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Final Project
Phase 2
“Pandora’s safety bracelet”

Submitted by:
Maher Osman 55-1079
Akram Tawfik-4813612
Yassin sherif 58-5645
Karim Tarek 58-13888

Tutorial : 07

I. Marketing Objectives (SMART)

To create a more safe environment to every age group and to help people feel more safe when
they walk streets alone and parents to be more assured when sending their children anywhere
through increasing the accessibility to help in emergencies with the bracelet by 20% within a
year. This will be measured by surveys and forms that people will take to see how much the
device was a helpful tool, and the gathered feedback will helps us to know which feature needs
enhancement and which ones were helpful the most, and if a feature need to be simplified also it
will be measured though sales to know if people actually find it effective and want to it buy

II. Marketing Mix

A. Product strategies
By working hard and focusing on product quality, Pandora has successfully carved out a niche
for themselves and has also developed a unique reputation, as it offers both contemporary and
handmade jewelry created by highly talented workers and specialists. The new bracelet can be
considered a specialty product as it includes unique characteristics starting from the emergency
buttons that are used to send location either to the saved emergency contacts or the nearest
hospital or lastly the police, to the carved initials of the owner on the inside of the bracelet. The
bracelet’s distribution is exclusive as it is customized since the buyer chooses his desired
material (either silver or gold) and provides his initials and emergency contacts. And therefore,
its consumers will definitely obtain the value of the price they’re going to pay.

Moving on to the product attributes that ensures that the benefits of the product are delivered and
communicated. Starting off by the core benefit level in which lies the main purpose of the
product, and in our case, it would be ensuring the safety of the consumer and providing instant
help during emergencies along with simplicity and style. There are many aspects that were taken
into consideration that can be included in the actual product level. The brand name for example
plays a huge role in attracting customers to the new products as Pandora is widely known for its
top-quality products, and therefore loyal customers might be willing to purchase the new
bracelet. Then there are the previously mentioned features that can only be found in the new
bracelet, making it different from any other competing product. And when designing the
bracelet, it was ensured that it was simple yet chic, so that it can go with any style and can be

worn anywhere, and as usual, the highest silver and gold quality is used in manufacturing the
bracelet to prevent tarnishing and changing color of the bracelet, along with the usual “PJ” stamp
that is present in all the authentic Pandora products. And lastly, the augmented product level
includes the warranty of the bracelet which is 1 year, and also includes the after-sale service as
Pandora’s team can always be contacted through mail if a consumer had any inquiry about the

Lastly, the bracelet is still in the product development stage in the product’s life cycle, which
means that there are still no sales as it has not been launched yet. In addition to the increased
investment costs due to the research and development costs and the intensive marketing and
promotion campaigns. This has no effect on the sales of the company, however it might slightly
decrease the profits due to increased costs with no sales to compensate.

B. Pricing strategies
Price is the sole component of the marketing mix that generates revenue, it consists of the total
of all the values that customers sacrifice in exchange for the benefits of owning or utilizing a
good or service. That’s why implementing the ideal pricing strategy is important so that success
can be guaranteed.

For the new bracelet, the market-skimming pricing strategy will be used, as the charged price
will be slightly higher than the price of Pandora’s usual bracelets. And that’s because of the
added features and the customization of the bracelet which compensate for the increased cost.
Consumers will be willing to purchase the bracelet when they recognize the benefit and the value
that they’re going to be getting from this purchase. The market of this type of bracelet can’t be
easily penetrated by other competitors as the product can’t be easily provided in a lower price.

Moving on to the future product mix pricing strategy, the most suitable strategy would be the
product-line pricing strategy which considers the pricing differences across the line's items, what
customers perceive of their features, and what competitors are charging for similar products.
Regarding the features of the bracelet, different materials (Gold and Silver) can cause difference

in the price of the product. And, if a customer does not want his initials to be carved on the inside
of the bracelet, the price will automatically be lower. Lastly, a compensation in the price of the
bracelet can be made, if competitors started producing a similar product offering the same
features with a lower price.

C. Place strategies
In order for a marketing strategy to be successful, a proper placement and distribution strategy
must be ensured. Our safety bracelet targets a specific standard of customers who care most
about their safety and elegance, and that’s why our product is exclusively available in selected
areas. It’s also considered to have a direct type of distribution since our safety bracelet is
manufactured and sold directly from our retail stores which you can find in any mall, for
example, Cairo festival city mall or city center Almaza mall, either as a store or as a booth. You
can also find our products on our online store , or through social media
platforms like Instagram, Facebook, etc. under the name of “thepandoraofficial”. Our company is
a worldwide international company so you can order our safety bracelet no matter where you are
and have it shipped right at your doorstep.

D. Promotion strategies
Offline :
Pandora places a lot of emphasis on print media and uses fashion magazines for advertising.
In addition to renting billboards near neighborhoods we believe our targeted customers would be
living at such as Tagmoo, ring road Maadi and Heliopolis.We inquired about pricing with "Tarek
Nour Advertising," a well-known Egyptian advertising agency. We've gathered the following
rates for putting up billboards in the following areas: Ring Road Maadi (size 8 m h * 16 m h)
will cost approximately 170,480 EGP per month, Roxy Street Heliopolis (size 10 h * 24.50 w)
will cost approximately 166,300 EGP/month, and 90 Street Tagamoa (size 3 h m* 4 m w) will
cost approximately 12,660/per month. Sponsorships are another excellent way to promote our
product. We'll be interested in sponsoring events or organizations that our target market is
interested in, so they can learn more about our new product and what we have to offer. Finally,
through price cuts We provide our customers with enticing and irresistible package deals and
discounts. Because it requires a low budget, the most efficient promotional strategy is online.

Online Marketing:
It has also used social media platforms because it recognises its enormous power over the
younger generation. Viral marketing strategy is used to display advertising campaigns on
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and the company website.
Digital marketing is one of today's most in-demand marketing businesses, with a track record of
delivering strong results. Due to the fact that customers today, especially millennials & gen z
spend more time online, digital jewelry marketing campaigns are essential for developing
jewelry product’s reputation as well as boosting growth and sales. Fulfill.

The visuals of our designs are our best online business marketing tools. Consistent, high-quality
images are essential not only to look professional but also to increase sales both online and off.
Having great photos is the first way a buyer can notice our work. A high-quality image of our
jewellery not only makes the product look good but gives pandora a high-quality impression

The influencers we believe would accept to promote our product are Jessica Toutounji a fashion
influencer with multiple social media platforms who is known for wearing high-end and designer
brands . The second influencer we would consider approaching is Aya Ibrahim, she’s a model
known for her minimalist style and her soft features makes brands compete to have her as the
face of their campaigns. Finally, we would approach Laila Ezzat who just combines the
advantage features that both of the influencers mentioned before.

Desired Marketing Promotions:-

E. Marketing Mix Analysis

The competitive advantage for our company is that no other place in this market offers such fine,
simple pieces of jewelry that fits both men and women, and not only does it look good, but also
it helps keep you safe while looking elegant. Nowadays, people would buy anything to stay safe,
with this product, Pandora offers both safety and elegance in one piece of fine jewelry that
comes in both gold and silver, and could also have quotes, names, initials engraved on it.

We believe that our product will be long lived and sustainable as safety is a physiological need
of people that will never burn out, and that’s why we combined both elegance and safety
together to satisfy both the need to feel safe as well as looking good, so you won’t have to give
up one thing for the other.

Our product targets a specific standard of people who care about looks and safety from a well
known brand name

III. Budgeting of Promotional Campaign

1. Overall promotional budget for Pandora offline and online promotion average will be equal
676800 pounds.

2. Promotional Tools (allocate the total budget over the different promotional tools and

explain it in detail – minimum of 3 tools)

Offline Promotional Tool 1: ad on TV

● Cost per minute = 60000 pounds

● Duration and quantity = 3 minutes

● Total Cost of the tool = 180000 pounds

Online Promotional Tool 2: post by Mid-tier influencers on instagram

● Cost per post = 120000 pounds

● Duration and quantity = 4 posts

● Total Cost of the tool = 480000 pounds

Online Promotional Tool 3: post ads in our instagram page

● Cost per day = 1200 pounds

● Duration and quantity = 14 days

● Total cost of the tool =16800 pounds


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