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Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure e-ISSN: 2582-3124

Science Volume-5, Issue-2 (May-August, 2020)


Assessment of Vehicle Emission Inventories at Urban Roads using

Principal Component Analysis
Subrata Roy1, Saurav Barua*2
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS), Dhaka,
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author: saurav.ce@diu.edu.bd

ABSTRACT cancer, and respiratory diseases in the long run.

The study endeavored to develop the vehicle Like many other large densely populated cities
emission inventory by analyzing quantity, around the world, vehicle emission contributes
quality and probable sources of pollutants in the huge share of air pollution in Dhaka, Bangladesh;
atmosphere of two different road segments of resulting million dollar loss of productivity and
Dhaka city. One road is a major arterial road tolls thousands of deaths every year (Iqbal et al.,
(R1), where traffic comprises with large portion 2016). Hence, our study investigates the vehicle
of motor cars and another road is a national emission in the roads of Dhaka city to better
highway (R2), where traffic comprises with understand current air pollution situation.
heavy vehicles, such as, buses, trucks and freight Vehicle emission inventory is the amount
vehicle. Vehicle emission monitoring revealed of pollutants discharge into atmosphere over a
that CO2 shared more than 99% of total air certain period of time. It accounts for the
pollutants, which is a major greenhouse gas involvement of various pollutants in the
resulting global warming. Two models were atmosphere. Amount and quality of emission
proposed to estimate vehicle emission inventory depends on driving modes, vehicle types, sizes,
using Principal component analysis (PCA), vehicle speed, engine types, fuel types, such as,
where PCA1 and PCA2 were developed for the petrol, CNG, diesel and octane driven vehicle. The
inventory of vehicle emission is estimated by
vehicle emission inventory of R1 and R2 road
emission factor which quantify the amount of
respectively. Each of the model have two
pollutant released in atmosphere associated with a
components, where first component comprised specific activity and it varies from country to
with particulate matter PM10, SO2, black and country. Most of the developing countries have
organic carbon and second component poor legislation on vehicular emission control.
comprised with CO2 and CH4 gases. The PCA1 They have large numbers of older vehicle with old
and PCA2 can explain 96.28% and 98.63% emission systems which emits huge particulate
variability of measured dataset respectively. The matter and also use lower quality gasoline, rely on
proposed technique can help the concerned diesel which produces high amount of sulfur. On
authority to explore vehicle emission inventory contrary, developed countries use high quality of
with better accuracy. lead free gasoline, often blend fuel with ethanol,
which cause CO2 emission reduced. They also use
Keywords-- Vehicle emission inventory, principal catalytic converter in exhaust to reduce toxic
component analysis, traffic of Dhaka, air pollution, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), Carbon monoxide (CO)
greenhouse gas and hydrocarbons from fuel. Our study adopted
emission factor used by prior researches by
Reynolds and Kandlikar (2008); Wadud and Khan
INTRODUCTION (2011), which matches with the traffic of South
Asian region.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a
Vehicle emission produces greenhouse
dimension reduction technique, which is widely
gases (GHG)—Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane
applied in various fields of environmental studies
(CH4) and air pollutants—particulate matter to model apportionment of pollutants in air, water,
(PM10), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Black carbon (BC) sediment and soil. Pollutants produce from vehicle
and Organic carbon (OC) which are serious threat emission mixed with atmosphere and causing
to public health in urban areas and most hyped serious environmental hazards in Dhaka city. Our
environmental concerns now-a-days. Noxious study endeavored to model vehicle emission
chemicals emit through vehicle causing immediate inventories using PCA for some selected roads of
discomforts, such as, eye burning, breathing Dhaka. Hence, this study is unique and novel at
problem, temporary vision problem, nasal itching best our knowledge in this regard.
and severe diseases, such as, heart disease, lung

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Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Science Volume-5, Issue-2 (May-August, 2020)


LITERATURE REVIEW Bangladesh. Prior researches such as, Karim (1999)

studied traffic related pollution studies for Dhaka
Air pollutants and greenhouse gases are city and found that concentration of black smoke,
very harmful for human health and environment. lead, PM10 and oxides of nitrogen in the
CO2 causes global warming and produced by the atmosphere of Dhaka is hazardous for public
combustion of fossil fuel. CH4 is a greenhouse gas, health. A study on fuel types of different vehicle in
high concentration may displace oxygen, causing Dhaka city (Wadud and Khan, 2011) showed that
nausea, vomiting and rapid breathing problem. motor cars comprised 96% CNG, 4% petrol; SUVs
PM10 are particulate matter whose aerodynamic comprised 81% CNG, 16% diesel and 3% petrol;
diameter are < 10μm. PM10 particles cause motorcycles were 100% petrol; trucks were 100%
coughing, bronchitis and adverse effect on diesel; buses and mini buses comprised with 61%
respiratory system. SO2 reacts with other CNG, 39% diesel; Auto rickshaw comprised 97%
substances in the air to form acids, which CNG and 3% petrol. Iqbal et al. (2014) assessed
precipitate as rain, fog, snow and causes damage to distribution of vehicle emission inventory in
forests, crops and fishes. Black carbon (BC) relates context of Dhaka. They suggested proper
to respiratory and cardiovascular disease, cancer management strategies to control traffic in order to
and birth defect. Long term inhales of organic reduce vehicle emission related air pollution.
carbon (OC) have adverse health effects, such as, However, these researches endeavor on entire city
kidney or liver problems and affects nervous rather than area-wise investigation on vehicle
systems. Urban pollution caused by automobile emission generated air pollution scenario.
emission is a long standing research topic across
the world. Wu et al. (2016) evaluated the vehicle METHODOLOGY
emission program of China based on the Study area and data collection
observation of two decades. They mentioned that
rapid increase of motorization deteriorate air Traffic data were collected from
quality in urban areas. Parrish (2006) assessed Kolabagan-Mirpur road (R1) and Khilkhet-Airport
vehicle emission inventories in the roads of USA. road (R2) in Dhaka city. The R2 road is a national
He emphasized on understanding the vehicle highway and R1 road is a major arterial road. The
emission inventories on local, regional and global surveys were conducted on May, 2019. The
scale. Wang et al. (2018) conducted long term locations of the study area are shown in Figure 1.
monitoring of vehicle emission at a tunnel in Hong The traffic surveys were recorded using video
Kong. They added road dust, brake and tire wear camera and classified hourly vehicle counts were
along with the vehicle emission which contributed calculated later. The video camera was set at
to air quality deterioration. nearby foot over bridge to get unobstructed view of
Very few researches have been conducted traffic for each study area.
on air pollution relating to vehicle emission in


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Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Science Volume-5, Issue-2 (May-August, 2020)




Figure 1: Study area (a) Location of data collection point at Kolabagan-Mirpur Road (R1), (b) Traffic at R1,
(c) Location of data collection point at Khikhet-Airport Road (R2) and (d) Traffic at R2.

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Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Science Volume-5, Issue-2 (May-August, 2020)



Vehicle composition
Principal component analysis (PCA) can
simplify and transform complex high dimension Average hourly vehicle obtained in R1
dataset while retaining data trends and patterns and R2 roads were 2794 vehicle/hr and 1288
(Jolliffe and Cadima, 2016). It is an unsupervised vehicle/hr respectively. Traffic of R1 (R2) road
learning method similar to clustering, where it
comprises with 46.89% (28.77%) motor car, 2.51%
groups features into fewer dimensions and reduces
(14.46%) bus, 15.18% (12.75%) motor cycle,
computational difficulties. PCA geometrically
projects data into lower dimension, which is called 8.02% (17.26%) mini bus, 0.5% (1.4%) truck, 1.0%
principal components (PCs). The PCs are chosen in (4.82%) mini truck and other vehicle. Since, R2 is
such a way that they minimize the total distance national highway where public transport and freight
between the data and their corresponding projection vehicle comprised large share of traffic; percentage
onto the PC. Thus, maximize the variance of of heavy vehicle, such as, bus, tuck and mini bus
projected points are obtained. Each projection on were higher in R2 than those of R1. Similarly, R1
PC are uncorrelated to each other and the selection is arterial road where personal vehicle, such as,
of PCs in such a way to maximize correlation motor car shared higher percentage compare to R2.
between data and their projection (Lever et al.,
2017; Naik, 2017).


Figure 2: Vehicle composition (a) modal share of R1 and (b) modal share of R2.

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Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Science Volume-5, Issue-2 (May-August, 2020)


Different types of vehicle have different higher compare to highway R2 road segment
emission systems, fuel types and release various (Shown in Table 1). Volume of CO2 and CH4 were
composition and amount of pollutants and very high and comprised 99% of total emission for
greenhouse gases. Therefore, vehicle composition both study road segments. CO2, CH4 and OC
on road influences the estimation of vehicle emission were 27.55% and 40.83%, 22.83% higher
emission inventory. respectively, conversely, PM10, SO2 and BC
emission were 2.44%, 20.32% and 13.90% lower
Qualitative Analysis respectively in R1 road compare to those of R2
Vehicle emission in arterial R1 was found much

Table 1: Total pollutant emission (gm/hr/km) in the study road segments.

Road/Emission CO2 PM10 SO2 CH4 BC OC
R1 709894 579 169 5974 263 167
R2 514341 593 203 3535 299 129

Correlation among pollutants showed that designated as PCA1 and PCA models for the
CO2 emission was highly correlated with CH4 vehicle emission of R2 road is designated as PCA2.
emission, i.e. 0.97 and 0.89 for R1 and R2 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling
respectively. Similarly, PM10 emission have strong accuracy showed 0.63 and 0.74 for PCA1 and
correlation with SO2 and black carbon (BC), i.e. PCA2 respectively. Both models have KMO>0.5
0.93 (0.98) and 0.97 (0.99) for the R1 (R2) road and statistically significance at α = 0.05 level.
segment. PCA1 model have two components PC11
and PC12 which can explain 96.28% variability
PCA models for the vehicle emission and PCA2 model have two components PC21 and
PC22 which can explain 98.63% variability in the
Two separate PCA models are analyzed dataset (Table 2). Components whose Eigen value
by SPSS v. 24.0 for the traffic of R1 and R2. PCA >1 are considered as significant for PCA model
models for the vehicle emission of R1 road is (Jolliffe and Cadima, 2016).

Table 2(a): Variability of PCA1 model.

Total Variance Explained
Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared
Initial Eigenvalues
Loadings Loadings
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total Total
Variance % Variance % Variance %
1 3.513 58.551 58.551 3.513 58.551 58.551 3.332 55.539 55.539
2 2.264 37.731 96.282 2.264 37.731 96.282 2.445 40.743 96.282
3 .193 3.222 99.504
4 .017 .276 99.779
5 .010 .163 99.943
6 .003 .057 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table 2(b): Variability of PCA2 model.

Total Variance Explained
Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared
Initial Eigenvalues
Loadings Loadings
Component % of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total Total
Variance % Variance % Variance %
1 4.066 67.772 67.772 4.066 67.772 67.772 4.057 67.623 67.623
2 1.852 30.862 98.634 1.852 30.862 98.634 1.861 31.011 98.634
3 .062 1.032 99.666
4 .013 .218 99.884
5 .006 .092 99.976
6 .001 .024 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotated component matrix provides useful belonged to a specific principal component when
information regarding pollutants loading in each the loading of a pollutant > 0.4 or the difference in
principal component. A pollutant is assumed to be loading in two components of that particular

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Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Science Volume-5, Issue-2 (May-August, 2020)


pollutant > 0.3 (Jolliffe and Cadima, 2016). Rotated with CO2 and CH4 in PCA1 model. Similarly,
components matrix in table 3 reveals that PC11 PC21 consisted with PM10, SO2, BC, OC and PC22
consists with PM10, SO2, BC and PC12 consists consisted with CO2 and CH4 in PCA2 model.

Table 3: Rotated Component Matrix.

Rotated Component Matrix
PCA1 model PCA2 model
Pollutants Component Component
PC11 PC12 PCA21 PCA22
CO2 0.059 0.98 0.287 0.952
PM10 0.977 0.196 0.996 0.068
SO2 0.977 -0.119 0.993 -0.03
CH4 -0.113 0.988 -0.225 0.97
BC 0.994 -0.019 0.998 -0.035
OC 0.648 0.674 0.975 0.084
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

PC11 and PC12 share 55.54% and 40.74% and PC22 share 67.62% and 31.01% variability
variability respectively in PCA1 model and PC21 respectively in PCA2 model.


Figure 3: Principal component analysis models (a) PCA1 with its components and (b) PCA2 with its

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Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Science Volume-5, Issue-2 (May-August, 2020)



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