environment with a diverse and adventurous team.

IIT Institute of Design
Master of Design, May 2011
Coursework focus: research, service, systems, communicatio n, planning

Featured Projects
Rethinking interaction for the visually impaired |
IIT Institute of Design, 2011

University of Southern California (USC)

B.A. Communication, May 2004
Minor: Communication Arts and Graphics London study abroad participant, Spring 2003

We have immersed ourselves in understanding the world of the blind in order to explore how we might design interactions that are not dependent on visual capacity. As we converge on a more focused solution space, we plan to involve the core users through participatory design and rapidly iterate our concepts.

Improving Physician Handoffs |

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, IIT Institute of Design, 2010

x User research x Analysis and synthesis x Workshop facilitation x Project management x Concept and ideation sketching x Preparing design deliverables x Digital photography + video x Foam core prototyping

Building off of my research from the summer, I joined with two other students to move this project through the next phase. In supporting physician handoffs, we addressed needs of the user and the existing system and visualized a future scenario. The concepts we proposed are currently under development at MSKCC.

peer, a platform by AARP (non-sponsored) |

IIT Institute of Design, Planning Workshop, 2010

After creating a framework for platform thinking, we researched the process of retirement. We developed a solution that included learning, teaching and doing. Along with a few others, I presented our work and facilitated a workshop to engage the Home Life Consortium on how to think and plan for platform-level strategies.

Future Living |

IIT Institute of Design, Systems Workshop, 2009

Instructor: Charles L. Owen | Bronze International Design Excellence (IDEA) Award

x Adobe Creative Suite x SketchUp / basic 3D modeling x Microsoft Office Suite x FileMaker

Using the rigorous method of structured planning, our class envisioned the home of the future. The process was a top-down and then bottom-up approach. Our solutions considered the future with a global perspective and addressed environmental, community, physiological and emotional factors.

Design Research Intern |
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2010, NYC

Other Coursework
Art Center College of Design
Intro to Product and Transportation Design

Chosen by the MSKCC Strategic Planning & Innovation group to lead a research effort for understanding physician handoffs, I brought an approachable, user-centered lens to an issue that is clinical in nature. With the help of an undergraduate intern who I managed, we collaborated with the Patient Safety team, physicians and hospital administration to gain a holistic understanding of how this information exchange occurs.

Cuyamaca College
Graphic Design, Web Design

Awards Coordinator |

Promax/BDA & MI6, 2006-2007,

Los Angeles, CA

Promax/BDA & MI6 is a global trade association for promotion, marketing and design professionals in the broadcast and videogame industries, hosting several annual conferences and awards competitions.

Activities + Associations
SocialID + WelcomeID Co-Chair
IIT Institute of Design, 2009 + 2010

To ensure the success of awards-related programming, I coordinated both the human and systemic components of the process. Acting as a primary connection between the organization and industry professionals, I nurtured relationships and helped to grow membership trust. I supported the department's success by generating fresh ideas for improving existing systems and processes.

Social event and orientation planning

Freelance Graphic Designer |

various clients, 2005-2011

Design Research Conference

IIT Institute of Design, Committee membe r, 2010

Branding, layout and type design for print and web communications

Ensured consistency across Experience Design and Communication Design teams

Technology + gadgets, human rights, accessibility Crocheting, crafting + DIY, live music, world travel

Gamma Theta Gamma

LA Alumnae chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, 2006-08

Executive Board: Website/Email Coordinator

ww w.coroflot.com/weiS Who I Am Objective an expert in wireless communication engineering transiting to design research and planning seeking 2012 summer internship in design

swbupt@id.iit.edu 312-375-7955 3600 n lake shore drive

Professional Engineering Self-Adaptive Code Book Design based on Training, Feb 2008-Jun 2008
undergraduate thesis, research on optimization of code book in wireless communication

Hardware Design: Soldering Radio, July 2006 Course Grading System based on MFC, Aug 2005
using microsoft MFC to build a system for course grading


Design Assistant, websites and graphics, Aug 2010-Nov 2010 IVY CLOSER Consulting Inc.
help designed the companys logo, websites, and posters


Master of Design Candidate, expected Fall 2014 Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology
courses include communication design, product design, design history and methods, photography

Master Student, Communication and Information Systems, Sep 2008-Feb 2009 Beijing University of Posts and Communications Bachelor of Engineering, Communication Engineering, Sep 2004- Jul 2008 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Honors & Awards First Class Scholarship, Fall 2008
highest scholarship awarded for outstanding performance in graduate entrance examination

Second Class Scholarship, Fall 2007 & Fall 2006

awarded for academic excellence

Triple-A Student, Fall 2007

awarded for both academic and extra-curricular activities

Skills Interests

Photoshop, Indesign, Rhino C/C++ Programming, Matlab Member of Yangguang Volunteer Organization, Sep 2006-July 2008
work as part-time teacher at the school for migrant workers children, Beijing

Belly Dance, certificated instructor Hiking, Spinning

Chao Su
1 E 8th St, #802 Chicago, I L 60605 312-560-8225 Seeking a full-time position working on a multidisciplinary team to create usercentered products and ser vices. High interested in the areas of user experience and ly interaction design.


Stra tegic Problem-solvi ng Problem framing Positioning Qualitative analysis Insightgeneration Resea rch Field study Ethnographic inter view Sur veying Design Hand sketching Rapid prototyping Wireframing Scenario planning Usabilitytesting Softwa re Html/ CSS Adobe Creative Suites Premiere Microsoft Office Rhinocero and V-ray Language English Mandarin

Steelcase Inc. | Grand Rapids, M I | Summer, 2010

Design research interaction




Led defining project goals and framing project plans Conducted independent internal interviews and surveys, analyzed research data Developed a prototype to understand internal social behavior of organization Created design principlesand concept wireframes Ole Jenssen Bamboo Sofa | Shanghai,China | Summer, 2009

Manu facturing coordinator

Researched bamboo furniture market and manufacturing resources in China Super vised production and logistics from China to Denmark The work was exhibited on the 8th ShanghaiBiennale Neri & Hu Design and Resea rch Office | Shanghai,China | 08-12/ 2008

Product Designer
Designed customized tableware, chairs and lightingfor hotels and restaurants

Proje cts
Design Consu ltancies Knowledge Sharing

IIT Institu te of Design

How do people in design consulanciesshare knowledge? t

Creating recommendations for optimizingsharing experience Designinginteractive tools for suppor ting knowledge sharing Sta te Interacti ve

C h ca g o , IL i

Master of Design candidate, expected spring 2011 Coursework in user-centered design research, design strategy, user experience and interaction design Tongji University

Wish Experience

How to create a street interactive expeience in Chicago Loop?


Created and launched an augmented reality mobile application for Chicago Loop Alliance The final project was exhibited at site in Chicago Loop for 7 weeks Ama zon.com

Bachelor of Engineering Indust ial Design, 2008 r Coursework in product design

How Amazon can invent a frequent shopper program to busy woman customers?
Developed user experience strategy around multi channel shopping styles User Interaction Tradesh ow Experience

How digital device can change experience?

the trade show

Created a mobile application suppor ting self-organization of trade show information and team collaboration

J u d d G o l d m a n A d a p t i v e S a i l i n g P r o g r a m Proposed and developed business strategy and roadmaps for disabled children and their families A i s i n E l e c t r i c W h e e l

chair ( Japan) Developed product concepts for year 2015 Final concept was awarded Aisin Design Award (Japan)


853 West Grace chicago, illinois 773 750 8418 ertag@hotmail.com

Crate and Barrel Corporate Office northbrook, illinois Freelance corporate Graphics, February 2011 present production artist for corporate graphics depa rtment. Specific project: Managed production of semi-annual Furniture Guides, 12 guides total. Worked with 6 internal depa rtments including international for canada to coordinate content and photography changes to the guides. Managed offsite production artist. Sylver Consulting, Innovation Resea rch and Strategy Firm chicago, illinois intern and Design resea rche r, May 2010 present client: Major food distributor. Assisted with the analysis and synthesis of large amounts of user resea rch to uncover distinct patterns and needs. Helped to develop frameworks to communicate findings and identify opportunity areas for future product development. S.C. Johnson, Enabling Innovation racine, Wisconsin intern, January 2011 March 2011 created visualizations of resea rch findings with key stakeholders and developed facilitation tools for upcoming workshops. Chicago Depa rtment of Cultural Affairs chicago, illinois intern, June 2010 August 2010 planned and implemented a resea rch project focused on uncovering the needs and challenges of itinerant performing arts groups in the city of chicago. conducted resea rch, analysis and offered potential solutions to increase audience engagement. Mobium Creative Group chicago, illinois Design/p roduction June 2006 August 2010 Worked in collaborative environment to develop brands and create integrated marketing campaigns. contributed to strategic development and fulfillment of concepts. clients included: pitneyBowes, University of illinois Foundation, Herff Jones, Moog, Time Warne r. Freelance Designer chicago, illinois January 1998 present clients include: crate&Bar rel, Frankel/Arc Worldwide, Abelson-Taylor, 5p1t, justb Studio, The Sara Lee Foundation, The Bruss company (part of the Tyson Foods family) Sg2, LLC Skokie, illinois Design/p roduction Manager August 2004 May 2006 Managed design and production of print publications and confe rence presentations. responsible for recruiting and managing designers. Selected vendors and obtained estimates. Maginnis, Incorporated chicago, illinois Graphic Designer and illustrator August 1997 May 2002 Developed concepts, design and copy for business-to-business and consumer projects. Designed and illustrated brochu res, catalogs, identities, environmental graphics, and Web sites. Art directed photoshoots . Managed junior designers.
E D U c AT i o n


Seeking a full-time or contract position with an organization that values design research and planning to create innovative solutions.

B2B Magazine 200 7 B2Bs Best Best integrated campaign


interactive Embedde d Systems immersive Media interaction Design Methods Design planning portfolio planning Design Analysis and Synthesis

Ethnography, design analysis and synthesis, human factors (cognitive, physical, social, and cultural), prototyping, data analysis and visualization inDesign, photoshop, illustrato r, Basic HTML/xHTML,cSS, Flash, Action Script (Basic), powerpoint, keynote, video editing Highly skilled in painting and drawing

Semi-profess ional vocalist with various groups in chicago, including Faces for radio photography Experimental cooking

Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology Masters of Design, December 2010

chicago, illinois

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago chicago, illinois post-Baccalau reate certificate in Visual communications 1997 Connecticut College new London, connecticut BA, Design Studies 1996 St. Martin in the Fields School of Art London, England Studied painting, drawing, photography and art history 1994

Max Talbot-Minkin
Seeking full-time empl oyment in the field of design planning, strategy, and research.

611 S. Wells St #2207, Chicago, IL 60607 (m) 917.399.5324 | max@maxtm.com

IIT Institute of Design (Chicago, IL)
Master of Design, MBA 2009-2012 (expected) Awards: Fellowship honoree

Recent Work Experience

Sunnyvale, CA Jun. 2011 Ongoing

Yahoo! Inc., Consultant, User Experience Design

Researching and developing a set of frameworks to guide the process for creating products and services with deep and meaningful value for Yahoo!s customers.

Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY)

Industrial Design (continuing ed.) 2007-2008

Chicago, IL Dec. 2010 Ongoing

Firstwater, Designer
Worked with a team to define and understand user needs, catalog current usage, and propose a redesign for DePaul Universitys School of New Learning (SNL).

Columbia University (New York, NY)

ComputerScience (B.A.) 2003-2007 Honors: Deans List
Munich, Germany Jun. 2009 Jul. 2009

innosabi, Start-Up Operations / Business Development

Assisted with start-up operations, strategic planning, client presentations, and translations; developed and assisted in the production of a promotional video. innosabi is an innovative new company that has worked with Siemens and other partners to develop new products using crowdsourcing and user resea rch.

Rhino 3D, SketchUp, Keyshot, Adobe Creative Suite, sketching & drawing, prototyping & model-making
New York, NY Jun. 2007 Jun. 2009

Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.,

Transportation Planner II, Public Involvement Specialist Studied regions and users to identify transpo rtation needs; developed informational graphics, logos, project brands, and 3D models; designed and programmed client and project web sites; performed community outreach work; coordinated and facilitated public meetings; developed state and regional long-term transpo rtation plans; produced GIS mapping data.

Basic German, French

Institute of Design
The New Idiom (blog), Editor, 2011 IIT Diversity Committee, Student Rep, 2010-present
New York, NY Feb. 2004 May. 2007

Columbia University Information Technology ,

Senior Residence Consultant/Head Lab Consultant Senior end-user support for students, faculty, and staff; maintained machines and assisted users in on-campus computer labs.

Transportation Research Board

Public Involvement Committee membe r, 2008-2009

Heidelberg, Germany Jun. 2007 Aug. 2007

Heidelberger DruckmaschinenGmbH,
Business Consulting Unit Praktikant (Intern) Designed, developed, and deployed online bug-tracker, FAQ, and ticketing system; created online internal printing press performance benchmark database.

Columbia Spectator
Senior Staff Photog rapher, 2006-2007

Freelance Experience
Web Design, Development, and Management
Start-up and small business web site development and project management.







15 Years experience of design planning and product development: Helping teams and clients develop award winning user experiences Creating and producing seamless brand communications Developing integrated multi-channel brand strategies Conducting primary research for effective product development



Led the team credited for adding $1B in incremental revenue for Hewlett Packard in the first 9 months following our redesign of HP.com. Created the worldwide web standards and guidelines for HP.com which were rolled out to 65 Countries in local languages for all geographies Combined the websites of HP and Compaq with over five million site pages and a diverse customer base to communicate one cohesive presence the day their merger was announced Developed and implemented a strategy to streamline foreign exchange trading for Deutsche Banks institutional traders Helped Grainger develop a long-term digital strategy with initiatives to reorganize the site, increase conversion and grow online revenue Created and launched Unifi, an e-commerce portal catering to the work-life needs of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) 155,000 employees around the world Conceived and developed the Adgrab mobile app, to connect brands with their customers through social media and a 1-to-1 dialogue increasing customer satisfaction and brand affinity Helped Miller Brewing in conjunction with Clear Channel Entertainment create a site that promoted a 19 market music tour showcasing emerging artists Interior architecture for several commercial and residential

Research and teaching

Planning and conducting primary research, focus groups and customer ethnographies on for clients like Best Buy, Grainger, HP, Compaq, Tyson Chicken and Harley Davidson Lecturer at Keller Business school, teaching MBA candidates digital strategy as well as innovation principals and techniques Co-facilitation of ID Summer Camps 5 day immersive workshops designed to give participants exposure to and practice with design methods taught at the IIT Institute of design. Past participants include executives from companies like P&G, Microsoft, Anhueser-Busch, Amway, Steelcase, HSBC, and McDonald's Instructor at Illinois Institute of Technology, CHAMPS program teaching a course in spacial perception to premed and dental school students

Senior Creative Director role at Agency.com, a full service interactive agency focusing on effective interactive campaigns and user-centric websites

Built the design teams and developing the creative process for Chicago and Atlanta offices Managing a multi-disciplinary team of 40 including Creative Directors, Art Directors Information Architects, Designers, Site builders and Copywriters Creative Lead and brand management for Fortune 500 client initiatives Interim Vice President Creative Director for the Chicago and Atlanta offices


ELEVEN22 Group 2005-Present Agency.com, Omnicom 1999-2005 Senior Creative Director True North Communications, FCB 1998-1999 Creative Director
DDB Needham 1996-1998 Art Director


IIT Institute of Design (ID), Illinois Institute of Technology 2010 Present ID - MDM Candidate 1997 ID - B.S. Human Centered Design / Architecture

2009-2 010 [Creative Di rector] Rye Brook, NY Created and developed visual aspects of mar keting campaigns; designed and implemen ted comp rehensi ve corpo rate branding projects including: logos, websi tes, print ads, and other mar keting m aterials; collabo rated with clients regularly

Seeking a multi- faceted role in design planning /strategy and p roduct design


Mobile phone acc essory that reli eves headphone cord clut ter

201 1


Multi-tie red strategy to imp rov e the in- store Kirkland experien ce, based on ethnog raphic resea rch data


2008-2009 [Mar keting & Media Executi ve] London, UK Developed and managed comp rehensi ve mar keting campaigns for events, courses, and con feren ces; inc reased absolu te unique visi tors to websi te; grew contact database; negoti ated media /mar keting partnerships; liaised with spea kers, instruc tors, and course authors; anal yzed web traffic and modified strategies accordingly; intervi ewed, hi red, trained, and m anaged a team of video podca sters; helped schedule & m anage events


201 1 Re-imagin ation of a leading New York can cer-t reatm ent cen ters ground floor



2006, 2004, 20 03 (summer s) [Design Intern, Graphic Designer] Ma hwah, NJ Gene rated 3D models of medical equipment using AutoDesk s Maya; edi ted video for training prog rams; created moc k-up brochu res /pam phlets /po sters for clients; retouched 2D images for print public ations; carried out qualit ycont rol testing of a DVD-based teaching prog ram

201 1 Mobile finan ce solution for the poor that leverages social connections


Edi tor of the school blog

201 1


[Freelan ce Writer] NY Wrote and published product revi ews for the magazine Street Cred (see Media)

2000-20 02 New York, section entitled

2010 OAE testing devi ce for the developing world, promising a hearing test with every immuniz ation

2006 (summer) New York, NY


[Design Intern] Wor ked in SoftImage to create 3D models


InDesign Pho toshop Illustrator Maya Final Cut Pro Drea mweaver Solid works Sketchup AutoCad Flash Offi ce Keyno te digital con -

expec ted gradu ation: summer 2012 [M.Des + MBA] Chicag o, IL Ma ster of Design and Ma ster of Busine ss Admini stration dual-deg ree prog ram candid ate

Two and three-dimensional tent creation


2004-2008 [BA] Washing ton, DC Bachelor of Arts in Compu ter Scien ce with secondary field of study in Busine ss Admini stration

Digital /social media mar keting Digital video editing HTML /CSS coding


2010, 200 9, 20 03, 20 01 [Continuing Educ ation] New York, NY Product Design and Brand Identity course; 3D Compu ter Anim ation and Visual Ef fects courses



[ON-AIR GUEST REPOR TER] 2008 .05.21 / Elect ronic Keychains 2008 .05 .07 / Mini Projec tor


20 02 [Continuing Educ ation] New York, NY Courses in 3D Modeling, 3D Lighting and Rigging in Maya, Advan ced Shading in Maya

20 02.02 / Issue 10.2 / p. 115 / Review of: Samsung SCH-N150 20 01.1 1 / Issue 9.1 1 / p. 196 / Review of: Eric sson T39 20 01.04 / Issue 9.04 / p. 218 / Review of: Vtech Phusion PDA 200 0.12 / Issue 8.12 / p. 372 / Review of: ProLink GPS


[High School]

2000-2004 New York, NY



Hono rary mention for SpotM soft ware development e competition

201 1



The Geo rge Washing ton Uni versity

spring 20 07, fall 2006, fall 2004

Technolog y, Human- centered Design, Fitne ss, Lighting


+19144 393139

Zahra Tashakorinia
474 N Lake Shore Dr. Apt 2204 Chicago, IL 60611, USA zahra@id.i it.edu | s.tashakorinia@gmail.com | +1 312 810 8053

Passionate about creating compelling experiences and developing innovative products, interactions and services through design research in a collaborati multidisciplinaryenvironment. ve Work Experience
ECCO Design | Summer 2011 Planned and executed design research studies to inform both industrial and interaction design projects. Conducted primary and secondary research, analyzed findings to clarify design objectives for development of new ideas. Collaborated with interaction design team to create new concepts and developing scenarios. Clients Include: Colgate, Lenovo, LG Electronics and Panasonic. Institute of Design, IIT | Summer 2010 Design Summer Camp teaching assistant Developing Cultural of Environment Company | 2007-2008 Collaborated with design and research team, developed and produced interior furniture for Tehran Book Fair (Bagh e Ketab). Client: Tehran municipality Bijoux and Jewelry Design | 2006-2008 Design by order, self-employed Iran Rail Way Company | 2004-2005 Train re-design: Conducted market research, analyzed research results and recommended concepts (ideation sketching, brainstorming, prototyping) Molavi College | 2003-2004 Taught history of art, visual art, etc.

Institute of Design, IIT Master of Design Candidate | 2009-2011 Coursework in strategic design research, interaction design, product design, ethnography and design planning University of Tehran M.A. in Industrial Design | 2006-2008 Coursework in product design and design research University of Tehran B.A. in Industrial Design | 2002-2006

Research planning, user research, ethnographic interviews, usability testing, analysis, concept development, prototyping products and interactions Software Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator), Rhinoceros, SolidWorks, Jewel CAD Microsoft Office (MAC and PC) iMovie Video Language Persian (mother tongue) English (fluent) French (fair)

Research Papers
Tashakorinia, Z., Arabkhradmand, A.H, Chopankareh, V., Study on users emotions and needs to design a new product for carrying ski equipments, International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED09, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA Khorsandian, S., Moghadam, N., Tashakorinia, Z., Studies in relation between subjective concepts and Abstract Forms, The 11th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, E&PDE09, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK Emami, J. Tashakorinia, Z., Tashakori, M., Bionic Design in Industrial Design Education at University of Tehran, The 10th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, E&PDE08, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Tashakorinia, Z., Khodadadeh, Y., Arab Kheradmand, A.M., Optimizing the Workstation of Jewelers in Jewelry Workshop, Nordic Ergonomics Society conference, NES08, Reykjavk, Iceland Barati, B., Tashakorinia, Z., Zafarmand, S.D., Design for the Problems in the Campus of University of Tehran, International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR07, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Patented and registered SKI-MA TE (Ski equipments carrier) in Iran | 2008 Pioneer student in industrial design research in the Day of Research in Fine Art at University of Tehran | 2008 Best Students Project in University Of Tehran Design Exhibition | 2003 | 2005 Outstanding Talent - Ranked 18 out of 124541 participants in art nation wide university entrance | 2002

Discovering cultures and traveling (I have v isited more than 21 countries around the world), Contemporary art, Miniature (Traditional Persian painting), Live music, Playing Guitar and Tonbak, Skiing, Skating and Photography

jake teitelbaum | industrial designer | design thinker

jacob.tlb@gmail.com | ph +1 773-531-9250 | 2611 W Augusta 3R | Chicago IL 60622 | USA

I want to bring great ideas to life.

Where I am I am currently a stude nt at the Institu te of Design at IIT. After 8 years of working full-time as an Indust rial Designer, I decided to broaden my world of design knowledge by returning to school to study design systems and frameworks for innovation. In the near term, I am seeking to leverage my Product Design background for professional experience in the fields of Service Design or Design Planning. Places I have worked StudioOneEleven (owned by Berlin Packaging) | Senior Indust rial Designer | 2008-2011 | Chicago IL We design, develop and engineer custom packaging compone nts for major global brands. As a Senior designer I concurrently led multiple projects, provided design direction for engineers and junior staff & ensured that our designs met our stakeholder s requireme nts. Because we develop our designs from concept to shelf, we perfectly balance creativity and business/manufa cturing objectives. We also work with sustainable initiatives, child resistant packaging, pharmaceutical packaging and private label design. Where other design firms would stop, we keep going to make sure our designs can be impleme nted with the right manufa cturing partner on time and on budge t. Webb DeVlam | Indust rial Designer | 2008 | Chicago IL At this international consultan cy, I designed structural packaging and fast moving consumer goods for major brands that you deal with every day of your life. Huge projects included a 5 year strategic packaging plan for Microsoft, the Future of Oral Care with Crest & Pampers EasyUps redesi gn. Infusion Design | Indust rial Designer | 2004-2007 | Kansas City KS This busy design consultancy was known worldwide for designing transpo rtation interiors. As a very lean team, we designed the interiors of Learjets & Embraers from sketch to full scale model s. Where I have studied IIT Institu te of Design | MDM | Fall 2012 (expected) University of Kansas | BFA Indust rial Design | class of 2004 UNSW| Sydney, Australia | Semester Abroad | Fall 2002 Institu te of European Design | Milan, Italy | Summer 2001 Notable Successes NACD Best of Show Award 2011 50+ of my designs launched to market between 2009-2011 Multiple patents with companies including P& Gand Schering Plough Finalist in Best Idea Netherlands Tv Show (Potato Chip Packaging) 2007 ID SAStudent Merit Award 2004 Freelance design with Springtim e, Cardinal Brands, Bose & Lose, Batter Up Cupcake Truck... Five years of elite road cycling with eight podiums & one state championship win Some of my technical skills Proficient in Surface Modeling with PRO|Engineer, Adobe CS , Alias Sketchbook/Sh owcase, MSoffice Years of experience working peacefully with engineers to maintain design vision Contact me to learn more.

jacob.tlb@gmail.com | ph +1 773-531-9250 | 2611 W Augusta 3R | Chicago IL 60622 | USA

traci thomas

service design + planning

thomas@id.iit.edu | 617.905.8334 flavors.me/traci_thomas

A passionate, user-driven designer with a background in financial services seeks to initiate breakthrough services, facilitate innovation, and create meaningful user experiences.

o a is rg n

atio n

ma r o design ste f Design Planning + Strategy IIT Institute of Design, Chicago May 2011 B achelor of arts French, Cum Laude Wellesley College, Wellesley May 1998

User research, Surveys, Interviewing, Diagramming, Communication design, Workshop design, Prototyping, Analysis

InDesign, Illustrato r, Photoshop, SketchUp, Mac and PC proficiency

design c a h oc Chicago Service Jam Mar 2011 w rk o o sh p facili tato Service design workshop r for non-profitsFeb 2011 v n olu teer Service Design Conference Boston Oct 2010

design designers421 thinking n tw rk e o experience design

professional experience
institute of design | Chicago, Jun 11 Current Design Writer, Freelance Part of team assisting Institute of Design professor on comprehensive book covering principles of innovation and design methods. Primary responsibility includes assisting with project management, interviewing project teams, and selecting and writing the descriptions for projects that best illustrate application of methods and frameworks. steelcase inc. | Grand Rapids, May 10Aug 10 Intern, Applied Research & Consulting (ARC), a Workplace Consultancy Uncovered opportunity areas and delivered recommendations to enhance workplace strategy that helps clients undergo transformational change. Conducted in-depth interviews with the internal team and reviewed projects to analyze existing tools and approach used in the client engagement process. dm architects a | Chicago, May 08Aug 08 Contracto r, Strategic Planning Identified business problem and developed marketing plan to aid firms sales strategy. Wrote new web content that effectively communicated the firms core competencies and value to clients. Assisted in the creation of the firms first electronic newsletter. ixis g Ba asso lo l ci ates | Boston and Paris, May 02May 07 Manage r, Institutional Marketing Researched, created and maintained industry competitive analysis. Initiated pre- planning of large, targeted RFPs. Managed an international team of four to ensure support for sales team. Led the design effort of an online content management tool that successfully addressed the workflow of a distributed team. fidelity investm ents
98May 02

communicated information about the firm, its investment practices and industry position.

academic projects
servicing the needs of w ork- a -hom em t e ployees Designed Face-to-Face, a service platform that provides access to a third place venue and supports work-at-home activities as well as a social network of at-home workers. rein o v rg atin th cu m g e sto er in re ex erien -sto p ce Using service design methods, designed mobile and tablet concepts that addressed the problems (e.g., long queues and wait time) that impacted the in-store experience of a large MRO (maintenance, repai r, and operations) company. Solutions emphasized improved interaction and knowledge transfer between employees and customers to create an efficient and pleasant in-store experience. p n g lan in fo fu re liv g r tu in IDEA 2010 Bronze Award. Designed a housing system for 2050 that addresses primary resource needs like wate r, food, energy, and issues of climate and population changes.

| Boston, Aug

Financial Writer Developed and repurposed content for RFPs,factsheets and presentations that

Wojciech Tusz
806 N. Bishop Street #3B Chicago IL 60642 tusz @id.iit.edu 773.742.7590

Obtain an interaction and/or product design summer internship with a company utilizing user-centered design methodologies.

Recent Projects:
Internet of things (RFID) / Smart Design & The Lab / Anijo Matthew Fall 2011 Designed and prototyped emergency evacuation systems for persons with visual and auditory impairments Modular design included use in unfamiliar surroundings and a variety of emergency situations Radio Frequency Identification and Adobe Flash, embedded applications

Work experience:
Pure Energy Alternatives / Economic Analyst / April 2010 August 2011 Performed Cost Benefit Analysis for new solar and wind system designs Designed payback matrices of incentives in the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Created a new revenue stream through a Renewable Energy Credit aggregation system Chicago Jets Hockey Club / Player Development Advisor / August 2010- Current Formulated an organizational identity Oversaw implementation of new educational programs Developed general and specialized curriculum Forever Young ADS / General Administration / November 2006- August 2011 Billed, managed inventory, payrolls, scheduling Assisted in expansion to a new service facility in 2008 Exodos Media Group / Editor & Columnist / March 2007-February 2009 Planned and executed the magazines product and brand strategies in 2008 Oversaw editorial content for the music, arts, sports sections Designed marketing and public relations campaigns Designed several magazine covers and promotional materials Kossacki Pack (Poland) / Interpreter / 1999-2002 Assisted in the design and purchasing process of a flexographic printing press Translated the documentation of design, sale and delivery of the machinery Assisted in the on-site installation and personnel training of Kossacki Pack operators

IIT Institute of Design / MDes/MBA candidate / May 2014 Northeastern Illinois University / B.A. Economics / August 2009

Adobe Creative Suite / Rhinoceros (3D) / Logic Studio Pro / Steinberg Cubase

Polish (Expert) / Spanish (Basic)


Product Design | Strategy | Business


I earned a process-driven 5 year Industrial Design degree. Worked 3 years doing product develpment in the sporting goods industry focusing on back end processing and manufacturing while developing my own business. My current studies focus on the integration of design strategy and business. My passion is to deliver cutting edge technologies to users in a meaningful way.


Management Co-chaired the 2011 Design Research Conference. DRCx: The Impact of Technology on Design Research focused on the impact of new technologies on industry practices. Helped organize the 200+ person conference hosting 25 speakers and 5 workshops over 3 days while managing 3 teams of 30+ volunteers. (2011 - IIT Institute of Design) Consulting Worked for SC Johnson producing era analysis, contextual research reports, and global product maps as part of a secondary research plan for a global product innitiative. Participated in the design firm selection process for a variety of projects and planned the facilitation of product development brainstorming sessions. (2011) Facilitated collaborative workshops with the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and The University of Chicagos Urban Education Institute (UEI) and Urban Teacher Education Program (UTEP) to develop program concepts and an implementation plan based around their existing 5 Essentials model (2011 IIT Institute of Design)

IIT Institute of Design / Stuart School of Business Masters of Design & MBA dual degree candidate. Summer 2012 Syracuse University: BID - Bachelor of Industrial and Interactive Design. Architecture Minor. 2008 Syracuse University: Florence, IT Masterpieces of Italian Art (History) Metalsmithing (Studio) 2007



Helped a major worldwide logistics company refine a process to utilize global trending reports to identify and choose strategic innitiatives for both incremental and exploratory business innovations. (2011 - IIT Institute of Design) Helped the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) identify and expand business capabilities to better support teacher/artist relationships in an effort to promote creativity in Chicago area elementary and middle school students. (2010 IIT Institute of Design)

International Design Award: Industrial and Life Science Design - 2008 International Forum Design: Concept Award - 2008 Materialica: 2008 (Cascade) Panasci Business Plan Competition: 2nd Place - 2008 Mastercraft Marine Design Breakthrough Award: 2007 Philip H. Stevens Design Prize: 2006 Capstone Business Plan Competition: 2006

Partnered with the Chicago Lighthouse to explore product opportunities and potential strategic partnerships for the development of digital tools to aid the visually impaired in navigating urban and commercialized environments. (2010 IIT Institute of Design)

Industrial Design Co-founded a product based watercraft design studio (Some Where Out There L.L.C.) after 2+ years of design research, product development, and business plan integration. Headed the companys formation and patent applications. Pioneered the in-house Industrial Design team at Cascade Sports. Responsible for initial concept development, user research, design research, prototyping, final product development, manufacturing oversight and transition onto assembly line. Researched, tested and implemented new technologies for product performance, user customization and assembly line efficiency. Produced product imagery for marketing. Hired additional industrial designers. Worked for Copesetic Inc. conducting prep and finish work for molding and painting on high end product models and low run production parts.

U.S. Patent Application No. 12/183,717; Folding Boat U.S. Patent Application No. 20110072549; Eye Protector
Plus additional patent applications in process (not yet published)


SC Johnson: Racine, WI (May 2011 - August 2011) Design Intern: RD&E Home Care Some Where Out There L.L.C.: Syracuse, NY (July 2008 - August 2010) Co-Founder and co-inventor of S.W.O.T.s proprietary product/technology Cascade Sports: Sport Helmets Inc.: Liverpool, NY (August 2007 - September 2010) Industrial Designer: Inhouse Product Development Team Head of Quality Control and R&D testing laboratory Copesetic Inc.: Morrisville, NY (June - August, 2007) Model Shop Assistant


Microsoft Suite Word, Excel, Powerpoint Apple iWork Suite Pages, Numbers, Keynote Adobe Creative Suite 5 Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign Modeling Software Solidworks, Alias, Hypershot Model Making and Prototyping FDM, Paper, Plastic, Metal, Wood

Patricia Wang

201.562.7383 wang.pa@gmail.com

Seeking a summer internship in design research and planning

IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, IL
Masters of Design & MBA, expected 2013 coursework in prototyping methods, system design and design resea rch

Work Experience S teelcase Inc., Wo rk S p a c e u tu re sJun 2011 - Aug 2011 F

Planned and executed design resea rch to define near term & stretch opportunities in corporate learning environments Developed and executed the resea rch plan to understand how to increase the use and effectiveness of an internal resea rch studio environment

Columbia University, New York,

NY B. S. in Chemical Engineering and coursework in social psychology and cognitive psychology

P ro c te & G a m b le a b yC a reP ro d u cR e s e a rc h 2004 - Nov 2009 r B t Jun

G lo b a Pam p ers ia p ers: 7 B illio n ra n d l D $ B
Led the development and execution of the consumer learning plan to qualify the next major technological innovation for Global Diapers ($70 Million+ project) Developed the consumer insights that defined the technical and communication direction for the global product design

Statistical Programs
Quanvert, SPSS, BBN

Conversational Mandarin, Basic Spanish

Recommended product design changes that met all business constraints (cost, processing capabilit y, and product performance) and transformed a losing design into a 2:1 consumer preferred product globall y. Led the integration of both technical and aesthetic changes to add ress the product performance, perception and usability outages Developed, designed, and analyzed all global qualitative and quantitative product consumer testing (US, UK, Germany)

Rock Climbing Urban Gardening Social Entrepreneurialism

Product received President s Choice Award and nominated for the Sigma Collaboration Award Granted two US Design Patents

Pa m p e rs a b yW ip e s$500M illio nB rand B :

Developed the consumer scent segmentation model that influenced visual package communication, pricing strategy and provided future perfume direction Guided last major platform change on the Flagship brand ($24 Million project) to meet consume r, regulatory and technical requi rements. Project received President s Choice Award Led the consumer learning plan and technical p roduct design of the next major platform change

Managed one direct report

Ve n tu rePa x :U s e rIn te rfa c e e s ig n e r 2010 - Aug 2010 D Mar

Developed the user interface for the Venture Pax iPhone App Developed initial code for the Venture Pax iPhone App

Previous internships
C o lg a te - lm o liveUnderarm Process Development Jan 2001 - Aug 2001 Pa ,
Led proof of concept testing of two cost saving projects, based on waste reduction and higher efficiency chemical reactions Developed sunsc reen training documents on how sunsc reen works

Lo re a lU S,A Sunca re Formulation May 2002 - Aug 2002

Supported 2 formulators in batch making processes

P ro c te & G a m b leBaby Wipes Product Resea rch May 2003 - Aug 2003 r ,
Developed and executed the consumer learning plan to flow an upst ream technology to two different product lines Optimized the product design around key skin health and cleansing benefits Led the aesthetic product design and consumer communication strategy

Helen S. Wills
helenswill s @ gmail.com / 707.227.8968

Seeking a summer internship with a dynamic team immersed in systems, experience and communication design

Work Experience
Holly Rock Natural Farms, LLC, Ellijay, GA Strategy Intern, Summer 2011
Planned and launched an intensive rotational grazing system for a sustainable livestock farming ventu re Conducted resea rch on sustainable farming practices, including site visits and interviews at twelve farms across the Southeast

Jado re le Chien, San Francisco, CA

Independent Consultant, May 2011 - present
Developed brand strategy in close collaboration with professional photography studio; designed logo mark and collateral materials

The James Irvine Foundation, San Francisco, CA Program Associate, 2007-2010

Reframed strategies for $20 million-budget Arts Program based on funded resea rch, major shifts in the field, and alignment with foundation priorities in collaboration with a five-person program team

IIT Institute of Design
Master of Design Candidate, May 2013 Developing skills in systems thinking, user resea rch, problem framing and storytelling Co-Chair of WelcomeID, a committee to plan orientation activities for new students

Redesigned underperforming grant program with a cross-departmental team, integrating consumer resea rch with the grantmaking framework and resulting in a streamlined process and imp roved grantee/sta ff communication Presented statewide workshops, led inte rdepartmental panel review process, and provided declination feedback for a bi-annual competitive grants process Monito red individual portfolio of 35 grantee organizations, including site visits, counsel on mid-course issues, and grant report reviews

University of Richmond
Dual BA in International Studies and French, Minor in Studio Art, 2004 Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa Honors, J.R. Francis Scholarship for French Language One year study abroad at the University of Paris III: La Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2002-2003

Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA Manager of Donor Relations, 2007 Development Associate, 2005-2007
Supported implementation, planning and evaluation of individual giving programs for $1 million-budget artist residency program, including special initiatives for membership expansion Managed planning and production of fundraisers, open houses and special events with up to 400 attendees; coo rdinated volunteer program including recruitment, training and recognition

Proficient in InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop; Microsoft Office Suite; Filemaker Pro Basic knowledge of Rhinoce ros, Graphite, After Effects and Flash Fluent French

Volunteer Experience
The San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery, San Francisco, CA Advisory Board Membe r, 2009-2010
Strategized and produced public engagement program of the city and countys arts agency opportunities for the exhibitions

Dancing, beekeeping, local sustainable food systems, figure drawing

Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impai red, San Francisco, CA Personal Service Provider, 2005-2010
Met bi-weekly with blind client to assist with errands and household tasks

Janice Wong
seeking an internship in strategy, design planning, or service design that will use my expertise in conversation, observation, and research to help enrich peoples lives.
EduCatION augu st 201 1 aPR Il 2013 (EX PECtEd)



www.run comrade.ca

that connects travelers and hosts. The group is an ongoing experiment in trust, altruism, and human interaction that facilitates local exposure and human connection in travel.

IIT Institute of Design Dual Degree Program, Master of Design (M. Des.) and MBA
sEPtEmb ER 2003 aPRIl 2008

York University / Sheridan Institute Joint Program in Design, Honours Bachelor of Design (B. Des.), Magna cum laude
sKIll s

Empathetic conversationalist Prolific reader and researcher Balanced creative and analytical thinker Open, inquisitive collaborator French professional working proficiency Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
aWaRds & dIstINCtIONs

IIT Institu te of Design Fellowship, 201 1 One Show Design Bronze Pencil, 201 1 Ad Rodeo Best of Show, 201 1 Applied Arts Annual Report Winner, 201 1 Design Edge Canada Best of Region Award,
201 1

UnderConsideration Sustainability Award,


Design Edge Canada Typography Award, 2010 TAXI Award of Design Excellence for Central Ontario Honourable Mention, 2008 YorkU Emerging Global Leaders delegate,

Andrew Tomcik design studies scholarship,


Governor Generals Volunteer Award, 2003


Couch surfing traveling and hosting CouchSurfing.com is an online community

WORK EXPERIENCE dECEmb ER 2010 aPRIl 201 1 Calg Ry, ab a

Graphic designer Foundry Communications Participated in strategic and creative brainstorming sessions. Developed and implemented design solutions. Resident expert on competitor research, analysis, and social media planning. Clients came from both public and private sectors including oil and gas, tourism, and retail.
NOvEmb ER 2009 aPRIl 201 1 tORONtO, ON (R EmOtEly)

Backpacking through Europe, Africa, Asia and South-East Asia Exposure to different cultures and perspectives pushes me to reevaluate my routines and social norms. Each trip provokes fresh insights and observations that add depth to my creative thinking skills and ultimately impacts my approach to design. York University Lions varsity field hockey and indoor hockey Being a varsity studen t-athlete demanded focus, determination and strong time management skills. Involvement with field hockey was influential in the development of team working skills.

Art director WORN Fashion Journal Responsible for a complete magazine redesign. Managed freelance designers and art department interns. Taught the interns basic graphic design principles and helped them develop concepts.
may 2008 NOvEmb ER 2010 mONtR Eal, qC

Senior graphic designer POP Montral International Music Festival Created and oversaw the design of all festival and special event materials. Worked independently and as part of a team, collaborating with coworkers and art directing interns and volunteers. Produced bilingual materials (French and English) with typographic skill and attention to detail. Initiated the POP Hostel billeting program to encourage new interactions between music lovers and enhance the overall festival going experience.
JaNuaRy aPR Il 2009 tORONtO, ON

Graphic design intern Identica Part of a nine-person creative team. Researched, brainstormed, and helped develop concepts for corporate branding projects.
sEPtEmb ER aPRIl 2008 tORONtO, ON

Co-chair Splice: YSDN 2008 graduate exhibit Elected by my peers to oversee the year-end grad show. Coordinated the work of 97 other students involved and acted as a liason between school administ ration and student s. Strengthened leadership, organizational, verbal and written communication skills. Built conflict resolution and motivational skills.

Presenter Lil Biz (Puces POP) small business conference Spoke to artists and designers about designs value as a competitive weapon and outlined a variety of applicable design methodologies for growing a small business with strategic design.

Lingyi (Selena) XU
630 957 8287 lingyi.selena.xu@gmail.com 800 South Wells Street, #1035, Chicago IL, 60607

Expected December 2013

My focus is to empower the impact of human-center design through the lens of business Bachelor of Industrial Design Jiangnan University

June 2008 - Dec2009


Dec 2009 - Jun 2011

June 2008

I started my career in IDEO as an industrial designer. I helped my clients create product strength through differentiation and better user-experience. My focus of work is to embody user-research insights through the creation of product. I worked with human factors to identify relevant insights and other industrial designers on ideation, prototyping, model making and rendering.

With more exposure to various projects, my area of focus changed from aesthetic design to identifying new opportunities through a human-center research approach. This enhanced my qualitative research and analytic skills. In 2009, I transfered to the human factor role. I worked assiduously to uncover insights, identify unmet needs and desires, and pinpoint opportunities for design based on my observations of people and culture at large. Besides working as a human factors designer, I also worked on several branding projects as experience designer. I helped my clients to identify meaningful brand value/DNA, create touch points to convey brand messages and re-structure product portfolios.




Kitchen Appliance TV Design Language Kitchen TV Design FMCG platform FMCG Research

CHINA ECO Kitchen Hotel Branding & Restructure Kitchen E-commerce Research Research

Cinema Research Hotel Brand Vision Kitchen

Kitchen Appliance Serviced Apartment Corp. Software Research Strategy & Service Research Kitchen

Kitchen Appliance High-end range hood and cook top design for Fotile, the premium kitchen appliance brand in China TV Design Language Design language and principles for TCL multi-media group across its TV product lines (Worked in IDEO London Office) TV Design LED TV design for TCL 09 product line

FMCG Platform Created new beauty care product platforms for Johnson & Johnson in the market of third-tier cities in China FMCG Research Conducted research and identified opportunity for SCJ new product China Eco Envisioned a sustainable future of China Hotel Branding & Restructure Identified core brand essence for Jin Jiang Hotel Group. Re-structured its 600+ real estate assets by value proposition

Kitchen Cabinet Research Identified new opportunities and features for kitchen cabinet, Piano Cabinet. E-commerce Research Identified online purchasing platform opportunities, Converse China Cinema Solution Research Created strategy for Dolby digital cinema equipment, US and China markets

Kitchen Appliance Research Identified design opportunity for a range hood band for its main-stream market (client name confidential) Serviced Apartment Strategy & Service Created a competitive brand proposition and strategy for a Serviced Apartment business Designed a series of signature service touch-points to bring the brand identity alive (client name confidential)

Corp Software Research Identified design opportunity for cooperate Hotel Brand Vision Led a team to create a distinctive brand communication software (client name confidential) experience for J hotel, the most highend hotel within Jin Jiang Group

erica yamada
edu cation:
Institute of Design at IIT, Chicago, IL Master in Design, Design Planning 09/07 - 05/09 Parsons The New School for Design, NY, NY A.A.S. Graphic Design, 9/04 - 12/06 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA B.S. Business Administ ration, 8/97 - 5/01 Keio Uni versity, Tokyo, Japan Junior Year abroad, 9/99 - 8/00 Tokyo Uni versity, Tokyo, Japan Brand Marketing Seminar, 9/99 - 8/00 Manhattan School of Music, NY, NY Voice Major, Piano Minor, 9/96 - 8/97

233 Dolores St. Apt 6, San Francisco , CA 94103 | 914.439.3360 | ww w.gom oxi e.co m | yamadasan @gmail.c om

recent products launched:

Desktop: QuickBooks (2011 & 2012 edition s, 2013 edition ongoing) Web: Intuit.com, web mar keting sites Mobile: iOS Geosha re (2010), Ergominder (2011)

Intuit, Small Business Group, Mountain View, CA User Experience Designer, QuickBooks & Intuit.com, 08/09 - Present
Products: QuickBooks Desktop, Intuit Websites, Sales Force Automation
Worked for SAAS based product s, webpage marketing and desktop produc t developmen t as an inte ractio n designer and web produce r. Projects varied from conceptua l and visual design of SAAS produc t explo ration s for small busines s needs, landing page and SEO optimizatio n of Intuit website s. Current position entails conductin g user resea rch, strategy/concep t of featu re development , prototypin g & wireframe creation for features such as the rebuildin g of inproduct help, search and chat integ ration to address the needs of 4 million users of QuickBooks. In addition to inte ractio n work, led company wide cross departmen t initiative to bring accessibility to Intuit web product s throug h process of vendor onboa rding selection.

awa rds:
Best Healthca re App, iOS DevCamp (2011) Women 2.0 Founder Labs, Final Pitch Night Winner (House of Mikko), (2010)

City of Chicago, Department of Techno logy and Innovation, Chicago IL Service Design Research Associate for 311(City Services Phoneline) , 9/08 5/09
Assisted the City in decreasin g unnecessar y call volume and improving user experience and points of inte ractio n between the City governmen t and resident s by using huma n cente red/ systems design thinking processe s. Conducte d qualitati ve and quantitati ve resea rch and anal ysis of callers, ope rators and city department s. Process yielded a comp rehensi ve portfolio of communication , organizationa l & service design solution s. Interactio n concept work of web & mobile work triggered approval from Mayor Daly and acted as spring board toward the launch of a new City of Chicago website in summe r 2009.

Fine Art:
Finalist for Photog rapher s Forum magazine contest: best of college photog raphy (1999) Semi-finalist for Photog rapher s Forum magazine photo contest (1998) Published America at the Millennium for international library of photog raphy (1998)

Language s:
Native English and Japanese Basic HTML & CSS3

Publicis Healthcare Group, Medicus NY, New York, NY Multimedia Artist, 7/04 5/07
Created pitch presentation s for major pharmaceutica l clients with new busines s development team. Work entailed multimedi a design work in video, photog raphy, print design and Powerpoin t to achieve high fidelity storytelling about agency and our vision for new client s.

Account Supervisor, 12/02 7/04

Recruited, managed and trained a team of seven account coordinato rs, teaching effective project management methods and ensuring proper account coverage throughout agen cy. To ensure thorough quality control and manage efficiency in a fast paced and hectic envi ronment, created and implemented company procedu res manual to aid agency process.

PC: Powerpoint, Word, Excel Mac: Adobe Photoshop , Illust rator, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Flash, Fireworks, Quark, ProTools, Final Cut Express,Omnig raffle, Balsamiq, Keynote

Account Coordinator, 1/02 12/02

Clients: F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Procter & Gamble, Astrazeneca, Sanofi- Aventis
Managed teams and projects for several product launches of domestic and global awardwinning campaigns- Coordinated logistics for agency & media, publishe rs, printe rs & international confe rence s.

Photog raphy:
BW, E-6, RA-4 Processin g, 35mm, Mediu m, Large Format

Trained in Photojournalism and Studio Photog raphy Misc: Sound design, jewelry design, basic film making, freelance print and brand identity designe r, classical piano, opera and mixed martial arts training

Bvlgari Corporation of America, New York, NY Marketing Department, 8/01- 10/01

Worked with advertising, market resea rch, merchandizing, PR and sales departments to launch new product line, analzye marketing expenditu res and placement, manage print design needs, run logistics of launch events and work with luxury media outlet s.

ext ra-curriculer:

President-Quantum Martial Arts 501c3 Member, San Francisco Japan-t own re-design planning committee

J. Walter Thompson, Tokyo, Japan Account Services, Mods Hair of Nippon/Unileve r,12/99 - 6/00
Conducted qualitati ve market resea rch on Japanese fashion trends of women 18-24. Resea rch entailed media studie s, ethnog raphic studies of product placement and product usage by pee rs. Research yielded new product proposals to Unilever Japans client and participation in the concept development, storyboa rding and production of television comme rcials.

Oj c b t e ive

555 Madison street Apt.2710, Chicago, IL 60661 312.952.1737


To obtain an internship in a multidisciplinary team to create user-centered products and ser- vices. Highly interested in interaction design and design planning. Information Architecture In User Experience
Create new mobile application for digital business card exchange.

Current Projects

Digital Display On Peoples Daily Life

Create a provotype to study how donor behavior may be influenced by digital display.

Apply Design Planning Methods To Affect Attitudes

Create a platform to raise awareness of waste as a usable resource.


Gotta High-Techology Company,

Intern, Hefei, Anhui Province Aug. 2009-Dec. 2009

Assisted the fingerprint and palm print scanner with the remote control of the keyboard which led to patent. I took charge on visual design of the product and interface.

New Coast Advertising Company,

Intern, Hefei, Anhui Province Dec. 2009-Mar. 2010

Managed the routing maintenance and website.Collected and classified advertising materials. Assisted automobile advertising designs.

University of Science and Technology of China, School of Engineering Science, Intelligent Control Laboratory , Research Assistant, Hefei ,Anhui Provin Mar. 2010-Mar. 2011
Collaborated with engineering professor on development of living fingerprint and palm print scanner for police. Developed man-machine interface design. Designed visual aspects of device. Optimized XAP 260v complex audio processor.

China Challenge Cup Emotional Design Collection Contest

Designed Affinity Calmness Bathtub

May 2010 Sep. 2009 Nov. 2008

Tianjin Saike Sports Goods Company Design Practice Program 1st Tianjin Industrial Design Contest
Designed Rainbow Light for student housing.

Researched elements that contribute to positive sporting experiences. Developed portable soccer goal.


Institute of Design, IIT Master of Design Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin, China Bachelor of Engineering
Coursework in product design

May 2013

Coursework in user-centered design research, design strategy, user experience and interaction design

June 2011


Strategic Problem-Solving
Problem Framing Qualitative analysis/synthesis

S o f t

Adobe Creative Suites (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop) 3D Max and V-Ray

Information Architecture Surveying

Sketching Scenario Planning Rapid Prototyping(2D&3D)

Jusien Yong
1140 N LaSalle Blvd. Apt#430, Chicago, IL 60610 (415) 465 0378 jusienyong@gmail.com


I am born and raised in Malaysia. Finished my undergraduate studies in Australia and lived in San Fra ncisco 2 years before coming to Institute of Design for my Masters in Design. My goal is to help corporates expand into different overseas markets by empathizing and understanding the differences in culture. SC Johnson & Son, Inc., Summer 2011 Design Intern 1) Introduce Design Thinking by planning a Decision Making Space 2) Introduce Visual Meeting Techniques to capture stories from F Y 10/11 - Facilitate a 103 people storytelling session California College of the Arts, 2008-2010 Woodshop monitor | San Francisco Work Shop Assist studio managers with maintaining shop organization and cleanliness. Assist students with shop projects. Ensure safety of shop users. Complete any special projects assigned by studio management. Steelcase Ofce Solution Asia Pacic (Headquarters in Malaysia), 2006-2008 Application and Conceptual Designer | Sales Resource Team Receive proposals from sales staff and customers to design environments for Steelcase product offerings. Provide customer services to clients. Manage 3D visualization design and provide photo realistic rendered images and animation. Manage rendering library of materials and maintained product portfolio. Report and update visual design metrics. Involve with special projects.

Design Related Experience


California College of the Arts, 2009-2010 Student Affairs Assistant Intermediate | Student Affairs Work on general ofce management duties. Interact with all groups of C C A community to coordinate campus community events. Facilitate information data routing and assist in training new work-study staff. Won the Compassionate Design Award for designing trophies for the Animal Welfare League of Queensland, Australia. (2004) Masters in Design Institute of Design, IIT Graduating in May 2012 B A Design Studies, major in 3D Design Queensland College of Art., Australia Graduated in December 2005

Award Education

Computer Skills

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop Autodesk AutoCAD Rapid prototype Laser cutter Jointer Planar Table saw English

Autodesk 3D Studio Max Bunkspeed Hypershot Bend saw Panel saw Sandi ng Router Sewing machine Mandarin

Luxology Modo Solidworks MS Word MS Powerpoint Drill press Press brake Roller Shear Applying finishes Cantonese

MS Excel

Shop Skills

Sand casting Mold making



chia-ling yu

Arc Worldwide Shopper Marketing Chicago, IL 6/2008-1/2011 Senior Art Director designed strategic in-store marketing applications for P&G brands Pantene & Herbal Essences. worked with partner agencies to develop key initiatives for the brands. designed & concepted innovative customer tools for retailers. created global in-store toolkit and design guidelines for Herbal Essences. designed large format wall graphics and all in-store marketing elements for the Pantene 2010 new launch with Bullet Train. participated in new business pitches for other Arc clients and designed presentations. 7/2003-12/2008 Designer worked with Wells Fargo Store Formats department. designed more than 85 unique murals for retail banking environment. work involved extensive photo retouching. worked closely with printers and installers from choosing substrates, press check to quality control. involved with vendor sourcing and research. implemented, maintained and managed color management workflow. improved designers workflow and streamlined production method for quicker turnaround. coordinated LEED projects. developed and managed LEED ID credit for Wells Fargos LEED pre-certification prototype pilot program. researched and coordinated green large format printing/material. 5/2002-7/2003 Designer in-house design department. designed marketing materials for SIRIUS Satellite Radio. (ads, event/trade show signage, branding, promotional collateral, point of sale materials, environmental graphics, etc.) 2000-2001 Graphic Designer worked with licensed art to design scrapbooking products, albums and stationary. designed QVC exclusive gift box sets that were sold over millions. experienced with product designs, catalogs, sales flyers, show signage, packaging and production.

Wells Fargo Bank Store Formats San Francisco, CA

seeking in-depth, challenging projects in a multi-disciplinary environment where i can be a change agent for sustainable design.

4622 n. lowell ave chicago, il 60630 415.632.6733


Sirius Satellite Radio Creative Service New York, NY

chia-ling@id.iit.edu creativehotlist.com/c-yu4


portfolio link

Colorbk Design Department Dexter, MI

adobe photoshop illustrator indesign acrobat professional quarkxpress flash basic html microsoft word powerpoint keynote LEED AP fluent in Chinese attention to detail & function strong conceptual thinking & creativity clean craftsmanship & organized habits excellent drawing & painting ability color management & color matching letterpress & typesetting knowledge digital & offset printing knowledge strong mac troubleshoot

Taproot Foundation CA-IL 6/2004-5/2011 Volunteer Designer offered pro-bono design services to local nonprofits. worked with a team of volunteers to provide services such as branding, brochure, annual report, website designs, and strategic planning. completed 2 brochure projects for the San Francisco chapter. currently participating in Chicago sector of Taproot. completed an annual report for Mujeres Latinas En Accin, and brochures for Womens Health Foundation & A rts Alliance Illinois. 1/2008-5/2011 worked with agencies such as Young & Rubicam, DoubleTake Design & Arc Worldwide. developed trade show signage and marketing materials for Neptun Lights LIGHTFAIR International 2010 trade show in L as Vegas. freelance for Wells Fargo bank on LEED projects management,

current-2013 IIT Institute of Design/Stuart School of Business, MDes/MBA program Minneapolis College of Art & Design Sustainable Design courses University of Michigan Bachelor of Fine Arts Graphic Design Major Freelance Designer/ Consultant Chicago, IL

2008-2009 1997 2000

coordination and research.

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