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Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Biology grade 10
Cellular transport
1. Cell structure chemically

 Cell: mixture of water and chemical

 Mixture solvent: substance dissovle solute (water)
 Mixture solute: substance being dissolved (chemical)
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

2. Cell membrane structure

3. Homeostasis:
 feature of living cell
 balance internal substances in body
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

4. Cell movement (into and out of cell)

a) Passive transport / _Normal flow of substances
diffusion _Movement of substances from higher to lower concentration without require energy

_Has 2 types: simple and facilitated

 Faciliated diffusion _Movement of substances/charge particles across cell membrane using transport proteins
from higher to lower concentration
( channel protein or carrier protein )

_Substances inclue charged molecules: Carbohydrates, Amino Acid, Nucleotides, Ions

Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

 Simple diffusion _Movement of substances across cell membrane

_Substances include simple molecules: O2, CO2, H2O
 Things can be easily absorb

 Osmosis _diffusion of water

(simple diffusion)
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

_Istonic: equal solute and solvent => cell balance

_Hypertonic: more solvent inside => it had to release out => cell shrink
_Hypotonic: more solute inside => water need to get it => cell turgid => may be burst

b) Active transport _Movement of substances from lower to higher concentration require energy
(reverse of diffusion) _Movement of bigger substances inside and out side of cell
_Has 2 types: endocytosis and exocytosis
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

 Endocytosis _movement of materials from lower to higher concentration inside cell

_into 3 types:
 Phagocytosis
 Pinocytosis
 Receptor-meditated endocytosis
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

 Exocytosis _movement of materials from lower to higher concentration outside cell

Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Credit to: Knowledgeproducer566

From: studypool

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